convicted rulebook work in progress


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Rulebook for Convicted board game on Kickstarter


Page 1: Convicted Rulebook Work in Progress




Page 2: Convicted Rulebook Work in Progress


The Convicted is a cooperative board game for 1-4 players.In The Convicted players become convicts who were given a second chance to expiate their crimes. In order to prove their true de-votion for the ruler, they need to colonize new lands in the name of the king. They start building their headquarters – town – with just a handful of footman, and a few structures. Through the development of fortifi cations, buildings, researching new technolo-gies, gathering resources and training recruits they can transform their colony into an impenetrable fortress. Alas, the new world is full of indigenous inhabitants who by any means possible try to get rid of unwanted colonizers. Countless hordes of barbarians, forest people, ferocious monsters and wolf men with their beasts and siege machines will spare no effort to storm the town and its defenders. The whole game-play consists of a campaign of 10 matches, 90 minutes each (15 hours total). After each match the game is saved on the Save Sheet. That gives the possibility to divide the whole campaign to as many parts as we need. The goal of each game is to survive all of the enemy assault waves.

CONTENTSSymbols and defi nitions 3

Components overview 4

Setting up the game 7

Selecting the Heroes 7 Setting up the components 7

The course of the game 8

Round structure 8I. Setup 8II. Executing actions 8 Construction 9 Research 12 Training 13 Receiving resources 14 Fortifi cation repairs 15III. The siege 16 Setup stage 16 Battle stage 16 Loot stage 20

Invaders 20

General rules 20 Beasts 21 Barbarians 22 Wolfmen 24 Forestmen 26 Invader’s siege machines 28

Saving the game 28

Game fi nish 28

1 / 2 / 3 / 4 player game 29

A player leading the Invader units 29

Index 30


• Game board • Rulebook• 26 building tokens • 28 building cards • 40 fortifi cation tokens • 12 moat tokens • 12 ditch tokens • 4 enemy cards • 19 technology cards • 4 hero cards • 4 reference sheet • 10 spell and blessing markers • 1 morale marker • 1 time marker • 1 fi rst player token • 12 action markers • 180 defender forces unit tokens • 200 invader forces unit tokens • 75 resources markers • 60 siege machines markers • 25 save cards • 2 six-sided dice • 40 endurance markers

If during the game there is a situation that some markers/tokens have run out and there is no possibility to take them from the pool outside the board, that means the limit of units/resources in the game has been reached. A marker can be used again if during the course of the game some markers that are already in play are taken off the board.



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In the game it is possible to acquire 4 kinds of resources: Wood, Stone, Iron and Gold. When the game starts the only available one is Wood. To receive other kinds of resources it is necessary to develop appropriate technologies.






Each unit in the game is described by a few characteristics.Units fi ghting in close combat (Melee Units) have 3 character-istics: Strength, Endurance and Support.Distance attack units (Ranged Units) have 4 characteristics: Strength, Endurance, Support and Ranged Fire Strength. Siege Machines, depending on the specifi c type, can have char-acteristics of Endurance and Ranged Fire Strength.

Strength ST

Endurance EN

Support SU

Ranged Fire Strength RFS



In each round of the campaign players have 12 actions total at their disposal. Each of them can be assigned to a different purpose such as construction or unit training.


Each fortifi cation fragment has a maximum number of units that can be placed on it simultaneously. The Capacity characteristic depends on the type and development level of a fortifi cation.



Note: All areas are shown in the diagram on page 4.

Town – all tokens which are placed in the center of the board.The town consists of 6 fi elds: Barracks, Keep, Workshop, Li-brary, Mage Tower and Chapel.

Fortifi cations – all tokens which are placed on marked po-sitions surrounding the Town: S, N, W, E, SW, SE, NW, NE. There are two types of fortifi cations: walls and towers.

Towers – 4 corner elements of fortifi cations marked: SW, SE, NW, NE.

Walls – 4 oblong elements of fortifi cations marked: S, N, W, E.

Moats/Ditches – all tokens which are placed on a ring around the town outside of the fortifi cations on positions marked as: S1, S2, N1, N2, E1, E2, W1, W2, SE, SW, NE, NW.

Deployment Zone – 4 fi elds on the board on which the invader’s forces are placed during the fi rst phase of the Siege. They are positioned in front of 4 Wall sections marked as: N, S, E, W.

Foreground Zone – 4 fi elds on the board from which a direct storm on the Fortifi cations is performed in order to capture the Town. They are positioned in front of 4 Wall sections marked as: N, S, E, W. The enemies can move to this Zone from the Deployment Zone.


Using a three-sided dice is quite often during the game but there is a possibility to use a six-sided one instead. The best way to do this is to assign one number from a three-sided dice to two numbers from a six-sided one i.e. for 1 and 2 the number would be 1, for 3 and 4 it would be 2, and fi nally for 5 and 6 it would be 3.

three-sided dice roll symbol – d3six-sided dice roll symbol – d6


Combat Units/Troops – all tokens symbolizing archers, spear-men, swordsmen, armored, crossbowmen and arquebusiers, all invader’s units, and also Siege Machines.

Ranged Units – all units that can attack from a distance (i.e. units with Ranged Fire Strength characteristic) except Siege Machines.

Melee Units – all units that are not able to attack from a dis-tance (i.e. units without Ranged Fire Strength characteristic). These are melee combat units performing direct attacks on the Walls.

Siege Machines – all units symbolizing Battering Rams, Ballistas, Trebuchets, Catapults, Cauldrons, Siege Towers, Onagers, Bridges, Covers, Bombards and Boulders.

Combat Group – a group of units attacking the fortifi cations simultaneously. In each combat group there is a Front Unit leading the attack and Supporting Units. On one section of the Fortifi cations there can be no more than 4 combat groups.


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Invader’s Card Stack

Research Card Stack

Deployment Zones

Foreground Zones

Action Path


Losses Chart

Fortifi cations


Mage Tower






Time Path

Morale Path


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Building token Invader’s card

Hero’s card

Reference sheet

Save sheet

Research card

Required Library level

Research description

Building card

Moat token

Ditch token

Fortifi cations token

Endurance marker space

Current building level

Resources needed to build this building


Options available on this building level

First Player token


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Resources – woodBlessing marker

Invader’s token ar-cher, javelin thrower,

slinger, wolf;

Invader’s token warrior, spearman,

swordman and giant spider veteran

Invader’s tokengiant, werewolf, as-sassin, hawk veteran

Invader’s token ar-cher, javelin thrower,

slinger (veterans) and giant spider

Invader’s token warrior, spearman,

swordman (veterans) and hawk

Invader’s token giant, werewolf,

assassin (veterans) and dragon

Siege Machine marker – Boulders

Siege Machine marker – Cauldron

Siege Machine marker – Catapult

Siege Machine marker – Ballista

Siege Machine marker – Onager

Siege Machine marker – Trebuchet

Siege Machine marker – Siege


Siege Machine marker – Covers,

Siege Machine marker – Battering


Siege Machine marker – Bombard

Crossbowmen token

Spearmen token

Arquebusier token

Swordsmen token

Archer token

Heavy infantry token

Resources – ironSpell marker

Resources – gold Morale marker

Time marker

Resources – stone Action marker

Fortifi cation Endurance marker

Siege Machine marker – Bridge


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The Diviner has been sentenced to death because she dared to foretell the king that he will never have a male heir. The king has found in his mind the best solution to lift this spell – death by hanging.The gift of divining allows this Hero to predict the movements of enemy troops. At the beginning of each Step 11 (Siege phase) the Diviner can transport any fi ve units (not Siege Machines) between any section of the Fortifi cations (units do not have to be on one section of the Fortifi cations, but keep in mind the Capacity characteristic - the maximum number of units located on one section of fortifi cations).


The Deserter, banished for disobeying an order and alleged desertion from the battlefi eld. By participation in the expedition to the new lands he intends to prove his courage and expiate his crimes.The Deserter, due to his high leadership abilities in each round can train an additional unit of any type on the current level of the Barracks (ability does not apply to Siege Machines). This special training does not require using any Actions or resourc-es.


The Sorcerer, had deceived his lord for many years by his blundering efforts to turn iron into gold. Eventually he has been sentenced for fraud and theft. Sentenced to 20 years in a galley.Thanks to the arcane magic he can cast one additional spell on levels 1-3 of the Mage’s Tower in each round (if an appropri-ate level of the Mage Tower has already been built). For spell casting all of the standard rules are applied.


The Priest has been sentenced to death for heresy and acting against the offi cial religion. According to the prosecutors in his sermons he spread defeatism and stirred up hatred for the magnates. He also badmouthed his church superiors.The Priest can use his fi ery speeches to make even the most cowardly warriors fi ght. At the beginning of the Game Setup stage, he can designate one section of Fortifi cations (the Tower or the Wall) where each Ranged Unit receives +1 to the Ranged Fire Strength. The modifi er is valid for an entire round.



The fi rst thing to do before the game begins is to place all the elements on the right spaces:

1.Lay out the board.2.Prepare the Research Card Stack and the Invader’s Card Stack and place them on the board.3.Place the Time Marker on round 1 of the Time Path.4.Place the two building cards: Barracks level 1 and Keep level 1 on the side of the board (these are the buildings we start the game with).5.Place a specifi c number of Spearmen on Walls and Towers (these are the units we start the game with, the exact number is given in the chapter: 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 player game and depends on the number of players taking part in the campaign).6.Place a specifi c number of Wood markers on the pool by the board (these are the resources we start the game with, the exact number is given in the chapter: 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 player game and depends on the number of players taking part in the campaign).7.All players choose their Heroes and place their cards in front of them.8.A randomly chosen player puts the First Player token in front of him.9.The rest of the components should be sorted and placed in a spot accessible to all of the players.


