cotu conscious living

Child of the Universe Living a Conscious Lifestyle Educational Playtime BODY & SOUL Rejuvenate yourself COWBOYS & ANGELS Our precious kids COMPETITIONS & GIVEAWAYS Autumn 2014 A Quick Peek at Mozambique

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The Conscious Living version of Child of the Unvierse, autumn edition


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Child of the Universe Living a Conscious Lifestyle


Playtime BODY & SOUL

Rejuvenate yourself


Our precious kids


Autumn 2014 A Quick Peek at Mozambique

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10th EDITION – AUTUMN 2014

CONTENTS PLAYTIME – the importance of PLAY BODY & SOUL – nourish yourself COWBOYS & ANGELS – save a precious life MOZAMBIQUE – a quick peek YUMMY FOODS & RECIPES COMPETITIONS & GIVEAWAY’S

TEAM CARMEN CHE JARDIM – Owner (too young to edit) *VINCENT JARDIM – My Son & Carmen’s Dad - Our Motivator LINDA JARDIM NAVON – Editor & Nanna to the BOSS! LEIGHTON HOWELLS – UK Correspondent & Support CJ STOTT MATTICKS – Sales, Contributor & Carmen’s Aunt ‘Didi’ ARIZONA QUINN – Writer, Researcher & Admin


Hello Beautiful People

This may be the first time you are receiving your free edition of Child of the Universe digital magazine. Up until now we have only concentrated on the Montessori schools.

Being very much a family orientated magazine, we would like to assist the need for parents and teachers of all schools to be able to communicate with one another.

This is our 10th edition and as usual we focus on the lifestyle of ‘conscious’ parents, teachers and other readers, who are aware of their social and educational responsibilities. We cover the delightful side of life which applies to people of all ages. We love to make life magic.

Please pop onto our website to subscribe to your ongoing editions, and to read our past issues. Enjoy the mag & please send in your stories and suggestions. After all - this is your magazine. You are a Child of the Universe! Namaste

Linda & Team

Vincent passed away in a car accident before his daughter was born so

this magazine is in his honour - and Carmen is the BOSS!

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Email: [email protected]





See their ad in the magazine.

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How important is play to your little one?

Consider this. When a child engages in play, whether it's rolling a ball back and forth

with a sibling or putting on a costume and imagining she's an astronaut -- she's

developing important social skills like learning to take turns, how to cooperate and

getting along with others as well as honing her creativity and imagination.

Ever wished you were someone else, even just for a little while? With dress up play,

your preschooler can be anyone he likes, from a superhero to the king of the castle.

And while dress up play is an incredibly fun activity for little kids, it's also a very

important one, helping them build up their vocabulary as well as their confidence.

Here's how to make the most of it.

Why Dress Up Play is Smart

There is a reason why you'll find a box of dress up play clothing in most preschool

classrooms. Because preschool teachers know that when kids use their imaginations,

they also are working a host of other important academic and emotional muscles.

When your daughter dons "scrubs" (pajamas) and checks her dolls using a

"stethoscope" (for my daughter it was a hair ribbon) her mind is going a mile a

minute, practicing what she has experienced herself dozens of times. When he's

imagining himself as a race car driver, he's actually learning -- not to drive of course -

- but the actions of sitting in a car, buckling a seat belt and putting the key in the


And chances are, your child isn't silent when he's playing dress up. If a restaurant is

the setting of the moment, they are talking about drinks and food and cooking and

the order at table two that they need to take. If she is on the moon, looking for

Martians with a colander/space helmet on her head, she's got to figure out where to

land her rocket and what color rock the alien is hiding behind. Even if your child is

quiet while engaged in dress up play, you can bet that their imagination is going at

full tilt.

Role-playing, especially when it happens with other children, encourages taking

turns, cooperation and socialization. Children that allow their imaginations to run

wild become great problem solvers as adults. Why? Because creative thinking grows

with use and practice and while trying to figure out how to rescue dolls from the bad

guys doesn't seem like a pressing issue to you, to the superhero child, it's a quandary

that has to be figured out immediately.

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How to Encourage Dress Up Play

First, make sure you have plenty of supplies (see list below). Keep everything handy

and in a central location. And then get talking. Ask your child what he wants to be

when he grows up or what would she do if she were Dora the Explorer. Encourage

her to act it out, drawing out details. Don some of the clothing yourself. Most

preschoolers won't need too much encouragement, their natural creative streaks will

kick in.

Gather Your Garb

Store-bought-costumes are great for dress up play. They feature some of your

preschooler's favourite characters like Disney Princesses or Yo Gabba Gabba's Plex.

They can act out scenarios using familiar settings and even sing songs they see on

television or read in books. But don't discount the appeal of using items from your

own home as dress up play materials. Mom's old dresses, dad's shoes and ties are all

great fodder for the imagination. But just about anything works. Check your closet or

local thrift shop for:

towels (attach to a shirt to make a cape)

glasses with the lenses removed

costume jewellery

plastic colander (makes a good hat or helmet)



emptied perfume bottles


gloves (the longer, the better)

old bags like briefcases and small luggage


hospital scrubs

tutus or dance costumes


The list is never-ending and ever changing, so update and add, as you like. Gather

everything together, wash it if you need to and keep it in a central location, maybe in

an old trunk or suitcase. Keep it in the playroom or your child’s room for easy access.

