cornell note taking system survey results 2007

Cornell Note Taking System (Student) The following survey was conducted from 5-8-07 to 5-29-07 with a total of 167 completed surveys. Two homerooms from each grade were randomly selected to participate during a two week time frame. Survey Results: 1) 79% of respondents use Cornell in 3 or more core classes. 2) 92% of respondents say they would not use Cornell if given a choice. 3) 23% of respondents (31% of senior respondents) claim improvements as a result of using Cornell. 4) Of our 6 core courses surveyed, English, Math and Foreign Language classes are the least likely to use the Cornell system effectively. Science was the most likely, with 52% scoring a 3 or better out of 5. Recommendations: 1) Continue enforcing Cornell system in all core classes for an initial 4-year cycle; this means enforcing Cornell for a minimum of one more year. 2) Re-evaluate the effectiveness of Cornell in elective classes that don’t have a traditional note-taking style. 3) Improve the survey by increasing the sample size and adding an N/A column for question #6. Conclusion: Cornell is a useful and effective tool that creates a very desirable result. Although it is not a popular program with the students, the teachers have identified and understand the need for a consistent, school-wide note taking system. With clear

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Page 1: Cornell Note Taking System Survey Results 2007

Cornell Note Taking System (Student)

The following survey was conducted from 5-8-07 to 5-29-07 with a total of 167 completed surveys. Two homerooms from each grade were randomly selected to participate during a two week time frame.

Survey Results:

1) 79% of respondents use Cornell in 3 or more core classes.2) 92% of respondents say they would not use Cornell if given a

choice.3) 23% of respondents (31% of senior respondents) claim

improvements as a result of using Cornell.4) Of our 6 core courses surveyed, English, Math and Foreign

Language classes are the least likely to use the Cornell system effectively. Science was the most likely, with 52% scoring a 3 or better out of 5.


1) Continue enforcing Cornell system in all core classes for an initial 4-year cycle; this means enforcing Cornell for a minimum of one more year.

2) Re-evaluate the effectiveness of Cornell in elective classes that don’t have a traditional note-taking style.

3) Improve the survey by increasing the sample size and adding an N/A column for question #6.


Cornell is a useful and effective tool that creates a very desirable result.Although it is not a popular program with the students, the teachers have identified and understand the need for a consistent, school-wide note taking system. With clear teacher expectations (and consistent teacher training), the Cornell system is an effective tool to prepare students for the rigors of college.

Zoomerang Survey Results

Cornell Note TakingResponse Status: CompletesFilter: No filter appliedMay 29, 2007 12:03 PM PST

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1. What is your current status?

Freshman   43 26%

Sophomore   46 28%

Junior   46 28%

Senior   32 19%

Total 167 100%

2. Do you use the Cornell Note Taking System?

Yes   95 57%

No   72 43%

Total 167 100%

3. How many of your classes use the Cornell System?

0   0 0%

1   7 7%

2   13 14%

3   23 24%

4   15 16%

5   16 17%

6   8 8%

All of my classes use the Cornell System.   13 14%

Total 95 100%

4. If it were not required, would you still use the Cornell Note Taking System?

Yes   14 8%

No   153 92%

Total 167 100%

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5. How would you rate your note taking skills while at LCHS?

Improved   38 23%

No Change   116 69%

Became Worse   13 8%

Total 167 100%

6. Please rate the effectiveness of the Cornell System for your classes (1 is not useful, 5 is very useful).

Top number is the count of respondents selecting the option. Bottom % is percent of the total respondents selecting the option.

Not Useful -- -- -- Very Useful

English93 40 23 10 1

56% 24% 14% 6% 1%

Mathematics91 31 18 20 7

54% 19% 11% 12% 4%

Science51 28 40 29 19

31% 17% 24% 17% 11%

Social Studies74 26 41 21 5

44% 16% 25% 13% 3%

Foreign Language104 32 17 9 5

62% 19% 10% 5% 3%

Religion70 37 20 26 14

42% 22% 12% 16% 8%

7. What is the effectiveness (1-5) of the Cornell System in any "Other" classes not mentioned above? Please identify the class.

