corp2012 programmheft workshop_plan4_business (2)

1 www RE-MIXING THE CITY TOWARDS SUSTAINABILITY AND RESILIENCE? 17 th International Conference on Urban Planning, Regeional Development and Information Society plan4business A service platform for aggregation, processing and analysis of urban and regional planning data Urban and Regional Planning data sets are not aggregated so far, and thus it is very difficult to use them for any other purpose than for printing of simple publishing by the authorities that create them. Creating time series or comparative analyses on these data sets is not yet possible; researchers, spatial planners and professionals from the real estate world and other disciplines, such as insurance industry, investors, or market-relevant activities related to urban development seek after such capabilities. The plan4business project consequently aims to develop a platform that can serve users a full catalogue of planning data such as transport infrastructure, regional plans, urban plans and zoning plans. The platform offers clients not just the data itself in integrated, harmonised and thus ready-to-use form, but it also offers rich analysis and visualisation services via an API and an interactive web frontend. Functions offered range from simple statistical analysis to complex trend detection and to 2D/3D representations of these. The two main challenges that have so far hindered usage of planning data in such a manner are the required integration and harmonisation, which needs to be highly automated, as well as the need for an ICT system that can efficiently answer complex queries over the diverse and complex planning data sets. The business model for the plan4business platform foresees several different groups of active stakeholders: data providers (planning authorities, engineering bureaus, researchers), data curators (who perform integration and quality assurance), clients and the data broker who will be hosting and exploiting the plan4business portal. Revenue is to be generated via on-demand and subscription services to different customer groups ranging from environmental and planning authorities and companies to banks and real estate dealers and developers. Project Partners : Fraunhofer Institute for Computer Graphic Research (Fraunhofer IGD ) Germany University of West Bohemia (UWB) Czech Republic Help Service Remote Sensing, s.r.o. (HSRS ) Czech Republic International Society of City and Regional Planners (ISOCARP) Netherlands Geosystems Poland Avinet Norway WORKSHOP: Plan4Business „Plan4Business - A service plattfom for aggregation, processing and analysis of urban and regional planning data (EU Project)“ Date: Thuesday 15th May 2012, 14:00-15:30, Auditorium 8 Organisation and Moderation: Fraunhofer IGD, UWB, HSRS, ISOCARP, Geosystems, Avinet INFOS:

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Page 1: Corp2012 programmheft workshop_plan4_business (2) www

RE-MIXING THE CITY TOWARDS SUSTAINABILITY AND RESILIENCE? 17th International Conference on Urban Planning, Regeional Development and Information Society

plan4business A service platform for aggregation, processing and analysis of urban and regional planning data Urban and Regional Planning data sets are not aggregated so far, and thus it is very difficult to use them for any other purpose than for printing of simple publishing by the authorities that create them. Creating time series or comparative analyses on these data sets is not yet possible; researchers, spatial planners and professionals from the real estate world and other disciplines, such as insurance industry, investors, or market-relevant activities related to urban development seek after such capabilities. The plan4business project consequently aims to develop a platform that can serve users a full catalogue of planning data such as transport infrastructure, regional plans, urban plans and zoning plans. The platform offers clients not just the data itself in integrated, harmonised and thus ready-to-use form, but it also offers rich analysis and visualisation services via an API and an interactive web frontend. Functions offered range from simple statistical analysis to complex trend detection and to 2D/3D representations of these. The two main challenges that have so far hindered usage of planning data in such a manner are the required integration and harmonisation, which needs to be highly automated, as well as the need for an ICT system that can efficiently answer complex queries over the diverse and complex planning data sets. The business model for the plan4business platform foresees several different groups of active stakeholders: data providers (planning authorities, engineering bureaus, researchers), data curators (who perform integration and quality assurance), clients and the data broker who will be hosting and exploiting the plan4business portal. Revenue is to be generated via on-demand and subscription services to different customer groups ranging from environmental and planning authorities and companies to banks and real estate dealers and developers. Project Partners : Fraunhofer Institute for Computer Graphic Research (Fraunhofer IGD ) Germany University of West Bohemia (UWB) Czech Republic Help Service Remote Sensing, s.r.o. (HSRS ) Czech Republic International Society of City and Regional Planners (ISOCARP) Netherlands Geosystems Poland Avinet Norway

WORKSHOP: Plan4Business

„Plan4Business - A service plattfom for aggregation, processing and analysis of urban and regional planning data (EU Project)“

Date: Thuesday 15th May 2012, 14:00-15:30, Auditorium 8

Organisation and Moderation: Fraunhofer IGD, UWB, HSRS, ISOCARP, Geosystems, Avinet