The best part about open-ended play is that their is no right or wrong. Just fun.

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Learning Tools South Africa is a niche company that imports and supplies

educational resources and educational games to teachers and parents.

Our high quality, award-winning and affordable educational products are

designed for young children between the ages of 4 and 12. By focusing on three

fundamental learning areas – Literacy, Numeracy and Science – our products

develop essential language and number skills in the pre-school, junior school and

middle-school years.

Learning Tools South Africa also provides teaching resources that aid in social and

emotional development, as well as a range of classroom essentials that assist in

the management of a busy classroom.

Founded by Sarah Heurlin, a Foundation Phase teacher, Learning Tools imports resources suited for

children aged 4 to 12.

Our products are available on our website

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Contact Emails

[email protected] [email protected]

Contact Number:

Anthea: 011 574 5739 / 084 777 6655 Ellie: 011 574 5704 / 079 928 7806

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Balance bike for kids between

2-4 years of age. Adjustable seat

Get your limited

edition swift bike

now for only R1200.

Made of solid

African rubber

wood, which is

strong and durable.

Design Retail value



Swift balance bike +25% R 1 200.00

Climbing stair - straight +1% R 3 800.00

Climbing stair - corner +15% R 3 800.00

Walking bar + 15% R 2 400.00

Walking roundabout + 15% R 1 600.00

Daphne den Hollander Director

Mobile: 076 62 5405

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Reading Workshop with Jo Allais

Jo will share her knowledge during these workshops on the importance of reading to your children even after they

can read themselves.

Reading to your child enriches their lives by developing their potential in literacy; vocabulary and helping

your child become a life long reader through good books.

Early introduction to reading helps with lifelong academic studies. Reading to your child will greatly improve

his/her chance to succeed academically.

A bonding experience will develop between parent and child, which will indirectly open the channels of

expressing ones emotions and not suppressing them.

Reading to babies develops the baby's brain.

Reading is associated with love, security and cuddling.

Books and reading become associated with pleasure.

Encourage reading as illustrations are better than photos for small babies.

Beatrix Potter made a point of using one unusual word in each of her books and repeating this word

throughout the book.

Nursery rhymes are among the best for younger children.

Nursery rhymes are rich in similes. Children become exposed to sophisticated language. The characters are

likely to reappear throughout the rhyme.

Children often get their lowest marks for comprehension. Exposure to nursery rhymes will aid their

comprehension abilities.

Nursery rhymes are an introduction and preparation for poetry. POETRY is the highest form of excellent use

of English.

Through repetition of nursery rhymes with babies the neurological pathways are being developed in the


Poor vocabularies hold children back in mathematics.

Reading develops imagination and develops ones concentration. One needs to sit quietly and concentrate if

you need academic success.

TV encourages lack of concentration.


Always discuss the pictures of a story. An interesting illustration helps stimulate the child's visual


Children learn a language through communication.

Listen to CD stories but children still need to hear their parents pronounce the words of a story when

reading out aloud.

Reading develops emotional intelligence.

Good literature tells children how similar we are without being consciously told. Whether we from the north

or a squatter camp we still people …


Verbs (doing words) must carry an emotion as well e.g. crying from a broken heart, laughing from the pit of

ones stomach, running with delight etc.

A truly excellent children's book is never grown out of at all; there are always new shades and layers to be


Try and read 20 minutes a day 6 days a week. Read to each child separately at least once or twice a week.

Reading to your child lays the foundation for later formal literacy. Books with dialogue expose children to

different types of ways in which books are written.

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Inner Wellness Studio provides inspiration and expertise to support you in establishing your unique balance in health.

Diego is the founder of Inner Wellness Studio. Diego is a qualified holistic health coach specializing in integrative nutrition, massage therapy, yoga and meditation.

Nalini from thelostusroom works in the field of healing through reiki, reflexology, massage, yoga and ayurveda.

Both Diego and Nalini teach Yoga classes from the Musgrave area.

Classes include alignment based hatha yoga, vinyasa yoga, gentle restorative classes as well as Childrens yoga (Nalini) and Yoga Teacher Training certification (Diego).

Visit the Inner Wellness Studio website for more information or feel free to contact Diego directly for more information about Yoga in the Durban area.

Learn the art of Conscious Cooking. For course dates, recipes and bookings please refer to our website.

CONTACT: DIEGO BALDI MOBILE: 079 262 3877 MUSGRAVE DURBAN [email protected]

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Article for the SAMA 2014 Conference Publication

Yoga – Benefits for the Whole Child

Maria Montessori once commented that ‘children are the makers of man’ and that by providing them with a foundation of love and respect,

for themselves and the world around them, we help the new generation to create and live harmonious and satisfying futures. As role models,

parents and teachers have a duty to plant seeds, teach children how to water them and give them the tools to create their own beautiful


YogaBeez Children’s Yoga combines traditional yoga with the philosophies of Maria Montessori and other well-respected educators to create

classes that exercise, energise, empower, relax and nurture the development of the WHOLE child.

