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Page 1: Copyright © 2007 by Lucia M. Claborn, Revised 2011. Muscle get you down physically, it’s easier
Page 2: Copyright © 2007 by Lucia M. Claborn, Revised 2011. Muscle get you down physically, it’s easier

Copyright © 2007 by Lucia M. Claborn, Revised 2011. Muscle Shoals, Alabama, USA All rights reserved.

[email protected]

“This one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind, and reaching forth unto those things which are before, I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ

Jesus.” Philippians 3:13-14

Page 3: Copyright © 2007 by Lucia M. Claborn, Revised 2011. Muscle get you down physically, it’s easier

verything you’ve read to this point has been ground work and the laying of a foundation so you will get a rev-elation of who you are and build your faith to receive what belongs to you. As you read what the Word says about healing, I believe it will challenge you to believe the Word of God, as well as clear up any confusion

that preachers and religion have brought to your mind. I’d like to remind you that once you’ve heard the Word, you’ll be accountable for what you do with it…whether or not you act upon it as being true in your life

depends on you! As you’re reading this quick review, stir up your pure mind and bring to your remembrance what we’ve al-ready covered because it’s the foundation, or back bone, that works with what you’ll read in the pages ahead. First, you learned that God created you to reflect His image and as the reflection of the Creator, you have His creative power on the inside of you. When you put God’s Word in your mouth and speak in faith, those words release creative power into your life. Just as God released His creative power through His words, He’s given you the same ability to create what you need and influence the outcome of your future with your words. Proverbs 18:21 says “Life and death are in the power of the tongue; and they that love it shall eat the fruit thereof.” All the creative force you possess starts with your words.

Second, you learned that you’ve been seated in heavenly places with Jesus Christ, and you have authority over the devil and evil spirits through Jesus and His Name. Your fight with the devil should always be with the awareness that you have authority over him because Jesus has already defeated him for you. The devil’s weakest moment is when you turn to face him, and as you resist him, he’ll flee from you.

Third, you learned that one of Satan’s favorite strategies against you is to try and put sickness on you. He usually hits you the hardest with temptations and problems when you’re not feeling well. The truth is, he knows if he can get you down physically, it’s easier to get you down spiritually. Many people say “God brought this sickness on me to teach me a lesson.” However, God and the devil don’t work together, and they’re not on the same team! God doesn’t put sickness on you to turn around and heal you! If God wants to teach you something He’ll do it with His Word and by the Holy Spirit! Many people talk about how good and loving God is until it comes to sickness and disease, and then He changes from a good God to a bad God who puts sickness on people so He can teach them something! However, that’s not scriptural. God doesn’t get glory from you being sick and facing mounting medical bills. Think about this, if

sickness was God’s will, heaven would be full of sickness and disease, which we know it’s not.

od wants His children completely free, and He wants you to be healthy and enjoy life. If you have sickness and disease attacking you or your children and robbing your family of money, joy, and peace, I’d like to re-

mind you that John 10:10 says “The thief comes to steal, kill and destroy, but Jesus came to give us life and life more abundantly.”

God didn’t send His Son, Jesus Christ, to destroy people. He sent Jesus to destroy the works of the devil ac-cording to 1 John 3:8. God sent His Son to seek and save the lost as He tells us in Luke 19:10, and He sent Jesus to deliver you and set you free from sickness, despondency, and despair. You simply need to believe the Word and act like its true! Jesus is the same yesterday, today and He’ll be the same tomorrow. He’ll freely give you whatever you need and He’s always ready and willing to minister to you, but

you’ve got to come to Him. You’ve got to come boldly into the throne room of grace and accept what Jesus has already done for you by using your faith to receive it. You can be around Jesus all the time in casual situations, but if you never reach out and touch Him with the “touch of faith,” as the woman with the issue of blood did, the power’s not going to come forth from Him to meet your needs. You overcome by expecting God to meet your needs when you press into His Word, and reach out and “touch” Him in faith! Fourth, you’ve learned that you must renew your minds and line your thinking up with God’s Word; as well as distinguish the source of your thoughts so you can make the right confessions to defeat the devil every time he brings something your way. Fifth, just as there are two kinds of faith; Thomas Faith vs.

