correct shanane social studies notes

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  • 7/29/2019 CORRECT Shanane Social Studies Notes


    The Caribbean family has undergone many changes as it relates to the roles and responsibilities of its

    members. The feminine role is not just that of a housewife but also an income earner. Let us explore the

    changing roles of family members in Contemporary Caribbean society.

    Traditional Roles of Men and Women in Caribbean Families

    Traditional Roles of Men Traditional roles of Women

    Decision Maker Decision Taker

    Breadwinner Home Maker / house keeper

    Disciplined the children Socialize the children

    Work outside the home Work with children and olderfamily members within the home

    Protector Counsellor / religious leader

    ________________________ _________________________

    ________________________ _________________________

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    The above are just a few of the many traditional roles of men and women in the Caribbean families. You

    can add to the list as you wish.

    Exploration of factors that influences the changing role of family members in contemporary

    Caribbean society

    The chart overleaf highlighted traditional roles of both men and women. Today, those roles and

    responsibilities have been changing. There are many factors that have influenced these changing roles

    and responsibilities. For greater understanding, the changing roles of both men and women will be

    explored separately.

    The woman

    Table examining the factors that give rise to the changing roles of women

    Factors that give rise to the changing Explanation

    roles of women in contemporary

    Caribbean families

    1. High cost of living Women are forced to work outside

    the home to cater to the high

    demands of family members.

    Amidst the presence of a spouse

    in the home, increase in cost of

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    living has compelled the woman

    to engage in meaningful work that

    will earn her an income

    2. Family Planning Programmes Women are now exposed to varying

    methods of contraception which

    have led to a decline in fertility

    rates. This has made it possible

    for women to focus their attention

    on their career aspirations rather

    on child rearing.

    3. Technological Availability The improvement in technology both

    in the home and at the work place

    has made life easier for the woman.

    They are now able to cover a wide

    variety of household chores in less

    time and dedicate more time on

    improving themselves. Likewise, the

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    use of technology in the workplace

    has now won women the right to

    manoeuvre the work that was solely

    dominated by men.

    4. Equality of the sexes The women's right movement have

    been audible in their quest for

    women to receive equal

    opportunities as their counterpart.

    Women no longer regard themselves

    as merely house-wife, but are now

    insisting that the gender roles in

    the home be shared. Likewise,

    women now are insisting they

    be involved in the decision making

    process for the family. The right to

    equal educational opportunities

    and equal job opportunities has

    further helped to define the status

    of women in society, thus promoting

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    equality of the sexes.

    5. Increased employment opportunity Women are now partaking in jobs

    that were male dominated and

    likewise men are engaging in jobs

    that were once female oriented.

    As a result of the great choice of

    employment for the women, they

    are now sharing in the

    breadwinner's role with their


    The Man

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    1. The adult male is no longer seen as the only breadwinner in the family becauseof economic factors an

    status of the women in society.

    2. The fact that women are now participating in the decision making process in the family has eliminatedthe belief that the man is the sole decision maker. This has brought about a radical change in the role of

    the man in the home

    3.The support

    of women's right movement and increased educational opportunities for women hascontributed to the changing role of the man in the home.

    4. Male roles are changing because more and more female partners are taking up paid jobs outside the

    home; hence, the stereotyping of women role as house-keeper is changing. Men are now forced to take o

    a greater share of the household duties.

    The results of the changing roles of members of the Caribbean family.

    Let us explore the effects of these changing roles on the man and woman in the family.

    The effects of the changing roles on the Women

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    Increased woman's self esteem and confidence- they are now able to make greater contribution to

    the society

    Women are now being assisted with the domestic roles

    Increased independence - women no longer sit in abusive relationships and remain unhappy, but

    move on as they are now self sustenance.

    The effects of the changing roles on the Man

    Traditional males occupations have been opened to females, therefore, traditional male dominated

    occupations are no longer regarded as male occupations

    The sharing of gender roles in the home and at the work place has created an identity crisis for


    The egalitarian concept promoted by women, which calls for the equal sharing of authority and

    decision making in the home have led to some men feeling marginalized.

    The changing roles of the members of the family have created role conflict in the family. Role conflict exis

    where ones role interferes with the performance of another role. Amidst the changes and the sharing of

    household roles, the distinction between women's work and men's work in the home still exist to some

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    Primary group - is one in which the relationship takes place on a face to face basis with great

    frequency and a high level of intimacy. This type of group may be divided into informal groups as

    well. The family is a good example of primary groups.

    Secondary groups - these groups are usually larger than primary groups,consequently, the level

    interaction and the intimacy that exist between the members is relatively low. In essence, all the

    members are rarely in direct contact with each other at any given time. This therefore suggests tha

    the relationship shared among the members is impersonal and functional. Political parties and

    national police force in one's country mirrors the characteristics of Secondary groups.

    Formal groups - these groups are organized with a clearlydefined hierarchical structure and clea

    lines of authority. One must satisfy certain criteria before gaining acceptance or entry into the grou

    The members are expected to follow specific code of conduct and sanctions are taken if rules are

    broken. Examples: Cadets, scouts and Sports club

    Informal groups - do not have written rules regulating membership. There is an air ofspontaneity

    in these types of groups where as goals and roles change with the ever changing activities of the

    group. A group of friends who hang out at school is an example of this type of group.

    Peer groups - are formed by people who are of the same age who share common interest, value

    and social status. Within this group there exist a strong sense of loyalty to the demands of the gro

    which may conflict with what is expected at home and school.

    Interest groups - are formed by people who have a particular interest to protect.These groupings

    provide opportunities for the exchange of news on all sorts of topic and also aim to influence

    government to maintain or increase any advantages or benefits which they enjoy. Religious group

    are example of interest groups

    Involuntary Membership - situation in which an individual is forced to belong to a particular grou

    For example, in some countries, upon reaching the age of eighteen, every male child is expected

    enlist in the army whether or not he wants to do so.

    Voluntary Membership - this is membership by choice. Individuals freely enroll themselves in a

    particular group or organization for the sake of reaching out and helping others.

    Culture - The customs, arts and technology of a nation or people at agiven time. (The way of life o

    a people)

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    Society - Mankind, considered as a group or community.

    Institution - organized structure for meeting the basic needs of humans

    Social Control - the means by which a society or group teaches its members how it expects them

    to behave

    Folkways - Folkways tell about the way of life of a community/society.This include the culturaltraditions that are observed by members of the society such as celebrating birthdays, festivals,

    funeral rites, wedding ceremonies etc.

    Norms - These are unwritten rules that exist in our society that dictate how an individual is expect

    to act and behave. The individual who break these rules is not subjected to be punished by the law


    Mores - these are norms which deals with respect for others.They reinforce the society's moralvalues. They have become the basis on which laws are made and are essential for peace, order

    and stability in society.

    Laws - these are written rules which have been enacted and enforced by the government. Breakin

    these rules carry severe penalties.

    Constitution - It is a written document which contains the most important laws and principles by

    which the citizens of a country agree to be governed. This is the most important legislation of any

    country in the Commonwealth Caribbean

    Constituency - a geographical area in a country that host voters who elects a representative to si

    in the House of Representative.

