cotton yarn export registration discontinued

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  • 8/8/2019 Cotton Yarn export registration discontinued


    Cotton yarn export registration discontinuedBy Our Special Correspondent

    MUMBAI, DEC. 01

    The Ministry of Textiles

    vide Notification no: 7/32/2010-CT II dated 01 December 2010 has

    discontinued registration of

    cotton yarn exports. The reason

    cited for discontinuation of

    registration is the high export

    registration crossing the 720

    million kg. mark.

    It may be noted here that

    the total number of contracts

    registered with the Textile

    Commissioners Office till date

    has been 21223 for 779997.66

    tonnes worth Rs. 6284115.45

    lakhs. From these registrations,

    457229.70 tonnes of cotton yarn

    has been shipped valued at Rs.

    824432.07 lakh.The Textile

    Commissioners Office has issued

    Export Authorization Registration

    Certificate (EARC) for 20542

    contracts. The total quantity

    under the EARC is 721414.68

    tonnes valued at Rs. 1350561.92

    lakhs. Taking into account the

    above EARC quantities andshipments, the total quantity

    balance for shipments works out

    to 264184.98 tonnes. This

    quantity has to be shipped by

    January 15, 2010 considering 01

    December 2010 as last day of

    export registration and thereafter

    45 days shipment period

    permitted under the EARC.

    The immediate impact of

    the discontinuation of cotton

    yarn exports will be reduction of

    cotton yarn prices in the domestic

    market by atleast 10%. However,

    in the international market cotton

    yarn prices will go up based on

    the fact that India, which is themajor exporter of cotton yarn

    globally, will have limited

    quantity for exports which is

    264184.98 tonnes.

    Sources informed that

    cotton yarn exporters of Pakistan,

    Thailand and Indonesia were

    keenly watching the development

    in India today. And they aredelighted by Indias decision on

    the cotton yarn export front.

    This good run will continue

    for the international players

    based on the fact Indian

    government is not expected to

    permit cotton yarn exports

    beyond 720 million kgs. till the

    end of 2010-2011 financial i.e.

    31st March 2011.

    Meanwhile, the sources

    informed that the exporters will

    not be able to release the total

    quantities allowed for exports

    under the EARC. Therefore, the

    exporting units will have to renew

    their export contracts with theTextile Commissioners Office.

    In case the contracts are

    not renewed, the cotton yarn

    exporters will then have to wait

    for another 21 working days after

    15 January 2011 (period during

    which export shipments have

    be recorded with TxC Offic

    And only after 21 days perithe balance quantities will

    opened for exporters and n

    applications will be entertaine

    Meanwhile, a pre

    communiqu issued by the Tex

    Commissioners office inform

    that the Ministry has be

    monitoring the cotton ya

    production, consumption a

    export situation in the coun

    very closely. The Cotton Y

    Advisory Board (CYAB) of

    Ministry had prepared the cott

    yarn balance sheet which was


    Cotton yarn supply/productio

    3460 mn kgs.Cotton yarn domestic deman

    2656 mn kgs.

    Cotton yarn exports: 720 mn k

    Closing stock: 84 mn kgs.

    Exports as % of supply:21%Continued on Page 4