cost reduction and increase of corporate competitiveness ... logistics... · towards sustainable...

Towards Sustainable Logistics Development, Thailand-Japan Cooperation and Prospect Cost reduction and increase of corporate competitiveness through the promotion of green logistics Contents 2. Green logistics activities and their effectiveness (Introduction of cost reduction cases in Japan) 1. Why environment-conscious green logistics is needed? 3. Global comparison on logistics costs and potential of improvement in Thailand 4. Summary -- Increase in competitiveness through green logistics September 23, 2008 Masaru “Myles” Sugata Logistics Efficiency Promotion Adviser Auditor of Ecoaction21 Environment Counselor Green Logistics Partnership Council Member Lecturer in Logistics Policy of Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, and Transport Partners for LogisticRevolution JETRO Expert 1

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Page 1: Cost reduction and increase of corporate competitiveness ... logistics... · Towards Sustainable Logistics Development, Thailand-Japan Cooperation and Prospect Cost reduction and

Towards Sustainable Logistics Development, Thailand-Japan Cooperation and Prospect

Cost reduction and increase of corporate competitiveness through the promotion of green logistics


2. Green logistics activities and their    effectiveness (Introduction of cost reduction   cases in Japan)

1. Why environment-conscious green logistics is needed? 

3. Global comparison on logistics costs and   potential of improvement in Thailand

4. Summary -- Increase in competitiveness   through green logistics

September 23, 2008Masaru “Myles” SugataLogistics Efficiency Promotion AdviserAuditor of Ecoaction21Environment CounselorGreen Logistics Partnership Council MemberLecturer in Logistics Policy of Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, and TransportPartners for Logistics RevolutionJETRO Expert 1

Page 2: Cost reduction and increase of corporate competitiveness ... logistics... · Towards Sustainable Logistics Development, Thailand-Japan Cooperation and Prospect Cost reduction and


1. Why Environment-conscious green logistics is needed?(1) Global environmental issues have been serious. (2) Sustainable development and green logistics are necessary.

Page 3: Cost reduction and increase of corporate competitiveness ... logistics... · Towards Sustainable Logistics Development, Thailand-Japan Cooperation and Prospect Cost reduction and



(1) Global environmental issues have been serious.

IPCC the 4th Evaluation Report  November 12, 2007, Spain

A United Nation organization, founded in 1988 More than 2,500 scientists More than 1,000 points observed

An increase of 0.74ºC over 100 years. If no measures are implemented, in 2100, the temperature may increase by +4to 6.4 ºC.

Rise of global average temperature

Eleven years in recent 12 years are the warmest years since 1850.

The temperature rise over 100 years from 1906 to 2005 was 0.74°C. This temperature is higher than 0.6°C reported in TAR. The temperature rise is greater in high-altitude areas in the north hemisphere, and the warming is more significant in the continental area than in sea area.

Source: AR4 SYR SPM

The temperature rise for a decade over the recent 50 years (1956 to 2005) is 0.13°C, which is twice of the rise over the past 100years (1906 to 2005).

Source: AR4 SYR Longer Report Subject1

New !

Average land temperature (Deviation from the average temperature over the period from 1961 to 1990)

Average surface tem


Yearly averageLine based on the dataError range by 10 years (5-95%)

Liner trendPeriod (Year) Level of rise (°C/10 year) 

IPCC’s ChairmanPacha Uri visited Thailand AR4 WG1 Chapter 3 FAQ 3.1 figure1

Ministry of the Environment

Difference from

the average temperature over the

period from 1961 to 1990 (°C


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Arctic Ice (in Summer)

Endangered species

Half of 1950-1960’sTotal meltdown of Arctic ice by 2030 are predicted.Some scientists forecast the meltdown by 2013.

Example of Impact of Global Warming (1)

The smallest Arctic ice area ever recorded

Approx. 5.3 million square meters in September 2005

425.5 million square meters in September 2007

Source: JAXA website

Ice area equivalent to approx. 2.8 times of the area of Japan is lost.

Atlantic Ocean



Alaska Siberia

Pacific Ocean Japan

Atlantic Ocean



Alaska Siberia

Pacific Ocean Japan

Area of September 22, 2005

Japan with the same scale

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Tuvalu and Greenland (in Summer)Sea level rise          Fast ice meltdown

<Sea level rise forecast result (appendix)>The following processes are not included in the sea level rise forecast result.- Carbon circulation feedback- Ice sheet flow process *

Considering these processes, the sea level rise may increase.                                              Source: AR4 SPM

* The surface of the ice sheet is melt down due to warming, thereby forming lakes. The water of the lakes sinks down the cracks in the glacier and penetrates into the area between the ground surface and ice sheet. As a result, the water functions as lubrication oil, and thus the ice above the ground slides.

Impacts of sea level rise at the equator

(Before flood)                 (After flood)Flood damage at the Funafuti island in Tuvalu (Photos taken in May, 2005)

If all ice melt, the sea level rises by 7 m.


     Source: Website of Japan Center for Climate Change Actions ( of the Environment

Arctic Ice sheet meltdown

The water melt and flown from the large Arctic ice sheet covering GreenlandThe sea ice in the Arctic Ocean has been greatly reduced because of the global warming. The reduction area decreased by approx. 10% over 30 years.

Source: ROGER BRAITHWAITE/Still picture

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Sudden rise

Sugata entered Ricoh Co., Ltd.



Sudden rise in oil priceUS$150? in the end of 2008100 times after

37 yearsFigure 1: Long-term Change of Oil Price

Unit: Dollar/barrel

Price of Arabian Light

Iran-Iraq War broke out in September 9, 1980.

The highest price of $11.65 per barrel during the First Oil Crisis

The Fourth Middle East War broke out in October, 1973.

Iran Provisional Revolutionary Government was establishedon February 11, 1979.

The highest price of $34 per barrel during the Second Oil Crisis The highest price of $32.49

per barrel during the Gulf War.

The price of $67.20 per barrel in April, 2006

Iraq invaded Kuwait on August 2, 1990.

Synchronized terrorist attacks were made in the United States on September 11, 2001.

The allied forces lead by United States attacked Iraq on March 20, 2003.


$1 to $2per barrel

The first structural change Coping to the oil crisis

Stable prices

$13 to 19 per barrel

The second structural changeImbalance between supply and demand

Source: Report created by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry

The prices are based on that of Arabian Light, which Japan purchases most. The price determination method differs depending on the period. Forecasting the commercial use of electric

vehicles in 2030Running cost (fuel consumption): 11 yen/litter

Japan’s Future Technology Development Roadmap

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Difficulty of m


Industrial revolution– 1970 or before

Financial report

Report on environment

Good faith and value


Triple bottom line

Do corporations contribute to humans and societies? With what do they contribute?


Promoting open discussion

(3) Why sustainable development and green logistics is needed?

