costume ideas

Costume Ideas

Upload: sarahdivilly

Post on 27-Jul-2015




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Page 1: Costume ideas

Costume Ideas

Page 2: Costume ideas

In the presentation I will clarify the decisions we made as a group, considering costume ideas for our main characters:

- Raven Fair (Sarah)

- Tiffany Raven (Fariha)

Page 3: Costume ideas

Raven Fair (Sarah)

We want something similar to this for "Raven's" costume. We wanted to resemble something like a school uniform. Instead of a black jumper we might decide to put a school jumper on her but still give her a lanyard to show she is in sixth form. We thought it would be a good idea to put her in a school uniform costume to show the difference in age between the teacher and the student. However, the uniform isn't going to be as strict as a school students to show the difference between the school students and the sixth former's. Bearing this in mind, we wanted "Raven's" character to be quite plain to show her shyness and to show audiences how closed and out sided she is to most of her peers. 

Page 4: Costume ideas

Tiffany James (Fariha)

As "Tiffany's" character is "Raven's" friend and they are classmates, we needed her costume to be very similar to "Raven's". However, her personality is a bit more bolder and she's much more open then "Raven" so we wanted to dress her a little bit different. She will still have the black skirt, white shirt and school jumper, but we have put her in a leather jacket and leather boots instead to show the more edgy side of her. We purposely put a red scarf on her as red is a symbol for danger and as the audience watches our trailer they will learn that she is a very dangerous and ruthless character. If we decide to put other costumes on her, we will make sure there are little bits of red to carry on the representation. 

Page 5: Costume ideas

As "Mr. Daniel Grey" is a teacher his costume will be a suit. Later on in the trailer we might have in in a shirt and jeans but he will dress more formally then both of the other characters to show the age difference between them and to show the power difference.

Daniel Grey

Page 6: Costume ideas

Conclusion Costume is important element for mis en scene, as it expresses the characters personality as well as enforces the location, where the trailer is set (in a school).