cosmic horizons - gloucester park · trotsynd presents..... cosmic horizons your chance to race a...

Trotsynd presents..... COSMIC HORIZONS Your chance to race a close relaon to NZ superstar Lazarus - winner of the NZ Cup, Victoria Cup and Chariots of Fire Trotsynd Syndicate No 15 – 5% shares only $2,600 $2,600 is all-inclusive costs for the first 12 months, including; purchase price, breaking-in, insurance, training fees and two syndicate funcons. Official members receive updates from the trainer as well as exclusive interviews and a Gloucester Park VIP card with benefits such as 20% off Beau Rivage Restaurant packages Trotsynd Pty Ltd (ACN 062299950) Cosmic Horizons (Brown Filly 23-10-15) Mr Feelgood USA Stars Aligned Grinfromeartoear USA Best Of Memories Four Starzzz Shark USA Poised N Perfect Artsplace Smile Upon Jate Lobell Leah Almahurst Cam’s Card Shark Windsun Dee Chrisan Cullen Spirit Of Beth To be trained by WA’s leading training partnership Greg & Skye Bond From the classic NZ family of Star of Bethlehem, an Oaks winner and the dam of four mes Derby winner Stars & Stripes

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Post on 28-Aug-2018




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Trotsynd presents.....


Your chance to race a close relation to NZ superstar Lazarus - winner of the NZ Cup, Victoria Cup and Chariots of Fire

Trotsynd Syndicate No 15 – 5% shares only $2,600$2,600 is all-inclusive costs for the first 12 months, including; purchase price, breaking-in,

insurance, training fees and two syndicate functions.Official members receive updates from the trainer as well as exclusive interviews and a

Gloucester Park VIP card with benefits such as 20% off Beau Rivage Restaurant packages Trotsynd Pty Ltd (ACN 062299950)

Cosmic Horizons(Brown Filly 23-10-15)

Mr Feelgood USA

Stars Aligned

Grinfromeartoear USA

Best Of Memories

Four Starzzz Shark USA

Poised N Perfect

ArtsplaceSmile UponJate Lobell

Leah AlmahurstCam’s Card Shark

Windsun DeeChristian CullenSpirit Of Beth

To be trained by WA’s leading training partnership Greg & Skye BondFrom the classic NZ family of Star of Bethlehem, an Oaks winner and

the dam of four times Derby winner Stars & Stripes

• Classic NZ family• Close relation to NZ superstar Lazarus

(pictured left)• Family of Star of Bethlehem, an Oaks winner and

dam of 4x Derby winner Stars And Stripes and multiple Group 1 winner Light And Sound

Her Dam: Stars Aligned

Her Sire: Mr Feelgood USA

Champion race horse in both Australia and AmericaThe only horse to win The Little Brown Jug and Inter Dominion

As a sire over 85% winners to starters in Australia

To be trained by Greg & Skye Bond

Career Wins - 1031 (488 at Gloucester Park)Group & Listed Wins - 25 (Including 5 G1’s)

Skye on Cosmic Horizons;“She’s a great type, really sleek through the body, a good length of rein and looks like an up and running horse and looks to make it to the track as a 2YO. She’s in proportion, she is not gangly and has great co-ordination; she looks like an early runner.”

“Cosmic Horizons” (Lot 478 - Brown Filly – Mr Feelgood x Stars Aligned)

Trotsynd Pty Ltd (ACN 062299950)

Syndicate No 15

Product Disclosure Statement

April 2017


THIS AGREEMENT is made the day of 2017 PARTIES: (1) The persons nam ed and des cribed i n I tem 1 of t he S chedule ( collectively c alled “ the

Syndicate”) (and individually called “the Members”); AND (2) TROTSYND PTY LTD (ACN 062 299 950) of 25 Nelson Crescent, East Perth, (“Trotsynd”). WHEREAS: A. Racing and Wagering Western Australia (“RWWA”) is the controlling body for harness racing in