Each player taking part in the campaign chooses a Hero to represent him in the game. The Hero card should be placed in front of the player. The Heroes do not move physically on the board (they don’t have tokens/fi gures depicting them), but they can support the defenders with their special abilities described on each Hero’s card.


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The whole game consists of 20 consecutive rounds in which players can perform actions increasing their chance of survival and the invaders try to capture the town controlled by the players. Each round is divided into three parts which are also divided into stages, phases and steps.


I. Setup

II. Executing actions

III. The siege

Setup stage Battle stage Ranged weapon phase Step 1, Step 2 Siege Machines phase Step 3, Step 4 Maneuver phase Step 5, Step 6, Step 7, Step 8 Close Combat phase Step 9, Step 10, Step 11, Step 12, Step 13 Loyalty phase Step 14 Loot stage

Before the beginning of each round there are some preliminary activities which need to be performed:-Move the Time Marker one space forwards.-Give the players a specifi c amount of Action Markers (depending on the number of players – 12 markers total)-Remove all of the invader’s units from the board.-Remove the Invader’s Morale marker from the board.-Place the used Spell and Blessing markers back on the Mage Tower and Chapel Cards.-Shuffl e the Invader’s Card deck and place it on an appropriate fi eld on the board “face” down.-First Player token is placed in front of the next player in the clockwise direction.-Each of the players beginning with the one with the First Player token chooses his sections of the Fortifi cations to defend (detailed rules regarding the possibilities of this choice can be found in chapter: 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 player game).

Actions are all the activities which can be performed by the defenders during each consecutive round of the game before the siege starts.

Actions may consist in:-building or upgrading the town’s fortifi cations-building or upgrading specifi c buildings-digging sections of moats or ditches-researching new technologies -receiving resources -training military units




In each round the defenders have 12 Actions total at their disposal, which can be used freely to reach planned results. The number of Actions for each player depends on the number of players taking part in the campaign (details can be found in the chapter: 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 player game).Each of the activities, except fortifi cation repairs, requires the use of exactly one Action.Actions cannot be handed over from one player to another. They also cannot be transferred from one round to another. All unused Actions are irretrievably lost.Every player performs all his Actions during his turn, begin-ning from the one holding the First Player token.


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CONSTRUCTIONFortifi cations (walls)

From the walls it’s only possible to fi re at the Foreground Zone (not the Deployment Zone) regardless of the advancement level

0 Fence 0 0 0 0 0 3

1 Palisade 1 0 0 0 1 4

2 Wooden wall 2 0 0 0 2 6 3 Stone wall 1 2 0 0 3 8

4 Wall with 3 1 0 0 4 10 hoardings

RFS of enemy Ranged Units and ST of Air Units goes down -1.

5 Wall with 2 3 0 0 5 12 machicolations

RFS of enemy Ranged Units and ST of Air Units goes down -1.Cauldron and Boulder RFS goes up +1.

Fortifi cations (towers)

0 Fence 0 0 0 0 0 2

From the Fence it’s only possible to fi re at the Foreground Zone (not the Deployment Zone).

1 Wooden Platform 1 0 0 0 1 3

2 Wooden Tower 2 0 0 0 2 4

Allows the placing of one Siege Machine.

3 Stone Tower 1 2 0 0 3 4

Allows the placing of two Siege Machines.

4 Tower with 3 1 0 0 4 4 hoardings

RFS of enemy Ranged Units and ST of Air Units goes down -1.RFS of the defender’s Ranged Units goes up +1.Allows the placing of two Siege Machines.

5 Tower with 2 3 0 0 5 4 machicolations

RFS of enemy Ranged Units and ST of Air Units goes down -1.RFS of the defender’s Ranged Units goes up +2.Allows the placing of two Siege Machines.


A player can decide whether to perform an Action of building or upgrading a chosen section of the Town’s fortifi cations. To do this, fi rst he has to receive a suffi cient amount of resources. The player puts an Action Marker on the Action Path, throws away the exact amount of resources and after selecting the right fortifi cation element he places it on the board. Keep in mind that with every upgrade the endurance of an element increas-es +1 (this rule is used even if the element has been partly damaged during the fi ght). Therefore the endurance marker of an upgraded element should be replaced by a new one with a higher value.Every section of Fortifi cations must be upgraded one level at a time (maximum 1 level during 1 Action).

Building fortifi cations (example):

A player has 2 Actions at his disposal. In this round he decides to upgrade a section of the Fortifi cations to a Stone Wall – level 3 (at the moment a Wooden Wall is erected – level 2) and dig a section of a Ditch. First he upgrades the Wall. He uses 1 Action and spends 2 Stone markers and 1 Wood marker which gives him the ability to upgrade the wall to level 3 (Stone Wall). Wooden Wall token is replaced by a Stone Wall token and its endurance goes up 1 point. Next the player uses his second Action to dig a ditch in front of the wall section. No resources are needed for this process so the player places another Action Marker on the Action Path and puts a ditch token on the board. Now the town is much better prepared for the defense.

Note: The fi rst stage of the Fortifi cations is the Fence to witch standard siege rules apply. The Fence cannot be destroyed and its endurance is always 0. It also has its own Capacity level like any other element of the Fortifi cations. The Fence is equal to 0 level of fortifi cation.

Note: The north section of the Fortifi cations (N) is treated in a special way. We place two endurance markers here: separately for the Wall and for the Town’s gate.


A player can dig a ditch section. In order to perform this Action he must receive a suffi cient amount of resources. The player puts an Action Marker on the Action Path, throws away the exact amount of resources and after selecting the right ditch element he places it on the board. A ditch can be upgraded to a moat (the same way as fortifi cation upgrade is performed, ditch and moat are two levels of one construction type).

Ditch 0 0 0 0

Going through the ditch takes the invaders more time than a standard approach to the walls. Invader’s units during Step 5 instead going directly to the Foreground Zone stay in the Deployment Zone. Only during another Step 5 they can move their troops. Digging a ditch does not require the use of any resources, only the use of one Action.

Moat 1 1 0 0

Going through the moat takes invaders more time than a stan-dard approach to the walls, just like when crossing a Ditch. In addition to slowing down the enemy the moat also causes a loss of 20% of invaders’ units trying to cross it. A specifi c amount of units is immediately removed from the board (every unit type is removed according to the chart on the game board).


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A player can use one Action to build a new kind of building or upgrade an existing building one level up. In order to perform this Action a player must receive a suffi cient amount of resources. The player puts an Action Marker on the Action Path, throws away the exact amount of resources and after selecting the right construction element he places it on the board. All effects of the building are immediately available for use in performing all the other Actions in this round (by this or other players).Each building type has to be upgraded one level at a time. It’s not possible to upgrade a building from level 1 to 3 in one step (to do so it is necessary to upgrade to level 2 and then use another Action to upgrade to level 3). There are 6 types of buildings in the game: Barracks, Workshop, Keep, Chapel, Mage Tower and Library.


Constructing the Barracks makes training new units possible. These units help to defend our town. Every following level of this building allows training of a new type of unit not available before. Below are the costs of construction for each level of this building (not the cost of unit training).

Level 1 0 0 0 0spearman

Level 2 4 1 0 0 archer

Level 3 5 2 1 0 crossbowman and swordsman

Level 4 6 3 2 1 heavy infantry

Level 5 7 4 3 2 arquebusier


Constructing the Keep allows more effi cient defense organi-zation, higher fi re damage for some enemy units and faster transport of units across the town.

Level 1 0 0 0 0 Allows the defender’s troops to move directly through the Keep without the need to go around through all the sections of fortifi cations. The movement is the same as relocating between the fortifi cation sections and can be performed during the same parts of the game.

Level 2 2 3 0 0

When the Keep is upgraded to this level the defender can use it as a special tower with the maximum Capacity of 4 Ranged Units. Units can fi re at enemies the same way as from a normal tower but all the enemy units in range of any other defender’s unit are also in range of those Ranged Units (located in the De-ployment and Foreground Zones). Maximum Capacity does not relate to Melee Units who can stop in the Keep on their way to another Fortifi cation section. A Ranged Unit stationed in the Keep receives a +1 modifi er to Ranged Fire Strength.

Level 3 2 4 1 0 Allows to increase the Keep’s Capacity to 2 additional Siege Machines. Ranged Units stationed in the Keep receive a +2 modifi er to Ranged Fire Strength.


Siege Machines are possible to construct after building the Workshop. These units help to defend our town. Every follow-ing level of this building allows the construction of a new type of unit not available before.

Level 1 3 0 0 0 cauldron with pitch

Level 2 2 2 0 0 catapult

Level3 2 2 2 0 ballista

Level 4 2 2 2 2 onager

Level 5 3 3 3 3 bombard


Building the Library makes researching of new technologies possible which are essential for the Town’s fast development and training of a proper army.All available technologies are described in the next chapter.Below are the costs of construction for each level of this build-ing (not the cost of research).

Level 1 5 0 0 0

stonemasonry, archery, cauldrons with pitch, fortifi cations

Level 2 5 2 0 0

beasts of burden, construction, chainmail, crossbow, mining, catapults

Level 3 5 3 2 0 masonry, goldsmithery, ballistas

Level 4 5 3 3 1 mechanics, structures, armory, onagers

Level 5 6 4 4 2 gunpowder, bombards


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Protection: saves one selected Ranged or Melee Unit from the defender’s team from death.This Blessing can be used at any moment when a unit is going to be removed from the board. After using it the unit is placed back on its former position and is reinstated to the game.