Abraham Faith, there’s two kinds of unbelief. One type of unbelief is based on a lack of knowledge due to not hearing

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God’s Word; and the other kind of unbelief is due to disobedience, or a person’s un-persuadableness to act on God’s Word as being the truth, and make it the final authority in your life. Also, when it comes to faith, 1 Timothy 6:12, tells you that you’re to “fight the good fight of faith, lay hold on eternal life,” as well as all the blessings and promises that belong to you.

Now that you’ve reviewed the foundational principles fresh in your mind, you can increase your faith to receive healing and get it manifested in your life. I’d like to add to this foundation by focusing on the fact that 1) you’ve been redeemed from the curse of the law which includes sickness, 2) you need to know what belongs to you, and 3) why you lay hands on the sick, and the power you have within you

when you do what the Word tells you to do. n the New Covenant we’ve been redeemed from the curse of

sickness as recorded in Galatians 3:13, “Christ has re-deemed us from the curse of the law, being made a curse

for us.” The first half of Deuteronomy 28 discusses the blessings that belong to you when you obey God. However, beginning in verse 15 and going through verse 61, you read about the curse that comes on people when they didn’t obey. You can see that sickness is a curse of the law in the Old Covenant. All the diseases mentioned in verse 61 are part of the punishment for breaking God’s law. “Here's what will happen if you don't obediently listen to the Voice of GOD, your God, and diligently keep all the commandments and guidelines that I'm commanding you today. All these curses will come down hard on you: GOD's curse in the city, GOD's curse in the country; GOD's curse on your basket and bread bowl; GOD's curse on your children, the crops of your land, the young of your livestock, the calves of your herds, the lambs of your flocks. GOD's curse in your coming in, GOD's curse in your going out. GOD will send The Curse, The Confusion, The Contrariness down on everything you try to do until you've been destroyed and there's nothing left of you—all because of your evil pursuits that led you to abandon me. GOD will infect you with The Disease, wiping you right off the land that you're going in to possess. GOD will set consumption and fever and rash and seizures and dehydration and blight and jaundice on you. They'll hunt you down until they kill you.” (vs. 15-22) “GOD will hit you hard with the boils of Egypt, hemorrhoids, scabs, and an incurable itch. He'll make you go crazy and blind and senile. You'll grope around in the middle of the day like a blind person feeling his way through a lifetime of darkness; you'll never get to where you're going. Not a day will go by that you're not abused and robbed. And no one is going to help you.” (vs. 27-29) “GOD will hit you with painful boils on your knees and legs and no healing or relief from head to foot.” (vs. 35) “If you don't diligently keep all the words of this Revelation written in this book, living in holy awe be-fore This Name glorious and terrible, GOD, your God, then GOD will pound you with catastrophes, you and your children, huge interminable catastrophes, hideous interminable illnesses. He'll bring back and stick you with every old Egyptian malady that once terrorized you. And yes, every disease and catastrophe imagina-ble—things not even written in the Book of this Revelation—GOD will bring on you until you're de-stroyed.” (vs. 58-61) You can see from these verses that sickness is a curse of the law. Every sickness and disease named in verse 61 is part of the punishment for breaking God’s law. You’ve just read from the Message Bible and since The King James Version has been the standard for so

many years, look at what these same Scriptures would lead you to believe… that God Himself puts sickness and afflictions on His people, because it reads, “The Lord shall smite thee…” However, Dr. Robert Young, the author of Hints to Bible Interpretation, points out that in the original Hebrew, the verb is in the permissive rather than the causative sense. What this means is that it should have been translated, “The Lord will allow you to be

smitten…The Lord will allow these plagues to be brought upon you…” Many other verbs were translated in the causative sense in the King James Version as well. For example, Isaiah 45:7 reads, “I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the Lord do all these

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things.” There’s no way God would create evil because that would make him the devil. God may permit evil, but He doesn’t create it! If God commits evil, then He has no right whatsoever to judge man for sinning. But God hasn’t

done evil; He only permits evil. There’s a vast difference between commission and permission.