The word yoga translates literally to ‘to join’ or ‘to unite’. The practice of yoga integrates the body with the mind and the mind with the soul,

thereby helping us to understand our own nature while learning to live harmoniously with others. It is a mindful, non-competitive exercise,

emphasising movement and breathing and the connection of body and mind.

Yoga and Montessori align seamlessly:

Both focus on exercising, educating and empowering the whole child

Both are non-competitive with the emphasis being on the process and not the end result – we encourage children to enjoy the poses

without trying to perfect them

Just as Montessori aims to build self-esteem, we modify the poses and give children the tools they need to complete them successfully

Both work to balance and calm the child

Both begin simply and gradually increase in difficulty, moving from the concrete to the abstract

Both value movement as vital to the development of the mind

There are three parts to a yoga pose: going into the pose, being in the pose and coming out of the pose with control. These correlate with

carrying a piece of work from the shelf, using the work and thoughtfully placing the work back on the shelf

Just as the Silence Game is a vital ingredient in Montessori classrooms, meditation is introduced to children in yoga classes to help

improve awareness and focus

YogaBeez Children’s Yoga incorporates the Montessori curriculum into its classes in order to stimulate all areas of a child’s development in

each yoga class.

Personal, social and emotional: We use group and partner poses to encourage social interaction. We always foster a win-win attitude – there

are no losers in a yoga class. Just taking part and putting in your best effort is all that’s required. Emotionally we encourage not only

interaction with others but also looking within to find your inner silence. Breathing exercises teach children to master their own emotions –

breathing out stress, breathing in calm, exhaling anger and inhaling joy. We always teach children to focus on the positive.

Communication, language and literacy: Each yoga class has a theme which we discuss and explore. Through the theme of the class we

discover the anatomy of our bodies and learn the proper scientific names for our bones and muscles. We have chats about nutrition and how

to live healthily. The children take turns to read visualisations or make up stories during the relaxation period at the end of the class. We bring

books to life with yoga, play name games and explore the alphabet through our poses.

Physical development: When moving through the poses, children become more aware of their bodies. They are constantly reminded to listen

to their body and observe how it feels. Yoga strengthens, stretches and loosens muscles. Senses are awakened and each pose has a particular

balancing effect on the body’s various systems – skeletal, muscular, circulatory, respiratory, digestive, nervous, lymphatic, hormonal etc.

Knowledge and understanding of the world: We use the theme of each class to explore different cultures, languages, foods, instruments and

music from different countries. We use the poses to plant seeds in various learning areas so that the children are continuously being exposed

to new facts about ecology, science and biology.

Problem solving, reasoning and numeracy: We highlight patterns, sequences, angles, numerical awareness, counting and rhythm while

practicing poses.

Creative development: We encourage the imagination and creativity of each child through the use of drawing and colouring meditations. We

make models of skeletons, paint interpretations of visualisations and prepare healthy snacks. Music from all over the world is incorporated

into the classes through different instruments, rhythms and beats.

Every child, family, parent, teacher and school we engage with is unique. We do not incorporate any religion into our sessions; we simply

honour and respect the diversity of beliefs, cultures and traditions. YogaBeez strives to share the countless benefits of yoga with as many

children as possible – from all walks of life, all religions and cultures. Accredited teacher training courses are conducted in the United Kingdom,

Belgium, France, Greece, Germany, Sweden, Denmark and South Africa.

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Our Studio

Centurion’s best kept secret: a yoga studio in a tranquil, secluded garden, far removed from the hectic bustle of daily life. Come and join us on a journey towards inner balance, awareness and renewal through Sivananda-based yoga classes that will leave you feeling mentally relaxed and physically renewed. Regain and improve your body’s strength and flexibility while awakening your spiritual being through physical exercise, breathing techniques and meditation.

Our classes are small and we cater for each individual’s needs and level of expertise.

KIDDIES’ YOGA 6 Years and Older

Give your children the gift of a lifetime by introducing them to yoga at an early age. Teach them to honor and prepare their bodies for a healthy, active life. Awaken their awareness of their own emotions and give them the skills they need to maintain inner peace and happiness as they grow and enter adult life in the demanding 21st century.

Annemarie van Staden is a qualified yoga instructor who studied under Magret Chavannes. She belongs to the Yoga Teachers Fellowship of South Africa.

Contact Us Annemarie van Staden

(012) 653-4689

083 324 6310

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Choose the life you really want to live…

Personalised NLP Life Coaching Programs for: Personal Growth and Development

Child and Teen Coaching

Work-Life Balance

Stress Management

Career Development Coaching

Goal Setting

Health and Wellness


Book your free info session now! Contact: Deanne on 083 744 4450 E-mail: [email protected] Web:

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8 Reasons – The start of my bi-weekly Rejener8 updates

Rejener8 is about more than just life coaching and change facilitation. Rejener8 believes in the value of

personal journeys, in finding the reason within yourself to change whatever it is that YOU need to change.