58 Responses

8. What have you found to be the most useful aspect of the Cornell Note Taking System?

153 Responses

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105 Responses

7. What is the effectiveness (1-5) of the Cornell System in any "Other" classes not mentioned above? Please identify the class.

# Response

1cornell note taking is not effective in any class. students should be allowed to takenotes the way they take notes and the way that is most effective for them and not the way some teacher says is the best way.

2 not useful because most of the other classes are art classes or electives.

3 i think that the cornell note taking method is very helpful and useful and should be continued at LCHS

4 i dont think it is useful

5 2

6 2

7 Creative Writing (2), Accounting (1)

8 there are no other classes that I use the cornell method in

9AP music theory-2AP environmental science-3

10 Using Cornell System of notes in Musical Theater sometimes helps with learning terms.

11 1 for any art classes

12 Economics-4

13the cornell system works for some people but it should be optional because it doesnt always work for everyone.

14 i dont think it helps me read notes or help me rember the subject

15 none

16It does not matter what class i am in the Corenell Method is completely ineffective and pointless. It wastes my time and my paper.

17it doesnt help me at all, and i like my way of taking notes alot better, because im use to it and i dont like to change the way i take notes

18 I think that in our elective classes the cornell note taking does help.

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19 I do not use the cornell method in any other classes; it doesn't really help me out that much.

20 that it doesnt work any better

21technical theater 1art classes 1

22 n/a

23 they are completly wortheless i hate them. I havent done cornell notes this whole year

24the note system is hoorible and we should not have to do it and if you let us pick no one would do it because it is worthless

25 psychology: not very useful

26 1

27 2 Accounting

28 It is a 1 in all of the elective classes taken here at Catholic

29 I still wouldn't use it

30 2 in Computer Programming

31 Arts and Humanities-1

32 n/a

33 It is ineffective in all arts, physical education, and computer classes. Its uses are very limited.


35we do not really take notes in my fine arts classes (advanced acting and introduction to art), but I do not feel that they would be very helpful to the class.

36I think that if you have a really hard class then the Cornell note taking system is good but only if you take LOTS of notes that you need to keep organized. In most cases though, it's not needed. Let the students take notes how they feel it helps them best.

37 geo-3

38 computer:2

39 Not very helpful at all.

40 I take art classes and cornell notes are not effective in those classes.

41 Art: 0

42 I take choir and we don't even take notes at all in that class.

43 i dont normally use it at all

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44We don't take notes. It is a production based class. I take notes in Health but it does not help to take them in cornell.

45Health-not useful because the notes we take are from the book and are very strait forward and can easily find the information needed in the text.

46 drama and health we do not take cornell notes

47In Health, we don't use the Cornell method. In Band, we don't write anything, so we obviously don't use it there.

48Musical Theatre has only taken notes once and I did not find it necessary nor useful to Cornell those notes.

49 Heath-not useful.notes from clasess are already clearly

50 It doesn't help in Art, or health.

51We do not take notes in art class. We take notes in health, but it does not help to put them in the cornell method

52 health 1

53 I do not like it it is a waste of time

54 between 1-5 i would say a 4 in computer apps

55P.E.- 1Speech-1

56 Physical Education

57 physical education

58 it makes me not want to come to catholic

8. What have you found to be the most useful aspect of the Cornell Note Taking System?

# Response

1 nothing realy

2 The summary at the bottom.

3the column down the side of the paper because you can just look quickly at the one or two things that are very important.

4 reminders in the margins

5 sets a base for taking notes


If you are held accountable for your notes, than it forces you to take better notes. Corness helped me organize my thoughts and made me want to take a good page of notes every time. I'm glad I learned how to take "Cornell notes" but would rather them leave it to my discretion of whether or not to use it. I think underclassmen should be required to take corness notes in order to get them in the habit.

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7 The bottom sumnmary

8 absolutely nothing. honestly

9 the margin thing so you can write vocabulary words.

10 the key words part that you put to the side

11 the main points and the summary

12 no

13 nothing at all

14 summary

15 the summary

16 nothing

17 Summary

18 The side bar where you can put questions and reminders

19 i got a grade for it.