hen King Saul backslid, 1 Samuel 16:14 says, “the Spirit of the Lord departed from Saul, and an evil spirit from the Lord troubled him.” What actually happened was that Saul’s sin broke fellowship with God,

and God permitted the evil spirit from the devil to trouble him. The original Hebrew of these Scriptures was in the permissive tense, but

because the English language has no corresponding permissive tense, the verbs were translated in the causative. You need to know that God doesn’t send plagues and sickness upon His people as these verses seem to indicate. His Word doesn’t teach that these things come directly from God. When God’s people broke His commandments, they were no longer under His divine protection. All He could do was permit the devil to bring afflictions on them. Their sin and wrong doings caused the dreadful plaques to come upon them. Deuteronomy 28 lists several diseases in the curse of the broken law, among them are pestilence, consumption (or tuberculosis), fever (including all types of fever such as typhus, scarlet, typhoid, smallpox and all the other erup-tive fevers), inflammation, extreme burning, emerods (or hemorrhoids), scab (all skin diseases), itch, madness, and blindness. According to verse 60, you can add to this list “all the diseases of Egypt, which thou wast afraid of.” And verse 61 makes it all-inclusive, “Also every sickness, and every plague, which is not written in the book of this law.” You can conclude from these Scriptures that sickness and disease are a part of the curse of the law - and they should come upon you. But, praise God, He didn’t leave you there, He redeemed you from the law, as you read in Galatians 3:13, “Christ has redeemed us from the curse of the law, having become a curse for us, because it is written “cursed is everyone who hangs on a tree.”

So is sickness a blessing or a curse? The Word declares that it’s a curse. Some people would have you believe that God “blesses” you with sickness and disease; however, according to God’s Word, sick-ness is a curse, and health is a blessing!

isease is broken ease. Sickness is pain and suffering and it makes slaves of your family and friends who

take care for their sick loved-ones. Disease and sickness are your enemies, not your friends. Sickness is a thief; a robber. You probably recognize the following scenario of a young mother whose health, beauty, and joy have been robbed from her because of sickness. It robs her husband of his wife, and deprives her children of their mother because she is no longer able to care from them as a wife and mother.

Sickness and disease rob people of happiness, health, and money which is needed for other things in their lives. Sickness and disease aren’t the will of God for you because He doesn’t want a curse to be on His children due

to their disobedience. He wants to bless you with health in your obedience. Have you ever heard people say that they believe God was Israel’s Healer un-der the Old Covenant, and He wants the children of Israel to have health -- but that you’re not under that covenant? That’s true; however, if the Old Covenant provided for healing and the New Covenant (or New Testament) doesn’t, it makes you wonder if the New Covenant is as good as the Old Covenant? Hebrews 8:6 explains that the New Covenant is better. “But now He has obtained a more excellent ministry, inasmuch as He is also Mediator of a better covenant, which was estab-

lished on better promises.” The redemption verse to stand on for healing is Galatians 3:13 and it’s

from the New Testament. It’s not the will of God that you be sick. In the Old Testament, it wasn’t God’s will for the children of Israel (His covenant people) to be sick, and they were servants. Today, in the New Testament, or New Covenant, you’re God’s children. If it wasn’t His will for his servants to be sick, it certainly isn’t His will for His chil-dren to be sick! Sickness and disease are not of love, so you know they don’t come from God because God is love

according to 1 John 4:8, “He who does not love does not know God, for God is love.”


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n Luke 13, Jesus was teaching in one of the synagogues on the Sabbath when a woman came in who

was bent over. She could have had arthritis or something like it, because her body was bent in a station-ary position. In verse 12, when Jesus saw her, He called her to Him and said to her, “Woman, you are

loosed from your infirmity.” When the ruler of the synagogue became angry because

Jesus healed the sick woman, He said in verse 16, “So ought not this woman, being a daughter of Abraham, whom Satan has bound—think of it—for eighteen years, be loosed from this bond on the Sabbath?” Jesus said it was Satan that had bound this woman.

As you look at Peter when he was preaching to Cor-nelius’ family in Acts 10:38, you read, “how God anointed Je-sus of Nazareth with the Holy Spirit and with power, who went about doing good and healing all who were oppressed by the devil, for God was with Him.”