Background of CSR







age to the earth


ent of new



Corporate m


Social justice


Environment Society

After 1970 After 1990 Now (and future)

The earth(Ecosystem)SocietyCorporationIndividual

Sustainable development of

corporation and society

Page 8: Cost reduction and increase of corporate competitiveness ... logistics... · Towards Sustainable Logistics Development, Thailand-Japan Cooperation and Prospect Cost reduction and

Building a sustainable society Long-term roadmapUpgrading logistics


Compared with 1990Now6% reduction of CO2

C-free logistics

Natural energy

60 to 80% reduction of CO2

Hyper green logistics

Energy saving and recycling

20 to 30% reduction of CO2

Green logistics

3R recycling promotion

Pipe-end logistics

Large-volume disposal

Post COP3, around 2020United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change(Member countries include the U.S. China, India, and other developing nations.)

The basic agreement made in March, 2005EU Environment Ministers Board

COP3 2008 to 2012The Kyoto Protocol enforcedSCM


Around 2050Prevention of earth degradation



Basic Law for Promoting the Creation of a Recycling-Oriented Society in 2000Environment Basic Law in 1993Easy

8to 20501980 1990 2000 2010 2020 2030

Page 9: Cost reduction and increase of corporate competitiveness ... logistics... · Towards Sustainable Logistics Development, Thailand-Japan Cooperation and Prospect Cost reduction and


2. Green logistic activities and their effectiveness (Introduction of cost reduction cases in Japan)

(1) What is green logistics(2) Advantages in making logistics to green logistics(3) Four activity levels in the green logistics management(4) Green logistics activities in Thailand -- comments on  interviews(5) Green logistics activities – cases in Japan

1) Eco-driving (safety) activities2) Collaborative logistics3) Review of distribution plan and route4) Eco packing (recycling and energy saving)

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(1) What is green logistics?JILS Grand design


Companies Consumers

Public administration (Social system)

Design and Production Distribution

Source Management

Generation prevention, reuse, and recycling

Resource-saving logistics

Supply chain

Environmental performance evaluation

Reverse chain

Reverse logistics

Purchase Use

Recycling management


5 keywords1. DFE (Environment-       conscious design)2. SCM3. 3R Reduce Reuse Recycle4. Reverse Logistics5. Consolidation based

   on Partnership

Green Logistics Guide


We have a responsibility to carry down the sound global environment to the next generation.  To do so, it is essential for logistics to prioritize environmentally sound contribution.  We propose “the logistics with sustainable development” in every logistic activity.

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(2) Advantages in making logistics to green logistics


Green logistics activities

Improvement of competitiveness

Increasing logistics service quality (decreasing damages on goods)

Increasing corporate brand image (supports from consumers)

Customer satisfaction

Eco-friendly (energy saving and CO2 reduction)

Increasing safety (reduction of contaminated waste gases and disasters)


Realizing cost reduction (increasing fuel efficiency and saving resources)Economy

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  What I would like to suggestGreen logistic activities -- Competitiveness in cost increases

Increase in competitiveness and performances


Real management strategy

Carrying the goods more with less energy and resources

Carrying the goods to the destination with less energy  Reducing the distance of travel   Converting the transportation mode

(Air-> Truck-> Ship -> Railway)

Improving loading efficiency and capacityIntegrating routes and decreasing empty carsUtilizing empty containers used for land transportationSaving resources and promoting eco-packing

CO2 CostEvaluation criteria

Integrating and reallocating delivery basesDirect shipmentLess-expensive delivery means

Almost equivalent

Increasing logistics  efficiency/CD measures

Increasing safety and customer satisfactionNew business creation measuresImproving employees’abilities and corporate image



Golden rule for success


Energy saving measures


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(3) Four activity levels in the green logistics management

Fulfilling obligation (1)

Spontaneous activities (2)

Spontaneous activities (3)

•International conventions

•Domestic laws

•Environment certificate ISO14001•Green purchasing•Recycling laws guidance゙

  Examples of activities of logistic companies

Activities conducted by proposing structural reform to and cooperating with the owners of goods, and activities to create a new businesse.g.,  Transport demand solution

SCM, 3PL, integration of logistics bases, and recycling business

Spontaneous activates (4)

Level 1

Level 2

Level 3

Level 4




Innovative and new business

Activities proactively conducted with owners of goodse.g.,  Traffic solution

Collaborative transportation, eco packing, logistic quality development, and parts recycling, etc.

Consciousness rising and familiar corporate activities e.g.,  Driving solutionEnergy-saving safety driving, avoiding idling, reduction of paper waste and electricity, and social contribution 


Compliancee.g.,  Single unit solution

(exhaust gases and limiters, etc.)Waste manifest

Potentiality of cost reduction

Acidities with uniqueness and superiority

Basic items: Baseline activities




Cost increase

Legal regulation and guidance

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Type of corporation (Owner of goods or distribution service provider)

1. Energy saving and ecological (safety) driving

2. Review of distribution plan and route

3. Review and improvement of loading efficiency

4. Promotion of collaboration (Collaborative logistics)5. Round use of return cargo and empty container

6. Promotion of modal shift

7. Review of packing (ecological use and energy saving)

8. Reuse of waste generated from logistic activities

Interviewees (8 companies, August 26-29, 2008)

Company A

Owner of goods Distribution service provider

Company C Company F

Relevant numbers of green check guide

(4) Green logistics in Thailand – Comments on interviewsInterviews: TNSC arrange 8 companies

Conclusion1. The concept of green logistics are understood among all companies.2. Regarding to actual activities, however, some companies have been conducting   and some are in the preparation stage. (Progress of activities varies greatly   depending on companies.)

Relevant numbers of green check guideRelevant numbers of green check guide

Company B Company D Company E Company G Company H

Owner of goods Distribution service provider

Owner of goods Distribution service provider

Owner of goods Distribution service provider

Establishment of environmental policy

Acquisition of environmental certification (ISO14001 or other certificates)

Introducing examples of activities in Japan

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(1) Eco-drive (safety) activities


Advantage of cost reductionFuel efficiency: increasing 10 to 20%Traffic accident: decreasing 20 to 40%

Company R16% increase in fuel   efficiency27% decrease in accident

Case 1 (a) Eco-driving operation criteria 1. Start Idling stop campaign (during waiting, loading and unloading goods, and resting).

Introducing a digital tachometer, and setting the maximum idling time by vehicle to reduce the idling time in order (e.g., less than 30 min.) 10-minute idling for a 10-ton truck means a reduction of approx. \22,000 a year.

(3) Green logistics activities – cases in Japan

2. Never idle the engine with high revolution (wasting approx.15-cc fuel per an idling).3. Avoid quick start and acceleration (wasting approx.15% fuel compared to normal driving).4. Clean air cleaner upon monthly maintenance (once or more/month).5. Drive with economical speed (80 km in highway, which is the speed of highest fuel

efficiency), and drive with constant speed.Engine revolution: 1500 during running and less than 2000 is recommended.