    Electorate - All the persons who are qualified and are registered to vote in an election.

    Government - a group of people who have the authority to regulate the day to day activities of acountry. Some of the se activities include:

    1. Managing the finances of the country

    2. Making policies and setting goals for the country

    3. Maintaining law and order

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    4. Raising revenue through taxation

    The term Social Group might have you lost in thought, but, don't be. Look at it from this angle, day to day

    we share in relationships with others where we work together on common goals; we interact on a regular

    basis; we become accustomed to certain patterns of behavior that are expected and such relationships

    most time stimulates a feeling of harmony. Does any of this fit your profile? If it does, then you are apart o

    a Social Group.

    Using the description above, outline the characteristics that defines a Social Group:

    A Social Group is one where two or more individuals:

    1. ___________________________________________

    2. ___________________________________________

    3. share a feeling of harmony


    Each person in the society is a member of a social group, whether it is our family, church, football team,

    netball team or even a political party.

    Types of Social Groups

    There are several types of groups that exist in our society; however, those different types of groups are

    categorized according to their size, structure, membership, nature of the relationship that exist among

    members and purpose. Let us explore some of the different groups that we encounter.

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    Diagram illustrating the different types of groups

    Distinguishing between the characteristics of Primary and Secondary groups

    Primary and Secondary groups are different in terms of their sizes and the type of relationships that exist

    among the members of these groups. Let us analyze the characteristics of each group that makes them s


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    Comparing primary and secondary groups

    Formal and Informal Groups

    There are some Social Groups that are classified according to their structure; these structures can either

    be of a formal or informal nature and are so termed Formal or Informal Groups.

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    Radial Diagram highlighting the characteristics of Formal Groups

    If one was to use the radial diagram above to create a definition for Formal groups, then it would probab


    Formal Groups: groups that have procedures dictating certain criteria for entry, clear line of authority wi

    elected or appointed leaders, written rules that serves to control the behaviours of members and operate

    with clearly defined goals.

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    Radial Diagram highlighting the characteristics of Informal Groups

    Informal groups: have no written rules governing members' behavior; leaders emerge according to

    activities; roles and goals change spontaneously and members join and leave the group at any time.

    There are several factors that attract an individual to a group; likewise for survival of the group, certainfundamental conditions must be present for the group to survive as a cohesive unit.

    The factors that enhance group cohesiveness include:






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    An individual may join a group because he or she can identify with the aims of the group. An aim serves

    a binding force for the members of a group who collectively work towards its completion. The aim gives th

    group a sense of direction.

    For a group to survive the test of time, good leadership must be in place. Good leadership ensures that

    group aims/goals are set, achieved and members' needs are attended to. In essence, good leadership

    motivates, guide, coordinates, counsel and direct members towards agreed upon aims or goals of the


    There are different leadership styles that are employed by leaders. It is important to note that leaders ma

    adopt varying styles to function effectively in different situations. Leadership takes either of these forms:

    Democratic/Participative Style

    Authoritarian/Autocratic Style

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    Laissez-faire Leadership Style

    Chart showing basic characteristics of a democratic, laissez-faire and authoritarian leader.

    For a group to achieve its objectives or purposes there must be a leader who exerts authority, that is:

    Give orders and direct the activities of the members

    Allocate resources

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    Apply sanctions that see to the punishment of disobedient or disrespectful group members

    Groups develop procedures which regulate the behaviour of members and promote order and stability

    within the group when members follow them. Upon joining a group, new members are usually orientatedinto what is expected of them. The various means by which social control is achieved in groups include:

    Norms - these are unwritten rules that exist within groups/society. Norms speaks to ways of

    behaving shared by members of a group and in a wider sense, the society. In essence, Norm is a

    pattern of the way we expect people to act and behave. They are passed on from generation to

    generation through the process of socialization. It is however important to note that each generatio

    may change some norms. The individual who breaks the rules is not subject to penalties enforced

    by the courts.

    The following are norms that live on in our society today:

    (a) The use of words please' and thank you' in appropriate settings

    (b) Children growing up and living at home with parents

    (c) Greeting a friend with a handshake or a hug

    Mores - these are norms which deal with respect for others and property. The importance of mores cann

    be over emphasized as they ensure peace, order and stability in groups/society. Many mores have been

    written down and have become laws , for example:

    (a) It is wrong to deliberately injure

    (b) It is wrong to steal

    (c) It is wrong to commit murder

    (d) Obscene language should not be used

    It is therefore wise to assume that disobeying these moral codes is punishable by the court of law.

    Folkways - these are cultural traditions that are observed by members of a society. Breaking them

    however is not considered to be morally wrong. The following cultural activities are typical exampl

    of folkways :

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    (a) Conduction of wedding ceremonies

    (b) (b) Thanksgiving services for the deceased

    (c) Observing religious celebrations - eg. Rosh Hashanah for jews, Id-ul-Fitr for Muslims,

    Christmas for Christians, Divali for Hindus etc.

    Laws - are rules that have been enacted by the legislature of a country. Laws act as a mean of socialcontrol wherein individuals who breach them are penalized. Laws serve to maintain peace, order and

    stability in a group/society. Breaches of the law take the following forms:

    (a) Criminal law - an act against the social order

    (b) Civil law - an act committed against an individual

    (c) Traffic law - breaches of the road code

    Cooperation is a key ingredient for group cohesion. Cooperation suggests members of a group working

    closely together on assigned tasks or goals by combining their ideas, skills and resources. Every membe

    of a group has something to contribute in some way or another.

    All the factors discussed above help to develop a sense of loyalty towards a group. A group that has

    committed members will slavishly work towards the accomplishment of group goals without being forced

    coerced into doing so.

    Enrolling in social groups gives birth to high level of interaction which constitutes the actions which

    members perform towards each other and the reactions to those actions. It is therefore fitting to assume

    that ones action involves doing things for, with and to other members of the group who will respond to

    those acts. The following are possible ways in which social interaction is exhibited within and among


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    Venn diagram showing aspects of social interaction within and between groups.

    Let us explore these aspects of social interaction within and between groups!!

    Cooperation within groups is reflected in team work where members work together to attain group goals

    and societal goals. Every member of a group is expected to participate in group activities and lend suppo

    where necessary to fellow members. The success of the group depends on the collective efforts of every

    member. For example, on a net ball team, there are approximately seven players; all of whom worktowards their main objective of winning a game.

    Within groups, members are sometimes encouraged to compete with each other to ensure efficiency and

    productivity. For example, in a financial institution such as a bank, employees are awarded monthly for

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    performing at their optimum. There is usually a display with the picture of the most outstanding employee

    for that period, mounted on the walls of the institution for all to view. Employees compete with one anothe

    for this reward; leading to greater output of productivity and achievement of organizational goals.

    In most organized groups, members are encouraged to compete with each other for vacant positions. In

    schools, students compete for positions such as: Head girl/head boy, student counsel president, class

    president, class monitor/monitress etc.

