cooperative service agreement

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  • 8/6/2019 Cooperative Service Agreement


    TIll C P RA IV~S RVI E RE ~M ,NT (thi ~ greement ) is dated as of thelarest date on which this Agreement i igned (the "Eft cti e D te") between LegalBrand Marketing L ('. BM" and participating lawyer or law firm ( 'Participant" or"Kevin McKain").Pie e read this greement carefully.

    L egal B rand M ark ling, L is, inter alia. engaged in the usiness ofdesigning web ite and coordinating marketing campaign on behalf facc o perati e coli eli 11 r au rneysv ho t gcther operate L h w ebsitcs andadvert! ing sen ic s of ("nL"").Participant wi h . t p a m ipate in the c pcrativ dvertising f1800duilo\\ .com penned b LBM on b half 0 the coopernli es.

    RIn on sideration of the covenants and agreements contained herein and for other goodand valuable consideration the re ipt and ufliciency fwh] h are herebyknowledg d), the parties agree as foll ws:1. rm: The initial term fthi Agreement will be one month the "Term"

    beginning on ugu [24, 20 10. and ball automaticalf renew f r an additionalTerm unles cancelled in writing by either part)' on 30 da, notice. . eh Termshall be de moo to start as of the first day of a calendar m nth and end on the I 1day f such calendar rn nth.

    2. B en ice: In return for Participant paying the c perative fcc de cribedbelow. BM _hall permit Participant [ exclu ivcb ponsor M or ~counties inthe state of New York. in 1800duila'Y;' ucb spon orship shall entitleParticipant to receive from LB f copies fall requests f r in f rmatlon riginaiingthrough 1 a duilav .com Irorn a county spon red b} Participant hereinafter"Requests"). Rcquc will be directl sent to Participant via email address


  • 8/6/2019 Cooperative Service Agreement


    [lay to 8M a cooperative fee for the Icrm which i 350/month. This fee shallb pr rated f r the tiro 1month of member 'hip.tup fee: Par tic ip an t \ ..;11 pay a 350 et-up fee fo r an initial p file. This is

    a one-lime fee thai \ 'II n 1 recharged t a participant who choo cs toincrease, decrease or alter urrent membership.

    6, el phone urn er Rooting ee: The initial pb De numb er ro ut in g is s ~tup atn additional charge. All additional changes. addition or deletion' f m thep ho ne ro ut in g w ill be charged at 35 p r requ L

    7. Toll-free umber Fee: I::ach telephone lead that route to Participant thr ugh1800 [LAW hall billed L O Participant the ce f .129 per minute,

    Payment erm for tup e and elephone amber Routing cc:Participant agrees L pay LB by way of autom tic barge L a a cr dit card. AJIetup fees and teleph ne number uting fees '\lillbe pre-paid, Participantagrees to notify LBM immediately if an change In credit or paymentinf rmati n DC urs. ) ch cling th .., A cepr' bo . at the end of thisgreernentor otherwise signing a oopy of this Agreement, Participant hereby

    auth rize egal Brand arketing, 1. . L charge Parti ipant' credit card forall Fees due and owing hereunder.

    9. Payment ernu for the oll-Ir umb r : Participant agr es 1 0 payLBM b)' way of Hut matic charge 1 a credi card. Thi fee will '"paidquarterly n March 1. June 1 . epternber 1 and eeernber 1. Participant grecsto noti BM immedi tel} if any change in credit or paym ent inf rm ati nccurs, }' che ling the ""'1 c ept" boo ut he end of thi greement orotherwi e signing a copy of this Agreement, Participant hereby authorize' LegalBrand Marketing, {charge Participant' credit card for all ees du andowing hereunder.

    10. Pa mcnt Term for the 0 p rati e ee ': Participant agrees to p }' LBM byway of automatic char eta credit card. Thi f . w '11be p -paid fo r ih ~firstm nth f ervice. p rated rom t\ day after the ective Date until th lastday anne month. A ft r that the Coop rrative l-ees will b e pr -paid for the:...ntire month on the first c I a _ fth m nth. Participant agrees to notify LBMimmediately ifall) change in credit or paym enl inf rm ation occurs. Bychecking the "1 A ce pt" box th end f this grecment r othcrwi se signing ac py of this greemcnt, Part i ipant hereby authorizes Legal Brand Marketing.U L o charge Participant' credit ard rail e due and \\ing hereunder.