20 definitions

21 helps bring up grades if teachers check them

22It is easy to find notes to study for tests with the cornell method because of the recap at the bottom of your notes.

23 put the main points in the margin so it is easy to see what i am studying

24 The Summary

25 the side bar where you write important words, but i did that before i came to catholic

26 The only thing it helps with is quizing yourself with the key terms.

27 the side bar for any additional notes or little reminders

28 The summary at the end helps to review what the notes were over

29 the section on the left hand side

30 reduce column, for main ideas and vocab words

31 being force to write key words on the side bar.

32 nothing

33 i guss useing the key words

34 its a good way to go back and see what the notes were about when your trying to study. it also allows

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you to look at the key words in the margins quickly.

35There is no useful aspect. I see it as a waste of time and a waste of paper. What once took a couple sheets of paper now uses a whole ream.

36 it doesnt really help me, it seems like a waste of time, i only do it when it is required as homework

37 I have found nothing useful.

38 i have found nothing.

39 Writing the key words or terms iin the margins.

40 nothing

41 The side notes

42 nothing

43 That it helps me keep organized throughout the year and definatly helps me study for my finals.

44 the summaries sometimes help me out when i'm studying for test and quizzes.

45 nothing at all

46Teachers check cornell and give points which improve students' grades. I see no other useful aspects of the Cornell Note Taking System.

47 I don't ever refer to my cornell notes in prepreation for a test

48if the teacher warns u that they r going to check cornell notes, then u can do them all at once and get a 100%

49 nothing really

50 notes on the side

51 nothing at all

52i think that the summary would be the best answer because it is much faster to find notes based on the summaries rather than having to skim the whole page of notes for that day to find one thing.

53 i havent found one at all

54 nothing it doesen't work

55 Just writing everything down helps me remember the information.

56 it organizes my notes

57 the side bar.used for putting definitions and other things.

58 The neatness of the notes.

59 None.

60 The center part. The summary and side notes are unnecessary extra work. Notes are suppose to be

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quick and easy to understand, not an extra assignment.

61 nothing!!!

62 nothing. it just takes up more space on paper.

63 The side of the paper where you write key terms always helps me a lot.

64 i did not find it to give me anything beneficial

65 making my notes organized

66 I dont find it very useful.

67 Making it easier to find what page of notes you need

68 there isn't one...

69 nothing, i prefer to take notes in my own style because that is what works for me.

70 nothing

71 The key words section to the left of the page.

72 nothing

73The most useful aspect is that the Cornell Note Taking System provides a section for key words which makes it easy to find information in the notes.

74The summaries are more tedious most of the time than useful, but when we get a grade on them, the extra points are nice.

75 organized a little

76 writing notes on the front page, and not front and back.

77 can find important thing quickly

78 I don't think that it is useful.

79 i dont like it

80 not really anything i like to take notes my way

81 The summeries make finding what information you need faster.

82 it is organized

83 nothing

84 It keeps your notes organized, but I don't find it any more useful than any other method.

85nothing really just more difficult to take notes rather than taking regular notes in a way that i know i will be able to understand


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87 I was able to grasps more concepts

88 summery

89 none

90 I like using the margin of my page to write headings for the sections of my notes.

91 nothing at all

92 Organization

93 the summary at the end

94 I have not found any use for the cornell note taking system

95 nothing really

96I have found that it does help me keep my notes more organized and helps me to tell what subjects my notes are over.

97 side notes

98 takes points off my grade

99 idk

100 forces us to take notes

101 making notes on the side

102 Just taking notes in general, but cornell hasn't improved my notes at all.

103Cornell notes haven't really help my note taking skills. I, like most of my friends, find the Cornell System to be ineffective and stupid.

104 helps find "group" selections of notes easier

105 the summary at the bottom of the page

106 the bottom of the page where you summarize so you know what that page of notes is about

107 The margins for additional notes or headings.

108 I don't really find any useful aspects of it.

109 so when you come back to notes you know what yor talking about.

110 Nothing

111 the summary part at the bottom of the page

112 Nothing.

113 it blows

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114 The single word summaries at the bottom of the page.