    Conflict occurs in groups when members disagree with each other. Every individual is unique and so

    possess certain characteristics that may not be favoured by another member, thus leading to conflict. It is

    likewise important to mention that competition within groups sometimes lead to conflict among members

    some members may not act in accordance with the stipulated rules of the competition.

    In a relationship, good communication is the key, likewise in groups, good communication is essential for

    the maintenance and preservation of harmonious relationships. The lack thereof (poor communication)

    between members and leader usually lead to conflict.

    In an attempt to settle conflicts within groups, varying procedures are followed, one such measure pursu

    is negotiation - members involved in the conflict giving up something but gaining a part of what they want

    The act of giving up to gain is called compromise. A neutral party usually mediates the conflict; hence,

    mediation serves as a form of social interaction which seeks to resolve conflict

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    Characteristics of Institutions

    An Institution can be described as an organized structure for meeting the basic needs of humans.

    Institutions are always devoted to a particular purpose; therefore, it may be of a religious, recreational,

    educational, political, or economic nature.

    Diagram showing institutions that satisfy the needs of a society

    1. To perform specific functions in society - the church helps in the ethical and moral development of the


    2. To have a hierarchical structure with status and roles - In a business there is an order that begins withthe general manager at the top, managers at varying levels, supervisors, workers etc.

    3. To have a body of rules which define relations among members

    4. To have fixed sanctions - eg. In schools, there is a system of reward and punishment for students.

    5. To endure over time

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    6. To develop rituals and practices

    7. To have symbols

    Distinguishing between the Functions of Institutions

    People are always searching for answers as it relates to their existence and purpose in life. Religious

    institutions such as churches, temples, mosques, synagogues provide answers to those everyday

    issues/questions. Through their religious teachings, they:

    Provide a sense of identity for individuals

    Provide individuals with consolation ,reconciliation and relief from guilt

    Provide some form of social control

    Teach reverence for life and promote social change

    Religious institutions have lend their support to the wider society by providing shelters for the homeless,

    offering counseling services, providing financial aid, setting up day care/nurseries for children and

    attending to society's rejects.

    The Caribbean is a multi-religious society, and there is therefore an existence of high level of tolerance a

    ecumenism which has led to the formation of many interreligious organizations. Our Ancestors came from

    various parts of the world including Africa, Europe, India and China. These people brought with them the

    religious beliefs and practices which have endured over time. There are relatively new religions that hav

    emerged in the Caribbean as well. (Hinduism, Christianity, Judaism, Islam, Rastafarianism, Orisha- popureligions found in the Caribbean)

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    Can you imagine what life would be like if all we do every day was work, work and more work? Yes, you

    are right!! We would be so miserable and stressed out, not to mention the deterioration in our health. Our

    bodies need rest, time to relax and enjoy the pleasures of life. Recreational institutions seek to satisfy or

    attend to those needs. Recreational institutions include:

    Theme Parks

    Sports Club - football, cricket, gym, etc



    Among many others.

    Most governments have recognized that for development to take place in the society, the population mus

    be educated. It is on that basis that governments provide funding for both public and private educational

    institutions. Educational institutions are classified as early childhood, primary, secondary and post-

    secondary or tertiary. These institutions carry out the following functions in society at the corresponding


    Provide students with basic skills in reading, writing, numeracy and computing

    develop the individual morally, intellectually, spiritually and physically

    develop creativity, critical thinking skills and interpersonal skills in students

    prepare individuals for the world of work

    transmit the beliefs, customs and values of the society

    provide the basis for technical development in society

    provide for social mobility

    These are just a few of the many functions of educational institutions.

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    The government of any country is that institution/organization that has been entrusted with the power and

    authority to control and direct the affairs of the society. This institution regulates the activities of the socie

    by making, maintaining and enforcing laws that prevent chaos and anarchy.

    Economic institutions addresses a range of activities in which individuals, groups or organizations and

    societies engage to satisfy needs and wants. These economic institutions include:


    Insurance companies

    Credit unions

    Stock market

    Trade unions

    Economic activities in a country result from the development of the natural and physical resources.

    Transport companies, wholesalers and retailers are required to distribute the finished goods/product. Oth

    services employed to ensure that the developed goods are distributed includes communication, marketin

    and advertisement agencies.

    Two Types of Electoral Systems of Government in the Commonwealth Caribbean

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    Every country has established particular procedures for choosing their government, these procedures

    constitute the country's electoral system. In the Caribbean, the governments have utilized two types of

    electoral systems:

    First past the post system

    Proportional representation system

    Exploration of First past the Post Electoral System

    This system operates on the basis that the person who receives the highest single number of votes cast

    a constituency will be declared the winner over all other candidates. It is important that one note that thissystem allows for the entire country to be divided into constituencies and each political party contesting t

    election is allowed to nominate one candidate for each constituency. It is the responsibility of the people

    each constituency to elect the most suitable candidate to represent them.

    Usually, the party whose members gain the largest number of seats can select the Prime Minister (the

    party president) and he selects his Cabinet from among its members.

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    Proportional Representation System of Voting

    In this system, there are no constituencies, all voters are on a single national voters list and all vote for th

    political party of their choice from a ballot which only has the names of parties. The party which gains the

    largest percentage of votes can form the government, except a number of the parties gaining less votes

    bond together and have a larger number of votes.

    In the Proportional Representation system, each representative has the national interest as his/her priorit

    since it is the national vote that determines if he gets a seat. Each party presents a list with the names in

    order of party precedence (the president first, secretary second, first vice-president-third and at the botto

    of the list will be newcomers or unpopular candidates.)

    This system is utilized in Guyana.

    Difficult to understand? Let us try to make it practical:

    In a parliament with 60 members, if a party gets 50%, it will be entitled to 30 seats and the top 30 on that

    party's list will be declared winners.

    Any clearer? I hope so.

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    Distinguishing between First past the post and Proportional Representation Electoral Systems of

    government in the Commonwealth Caribbean

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    The Electoral and Boundaries Commission

    You would have recognized that the Caribbean countries all have established particular procedures for

    choosing their government, of course, these procedures constitute the country's electoral system. This

    system is managed by a government department called the Electoral Office or the Electoral and

    Boundaries Commission. The role of this department is listed below:

    Trains and selects the electoral staff

    Registers voters in constituencies

    Registers political candidates on nomination day

    Prepares the voters' list and identification card

    Displays the voters' list for inspection by all interested parties

    Makes necessary adjustments to the voters' list

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    Prepares and mail election notices to voters

    Identifies polling stations and polling district

    Prepares and distribute ballot boxes and ballot papers

    Supervises the conduct of balloting on election day

    Supervises the counting of ballots

    Organizes the security of ballots after results have been declared

    Secures the ballot boxes after ballot have been declared

    Declares the winner of the election

    Examines the election expenses of candidates

    Requirements for Voting

    To be considered eligible to vote, the person must satisfy the following requirements:

    Reach the age of eighteen (18) years old

    Be a citizen of the country

    Be registered with the electoral commission of the country

    Factors that influence people to vote in an election include:

    Their age


    Their social class

    Family Traditions

    Factors that influence people not to vote include:

    Dissatisfaction with their parties performance

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    Religious sects may prohibit their members from participating in politics

    Individuals lost their confidence in the electoral process

    Allegations of Corruption by politicians

    Ignorant of the importance of exercising one's franchise

    The Rights and Responsibilities of Individuals in the Caribbean community

    Rights and



    The right of


    individual to


    Every individual has the right to life, which therefore means that no one has the rig

    to take it away

    .The right to


    Every one has the right to be engaged in meaningful work so as to satisfy needs a


    .The right to

    educationEvery individual has the right to be educated

    . The right tovote

    This ensures that our franchise is exercised. Citizens are given the opportunity toexercise their democracy through indirect means


    The right to



    It is the right of every citizen to own property and use it as one wishes

    .The right to


    The law of the land does not support forced labour or enslavement of any kind as

    every citizen is entitled to be free.

