cornwall expedition scouts

Cornwall Expedition Scouts The Czech Republic 2014 Click anywhere to continue 2 Flood

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2 Flood . Cornwall Expedition Scouts. The Czech Republic 2014. Click anywhere to continue. Cornwall Expedition Scouts. Make Your Choices or Take Your Chances. Click anywhere to continue. Make Your Choices or Take Your Chances. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Page 1: Cornwall Expedition Scouts

Cornwall Expedition Scouts

The Czech Republic2014

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Page 2: Cornwall Expedition Scouts

Cornwall Expedition Scouts

Make Your Choices or

Take Your Chances

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Page 3: Cornwall Expedition Scouts

Make Your Choices or Take Your Chances

You wake in the night with water lapping into your tent. You dress & collect your kit as

quickly as you can, stuffing everything into your rucksacks. You have no choice but to

head for higher ground & wait for daylight. You are on a small wooded mound. Land for

miles around is flooded. Your phone is waterlogged and dead. Everything you have

is soakedClick anywhere to continue

Page 4: Cornwall Expedition Scouts

Make Your Choices or Take Your Chances

You decide to stay where you are. The Leaders have your route & schedule & if you don’t phone they will

inform emergency services of your last known location.

The land is flooded but it can’t be too deep – you can see the tops of fence posts & you know there is a road

a couple of miles away. There are some buildings in the distance. You decide to head for them.


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Make Your Choices or Take Your Chances

You are cold and soaked. You stretch out flysheets in the trees to make a shelter and collect branches to

make a platform above the wet ground. You put up one tent & crowd into it to share heat.


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You put up your tents and get inside to shelter from the wind and rain. You get into your sleeping bags.

Page 6: Cornwall Expedition Scouts

Make Your Choices or Take Your Chances

You strip wet bark to get dry wood from branches & use your some cloth soaked in meths to light a fire. You hang wet clothes and kit around the fire to dry.

You work hard and get warm collecting wood for the fire

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Page 7: Cornwall Expedition Scouts

Make Your Choices or Take Your Chances

You put water to boil on the fire for hot drinks & salvage any food that is still dry. You stack wood to dry

by the fire.You hang a bivvy bag at the edge of the wood to attract

attention and work hard to keep the fire going. More drinks

You work and sleep in shifts to keep a lookout for help & keep the fire going

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Page 8: Cornwall Expedition Scouts

Make Your Choices or Take Your Chances

The emergency services have been given your last known location. A search heli spots your bivvy bag & smoke

from your fire and sends a boat to collect you.Your morale is very high because you made some good decisions and got through your problem together. You made a disaster into an adventure. So you dry out, the

country gets back to normal & you go on with the expedition and get the belt.

But it could have been very different. Go back to the start and try again – make some different decisions to see what could have happened. 3Click

Page 9: Cornwall Expedition Scouts

Make Your Choices or Take Your Chances

A couple of you decide that you have to do something to create some heat and keep warm.

You collect wood but it is too wet and you are shivering and struggling to concentrate.

You decide to pour some meths on the wood to get it to light.

Now you need some luck – pick one of the clicks – either one – just luck

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Make Your Choices or Take Your Chances

The wood fails to light & now you have no meths to cook or make a hot drink

You continue to lose heat. One of the group has stopped shivering & is very quiet.

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Make Your Choices or Take Your Chances

The meths bottle ignites in your hand. You have serious burns to your hand & head

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Make Your Choices or Take Your Chances

You decide you cannot wait for help. One of the group stays with the

casualty & two of you go for help.

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Page 13: Cornwall Expedition Scouts

Make Your Choices or Take Your Chances

You are all close to or into hypothermia & only getting wetter & colder.

There is no good outcome to this.

Hard Luck – No-one survived. Work out where you went wrong. Go back to the start and try some different decisions.

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Page 14: Cornwall Expedition Scouts

Make Your Choices or Take Your Chances

You stumble & fall in the water continuously but you carry on. The water

continues to rise slowly

You need some luck now – Click one of the buttons – either one – its just luck

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Make Your Choices or Take Your Chances

You are past shivering, weak & losing will. One of you stumbles into a

stronger current & is carried away. You can’t save him

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Page 16: Cornwall Expedition Scouts

Make Your Choices or Take Your Chances

You eat some energy bars that haven’t been too badly affected by the water. This lifts your spirits & you keep going. Its difficult to keep

the food dry because your hands are very wet

You need some luck again – pick one of the buttons ….

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Make Your Choices or Take Your Chances

You dump the tent & heavy kit. You put all your spare clothes in bivvy bags in your rucksacks – perhaps its too late to keep them dry but it is a great help because it

gives you buoyancy and support.

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Make Your Choices or Take Your Chances

You join hands to support each other, try to sing and keep a conversation going.

You wear fleeces, hats, gloves and shells to keep off the wind.

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Make Your Choices or Take Your Chances

You reach a deserted barn and climb to the loft above the water. You huddle

together in a bivvi bag to share heat but there isn’t much heat to share. You are all

sinking into hypothermia.

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Make Your Choices or Take Your Chances

You hang a bivvi bag from the loft door to attract attention.

The bivvi bag is spotted. You are rescued and taken to hospital.

So that’s good.Isn’t it?!

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Make Your Choices or Take Your Chances

When stumbling & falling you ingested contaminated water. Treated for hypothermia you are kept in intensive care and then 3 more

weeks in hospital with typhoid. 1 does not survive.

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Hard Luck – Work out where you went wrong. Go back to the start and try some different decisions.

Page 22: Cornwall Expedition Scouts

Make Your Choices or Take Your Chances

You are spotted by people in a nearby building. You head for it, are taken in – safe on to the 1st floor, given

warm clothes and food.You are cared for by the locals and are eventually picked

up by the Leaders.Hang on though – there may be another problem –

click one of the buttons – any one – its just luck.

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Make Your Choices or Take Your Chances

Within hours of rescue you are rushed to hospital. You waded through water

contaminated with industrial waste. You are very ill and the effects stay with you for years

That was a lot of bad luck – what would you do differently – go back to the start and try some different decisions

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Page 24: Cornwall Expedition Scouts

Make Your Choices or Take Your Chances

Within hours of rescue you are rushed to hospital. The energy bars you ate were

contaminated with rat’s urine and farmyard waste. Amongst your group

there is dysentery, meningitis and leptospirosis. One does not survive.

A lot of bad luck. What would you do differently. Go back to the start and try again with some different decisions.

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Page 25: Cornwall Expedition Scouts

Make Your Choices or Take Your Chances

Its OK. You are checked over in Hospital and reunited with the leader Team. You are ferried home quickly to recover with your families. It was not easy and

some luck was against you but you made some brave decisions and performed well in very difficult

circumstances. What would you change? – Sometimes there isn’t a right answer but you just do

your best and keep going.Go back to the start and try some different choices –

maybe it will work out differently.

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