Western Australia. B. Trotsynd Pty Ltd is a wholly owned subsidiary of the Western Australian Trotting Association. C. Trotsynd has an A ustralian Fi nancial S ervice Li cence t o enabl e i t to s yndicate hor ses being

licence number 269076. D. Trotsynd w ishes t o establish a syndicate of twenty M embers w ith eac h M ember c ontributing

Two Thousand Six Hundred Dollars ($2,600). E. Members will be required to pay at the start of each twelve month period of the Syndicate One

Thousand S even H undred and Fi fty D ollars ( $1,750) per f ive per cent share for subsequent years in on-going costs, such as training and ag istment, unless monies held by the Syndicate cover such costs.

F. Gloucester S tandardbred S ales P ty Lt d t rading as Pacing W A has pur chased the yearling

harness racing Filly on behalf of the proposed Syndicate until the Syndicate is fully subscribed at which time the Syndicate shall purchase the horse for the price being the cost to Gloucester Standardbred Sales Pty Ltd of buying and hol ding the horse from the date of such sale. The cost of purchase and other costs, including registration, naming, t ransport and i nsurance paid total AUD $18,745.12 (Eighteen Thousand Seven Hundred and Forty Five Dollars Twelve Cents AUD).

Lot 478 “Cosmic Horizons” purchase price above was AUD$17,715 (Seventeen Thousand

Seven Hundred and Fifteen Dollars AUD) through the 2017 APG Yearling Sale. Details of “Cosmic Horizons” are as follows: Sire: Mr Feelgood Dam: Stars Aligned Colour: Brown Sex: Filly Date of Foaling: 23 October 2015 Freeze Brand No: S6150086 Insurance: Inglis Insurance Brokers for $17,000 until 5 March 2018 (A copy of the 2017 Sales Catalogue pages, Veterinarian certificate, Sales Receipt and Budget

are attached to this PDS.)


G. The Syndicate shall be managed by Trotsynd Pty Ltd. H. The Syndicate is to race “Cosmic Horizons” and equally divide any prize money and trophies

between Members of the Syndicate. I. Each Member shall execute an appl ication f orm at tached to this Agreement providing f or t he

subscription for the price of the share in the Syndicate. The Parties Agree: 1. Definitions “ASIC” means the Australian Securities and Investments Commission; “business days” means Monday to Friday excluding any public holidays which are gazetted as public holidays in Western Australia; “Disqualified Person” means a per son disqualified under the RWWA Rules of Harness Racing from time to time; “Ordinary Resolution” means a r esolution passed by Members holding a majority of shares at a duly convened meeting of the Syndicate; “Proxy” means a form of proxy decided by the Racing Manager f rom time to t ime which Proxy shall be in writing and shall be in the possession of the Racing Manager prior to the commencement of the Syndicate meeting; “RWWA” means Racing and Wagering Western Australia “Racing Manager” means the person appointed in accordance with clause 4 hereof by Trotsynd Pty Ltd to act for and represent the Syndicate pertaining to racing matters. “Rules of H arness R acing” m eans t he R ules of H arness R acing as s et out by R WWA and as amended from time to time; “Secretary” means a person appointed from time to time by Trotsynd Pty Ltd to act as the Secretary of Trotsynd Pty Ltd. The such person shall be Michael Radley CEO for the WATA. “Share Purchase Price” means the sum of AUD$2,600.00 (Two Thousand Six Hundred Dollars AUD). “Special Resolution” means a resolution passed by Members holding in the aggregate at least seventy five percent of the shares in the Syndicate at a duly convened meeting; “the Syndicate” means the Trotsynd No. 15 Syndicate and all the Members thereof; “the Syndicate Horse” means the horse to be registered in the name of t he Syndicate and is presently registered or to be registered with the WATA as set out in the schedule; “the WATA” means the Western Australian Trotting Association.