Our 8 reasons for change are:

Reason 1: Re:cover

Anyone who has experienced a sense of loss – real or imagined – can heal from broken relationships,

grief and past hurts as well as from physical issues relating to health.

Assuming that everyone reacts to a sense of loss in the same way would not only be incorrect but

insensitive. For many, a sense of loss could be anything from everyday occurrences like not being able to

remember where you parked your car at the local mall, ending a relationship, losing your job, or the sudden

impact of losing someone you love. All these circumstances are life-changing events...

If you, or anyone you know, are looking for support – please contact me for an appointment!

The next Rejener8 Update will focus on Reason 2: Re:create.

Please visit to get an overview.

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7 Natural Strategies to Detox Your Body

Compiled by Angela Quinn

1. Eat mostly organic food, especially foods that support detoxification, including cruciferous vegetables, garlic and onions. A healthy, balanced diet is a key to efficient detoxification. The lighter the toxic load on your body, the better it can handle those toxins that get through your defenses.

2. Engage in regular vigorous exercise. Increased respiration, circulation, and perspiration all support healthy detoxification.

3. Hop in the sauna frequently. Perspiring is one of your body's best ways of releasing toxins.

4. Drink water, at least 8 glasses of fresh, pure water each day. The combination of good hydration and frequent perspiration helps to flush your system of toxins.

5. Stay regular. Elimination once or twice a day helps to decrease absorption of toxins. Consistent exercise, hydration, and fiber will help to keep you regular.

6. If you are trying to lose weight, make sure to engage in the detox practices described above. As you shed fat, toxins held in fat cells are released. It is essential to cleanse those toxins from your body, rather than reabsorb them, which can cause illness.

7. Use antioxidants. Antioxidants such as alpha-lipoic acid, N-Acetyl-L-Cysteine, and the B vitamins help with detoxification. The best detoxification regimen for you depends on your unique genetic makeup, as well as the particular toxins you are dealing with. Consult with an integrative physician or naturopathic doctor, who can evaluate you to determine the best combination of diet and supplements for you.

What are ‘cruciferous’ vegetables?

Broccoli, cauliflower, brussels sprouts, kale, cabbage and bok choy. They are all members of the cruciferous, or cabbage, family of vegetables. They contain phytochemicals, vitamins and minerals, and fibre that are important to your health.

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Detox diet for autumn

Strengthen your immune

system in preparation for

winter’s chills

With summer slowly morphing

into mellow autumn, it’s the

perfect time to strengthen your

immune system with this short

and simple detox diet. It will

prepare you for the wintry

weather and seasonal ailments

that may come your way.

Why should you go on a detox


Well, if you breathe, eat, drink

tap water, wear and are

surrounded by synthetic

materials, take medications

(many of which are metabolized

through the liver and kidneys,

our main organs for elimination)

or have been stressed, you will

benefit from a cleanse. In fact, if

you are a citizen of planet Earth,

a short period of body cleansing

will improve your health, bolster

your immune system and leave

you feeling energetic.

If you are prone to colds and flu,

are suffering with fatigue,

headaches, constipation and

other gastro-intestinal problems,

excess weight, allergies, anxiety,

auto-immune diseases, high

blood pressure, arthritis or rashes,

a detox diet will do you good


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It’s a cleanse, not a fast

Don’t press the ‘Esc’ button; you’re not

being asked to give up all foodie

pleasures. Instead, we’re suggesting

you eat simply prepared seasonal

foods to keep your body working at its

optimum for just two weeks. Autumn

detox foods focus on cooked whole

grains, seasonal squashes and root

vegetables. If you are a dedicated

carnivore, the build-up of excess

proteins and fats generated by red

meat can affect your wellbeing. For

the duration of the detox diet, stick

predominantly to plant foods

seasoned with warming spices, which

are said to enhance the function of

your lungs and large intestines. It’s a

body reboot.

Your autumn detox diet plan

Join us on our diet plan and keep us

posted about how you feel. The

guidelines are simple:

Eat seasonal whole foods as

much as possible. These foods,

which are either unprocessed

and unrefined or have been

processed and refined as little

as possible, are rich in fibre and

antioxidants, crucial on an

effective cleansing diet. Say no

to processed foods.

Proteins to be taken with each

meal are fish, free-range

chicken or turkey, beans, nuts,

or lentils.

Eat one or two seasonal

vegetables with each meal,

making sure you get a good

mix of green, yellow, orange,

red and purple varieties every


Limit raw fruits. Instead, poach

fruits with no sugar.

No sugar – sorry!

Have a serving of unprocessed

grains with each meal. Try

quinoa, brown and wild rice

flavoured with ginger, garlic,

cayenne, turmeric, nutmeg and

cinnamon. Avoid gluten.

Eat fresh sprouts.