    J 1. redit ardor b ckingccount information: Participant's credit c rd rchecking account to which aJl fees shall be au maticallj charged as per II eterms a th i greem nt fall ws,

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  • 8/6/2019 Cooperative Service Agreement


    a. am as it appears on the card oracCOUDt 1 < . M e .---=-____;;;;...oo.~'-"-I.. __

    b. Type of card r account M~CftQ. . .Dc .

    i. If hecking a count; routing number _

    d. :.x pirat io n d at e _ _ _ , _ _ { . . l E O . . . . . ; , { _ ( _ Z . ; : : ! _ _e. Billing address I E"/'rS+ Ml:Slln S(-.

    f. ode -h3tf12. red it ards: Participant \ ill provide. at all lime . valid, current credit card.Participant 'will ensure (hal he/she ha , at all tim ,en ugh credit to c ver all

    fees due and hereunder.a, 'bunge in ~redit ard: Participant will notify BM of un cxpirati n

    or change of credit or the credit card charged in ace rdance with theterms r this greernent,b. Lack of redit: IfParticipant lack the credit 10 enable 8M to charg

    all Fees due and owing. hereunder [1 the dale specified for charge.Participant agree that LBM may c ntinue (but is n L bligated tcontinue) to attempt charge n the credit card for 30 consecutive dates.If. after 30 c ia ) - aU rnpts, th Participant till d es n 1 ha c credit. LBwill add a charge of percent interest on the past due balance,Parti ipant agrees that LBM may c ntinue (but i not obligated toc ntinue) 1 attempt to charge U1ecredit card f r anorh 'r 30 consc uti ..~days.

    L ..Lute Pa men 0 Payment: If Participant is more than 5 days late in paymentfi r an. reason. M reserves lh right to rem ve or elet any listing on DL.Participant agree (hat all services rendered to the point of removal or deletionr Participant s profile will be due t L. Be re D replac the pr fileinformation on the sit . all past due payments must be paid in full,

    1.t. hange in ees: BM hID. the. Ie right and di retion t .hanae the amountof fees al an: time with a 30 day written notice to Participant

    1S . arrnnties : Legal Brand M arketi ng, L warrants to Participant that allervice pro ided hereund will be performed in a profe inal mannerconsistent with industry practices. either L 8) Brand ar; ding LL nor

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    an nfJiliah!, paren] company or subsidiary makes 3ny other warrantie ofany kind regarding the 'en-ices or otherwie .either e pre' ed or implied,:includi.og, without .limitati.oD, (0)warrantie or merchantability or fitne ..for a particular purpo e (b) that tbe deliveryof any Request will be enol"free, (c) as to t'he re D.lts that may be obtained sa result of Legal BrandMarketing, LLC's andlor Licensee's marketing effort: or (d) that any Website w iD becentinuou Iy available,

    16. In addition, LB f d not warrant that Participant' participation in theeeoperativescumplies with 3~)' speeific state'sethieal obligations regardingthe practice of la\ . LBM makes no warranties. express or implied. as to theethics of participation in the and expressly disclaims anyliability in 'connection therewith, LBM understands tha t Participant either has orw ill consult w ith ethics counsel and w ill operate in accord ance w ith th e adviceof such counsel.

    17. Breach of Par11dpant's obligations: If Participant breaches any of itsobligations under this Agreement, including the ailure to timely pay any fees orother monies owed. ega] Brand Marketing, LLC shall be permitted. atits solediscretion. " 1 0 do any or an of this following (it being understood tha t suchremedies are noi exclusive of one another or an) o t her remedies Legal BrandMarketing, LLC' may hn\ eat equity or taw): (1) terminate this Agreementwithout notice. in which case fees shall remain due and owing to Legal BrandMarketing, LLC for all sen. ices pro ided prior to the date of terminatioa; (2)temporar i ly suspend this Agreement without notice (it being understood thatL egal B rand M arketing, L LC shall retain th e right to reinstate this Agreemematany time in it's sole discretion); (3) for unpaid Fees. assess interest at the lesserof I.5 percent of tbe amounts owed per month or the maximum amount allowedby law; and/or (4) collect from Participant reimbursement for all costs,including attorneys" fees. incurred by Legal Brand Marketing. LL in collectingan y fees or other monies owed to it by Participant.or otherv ise enforcinl:1,itsrights under this Agreement.