2. Formation 2.1 The Members by their execution of the form of application attached to this Agreement agree to

the payment of the Share Purchase Price to Trotsynd to purchase one share in the Syndicate. 2.2 The number of shares in the Syndicate shall be twenty shares. 2.3 The Share Purchase Price must be paid t o T rotsynd at t he s ame t ime as pr oviding t he

executed application form attached to this Agreement. 2.4 Any share in the Syndicate may be hel d in more than one nam e provided that the application

form shall be completed by each of the proposed joint owners and all proposed owners have attained t he ag e of 18 y ears of ag e. T he f irst nam ed per son s hall be deem ed to be the manager of that s hare and s hall r eceive al l c orrespondence and notices on behalf of the holders of that share.

2.5 The Members hold their respective shares in the Syndicate as benef icial owners and own the

assets for the time being of the Syndicate as tenants in common each share being entitled to one twentieth of the assets for the time being of the Syndicate.

2.6 No Disqualified Person or company or association which has a director, secretary, committee

member, member or shareholder who is a Disqualified Person (within the meaning of that term as provided in the RWWA Rules of Harness Racing) shall be el igible to become or to continue as a Member of the Syndicate.

2.7 If the syndicate is not fully subscribed within six months from the date of approval by RWWA or

where RWWA refuses to register t he Syndicate, al l appl ication monies held in t rust, together with interest, will be returned to applicants within ten (10) business days after the end of that 6-month period.

3. High Risk Venture 3.1 Trotsynd advises potential investors that horse racing is a high-risk venture and any financial

input should be t reated as a s peculative i nvestment onl y. P otential pur chasers i n s hares offered by the Promoter should be aware of possible investment risks, which may include but not limited to:

(a) Not all horses offered for syndication proceed to a racing career. (b) Not all horses offered for syndication win or earn prizemoney. (c) Injuries, which may require an extended recuperation period, may terminate the horse’s

racing career. (d) A stud career forms no par t of this offer as the principal purpose of the establishment of

the Syndicate is a racing career. 3.2 Trotsynd recommends you obtain your own independent legal advice before executing the form

of application to become a Member of the Syndicate attached to this Agreement. 4. Racing Manager 4.1 The initial Racing Manager shall be Mr Ross Waddell of 49 Butcher Road, Darling Downs,

Western Australia.


4.2 Trotsynd Pty Ltd may dismiss the Racing Manager and appoint an al ternative Racing Manager

at any time at its complete discretion. 4.3 The Racing Manager shall receive a Racing Manager’s weekly contract fee amount of $100 per

week to be paid by Trotsynd 15 syndicate. 4.4 The Racing Manager will manage the Syndicate in accordance with the Syndicate Agreement

and any rules regulations or guidelines made by RWWA. 5. Trotsynd Pty Ltd 5.1 Trotsynd shall accept all application monies from Members and place the same in an interest

bearing bank account. 5.2 The signatories to the bank account shall be the Racing Manager plus any two nominees of the

Western Australian Trotting Association from time to time. 5.3 Trotsynd shall accept from RWWA and the Racing Manager all trophies won by the horses on

behalf of t he S yndicate and ac cept al l pr ize m oney r eceived f rom t he hor ses r aced by t he Syndicate.

5.4 Trotsynd shall accumulate any monies received by way of prize money or proceeds from sale of

trophies. Trotsynd shall distribute the balance of the Distribution Account on a pro-rata basis to each of the Members of the Syndicate by mail within fourteen days of the end of each calendar month provided that no distribution shall take place in respect of any month where balance of the Distribution Account shall be less than Ten Thousand Dollars ($10,000) on t he last day of the month or where the Members have agreed to prize monies being used in payment of the fees and expenses of the Syndicate. Trotsynd will only apply monies received by way of prize money to the payment of fees or expenses for the Syndicate if all of the Members at the t ime previously agree in writing or by email to that taking place.

5.5 Trotsynd shall ac t at t he di scretion of t he R acing Manager or the S yndicate i n r elation t o al l

trophies won by the Syndicate. I f no Agreement is reached by the Syndicate within ninety (90) days of receiving any trophy, Trotsynd shall sell the trophy and divide the proceeds in the same manner as prize money.