Drink sufficient filtered water

(not iced) as well as green and

herbal teas.

No coffee.

Limit dairy products.

Avoid margarine. Instead use

healthy oils – olive, sesame or

flax – or a small amount of


Flavour food with apple cider

vinegar, sea salt, herbs and

spices, lemon or limejuice

(preferably fresh, else just a

squirt or two if bottled), garlic,

onion, miso or tahini.

For the best results, aim to finish dinner

by 19h00, with no snacking afterwards;

get at least seven hours of sleep; go

for a gentle walk every day; and, if

possible, treat yourself to a massage to

help with detoxification. After just one

week on the cleansing diet, you

should start to feel more energetic,

your gut should feel more

comfortable, niggling aches and pains

should start to fade and your jeans will

feel less constricting.

NOTE: We advise that you contact your

medical practitioner or other

registered health care practitioner

before embarking on a detox diet or

changing your eating habits.

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BioZest NatroSlim

‘Eat smart – feel amazing’ from High On Life. Order your way to a new body and stand a chance to receive a hamper from

Hay House Publishers.

The Crazy sexy Kitchen book will compliment your super new body!

(Contact details on ad in this magazine) Crazy Sexy Kitchen by Kris Carr; The 5 Keys to Happiness Oracle Cards by Gordon Smith; and The 40 Day Prosperity Plan by John Randolph Price

See the Hay House ad for new and special offers.

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Snappi® PROUDLY Presents the Snappi® Baby Chair!

Babies come in all shapes and sizes! The Snappi® Baby Chair was designed out of necessity. Snappi® realised that there was a need in the marketplace for a floor sitter, which offered optimum comfort, convenience and flexibility – a chair that would conform to baby’s unique shape and still offer the correct pelvic support.

The Snappi® Baby Chair has a flexible inner lining, which moulds to baby’s shape, allowing your child to find the most comfortable position to suit him / her, whilst simultaneously offering the correct support for developing their pelvic muscles and little backs.

Sitting on his/her own is going to be your baby’s first taste of independence, one that you want him/her to experience in absolute comfort. This is why the Snappi® Baby Chair is a necessity when it comes to your baby exploring his / her newfound perspective on the world.

While sound, touch, smell and taste all play a cardinal role in baby’s development; it’s the baby’s ability to see what is going on around him / her, which may have the most positive effect on the baby’s nervous system.

Babies love to observe what is going on around them. Making use of the Snappi® Baby Chair allows your baby to view the world from a snug, comfortable position, making interaction between parent and child easier, and allowing baby to explore freely with his / her hands.

Once baby’s neck and back muscles are strong enough to hold him / her upright you can use the Snappi® Baby Chair to enable your child to sit unassisted. It will be simply a matter of time before he / she moves on to the milestones of crawling, standing up and walking.

The Snappi® Baby Chair is perfect for allowing mothers the use of both hands during feeding and playtime, whilst simultaneously allowing baby to have improved breathing control and digestion. The Snappi® Baby Chair is also great for assisting with babies who struggle with reflux and need to be upright after feeding. The length of time that baby spends in the Snappi® Baby Chair is however entirely at the parents’ discretion.

For further product information, visit our website at

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how to save a life

healthy – naturally

when to visit doc

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First aid: the basics

First aid is the immediate care given to someone with an injury or sudden illness - until this is resolved or care that is more advanced reaches him or her. It ranges from putting a plaster on a cut to performing CPR.

First aid procedures are generally simple, but also essential: they can mean saving a life.

The fundamental aims of first aid are: Preserve life (including the first aider's, who should

never endanger his own life) Prevent further injury Promote recovery

The following steps aim to keep an ill or injured person alive and protected from further harm while waiting for emergency medical services:

H H H ABC It's difficult to remember what to do in an emergency situation, so first aiders learn this simple routine: H H H ABC

H: Hazards H: Hello H: Help A: Airway B: Breathing C: Circulation

H: Hazards Ask yourself: Are there any life-threatening dangers to you or the person? If so, manage them, or move yourself and him out of harm's way.

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Wear disposable latex gloves to prevent contact with body fluids. Also, unless the person is a family member, during resuscitation it's best to use a pocket mask which covers the mouth and nose.

H: Hello Is the person awake or unconscious? Ask loudly: Are you OK? If no response, tap the shoulder. In the case of a baby, tap the feet.

If there is no response it means the person isn't getting enough blood and oxygen to the brain and needs urgent help.

H: Help Call for others around you to help - there may be a doctor or paramedic within shouting distance.

Phone for emergency medical help on one of the following numbers:

112 on a cellular phone 10177 National medical emergency number

for ambulance services 082 911 Netcare 084 124 ER24

Tell the operator there is an unconscious person and state where you are. They will ask for a call-back number if you have one. They can advise you on first aid techniques over the phone if necessary.

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A: AIRWAY Open the airway. The person will normally be lying on his back. Place two fingers on the forehead and two fingers under the bony part of the chin and gently tilt the head backwards - the "head-tilt chin-lift" method of opening the airway.