6. Avoid abrupt steering and sudden braking (slowly steer and stop)7. Keep higher tire air pressure by 10% (Air pressure decreases by 5% a month)8. Use proper exhaust brake (incl. retarder)9. Before the traffic light, release the accelerator earlier, and coast with engine brake

10. Shorten warm-up time (1 minute in March through November, and 3 minutes in December through February)


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7. Increase loading efficiency (80% or more by means of route integration or reviewing  the number of trucks

(b) Decreasing vehicle weight and setting the targetof loading efficiency, and other criteria


For Driving Control Supervisor


1. In summer, do not carry chains for winter on board. (16 kg for a 4-ton vehicle, and    26kg for a 10-ton vehicle)2. Only carry necessary tools on board. 3. Consider whether spare fuel tank is needed. (200 liters, the spare fuel tank is not   needed for short or middle distance route.)

4. Use a short-cabin truck . (increasing load, 10-ton truck + 2.2 m3)5. Consider using air suspension truck (10-ton truck + 1.1 m3)/low floor truck, and   large tonnage truck.6. Use eco-tires (increasing fuel efficiency by about 3%)

By introducing (a) and (b) realizesVehicle insurance discount by 50% or less

⇒ The discount is expected to be 70%(saving \38,000,000 a year)

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 All 16 drivers at Tosu (Kyushu) Center of San-ai Logistics Co., Ltd. achieved an average evaluation score of 95 points in July in the ranking of safety driving that utilizes digitaltachograph control. Digital tachograph control is an evaluation in which 16 parameters including maximum and average speeds, idling time, abrupt start and sudden deceleration are scored.  Ranks A and B drivers coexisted by 2003 and drivers’ skill varied. After 2004, monthly driver training was made through video and lectures on energy saving. Thank to the efforts to increase safety driving awareness, drivers achieved high scores. We will further address safety and energy-saving driving.




RLC 総務部承認:渡辺・作成:淺草



*1 What is digital tachograph?A system that can collect the data of driving conditions such as over-speeding, number of abrupt start and sudden braking, and idling time for each driver, thus enabling to be used for safety and energy-saving driving evaluation.

Monthly driver training has been held. The responsibility of traffic problems are given to the entire company regardless whether they are accidents or misses. Reoccurrence prevention meeting is always held, and causes and measures are discussed by all members.

Energy-saving driving decreases CO2 and increases safety.


Digital tachograph evaluates drivers.Safety driving practiced by San-ai Logistics (Kyushu)

Idling time: no longer than 4%      (19 minutes in 8 hours)the President Prize in September, 2005

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 Mr. Ishida, a driver in BCG Logistics Section of Production Logistics Department, was received “Safety Collaborative Patrol Card” from Shizuoka Trucking Association.

Safety Collaborative Patrol is an activity that is conducted by Japan Trucking Association with Japan Long Haul Trucking Association for the purpose of the highway traffic safety. Driving on Tomei Expressway, he was found by the patrol as a driver observing the legal speed and driving safely. Observing the legal speed, all drivers of this company ensure the safety.

Mr. Shuichi Ishida(BCG Logistics Section of Production Logistics Department) awarded the best driver




RLC 総務部承認:渡辺作成:淺草




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Brake pedal

Suddenly and deeply pressing the brake pedal


Employing 240 sets of on-vehicle instrumentsEvaluating 5 parameters (20 points each)  Full score: 100 pointsStop, turning right or left, smoothness, steering wheel use, and others

Lightly pressingthe brake pedal

Slowly pressing the brake pedal

Case 2

How to brake (habit)

Accident prevention and eco-driving promotion using a safety recorder

Company NL in 2006

Increasing fuel efficiency by


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Example of utilizing the braking dispersion chart for braking during driving

(Drivers’ “driving habit”) Results of the analysis of data on 10-ton trucks over 12 months

42,494 kmBraking: 4 points 

25,271 kmBraking: 20 points  20

Braking actions depending on the speed

Maximum speed (km/h)

Braking actions depending on the speed

Maximum speed (km/h)

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Example of utilizing of stop dispersion chartHabit in stopping 2

Stop: 4 points Stop: 20 points 21

Results of the analysis of data on 10-ton trucks over 12 months

Braking actions depending on the speed

Maximum speed (km/h)

Braking actions depending on the speed

Maximum speed (km/h)

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無断複製を禁ず HIプランニング 22

 Let’s keep constant speed.Green Management InformationIssued in March, 2005Foundation for Promoting Personal Mobility and Ecology Transportation

Green Management Certificate

When you drive your track with wavy driving speed (repeating acceleration and deceleration) due to insufficient distance from the car ahead

The car ahead


The car ahead

Short distance between two cars

Sufficient distance

Acceleration Decelera


Wavy driving speed consumes more fuel.Fuel efficiency degrades by 30%.

Constant speed and sufficient distance from the car ahead

Keep sufficient distance between two cars, and drive with constant speed.

Constant-speed car

Yearly fuel efficiency degradationLarge truck: 1 million yenMiddle or small truck: 300 thousand yen

Foundation for Promoting Personal Mobility and Economy Transportation (Explaining the difference of fuel efficiency due to wavy-speed driving)


Case 3


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Installing a terminal in a vehicle

Example of external installation

Example of internal installation

OnOn--board board equipmentequipment

66 series buttonseries button

DopaDopa antennaantenna


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Company T   Significant cost reduction can be achieved after the introduction of equipment

compared with before.

     FuelFuel--efficiency increase efficiency increase by by 20%20%Cost reduction Cost reduction by by 2626,,000 000 yen yen a a month per vehiclemonth per vehicle

Reduction Reduction by by 68%68%Cost reduction by Cost reduction by 1313,,000 000 yen yen a month per vehiclea month per vehicle

Cost reduction Cost reduction by by 1212,,000 000 yen yen a month per vehiclea month per vehicle

Reduction by 74%in 2006 !

Cost advantage

Fuel consumption Insurance cost Maintenance costTransition of fuel consumption (fuel cost) Transition of maintenance cost

(inc. consumables)Transition of optional insurance fee






ly ins


ce fe

e (un

it: tho


d yen








ce co

st for



l (yen





on (k


Before TRU-SAM After TRU-SAM Before TRU-SAM After TRU-SAM Before TRU-SAM After TRU-SAM

Monthly amount of reduction per a vehicle

Monthly amount of reduction per a vehicle

Monthly amount of reduction per a vehicle

Fuel consumption Fuel costInsurance fee

Discount rate

Discount rate

Driving approx. 6,000 km a month


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Cost advantageCompany T   Even monthly lease cost and server usage fee are paid, still 40,000 yen a month per

a vehicle can be achieved.