This scripture makes it clear that the people Jesus healed were oppressed by the devil. Some people would have you believe that God sends sickness upon people to bless them. They’ll tell you to stay away from those meetings where they pray for the sick to be healed, because it’s of the dev-il! If they’re right, then God and the devil must have swapped jobs! Two-thousand years ago, Satan was oppress-ing people and Jesus was healing them.

The Bible tells you in Hebrews 13:8, that “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever.” He never changes. From the beginning to the end of His ministry Jesus was combating Satan. His battle was not with men, but with demons that lived on the inside of them.

As you can see from these verses, sickness is not the will of God for people! Healing and health are the will of God for everyone. If sickness and disease were God’s will, Heaven would be filled with sickness and disease and we know it’s not!

Remember when Jesus walked on the earth, He was here doing the will of His Father. He came to unveil the Father to people. He’s the Word of God, and He’s God speaking to you as you read in John 1:14 and Hebrews 1:1-2. If you want to know what God thinks about sickness, look at what Jesus did regarding healing the sick. Look at Isaiah 53:4-5, Mark 8:17, and 1 Peter 2:24 which all say the same thing…”Jesus heals!”

ordon Lindsay wrote a book about Dr. John Alexander Dowie who was a pastor of a church in a suburb of Sydney, Australia when the bubonic plague struck there around 1875. Following is part of that story

as I believe it will help you get a revelation of God’s plan for divine healing. During the plague, people were dying like flies and Dr. Dowie buried 40 members of his congregation in

less than a month. Four more died and were waiting to be buried, and many more were stricken with the plague. There was no cure in sight.

After visiting the many sick members of his flock one day, Dr. Dowie re-turned home and sat in his study with his arms folded on his desk, his head on his arms, and he was weeping before God. He asked God, if everybody was to going to die. He cried out to God ask-ing if it was going to take everybody. He asked God where the plague came from and if He was the author of it. He was heartsick at the thought of families that would be torn apart by the plague; at the children who would be left orphans. Then the words of the Holy Ghost inspired in Acts 10:38 stood before him all radiant with light, revealing Satan as the defiler, and Jesus as the Healer. He wiped his tears away and his heart was strong, I saw the way of healing, and the door to it was opened wide. He told God to help him preach the Word to all the dying around him, and tell them how it was Satan who still defiles, and that Jesus still delivers, for He is just the same today. Dowie didn’t have long to wait to preach as within minutes, two young men burst into his study, pleading breathlessly, to come at once as Mary was dy-ing. He ran down the street after them and was furious that Satan would attack

this innocent young member of his flock. He entered Mary’s room and found her in convulsions. Her doctor, had given up on her and was preparing

to leave as he turned to Dr. Dowie and remarked, “Sir, are not God’s ways mysterious?”


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he revelation Dr. Dowie had just received from the Word of God was burning in his heart when he answered “God’s way! How dare you call that God’s way! No, sir, that’s the devil’s work!” He challenged the physician,

who was a member of his congregation by asking him if he could pray the prayer of faith that saves the sick? The doctor replied that he was much too

excited, and that it was best to say “God’s will be done,” and he left. Dowie wrote that “Excited! was a word that was quite inadequate because

he was almost frenzied with Divinely imparted anger and hatred of that foul de-stroyer, Disease, which was doing Satan’s will. ‘It isn’t so,’ I exclaimed, ‘no will of God sends such cruelty, and I shall never say “God’s will be done” to Satan’s works, which God’s own Son came to destroy, and this is one of them.’ Oh, how the Word of God was burning in my heart…”

Dowie was furious at Satan’s attack, when he prayed the prayer of faith for Mary. Years later, he said he prayed something like this: (This is a great example that you can use when you pray for someone who’s sick – including yourself!)