B: BREATHING Listen, look and feel for breathing. Kneel next to the person with your head close to his. Look to see if the chest/abdomen rises and falls. Listen for sounds of breathing. Feel for air: hold your cheek near the nose and mouth to feel for exhaled air. Do this for up to 10 seconds.

If there is breathing (about 12 breaths or more per minute), place the person in the recovery position (turned on his side in case of vomit blocking the airway).

If there is no breathing, or you're unsure, log-roll the patient i.e. roll the body as a unit, keeping the spine in a straight line from head to buttocks, onto his back.

If the patient is not breathing you must breathe for them:

Again, ensure the airway is open using the head-tilt chin-lift method.

Blow gently and slowly. Each breath should take 2 seconds (one in one out). Between breaths, lift your head and see if the chest moves. If the chest rises and falls, it is effective breathing. If not, adjust the head and try again. Make up to 5 attempts.

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(Airway obstruction is seldom due to foreign body obstruction. However, if there is no chest movement, check for a foreign body, and, if there is a blockage, switch to obstructed airway manoeuvres. See "Choking")

C is for CIRCULATION In addition to breathing for the patient, you must perform chest compressions to keep blood circulating. It's difficult for the lay rescuer to determine if a pulse is present. Therefore, the appropriate action is to start immediately with chest compressions once you have given 2 effective breaths.

Chest compressions: Kneel beside the person. Place the heel of one hand in the centre of the chest on the nipple line (imaginary line joining the nipples) on the breastbone. Place the heel of your other hand on top of the first. Lean over the person with your arms straight and elbows locked, and your shoulders directly above your hands. Press down vertically on the breastbone 4-5 cm to a count of "one-and-two-and-three-and-four…", giving one push each time you say a number. When saying "and", release the pressure but don't move your hands from their location on the chest. Give 30 pumps at a rate of 100 per minute. Push hard and fast.

Give 2 slow breaths.

Repeat the cycle of 30 pumps, 2 breaths until help arrives or the person starts to recover. If you aren't sure the patient is breathing unaided, continue CPR.

Even if the person appears fully recovered, monitor him until medical help arrives.

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Bleeding and fractures

Once the person is breathing, check the whole body for bleeding and fractures by patting gently.

Apply firm pressure directly to a bleeding wound (but around any embedded object) with a clean cloth.

Elevate and immobilize an injured limb. Splint a fractured limb if you have been trained to do so.


Shock is a life-threatening condition, when blood flow drops so low that oxygenated blood does not reach the vital organs.

Causes include severe blood loss and loss of other body fluids (e.g. bleeding wounds, major burns, severe diarrhoea and vomiting); drug overdose; poisoning; severe allergic reaction; extensive bacterial infection.

To treat and prevent shock:

Have the person lie down. Raise the legs higher than the head. Cover the person to keep them warm. Give nil by mouth.

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We provide CPR & First Aid training at your home or wherever you need us. The 4 hour course covers CPR &

choking for adults, children & infants and first aid for children. It’s the perfect course for parents to know what

to do in an emergency with your baby, young child, teen, spouse and of course your own parents. If you are

with Discovery you can apply for Discovery Vitality points too!

BOOK A COURSE: Price: R450pp (R400pp for a group of 3 or more)

Contact Michael on 061 025 7215 or [email protected]

More Info:

Page 46: Cotu conscious living

At Pulse Point, We Are Passionate About Teaching People How To Minimise Injury And Save

Lives. We Believe Everyone Should Be Able To Help When Things Go Wrong.

Have Fun While You Learn How To Save A Life. You Will Get Practical Experience Along

With The Theory, And Leave The Course With A Certificate Of Your Course Of Choice.


Basic First Aid

CPR & Choking

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At Pulse Point, We Are Passionate About Teaching People How To Minimise Injury And Save

Lives. We Believe Everyone Should Be Able To Help When Things Go Wrong.

Have Fun While You Learn How To Save A Life. You Will Get Practical Experience Along

With The Theory, And Leave The Course With A Certificate Of Your Course Of Choice.


10% DISCOUNT for CHILD OF THE UNIVERSE readers when booking on

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At Pulse Point, We Are Passionate About Teaching People How To Minimise Injury And Save

Lives. We Believe Everyone Should Be Able To Help When Things Go Wrong.

Have Fun While You Learn How To Save A Life. You Will Get Practical Experience Along

With The Theory, And Leave The Course With A Certificate Of Your Course Of Choice.


when booking on

Level 1 course.*

– We Make It

Training Equipment.

ublic Courses At Any Of Our

Terms and conditions apply. For a full list of T&Cs

Page 47: Cotu conscious living

As parents of little ones, we are never sure if we are taking a chance by not

going to the Dr immediately. Do we wait until tomorrow or must we go


Here are some definite to go immediately day or night and not to any Dr,

these are situations where we go to casualty! Of course to a level 1 casualty!

Vomiting baby under 2yrs of age (baby vomited more than 3 times in an hour, large vomits).

