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Corporate University Successes & Challenges CLO India Summit 12 th Sept, 2013 arlina Sodhi enior Vice President – Reliance Industries Ltd ad - Employee Engagement, Communication & Diversity ad - Human Resource Academy

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Corporate University Successes

& Challenges

CLO India Summit12th Sept, 2013

Harlina SodhiSenior Vice President – Reliance Industries LtdHead - Employee Engagement, Communication & DiversityHead - Human Resource Academy

Journey so Far…

1. CEOs expect strong Alignment with Strategic objectives, Greater Accountability and Measurable ROI.

2. They don’t care about Competency Models as much as they care about Production Quotas, Sales figures, and Market share……

3. Increasingly CXO’s are turning toward Corporate U-universities as the most Viable and proven Solution to these Challenges.”

1. We don’t have so much money to spend on “Cost Centres”. We are Reducing the Training Budgets

2. I don’t care about your training hours or Efficiency metrics. Stop taking my People away from Work

3. Times are tough….We need to focus on Business, Financials and our Talent Challenges. Let’s review L&D some other time !

Death of Corporate Universities

Dawn of Corporate Universities

Forbes - 1999

Socio-Economic-Political Scenario

2003 - 2009• Economic Growth• Business Expansion• Global Competition• War for Talent

2000 - 2002• Layoffs• Down Economy• Co’s Consolidation• Talent Surplus

• Brick & Mortar• Faculty & Central programs• Staffing for peak loads• Publishing a Calendar

Old Money New Money• Technology Infrastructure• E Learning & Online Content • Tools – iPads, SmartPhones• Social Learning Platforms

What’s the Macro-Economic Scenario ?

Where’s the Money going ?

2010 - 2013• Global Recession • Weakening Rupee • Shrunk Job Market• Political Unrest

Dramatically Changing Talent Landscape

Rapidly Changing Workforce

Shift in Demographics

Shortage of Skilled Labor Pool

Winds of Change “R” Blowing….…

We double in size every 5 years. Keeping up with the leadership pipeline is our biggest challenge – Fortune 500 Financial Services Company

How do we reach our target audience who are increasingly busy with a cost-effective & timely solution ? – Fortune 100 Manufacturing Company

How do we cross silos to create enterprise level impact and stay aligned with line management to ensure relevance and value ? – Fortune 100 Oil & Gas Company





Demystified - Corporate University

Training Centre

Learning Campus


Learning Organization






Paradigm Shift in way that C.Universities work

From “U going to the University to be trained TO University coming to U !!!

Training as Corporate Education

Technology to reduce Costs

Program Centric Processes

Selected for Features

A Project or a work in Process

Courses in the Catalogue

Running the Courses

A function within HR, Centralized, Separate & Independent

Training as Business Tool

Technology as Enabler

Service Centric Processes, Highly Consultative

For Supportability & Scale

Central to everything & Highly Actionable

Aligned and working together to solve Business Problems

Content is everywhere

Serving User Needs & thereby Customers & People

From To






HR Linkage


Org Focus

Iconic Corporate Universities

Success Story – General Electric Co• Crotonville was set up in 1956…It is a 53-acre Corporate Learning

Campus of GE

• It was renamed as “John Francis Welch Leadership Center” in 2001

• America's 1st Corporate University and a Symbol of GE's Commitment to Lifelong Learning.

• Crotonville is the place where Jack Welch drove Business Initiatives.

• Jack often said that - Crotonville is a Glue that holds GE together.

• It serves as a megaphone for the GE culture and It aids Maintenance of a Corporate Culture even when spread over Diverse geographies

GE invests >$1 billion every year on Developing Future Global Leaders !!!

Challenges – Call to Action Let’s clear the muddy water and get out a Clean and Clear

definition of Corporate university

We must develop a robust Operating Model with detailed Work Streams to enable set up of standard Corp. Universities

Its time to help Organizations not just from tactical and operational perspective but Strategic !

Our Corporate Universities should begin to contribute to “academia” by getting into Research and Analysis

Its time for us @ Learning Org’s to “March Ahead” & award Degrees accredited by Ministry of Human Resources !!!

Ask Questions….Share your Views…. Contribute Ideas – Enrich the Discussion

Harlina SodhiSenior Vice President – Reliance Industries LtdHead - Employee Engagement, Communication & DiversityHead - Human Resource Academy