5.6 Trotsynd shall pay all of the fees and ex penses of t he S yndicate i ncluding w ithout l imitation

training fees and entry fees for races for the Syndicate Horse. 5.7 Trotsynd shall upon the Syndicate being fully subscribed make application for registration of the

Syndicate with RWWA. 5.8 Trotsynd shall ensure that the Syndicate obeys in all respects the provisions of the ASIC Class

Orders and Policy Statements with respect to horse racing syndication and the conditions of its Australian Financial Service Licence.

5.9 No management fees apply save for the Racing Manager’s weekly contract fee. 5.10 Trotsynd s hall ensure that t he W ATA pr ovides al l nec essary s ecretarial and ot her s ervices

required by the Racing Manager and Secretary. 5.11 Trotsynd shall:

(a) appoint trainers to train the Syndicate Horse purchased by the Syndicate;


(b) reimburse Gloucester Standardbred Sales Pty Ltd all monies spent in the purchase of the horse “Cosmic Horizons” inclusive of Transport, GST, Insurance, Vet fees amounting to AUD$18,745.12 (Eighteen T housand S even H undred and Forty Fi ve Dollars T welve Cents AUD);

(c) pay training costs on a monthly basis when an account is presented by the trainer;

(d) make recommendations to the Syndicate in r elation t o t he sale of t he Syndicate Horse

from time to time;

(e) insure the Syndicate Horse in accordance with usual harness racing industry practice;

(f) appoint and dismiss trainers to train the Syndicate Horse on behalf of the Syndicate. 5.12 Trotsynd is not aware of any fact or occurrence which would render any statements pertaining

to this document or to the horse that is the subject of this offer to be materially inaccurate at the time of issue of t his doc ument. Fur ther, T rotsynd ac knowledges t hat any v eterinary and valuation certificate have been s ubmitted by per sons w ho w ill r eceive no addi tional benef its, (financial or otherwise) f rom T rotsynd or i ts associates, apar t f rom the f ees that such person would normally be entitled to.

6. Racing Manager and Secretary 6.1 The management of the affairs of the Syndicate shall be vested in Trotsynd Pty Ltd, the Racing

Manager and S ecretary, none of whom have ever held a f inancial or benef icial i nterest i n or held any rights to the sire or the broodmare of the horse subject to this Syndicate nor are entitled to a free service to the horse’s sire.

6.2 The Racing Manager and the Secretary shall have the powers of natural people. 6.3 Without limiting the generality of clause 6.1 or 6.2 the Racing Manager’s duties shall be to:

(a) act as Racing Manager in all racing matters pertaining to the Syndicate Horse; (b) in consultation with the trainer to enter the Syndicate Horse for such events as the Racing

Manager considers appropriate; (c) liaise with the Members in all matters concerning the training and racing of the Syndicate

Horse; (d) hand over any t rophy won by t he Syndicate Horse t o T rotsynd f or sale and distribution

unless directed by the Members otherwise; (e) hold regular meetings of Members of the Syndicate; (f) give prior written notice of all meetings of the Syndicate to Members; (g) receive and deal with any complaints of any Members of the Syndicate where possible; (h) act in good faith in the best interests of the Members;


(i) employ and retain on the recommendation of any t rainer of t he Syndicate Horse at t he expense of the Syndicate such qualified veterinary surgeons and bl acksmiths as may be required to inspect and treat the Syndicate Horse where the Racing Manager considers such treatment is reasonably necessary for the health of the Horse;

(j) decide if the Syndicate Horse shall be des troyed PROVIDED THAT the Syndicate Horse

shall only be des troyed w ithout t he consent of Members by Special Resolution if in t he opinion of a v eterinary s urgeon i t w ould be i nappropriate t o k eep t he H orse alive u ntil such a gathering of Members can give its consent. This being the case the certificate of a veterinary surgeon shall be conclusive as between Members and the Racing Manager;

(k) shall comply with all reasonable requirements of RWWA in accordance with its Rules

from time to time relating to syndicates; (l) arrange inspection of the Syndicate Horse by Members of the Syndicate at all reasonable

times (upon not less than forty eight (48) hours notice by 25% of the Members entitled to vote to the Racing Manager);

(m) arrange to have the horse tested for a prohibited substance under the Australian Rules of

Racing should a Member el ect t o do s o, w ith t he c ost of t esting bor ne by al l of t he Members (whether or not they have elected to have the horse tested).