Driving approx. 6,000 km a month

Full package•On-board terminal +•Fuel and flow meter +•Server usage fee

(dynamic management)

Cost-effectiveness in amount per a vehicle (Yen)

Reduction Reduction ((monthlymonthly)) Monthly lease cost Monthly lease cost ((estimatedestimated)) CostCost--effectiveness in effectiveness in amountamount

Fuel costFuel cost

Vehicle maintenance costVehicle maintenance cost

OptionalOptional insurance feeinsurance fee

TotalTotal reductionreduction amountamount


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Before the consultationAs of December


Before consultation

As of December

Travel distance (per month)

Diesel oil (unit price)


Amount of oil (per month)

Travel distance (per month)

CO2 release amount Metal drum equivalentCO2 reduction


CO2 reduction effect (2.6 kg of CO2 release per one litter of diesel oil)

Estimated fuel cost reduction effect

The effect equivalent to the price reduction to 79.2 is observed.

CO2 reduction effect equivalent to 39,424 metal drums


\2,045,580 \613,674

Cost of diesel oil (per month)

Reduced cost (per month)

Cost advantageCompany SRConsigned the work of fresh food center of a large supermarketA significant advantage in 3-ton refrigerator car (driving 50 to 100 km a day)An average of 60 vehicles


Fuel-efficiency increase by        23.1%

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Fully utilizing the social capital related to logistics by means of upgrading social capital and harmonized private logistic facilitiesReducing logistic cost and CO2 release amount through efficient logistics, upgrading logistics facilities that can reduce the environmentalload, and integration and collaboration in delivery

Upgrading the large-scale social capital for logistics including international airports, ports, and highways

Creating logistics facilities by means of 3PL business (integrated activities consisting of delivery, storage, and distribution processing), securitization of real estate, and new approaches

To achieve a goal of measures against global warming in logistics (CO2 reduction) is urgent.

Central Japan International Airport opened in February, 2005

New goal for reduction14 million tons

To reduce inefficiency arisen from the location of logistics facilities and environmental load generated by the longer truck travel distance, integrated and functional approaches that upgrade the social capital for logistics and logistics facilities including international airports, ports, and roads.

Inefficient logistics Forming legal framework for extensive promotion

Logistics with high efficiency and low environmental load

Trucks repeatedly come and go, increasing the travel distance.

Factory or warehouse of

manufacturer A

Factory or warehouse of

manufacturer B

Factory or warehouse of

manufacturer C

Storage shed for sorting goods

Distribution processing


Conventional warehouse

Whole sale or retail

Inefficient dispersed locations

Establishing a system of certification by the Minister of MLIT, and granting the following advantages to the certified operators- Special advantages of laws of logistics and related business- Special advantages in tax- Financial investment and funding- Streamlining location regulation

Integrating a variety types of logistics function

Collaboration with the social capital including international

airports, ports, and roads

(Storage, goods sorting, distribution processing,

and information)

Delivery-efficient logistics facility

Making truck driving more efficient

Promotion of 3PL business

Website of MLIT

A new law for logistics efficiency enforced in October 1, 2005(2) Collaborative logistics

Small and dispersed logistics ⇒ Encouraging to set up large-scale collaborative functional distribution centers

Realizing green logistics and efficient logistics through extensive promotion of 3PL

Whole sale or retail

Whole sale or retail

Factory or warehouse of manufacturer A

Factory or warehouse of

manufacturer B

Factory or warehouse of

manufacturer C

Whole sale or retail

Whole sale or retail

Whole sale or retail

Reducing logistics costsby integration of logistics bases and collaborative delivery (About 20% reduction)

Reducing environmental load in logistics by setting up environment-conscious facilities and improvement in logistics operation (About 20% reduction)

Targeting cost and CO2 reduction by 20%

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Comprehensive and efficient distribution operation

Needs to focuses corporate management resources on the core business such as

producing goods

Executing overall logistics business that covers delivery, storage, and

distribution processing (3PL business)

Overall efficiency increase of logistics business that supports international


Comprehensive consignment of


Reducing environmental load

- For example, CO2 release canbe reduced by approx. 20% through the integration of logistics bases and streamlining

the delivery network.

Functional use of land

- Efficiently utilizing unused land and idled land in industry complexor delivery complex near the interchange

- Creating employment of goods sorting and distribution processing

in facilities of logistics bases

Promoting logistics innovation

- For example, logistics cost can bereduced by 20% through the integration of logistics bases and streamlining the delivery network.

Local revitalization

Locating a large-scale delivery site near the interchangeThis leads to promote collaboration with social capital.

Production site (factory) Consuming site

(retail shop)

Production site (factory)

Consuming site (retail shop)

Creation of local employment

Within 5 km

Website of MLIT 28

Recommending to locate large-scale delivery site near interchange or cargo station

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Before employing collaborative logistics

After employing collaborative logistics

Realizing collaborative logistics from the viewpoint of total optimization

Planet Logistics Ltd.

Manufacturer A

Wholesale shop a

Conceptual diagram

By each manufacturerComplicated delivery

Large scale and collaborative delivery

Total optimization viewpointCollaborative logistics

High cost Low cost

Before After

Promoting collaborative delivery

Manufacturer B

Manufacturer C

Manufacturer D

Wholesale shop b

Wholesale shop c

Wholesale shop d

Wholesale shop e

Manufacturer A

Manufacturer B

Manufacturer C

Manufacturer D

Wholesale shop a

Wholesale shop b

Wholesale shop c

Wholesale shop d

Wholesale shop e

20 times 9 times

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Location of logistics center

Delivery deportation

Delivery area

Location of distribution center     

New Port of Ishikari-city, Hokkaido

Case 1 Collaborative delivery

 Company P, in Hokkaido 

Collaboration within the toiletry and cosmetic industry

Type of vehicle

2-ton truck

4-ton truck

10-ton truck


Delivery by each company

12 14 11 37 trucks

Planet Logistics, Ltd.

6 10 11 27 trucks

Difference 6 4 0 10

Travel distance: 4422 km to 2580 km -42%CO2 release: 2046 kg to 1327 kg -35%

Collaborative delivery: Environmental load, delivery quality, and cost reductionWith advantages (recipients are also benefited)

Collaboration among 12 manufacturers

Verification condition - Data on January 31, 2004 – Integrating into 2-ton, 4-ton, and 10-ton

vehicles – Considering delivery time specification – Excluding 10-ton vehicles running on


Simulation result (day)


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Company T’s logistics information system Improvement in freight goods demand and truck demand

Case 2

Before improvement Truck with goodsEmpty truck (return)

Nagoya Tokyo350 km (one way)

Nagoya Tokyo350 km (one way) R

Since trucks are owned by each operator in Thailand, in many cases, trucks run without goods.