115 There is no useful aspect except the actual note taking.

116 you can see what you did easier

117 the side notes are helpful

118 key terms on the left side

119 helping me study

120 the left side where you can write questions and make notes about vocab words.

121 The key words on the side.

122 Being able to find things in the paper easier and faster.

123 On the side margin you can add little notes that might help you to remember things.

124they arent very useful except for the headings help if you need to find something but you would probably have a heading anyways without doing cornell

125 It dosen't really help all that much.

126 nothing.

127 repitition

128 Be able to find out things which did not appear in the book

129 that you can see the vocab words on the side of your notes

130 to help remember certain points

131 The side notes are most useful

132 There is no useful aspect.

133 i can find some parts of my notes by looking at the left column but i dont really like cornell note taking

134 Taking the actual notes. not the reduction section or the summary section

135I dont feel that Cornell note taking is useful at all. I prefer my own why of taking notes and my way helps me study. Cornell is not helpful and I feel that it should not be required. it is just a pain to do.

136 the questions on the side

137 its the same as any other notes

138 nothing

139 The quality of my notes has imporved

140 taking more time to look at the notes

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141 easy to find a specific thing

142 nothing it makes it more complicated and you worry more about cornell than the actual notes

143 Study better

144 I found that it identifies soem specific information you need to know in the column in the right

145 taking notes

146 Nothing

147 it is organized

148 it are organized

149 the side notes

150 that its kind of organized

151 nothing

152 Its easy to do

153 nothing


# Response

1not helpful for me- usually i just take notes the way i always have, and its worked for me just fine when studying for tests. the cornell note taking method just made me not focus on the extra things i was writing


cornell note taking was just a way catholic could meet some quota set by the state or by the diocese. i dont even think the administration thinks it is an effective sytstem. catholic does not try to help its students develop better note taking skills. they only do what they have to do to get by and to follow the rules

3I think it is wrong to try to force students to take notes a certain way. Everyone is different and learns in different ways. You cannot force someone to learn one certain way.

4 just continue with the cornell method!

5 no, but maybe next time

6I think the Cornell Note Taking System should not be manditory, however if you find it to be helpful you may use it if you choose.

7 i think its a pair of clown shoes


I did not really enjoy taking cornell notes because it takes more time then regular note taking, and most teachers do not give you the time to write a summary after you have finished taking notes, and that is the key to cornell. I thought that Cornell was useful in some of my subjects but in others, teachers did not force you to take cornell notes, so if I was not forced to take them in that fashion then I did not.

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9the summary protion is pointless and ends up wasting time- i rarely use the summary when i'm studying so it isn't very beneficial. i don't think it's fair to take cornell notes as a grade because people learn differently and shouldn't be forced to take notes a different way.

10I think that it should be optional because different people have ways of taking notes and using them to study.

11the bottom summary is pointless and tedious, no one takes it seriously. This system wastes paper with the summary adn not being able to use the back page

12 nine

13I think that students should be able to take notes in a way that is eastiest for them. Everyone has a way to take notes that they can understand.

14 i wish my school didnt use it


Cornell should not be required. It should be recommended. I have been taking notes since I was in third grade. I don't need someone telling me how to take notes. All it does is stress me out that i'm doing the notes wrong and that i'm going to get a bad grade on my notes. I hardly even focus on what i'm writing anymore i just make stuff up so that i will get a good grade.

16I think the note taking system is a waste of time to worry so much about. It is also a waste to spend time making lines on a paper that do not mean anything to me.

17Writing a summary for the end of the page is pretty much useless if you title every page of notes as to what it is.

18 It is not worth taking the time to summarize. It should not be required.

19 none

20i don't really think the cornell note system has that much of an effect, either positively or negatively on the way students take notes.

21i like it cause it keeps my notes neat. what i dont like is the summarization. i like going through all my notes.


Many of my peers and myself are already good students. If students are capable of being in and suceeding in AP and honors courses, cornell should not be required for those classes. Cornell takes away time from other more effective methods of studying. Especially considering that the best method of studying varies from person to person, students should be allowed to use their notes to study in the way that best helps them. Cornell is tedious and should be dismissed from the cirriculum.