Barrier: increases the endurance of a selected Fortifi cation section +1 for one round. This Blessing must be used during the Setup stage (not during the fi ght).

Fusion: allows restoring up to 3 endurance points on a selected fortifi cation section.This Blessing can be used at the end of Step 11 of the Siege stage.Note: The endurance level can never be increased above the initial level.

Aura: provides a full damage protection of a selected Fortifi ca-tion section for one round. This Blessing must be used during the Setup stage (not during the fi ght).

Resurrection: saves all Ranged and Melee Units on a selected Fortifi cation section from death. This Blessing can be used at any moment similarly to Protection.

Note: Blessings can be used by any player but none of them more than once during one round. If a player uses a Blessing the rest cannot use it till the next round begins.


Hale of stones: provides an additional attack which is similar to the standard use of Boulders. This Spell must be used after a standard Boulder and Cauldron attack.

Blindness: lowers the Ranged Fire Strength characteristic of a selected enemy unit by -2 (except Siege Machines). Casting of this spell is only possible during the Setup stage (not during the Battle stage).

Paralysis: can be used against two selected enemy units (ex-cept Siege Machines). Targets are immediately removed from the board. Casting of this spell is only possible during the Setup stage (not during the Battle stage).

Magic fi re: can be used against any enemy Siege Machine. Selected target is immediately removed from the board. Casting of this spell is only possible during the Setup stage (not during the Battle stage).

Earthquake: destroys 50% of invader’s units (counted accord-ing to endurance level, specifi c units are selected by a player casting the spell) from a selected Combat Group. The Spell must be used after a standard Boulder and Cauldron attack (but after the Hale of stones Spell).

Note: Spells can be used by any player but none of them more than once during one round. If a player uses a Spell the rest cannot cast it till the next round begins.


Building the Chapel enables the use of Blessings which can help to defend the Walls and units. Each consecutive Chapel level allows the use of one additional Blessing.

Level 1 1 1 0 0 Protection

Level 2 1 2 1 0 Barrier

Level 3 1 2 2 1 Fusion

Level 4 1 2 3 2 Aura

Level 5 1 2 3 4 Resurrection


Building the Mage Tower unlocks the use of spells which can aid in attacking the enemies. Every consecutive level of the Mage Tower allows the use of one additional Spell.

Level 1 0 2 0 0 Hail of stones

Level 2 0 2 1 0 Blindness

Level 3 0 2 2 1 Paralysis

Level 4 0 3 2 2 Magic fi re

Level 5 0 3 3 3 Earthquake


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Stonemasonry level: 1Stonemasonry allows players to receive a new type of resource – Stone.

Archery level: 1Archery allows the construction of the second level of the Bar-racks, where you can train archers.

Cauldrons level: 1This technology allows the construction of the fi rst level of the Workshop and the production of Cauldrons with pitch.

Fortifi cations level: 1After the invention of the Fortifi cations, it is possible to build wooden walls and towers.

Beasts of burden level: 2Beasts of burden improve the process of receiving resourc-es - after the invention of this technology, in every action of receiving resources you can get 3 pieces of Wood or 2 pieces of Stone, or 2 pieces of Iron, or 1 piece of Gold (if the ability to receive those resources is available).

Construction level: 2This technology allows the construction of a new type of forti-fi cations – Stone Walls and Towers.

Chainmail level: 2After the invention of Chainmail it is possible to build the third level of the Barracks, where you can train Crossbowmen and Swordsmen.

Crossbow level: 2After the invention of Crossbow it is possible to build the third level of the Barracks, where you can train Crossbowmen.

Mining level: 2Mining allows players to receive a new type of resource – Iron.

Catapults level: 2This technology allows the construction of the second level of the Workshop and production of Catapults.

Masonry level: 3This technology allows the construction of a new type of forti-fi cations – Walls and Towers with hoardings.

Goldsmithery level: 3Goldsmithery allows players to receive a new type of resource – Gold.

Ballistas level: 3This technology allows the construction of the third level of the Workshop and production of Ballistas.

Mechanics level: 4Mechanics improve the process of receiving resources - after the invention of this technology, in every action of receiving resources you can get 4 pieces of Wood or 3 pieces of Stone, or 2 pieces of Iron, or 1 piece of Gold (if the ability to harvest those resources is available).

Structures level: 4This technology allows the construction of a new type of forti-fi cations – Walls and Towers with machicolations.

Armor level: 4After the invention of Armor it is possible to build the fourth level of the Barracks, where you can train Heavy infantry.Onagers level: 4This technology allows the construction of the fourth level of the Workshop and production of Onagers.

Gunpowder level: 5After the invention of Gunpowder it is possible to build the fi fth level of the Barracks and the fi fth level of the Workshop.

Bombards level: 5This technology allows the construction of the fi fth level of the Workshop and production of Bombards.



y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y alalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalallololololololololololololololololololololololowswswswswswswswswswswswswswswswswswswswswswswswswsws t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t thehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehe c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c conononononononononononononononononononononononstststststststststststststststststststststststststststststststststststststststststrururururururururururururururururururururururururururururuructctctctctctctctctctctctctctctctctctctctctctctctctctctctctctctctctctctctctctctioioioioioioioioioioioioioioioioioioioioioioioioioioioioioioioioioioioioioioioioioioioioioioioioioioion n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n ofofofofofofofofofofofofofofofofofofofofofofofofofofofofofofofofofofofofofofofofofofofofofofofofofofofofofofofofofofofofofofofof t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t thehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehe s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s secececececececececececececececececececececonononononononononononononononononononononond d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d lelelelelelelelelelelelelelelelelelelelelelelelelelelelelevevevevevevevevevevevevevevevevevevevevevevevevevevevevevevevel l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l ofofofofofofofofofofofofofofofofofofofofofofofofofofofofofofofof a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a andndndndndndndndndndndndndndndndndndndndndndndndndndndndndndndndndndndndndndndndndndndndndndndndnd p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p prororororororororororororororororororororororororororodudududududududududududududududududududududududuductctctctctctctctctctctctctctctctctctctctctioioioioioioioioioioioioioioioioioioioioioioioioioioioion n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n ofofofofofofofofofofofofofofofofofofofofofofofofofofofofofofofofofofofof C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C Catatatatatatatatatatatatatatatatatatatatatatatatatatatatatatatatatatatatatatatatatatatatatapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapululululululululululululululululululululululululululululululululululululululululululultstststststststststststststststststststs...........


Building the level 1 Library unlocks new research possibilities which can aid in faster acquiring of resources, upgrading buildings, training new units and receiving new kinds of resources.Researching a new technology does not require the use of resources just the use of Actions. All effects of a technology are imme-diately available for use in performing all the other Actions in this round (by this or other players).After placing an Action Marker on the Action Path the player takes a specifi c card from the Research Card Stack, reveals it and puts it by the defenders’ building cards. The selected technology will provide certain benefi ts (even if during the fi ght the Library is destroyed or its level decreased).

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Spearman 1 0 0 0 2 1 1 -

Archer 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 1

Swordsman 1 0 1 0 3 2 2 -

Crossbowman 1 0 1 0 1 2 1 2

Heavy infantry 0 0 1 1 4 3 3 -

Arquebusier 1 0 1 2 1 1 3 3


A player can use 1 Action to train precisely 1 new unit. To perform this Action a suffi cient amount of resources and an adequate building level is required (Barracks for Warriors, Workshop for Siege Machines). To start training a new unit the player places an Action Marker on the Action Path and throws away the exact amount of resources and after selecting the right Unit Token he places it on the selected Fortifi cation section. The new unit is immediately available for use in the Battle stage of this round.Note: Any unit can be removed (and replaced) from the board if another type of unit is trained (it simply means that a warrior received new equipment).


Units are divided into two types (not including Siege Ma-chines): Ranged Units and Melee Units (close combat). The main difference is that while both types can participate in melee combat, only Ranged Units can fi re at enemies from a distance. Every unit has certain characteristics depicting its strong and weak points:Strength (ST): fi ghting skills used during a melee combatEndurance (EN): level of natural resistance to wounds or armour levelSupport (SU): strength used in a fi ght on a second position during combat group attacks.Ranged Fire Strength (RFS): strength of any kind of ranged weapons.

Every unit also has the cost of training in resources assigned to it and can also posses special abilities.


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In order to perform all types of Actions (except technologies research, Ditch digging and Boulder piling) specifi c amounts of resources are needed. Players can acquire resources in two ways: as spoils of war in the Loot phase (once for each round, after a Battle stage) or by using an Action to receive resources. There are four kinds of resources in the game: Wood (available from the beginning of the game), Stone, Iron and Gold (the ability to receive those three types of resources is available

after a specifi c technology research). At the beginning a use of one Action allows to receive 2 Wood resources, 1 Stone resource, 1 Iron resource or 1 Gold resource. In time the speed of extracting resources may increase thanks to new researches. Players can exchange or give each other selected resources during any part of the game should the need arise but each of the players can exchange/give only one resource type per round with another player of his choice.


Siege Machine is the only type of unit which is able to attack not only enemy Melee Units and Ranged Units but also other Siege Machines Every unit of this type has one or two characteristics depicting its strong and weak points:Ranged Fire Strength (RFS): strength of any kind of ranged weaponsEndurance (EN): level of damage resistanceEvery machine also has the cost of construction in resources assigned to it and can also posses special qualities.

Boulders 0 0 0 0 - k3

It is assumed that at the beginning of the siege on every Wall section (regardless of its level) there can be a maximum of one Boulder pile ready for use. Boulders must be used during the Battle stage – Step 10. Boulders provide an attack (on one target) with the RFS each time set by a dice roll 1d3.

