costume analysis

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Post on 03-Aug-2015




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1. Costume Analysis/ Planning 2. Conventions Conventions of electronic/house music videogenre costumes dont tend to have muchmeaning behind them other than the clothingis casual and current. An example would be agroup of friends wearing fashionable clothing.If the clothing worn was old fashioned thenthe costume in that music video would not beas appropriate unless the theme was from aparticular time period. 3. Examples of costumes from musicvideos from our chosen genre.Casual timeless blackt-shirtFashionable summery clothingGoing out clothes relevantto the location 4. Francis Character who will becycling This costume will need to be practical as Franciswill be cycling throughout most of his scenes inthe video. His costume will be a navy jumper withnavy tracksuit bottoms and trainers which isclothing suited to cycling. He will also wear ahelmet to be safe on the roads. 5. Kostec Character who will beSkateboarding This costume will also need to be practical andnon restrictive as he needs to be able to movefreely to carry out tricks on the skateboard. Hemay need protective gear such as a helmet andelbow pads but these arent necessary as hewont be skateboarding on roads. 6. Sean Character who will bewalking and taking the bus This costume doesnt need practicality but we willaim to film on a day when the weather is overcastso he will most likely wear casual clothing that willbe appropriate in colder weather conditions. 7. Background characters The people that appear as extras in our musicvideo will just be members of the public so theywill be wearing casual, everyday clothes. This isgood as it will not make our characters look out ofplace as they will be wearing the same but somemore suited to their activity.