Diarrhoea: Changed baby’s nappy with watery stools, three or more in an hour. Babies become

dehydrated very fast, and with dehydration become severely compromised very quickly! Check baby's

nappy, a very dry nappy with dark orange coloured urine is a dehydrated baby! Mucosa in the mouth

and eyes will be dry too, but the nappy is a very accurate observation.

Baby has a cough, which may be croup and is wheezing, the baby is struggling to breathe properly, the

baby needs casualty, as will need nebulizers etc to open the airways. Any issue with breathing needs to

be seen immediately and a good way to tell if baby is struggling with breathing is greyish or blue

colored lips; nasal flaring; sternal recession. Yellow or green mucous from the nose can see the doctor

tomorrow, as long as the baby is breathing well!

Baby has had a febrile convulsion (seizure/ fit from a high temperature). Even if you have managed to

bring the temperature down, a seizure must be investigated further to eliminate anything underlying

causing the seizure. Any seizure needs to go to casualty immediately. This is when you get help to come

to you! Do not take the baby/child yourself to casualty! If you CAN get the baby's temperature down

with cooling and meds and baby is stable and responsive, you do NOT need to go to casualty, even if the

temperature was 40 deg! It is not about how high the temperature is, it is about whether you can get

the temperature down or not!

Baby has no obvious symptoms, but is ''flat'' and lethargic with reduced tone. Something is underlying

and needs serious attention! A crying responsive baby is generally a good sign; a ‘flat’ baby is one we

worry about!

Babies and small children can have dislocations and broken bones even though their bones are so soft

and flexible. If there is any obvious swelling or deformity to a joint or limb, rather see about it

immediately ,the longer you wait, the more the scar tissue build up in the joint and the greater the

swelling which can impair immediate surgery or necessary treatment.

Any burn whether superficial or deep, the size of a R5 coin on a baby of 6 months or less needs to go to

casualty immediately! As the baby grows, the size of the burn is tolerated better.

Any bleeding that can't be stopped (nosebleed, umbilical bleed etc) must go to casualty immediately!

Preferably, call for help. Any blood in the urine or stool is a casualty trip, immediately.

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Any form of poisoning must go to casualty immediately, remember little bodies cannot manage the

volumes we can and their organs are so much more vulnerable and sensitive than ours!

Always listen to your parent’s instinct! I have been amazed as an ICU sister how parents 'gut feel' is

often accurate!

The following situations are not emergencies but still need to be noted and seen to at the relevant


1. Appetite - if your baby refuses several feedings in a row or eats poorly, contact the doctor/ clinic


2. Mood - if your baby is persistently irritable or has inconsolable crying.

3. Tender navel or penis - contact the doctor / clinic sister if your baby's umbilical area or penis suddenly

becomes red or starts to ooze or bleed.

4. Constipation -if your baby has fewer bowel movements than usual for a few days, contact the doctor/

clinic Sister

5. Colds - contact the doctor if your baby has a cold that interferes with his or her breathing, lasts longer

than two weeks, or is accompanied by coughing.

6. Ear trouble - contact the doctor if your baby is pulling at his ears or has discharge from his ears

or doesn’t respond normally to sounds.

7. Rash - contact the doctor if a rash covers a large area, appears infected or if your baby suddenly

develops an unexplained rash – especially if the rash is accompanied by a fever, sore throat or diarrhoea.

8. Eye discharge - if one or both eyes are pink, red or leaking mucus, contact the doctor.

Once again, trust your instincts. If you think you should contact the doctor, do it.

After hours, you may be able to use a 24-hour nurse line offered through the doctor's office, clinic or

your health insurance company otherwise call a level 1 casualty and the Dr on call should help you.

Please note that the above are guidelines, if in doubt go to the Dr or Hospital immediately.

It is VITAL that you complete a CPR and First aid course which will help you deal

with the above emergency situations should they arise. If you have someone

looking after your baby or child, it is vital that they complete the course too.

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“Crèche Syndrome” – What is it?

Children actively engage with one another for several hours at a time each day in their respective playgroups, crèches or pre-schools.

Children in such close quarters are exposed to whatever viruses are doing the rounds and for some little ones this means an exhausting and never-ending pattern of illness and poor health.

Since children’s immune systems are still developing to specific pathogens, their little bodies are more susceptible to allergies, viruses and bacteria.

The crèche is a natural breeding ground for shared illnesses, resulting in chronic or severe spells of illnesses and numerous doctor visits each year.

Normal treatment is usually symptomatic and seldom, if ever, addresses the cause, the vulnerable and still developing immune system. Conventional medication, particularly antibiotics, are used which is effective against secondary bacterial infections, but unfortunately also weakens the immune system and makes the child more vulnerable to viral infections and allergies.

Typically, mothers say, “My child has been on his third course of antibiotics this year and I don’t know what to do anymore.”

It would be wise to place your child onto a product like FLUGON that is scientifically developed to help increase your child’s immune system and help to protect against allergic-, viral- and bacterial invasions.





