costume ideas


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Post on 29-Jun-2015




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Page 1: Costume ideas


Page 2: Costume ideas

Existing Artist Costume 1Katie Perry is wearing a sweet baby pink short ruffled dress. This is very attractive towards the audience of the music genre as she looks like a princess assembling down in elegance. The ruffles add a touch of youthfulness, and adds quirkiness to the dress. The tailed dress is at an appropriate length, as well as the cut there is not much cleavage shown which again shows the elegance of the dress. The sequence is in an unusual colour that emphasises her body shape as if the dress is fitted around her. The straps is another feature that allows the dress to be thought as modest and youthful. The ruffles fall down in a stair way form which again is made sure to cover everything. The dress complements her skin tone and she looks beautiful to the audience someone to aspire to become like.

Page 3: Costume ideas

Existing Artist Costume 2The artist on the left is Jessie J, she is modelling unusual clothing. The black ripped top exposing not too much gives her an edgy look. The new and odd clothing intrigues how unique the idea is. Wearing a busy gold necklace to accompany the top captures the eye of the audience as it stands out against the black. The shorts are very high wasted showing off her figure that many girls envy. The tights she appears to be wearing are another quirky and unique invention off changing a simple concept into a trendy and exclusive clothing. Finishing with white sequences shoes really allows her exceptional taste to show through the use of her costume. Its a simple black and white concept of clothing just Jessie J transformed in into her rare ideas for a costume. This is very attracting for the audience as its a new fashion trend.

Page 4: Costume ideas

My Costume Idea’s

Page 5: Costume ideas

• All of the pervious slide is what my artist will be wearing during the production of creating the magazine’s front cover and any other means of images needed.

• The artist will be wearing quirky new and trendy clothes that are feminine and attractive. As well as reflecting there’re personality which may be feisty individuals yet keeping the fun youthfulness. With bright colours combined with classic and dark rich colours. She want to make a statement with their costume so it must reflect the concept of their battle in the publics eye.

• There will be some elements where the she will be dressed with elements that are similar to other pop artists, this is identifying that she is a pop artist and her genre of music is pop. She will be selecting her own wear of clothes encouraging the audience that even though she is an artist she still embrace her uniqueness and quirky trends.

• To create a look in which a bold statement can be made as a sole artist she will follow a theme of casual wear however it will be smart showing to the fans that dressing to impress can be easy with the resources available. With high heeled shoes weather it be wedges or heels with their choice of attire. This ensures she is keeping to conventional pop artist yet having her own personal input within their costume highlighting her individuality.