    .The right to

    securityEvery citizen has a right to protection of person or property

    .The right to

    privacyThe right of the individual to enjoy privacy of property and family life

    . The right to Unless one is suspected of committing a criminal offence, he or she should not be

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    arrested or detained


    The right to

    a fair trial

    Every citizen has the right to a fair trial in the courts of law. All citizens are innocen

    until proven guilty

    1.Freedom of

    AssemblyCitizens are free to assemble as long as it does not breach the law of the land

    2.Freedom of

    AssociationEvery citizen is free to join any organization of his or her choice

    3. Freedom ofexpression

    Every citizen has the freedom to express him/her self through speech or in writingwithout being slanderous

    4.Freedom of


    Every citizen of the country has the right to move about in the country as he or she

    wishes without interference

    5.Freedom of


    Every citizen has the freedom to join any religious group or engage in worship with


    6.Freedom of


    Every citizen is entitled to his or her beliefs and views (whether religious, political,

    social etc.)

    Responsibilities of Citizens

    The following are a few of the responsibilities of a Citizen:

    To respect the rights and freedom of other persons irrespective of race, sex, class or creed.

    To obey the laws of the country

    To protect public property

    To participate in elections

    To protect the environment /public property

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    To contribute to the revenues required for providing public services

    Provisions Made for Human Rights in the Constitution

    Constitution - It is a written document which contains the most important laws and principles by which

    the citizens of a country agree to be governed. This is the most important legislation of any country in the

    Commonwealth Caribbean.

    The constitution serves to protect the fundamental human rights; in fact, the Judiciary protects the

    constitutional rights of citizens.

    The Constitution of the Commonwealth Caribbean countries contains a Bill of Rights which is based on th

    Universal Declaration of Human Rights

    The Election Process/Procedures for choosing a government

    When Election Day is announced, the Prime Minister advises the Governor General to dissolve Parliame

    Therefore, all seats become vacant in the House of Representatives.

    The Electoral Office or the Electoral and Boundaries Commission of the country hosting the election is

    responsible for ensuring that the election is free and fair. This organization ensures the following:

    1. Ballot papers are made available at the Polling Station

    2. Electorates give the poll clerk his or her name

    3. Electorates present their voter I.D. to verify his or her identity

    4. The Electorate is presented with a ballot paper by a Presiding Officer and instructed on the balloting


    5. Secrecy, the Presiding Officer folds the ballot paper then give it to the electorate

    6. The voter is instructed to refold the ballot in similar fashion after casting ballot

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    7. The voter is instructed to go to the booth and mark an "X" on the ballot paper beside the name of the

    candidate of his or her choice. In countries that employ the Proportional representation system, the voter

    such a country will mark the "X" beside the party he or she support

    8. The voter (electorate) refolds the ballot paper and drops it in the ballot box.

    9. The voter dips his or her finger in ink

    The Electoral Office/Commission is responsible for declaring the winner of the election after all the ballot

    have been counted.

    Election (campaign) strategies used by political parties to win mass support during General


    Pyramid highlighting election strategies used by political parties to gain mass support.

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    Governmental Systems in the Caribbean

    The systems of government utilized in the Caribbean have their roots in the strong colonial past; that is,

    most of the Caribbean islands that were colonies of England operated for over 150 years under a form of

    government that mirrors the British system. It was not until the British colonies (Caribbean countries) wer

    given independent status that the Caribbean countries were able to move towards a government that gav

    true representation of and for the people who inhabited the territory.

    Development of Government in the Caribbean

    Role of the Head of State

    In all independent Commonwealth Caribbean countries, the head of state is either of the following:

    An Executive President

    Governor General

    Titular PresidentIn countries where the head of state is a Governor General (as in Jamaica) or a titular president (as in

    Trinidad and Tobago), his or her role/function is ceremonial in nature. This therefore means that such a

    person has limited executive powers.

    The Governor General or the Titular President acts upon the advice of the Prime Minister.

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    In an attempt to better serve the citizens of the country, the government recruits qualified individuals that

    are called Civil Servants to carry out their policies, programmes and goals. These individuals (Civil

    Servants) are non - elected government officials who are obliged to carry out government's policies

    regardless of their personal feelings towards the government of the day. This job demands utmost

    impartiality in the execution of one's task.

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    Types of Laws that Exist in our Society

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    Structure of Parliament-Bicameral or Unicameral

    Country Type of Legislature

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    1. Jamaica Bicameral legislature

    2. St. Vincent and the Grenadines Unicameral legislature

    3. St. Lucia Bicameral Legislature

    4. Barbados Bicameral Legislature

    5. St. Kitts-Nevis Unicameral Legislature

    6. Grenada Bicameral Legislature

    7. Antigua and Barbuda Bicameral Legislature


    Statistical Data on Social Groups and Institutions

    Population Growth

    Natural Increase - this refers to a situation in which the number of births is greater than the numb

    of deaths

    Birthrate - the number of births in a particular period (usually a year) for every 1,000 members of

    the population

    Death rate - this is also known as mortality rate, and it is the number of deaths in a particular periofor every 1,000 members of the population

    Infant Mortality Rate - the number of deaths of children under one year for every 1,000 live births

    occurring in the same year.

    Fertility Rate - the actual childbearing performance of live births per 1000 women between the ag

    of fifteen and forty four
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    Life expectancy - the average number of years that persons in a given population are expected t


    Dependency Ratio - refers to those persons who are below the age of 15 years and are above 65

    years of age who depend on those who are in the labour force and are employed.

    Population and Resources

    Overpopulation - situation in which the resources of a given area are not sufficient to support or

    provide for the needs of that area.

    Under population - situation in which a population is too small to fully utilize the resources


    Optimum Population - The number of people who can enjoy a reasonable standard of living with

    the resources available in a given area.

    Depopulation - a condition in which the population of an area or country decreases on account of

    varying factors such as insurgence, political unrest, natural disasters, etc.

    Human Resource

    Employed - people who obtain salaries or wages for the work they, some of which are consistent

    with their qualifications

    Unemployed - situation in which a person is willing to work but have no work or has not yet found


    Under employed - relates to those who accept jobs for which they are overqualified or who work

    less than the standard number of working hours in a given day-less than eight hours a day (part-


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    Unemployable - refers to those persons, who for varying reasons cannot get jobs at all or will not

    work for any length of time.