    18. Privacy: Parti cipant agrees not to sell \ trans fer, license. sub license or otherwisedisseminate any information gathered by Legal Brand Marketing, LLC pursuantto this Agreement (including. without limitation, with respect (0any Request orrequestor). except to th l imited extent Participant is legally required to do so.N othing in this Section sbaIJ be construed to restrict or otherwise affect in anyw ay Paniclparu's relationship with any of itsclients.end Participant retains fulland sole discret ion in respect of decisions regarding clients and legal advicepro vide d L a ellen .. In addition, Participant a g r ees tha t j l\\ll not us e an y datafrom LBM for any unauthorized usc including, but not limited to, chain letters.junk m ail" "spamming." telephone so licitat ions in violation of any Slate orfederal Do-Not-Call registry. or as a basis for any use or distribution lists to anyperson who has no t g .i\ en s pe cif ic p erm i ss io n 10 included in such a process.Participant further agrees not to from BM to send a n y messages ormaterials that. Me unlawful. considered an aeus against public policy.discrimination of any kind. harassing, libelous. abusive, threatening. harmful.vulgar, obscene, or otherwise eonstitutea criminal often e. give rise 10 civil

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    liabil iL y or th rwi..bjectionable material of an} kind or nature or thatencourages conduct that could' nstitute a criminal offense, gil! rise t civilIiability or otherw ise violate an y appl i ble I I. stale, national, internationalJawor regulation. cgal Brand Marketing. LL reserve' the right to terminateLicensee's account immediately and without n tice, if it become: aware ordel rrnine . in its sole discretion, that Licensee i violating any or the foregoingguidelines.

    19. L gaJ Brand Marketin ,LL s Int Ilectual Property: Legal Brandarketing, LL shall at all lime retain le and exclusive ownership . r, asapplicable. sale and exclusive rights as a liceru ee or sublicense of. all o.

    copyrights. trademark ~Lrad name. trade drc . paten software, source code.object code and other intellectual prop fly employed inproviding thescooperative . ervices to Participant Thls Agreement hall n t be construed 10convey, as. ign, 'ell or transfer any copyrighted, trademarked. or other rna erialwhi h Legal Brand 1arkeling., LL d n t have the right t n ey or as ig nor which i otherwi e not specifically identified herein.

    gal Brand darketing, L may provide Partici ant with pr prietarysoftware. code or ther similar material lel) in conne tion with providingthe ervices h reunder. u 6cct to the terms and conditions of this Agreement.Legal Brand 1arkcting. LL gran L a Participant a, rid-wide. re ocabl .non-exclusi e. non-transfcrabl , non- ublicensablc, limited usc license toaccess and use the uch softv are or other materials " lely in connecti n withParticipant" bu "in and Iely the extent e 'pres ly et forth in thisAgreement. uch 11 nse shal l irnrn iately expire upon c 'pin lion of theTerm or terminati n f this greernent by either party f r any reason,

    20. Jnfriagement of Jot llectual Property Right: Participant ackn wledges andagrees t t w t the ite and any ne essary software used in conneeti n with lh _.Sitemay c ntain pr prietary and confidential lnf nnation that i protected byapplicable intellectual property and other Law. thing in this greernentgrants or should be construed t grant any righ ,b) implication. estoppel oroih rw i e, under copYright rather intellectual propert) rights. Participantagrees that all right, title and interest [including all c pyrights, trademark.service marks, patents and other intellectual property rights) in this Site and itscontent belong to 1.B . TO pan of Lh material' including graphics or I g .~a ailable in ilii' ite rna be copied. pho ocopied, reprodu ed. translat darreduced to an)' electronic medium or machine-readable r rm, in whole or inpan, with ut '1 ' cific penni iD cepl as e .pre. sl) authorized by U', 'OLIfurther agree not to rn di I). rent. lease, loan, II, distribute or reate derivativework based on the Site or the software. in whole or in part Further. Participantgran 10 ega! Brand Marketing, L a non-e clusiv e licen e l usc theLicensee nten as well a s any other copyright. trade names and/ortrademarks of Participant, solely L O the extent necessary for legal Brant'!arke ing, LL to p vide the rvic c nternplated by this greemcnt vhichincludes. without limitation. i) the right to make copie s , create illustrations,dispJa. pees naJ and! r corporate name(s}. and display ther pictures andmaterial s, and ii) for purpose of promoting. Legal Brand Marketing, L to

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    m e public and other potential cu tomers), 'uch license shall include the right o rLegal Brand Marketing. LLC's employees. agent and ontmct rs to viewLicensee menr r dmini rrative purp