6.4 The Racing Manager of Trotsynd No 15 shall:

(a) pay all prize money received from RWWA or any affiliated body, to Trotsynd; (b) keep a register noting the names and addresses of all of the Members and the number of

shares held by each. The register shall be kept up to date from time to time reflecting all sales of any shares in the Syndicate;

(c) notify RWWA from time to time of all Horses owned by the Syndicate and all current

Members of the Syndicate as soon as shall be practicable in all the circumstances of the case;

(d) ensure that any new Member joining the Syndicate shall complete and sign a copy of the

Syndicate Agreement in the appropriate form required from the WATA from time to time and shall forward a copy of such Agreement to RWWA.

7. Meetings of the Syndicate 7.1 Meetings of the Syndicate shall be held on a regular basis. 7.2 Each s hare s hall c arry t he r ight t o one v ote at a meeting of the Syndicate and all matters

(except those requiring a Special Resolution) shall be determined by Ordinary Resolution. 7.3 The Racing Manager and/or Secretary may at any time by notice in writing to the Members call

a m eeting of M embers. I n t he ev ent of m atters of ur gency t he R acing Manager may call a meeting of Members by attempting to verbally notify all Members.

7.4 The Racing Manager and/or Secretary s hall c all a m eeting of M embers w ithin f ourteen ( 14)

days of receiving a requisition in writing signed by Members holding in the aggregate at least twenty five percent of the Syndicate shares.


7.5 The R acing M anager and/ or S ecretary s hall ex cept i n case of emergency call meetings of Members by a circular giving fourteen (14) clear days notice of the meeting and specifying in such notice:

(a) the proposed agenda; (b) the terms of any resolutions proposed to be submitted to the meeting; (c) a s tatement t hat pos tal v otes i n r espect of any r esolution w ill be ac cepted and that

Members may appoint a Proxy to attend and vote on any matters. 7.6 A quorum for a meeting of Members shall be an aggregate of at least twenty five percent of the

shares of the Syndicate whether by person or by Proxy. 7.7 If no quorum is present the Racing Manager and/or Secretary may adjourn the meeting to such

time and place as reasonably decided by the Racing Manager and/or Secretary being a date not ear lier t han 48 hour s af ter t he m eeting at which no quorum was present and at s uch adjourned meeting the quorum necessary for a valid meeting of Members of the Syndicate shall be ten (10) percent of the shares of the Syndicate present by person or Proxy.

7.8 The Members, by agreeing to purchase a share in this horse also agree to abide by majority

Syndicate decisions and t hose dec isions t he M anager i s ent itled t o m ake on behalf of the Syndicate.

8. Termination 8.1 The Syndicate shall terminate at the earlier of the subscription monies being exhausted or the

Syndicate passing a Special Resolution to terminate the Syndicate or upon the death of the last surviving of the Syndicate Horses.

8.2 Prior to Trotsynd terminating the S yndicate on t he bas is t hat t he f unds ar e bei ng exhausted

Trotsynd s hall c all a m eeting of Members at which t he Members m ay resolve by unanimous resolution to continue the Syndicate on the basis that each Member will contribute a further sum of monies.

8.3 Subject t o t he pr ovisions of c lause 8.2 T rotsynd shall t erminate t he Syndicate i n due time to

allow its affairs to be wound up in an appropriate manner without Members having to contribute any further monies. Trotsynd may in its absolute discretion determine the appropriate time and date of such termination.