    Labour Force - that part of the population which is between the ages of 16 and 65 years who are

    employed or available for work. Bear in mind that persons who are unemployed also form part of t

    labour force.

    Population Census - demographic data of a country that gives a count and analysis of the


    Natural Increase - this refers to a situation in which the number of births is greater than the numb

    of deaths

    Birthrate - the number of births in a particular period (usually a year) for every 1,000 members of

    the population

    Death rate - this is also known as mortality rate, and it is the number of deaths in a particular perio

    for every 1,000 members of the population

    Infant Mortality Rate - the number of deaths of children under one year for every 1,000 live births

    occurring in the same year.

    Fertility Rate - the actual childbearing performance of live births per 1000 women between the ag

    of fifteen and forty four

    Life expectancy - the average number of years that persons in a given population are expected t


    Dependency Ratio - refers to those persons who are below the age of 15 years and are above 65

    years of age who depend on those who are in the labour force and are employed.

    Depopulation - a condition in which the population of an area or country decreases on account ofvarying factors such as insurgence, political unrest, natural disasters, etc.

    Characteristics of a Population

    The structure and characteristics of a population are usually determined by demographic informat

    collected in a Census. You would have probably been exposed to the term Demography in

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    objective number one, which speaks to the specialized study of the population. The information

    collected by demographers is forwarded to the government who uses it to make policies and

    decisions about and for the country.


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    Interaction and Integration of the Ethnic and Religious Groups

    The Caribbean is a multiracial and multi-religious society that embraces ecumenism. Most, if not all of the

    Caribbean countries host groups that are of European, African and Asian (Indians, Chinese and individua

    from the Middle East) origin because of the Colonial system that dominated the earlier centuries.

    Interestingly though, all of the ethnic groups identified above brought with them their religion which lives o

    today in these countries.

    Let us take a closer look at our population and identify the different religions that are associated with the

    different ethnic groups that we can readily identify.

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    The Europeans were one of the first groups to settle in the Caribbean, and like any other group, they

    brought their religion, that of Christianity. As different nations occupied the Caribbean, through slavery an

    indentureship, religious diversity became evident through the contributions of the Asians (East Indians,

    Chinese and those from the Middle East) and Africans.

    (Important - The Indigenous people, the Tainos and Caribs are still to be found in Guyana.)The Caribbe

    community is dominated by Christianity; however, varied sects and adaptations of Christianity can be

    identified. The Africans who were brought to the Caribbean as slaves also brought their own religious

    practices which overtime combined with the Christian practices of the Europeans and later evolved into

    new religions classified as Creole religions such as Voodoo and Santeria.

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    Population Density

    The number of persons living in a particular region in relation to the land area can be termed population

    density. This is of paramount importance to the policy makers who use this information to help makedecisions about the distribution of important resources.


    Let us get practical!!

    Let us say, for example, that the population size of St. Kitts is 50,000 and the land area is 5,000 km 2, usi

    the information above, what would be the population density of St. Kitts?

    Calculation of population density- (the formula)

    Total population of St. Kitts 50,000 people

    Area of St.Kitts 5,000 km2 10 persons per km2

    Try to calculate the densities of the following countries:

    (Based on 2004 estimates)

    Countries Area (km) Population Density

    Jamaica 10,991 2,713,130

    St. Lucia 616 164,213

    Guyana 214,969 705,803


    and Barbuda442 68,320

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    Montserrat 102 10,581

    Belize 22,965 272,945

    Barbados 430 278,289647 persons

    per km

    There are many factors that dictate where people live in a particular country. You can go ahead and ask

    your parents or guardians about the factors that influence their current place of residence. You would

    probably be surprised. Nevertheless, let us find out why some areas are densely populated while others

    are sparsely populated.

    Factors influencing population disttribution

    Climatic factors - There are some areas, primarily the major cities that are located on the leewar

    side of the Caribbean islands, away from the direct force of the northeast trade winds. People

    sometimes occupy these areas because of the protection from the direct force of hurricanes. Ther

    are other areas that experience continuous rainfall or the opposite thereof (drought), such areas

    usually have a sparse population.

    Relief of the Land (Topography) - There are persons who have a preference for living in areas

    that are flat rather than those areas that are mountainous; flat areas presents less challenge when

    building a home or cultivating crops.

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    Developed Areas (Urban Influence) - There is a high concentration of resources and facilities in

    the urban areas. These areas are usually buzzing' with activities such as those in manufacturing,

    commercial, banking, cultural, recreational, etc and people are attracted to those factors.

    Mineral Resources - Mineral resources are associated with economic activities, which suggest jo

    creation. People will want to live near those areas because of the availability of jobs.

    Fertile Areas - People have a tendency to settle in areas that are fertile, in particular those

    interested in farming. Even the non farmer is interested in a backyard garden, especially during

    period of hardship and economic recession where one is encouraged to grow what one eats and e

    what one grows.

    Factors Influencing Population Distribution

    Question 18 human resourcesEducation

    A country's most prized resource is its people who are born with innate skills, talents, intelligences and

    abilities and these are further developed through education. Education provides the problem solvers,

    creative thinkers, and skilled manpower that the Caribbean region needs for social, technical and econom


    The Caribbean government as well as the private sector have realized that the more educated people

    become, the more likely they are to achieve high levels of productivity and have so invested large sums o

    money in the education system, which functions as a resource for national development.

    Let us discuss the role of government in education!!


    The governments of the Caribbean see to the development of education through:

    Making primary education free for most primary school children

    Universal secondary education

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    Encouraging and implementing school feeding programmes for children in some countries

    Granting government scholarships to individuals who desire to pursue tertiary level


    Establishing adult education programmes to meet the demand of the job market

    Covering the cost for books through the establishment of book rental schemes in seconda


    Placing greater emphasis on early childhood education to minimize or to eradicate the

    problem of illiteracy

    Subsidizing the tuition for tertiary education in some universities and colleges

    Revising the Curricula

    Establishing a government office that oversees the educational systems in the respective


    These are just a few of the many ways in which the Caribbean governments show support for the

    improvement in education.


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    Education and Special Needs

    People in the community who are physically challenged are often referred to as people with special need

    The Caribbean has a lot of physically challenged persons who finds it difficult to communicate with other

    because the public is not educated on their state. Physically challenged persons include, but are not limit

    to the following:

    Hearing impaired persons

    Blind persons

    Paraplegics (persons whose lower part of their body is paralyzed )

    Quadriplegics ( persons whose body is paralyzed from the neck down)

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    Amputees (persons who have lost parts of their body through surgery)

    Cerebral palsy victims (disorder resulting from damage to the central nervous system)

    The Caribbean governments have recognized and highlighted the fact that the physically challenged man

    possesses necessary skills and intelligences which can be developed and used for the benefit of thesociety. Therefore, the governments have placed a special thrust on ensuring that those with special nee

    and skills acquire formal education just as the average persons.