The cost reduction will be great if the number of commercial trucks are increased and collaborative loading is made.

Empty truck (return)  36% (64% with goods)Distance empty trucks run   700 km (2 trucks)


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After improvement: Round trip truck

COCO22--259259 kgkg

per round tripper round trip

Intensity: 0.37kg-CO2/km (4-ton truck)

After improvement

Although a truck runs some distance without goods, 700 km of empty driving can be avoided.Rate of empty truck is decreased to 10% (cost reduction of 26%)

Nagoya Tokyo

Nagoya TokyoTruck loading goods Empty truckMatching Matching


Overall improvement by 11%32

Number of matching in Japan 670 thousand times/year = About 2,600 million yen

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Demand forecast of goods and stock


Order through planned delivery


Avoiding order with many times

and small lot

Averaging delivery demand

Reduction of delivery cost

Increase in average delivery volume

2 effects of “planned delivery”


1990 2005

2005Average truck type: 15.0 klLoading rate: 94.3%

Average tanker type: 1,536 klLoading rate: 90.0

Average truck type: 19.47 klLoading rate: 94.2%

Average tanker type: 2,936 klLoading rate: 93.1%

Loading rate for domestic tankers

Loading rate of tank trucks (white oil)

Average load capacity (volume and percentage, 1990-2005)

Considering the sales and tank capacity of a gas station, delivery plan is made with avoiding out-of-stock at a gas station and maintaining delivery capacity. (Efficient logistics in corporation with sales agents)

Case 3

30% increase

91% increase

Petroleum company C

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(3) Reviewing delivery plan and route (TMS)

IBM AS/400











1. Goods owner /Storage site

2. Order reception process

3. RLC host CPU 4. Truck assignment plan process 5. Delivery process

Host CPU

Distant client (PC lent for receiving order)

Others (TEL and FAX)

WWW server

Order reception system

Order reception operator

In-area truck assignment systemSmall lot, medium-weight goods, and parts

Site-to-site truck assignment support systemCharter delivery and mixed loading delivery

Automatic truck assignment plan


WWW serverEDI server

Fixed route delivery service operators


Loading list

Instruction list

Mobile terminal system

Dynamic behavior control system

<On-board equipment>

Satellite antenna On-board terminal

Communication control equipment

Touch panel

6. External network center7. Provisional performance control process

8. Production control process

Satellite antennaPublic phone network

Data server

Performance control systemGoods tracking systemOperation control system

Dedicated server

WWW server

Daily operation report

Workers’attendance control


Pre-payment list

Sales/purchase systemEfficient control system

5 warehouses at the headquarters TMS12 production factories 80 sitesPlatform

Case: 1050 vehicles at Company R 80 collection sites10 recycle and 8 reuse sites

Logistics information technology N-TRIS

52 sales companies/shopsTMS Consumer

Delivery technique Delivery technique Service provisionLogistic center technique

Page 35: Cost reduction and increase of corporate competitiveness ... logistics... · Towards Sustainable Logistics Development, Thailand-Japan Cooperation and Prospect Cost reduction and

Integration and elimination of Integration and elimination of truck assignment locations truck assignment locations ((Main linesMain lines))

Awaji BCA







Tohoku BC










Tohoku RichoHasama Richo

Richo Optical

Richo UnitechnoRicho Atsugi

Richo Gotenba

Richo Numazu

Richo Elemex

Major 22 sites -> currently 5 sites -> (2 sites in future)

Richo Instuments

Fukui Richo

Richo Ikeda


Kansai block Chubu block

Kyushu block

Tohoku block

Kanto block 

Improvements1. Flexible logistics X (34%)  Schedule combination, round trip, mixed loading …2. Goods within main lines X (43%)  Machines, company K, company O, eco-truck, and collection machines…3. Assignment changes and cost revision X (23%)  New partner and cost estimate comparison, C/D…

X trip X%

X trip X%

X trip X%X trip X%X trip X%

 N= 196 vehicles /day


Case 1


Page 36: Cost reduction and increase of corporate competitiveness ... logistics... · Towards Sustainable Logistics Development, Thailand-Japan Cooperation and Prospect Cost reduction and

Example of loading combination and route reviewExample of loading combination and route review  

DifficultiesT in Saga Prefecture: Time of loading and unloading is changed because the main

line vehicles and delivery vehicles comes at the same time.

DifficultiesT in Saga Prefecture: Time of loading and unloading is changed because the main

line vehicles and delivery vehicles comes at the same time.

T in Saga PrefectureN in Shizuoka Prefecture

A in Osaka Prefecture

T in Osaka Prefecture

Supply direct delivery

  Conventional delivery   Conventional delivery    After revision   After revision 

Logistics of Company O

Regular main line

T in Saga PrefectureN in Shizuoka Prefecture

A in Osaka Prefecture

T in Osaka Prefecture

Supply direct delivery

Result of revision: 18 million yen/year

Check points•R and O are different companies•Amount of goods for in-bound is less at area Q

Points for improvement•Utilizing return that has empty route in direct delivery•Segmenting the regular main line    


Combination of logistics for the company among its departments and sections+ logistics for general customers

Combination of logistics for the company among its departments and sections+ logistics for general customers

Page 37: Cost reduction and increase of corporate competitiveness ... logistics... · Towards Sustainable Logistics Development, Thailand-Japan Cooperation and Prospect Cost reduction and

Promotion of integrationPromotion of integration; ; salessales, , procurementprocurement, , and collectionand collection

Increase in loading efficiencyDisclosing data of 196 vehicles on the main line net of the entire companies, and utilizing this data for sales activities and internal use for the main lines and others.Compared to the conventional manual operations, Loading efficiency increased by 10 to 15%.Cost reduction by approx. 400 to 500 million yen a year

Increase in loading efficiencyDisclosing data of 196 vehicles on the main line net of the entire companies, and utilizing this data for sales activities and internal use for the main lines and others.Compared to the conventional manual operations, Loading efficiency increased by 10 to 15%.Cost reduction by approx. 400 to 500 million yen a year

Development of main line net disclosed in 2004, promoting widespread use Development of main line net disclosed in 2004, promoting widespread use 

7:30着 18:00着鳥栖 広島 SLK淡路

19:00発 8:00発

8:00着 6:00着鳥栖 福岡 広島 SLK淡路

6:30発 スポット 19:00発

7:00着 2:00着 0:30着 20:00着SLK江坂 SLK淡路 名古屋 岡崎 BCG7:30発 6:30発 2:30発 1:00発 20:30発

18:30着 19:30着 0:00着 3:00着SLK江坂 SLK淡路 岡崎 沼津19:00発 20:00発 0:30発 3:30発

19:30着 0:00着 4:30着 6:00着草加便 10t 既存 SLK淡路 岡崎 BCG 井上小山

20:00発 0:30発 5:00発

4:00着 18:00着 16:30着草加便 10t 既存 名古屋 沼津 井上小山

5:00発 18:30発 17:00発

8:30着草加便 4t 既存 岡崎

19:00着 21:00着 1:00着名古屋 岡崎 BCG20:00発 21:30発 1:30発


18:00着 19:00着沼津 BCG 井上小山

17:00発 18:30発 20:30発

7:00着自車便 10t 既存 福井 沼津



7:00着 6:00着SLK天満 SLK淡路


20:30着SLK天満 SLK淡路20:00発 21:00発


7:30着群馬便 10t 新規 沼津 厚木MP






    Main line net diagram XXX trip/day       Main line net diagram XXX trip/day   

What tripWhat trip? ? What is deliveredWhat is delivered? ? How is the loadingHow is the loading? ? Are there Are there

more capacitymore capacity??