8.4 The Syndicate shall be terminated if the Syndicate so resolves by Special Resolution. 8.5 A M ember shall not be ent itled t o t erminate t he collective ow nership or to call for any

termination or winding up thereof and any such termination or winding up of the Syndicate shall only be effected pursuant to a Special Resolution of the Syndicate.

8.6 This Agreement shall not be terminated upon the death of a Member and the shares of such

deceased Member shall be transferred to the legal personal representative of such deceased Member.

8.7 The bankruptcy or insolvency of a M ember being an i ndividual or the winding up or liquidation

of a Member being a company shall not terminate this Agreement and upon t he happening of such an event the share of such a Member shall be sold by Trotsynd substantially in accordance with the provisions of c lause 8.1 and t he net proceeds of any such sale shall be paid to the Member or the person authorised by law to receive such proceeds.


8.8 The Syndicate shall be terminated upon the death of the last surviving of the Syndicate Horses

unless the Syndicate by Unanimous Resolution agrees for t he Syndicate t o c ontinue t o purchase another Horse or Horses on behalf of the Syndicate to replace any sold or dead Horse.

8.9 Upon t ermination of t he S yndicate T rotsynd s hall s ell or ot herwise c onvert t he as sets of the

Syndicate into cash and divide the proceeds less all proper costs outgoings and any provisions for liabilities amongst the Members pro-rata in proportion to the number of shares held by them.

8.10 Upon termination of the Syndicate Trotsynd shall arrange for the cancellation of the Syndicate

with RWWA. 9. Sale of Shares 9.1 (a) A Member of the Syndicate shall be entitled to sell his share in the Syndicate to any

person or company acceptable to Trotsynd provided that such person or company shall not at the time be banned or disqualified pursuant to the RWWA Rules of Harness Racing and such person or company must be capable of holding shares under the RWWA Rules of Harness Racing but no s uch share shall be s old other than to a M ember or Members so long as any other Member is prepared to purchase the same at the price and upon the conditions required by the proposed vendor.

(b) A Member proposing to sell his share in the Syndicate shall first notify Trotsynd in writing

of such intention stating the proposed s ale price and conditions. W ithin 28 days thereafter Trotsynd shall notify the proposed vendor as to whether any existing Member is willing to purchase at the proposed sale price and upon t hose conditions. In the event of there being a willing Member to purchase the said share the proposed vendor shall upon payment of the purchase price notify Trotsynd and provide such acknowledgement or evidence from the purchaser as Trotsynd shall require. I n the event of there being more than one Member willing to purchase the said share in the Syndicate the purchaser shall be determined by ballot to be conducted by Trotsynd.

(c) If T rotsynd s tates t hat a pr oposed pur chaser or a s hare ot her t han a M ember i s not

acceptable to it, it shall not be bound to give any reason and its decision shall be final.

(d) Upon t ransfer of any s hare t o any t ransferee ot her t han a Member referred to in the Schedule hereto such transfer shall not be completed until the transferee has entered into a deed as drawn up by Trotsynd’s solicitors at the transferee’s expense acknowledging that he is bound by the provisions and conditions of this Syndicate’s Agreement.

10. Sale of the Syndicate Horse 10.1 The Syndicate Horse shall only be sold in the following circumstances:

(a) The Members determine by Ordinary Resolution that the Horse shall be sold; or (b) By Trotsynd after the Members have resolved not to contribute further funds to continue

the Syndicate in accordance with clause 8.2. 10.2 Any Horse so sold shall be sold by public auction or by tender and the Racing Manager shall

give each Member written notice of the auction so that Members may attend the auction and bid for the Horse.


11. External Disputes Resolution Scheme

Any dispute arising out of this Agreement or between the Members shall be referred firstly to Trotsynd for consideration. If the dispute is not settled to the satisfaction of the disputing parties then the matters will be referred to an E xternal D ispute Resolution Scheme (EDRS) which shall act as an expert and the expert’s decision shall be final and binding on all of the parties to the dispute. Trotsynd, as part of the ASIC compliance requirements is a Member of an EDRS, namely The Financial Ombudsman Service Limited (Membership No F-4172).