Cauldrons with pitch 1 0 0 0 - 2x k3

It is assumed that at the beginning of the siege on every Wall section (regardless of its level) there can be a maximum of one Cauldron ready for use. Cauldrons must be used during the Bat-tle stage – Step 10. Cauldrons provide an attack (on one or two targets) with the RFS each time set by a dice roll 1d3 (the RFS is set separately for each one of two available attacks).

Catapult 1 2 0 0 3 3+k3

A Catapult allows to perform one attack (on one target) with the RFS of 2 increased by a dice roll 1d3. A Catapult can attack Melee Units, Ranged Units and Siege Machines gathered in a Deployment Zone.

Ballista 2 1 1 0

3 2x k3

A Ballista allows to perform two attacks (on one or two targets) with the RFS of 1 increased by a dice roll 1d3(the RFS is set separately for each one of two available attacks). A Ballista can attack Melee Units and Ranged Units gathered in a Deployment and Foreground Zone. The Ballista cannot attack invader’s Siege Machines.

Onager 2 1 1 1 4 4+k3

An Onager allows to perform one attack (on one target) with the RFS of 3 increased by a dice roll 1d3. An Onager can attack Melee Units, Ranged Units and Siege Machines gathered in a Deployment Zone.

Bombard 1 1 3 1 4 2x 2+k3

A Bombard allows to perform two attacks (on one or two targets) with the RFS of 2 increased by a dice roll 1d3(the RFS is set separately for each one of two available attacks). The A Bombard can attack Melee Units, Ranged Units and Siege Machines gathered in a Deployment Zone.


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No use of Action is needed to repair a fortifi cation but it can only be performed during the part when players use their Ac-tions (construction, training etc.)The only cost needed to make a repair is the use of specifi c amount of resources.After declaring repair work to a specifi c Fortifi cation section and throwing away the exact amount of resources the endur-ance value of this section should be immediately increased +1 (a player replaces the lower value marker with a higher one).Note: The endurance level can never be increased above the initial level of the current section of the Fortifi cation which is

being repaired (e.g. for fortifi cations level 3 – Wooden wall, the maximum endurance level is 3).

Repair costs of one section (wall or tower):

levels I, II 1 levels III, IV, V 1

gate 1

An example of using an Action by one player:

The player with a Deserter Card (we’ll call him the Deserter for short) plays the campaign with two friends. That means every player has 4 Actions at his disposal (12 Actions total). The Deserter’s fi rst Action is to receive some resources. To do so he places one of his 4 Action Markers on the Action Path. Because other players have already researched Beasts of burden and Masonry technologies the player can choose if he wants to get 3 pieces of Wood or 2 pieces of Stone. He decides to get 3 pieces of Wood and puts the markers next to his Hero’s card. He decides to use the second Action to invent a new technolo-gy. At the moment the Library is at level 2 so all the technolo-gies from levels 1 and 2 are available for research. The Deserter selects the Construction card and puts the next Action Marker on the Action Path (it’s the only cost of this technology) and the researched Construction card is placed next to other cards available for all the players to use.

Another Deserter’s activity is training an Archer. The player puts the third Action marker on the Action Path and throws away 1 Wood marker from his resources (that’s the cost of the unit). He takes an Archer marker from the pool outside the board and places it on a selected section of the Fortifi cations (he chooses the south section – S). The last, fourth Action the Deserter uses to dig a ditch sec-tion. He places the Action marker and takes the selected Ditch section from the pool outside the board (digging ditches does not require the use of any resources). Next he places it along the south section of the Wall in order to reinforce fortifi cations on this fi eld. In the end the Deserter uses his special ability to train any ad-ditional unit type without any cost. He takes a Spearman token from the pool outside the board and puts it on the selected Fortifi cation section (he chooses the south one – S).After all 4 Actions have been used the next player continues the game.


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During a setup stage we perform the following activities:

1.A draw for invader types from the Invader Card stack.2.Determining the number and composition of the Invader’s army (details can be found in the chart in the Invaders chapter).3.Setting the position of the Defender’s troops on the Walls, Towers and inside the Keep.Note: the maximum number of units that can be placed on one section of the Fortifi cations (Capacity) can be found in chapter Construction/Fortifi cations.4.Determining the places of Invader’s attack (randomly deter-mined directions, according to the tips in the Invaders chapter)

and positioning the troops on Deployment Zones.5.Relocating the Defender’s troops (all of the Defender’s units can be relocated between the Fortifi cations’ sections without any quantity restraints but no further than to the adjoining sec-tion or from the Keep to any section).6.Using Blessings and Spells: Aura, Barrier, Blindness, Paraly-sis, Magic Fire.

Note: at the end of the Setup stage no units except Ranged Units/Siege Machines stationed in the Keep can stay on its grounds. All the Ground and Ranged Units must be placed on Walls and Towers.


Step 1. Defender’s Ranged Units attackDefender’s Ranged Units are able to attack any of the invader’s units: in the Deploy-ment Zone or in the Foreground Zone. The cannot attack Siege Machines though. Every Ranged Unit selects the target by pointing at one of the zones. All Ranged and Melee Units gathered in one of the zones are treated as one target. Keep in mind that the number of killed units in one zone cannot exceed the number of Ranged Units performing an attack. After selecting all the targets fi ring com-mences. RFS of all Ranged Units performing an attack on a selected zone is summed up and compared with EN of the target. If the RFS is equal or higher than EN a cartain number of units is removed from the board.Each Ranged Unit can perform only one shot in one step (even if it has more units in his range closing in from different directions).

Step 2. Invader’s Ranged Units attackInvader’s Ranged Units attack randomly the defenders gathered on the Fortifi cation’s sec-tions (detailed instructions regarding target selection depend on the type of an enemy unit and can be found in chapters concerning individual unit types). After selecting all the targets the assault begins. RFS of all Ranged Units is summed up and compared with the target’s EN. If a total RFS is equal or higher than EN a certain number of targets is taken and placed along the particular Fortifi cation section. A total invader’s RFS is reduced during the assault by the amount of EN re-sulting from the current Fortifi cation level.

Example: Step 1.On the western side of Fortifi cations there are 3 Ranged Units of the Defend-er’s army (No. 2). All of them choose the Deployment Zone (No. 1) as their target. The player adds up their Ranged Fire Strength: two Archers with RFS=1 and one Crossbowman with RFS=2 gives a total RFS=4. Invader’s troops consist only of Slingers (each with EN=1). Therefore it would be possible to destroy 4 enemy units but taking into account the rule that the number of killed units in one zone cannot exceed the number of Ranged Units performing the attack only 3 Slingers can be killed.

Example: Step 2.From the western side 5 Ranged Units begin the assault (No. 2). The invad-er is drawing for the target (in case of Barbarians a six-sided dice throw is needed). We get 6 pips and check the Barbarians chapter for the result. Number 6 means that the attack needs to be performed on the SW Tower (No. 1). The invader adds up the Ranged Fire Strength: fi ve Slingers with RFS=1 gives a total of 5. Their RFS is decreased by 3 ( a bonus to the current Fortifi cation level) and we get 2. Among the defend-er’s units there are only Archers (each with EN=1). In this situation the defend-er must remove 2 Archers.

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Step 3. Defender’s Siege Machines attackA defender selects a target for every Siege Machine. Multiple Siege Machines are able to attack a common target. Some of them can also select multiple different targets during one attack (details can be found in the Siege Machines chapter).Siege Machines can select a Deployment Zone or a Foreground Zone as their target ( all units gathered in one zone are treated as one target in a similar way to the Ranged Units’ attack in Step 1).After selecting all the targets fi ring commences. RFS of each Siege Machine or a group of Siege Machines performing an attack on a selected target is summed up and compared with EN of the target. If the RFS is equal or higher than EN the target is removed from the board.Keep in mind that the number of killed targets in one zone cannot exceed the number of Siege Machines performing an attack (unless special rules of a specifi c Siege Machine state other-wise).

Step 4. Invader’s Siege Machines attackInvader’s Siege Machines attack random Wall and Tower sections or defender’s units. Detailed instructions regarding target draw depend on the type of an enemy unit and can be found in chapters concerning individual unit types. After selecting all the targets the assault begins. Each Siege Machine is treated separately during the attack. Siege Machine’s RFS is compared with EN of the target ( if a Unit/Siege Machine is the target its EN is increased by a current Fortifi ca-tion level). If RFS is equal or higher than a total EN the target is immediately removed from the board (if it’s a Unit or a Siege Machine). If a Fortifi cation section is the target after a suc-cessful attack its EN is reduced by 1 and its EN marker is replaced by a new one with a lower value ( if a total RFS is multiple times higher then Fortifi cation’s EN is reduced accordingly).

Note: If an EN level of a Fortifi cation’s section at any moment reaches 0 its element is removed from the board and is replaced by a Fence print-ed on the main board.

Note: If an assault cannot be performed due to lack of a target (e.g. there are no units on a Tower and they have been drawn for the target) then another element located on that fi eld be-comes the target (e.g. instead of Units – Siege Machines, instead of Siege Machines – Fortifi ca-tions, instead of Fortifi cations – Units).If there are no units nor Fortifi cations on that fi eld then the assault is performed on the closest fi eld possible (e.g. instead fi ring at a Tower the assault reaches the next Wall section).

Example: Step 3.The defender has 1 Siege Machine – a Ballista. He selects the Foreground Zone as a target. A Ballista has an ability to perform 2 attacks. In order to determine the Ranged Fire Strength two three-sided dice rolls have to be performed (result – 2 and 3 pips). This Siege Machine doesn’t have an initial RFS. It’s RFS depends only on a dice roll. After summing up the two attacks we get a total number of RFS = 2+3=5.There are Warriors (EN=2) and Giants (EN=5) in the Foreground Zone. The defender selects 2 War-riors to be removed from the board. One unused RFS point remains which is wasted because there is no unit with EN=1 in the zone. Instead of that move the defender could de-cide to remove one Giant (EN=5).