    The following considerations are given by the governments to those with special needs:

    Enact laws which will compel parents to send their special needs children to school

    Increased the number of special education units in primary and secondary schools

    Establish special units in Ministries of education to provide for the needs of special education


    Provide suitable transportation for the special need people, such as ramps in schools and buses

    with wheel chair facilities

    Provide library facilities for the blind and visually impaired students (providing braille and suitable

    computer software)

    Provide help for parents who need assistance in sending their of special needs children to school

    Ensure special training for teachers to attend to the physically challenged child

    There are many other contributions made by the government to individuals with special needs and I amsure you can add to the list. The special considerations given by the government and others have seen to

    the full participation of the physically challenged person in the social life and development of the societies

    in which they live.


    We all, at sometime, engage ourselves in activities in an attempt to relax our mind, body and soul. Those

    different activities engaged in are referred to as Recreation. A person whose job is physically demanding

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    most instances requires a hobby that is mentally stimulating (music, art, reading, etc) while another perso

    who is enrolled in a sedentary job will find physical activity refreshing and rewarding ( climbing, hunting,

    etc). This contributes to good physical and mental health so necessary for the development of the huma

    resource. Recreational activities provide for character building, self-discipline, fitness, mental alertness

    among many other things. It is therefore important that each person develops some leisure time activity

    because it is an important contributor to the total well-being of man.

    Mental Health

    Mental health is just as important as physical health. In fact, a person is described as being healthy when

    he/she is physically, mentally and emotionally stable. Mental health speaks to the ability to maintain an

    even temper, an alert intelligence, socially acceptable behaviour and a happy disposition. There are tho

    who suffer from a mild mental health condition while there are others who suffer from a severe mental

    problem. Those who have a simple mental health can be treated at home while those with the severe

    cases are referred to mental institutions for treatment

    Societies' reaction to mental illness

    The society does not usually respond favourably to individuals suspected of suffering from mental illness

    thus making the healing process more difficult. The reactions towards mentally ill patients include:





    It is important that the government plays its part in educating the public on mental illness as it relates totheir causes, effects, treatments and the role the public can play in helping the mentally ill person recover

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    Sources and Uses of Population Statistics

    The information obtained from the population statistics is used by the government to determine its policie

    and programmes to be implemented. We are well aware that the population is always changing as it

    relates to its number and characteristics.

    The population statistics help not just the government, but also businesses as well in evaluating past

    decisions, performances and policies. Those past statistics serve to shape how future decisions and

    policies should be implemented for the betterment of the population.

    Information about the past and the current composition is useful, but information about the probably futur

    structure helps the government to plan infrastructure and facilities to meet the demands of the ever

    changing population.

    Sources of the population statistics include:

    National Census - used by the government to prepare its policies and plan for the future of the

    population. This gives an analysis of the population and gives the government an idea of what is

    the most pressing problems or issues.

    Registrar's Office - Responsible for registering important events such as births, death, marriage an

    fetal records. The following work is also done by the Registrar's office:

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    - Produce certified copies of birth, death and marriage upon request

    - Correct errors of fact on important records

    - Register Opticians, trade unions, building societies and staff associations

    - Record Deed Polls, Bills of Sale and Powers of Attorney etc

    - Keep safe historical and public documents inclusive of wills, naturalization, certificates of


    and laws of the land

    There are many other things that this department is engaged in.

    Office of Naturalization:

    - Receive application from foreign citizens to become a citizen of the host country

    - Monitor the implementation of a decision related to naturalization

    - Request recommendation or opinion from intelligence or police on an individual who has

    applied for citizenship

    - Determine the list of documentation required for deciding naturalization issues

    Records of religious institution:

    - The records maintained by religious institutions are usually accepted as proof of birth, marriag

    divorce and death.

    - Religious institutions maintain records of births, christenings, confirmations, bar mitzvah and ba

    mitzvah, marriages, divorces, etc.

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    People are always moving, whether from the rural areas to the urban areas or from the urban areas to th

    rural areas to either settle temporarily or permanently. There are however several factors that influence

    people to move and those factors are classified as eitherpush orpullfactors.

    Exploration of the factors affecting Migration

    There are certain conditions existing in ones environment that are not encouraging improvement in

    standard of living or upward mobility. Such conditions force people to leave their home region to seek

    better conditions in other areas that offer better opportunities. Those negative factors are referred to as

    Push factors.

    Push Factors:

    Lack of technology

    Lack of job opportunities

    Limited educational , recreational facilities

    Political instability

    Low wages

    Lack of basic infrastructure- houses, roads, water, electricity supply

    Crime and violence
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    There are certain conditions and opportunities in a country that prove attractive and very enticing and tho

    conditions pull migrants. Such enticements may be:

    Technological advancement

    Availability of jobs

    Abundance of social and cultural amenities

    Political stability

    High wages

    Proper infrastructure - roads, telephone/internet, electricity supply, housing etc

    Low levels of crime

    Greater educational opportunities
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    There are certain terms that are associated with international migration, these are:

    Emigration - refers to the movement out of a country

    Immigration - refers to the movement into a country

    Net Migration - refers to the difference between the number of immigrants and emigrants in a

    country in a particular year.

    Let us further explore the concept of Net Migration!!
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    In a country where there are more immigrants than emigrants, the net migration will be described as bein

    positive, In contrast, if a country has more people leaving than those coming in the country, then the net

    migration of the country will be negative.

    Calculating Net Migration:

    Work this!!

    Example 1.

    In St.Vincent, 3500 persons entered the country to settle and 2200 of the residents migrated to settle in t

    neighbouring country of St. Lucia. Calculate the net migration and state whether or not it is positive or



    Immigrant ( 3500) - emmigrant (2200) = Net Migration (1300)

    St. Vincent is experiencing a positive net migration which suggests that the country's population is


    Example 2.

    It was reported that a whopping 12000 persons emigrated from Anguilla to settle in Trinidad and Tobago

    during the course of last year. During that same year, the country of Anguilla accommodated 7200 perso

    who came to settle. Calculate the net migration.


    What can we say about the net migration of this country?

    Yes!! You are right, the net migration is negative, which is an indication that the population is decreasing.
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    Emigration and Immigration speak to migration of some sort, let us detail some of the consequences of

    migration on the receiving country as well as the country of origin.

    Work this!!

    Example 1.

    In St.Vincent, 3500 persons entered the country to settle and 2200 of the residents migrated to settle in tneighbouring country of St. Lucia. Calculate the net migration and state whether or not it is positive or



    Immigrant ( 3500) - emmigrant (2200) = Net Migration (1300)

    St. Vincent is experiencing a positive net migration which suggests that the country's population isincreasing.

    Example 2.

    It was reported that a whopping 12000 persons emigrated from Anguilla to settle in Trinidad and Tobago

    during the course of last year. During that same year, the country of Anguilla accommodated 7200 perso

    who came to settle. Calculate the net migration.


    What can we say about the net migration of this country?

    Yes!! You are right, the net migration is negative, which is an indication that the population is decreasing.

    Emigration and Immigration speak to migration of some sort, let us detail some of the consequences of

    migration on the receiving country as well as the country of origin.
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    The Country of Origin

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    Internal Migration

    When persons within a country change their place of residence, such movement is either permanent or

    temporary. The area to which the persons move will depend on push and pull factors discussed earlier.