This information cannot be This information cannot be easily obtainedeasily obtained. . This system This system

works wellworks well..


Page 38: Cost reduction and increase of corporate competitiveness ... logistics... · Towards Sustainable Logistics Development, Thailand-Japan Cooperation and Prospect Cost reduction and

OA consumables, small machines, and office equipment Approx. 900thousands items/monthArea master creation by vehicle -> Automatic vehicle assignmentAutomatic weight calculation, loading adjustment, and operating time adjustmentThe following functions are available: Referencing, Issuing lists, control of vehicle assignment pattern, vehicle assignment simulation, and mixed loadingSimultaneous 100 vehicle matching assignment (10 minutes for 1000)

Small-lot (vehicle) delivery support system

Before Current

Commonly distributed sheet (commonly used for collection)

Profitability control by vehicle type, products, destination, and day

Picking list by vehicleDelivery instruction list

Partner link


他社 RLCArea A=No. 1 vehicle   excessive loading

Area B =No.2 vehicle

Area D = No. 4 vehicle 

Amount of goods is small

Area C= No.3 vehicle

Approx. 650vehicles

Case 2

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Control daily profit and loss and efficiency by vehicle-dispatch control system

Profit and loss by vehicle

Profit control

Profit and loss control·Sales·Cost·Gross profit

By dayBy vehicleBy depotBy route

Daily total by depot

By each vehicle

Efficiency indicator· The number of visits· Weight· Quantity


Efficiency control· The number of visits

· Weight· Loading efficiency

·Based on the analysis of load and customers needs, change and implement operation method flexibly by changing delivery method and switching vehicles, etc.

·Train depot chiefs and dispatchersDelivery efficiency control Ver.2.0

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Route deliveryReturn etc.

Productivity improvement in the logistics C(method to increase the number of supply and delivery)


7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17

Order receipt

Expected order Firm order

Dispatch vehicle Arrange vehicle Dispatch vehicle

Document processing

Delivery slip output and sorting○ ○ ○ List by vehicle sorting ○ ○ ○ ○

Total picking Sort and inspection Wrong delivery check

Workers in warehouse

○ ○

Warehousing receipt to Warehousing processing

List outputDocument processing

Sort Loading

DriverDocument processing

Delivery Lunch Delivery


11:30 16:30

Time management control and productivity improvement by fully utilizing the all functions in the logistics C

(1) Speed up delivery and dispatch

(3) Set up loading start time · Set up loading platform · Improve efficiency of sorting area ·Improve delivery instruction, etc.

(4) Shorten loading time to less than 30 minutes per vehicle · Change lunch time rule for supporters and increase supporters · Prepare M/H tool

1. Improve and maintain quality for customer service2. Improve delivery efficiency by improving operation in a warehouse XX% or more( increase delivery time XX hour/day or more)

About 2 hours→ less than 1.5 hours

130 minutes 120 minutes

Delivery timewant more

Delivery timewant more

(2) Inventory location improvement


(5) Set up driver delivery operation standards



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Richo ● 1st ● closing ★ Fixed ● Additional closingOS ●TP2 TP3 ● ●TP4 ●TP5 ●TP6 ●TP7 Fixed

Truck assignment fixedDelivery shee Sheet sorting

Unloading Richo Provision List output Total picking LineupOS Provision List output Total picking LineupTanomail 横持 Sorting

Sorting Loading list List outputLoading Loading



14:0030 30 3010:30 11:00 12:00 13:00

Time schedule management for whole operation (order reception –arrangement – delivery)


No.of staff 4 7 8 6 611 8

Picking Inspection and sortingLineup

Reallocating workers according to the working volume

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 182T Priority Light

1st Control No. 233 220 234 212 219 236 215 203 201 202 218 204 232 237 210 205 238 217starting time Vehicle ty pe 2t 1.5t 2t 1t 1t 1t 1t 1t 1t Light truck Light truck Light truck Light truck Light truck Light truck Light truck Light truck Light truck




























2nd Control No. 228 223 207 209 206 208 235 216 230 214 224 227 225 229starting time Vehicle ty pe 2t 2t 1t 1t 1t 1t 1t 1t 1t Light truck Light truck Light truck Light truck Light truck



















3rd Control No. 231 213 226 211 221 222starting time Vehicle ty pe 2t 2t 1t 1t 1t 1t13:45








Home No.1T

Setting up the loading platform and departure time by car


41Delivery departure complete time

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Before improvement After improvement







Above the half story

Under the half story






A rank products : Collect near thecenter pointD rank products : Collect on the heavy-duty-rackImprove stock and work efficiency

Redundant space 1span reduced

·A rank and D rank products mixed

·Plane, inefficient space

POINTS1. Improve inventory location based on the ABC analysis and walking flow. 2. Locations can be set easily by anybody.

3. Make the picking area more compact.

Separate D rank products

Under the half story


Allocate A rank products

Space efficiency XX% improved

Improvement of inventory location layout

Center point


B rank products C rank products


Above the half story

Page 43: Cost reduction and increase of corporate competitiveness ... logistics... · Towards Sustainable Logistics Development, Thailand-Japan Cooperation and Prospect Cost reduction and

1st pick-up work improvement

Any worker can make pick-up → PAS enabledBefore improvement After improvement

Setting up one location/one item shelf, installing separation boards, indicating the deadline by colorImprovement of productibity by box structure where pick-up is easily made

Before improvementAfter improvement

1st pick-up

L/T minutes reductionMan-hour minutes reduction

No location indicationWork is typically conducted by skilled workers

Several types of goods are placed at one locationWork done by skilled workers

Creating attractive warehouse → Company that goods owners rely on


Location indication improvement

→ PAS enabled

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Using a table, larger square area, numbering for vehicle, placing goods with the same direction, fast pick-up

Work time can be reduced because time for pick-up can be reduced and the worker does not need to bend down for pick-up.

Before improvement After improvementDue to an increase in pathway and intervals, truck

wheels can pass each other and both-side pick-up can be made.

