
Coning Techniquies And Applications; H, L. Landua since the early days of the oil .industry, efforts leave been made ti , find improved methods for obtaining information About subsurface formations penetrated during , drilling operations. Early techniques included examining: (1) well cutting from bit action, (2) solid pieces of formation from cores, and (3) circulating fluid returned from the well bore for possible oil and gas shows. Subsequently, a variety of techniques of formation logging were made available to the industry, such as; electric logging, radioactivity logging)., penneability-profile logging, sonic logging, and mud longing. It is the purpose of this paper to discuss (1) various types of coring techniques now used by the oil industry; (2) application of coring to geologic problems; (3) coming in relation to production work; (4) correlatiot, between coring and mechanical logging; and (5) limitations of coring techniques and applications to some geologic problem. Types of Coring Two types of general drilling techniques arc followed in oil-field development. Or e is rotary drilling, whereby bit is attached to drill pipe and lowered to the formation to be Drilled; bit-cutting action is obtained by rotating the drill pipe. A suitable circulating system is employed to pump fluid down the pipe, through the bit, and back to the surface. Formation cuttings are continuously removed from the hole by fluid circulation. The other technique is cable-tool drilling, whereby the bit is lowered to the bottom of the hole or line, and drilling action obtained by raising the bit a short distance off bottom and dropping it oil the formation; this up-and-down action is continued until too many cuttings accumulate on the bottom to allow farther drilling; a bailer is then run on a line, the cuttings removed and drilling resumed. When it becomes necessairy to core in rotary operations, five general types of core barrels are used; conventional, diamond, wireline, reverse-circulation, and side- wall Conventional cores range in diameter from 2 3/8 to 3 9/16 inches diamond cores, 2 7/8 to 4 7/8 inches, wire-line cores, 1 to 1 3/16 inches; and side-wall cores, ½ to 1 ½ inches. Reverse-circulation cores usually are in the same range as convntional and diamond core, depending on the size of drill string. The maximum length of cores, varies from the 1 ¼ inch length, obtained in side-wall coring, to 90-foot length in diamond coring. Conventional Coring the complete core barrel assembly, made up on the bottom or the drill string, consists of a cutter-head, an outer barrel, a floating inner barrel, and a finger-type "catcher" which retains the core in the barrel when the assembly is retrieved from the hole. Mud circulates from the drill pipe between the two barrels to the otter head. Either drag-type or roller-type bits may be used,

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Coning Techniquies And Applications;

H, L. Landua

since the early days of the oil .industry, efforts leave been made ti, find improved methods for obtaining information About subsurface formations penetrated during, drilling operations. Early techniques included examining: (1) well cutting from bit action, (2) solid pieces of formation from cores, and (3) circulating fluid returned from the well bore for possible oil and gas shows. Subsequently, a variety of techniques of formation logging were made available to the industry, such as; electric logging, radioactivity logging)., penneability-profile logging, sonic logging, and mud longing. It is the purpose of this paper to discuss (1) various types of coring techniques now used by the oil industry; (2) application of coring to geologic problems; (3) coming in relation to production work; (4) correlatiot, between coring and mechanical logging; and (5) limitations of coring techniques and applications to some geologic problem.

Types of Coring

Two types of general drilling techniques arc followed in oil-field development. Or e is rotary drilling, whereby bit is attached to drill pipe and lowered to the formation to be Drilled; bit-cutting action is obtained by rotating the drill pipe. A suitable circulating system is employed to pump fluid down the pipe, through the bit, and back to the surface. Formation cuttings are continuously removed from the hole by fluid circulation. The other technique is cable-tool drilling, whereby the bit is lowered to the bottom of the hole or line, and drilling action obtained by raising the bit a short distance off bottom and dropping it oil the formation; this up-and-down action is continued until too many cuttings accumulate on the bottom to allow farther drilling; a bailer is then run on a line, the cuttings removed and drilling resumed.

When it becomes necessairy to core in rotary operations, five general types of core barrels are used; conventional, diamond, wireline, reverse-circulation, and side- wall Conventional cores range in diameter from 2 3/8 to 3 9/16 inches diamond cores, 2 7/8 to 4 7/8 inches, wire-line cores, 1 to 1 3/16 inches; and side-wall cores, to 1 inches. Reverse-circulation cores usually are in the same range as convntional and diamond core, depending on the size of drill string. The maximum length of cores, varies from the 1 inch length, obtained in side-wall coring, to 90-foot length in diamond coring.

Conventional Coring

the complete core barrel assembly, made up on the bottom or the drill string, consists of a cutter-head, an outer barrel, a floating inner barrel, and a finger-type "catcher" which retains the core in the barrel when the assembly is retrieved from the hole. Mud circulates from the drill pipe between the two barrels to the otter head. Either drag-type or roller-type bits may be used, depending on the character of the formation. Ordinarily, the conventional barrel will accommodate a 20-foot core, though sometime: cores of shorter lengths are cut because of special conditions or requirements. Weight on the bit, rotary speed, and circulation rate depend on local situations. To recover a core with the conventional barrel, the entire drill string must be hoisted. Advantages of this type of coring include: (1) obtaining a large-diameter core, (2) maximum percentage of recovery of formation cored,. (3) adaptability to all except the most abrasive types fomations, and. (4) usual requirements of no additional airfare drilling equipment. Disadvantages include; (1) limitation of cutting only a 20-foot core during a run, and (2) necessity of pulling the drill pipe from the hole after cutting the core,

diamond coreing

Diamond-coring equipment has twee used in the mining industry for many years to core small-diameter holes. Full-size diamond bits and core ' its have now been adopted for oil field use Experience has indicated use`. The largest-diameter core that could be cut in a given-size hole gave maximum penetration rate at minimum cost. Usually no additional surface drilling equipment is necessary to diamond core. The core barrel is a two-tube assembly similar to conventional barrels. The inner tube is supported on two open ball bearings so it will remain stationary while. The core is cut. Improvements in the