    21 . onfidentiali : Legal Brand M arket ing LL and Participant each agree totreat as confidential all c nfidential informnti n of the ther party. not to usesuch' n fid en tia l in rmation e. cep as se rth herein and n t to dis 1 0 e uchc nlidcntiul in f rmau n to an third part. e .cept as ma~ be reas n ably requiredto pursuant to th i greemcn an d subject to confidentiality obligati ns at leastas pc tective as th e set forth herein. WirhourIimiting the generality of tbeIoreg ing. each f the parties hall use at least the same degree of care \ hich itusc I pre cor th di closure f c nfidem ial in nnati n di I sed t it b_ theother part und r th i greement, pr vided, h wever, h tin n event shall suchdegree of care be I . than re enable in light of genera] industry practice.N twithstanding the it regoing. neither party hereto shall have liability 1 0 theother" iLh regard ( any c nfidcntial inf nnati n of the ther which: (i \\ Inthe pu lie domain at the tim it was di losed r enters the public domainth r ugh n fault f the recei er; ii) was kn wn to the re elver, with utrestriction. at the lim> of disclosure as shown y the file of the recei er inexistence th e lime f dilo .ure: (iii) is di I cd with th prior. writtenappro a l f the db J er: iv \ as independcml developed the rccei CTwithout any use f uch onfidenti I informati n; v orne. known 1 there e i r. w ithout re triction, from a UTeJother than the disdo cr. withoutbrea h 0 r this greernent by recei cr. or ( i) i disclosed pursuant to the orderr requirement of a court., administrative agen y r other governmental b dy.provid d, howe r, that the re ei cr hall pro "de prompt D lice there 'toen ble the disclo r t eek a p tecti corder t therwise prevent suchdisclosure ..

    22. Dutic Rardin Reque is: Parti ipant agr es that it \ illcharge i n rmaland customary f t an) el i n retain d L h r ugh L e g a l Brand arketing,LL ~s sc r ices. and Participant will n Increase its fcc (directly r indirectlyfo r uch c lie nt s d ue io or as a r sult of such ervices. J-urth r, in addition (0 alJther duties Participant owes to r questa as actual an or tential clients.Part i .ipant agree thai. it \ il l a 1 in a L im 1 manner in deciding w hether toaccept r decline eprescntation of each requ lor and \\ ill. nd timelydecl ina ti on l et te r s, inaccordance with it s ethical obligati n to th r questorsit i n t willing or able to represent. Participant h reb) agrees and acknowledgethat Legal Brand Iarketing, LL i inn W8) a ling 1 gal coun I r 0-l ega l counsel v. it h re peel to an y r ' que l r r an y of Participant' clien .

    2.3. Ind~mnification: Participant agrees lo defend. indemnify. and boJd harmlessLegal Brand arketing, and \' here appliea le. i.past and prescnshareh lders, m m o o parent c mpanie -. partners, licensee . con ultan .affiliate . contrscto . subsidiaries. succes rs, predec {'S. assigns. I1 i e ,directors. managers. employees. art meys. agents. and all third parties workingwith Legal B rand Mar eting, LL in c nn eti n with any f t he s erv ic econtemplated under this agreem nt, from and again 1an and all 1 0 claims.

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    c ntr ver ies, cau acti n, demands, torts, damag ,c me' ec .and liabilities of an) kind aetually or alleged! related to or ari ing out of:

    a. n . brea b by Participant 0 this greement, including an breachf it rep .entations or warranties e r forth herein

    b. n proc ional malpra tice or oth r breach of duty by Partlcipantin the course of its c mrmmication \ 'ilh n uestors or the legalrepresentati n of i client in an) matter

    c. Allegation of infringement or an .. oth ruse b Legal BrandMarketing. LL fan} Licen iee ntent or an) of Paniciparu'intellectual property;d. Any increase or decrease in the num ber or am unt 0 referrals,bu iness or profits of any kind or from any urcc,

