coolkids 6 teacher book content

iii Contents Contents Workbook with Answers 1 Amazing Body T4A T124 2 Think Green! T16A T129 3 Books! Books! Books! T28A T134 4 Natural Disasters T40A T139 5 Let's Have Fun! T52A T144 6 Taking Action! T64A T149 7 What Will Happen? T76A T154 8 Space Travel T88A T159 9 If I'm Healthy... T100A T164 10 Why, Oh Why? T112A T169 Scope and Sequence iv - v Introduction vi - ix Cool Planner x - xi Cool Games xii - xiii

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Post on 17-Aug-2015




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iiiContents ContentsWorkbookwith Answers 1 Amazing BodyT4A T1242 Think Green!T16A T1293 Books! Books! Books!T28A T1344 Natural DisastersT40A T1395 Let's Have Fun!T52A T1446 Taking Action!T64A T1497 What Will Happen?T76A T1548 Space TravelT88A T1599 If I'm Healthy... T100A T16410 Why, Oh Why?T112AT169Scope and Sequenceiv - v Introductionvi - ix Cool Planner x - xi Cool Games xii - xiii Preliminares-TBCKN6.indd iii 8/16/10 10:30 AMScopeandSequenceScopeandSequenceUnitVocabularyFunctional LanguageGrammar1Amazing BodyBODY ORGANSbonesbrainheartintestineskidneysLanguage QuestionsFrequency Adverbs: always, sometimes, never How oftenTime Expressions: once, twice, three times2Think Green!DINOSAURSbeakcarnivoreclawfeatherfossilGiving AdviceInde nite Pronouns: anybody/anything everybody/everythingnobody/nothingsomebody/something Inde nite Adverbs:anywhere, nowhere, somewhere, everywhere3LITERARY GENRESbiographycomedycomicfablefairy taleExpressing OpinionsGood / bad atRevision of Simple Past4Natural DisastersNATURAL DISASTERSavalanchedroughtearthquake oodforest reSoothingPast Continuous Af rmative Negative5Let's Have Fun!FUN PLACESamusement parkart galleryballetbowling alleyconcertMaking Suggestions; Accepting or Refusing Them Past Continuous Yes-No Questions Short Answers Questions with WhatUnit UnitVocabularyVocabularyFunctional LanguageFunctional LanguageGrammarGrammarBooks! Books! Books!liverlungsmusclesskinstomachherbivorehornpaleontologisttailwinghorrormysterymythromancescience ctionhurricanethunderstormtornadotsunamivolcanic eruptionice-skating rinkoperaplanetariumtheaterwater parkIVPreliminares-TBCKN6.indd iv 8/16/10 10:30 AMUnitVocabulary Functional LanguageGrammar6Taking Action!MATERIALSbatteryclothglassleatherExpressing AppreciationWill Af rmative Negative7What Will Happen?PERSONALITY CHARACTERISTICSadventurousartisticcreativefunnygenerousWarning PeopleWill Yes-No Questions Short Answers Wh- Questions8Space TravelSPACEastronautastronomercometgalaxymeteorExpressing Opinions Review of Going to / Might9If I'm Healthy...SICKNESSES AND REMEDIESaspirinBand-AidcoldcoughcutExpressing Doubt and DisagreementFirst Conditional 10Why, Oh Why? CRAFT SUPPLIEShammerknitknitting needlesladdernailsGiving Your Opinion Why BecauseUnit UnitVocabularyVocabulary Functional LanguageFunctional LanguageGrammar Grammarmetalpaperplasticrubbertrashwoodhonestkindlazyshyvainsatellitespacecraft space stationstartelescopeheadachestomachachesyruptoothachevitaminsneedlepaintbrush sewthreadyarnVPreliminares-TBCKN6.indd v 8/16/10 10:31 AM