    The followings are examples of internal migration:

    Rural - urban Migration

    Rural - Rural Migration

    Urban - Rural Migration

    Rural - Urban Migration

    Most urban areas in the Caribbean countries usually experience a rapid population growth. People movin

    from the rural areas to settle in the towns or urban areas are classified as rural - urban migration. This

    type of migration has both positive and negative consequences (those will be discussed in more detail). I

    the Caribbean countries, the major urban centres are most time called the capital of the country and thos

    areas usually host the highest portion of the population as people are always lured to those areas becaus

    of the prevailing opportunities afforded.
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    Rural - Rural Migration

    This speaks to the movement of people from one rural area of a country to another rural area within the

    same country. This type of movement is not very popular in the Caribbean, but it does occur when perso

    relocate for economic factors. Let us look at a country like Jamaica, where the bauxite industry once

    boomed. Bauxite mining companies need lands to mine and so these companies buy the lands fromindividuals and relocate the occupants to other rural areas.

    Urban - Rural Migration

    The movement of people from the towns or urban centres to settle in the rural communities is so termed

    urban - rural migration. The following factors accounts for this type of movement:

    Crime and violence




    There are many other factors apart from those listed.


    Urbanization speaks to the physical growth of an urban area resulting from the migration of people in larg

    numbers from the rural areas. The urban

    areas offer a more favourable setting:

    Generate jobs and better wages

    Affords the delivery of better educational, health, cultural and other social services

    Proper infrastructure - electricity, telephone, roads, water etc

    Problems associated with Urbanization

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    the high rising building? Yes, they represent a portion of the variety of human resources that exist in our


    Can you identify other human resources in your environment?

    1. ________________________________________

    2. ________________________________________

    3. ________________________________________

    4. ________________________________________

    Good job!!

    The importance of developing human resource in any country is of utmost importance. The physical

    resources of a country cannot be developed without the intervention of human resource; in fact, a country

    economic growth is solely dependent on how the people use the skills, technology and creativity to devel

    the physical resources.

    The Role of Health in the Development of Human Resources

    The following factors contribute to the development of human resources:

    Nutrition and Health

    The availability and access to primary and curative health care

    Education (basic, moral, vocational and professional training, rehabilitation training)

    The availability and access to various types of educational institutions



    Exploration of the factors that contribute to the development of Human Resources


    The Caribbean people are generally known for being hard working and productive, but a lot of persons

    could have made greater contribution to the economic development of their country if they had not been

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    affected by ailments or deficiencies. There is a direct relationship between a healthy country and its

    productive capacity. It is with such in mind that the governments of the Caribbean countries have made

    special allocation in their budgets for health care. The governments as well as private institutions provide

    health care at three levels, primary, secondary and tertiary.

    The Role of Health in the Development of Human


    he following factors contribute to the development of

    human resources:

    Nutrition and Health

    The availability and access to primary and curative health care

    Education (basic, moral, vocational and professional training, rehabilitation training)

    The availability and access to various types of educational institutions



    Exploration of the factors that contribute to the development of Human Resources


    The Caribbean people are generally known for being hard working and productive, but a lot of persons

    could have made greater contribution to the economic development of their country if they had not been

    affected by ailments or deficiencies. There is a direct relationship between a healthy country and its

    productive capacity. It is with such in mind that the governments of the Caribbean countries have made

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    special allocation in their budgets for health care. The governments as well as private institutions provide

    health care at three levels, primary, secondary and tertiary.


    Nutrition is the process of ensuring that your bodies receive the right kind of food in the right proportion,

    thus promoting a healthy lifestyle. The food we eat contains all the essential nutrients needed for correct

    functioning of our bodies on a day to day basis. One's nutritional needs can be satisfied by eating food

    from the different food groups. However, if we eat more than our bodies need, we become obese and ma

    develop diabetes, high blood pressure, heart diseases among others. People who suffer from diseases o

    account of eating more than their bodies need are unable to work effectively and may die early. There ar

    other factors that contribute to good health, these include exercising, getting enough sleep and rest- all o

    which vitalize, refresh and restores the body.


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    Mental health is just as important as physical health. In fact, a person is described as being healthy

    when he/she is physically, mentally and emotionally stable. Mental health speaks to the ability to maintai

    an even temper, an alert intelligence, socially acceptable behaviour and a happy disposition. There are

    those who suffer from a mild mental health condition while there are others who suffer from a severe

    mental problem. Those who have a simple mental health can be treated at home while those with the

    severe cases are referred to mental institutions for treatment

    Societies' reaction to mental illness

    The society does not usually respond favourably to individuals suspected of suffering from mental illness

    thus making the healing process more difficult. The reactions towards mentally ill patients include:





    It is important that the government plays its part in educating the public on mental illness as it relates to

    their causes, effects, treatments and the role the public can play in helping the mentally ill person recover

    A country's most prized resource is its people who are born with innate skills, talents, intelligences an

    abilities and these are further developed through education. Education provides the problem solvers,
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    creative thinkers, and skilled manpower that the Caribbean region needs for social, technical and econom


    The Caribbean government as well as the private sector have realized that the more educated people

    become, the more likely they are to achieve high levels of productivity and have so invested large sums o

    money in the education system, which functions as a resource for national development.

    Let us discuss the role of government in education!!


    The governments of the Caribbean see to the development of education through:

    Making primary education free for most primary school children

    Universal secondary education

    Encouraging and implementing school feeding programmes for children in some countries

    Granting government scholarships to individuals who desire to pursue tertiary level


    Establishing adult education programmes to meet the demand of the job market

    Covering the cost for books through the establishment of book rental schemes in seconda


    Placing greater emphasis on early childhood education to minimize or to eradicate the

    problem of illiteracy

    Subsidizing the tuition for tertiary education in some universities and colleges

    Revising the Curricula

    Establishing a government office that oversees the educational systems in the respective countri

    These are just a few of the many ways in which the Caribbean governments show support for the

    improvement in education.


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    People in the community who are physically challenged are often referred to as people with special

    needs. The Caribbean has a lot of physically challenged persons who finds it difficult to communicate wit

    others because the public is not educated on their state. Physically challenged persons include, but are n

    limited to the following:

    Hearing impaired persons

    Blind persons

    Paraplegics (persons whose lower part of their body is paralyzed )

    Quadriplegics ( persons whose body is paralyzed from the neck down)

    Amputees (persons who have lost parts of their body through surgery)

    o Cerebral palsy victims (disorder resulting from damage to the central nervous system)

    The Caribbean governments have recognized and highlighted the fact that the physically challenged man

    possesses necessary skills and intelligences which can be developed and used for the benefit of the

    society. Therefore, the governments have placed a special thrust on ensuring that those with special nee

    and skills acquire formal education just as the average persons.
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    The following considerations are given by the governments to those with special needs:

    Enact laws which will compel parents to send their special needs children to school

    Increased the number of special education units in primary and secondary schools

    Establish special units in Ministries of education to provide for the needs of special education


    Provide suitable transportation for the special need people, such as ramps in schools and buses

    with wheel chair facilities

    Provide library facilities for the blind and visually impaired students (providing braille and suitable

    computer software)

    Provide help for parents who need assistance in sending their of special needs children to school

    Ensure special training for teachers to attend to the physically challenged child

    There are many other contributions made by the government to individuals with special needs and I am

    sure you can add to the list. The special considerations given by the government and others have seen to

    the full participation of the physically challenged person in the social life and development of the societies

    in which they live.


