cosc 4330/6310 fundamentals of operating systems jehan-françois pâris [email protected]

COSC 4330/6310 Fundamentals of Operating Systems Jehan-François Pâris [email protected]

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Page 1: COSC 4330/6310 Fundamentals of Operating Systems Jehan-François Pâris

COSC 4330/6310 Fundamentals ofOperating Systems

Jehan-François Pâris

[email protected]

Page 2: COSC 4330/6310 Fundamentals of Operating Systems Jehan-François Pâris

Administrative details

Hours: MW 2:30-4:00 pm in SRC 117 Instructor: Jehan-François Pâris Email: jfparis AT uh DOT edu Office: 569 PGH Telephone: 713-743-3341 (office hours) Office hours: MW 4:30—5:00 and 7:10-

7:40pm Web page: Twitter: jehanfrancois


Page 3: COSC 4330/6310 Fundamentals of Operating Systems Jehan-François Pâris

Teaching Assistants

Ashik Khatriashikrk AT gmail DOT comTWTh 11 to 12 pm in 303 HBSC

(College of Optometry building) Carlos Rincon

carincon AT uh DOT eduTTh 11 am to 12 pm and 1 to 2 pm in PGH 313

Zeinab Kazemi Alamoutizkazemi90 AT gmail DOT com MW 4 to 5 pm in PGH 313

Page 4: COSC 4330/6310 Fundamentals of Operating Systems Jehan-François Pâris

Course organization (I)

COSC 4330/6310 introduces the basic concepts of modern operating systems:Kernel organizationProcesses and process scheduling Inter process communication and

synchronizationDeadlocksMemory management and virtual memory File systems

Page 5: COSC 4330/6310 Fundamentals of Operating Systems Jehan-François Pâris

Course organization (II)

Lectures based on PowerPoint slidesRequired

Students wanting a textbook should consultThomas Anderson and Michael Dhalin

Operating Systems: Principles & PracticeRecursive Books

Recent and recommended but not required

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The class notes

It is important to have you class notes on hand when you come to class

You canPrint them outStore them on a laptop you will bring to classGet a 7" tablet

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Grading policy

Grade will be based onThree quizzes (60% of your grade)Three programming assignments

(39% equally divided among the assignments)Class participation (1%)

People failing the assignments or the quizzes will fail the course

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The quizzes (I)

Will take place:Monday, February 23Monday, April 6 Friday, May 8 at 2:00 PM

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The quizzes (II)

Will cover the materials covered during the previous five weeksLast quiz will not be comprehensive

Will be closed-bookCan bring a single one-sided page of notes

All preceded by a review session TBAWill never cover any new topics

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Hints for the quizzes

I like to askShort problemsQuestions on advantages and disadvantages

of specific solutions Objective is to test that you can put to work the

concepts you have learned

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The assignments (I)

To be done in C/C++ under LinuxNew machine much faster than old Bayou


Will illustrate concepts discussed in class

Graded for correctness and respect of good programming practices such as modularity and documentation.

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The assignments (II)

Late assignments will be assessed a penalty of5 points per day.

You will have a total of three grace days to be used at your discretion

You should drop the course if you cannot do the first assignmentYour program should at least compile

correctly and handle simpler cases

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Behaving in the classroom (I)

Students are expected to attend all lecturesCould otherwise miss important


People obviously immersed in non course-related activities such as browsing the web or playing solitaire will be asked to leave the classroom

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Behaving in the classroom (II)


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Submitting your assignments

In the manner to be announced by the TA

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A reminder

Assignmentstake time

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Academic honesty

No cheating or plagiarism will be tolerated in any graded assignment

What you turn in must be your own work If you include code from any source, you

should mention it The minimum penalty for any transgression

will be an F grade for the course

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You havebeen


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First Quiz Monday, February 23 First Program due in late February Second Quiz Monday, March 31 Second Program due in early April Third Program due in early May Final Quiz Friday, May 8 at 2:00 pm

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A word for the new students

The American system of higher education favors those who work diligently through the semester

Final examinations tend to be much less critical than in many other countries

System offers no second chances

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The hare and the turtle

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My last word

Please verify that your PeopleSoft account has your correct email address:

I need it to get in touch with you