copyright ©: lawrence angrave, vikram adve, caccamo 1 virtual memory iii

Copyright ©: Lawrence Angrave, Vikram Adve, Caccamo 1 Virtual Memory III

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Page 1: Copyright ©: Lawrence Angrave, Vikram Adve, Caccamo 1 Virtual Memory III

Copyright ©: Lawrence Angrave, Vikram Adve, Caccamo 1

Virtual Memory III

Page 2: Copyright ©: Lawrence Angrave, Vikram Adve, Caccamo 1 Virtual Memory III

Working set (1968, Denning) Main idea

figure out how much memory a process needs to keep most of its recent computation in memory with very few page faults

How? The working set model assumes temporal locality Recently accessed pages are more likely to be accessed again

Thus, as the number of page frames increases above some threshold, the page fault rate will drop dramatically

Page 3: Copyright ©: Lawrence Angrave, Vikram Adve, Caccamo 1 Virtual Memory III

Working set (1968, Denning)

What we want to know: collection of pages process must have in order to avoid thrashing

This requires knowing the future. And our trick is?

Intuition of Working Set: Pages referenced by process in last seconds of execution are

considered to comprise its working set : the working set parameter

Usages of working set? Cache partitioning: give each application enough space for WS Page replacement: preferably discard non-WS pages Scheduling: a process is not executed unless its WS is in memory

Page 4: Copyright ©: Lawrence Angrave, Vikram Adve, Caccamo 1 Virtual Memory III

Working set in details At virtual time vt, the working set of a process W(vt, T) is the set of

pages that the process has referenced during the past T units of virtual time.

Virtual time vt is measured in terms of sequence of memory references

It is easy to notice that size of working set grows as window size is increased

Limitations of Working Set High overhead to maintain a moving window over memory references Past does not always predict the future correctly It is hard to identify best value for window size T

),min(,1 NTTvtW

Process total number of pages

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Calculating Working Set

12 references, 8 faults

Window size is

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Working set in details

Strategy for sizing the resident set of a process based on Working set

Keep track of working set of each process Periodically remove from the resident set the pages

that don’t belong to working set anymore A process is scheduled for execution only if its

working set is in main memory

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Working set of real programs

Typical programs have phases


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transition stable

Sum of both Sum of both

Page 8: Copyright ©: Lawrence Angrave, Vikram Adve, Caccamo 1 Virtual Memory III

Page Fault Frequency (PFF) algorithm

Approximation of pure Working Set Assume that working set strategy is valid; hence, properly

sizing the resident set will reduce page fault rate. Let’s focus on process fault rate rather than its exact page

references If process page fault rate increases beyond a maximum

threshold, then increase its resident set size. If page fault rate decreases below a minimum threshold,

then decrease its resident set size Without harming the process, OS can free some frames

and allocate them to other processes suffering higher PFF

Page 9: Copyright ©: Lawrence Angrave, Vikram Adve, Caccamo 1 Virtual Memory III

Data structures for UNIX memory management

To support paged virtual memory, UNIX uses following data structures:

Page table (one per process) Disk block descriptor table (one per process):

each virtual page has a disk block descriptor that maps it to a specific block on a swap device

page frame data table: it has an entry per memory frame and it is used by the replacement algorithm

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Page protection

Page protection is implemented using the “protect” field in PTE

For instance Write, eXecute bits enforce writing, executable permissions at the page level

Check is done by hardware during each access

Illegal access generates SIGSEGV

Page 11: Copyright ©: Lawrence Angrave, Vikram Adve, Caccamo 1 Virtual Memory III

The size of swapping device

We have seen that 32-bits address space corresponds to 4-Gb of virtual memory.

It is important to notice that size of swap device always sets a hard limit on the total # of virtual pages that can be allocated to currently running processes

Page 12: Copyright ©: Lawrence Angrave, Vikram Adve, Caccamo 1 Virtual Memory III

Loader and Virtual Memory

At process creation the loader allocates a contigous chunk of virtual pages for .text and .data sections of its ELF executable file (stored on the disk)

Actually, the loader does not copy any data from disk to main memory

Quiz: what mechanism can be used to physically load the needed blocks of executable file into main memory?

Page 13: Copyright ©: Lawrence Angrave, Vikram Adve, Caccamo 1 Virtual Memory III

Loader and Virtual Memory

At process creation the loader allocates a contigous chunk of virtual pages for .text and .data sections of its ELF executable file (stored on the disk)

Actually, the loader does not copy any data from disk to main memory

Quiz: what mechanism can be used to physically load the needed blocks of executable file into main memory?

File memory mapping (do you remember mmap?) takes care of loading pages of an executable file during process execution

Page 14: Copyright ©: Lawrence Angrave, Vikram Adve, Caccamo 1 Virtual Memory III

Revisiting memory mapping

OS can initialize a virtual memory area by mapping it to a file on the disk (see mmap). This process is called memory mapping

Memory mapping is an efficient mechanism that allows to load an executable file in main memory and to map shared objects across multiple processes

Can you suggest any example of shared objects?

Page 15: Copyright ©: Lawrence Angrave, Vikram Adve, Caccamo 1 Virtual Memory III

Revisiting memory mapping

OS can initialize a virtual memory area by mapping it to a file on the disk (see mmap). This process is called memory mapping

Memory mapping is an efficient mechanism that allows to load an executable in main memory and to map shared objects across multiple processes

Can you suggest any example of shared objects? Many processes have identical read-only text areas (like

running multiple instances of UNIX shell tcsh) A shared library like standard C library is another example of

memory mapped object. It would be extremely inefficient to duplicate copies of shared code in physical memory

Shared memory

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Revisiting memory mapping



Process Xvirtual memory


Sharedobjecton disk

The shared physical page does not have to be mapped at the same virtual address for all processes sharing it.

Process Yvirtual memory

Page table

Page table

Physical memory

mapped at virt

. addr.1

mapped at virt. addr.3