Coning techniquies Dan Aplikasi;H, L. Landuasejak hari-hari awal .industry minyak, upaya meninggalkan telah dilakukan untuk menemukan metode yang lebih baik untuk mendapatkan informasi Tentang formasi bawah permukaan menembus selama, operasi pengeboran. Teknik awal termasuk memeriksa: (1) baik memotong dari tindakan bit, (2) buah padat formasi dari inti, dan (3) beredar cairan kembali dari sumur bor untuk kemungkinan menunjukkan minyak dan gas. Selanjutnya, berbagai teknik pembentukan penebangan dibuat tersedia untuk industri, seperti; penebangan listrik, radioaktivitas logging)., penneability profil logging, sonic logging, dan lumpur kerinduan. Ini adalah tujuan dari makalah ini untuk membahas (1) berbagai jenis teknik coring sekarang digunakan oleh industri minyak; (2) penerapan coring untuk masalah geologi; (3) datang dalam kaitannya dengan pekerjaan produksi; (4) korelasi, antara coring dan penebangan mekanik; dan (5) keterbatasan teknik coring dan aplikasi beberapa masalah geologi.

Jenis CoringDua jenis umum teknik pengeboran busur diikuti dalam pengembangan ladang minyak. Atau e adalah pengeboran putar, dimana bit terpasang untuk mengebor pipa dan menurunkan pembentukan yang akan dibor; Aksi bit-pemotongan diperoleh dengan memutar pipa bor. Sebuah sistem sirkulasi yang cocok digunakan untuk memompa cairan ke pipa, melalui sedikit, dan kembali ke permukaan. Stek Formasi terus dikeluarkan dari lubang dengan sirkulasi cairan. Teknik lain adalah pengeboran kabel-alat, dimana sedikit diturunkan ke bagian bawah lubang atau jalur, dan tindakan pengeboran yang diperoleh dengan meningkatkan bit jarak pendek dari bawah dan menjatuhkannya minyak formasi; Tindakan up-dan-down ini dilanjutkan sampai terlalu banyak potongan menumpuk di bagian bawah untuk memungkinkan pengeboran jauh; gayung yang kemudian berjalan di garis, stek dihapus dan pengeboran dilanjutkan.Ketika menjadi necessairy inti dalam operasi rotary, lima jenis umum barel inti yang digunakan; konvensional, berlian, wireline, reverse-sirkulasi, dan dinding sisi-core konvensional berkisar diameter dari 2 3/8 sampai 3 inci 16/9 core berlian, 2 7/8 sampai 4 7/8 inci, core kawat-line, 1 1 3/16 inci; dan core samping dinding, sampai 1 inci. Sebaliknya core sirkulasi biasanya berada di kisaran yang sama seperti convntional dan berlian inti, tergantung pada ukuran bor tali. Panjang maksimal core, bervariasi dari 1 panjang inci, diperoleh samping dinding coring, dengan panjang 90-kaki di berlian coring.

Coring konvensionallengkap inti barel perakitan, terdiri atas bottom atau drill string, terdiri dari pemotong-kepala, barel luar, barel dalam mengambang, dan jari-tipe "penangkap" yang mempertahankan inti dalam tong saat perakitan diambil dari lubang. Lumpur beredar dari pipa bor antara dua barel menjadi kepala otter. Entah drag-tipe atau roller-type bit dapat digunakan, tergantung pada karakter formasi. Biasanya, laras konvensional akan menampung inti 20-kaki, meskipun kadang-kadang: core dengan panjang lebih pendek dipotong karena kondisi khusus atau persyaratan. Berat pada bit, kecepatan putar, dan tingkat sirkulasi tergantung pada situasi lokal. Untuk memulihkan inti dengan laras konvensional, seluruh bor string yang harus dikibarkan. Keuntungan dari jenis ini coring meliputi: (1) memperoleh inti berdiameter besar, (2) persentase maksimum pemulihan pembentukan buang biji ,. (3) kemampuan beradaptasi terhadap semua kecuali yang paling abrasif jenis fomations, dan. (4) persyaratan biasa tidak ada peralatan pengeboran Bandingkan tambahan. Kerugian meliputi; (1) pembatasan pemotongan hanya inti 20-kaki selama berlari, dan (2) perlunya menarik pipa bor dari lubang setelah memotong inti,

diamond coreingDiamond-coring peralatan telah digunakan dalam industri pertambangan selama bertahun-tahun untuk inti lubang berdiameter kecil. Bit berlian ukuran penuh dan inti 'yang kini telah diadopsi untuk digunakan ladang minyak Pengalaman telah menunjukkan use`. Inti terbesar berdiameter yang dapat dipotong lubang diberikan ukuran memberikan tingkat penetrasi maksimum dengan biaya minimum. Biasanya tidak ada peralatan pemboran permukaan tambahan diperlukan untuk inti berlian. Inti barel adalah rakitan dua tabung yang mirip dengan barel konvensional. Inner tube didukung pada dua bantalan bola terbuka sehingga akan tetap diam sementara. Inti dipotong. Perbaikan dalam