“Our Father, Help! And Holy Spirit, teach me how to pray. Plead thou for us, oh, Jesus, Savior, Healer, Friend, our Advocate with God the Father. Hear and heal, Eternal One! From all disease and earth deliver this sweet child of Yours. I rest upon the Word. We claim the promise now. The Word is true, ‘I am the Lord that healeth thee.’ Then heal her now. The Word is true, ‘I am the Lord, I change not.’ Unchanging God, then prove Thyself the Healer now. The Word is true, ‘These signs shall follow them that believe. In My Name, they shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover.’ And I believe, and I lay hands in Jesus’ Name on her, and claim this promise now. Thy Word is true, ‘The prayer of faith shall save the sick.’ Trusting in Thee alone, I cry, oh, save her now, in Jesus’ name, Amen!”

The convulsions ceased immediately, and she fell into such a deep sleep that her mother feared she had died. Dowie assure them that she wasn’t dead because he saw that Christ had heard and that once more, as long ago in Peter’s house, ‘He touched her and the fever left her.’”

After several minutes, Dowie awakened Mary and she turned to her mother and exclaimed, “Mother, I feel so well!”

Dowie had remember how Jesus had ministered to the little girl He had raised from the dead in the Bible and asked Mary if she was hungry. She agreed that she was hungry and Dowie instructed Mary’s nurse to fix her a cup of cocoa and some bread and butter. uietly thanking God, Dowie went into the next room, where her brother and sister lay sick with the same

plague. After prayer, they, too, instantly recovered. As Dowie went away from the home where Christ as the Healer had been victorious, he realized that he

discovered Jesus is just the same today as He was when He walked on the earth. From that day on, Dowie minis-tered to his church on divine healing and prayed for their healing. He never lost another member to the plague.

The doctor that was a member of Dowie’s church would treat people and give them medicine, but when they got beyond the aid of medical science, he called it the will of God. Still today, people will take medicines and do eve-rything they can to get well, but if you suggest they have someone pray for their healing, they’ll tell you it may not be

God’s will to heal them, or they may just refuse to let you pray for them. Why didn’t they question God’s will in the first place? If it isn’t God’s will for them to be well, they shouldn’t take the medicine or treatment as they would be out of God’s will trying to get well! I don’t mean to discredit doctors because God gives them wisdom and discernment, and they’re fighting the same devil you are. This is simply human reasoning and wrong thinking, and it’s robbed many people of God’s blessing of health and healing in their life. We’ve been redeemed from the curse of the law because Jesus became a curse for us according to Galatians 3:13 and He’s delivered us from sickness. This brings me to my second point: healing belongs to us because you’ve been blessed

with “all spiritual blessings” in Christ Jesus. Isaiah 53:4-5 gives you a preview of Jesus and this verse is looking into the future. When it comes to healing, you must believe and confess what God says is going to happen from the Old Tes-tament in Isaiah 53:4-5, “But the fact is, it was our pains he carried— our disfigurements, all the things wrong


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with us. We thought he brought it on himself, that God was punishing him for his own failures. But it was our sins that did that to him, that ripped and tore and crushed him—our sins! He took the punishment, and that made us whole. Through his bruises we get healed. We're all like sheep who've wandered off and got-ten lost. We've all done our own thing, gone our own way. And

God has piled all our sins, everything we've done wrong, on him, on him.”

owever, the Word confirms what Jesus did at the cross for you, and is stating a fact about something that had already

taken place in the Old Testament as you look in the New Tes-tament at Peter 2:24, “He used his servant body to carry our sins to the Cross so we could be rid of sin, free to live the right way. His wounds became your healing.”

In Matthew 8:17, the Bible confirms that “God laid the cause of all our sickness and diseases on Jesus.”

There’s Christians that have been seeking healing for many years and they simply need to realize that Jesus has done all He’s going to do for them to receive their healing. He did it when He went to the cross, rose on the third day, took his place of authority at the right hand of Father God, and said “It is finished!” Healing belongs to you right now since you’re already in Christ, you just need to receive what He’s already done for you.

There’s many times that you think you believe what the Scriptures say, but unfortunately you really don’t be-lieve the Word of God or you would act on it and do what it says to do!

Healing became an accomplished fact at the Cross of Calvary because 1 Peter 2:24 tells you, “by his stripes we were healed.” You’re not waiting to get healed, because if you were healed, then you are healed. You have it now in the present tense! You just need to believe it, accept it, and walk in the light of it. Healing is a part of all the spiritual blessings you have already been blessed with in Jesus Christ.