23 I would never use the cornell method if given a choice because I belive it to be useless

24 if they dont warn you, you will get a very bad grade, because no one does them

25 i feel we should be able to use our own note taking style

26 it is not better than just takint regular notes

27 I doing it because I know it doesn't help me at all. Everyone has a way to note take that works best for them. I feel that I almost need to take two sets of notes for everything. One in cornell to turn in and one to help me, which is most important.I think cornell should be shown to all students but then let the students decide how to take notes the most effective way for themselves. Everyone is different, so everyone's mind is different. Don't force

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us to use your method.

28other than that, the system is of a waste of time and an oppotunity for teachers to take more grades than anything else.

29 do away with the cornell notes no teachers check to see if u do them and they just waste time

30 we should be able to use what we want

31The system of reduce and summerize does nothing in terms of helping me process the information, it would just be easier to take my own notes in the process i so wish to use. Writing the information down is all I need, I usually dont even look back at my notes after I take them.


i feel like my notes may be more organized, but the fact that how u take notes can affect your grade is somewhat ridiculous because we are old enough and mature enough to make our own decisions on notetaking and if we are more comfortable with one way rather than another we should be able to do that

33i dont think the summary box has a very good purpose. i only get points taken off because i dont put the right stuff in it. i feel i should be able to take my notes the way i want. some people learn differently than others and should not be made to take notes a certain way

34 It wastes a lot of paper.


As an AP and Honors student, I strongly dislike the Cornell Note Taking System. I do not like being required to take my notes in a certain way, because clearly my way has been working for me. I absolutely hate being forced to take notes in a certain way, especially when grades are taken based on the Cornell system. I understand the need to teach students how to properly take notes, but I believe forcing one way upon students is just wrong. Perhaps if this system, along with other systems was taught, but not taken for a grade, this would be more effective. I know that many students, like myself, strongly dislike being forced to take notes in a certain way, and may be more open to learning systems if it wasn't forces. Also, I think teaching how to take notes should be aimed at those students who really need to learn how; it's extremely frustrating and time consuming to preach to AP students how to take notes. Thank you for your consideration.

36I try to use cornell as little as possible due to it being extra work on myself and an inconvenience in the classroom.


Cornell forces me to use a different notetaking system than i am comfortable with, it is a waste of time because the vast majority of students dont use it how its intended. Most students simply fill in random stuff in the questions/comments side and just write a randomn sentence in the summary. Overall, i think this system is just annoying and innefficent. Most teachers only make us do it because they are required to, so they simply have us take notes, cornell style every once and a while.

38i dont like it. it doesnt help me to take better notes. and i think if you dont know how to take good notes by the time you are in high school that is just to bad for you. i wouldnt use it if i didnt get a grade on it in some of my classes.

39The recapitulation at the bottom is pointless and wastes note taking space. The summaries, if a student actually takes the time to do them, are redundant because it is almost as easy just to re-read the page of notes you just took.

40 i dont like it because even when i do make a summary at the bottom i am just making it up

41 I don't like it

42 You can have your own methods of taking notes

43 cornell method only hurts my grade because points are taken off if i do not utilize it correctly. note checks are fine with me but for the most part cornell is a painstaking process that i often forget to

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complete (summary, key points etc..) and my grade has suffered in the past because of this.

44it doesnt help me. i spend time cornelling my notes just because it is required for a grade that i could spend studying instead.

45 it is the worst thing ever created

46The summary portion of the Cornell Note Taking System is not very effective at all. It does not help me to study, and is a waste of space.

47Only in math is the summary at all useful, the other classes I simply write a summary to get credit. I only write summaries when it's required.

48 summerys are not very useful. i never look at them for a way to study.

49 sssss

50 The cornell note taking method doesn't really change the way i take notes and doesn't help me study.

51i dont use it unless we are told to because when i did it didnt belp me i like to take notes the best way to help me study

52i do not like cornell because it takes too long and it is not that helpful. it would be better not to take notes like this in my opinion

53 Cornell notes aren't that bad.

54 i dont really go back and fill in the other stuff

55 its useless


I think the "reduce" column on the side is a good idea, because it is a good place to put important terms and possible test questions. However, the summary at the bottom of the page is redundant because notes are supposed to be a summary from a text anyway. I think that only science, religion, and social studies classes should be required to use the method, if any classes at all.