Example: Step 4.The Invader has 2 Siege Machines – a Trebuchet and a Catapult. The invader draws for a target (in case of Barbarians a six-sided dice throw is needed). We get 2 pips for the Trebuchet and check the Barbarians chapter for the result. Number 2 means that the attack needs to be performed on the Wall (No. 1). We roll the dice once more for the Catapult and again we need to attack the Wall. Next, we draw to select if the Siege Machines will attack only Fortifi cations or also the units placed on them. A Trebuchet, according to the rules (see Siege Machines chapter) can only attack fortifi cations. A Catapult on the

other hand is able to attack various elements. We roll the dice and get 3 pips so the target for the Catapult are Ranged Units/Melee Units gathered on the Wall.First we take care of the attack on the Fortifi cations: Trebuchet’s RFS is 4 and to that we add a three-sided dice roll (2 pips) which gives us a total RFS of 6. Because the level of Fortifi cations is 3 it’s reduced by 2 endurance points (RFS is twice as high as the Wall’s EN). If the RFS would be 3, 4 or 5 then EN of the Wall would be reduced only by 1 point. Next, let’s have a look at the attack performed on the units gathered on the Wall. A Catapult’s RFS is 3 and we add a dice roll (1 pip). Now the Catapult’s RFS is 4. From this result we deduct EN of the Wall (only 1 at this point) and get the fi nal RFS=3. There are Spearmen (EN=1) and a Swordsman (EN=2) on the Wall that means we can remove 3 Spearmen from the board (following the rule that the weakest units are removed fi rst).

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Step 9. Forming Combat GroupsInvader’s units must be divided into Combat Groups which will try to storm the Walls using ladders. In case of 1-4 unit attack only one ladder is used (one Combat Group is formed), 5-8 units means 2 Combat Groups, 9-12 units means 3 Com-bat Groups and 13+ units means 4 Combat Groups. There can be only 4 ladders on one section of Walls (a maximum of 4 Combat Groups formed). Invaders are grouped according to their ST: fi rst the strongest units are placed by the ladders then weaker etc. until the weakest unit is placed. In each Combat Group the fi rst (strongest) unit is called the Front Unit. All the other units are called Supporting Units. There is also a special Combat Group which is equipped with a Battering Ram. To perform an attack using a Battering Ram their summed up ST characteristic must be at least 6. If a group has a high enough ST value it can still perform a Battering Ram attack even after it has been thinned out by Boulders or Caul-drons (if the ST characteristic won’t drop below 6, if it does the Ram is thrown away and units attack as a standard Combat Group).

Step 10. Using Cauldrons/BouldersOn each Wall section where Boulders are piled up (they don’t need any research or a special building – players have the abil-ity to use them from the beginning of the game) or Cauldrons with pitch are placed (Workshop level 1 is required) this step is performed. Cauldron/Boulders run out after every use and cannot be used used again in the same round (but there is no need to replenish them in the following rounds). Results of an attack are settled in the same manner as Ranged Units’ attacks but with one Cauldron/Boulders more than one unit can be destroyed.

Step 11. Assigning defender’s units to Combat GroupsDefenders can freely assign their units to available Combat Groups (they too select a Front Unit and Supporting Units for each group)Note: If at the beginning of this step a defender’s unit cannot be assigned to a Combat Group on the section of the Wall which is currently under attack and all the buildings in the Town have been destroyed, the defense is terminated and the game ends.


Step 5. Regrouping the enemy to the Foreground ZoneInvader’s Melee Units are moved to the Foreground Zone (if they’re not already there). If a Moat or a Ditch has been dug in front of this section of Fortifi cations (to be effective a Moat must have at least 4 sections without gaps completely securing a Wall section and two adjoining Towers. For example sections: SW, W1, W2 and NW) Invaders must overcome this obstacle at fi rst. Detailed instructions on crossing Moats and Ditches can be found in the chapter Executing Actions/Construction.

Step 6. Defender’s Ranged Units second attackWhen invaders reach the Walls defenders attack the same way as in Step 1.

Step 7. Regrouping defendersAny number of defender’s units can regroup to an adjoining Fortifi cation’s section in both directions (from a Tower to a Wall, from a Wall to a Tower). They can also move to the Keep or from the Keep to any section of Fortifi cations. Ranged Units and Siege Machines participating in the fi ght during Step 6 cannot be regrouped. Keep in mind that Walls and Towers have a maximum Capacity which cannot be exceeded at any point of the game.

Step 8. Invader’s Ranged Units second attackInvader’s respond in the same manner as during Step 2.

Example: Step 9.The invader’s troops storming the Walls have 2 Giants and 5 Warriors. In this case we form two Combat Groups (standard procedure with 5-8 invaders). First, we take the strongest units to become the Front Units. Giants will be our Front Units in both groups because they have the highest ST characteristic. Warriors will play the part of Supporting Units divided equally into both Combat Groups.

Example: Step 10.The defenders piled up Boulders on one section of the Walls which is under attack. In this situation after arranging the in-vader’s Combat Groups and before assigning the defender’s for the counter attack (in Step 11) a Boulder attack is performed (a Cauldron attack would also be possible). The defender rolls a three-sided dice to determine the Boulder’s RFS. We get 2 pips and that means a unit with a maximum endurance of 2 can be destroyed. There are Warriors with EN=2 and Giants with EN=5 among the invaders so the only possibility is to kill one Warrior. If this Warrior would also be a Front Unit his place is taken by the strongest among the Supporting Units.

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Step 14. Loyalty test.An invader must perform a loyalty test if he has lost a minimum of 50% of his units in close combat (in relation to the amount at the beginning of the fi ght). If an invader has been forced to perform a loyalty test once he must do it again after every Step 13 regardless of his losses.Initial level of morale for each invader is determined individually in chapter: Invaders’ tactics. A six-sided dice roll is performed and if the value is higher than morale level invaders must fl ee. In this situation all invader’s units are removed from the board and the game continues to the next stage (Loot stage). After each Step 13 invader’s morale goes down 1 point – a marker on the Morale Path should be moved 1 space. It means that the probability of ene-mies fl eeing in the next Loyalty phase is greater. If a dice roll result shows that invader’s unit should stay on the battlefi eld the fi ght continues from Step 3.

Step 12. Close combat outcomeFirst, the Battering Ram attack is decided. Its ST (equal to a total ST of units holding it) is compared with EN of the Town’s gate. If it’s higher then gate’s EN is reduced by 1. Similarly as in Siege Machines’ assault if ST of a Battering Ram is multiple times higher than EN of the Town’s gate it can be weakened by more EN points during one attack. When its EN goes down to 0 it collapses. The strongest unit from the Battering Ram group is put in place of the gate. From this moment the defenders assigned to the Combat Group that charged inside the Town doesn’t have any additional modifi ers which were previously provided by the level of Fortifi cations. On all the other Wall sections the fi ght is run by standard rules. The Combat Group which destroyed the gate from this moment is treated as the rest of the attacking Groups.After dividing invaders and defenders into mutually assigned groups and after the Battering Ram attack it’s time for the rest of armed clashes. We add up the Front Unit’s Strength of the Combat Group (the strongest unit) and Support values of the rest of the units in the group. The result is increased by a three-sided dice roll. The defender adds up the Front Unit’s Strength and Support values of the rest of the units in the group increased by the Fortifi cation’s endurance characteristic and special modifi ers (i.e. blessing, heroes’ special abilities) and a three-sided dice roll 1d3. Next, both results are compared. The difference is the sum of losses. If the defender won the invader’s units from the specifi c Combat Group with EN equal to the sum of losses are removed (the defender chooses the units).The units are removed in order from the weakest to the strongest. In case of a tie the invader retreats to the Foreground Zone as he would after the defeat. If all the defenders assigned to one ladder would die, one of the invaders from the Combat Group would be placed on the Wall. From this moment the defend-ers assigned to that Combat Group can’t add to their ST any modifi ers in relation to the level of the Fortifi cations (until they win the clash after which the invader retreats to the Foreground Zone). On all the other Wall sections the fi ght is run by standard rules.

Step 13. Destroying the Town/regrouping enemy unitsEach invader who is standing on the Wall without any defender assigned to him causes the destruction of one level of two randomly chosen buildings in the Town. Buildings are chosen randomly by a dice roll: a D6 or D3 depend-ing on the amount of the development. After the clash is resolved on the whole Wall section, if a minimum of 1 of the invaders survived, units are regrouped and moved to the Foreground Zone.If over 50% of invader’s units (in relation to the amount at the beginning of the fi ght) is killed we move to Step 14. If not, then the fi ght continues by the same rules starting with Step 3 (Siege Machines attack again). Ranged Units that took part in close combat phase in Step 12 cannot participate in this attack.

Note: If invaders manage to get onto a Wall the unit standing on it cannot be a target for Ranged Units. It also doesn’t withdraw to the Foreground Zone but stays on the Wall as a Front Unit of a Combat Group formed later during the game.

Note: If at any moment invaders will loose all their Melee Units they instantly retreat from the Battlefi eld and the Loot stage begins.

Note: If an invader or a defender gets 3 pips after a dice roll and his opponent will get 1 pip, even if the result shows that no unit should die, 1 weakest unit of the defender’s/invader’s Combat Group should be removed from the board (it’s an additional loss regardless of the ones suffered during a standard clash).