When you realize healing already belongs to you and you build your faith by hearing healing scriptures, you’ll receive it and be healed without a bunch of begging and crying for God to heal you.

As young Christians, we pray in the light of what we know in the Scriptures and God meets us there. As we grow and mature in the things of God, and understand our Covenant and the “all spiritual blessings” that have al-ready been provided for us at the Cross, we will realize that the believer doesn’t really need to ask God to heal them

because “surely He hat borne our sicknesses and diseases, and carried our pains” according to Isaiah 53:4.

herefore, as a believer you just need to settle in your heart that healing belongs to you, accept it, and receive

what has already been purchased for you through Jesus’ death, burial, and resurrection. If you believe God’s Word, you really don’t have to pray for something that already belongs to you. Since God

says in His Word that all spiritual blessings are yours in Christ Jesus, then you must learn to walk in the light of what belongs to you and appropriate it by faith.

If you pray and the devil tells you you’re not going to be healed, I encourage you to laugh in his face because he’s a liar and that’s a sure sign that you’re healed! Again, you have all power and authority given to you, in heaven and earth according to Matthew 28:18. Jesus delegated his authority to you before He went to heaven and told you to go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature. Then He said these signs would follow those who believe. They would cast out devils, lay hands on the sick and they would recover.

While we’re on this point, I’ve been asked about the thorn in the flesh that was given to Paul in 2 Corinthians 12:7. As you look at this verse, you see that it reads “there was given me a thorn in the flesh, a messenger of

Satan to buffet me, to keep me from exalting myself.” So automatically you can see where the thorn came from. It came from Satan. And if you look at verse one it says that “boasting is necessary, thou it is not profitable, but I will go on to vi-sions and revelations of the Lord.” Paul had just got through telling about all the things that he had gone through in Chapter 11 and in verses 2 through 6 of Chapter 12 he was saying that he would rather give credit to the man who was caught up into paradise instead of bringing more credit to himself for what he had gone through. Several people use the thorn in the flesh as a means to hang onto their high blood pressure, or other form of sickness as something that came from God, when in actuality, it came from a messenger of Satan. Therefore, you can determined and

settle in your mind and heart that sickness is part of the curse. This brings me to the third point of what happens when you lay hands on the sick? I’d like to share with you


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an incident that happened with my son who was miraculously healed. He had been sick for three days with throwing up and diarrhea. We’d all prayed for him and believed God for his healing. On the fourth morning, he was sitting on the commode and I had had enough of him being sick. I walked in the bathroom, told him according to the Word of God that this was not God’s plan for his life and I had had enough! I laid my hands on him and took authority over the sickness in the Name of Jesus and I commanded it to leave. Then I told him we were going to make our faith confession, pretty much the same as Dowie’s, and he was going to be healed! I confessed every healing scripture I knew and could think

of, and personalized it to Daniel. When we were done confessing I asked him what had happened.

e was about 12 years old when this happened and with his pure mind he said, ‘Momma when you laid your hands on my head, fire went though my body

and out my toes and I’m healed. I’m hungry. Can I go swim?’ He wanted to eat a Lunchable, so being the woman of faith that I am, I said,

yes you can have something to eat but let’s start out with something easy on your stomach, not a Lunchable! I had no more got that out of my mouth when I heard the Holy Ghost say, “Either he’s healed or he’s not. If he’s healed, let him eat and go swim!”

I had to repent, and then tell him what the Holy Spirit had told me! He ate his Lunchable and went out to the pool to swim. He was healed instantly when I laid my hands on him and prayed!

The second part of Mark 16:18 says “they will lay hands on the sick, and they will recover.” You are not the one responsible for making the healing manifest. You’re simply responsible for laying your hands and exercising your faith in the power of God. The responsibility of the person who’s afflicted is to receive their healing when you lay hands on them.