Before improvement After improvement Before improvement After improvement


Small item, flat placement

Neat goods arrangement, which makes accessibility to the goods higher

L/T minutes reductionMan-hour minutes reduction

2nd pick-up Goods sorting area work improvement

2nd pick-up to loading

Dispersed into two stacks by goods ownerMany small truck wheel

Only one stackIncreasing the number of large truck wheelReducing the number of delivery

Flat placement, small square area, not neat


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X月 2ヵ月後 4ヵ月後 6ヵ月後 8ヵ月後 10ヵ月後 12ヵ月後

Physical distribution LT system ·Inventory control

·Stocking and picking up method, etc.

Supply half-day delivery efficiency enhancement effects


General customer

Ordering·Stocking andpicking upVarious masters, etc.

Information IT system· Ordering system· Restocking system ・

Sales · Purchase · Accountant S

· Data transmit /receipt· Stock control· Stocking and

picking up· Distribution processing

· Inspection, Packing, Loading

Work progresstime management

Indirect operation

(for customer)・Logistics data report

Physical distribution C WMS & Front line operation management system

Delivery TMS system ·Delivery data ·Dispatch

scheduling·Delivery schedule & result report,


· Direct shipping to all over the country 

N + 1 or 2 days


CSM + Cost management

Quality + Productivity meeting

Hire car · Partner 

  Owner user  

· N-WAIS· VMI· Collection· ARTS, etc.

Vehicle arrangement Delivery information



The number of delivery per vehicle by day

Up Up 31%31% in one yearin one year


R company has about 650 vehicles. The number of delivery increased 31%

Reliable and efficient physical distribution C system design

· Profit and loss management, etc.

· Delivery in half-day,

· Receipt or returned for absence goods processing

· Billing, Sales account, Pre-payment

X month After 2months

After 4months

After 6months

After 8months

After 10months

After 12months

Page 46: Cost reduction and increase of corporate competitiveness ... logistics... · Towards Sustainable Logistics Development, Thailand-Japan Cooperation and Prospect Cost reduction and

(4) Eco-packing (recycling· resource saving)Copy machine Reusing for transportation, delivery and storage (in Japan)

        Recycling eco-packing from Jan.2001

Recycling 98%

Eco-packing    from 1998


CO2 emission 53% reduction  

Package waste 99% reductionCost reduction 25% less    

(including collection, transportation and storage cost)Corrugated cardboard boxes

Foamed material Plastic

Large-volume disposal



Reusable 99%



380 million yen a year

Page 47: Cost reduction and increase of corporate competitiveness ... logistics... · Towards Sustainable Logistics Development, Thailand-Japan Cooperation and Prospect Cost reduction and

What is recyclable eco-packing?

1. Top plate (press molding item)Recycled PP resin

2. Column (extrusion molding item)ABS resin

5. Pallet (injection molding item)PP resin

4. Reception table (injection molding item)ABS, PP resin

3. Pad (blow molding item)HDPE resin

Replacing cardboard with plastics (for repeatable use)

Starting in January, 20016. Bar code decalCompatible film

47Producing frames using recycled material of copier covers

Page 48: Cost reduction and increase of corporate competitiveness ... logistics... · Towards Sustainable Logistics Development, Thailand-Japan Cooperation and Prospect Cost reduction and

Before improvement After improvement

Example of cardboard resource saving and cost reduction 

OA equipment and packing material for toner cartridge for A-type machines

Area proportionBlack: 25% reductionColor: 22% reduction

Increasing fall-down shock resistance by means of turn-up

Locations of pasting

No pasting locations

1. Pasting using glue is not made. Making at a site (pasting locations from 5 points to 0 points)

2. Chamfer area is reduced. (Black: 0.288 ->0.217㎡, Color: 0.243 -> 0.189㎡)

Cost reduction54%  22 million yen a year


CO2 reduction40% or more

Case 2

Packing design is important.Effective for cost reduction, logistics improvement (3PL, SCM, etc.)Recommend functional improvement

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Stretch film Improvement for resource saving

  PreviouslyOnly 18 micron thickness was availableWith paper core type onlyNo standard for the number of turns 6,000 rolls per month were used

About 15%

About 85%

About 28%(12 million yen)Cost down

Before improvement After improvement



Pallet for standard shape boxes12 micron thickness Both of with or withoutpaper core type are availableThe number of turns standard 8 times  Careful transportation

Pallet for non-standard shape boxes15 micron thickness Both of with or withoutpaper core type are availableThe number of turns case by case, therefore, cannot be fixed

Page 50: Cost reduction and increase of corporate competitiveness ... logistics... · Towards Sustainable Logistics Development, Thailand-Japan Cooperation and Prospect Cost reduction and

 3. Cross-national comparison for logistics cost   Potential for improvement in Thailand  

(1) Macro physical distribution cost (against GDP)

   Comparison between Japan and USA(2) Distribution cost ratio by small classification

per industry   Comparison between Thailand and Japan


Page 51: Cost reduction and increase of corporate competitiveness ... logistics... · Towards Sustainable Logistics Development, Thailand-Japan Cooperation and Prospect Cost reduction and

(1) Macro physical distribution cost (Japan)· The total cost was up in 2004 FY, decreased slightly in 2005 FY against

GDP.· Macro physical distribution cost remains at the same level.

The reason of decrease is due to the increased GDP.


Source: July 17,2008JILS Research Institute KubotaPhysical distribution cost in Japan

% 10.59.9 9.8

9.3 9.5 9.3 9.3 9.0 8.8 8.7 8.5 8.4 8.2 8.5 8.4

6.5 6.2 6.36.0

6.3 6.1 6.0 5.8 5.8 5.8 5.6 5.6 5.6 5.85.3

3.5 3.3 3.0 2.9 2.7 2.7 2.8 2.8 2.6 2.5 2.5 2.4 2.3 2.32.7

0.5 0.5 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.3 0.4 0.4








1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005

Total logistics cost Delivery cost Storage cost Management cost

Page 52: Cost reduction and increase of corporate competitiveness ... logistics... · Towards Sustainable Logistics Development, Thailand-Japan Cooperation and Prospect Cost reduction and

Macro physical distribution cost (USA)· Macro physical distribution cost has substantially increased against GDP. · It is because of the increase in inventory cost by the increased stock amount and the rise in

interest rates.· Moreover, the lack of drivers and increased delivery cost due to the rising cost of fuel have

aggravated the situation.