Example: Step 12.After assigning the defenders to their Combat Groups we have two situations to resolve in this example. (1) the invaders’ Strength is: ST of the Front Unit (Giant) =3, increased by the Support of other units (3 Warriors, each with SU=1). We roll the three-sided dice and get 1 pip. Total ST of the invader is 7.The Strength of the defenders assigned to that Combat Group is: ST of the Front Unit (Swords-man) =3, increased by the Support of other units (1 Spearman SU=1). We add the current Wall EN=3 and roll the three-sided dice (we get 2 pips). The result of the clash is 2 in favor of the defenders’ so the invader’s units with EN=2 can be removed from the game. The defender decides to remove 1 Warrior.

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After the battle defenders may collect loot abandoned by in-vaders and plunder the enemies’ camp. The amount and type of found resources depends on the current round and the type of invaders’ units participating in the last assault. Players divide the spoils in the following manner:

Each player consecutively beginning with the most precious resource (gold) gets one marker. First player getting a marker is the one holding the First Player token. If one type of resources runs out another is distributed (beginning with gold, then iron, stone and fi nally wood).


Round 1 3 0 0 0Round 2 3 0 0 0Round 3 4 0 0 0Round 4 4 1 0 0Round 5 5 2 0 0Round 6 5 2 1 0Round 7 6 2 2 0Round 8 6 3 2 0Round 9 7 3 3 0Round 10 7 3 3 1Round 11 8 4 3 1Round 12 8 4 4 1Round 13 9 4 4 2Round 14 9 5 4 2Round 15 10 5 5 2Round 16 10 5 5 3Round 17 11 6 5 3Round 18 11 6 6 3Round 19 12 6 6 4

Wolf men

3 0 0 03 0 0 04 0 0 04 1 0 05 2 0 05 2 1 06 2 2 06 3 2 07 3 3 07 3 5 08 4 5 08 4 6 09 4 8 09 5 8 010 5 9 010 5 11 011 6 11 011 6 12 012 6 14 0

Forest men

3 0 0 03 0 0 04 0 0 04 1 0 05 2 0 05 2 0 06 2 0 06 3 0 17 3 1 17 3 1 28 4 1 28 4 1 29 4 2 39 5 2 310 5 2 410 5 2 411 6 3 411 6 3 512 6 3 6


3 0 0 03 0 0 04 0 0 04 1 0 03 2 1 03 2 1 13 2 2 13 3 2 14 3 3 14 3 3 25 4 3 25 4 4 26 4 4 36 5 4 37 5 5 47 5 5 48 6 5 58 6 6 59 6 6 6


Each type of invaders has two characteristics typical only for them. They are: level of tactics – showing how dangerous and thought out attacks are, and level of morale – showing how fi ercely they can attack. The higher their level is the greater the danger invaders pose. Below is a full list of armies for each type of invader with charts showing the amounts of enemies storming the Town in each round of the game. There are also rules for resolving an attack for each type of enemy. Invaders usually attack with the highest strength possible on one selected/drawn section of Fortifi cations (depending on their type). This direction of attack will later be called the Main Assault Direction (MAD).


During each campaign players can select one of three diffi culty levels for every opponent. For example: Barbarians on easy level, Forest Men on medium level and the rest of factions on hard level. This possibility gives an enormous fl exibility in set-ting a diffi culty level for the whole campaign. All the differenc-es are listed at the end of every opponent’s description.


Very often it will be necessary to determine which of Fortifi -cation’s sections is the weakest. To do this we need to add up for every section individually: defenders’ ST increased by the current Fortifi cation’s EN. If a section has a Ditch that protects it fully then we add 10% to our result. In case of a Moat we add additional 30%. A section of the Wall which has the lowest result is declared the weakest one.

Note: Often it will be obvious which section is the weakest and calculations won’t be necessary. Especially to more experi-enced players.

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Tactics 1 Morale 6

Determining Main Assault Directions:

One randomly selected Wall section is treated as the MAD and attacked by about 100% of invader’s units (according to the chart below). If a Moat blocks the way to a Fortifi cation’s section then this section is omitted when selecting a MAD for Beasts. Main direction is chosen by a D6 dice roll:1,2 – N Wall section with the gate3 – S Wall section4 – W Wall section5 – E Wall section6 – another dice roll


Wolf 1 1 1 -

Special rule: Jump – a Wolf despite not having a ladder climb-ing ability can jump to defenders standing on Fences and level 1 Fortifi cations (Palisade).

Giant Spider 2 2 2 -

Special rule: Walking on Walls - Giant Spiders do not need ladders to climb Walls therefore a bonus to a current endurance level of a fortifi cation is reduced by 50% (rounding up). In ad-dition Giant Spiders are immune to any negative effects caused by ditches.

Giant Hawk 5 5 3 -

Special rule: Flight – Giant Hawks are able to perform air attacks on defenders. Standard rules apply to air attacks but thanks to their ability effects caused by ditches and moats aren’t a threat to them.

Giant Spider veteran 3 3 3 -

Special rule: Walking on Walls - Giant Spiders do not need ladders to climb Walls therefore a bonus to a current endurance level of a fortifi cation is reduced by 50% (rounding up). In ad-dition Giant Spiders are immune to any negative effects caused by ditches.

Giant Hawk veteran 6 6 4 -

Special rule: Flight – Giant Hawks are able to perform air attacks on defenders. Standard rules apply to air attacks but thanks to their ability effects caused by ditches and moats aren’t a threat to them.

Dragon 9 9 6

Special rule: Flight – Giant Hawks are able to perform air attacks on defenders. Standard rules apply to air attacks but thanks to their ability effects caused by ditches and moats aren’t a threat to them.

Available Siege Machines:none

Note: all Beast units have a special ability: dodging. This abil-ity causes that every Ranged Unit trying to hit any of Beasts’ units receives a -1 modifi er to an RFS.


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1 2 - - - -

2 5 3 - - - -

3 - 6 - - - -

4 - 6 1 - - -

5 - 6 2 - - -

6 - 6 3 1 - -

7 - 7 4 2 - -

8 - 8 5 3 - -

9 - 9 6 4 1 -

10 - 9 6 5 1 1

11 - 10 7 6 2 2

12 - 10 7 7 2 2

13 - 11 8 8 3 3

14 - 11 8 9 4 4

15 - 12 9 10 5 4

16 - 12 9 11 6 5

17 - 12 10 11 7 5

18 - 12 10 12 8 6

19 - 12 11 12 9 6

20 - 12 12 12 10 7


In each space there is a number of units attacking from Main Assault Direction:


Level I – Territorial defense: standard rules apply

Level II – The Call of the Wild: ST characteristic of every Beast unit is increased +1

Level III – Surprise attack: all level II rules apply but also af-ter defeating Beast’s army players do not get any spoils of war

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Tactics 1 Morale 5

Determining Main Assault Directions:

One randomly selected wall section is treated as the MAD and attacked by about 40% of invader’s units (according to the chart below). Each remaining wall section is attacked by 20% of invader’s units. Main direction is chosen by a D6 dice roll:1,2 – N wall section with the gate3 – S wall section4 – W wall section5 – E wall section6 – another dice roll

Rules of selecting targets by Ranged Units:

1,2,3,4 pips on D6 – attack on units gathered on a wall5 pips on D6 – attack on left-side tower6 pips on D6 – attack on right-side tower

Rules of selecting targets by Siege Machines:

1,2,3,4 pips on D6 – attack on a wall5 pips on D6 – attack on left-side tower6 pips on D6 – attack on right-side tower

After drawing for a Fortifi cation section to attack (Wall or one of the Towers) a target is selected which can be only a Forti-fi cation or units gathered on it depending on Siege Machine’s type and it’s special qualities.


Slinger 1 1 1 1

Warrior 2 1 2 -

Giant 3 2 5 -

Special rule: A Giant is able to perform one special attack in each Battle stage: demolition with ST=1 + D3, if a Giant is a Supporting Unit this attack is performed at the beginning of Step 12. This special attack is treated as a standard Siege Ma-chine attack on fortifi cations.

Slinger veteran 1 1 1 2

Warrior veteran 3 2 3 -

Giant veteran 4 3 6 -

Special rule: A Giant veteran is able to perform one special attack in each Battle stage: demolition with ST=2 + D3, if a Giant veteran is a Supporting Unit this attack is performed at the beginning of Step 12. This special attack is treated as a standard Siege Machine attack on fortifi cations.

Available Siege Machines:Battering Ram, Ballista, Catapult, Trebuchet, Cover, Bridge, Siege TowerFor descriptions see end of chapter: Invaders.


FoFoFoFoFoFoFoFoFoFoFoFoFoFoFoFoFoFoFoFoFoFoFoFoFoFor r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r dedededededededededededededededededededededededededededededededededescscscscscscscscscscscscscscscscscscscscscscscscscscscscscscscscscririririririririririririririririririririririririririptptptptptptptptptptptptptptptptptptptptptptptptptptptptptptioioioioioioioioioioioioioioioioioioioioioioioioioioioioioioioioioioionsnsnsnsnsnsnsnsnsnsnsnsnsnsnsnsnsnsnsnsnsnsnsnsnsnsnsnsnsnsnsnsnsnsnsnsns s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s seeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e endndndndndndndndndndndndndndndndndndndndndndndndndndndndndndndndndndndndndndndndnd o o o o o o o o o o o o o of f f f f f f f f f f f f f f f f f f f f f f f f f f f f f f f f f f f chchchchchchchchchchchchchchchchchchchchchchchchchchchchchchchchchchchchchchchchchchchchchchchchchchchchchchchapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapteteteteteteteteteteteteteteteteteteteteteteteteteteteteteteteteteter:r:r:r:r:r:r:r:r:r:r:r:r:r:r:r:r:r:r:r:r:r:r:r:r:r:r:r:r:r:r:r:r:r:r:r:r:r:r:r:r:r:r:r:r: I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Invnvnvnvnvnvnvnvnvnvnvnvnvnvnvnvnvnvnvnvnvnvnvnvnvnvnvnvnvnvnvnvnvnvnvnvnvnvnvnvnvnvnvnvadadadadadadadadadadadadadadadadadadadadadadadadadadadadadadadadadadadaderererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererers.s.s.s.s.s.s.s.s.s.s.s.s.s.s.s.s.s.s.s.