    We all, at sometime, engage ourselves in activities in an attempt to relax our mind, body and soul. Those

    different activities engaged in are referred to as Recreation. A person whose job is physically demanding

    most instances requires a hobby that is mentally stimulating (music, art, reading, etc) while another perso

    who is enrolled in a sedentary job will find physical activity refreshing and rewarding ( climbing, hunting,

    etc). This contributes to good physical and mental health so necessary for the development of the human

    resource. Recreational activities provide for character building, self-discipline, fitness, mental alertnessamong many other things. It is therefore important that each person develops some leisure time activity

    because it is an important contributor to the total well-being of man.


    Cartoon- Employment, Unemployment and Underemployment

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    2. Underemployment _______________________________

    3. Employment _______________________________

    Employment is important for the following reasons:

    To earn an income to provide for family members

    To preserve one's status and self respect

    To provide a means for social mobility

    To earn an income that will provide for the future as it relates to retirement

    To enable one to purchase the goods and services needed to improve and maintain their standard

    of living

    The working population may be classified into three industries: primary, secondary and tertiary.

    Primary workers are concerned with the extraction of raw materials or natural resources. Secondary

    workers are found in construction and manufacturing or processing industries which change the raw

    materials into useful products. Tertiary workers provide the service which enable primary and secondary

    industries to produce the goods which are distributed to local and foreign consumers.

    Classification of Workers in our society
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    You may have heard a friend or family member expressing difficulty in finding suitable employment. Jobs

    are sometimes not readily available. The following factors influence employment:

    Level of competition in the labour market

    Availability of natural or physical resources and the technology to exploit them

    Availability and use of capital to create employment

    Availability and range of markets for locally produced goods and services

    Prevailing economic conditions

    Profitability of firms which will determine their ability to hire additional workers

    There are many other factors and I am sure you can supply them.

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    The following mapping gives a brief overview of the governments' role in creating employment

    opportunities for the people:

    Unemployment and Underemployment


    Unemployment has been a major issue in the Caribbean. Infact, this problem has crippled many families

    and has had far reaching negative effect on the society. The Caribbean governments are having great

    difficulty in addressing this paramounting issue, amidst their efforts; it is still getting worst. In an effort to

    understand this problem, let us first examine the possible causes of unemployment in the Caribbean.

    Chart highlighting some of the causes of unemployment in the Caribbean:


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    Career Guidance

    Sources of Information on Career Guidance

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    The following factors underscore the importance of choosing a career:

    It makes one better able to perform at his/her maximum potential in the job for which he/she has

    been prepared

    It encourages people to realize their goals through careful planning which takes into consideration

    their social and economic circumstances

    It provides for persons to be self actualized because they are engaging in activities which they like

    Productivity levels will be maximized

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    There are certain basic tasks that you are required to complete before gaining entry into the world of wor

    These basic tasks are:

    Preparing a letter of application

    Preparing a personal resume

    Preparing for the interview

    Preparing for the examination


    The resume gives a summary of your employment history and qualifications for your prospective employ

    It is therefore important that the information presented is factual and can be proven. A good resume enta

    the following elements:

    Personal data
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    Career objective


    Work experience

    Special skills (job related)

    Extra curricular activities



    Name: Ann Marie Carter

    Address: Lot 24 States Heights, Spanish Town P.O. St. Catherine

    Sex: Female

    Date of birth: December 20, 1979.

    Telephone: (1876) 333-3333

    Nationality: Jamaican

    Marital Status: Married

    Career Objective: To be gainfully employed to an organization that enables me to grow professionally a

    personally and affords me the opportunity to act on my own initiative, employ creativity and the knowledg

    acquired to achieve the company's objectives.

    Education and Qualifications:

    2006 - 2008 The University College of Cambridge

    Masters of Arts in Linguistics (Spanish and French)

    2000 - 2002 The International University of Carlong

    Bachelors of Arts in Spanish Education (Hons.)

    1996 - 1999 Moravian Teachers' College

    Diploma in Spanish Education (Credit)

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    1991 - 1996 Albion High SchoolCaribbean Examinations Council (CSEC) General Proficiency

    Spanish, English, Mathematics, Social Studies, Principles of Accounts and English Literature.

    Special Skills: September - December 2006 Certificate of Proficiency in Microsoft Excel, Word,

    PowerPoint and Spread Sheet

    Work Experience:May 2002 - May 2009 The Spanish Embassy, George Headley Drive, Kingston 4.

    Special Responsibility: 2003 - 2009 Chief Spanish Translator, The Spanish Embassy

    Interests: Writing, reading and playing the guitar,

    References: John Doe

    General Manager of Nathamar's Food Producers Limited

    54 Line Road, Kingston 10

    (1876) 543-2233

    Marisela Lopez-Hernandez

    Spanish Ambassador to Jamaica

    14 Dominica Drive, Kingston 8

    (876) 988-7777


    Lot 24

    States Heights

    Spanish Town P.O.

    St. Catherine


    June 11, 2009.

    Mrs. Diana Lancaster

    The Human Resources Manager

    Haven Resort Hotel

    St. Ann


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    Dear Mrs. Lancaster:

    I am applying for the position of Spanish Translator as advertised in the Daily Globe on Sunday June 10,

    2009. I am a graduate of the University College of Cambridge where I successfully read for my Masters

    Degree in Linguistics, with Spanish being my major. I worked for seven years as a Spanish Translator at

    the Spanish Embassy. My work ethics has awarded me the position of Chief Translator after two years o

    working with the organization. With the realization of the importance of technology in the workplace, Ipursued and successfully completed a computer course to adjust to the ever changing work world.

    I was awarded employee of the year for four consecutive years at the Spanish Embassy, and I intend to

    bring the same level of hard work and dedication to the position in your hotel. I am interested in becomin

    a part of your team because your organization has established and maintained an incomparable

    relationship with Spain which has positively impacted Jamaica and the region.

    Attached is a copy of my resume. I am willing to attend an interview to discuss my future with your

    organization at your convenience.

    Yours sincerely,


    Ann Marie Carter

    The letter of application serves to introduce the applicant to the employer. The followings should be

    observed when writing this important letter:

    1. State clearly the position/job for which you are applying;

    2. State clearly, yet concisely, why you want the job and refer to your qualifications, experience and

    personal characteristics;

    3. State clearly why you are interested in the organization and indicate clearly how it will benefit by

    employing you;

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    4. Ensure that your letter is free of grammatical and spelling errors.

    Your letter, as well as your resume is your greatest marketing tools. If they are properly written, the

    employer may respond by inviting you for an interview.

    Preparing for the interview

    The interview gives you an opportunity to sell yourself to your prospective employer a