The act of laying your hands on someone has great significance in God’s eyes even if you don’t fully under-stand the purpose of it. In the spirit realm when you lay hands on someone in the natural realm it’s as if you are put-ting jumper cables from Heaven on them. Since, Jesus can’t come back into the physical realm until He comes back to get His bride, which is the Church – you and me, He uses our hands as a point of contact for the spiritual and natu-

ral realms to meet.

ince healing is a blessing in the spiritual realm that’s already been given to you, the only way to get it into the physical realm is to receive it in the spiritual realm first. As a human being, you are a three-fold being – spirit,

soul, and body. Your spirit man is the real man, the soul is your mind, will and emotions, and your body is where your spirit man lives.

As you lay hands on people, it’s as if Jesus himself is laying hands on people. Looked at my hands and imag-ined Jesus’ hands sliding right inside you hand as if it were a glove going on your hand. The fullness of the God-head bodily lives on the inside of you and all the power, the resurrection power, that raised Jesus from the dead lives on the inside of you. So when you pray for someone that’s sick, first of all I ask them if you can have authority in their life and when they say yes, thank God that He’s the Healer because that’s what you want Him to manifest Himself as in this situa-tion. Bind the sickness by name according to Matthew 18:18. Curse the sickness or spirit of infirmity and tell it to die at the root and loose it from its assignment against that person. Tell the person that you’re putting healing on them

and in them on purpose, in the authority of the Name of Jesus. Then thank God for healing them person and rejoice and praise God that it’s done. In the New Testament, healing is the children’s bread according to Mark 7:27, and everyone that came to Jesus for healing was healed. As Jesus was entering Capernaum, a centurion came to him and asked him to heal his servant who was paralyzed, and Jesus said he would go to his house. The centurion told Jesus that he wasn’t worthy to have Him come to his home and told Him to just speak the word and his servant would be healed because he was a man under au-thority. Jesus marveled when he heard that and told the centurion that He hadn’t found such great faith in anyone in all Israel. I’ve often asked myself if I have centurion faith that would make Jesus marvel. Since the only thing that Jesus honors and please Him is our faith, I’m exercising my faith to make it grow,

as I’m sure you are, too. If you want to build your faith to receive healing be sure to dig into the God’s Word for heal-ing scriptures. is just one online resource that provides topical index search options where you can find all the healing scriptures in the Bible. Get the Word in your heart by quoting healing scriptures and faith con-fessions so you can build your faith, and then speak to your mountain and receive your healing. It’s already yours. Jesus has bought and paid for it He’s just waiting for you to reach up with the hand of faith to take what is yours.


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Page 10: Copyright © 2007 by Lucia M. Claborn, Revised 2011. Muscle get you down physically, it’s easier

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Heavenly Father, I come to You in the Name of Jesus. Your Word says, “Whosoever shall call on the name of the Lord shall be saved.” (Acts 2:21). I am calling on You. I pray and ask Jesus to come into my heart and be Lord over my life according to Romans 10:9-10. “Because if you acknowledge and confess with your lips that Jesus is Lord and in your heart believe (adhere to, trust in, and rely on the truth) that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved. For with the heart a person believes (adheres to, trusts in, and relies on Christ) and so is justified (declared righteous, acceptable to God), and with the mouth he confesses (declares openly and speaks out freely his faith) and confirms [his] salvation.” (Amplified Bible) I do that now, I confess that Jesus is Lord, and I believe in my heart that God raised Him from the dead.

I am now reborn! I am a Christian – a child of Almighty God! I am saved! You also said in Your Word, “If you then, evil as you are, know how to give good gifts [gifts that are to their advantage] to your children, how much more will your heavenly Father give the Holy Spirit to those who ask and continue to ask Him!” (Luke 11:13) I’m also asking You to fill me with the Holy Spirit. Holy Spirit, rise up within me as I praise God. I fully expect to speak with other tongues as You give me the utterance (Acts 2:4). In Jesus’ Name, Amen!

Begin to praise God for filling you with the Holy Spirit. Speak those words and syllables you receive – not in your own language, but the language given to you by the Holy Spirit. You have to use your own sounds. It is a heavenly language! Continue with the blessing God has given you and pray in the spirit every day.

You are a born-again, Spirit-filled believer. You’ll never be the same!

Find a good church that boldly preaches God’s Word and obeys it. Become a part of a church family who will love and care for you as you love and care for them. You need to be connected to each other be-cause it increases your strength in God and it’s God’s plan for you.