12. Notices

Any notice to be given under this Agreement shall be forwarded to the Racing Manager and/or Secretary or the Members by mail or facsimile at the address or facsimile shown herein or as later advised.

13. Cooling Off Period

Trotsynd shall abide by a standard five (5) day cooling off period which will commence from the date that Trotsynd receives the executed form attached to this Agreement and the $2,400.00 upon placement of investment funds for this Syndicate. Following advice received in writing from the investor within five days of signing this document that he/she does not wish to proceed with the purchase, Trotsynd will refund the investment amount in full. A copy of this Product Disclosure Statement has been approved by RWWA. No liability as to the contents of this PDS is taken by RWWA, its officers, employees or agents. In particular (but without prejudice to the generality of this disclaimer) RWWA does not warrant, and has no responsibility for the commercial merits of the scheme referred to within, the manner in which the Syndicate operates, or the taxation advantages (if any) to which the scheme may give rise.

20 shares @ $2600 $52,000 Purchase Price 17,715.00$ Insurance 919.12$ Naming and Registration 111.00$ Transport 100.00$ Breaking-in 1,800.00$ Training fees 19,800.00$ Ongoing costs (shoes, small vet bills, etc.) 2,400.00$ Audit and ASIC costs 2,000.00$ Futurity nominations 2,000.00$ Admin costs 2,600.00$ Printing 250.00$ Legal costs 320.00$ Gloucester Park function 1,500.00$ Contingency & Emergency Veterinary 484.88$

Total $52,000 Total 52,000.00$

20 Yearly Fees @ $1750 $35,000 Purchase Price $0Insurance $2,000Breaking-in $0Training fees $21,600Ongoing costs (shoes, small vet bills, etc.) $2,400Audit and ASIC costs $2,000Futurity nominations $0Admin costs $2,600Gloucester Park function $2,000Contingency & Emergency Veterinary $2,400

Total $35,000 Total $35,000

2018-2019 BudgetIncome Expenditure

Lot 478 (Mr Feelgood x Stars Aligned)

$17,000 Syndicate Budget.Trainer - Greg and Skye Bond

2017-2018 BudgetIncome Expenditure

THE SCHEDULE Full Name of Member Addresses of each Member Home telephone number of each Member Mobile phone number of each Member Email address of each Member Syndicate Horses (Year of Birth, Colour, Sex, Name) (a) Lot 478 “Cosmic Horizons” Sire: Mr Feelgood

Dam: Stars Aligned

Colour: Brown

Sex: Filly

Date of Foaling: 23 October 2015

Signed by the said ) ) In the presence of: ) Witness: Address: Occupation: EXECUTED by TROTSYND PTY LTD ) (ACN 062 299 950) in accordance ) with section 127 of the ) Corporations Act 2001: ) ______________________________________ ___________________________________ Signature of Director: Printed Name of Director ______________________________________ ___________________________________ Signature of Secretary: Printed Name of Secretary



I/WE ……………………………………………………………………………………………………… of ………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Email Address …………………………………………………………………………………………. Mobile phone number ………………………………………………………. Telephone No: (Work) ……………………………… (Home) ……………………………………… hereby apply to purchase one share in Trotsynd No. 15 Syndicate and tender with this application the sum of Two Thousand Six Hundred Dollars ($2,600) representing full payment for the share in the Syndicate I/We agree to be bound by the terms of the Syndicate Agreement to which this application is attached and shall at the request of Trotsynd Pty Ltd execute the Syndicate Agreement. I/We confirm that I/we have attained the age of 18 years and that I/we are not Disqualified Persons. OR I confirm on behalf of the Company that all of the directors and shareholders or if an Association all of the committee members and members are 18 years of age and none of them are Disqualified Persons. Signed Signed Applications will be processed as soon as possible upon receipt by Trotsynd. If for any reason your application is not accepted, your money will be returned. * NOTE: In the event of the applicant being a Company this application form must be signed

pursuant to a resolution of Directors of the Company.