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1 -/- 1/1 -/- -/- -/- -/- - -/- -/- -/- -/- -/- -/-

2 2/1 4/2 -/- -/- -/- -/- - -/- -/- -/- -/- -/- -/-

3 3/2 7/3 -/- -/- -/- -/- - -/- -/- -/- -/- -/- -/-

4 4/2 8/3 1/- -/- -/- -/- - -/- -/- -/- -/- -/- -/-

5 5/2 8/4 1/- -/- -/- -/- - -/- -/- -/- 1/- -/- -/-

6 5/3 9/4 2/- -/- -/- -/- - 1/- -/- -/- 1/- -/- -/-

7 6/3 10/5 2/1 -/- -/- -/- 1* 1/- -/- -/- 1/- -/- -/-

8 6/3 10/5 3/2 -/- -/- -/- 1* 1/- -/- -/- 1/- 1/- -/-

9 7/4 12/6 3/2 -/- 2/0 -/- 1* 1/1 1/- -/- 1/- 1/- -/-

10 7/4 12/6 4/2 -/- 4/2 -/- 1* 1/1 1/- -/- 1/- 1/- -/-

11 7/4 12/6 4/2 2/1 6/3 -/- 1* 1/1 2/- -/- 1/- 2/- -/-

12 8/4 12/6 5/2 3/1 7/3 1/- 1* 1/1 1/1 1/- 1/- 2/1 -/-

13 8/4 12/6 5/2 4/2 8/4 2/- 1* 1/1 1/1 1/- 1/1 2/1 -/-

14 9/4 12/6 6/2 4/2 9/4 2/1 1* 2/1 2/1 1/- 1/1 2/1 1/-

15 9/4 12/6 6/3 4/2 9/5 3/1 1* 2/1 2/1 1/1 2/1 2/1 1/-

16 9/4 12/6 6/3 5/2 10/5 3/1 1* 2/1 2/1 1/1 2/1 2/2 1/1

17 9/4 12/6 7/3 5/3 11/5 3/2 1* 3/1 2/1 1/1 2/1 2/2 1/1

18 9/4 12/6 7/3 5/3 12/5 3/2 1* 3/1 2/2 2/1 3/1 3/2 1/1

19 9/4 12/6 7/4 6/3 12/5 4/2 1* 3/1 2/2 2/1 3/1 3/2 2/1

20 9/4 12/6 7/4 7/4 12/6 4/2 1* 3/1 3/2 3/1 3/2 3/2 2/1

*Battering Ram attacks always from the Town’s gate side


In each space there are two characteristics: a number of units attacking from Main Assault Direction, a number of units attacking from the other three directions (the same number for each of 3 directions)


Level I – Loot stage: standard rules apply

Level II – A cover attack: all Barbarians’ units (Melee and Ranged Units) gathered in a Deployment Zone are treated as they would be behind an indestructible cover. Standard Covers can be used according to a Unit Numbers Chart. In such case the values are summed up as all the Covers would be a one stronger Cover.

Level III – Ancient runes: all level II rules apply but also Giants, Giants veterans and Siege Machines are completely immune to Spells.

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Tactics 2 Morale 4

Determining Main Assault Directions:

One weakest wall section (determining the weakest fortifi cation section – see page 20) is treated as the MAD and attacked by about 40% of invader’s units (according to the chart below). There are two characteristics in each space: fi rst regarding MAD, second regarding other directions.Each remaining wall section is attacked by 20% of invader’s units.

Rules of selecting targets by Ranged Units:

Half of Ranged Units attack units gathered on a wall and the other half attack units gathered either on a wall or adjoining towers, where Endurance is at the lowest level (if it’s equal everywhere units on the wall are selected as a target). If RFS would be too strong in relation to possible infl icted loss-es (because of to few defenders on a fortifi cation section) then a surplus of Ranged Units attack units gathered on a wall. If also on a wall the number of units is not suffi cient then Ranged Units attack the right-side tower and if they encounter a similar situation over there then they attack the left-side tower.

Rules of selecting targets by Siege Machines:

1,2,3,4 pips on D6 – attack on a wall5 pips on D6 – attack on right-side tower6 pips on D6 – attack on left-side tower

After drawing for a fortifi cation section to attack (wall or on of the towers) a target is selected which can be only a fortifi cation or units gathered on it depending on Siege Machine’s type and it’s special qualities.


Javelin Thrower 1 1 1 1

Spearman 2 1 1 -

Werewolf 5 3 3 -

Special rule: Panic – when a unit is killed by a Combat Group led by a Werewolf all defenders on this Wall section receive a -1 modifi er to their Strength for a period of an ongoing round.

Javelin Thrower veteran 1 1 1 2

Spearman veteran 3 2 2 -

Werewolf veteran 6 4 4 -

Special rule: Panic – when a unit is killed by a Combat Group led by a Werewolf veteran all defenders on this Wall section re-ceive a -1 modifi er to their Strength for a period of an ongoing round.

Available Siege Machines:Battering Ram, Ballista, Catapult, Cover, BridgeFor descriptions see end of chapter: Invaders.

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1 -/- 2/1 -/- -/- -/- -/- - -/- -/- -/- -/-

2 2/1 6/3 -/- -/- -/- -/- - -/- -/- -/- -/-

3 3/2 8/4 -/- -/- -/- -/- - -/- -/- -/- -/-

4 4/3 9/5 1/- -/- -/- -/- - -/- -/- -/- -/-

5 4/3 10/5 2/- -/- -/- -/- - -/- -/- 1/- -/-

6 5/3 10/5 2/1 -/- 1/- -/- - 1/- -/- 1/- 1/-

7 6/4 10/6 3/1 -/- 2/- -/- - 1/- -/- 1/- 1/-

8 6/4 12/6 3/2 -/- 2/1 -/- - 1/- -/- 1/- 1/-

9 7/4 13/7 4/2 1/- 3/1 -/- 1* 1/1 1/- 1/- 1/-

10 8/4 13/7 4/3 2/1 4/2 -/- 1* 2/1 1/- 1/- 2/1

11 8/5 13/7 5/3 3/1 6/3 1/- 1* 2/1 1/- 1/- 2/1

12 8/5 13/7 6/3 3/2 7/4 2/- 1* 2/1 2/1 1/- 2/1

13 9/5 13/7 7/3 4/2 9/4 2/1 1* 2/1 2/1 1/1 2/1

14 10/5 13/7 7/4 6/3 10/5 3/1 1* 2/1 2/2 1/1 2/1

15 10/5 13/7 8/4 8/3 10/5 3/2 1* 2/1 3/2 2/1 2/1

16 10/5 13/7 9/4 8/4 11/5 4/2 1* 2/1 3/2 2/1 2/2

17 10/5 13/7 9/4 8/4 12/5 5/2 1* 2/2 3/2 3/1 2/2

18 10/5 13/7 9/5 9/4 12/6 5/3 1* 2/2 4/2 3/1 3/2

19 10/5 13/7 9/5 9/4 13/6 5/3 1* 3/2 4/2 3/2 3/2

20 10/5 13/7 9/6 9/5 13/7 6/3 1* 3/2 4/3 3/2 3/2

*Battering Ram attacks always from the Town’s gate side


In each space there are two characteristics: a number of units attacking from Main Assault Direction, a number of units attacking from the other three directions (the same number for each of 3 directions)


Level I – Fight for land: standard rules apply

Level II – A twilight attack: RFS of all defenders’ Ranged Units and Siege Machines attacking units in a Deployment Zone is reduced by -1. Spells can only be used against enemy units gathered in a Foreground Zone.

Level III – Fog of the blind: all level II rules apply and in addition during Setup stage (No. 5) it’s not possible to move any de-fender’s units to new positions.

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Tactics 3 Morale 3

Determining Main Assault Directions:

One weakest wall section (determining the weakest fortifi cation section – see page 20) is treated as the MAD and attacked by about 50% of invader’s units (according to the chart below). There are two characteristics in each space: fi rst regarding MAD, second regarding other directions.Each remaining wall section is attacked by 17% of invader’s units.

Rules of selecting targets by Ranged Units:

Half of Ranged Units attack units gathered on a wall and the other half attack units gathered either on a wall or adjoining towers, where Endurance is at the lowest level (if it’s equal everywhere units on the wall are selected as a target). If RFS would be too strong in relation to possible infl icted loss-es (because of to few defenders on a fortifi cation section) then a surplus of Ranged Units attack units gathered on a wall. If also on a wall the number of units is not suffi cient then Ranged Units attack the right-side tower and if they encounter a similar situation over there then they attack the left-side Tower.

Rules of selecting targets by Siege Machines:

1,2,3,4 pips on D6 – attack on a wall section 5 pips on D6 – attack on right-side tower 6 pips on D6 – attack on left-side tower

Note: If a wall has an Endurance level of 1 or 2 it’s always a target (a D6 dice roll is not performed). If a wall has an Endurance level of 3 or more and one of adjoining towers has an Endurance level of 1 or 2 then the one with a lower value is chosen as a target (a D6 dice roll is not performed)If both Towers have the same Endurance level a draw for one of them is performed.


