copy files modified in last hour batch.pdf

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    Copy Files Modified In Last Hour Batch






    dngoodFebruary 25, 2010 at 02:00:29 Pacific

    Specs: Windows XP

    I wish to create a batch file which will copy image files created in the last hour to anotherfolder. Note I only want to copy files with a .jpg extension.

    Can anyone help with this?

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    tvcFebruary 25, 2010 at 03:41:19 Pacific

    It can easily be done in fact, step 1 is to have a tool that can behold the current time and

    date, into parameters.

    Do you have that ?

    If not - and this is a question towards the expert - do we here at have some

    kind of single reference for such things ?
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    Razor2.3March 1, 2010 at 12:54:02 Pacific

    tvc:do we here at have some kind of single reference for such things ?

    The general consensus is that date math in CMD sucks. What we do about it depends on theguy answering the question. Some will use debug.exe to write a .COM file; others (me) will

    suggest VBScript; the rest typically suggest a third party language. If Win7 is involved,

    POWERSHELL! would technically be a valid alternative.

    No one has bothered to write any of this down in a central source.

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    tvcMarch 1, 2010 at 14:32:55 Pacific

    I would agree, apart from the last line. I'm sure somebody would have, but it's a matter of

    getting that one being recognized, and used.

    Threastarter : still alive ?

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    nbraneMarch 1, 2010 at 16:53:01 Pacific
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    actually, in this case, since it's time and not date, you could probably just let AT do most ofthe work. set up the bat to reschedule itself for +1hour after running the copy operation.

    time is not as hard to deal with as dates.

    @op: if interested in script to add time to current time, let me know, i wrote one for

    something else awhile back and it's still laying around.

    "No one has bothered to write any of this down in a central source."@Razor, thats a good idear, if 'someone' would set something up like a faq or "how-to"

    page, but we'll probably just keep improvising and muddle through! :(

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    tvcMarch 2, 2010 at 05:33:40 Pacific

    Time is definatly easier, indeed.

    I like the solution you posted Nbrane, but keep in mind that it does have some serious

    drawbacks, and the biggest one being the fact that the script itself (that what you put into

    the scheduling) does NOT contain the 1-hour rule.

    You are allowing the wrapper (super-script feature, by means of scheduler) take over thattask. Now, if that one fails (scheduler down, server down, scheduler blocked, ...) the script

    itself may behave weird on it (and basically, not take only the files within the 1-hour rule).

    You must always have any constraint, as close to the core as possible, so that any runningof it, uses that constraint.

    Dngood, if you want to, I'll write a script to help you with it. But, there's a catch, being thatI will rely on other scripts I have (the ones handling the time), so in other words, it'll be a
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    collection of scripts. What I would do, is to write 1 script, that can do the following :

    Copy 1 file to another folder, only if the file is less than one hour old. It'll be somethinglike:

    xcopytime.cmd C:\source\test.jpg C:\target 60

    Which would copy file C:\source\test.jpg to C:\target but only if the file is "less than 60minutes old". To check on the "age" of a file, I'll need to call other script, which are


    Let me know if you want this.

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    dngoodMarch 2, 2010 at 06:01:22 Pacific

    That sounds great to me; there's no problem running multiple scripts as long as it's fairly

    easy to implement!


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    Razor2.3March 2, 2010 at 06:15:57 Pacific

    dngood:copy image files created in the last hour

    What's the scope of this? All image files created anywhere on your PC? All image files

    created in a specific directory? All image files created in a specific branch of a directorytree?
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    nbrane:if 'someone' would set something up like a faq or "how-to" page

    I ain't stoppin' ya.

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    dngoodMarch 2, 2010 at 06:34:36 Pacific

    The files are in all in one directory, there may be different file formats in the directory, iwish to target only the image (jpg) files.

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    nbraneMarch 2, 2010 at 11:52:38 Pacific

    @echo off

    :: time increment - note: uses environment table var. "nextime" to pass the value

    :: increment the current TOD by the input cycle-specification (mmm or hh:mm)

    call :norm %1set addm=%mm%

    set addh=%hh%

    :echo current TOD: %time%

    :echo add-cycle, hours: %hh% minutes: %mm%call :norm %time%

    set /a hh+=addh

    set /a mm+=addmcall :nn

    set hh=0%hh%

    set mm=0%mm%set nextime=%hh:~-2%:%mm:~-2%

    :echo TOD plus add-cycle: %nextime%
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    :at %nextime% %2

    set hh=

    set mm=

    set addh=set addm=

    echo.%nextime%goto :eof


    :: normalize input cycle (may be any number of minutes, or hh:mm format):: GIGO alert! --- validation NOT performed! --- GIGO alert!

    for /f "tokens=1-2 delims=:" %%x in ("%1") do (

    set hh=%%x

    set mm=%%y)

    if "%mm%" equ "" (

    set mm=%hh%set /a hh=0

    ) else (

    if "%hh:~0,1%" equ "0" if "%hh:~1%" neq "" set hh=%hh:~1%)

    if "%mm:~0,1%" equ "0" if "%mm:~1%" neq "" set mm=%mm:~1%


    set /a hh+=mm/60set /a mm="mm%%60"

    set /a hh="hh%%24"

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    Razor2.3March 3, 2010 at 06:51:18 Pacific

    VBScript copies files modified up to an hour ago:Const srcDir = "c:\images"Const destDir = "c:\SomeWittyName"hourAgo = DateAdd("h", -1, Now)Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")

    For Each f In fso.GetFolder(srcDir).FilesIf LCase(fso.GetExtensionName(f)) = "jpg" _And f.DateLastModified > hourAgo Then _f.Copy destDir & "\"
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  • 8/13/2019 Copy Files Modified In Last Hour Batch.pdf


    minutes =43.933333

    hours =0.732222

    in days =0.030509

    in months =0.001002in years =0.000084


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    tvcMarch 10, 2010 at 07:01:33 Pacific

    If you are still interested, got a script to copy files, under condition that the file is less than

    X minutes old. Scripts are not nicely tuned, but they work. If you need 'em, PM me with

    your email adress.

    D:\Temp>recentfilecopy test.txt c:\ 2 /Y

    File test.txt is 15 minutes old.

    File test.txt is older than 2 minutes.

    NO copy action is performed now.

    D:\Temp>recentfilecopy test.txt c:\ 19 /Y

    File test.txt is 15 minutes old.File test.txt is less than 19 minutes old.

    xcopy test.txt c:\ /Y


    1 File(s) copied