Council of Supply Chain Management Professionals(CSCMP)「Annual State of Logistics Report」 52

% 10.610.0 9.9 10.1

10.4 10.2 10.2 10.1 9.910.2


8.8 8.6 8.8


5.9 5.9 5.9 5.9 6.0 6.0 6.1 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.05.5 5.5 5.6


4.33.7 3.6 3.7

4.1 3.9 3.8 3.7 3.6 3.8

3.22.9 2.7 2.9


0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.4








1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005

Total logisticscost

Delivery cost Storage cost Management cost

Page 53: Cost reduction and increase of corporate competitiveness ... logistics... · Towards Sustainable Logistics Development, Thailand-Japan Cooperation and Prospect Cost reduction and

Decreasing graduallyRecently remaining the same level


Figure 1-8 Transition of physical distribution cost of Japan and USA

(above graph: Japan, lower graph: USA

Unit: 100 billion dollar

Note: The graph of USA was made on the basis of the Annual State of Logistics Report by Council of Supply Chain Management Professionals.

Macro physical distribution cost


2005FY42.1 trillion yen


2005FY1,180 billion dollar

Increasing graduallyRecently increasing rapidly

   delivery cost ■ storage cost □ management cost

   delivery cost ■ storage cost □ management cost

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0.0% 2.0% 4.0% 6.0% 8.0% 10.0% 12.0% 14.0%

●製造業             食品(要冷) : 7

窯業・土石・ガラス・セメント : 7紙・パルプ : 4

繊維 : 4鉄鋼 : 3

化粧品 : 3食品(常温) : 21

石鹸・洗剤・塗料 : 4金属製品 : 6

その他化学工業 : 12その他製造業 : 6物流用機器 : 13

プラスチック・ゴム : 3出版・印刷 : 2

輸送用機器 : 22一般機器 : 10精密機器 : 8

電気機器 : 17医薬品 : 5

●卸売業             卸売業(繊維衣料品系) : 2

卸売業(食品飲料系) : 9卸売業(日用雑貨系) : 4

その他卸売業 : 5卸売業(機器系) : 2

卸売業(総合商社) : 2●小売業             

小売業(通販) : 3小売業(コンビニエンスストア) : 2

小売業(生協) : 2その他小売業 : 4

小売業(量販店) : 10小売業(百貨店) : 2



Physical distribution cost ratio by small classification per industry (2007FY Japan and 2003FY Thailand)

The number of companies

Manufacturing industry

Food (refrigeration)Ceramics, soil and stone, glass, and cement

Paper and pulpTextile


Food (room temperature)Soap, detergent, and paint

Metal productsOther chemical industry

Other manufacturing industryLogistics machines

Plastics and rubberPublishing and printing

Transportation machinesGeneral equipment

Precision instrumentsElectrical devices

Medical goodsWholesale industry

Wholesale (Textile and clothes)Wholesale (Food and drink)

Wholesale (Daily goods)Other wholesale

Wholesale (Machines and instruments)Wholesale (General trading)

Retail industryRetail (Mail-order business)

Retail (Convenience store)Retail (Coop store)

Other retailsRetail (Mass merchandise store)

Retail (Department store)

Micro physical distribution cost in 1991 by Japan JILSSurvey result from 210companies in 2007

Thailand:Food 7.26%

Thailand:Textile 15.61%

ThailandTire 12.84%

Thailand:Furniture 14.76%

The data source of Thai information from TNSC. It is 2003 FY result


Thailand:Electric and Electronic 7.52%


Paid logistics costPaid logistics costIn-house logistics cost

(compared with the cost paid to dedicated service providers and others)(compared with the cost paid to child company)

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Logistics cost in Thailand against GDP 24.6 %

1. In developing countries, due to the inefficient physical distribution service, the logistics cost becomes high.2. China has 510 hundreds of logistics companies, of whichtotal spending amount may 19,000 billion RMB , or about 20% of GDP in 2005.

If you set your target at the same level in Japan, the logistics cost will be decreased half, or 5 to 10% against GDP. Yourinternational competitiveness will be enhanced. Strengthenhuman resource development, streamline and sophisticate the physical distribution. Also promote Green logistics. 

In general, it is said


Improvement potential in Thailand

Source: Ruth Banomyong, PhD

Thammasat University

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4. Summary Strengthen the competitiveness by Green logistics

(1) Recommendation to promote Green logistics activities

(2) Activities to support human resource development by TNSC, JETRO, and JILS

(3) Toward for CSR logistics through green logistics


Page 57: Cost reduction and increase of corporate competitiveness ... logistics... · Towards Sustainable Logistics Development, Thailand-Japan Cooperation and Prospect Cost reduction and

(1) Recommendation to promote Green logistics activities

Except the activity level 4 on page13, this is very effective and promising improvement measures, because:


1. Huge up-front cost is unnecessary. Feasible by knowledge only.2. The improvement activities can be promoted from the aspect of

leaving the beautiful global environment to the next generation.It is easy to be approved by all members (Teamwork can befostered).

3. Environment load reduction measures such as collaborativelogistics, adoption of commercial vehicles and upsizing vehiclesrealize:

Cost down by approx. 20 to 30 %Environmental load reduction of CO2 by 30 to 40 %

Page 58: Cost reduction and increase of corporate competitiveness ... logistics... · Towards Sustainable Logistics Development, Thailand-Japan Cooperation and Prospect Cost reduction and

(2) Activity plans of TNSC & JETRO

TNSC and JETRO are now considering projects which support the promotion of Green Logistics in Thailand.

For example:•Promotion Seminars of Green Logistics•Technical assistance and training by JETRO Expert•Green Logistics Contest for Business Company


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Difficulty of



Industrial revolution– 1970 or before

Financial report

Report on environment

Good faith and value


Triple bottom line

Do corporations contribute to humans and societies? With what do they contribute?Promoting

open discussion

(3) Why sustainable development and green logistics is needed?

Background of CSR







age to the earth


ent of new



Corporate m


Social justice


Environment Society

After 1970 After 1990 Now (and future)

The earth(Ecosystem)SocietyCorporationIndividual

Sustainable development of

corporation and society


Page 60: Cost reduction and increase of corporate competitiveness ... logistics... · Towards Sustainable Logistics Development, Thailand-Japan Cooperation and Prospect Cost reduction and

Triple bottom line

Green logistics      Toward for CSR logistics




21st centurySustainable 



in Thailand and The World

Page 61: Cost reduction and increase of corporate competitiveness ... logistics... · Towards Sustainable Logistics Development, Thailand-Japan Cooperation and Prospect Cost reduction and

Improve business performance by Green logistics !Leave the beautiful environment for our children!I hope you feel free to use this for your reference.


SafetyEnvironmentCSField power

Green logistics Gaia symphony message

Leave the beautiful environment for our children.Make the future of children full of dreams and hopes instead of disappointment and Jin Tatsumura,

film director





Reference: Corporation’s Green logistics promotion manual from the aspect of CSR

All rights reserved for all the contents

If you have any question, contact to the following.  [email protected] 080-5674-6541

Innovation & ValueFor CSR Logistics

Logistics innovation