    Limitation f i hiIit): Legal Brand Marketing, 'hall not be held lie lcfor an spc ial. indirect, incidental or consequential damages arising out of theservices or otherwi - arising ut of his Agreement, regardless of'v hethcr achum is based on contra t, t fl. met liability or otherwrse, or whether cau e e lb.. I gal Brand larketing, ,i affiliates. agents. employ . sub idiaries,repre ennui cs, as. igns or otherwise. In addition. Leg I Brand Marketing,L "s t ta l liability hereunder hall not exceed th aggregate fee paid to LegalBrand Marketing, I L during the six (6 -month p ri preceding any claim.Furthermore, Participant hereby agrees and acknowledg that any liabilityarising out of this greernent or the busines relationship between Legal BrandMarketing. LL and Licen \; hall be limited t g IBrand Marketing LL _and P articipant sh all not seek to collect any amounts or damage' from !lny partywi III which gal Brand Marketing. doc' business.": the e uentParticipant br ache this ecti n by coking to olleet any amounts from an:such third party. such third party hall b deemed to a third pa be n ficiarya this ecti n 14 an d shall be entitled to ha e uch claim dismis ed on a countof Participant'. agreement set f rth in th i eeti n 14. Participant shall pr videL gal Brand Mar eting, LL timely \".ritten notice of any error, omission, oriolation of an) third party right by cgal Brand Marketing. L of an y kind.irnmediatcl upon learning of same.

    6. . ntire Agr ment; mendmenri Thi Agreement cancel' and supersede ullprior written and unwritten T ments and understanding bet een the partiespertaining I the manor covered in this greement. 0 bligations, agreementor understanding shall be implied from any course of d aling, as a n obligations,agreem en and und rstanding with respect t th subje l matter hereof arce pre 'sly set forth herein. All understandings an agreernen , vhcther wri tenor oral. heretofore had between the parties are merged into thi Agreement,which al 11' full}' and compl t lye pre ses th parties' total agreement, 0amendment to rhi greement hall be effecti e unl reduced to writingand either igned b both parties.

    7. enue and hoice of aw: is Agreement i intend d to and shall beg verned b) the laws f the tale of alifornia with UI regard to it s rulesregarding c nflicts f law _ . elusive enue for arr~applicabl SLate or federal

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    court. or arbitrati n tribunal, hall lie within Angel ' ounty, alif mia.

    8. rbitration: xcept provided elow, any controver . or claim asserted b yParticipant or 'gal B rand M arket ing, LL C'. a n in g ut f r relating ~ thigr ment. or the breach her Lshall b res I d b binding arbitration in

    ace rdance v ith the rules, then obtaining, of the American rbitrationsedation (Commercial Rules. an d judgment upon the award rendered mayD e entered in an -c urt having jurisdiction there r . For that purpo e, the partiehereto 0 11 m t t the jurisdicti n and enue in L gele ounty, tate ofal i mia.An)' claim a n ing from this greernent or the entice' offered herewith hallbe udiudicated on an individual basis. and shall n (be c n lidated in anyproceeding with an~ claim or c ntro er yo an y th r pan). In the e ~nlfanyar itration or litigation arising out of or relating to th i Agreement. thesubstantially pre, ailing party in such action shall be entitled to recover allco ts and fees associated therewith including. with ut limhari n, atrorne 's'fe .

    9. signment Binding reement: Legal rand larketing, LLC hall bepermitted L a as ign this greement, without he c nscru I'Participant, i to anffiliate, parent rnpany or subsidiary, and (i i in nn li n with a merger orsale of substantially all of Legal Brand Marketing. LL . equir r assets. ponan y such assignment b; ega! Brand Marketing, LL . all references t o . ...e g a lBrand Marketing. L . in this greemenl 'ha l l b e de em e d to be re crence toLegal Brand 1ark ing, L "s signee f its right and obligation under th igreernent, and Legal Brand Marketing, L shall ha en urther obligation

    under this Agreement. Participant DUlY n t sell. transfer or otherwise assign it sr ig ht s u nd er this greernent , . .it h ut the written app val 0 ega! Bmnd4arkct ing. LLC (which appr val rna be grunted or withheld in L gal BrandIarketing, C's s Ie di cretion), 1 his greemcnt shall be binding upon andinure to the benefit of the r peeti e heir', successor and assigns of the partie .

    10. aiver: The waiver 0 an PI' i ion r hree h filii greem nt hall n tbe deemed a waiver of any other pr i in r reach f this Agreement.

    1 Duplicate ounterparts; ccepn nee o r ervi e: This grecrnent rna bexecuted induplic te c umerpart to the extent i hard c p y of this greemern i.1 be signed. and ea b uch c. ecuied counterpart shall be deemed an original,Further, to the extern a hard copy of this greement is 10 be signed. as LegalB rand M arket ing, LL Chas provided Participant with a cop of th is A greern nr.the payment fan. ee b Participan c rnbined with Ih deli cry r ervicesan acceptance of payment in full or in part by Legal rand arketing, LL "will be deemed to con titute a ceptancc of this Agreement by both partie.wh ther r n t this Agreement has been signed byeilh r or both parties.

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