57 rule out the regulation of having to use the cornell system


59i think that you shuld be able to take your own notes the way you want to as apposed to one way because it doesnt help me. as long as the teacher can read them and understand them than thatr should not be a problem

60 I think the cornell method is useless and a waste of time


The margin, however, is technically supposed to be for questions too. What is the point of that if you just ask questions in class? The questions don't get answered if they are simply written down, especially since only one of my teachers actually checks Cornell notes on a somewhat consistent basis.

62 just takes more effort than needed to draw the lines that arnt needed

63The summary is completely useless. No one really knows what your supposed to write, and it does not help at all. It's only purpose is to waste time. The left hand margin is only useful if you suck at taking notes in the first place.

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64 its useless and we shouldnt do it anymore

65I am ok with the Cornell note taking system but I think it should be optional whether you have to use it or not. I don't think it has helped me any more than my old way of taking notes and I wouldn't use it if I didn't have to just because I think it requires more work and doesn't help me that much.

66 i forgot to due it and lost points

67 not very useful

68Cornell notes take too much time out of taking notes, you have to worry about filling out the summary and side of the paper. When really it's easier to just take notes.

69I think that we shouldnt have to take notes in the cornell note system. As long as we take notes i dont think that it matters if it is in cornell.

70the cornell notes can be helpful, but i don't believe it is a better note taking system than anything else there is.

71It really was a pain to use and I often found that there was no overall summery for the bottom of the page. I disliked the additional work nessecary to complete my notes. It didn't expand my knowledge or memory of the subject and was just a waste of my time.

72 I don't really find the Cornell Note Taking System useful at all.

73 The Cornell note taking system is a useless waste of time.

74the words and questions to the side are pointless. I just use my highlighter to highlight key points or use underlining

75 There is no point to use it anymore. It doesn't help.

76cornell has no purpose and every time i use it i get closer and closer to door kicking mrs roberts in the face

77 I have not found the Conrell System to be very effective in my studying techniques.

78 I have never once looked at the summary or the side notes from my cornell notes.

79 cornell does nothing for me. it just takes up time and i dont use it to study.

80 i hate cornell note taking method. its difficult to use.

81unless the teacher does a weekly cornell check, which is only one of my teachers, i do not use cornell becuase it just takes up extra time and i dont think it is any use to me.

82I do not use Cornell and it does not help in studying for tests or anything else in the class. I think that we should take notes the way we want to because that will be the most effective.

83In some classes, like biology, it is very useful because we take many notes, but in other classes it's pretty much unneccessary. We don't tend to need to use the "key terms" or the "summary: section at all.

84 This helps when studying for exams.

85 not helpful just take up time

86 Not useful.

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87I think everybody has their own method of note-taking and the Cornell Method is interfering with that. If the student feels their own form of note-taking skills are helpful to them, then they shouldn't have to use Cornel.

88other than when taking notes, i dont find it necesary to use the Cornell Note taking method. it takes too much extra time and most people dont go back through their notes and study just the Cornell stuff.

89 It is useful,and helps me in other classes

90i dont like the system very much, it takes time away from studying because i only do it when i know a teacher will check it

91The summarys at the bottom of cornell notes are useless to me because i never look at the summary agian and it just takes up time

92 Cornell note taking is pointless and wasteful.

93 cornell note taking does not help me at all

94 Cornell note taking is not an effective way for me to take notes.

95I dont not like Cornell at all, it doesnt help at all it is a waste of time i think that the students should be able to teke their own notes the way they want to and then get graded on if they do take notes

96i dont like the Cornell system at all. it is confusing to a lot of people and can be wierd to look at with a lot of notes on it.

97i don't really like this type of note taking i perfer my own way because i can organize it in a way that is more suitable for me

98 cool

99 I do not like this system and i do not think it should be a necessary grade.

100 Nothing

101 we shouldn't have to do it

102 no

103 i don't like it

104 stop using it

105 cornell system is stupid and we shouldnt be required to use it