conventions of pop music


Upload: katiesalter1998

Post on 13-Aug-2015



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The artists dress in fashionable, stylish and mainstream outfits.

The artists are happy, enjoying and content with life. The lyrics are normally based around love or relationships Bands express the unity associated with teens, the primary

target audience for the genre. Pop magazines are often themed with bright colours,

normally associated with a positive vibe. A pop song is usually between 3-5 minuets long with a

consistent beat. The music follows current trends rather than being new,

unique and different. The form of the song usually follows a verse-choras-verse

structure, they use hook lines, which are catchy therefore stays in the audiences mind.

Pop music is promoted via radio stations and magazines. In the UK pop songs are guaranteed to be heard everyday on well known radio stations.

The songs usually have beats that are very dance-orientated.

The genre is stereotypically associated with teens, as many enjoy partying, clubbing, and dancing, which is the purpose of the genre.

A lot of the imagery is based on sex or partying as this is stereotypically what teens enjoy.

Artists are expressed in a very sexual and seductive way, trying to lure the audience in; very staged like. However current artists choose to dress in provocative ways portraying a sexual atmosphere.

Artist Representation

10 years ago…

10 years ago pop artists were not seen in extremely revealing outfits like they are now.

Hair & Make-up

In the current day hair & make-up is used to convey the artists feelings, views and to express a message, it plays a major role in pop music videos.

10 years ago…

10 years ago the make up wasn’t as extreme or seen as necessity unlike today. The make-up was complimenting, natural, and pretty. The hairstyles were simple yet fashionable.


Technology recently has been used as a major part of pop music videos. Animation is used greatly to create an exacting, vibrant and lively atmosphere.

10 years ago…

10 years ago animations were hardly seen pop music videos. The artist was the main focus to the camera eye and dance choreography was the main part of the video.