Archer 1 1 1 2

Heavy footman 2 1 1 -

Assassin 4 3 2 -

Special rule: Line – the use of lines to climb Walls provides an element of surprise with an unexpected attack. While fi ghting with a Combat Group which is using lines defender’s bonus to a current Fortifi cation level is reduced by 50% (rounding down).

Archer veteran 1 1 1 3

Heavy footman veteran 3 2 2 -

Assassin veteran 5 4 3 - Special rule: Line – the use of lines to climb Walls provides an element of surprise with an unexpected attack. While fi ghting with a Combat Group which is using lines defender’s bonus to a current endurance level of a Fortifi cation is reduced by 50% (rounding down)

Available Siege Machines:Ballista, Catapult, Cover, BridgeFor descriptions see end of chapter: Invaders.

Forces of nature:All Wolf Men troops are supported by the power of primeval nature. During the Siege phase, when we stand ground against their attack, defenders’ ability to use Blessings disappears (all Blessings are treated like they were used up from the beginning of the Siege phase).


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1 -/- 2/1 -/- -/- -/- -/- -/- -/- -/-

2 2/1 6/3 -/- -/- -/- -/- -/- -/- -/-

3 3/2 6/4 1/- -/- -/- -/- -/- -/- -/-

4 5/2 8/4 2/- -/- -/- -/- -/- -/- -/-

5 6/3 9/4 2/1 -/- -/- -/- 1/- 1/- -/-

6 7/3 9/5 3/1 -/- -/- -/- 2/- 1/- 1/-

7 7/4 10/5 3/2 1/- -/- -/- 2/- 1/- 1/-

8 8/4 10/5 4/2 1/- 1/- -/- 2/1 1/- 1/-

9 8/5 11/5 5/2 2/- 2/- -/- 2/1 1/- 1/-

10 9/5 11/6 5/3 2/1 2/1 1/- 3/1 1/- 2/1

11 9/5 12/6 6/3 3/1 3/1 1/- 3/2 1/- 2/1

12 10/5 12/6 7/3 3/2 5/2 2/- 4/2 1/- 2/1

13 10/5 13/6 7/4 4/2 6/3 2/1 4/3 1/1 2/1

14 10/5 13/6 8/4 5/2 7/4 3/1 5/3 1/1 2/1

15 10/5 13/7 9/4 5/3 8/4 3/2 5/3 2/1 2/2

16 10/5 13/7 9/5 6/3 9/4 4/2 6/3 2/2 2/2

17 10/5 13/7 9/5 6/4 9/5 4/3 6/4 3/2 2/2

18 10/5 13/7 9/5 7/4 10/5 5/3 7/4 3/2 3/2

19 10/5 13/7 9/6 8/4 11/5 6/3 7/4 3/2 3/2

20 10/5 13/7 9/6 8/5 12/6 6/4 8/5 3/2 3/2


In each space there are two characteristics: a number of units attacking from Main Assault Direction, a number of units attacking from the other three directions (the same number for each of 3 directions)


Level I – Chase away the invader: standard rules apply

Level II – Flat Ditches: all rules regarding slowing down units while crossing Ditches and Moats do not apply any more (but invaders still sustain unit damage while crossing)

Level III – Poisoned blades: all level II rules apply but also all invader’s Ranged Units receive a +1 modifi er to their RFS charac-teristic.

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Battering Ram 5 -

A Battering Ram provides a special attack in Step 13 of Close Combat phase.

Bridge 4 -

Using a bridge eliminates all effects caused by a Ditch/Moat. Across every straight section of a Ditch/Moat a maximum of 2 Bridges can be thrown. One Bridge is able to serve all invader’s troops. More Bridges on one section of a Ditch/Moat means only that it’s going to be harder to destroy by defender’s units.Note: A bridge is treated like an element placed in a Deploy-ment Zone.


A Ladder is an essential tool that allows to climb Fortifi cations. Invaders have an unlimited supply of ladders at their disposal. Every Combat Group attempts to reach the Wall’s crown using a ladder.

Wieża oblężnicza 7 -

A Siege Tower is extremely useful during a direct assault on a Wall. A Combat Group attacking from a Siege Tower (we assign a Siege Tower to a specifi c Combat Group at the beginning of Step 10) can completely scale down a Fortifi cation bonus for defenders during an assault. In addition a defender’s Ranged Fire Strength which targets enemy units in a Foreground Zone at any moment of the Siege on a Fortifi cation section with a Siege Tower is reduced by -1. A Siege Tower moves like all other Melee Units but it needs a Bridge to cross a Moat. If all Bridges are destroyed a Siege Tower is removed from the board.

Invader’s Siege Machines characteristic (for any kind of faction)

Catapult 3 3+k3

Allows for one attack (on one target) with RFS=3 increased by a dice roll 1d3. A Catapult can attack Melee Units, Ranged Units, other Siege Machines as well as Fortifi cation elements.1,2,3,4 pips on D6 – attack on units5 pips on D6 – attack on Siege Machines6 pips on D6 – attack on Fortifi cations

Ballista 3 2x k3

A Ballista allows for two attacks (on one or two targets) with RFS equal to a dice roll 1d3 (the RFS is set separately for each one of two available attacks). A Ballista can attack Melee Units or Ranged Units. It’s not able to attack other Siege Machines or destroy Fortifi cation elements.

Trebuchet 5 4+k3

A Trebuchet allows for one attack (on one target) with RFS=4 increased by a dice roll 1d3. A Trebuchet is able to attack only Fortifi cation elements.

Cover 6 -

A Cover provides additional protection for invader’s Ranged Units by increasing their EN +2 (applys to all Ranged Units in a specifi c Deployment Zone and works the same way as Fortifi cations with EN=2). If two or more Covers are placed in one Deployment Zone their values are not summed up. The only difference is that it’s more diffi cult to destroy a Cover by defender’s units (all of the Covers need to be destroyed in order to eliminate their effect).

The game can have two ending scenarios:

All players win – if at the end of last round attacker’s forces are defeated/fl ee from the battlefi eld.

All players loose – if at the beginning of Step 12 of the Siege there are no units assigned to an attacker’s Combat Group and all the Town’s buildings have been destroyed, the defense is discontinued and the game ends.

Both scenarios are a team effort and are achieved by all the players.

After the end of each round (when the Loot stage has ended) the game can be stopped and saved on one of Save Sheets which are attached to the package.

The Save Sheet is used to write down the following elements:

-the current state of all the armies (their arrangement on the board does not matter)-the amount of each type of resources received-all of the researched technologies-the number of the completed round

In addition we save all the upgrade and endurance levels of walls/towers (in case any of the Fortifi cations has been damaged) on a board scheme at the bottom of the Save Sheet.



ThThThThThThThThThThThThThThTh h h h h h h h h didididididididididi ririririririririAfAfAfAfAfAfAfAfAfAfAfAfAfAf ththththththththththth d d d d d d d ofofofofofofofofofofofofofof h h h h h h h h h h h h h d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d (w(w(w(w(w(w(w(w(w(w(w(w(w(w(w(whehehehehehehehehehehehehehehe thththththththththth LoLoLoLoLoLoLoLoLoLoLoLoLoLoLo h h h h h h h h h h h ndndndndndndndndndndndndndndndndndedededededededededededed) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) )

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The game differs somewhat when played by a different number of players.


If only one person plays the game he has 12 Actions at his disposal. The player selects a Hero that will represent him in the campaign. The Player begins the game with 8 pieces of Wood and 8 Spearmen. A the end of each round, during the Loot stage, the player receives an additional 5 pieces of Wood resources.


If two people participate in the game each one receives 6 Ac-tions (12 total).Each player defends 2 Wall sections and 2 adjoining Towers. In each round a player holding the First Player token commands the Keep defense. Each player chooses one Hero which gives 2 Heroes participating in the game. Every player begins the game with 4 pieces of Wood and 4 Spearmen (8 pieces of wood and 8 Spearmen total). At the end of each round, during the Loot stage, additional 2 pieces of Wood resource are given to every player.

Rules of the game allow a fi fth player to join in and play in the campaign but he won’t be defending the Keep along with the other four players. He is going to assume control over invader armies. All parts of the campaign proceed in a similar way to a stan-dard game. Except when it’s time for invader moves. Instead of performing randomly chosen actions they are decided by the fi fth player. Also attack directions and amounts of attacking units from each direction are decided by this player and his strategy.The fi fth player also selects the type of an enemy he is going to storm the Town with.

Work in progress

Because by this action the diffi culty level for defenders rises, invader’s forces are reduced:-from an overall amount of attacking units a number matching the weakest attack direction is subtracted (so the player has at his disposal only units that would normally attack form three directions)-if the player chooses Beasts as his preferred army their number is lower by 20% according to the chart on the main board (every type of attacking units is chcecked with the chart and the surplus is subtracted from the player’s pool)


If three people participate in the game each of them receives 4 Actions.Each player defends one section of the Wall and one adjoining Tower. In each round a player holding the First Player token defends the fourth Wall section, the fourth Tower and the Keep. Each player chooses one Hero which gives 3 Heroes participat-ing in the game. Every player begins the game with 3 pieces of Wood and 3 Spearmen (9 pieces of wood and 9 Spearmen total). At the end of each round, during the Loot stage, additional 1 piece of Wood resource is given to every player.


If four people participate in the game each of them receives 3 Actions (12 total).Each player defends one section of the Wall and one adjoining Tower. In each round a player holding the First Player token defends the Keep. Each player chooses one Hero which gives 4 Heroes participat-ing in the game. Every player begins the game with 2 pieces of Wood and 2 Spearmen (8 pieces of wood and 8 Spearmen total).