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Burn fat, lose weight and increase your energy the easy way with a

combination of the world’s leading “weight loss” herbs – green coffee

beans, African mango, garcinia cambogia, green tea, raspberry ketone and

rhodiola rosea to name but a few. Combine it with 4EVERLEAN’s no frills meal

guide to accelerate the herb’s weight losing effect and help you maintain

your new, good looking lean body.

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A peep



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A journey to Praia do Tofo,

Mozambique….a beautiful and affordable destination

Written by Cj

Situated about 450km north of

Maputo, lies the magical, luscious

palm tree’d, seaside town of

Tofo. The crystal clear waters are

home to whale sharks, turtles,

manta rays and my personal

favourite, dolphins. For this

reason it is a haven for divers

from all over the globe, and its

beautiful beaches, warm waters,

tropical climate, relatively

untouched countryside and

beach villas make it a beach

lover’s dream destination. Oh,

and did I mention that there are

plenty of great surf spots too for

the avid or not so avid surfer. In

Tofo you will find something to

tickle everyone’s fancy.

My mother and I decided to

venture to Tofo just after New

Year. I was a little strapped for

cash and so looked into the

backpackers accommodation.

Locals recommended Turtle Cove

Lodge and so after doing my

homework on the area’s

backpacker resorts, I found that

they were the best priced and

from the look of things online,

the resort looked pretty good.

And as an added bonus I saw that

they also offer yoga retreats and

run year round yoga classes often

twice a day on a daily basis.

Styles of yoga include: Kundalini,

Jivamukti, Vinyasa and

Restorative yoga.

Turtle Cove is situated about 1km back from Tofo Beach, tucked away

amidst the lush palm greens. Although they are not on the beach, it is only

a 15min walk to all surrounding swimming beaches and I found it was very

safe to walk to and fro the beach in the day.

We opted to fly on LAM Airline as we got a really good rate on the days

that we booked, R4600 return per person. Yes, driving would have been

cheaper, though what does one really need a car for when you can walk

everywhere and to honest, I really loved all the walking. We become so

accustomed to getting in our car to go everywhere including the café

around the corner that we don’t take the time to slow down and really

appreciate our surroundings.

Upon arrival at the airport, which is really little more than a house in a

clearing amongst the palm trees, we were met by our taxi, arranged

through Turtle Cove, which whisked us to the resort. The taxi was

essentially a Hiace, but it was in good condition and the driver was very


We arrived at Turtle Cove after a drive up a bit of a 4x4 section of road up

to the lodge (yes their taxi’s manage this road, and a lot of cars, however I

wouldn’t have liked to chance my coupe so I was really happy that we flew)

The resort really exceeded my expectations, especially the backpacker

rooms. They were lovely and clean, 3 beds in each room and my mom and I

were lucky enough to get a room with a double and single bed.

The shared restroom with showers was really beautiful, a terracotta rustic

building with a roof covering the toilets and showers and the large basin

area with an open top to view the stars. The basins area is beautifully

designed, with large pottery bowls for basins set in a rustic wood counter

top with decorated mirrors above each. (See picture to the right)

We made our way to the swimming pool after settling in. It is rumoured to

be the coolest swimming pool water in the area as it is undercover. It was

lovely. The heat in Mozambique is tangible. (Don’t bother packing any

warm clothes in Summer. I understand that winter temps drop to about 20

at night!! Brrrr… ha ha.

The combined reception, bar and restaurant area at Turtle Cove has a

really relaxed atmosphere and the food is delicious and well-priced for this

part of Mozambique.

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On our 3rd day there I attended

one of the morning yoga classes

which was run by Nelia, wife of

owner Nic, and yoga instructor.

The class was held in their

specially built yoga studio

affectionately known as the Gaia

Yoga Temple. The studio holds

the spirit of love with an

architectural grandeur that is

sure to capture the spirit of Yogi

travellers. The studio has double

volume ceilings, arched windows

and multilevel floor space. It is

equipped with yoga mats,

bolters, yoga straps and blocks.

I felt better than a million bucks

after the class, my chi was

noticeably restored. I followed

the class with a healthy muesli

fruit and yoghurt breakfast and

chilled with my guitar on one of

the comfy rustic couches in the

open bar/restaurant area.

My first excursion to the beach

was taken the very day we

arrived. The beachfront is home

to restaurants, dive shops, beach

villas, a fancy hotel and a bustling

market place where you can

barter for local wears and


The wide stretch of beach with

squeaky white sand, flanked by

palm trees, provides a great

place to while the hot summer

days away. The 1st thing I noticed

after the beautiful tropical beach

front was the fact that so many

people were trying out their hand at

surfing in the warm waters. The waves

in Tofo beach are perfect for the

learner and accomplished surfer alike.

I was out on a longboard within half an

hour – such fun, I even managed to

stand once.

Our days were spent on the beach, swimming, and tanning. I took my body

board along and so I spent a good portion of my time in the water.

We even ventured out on an ocean snorkelling safari one morning, and

though we were not fortunate enough to see any dolphins, mantas or

whale sharks, friends of mine got to swim with a pod of dolphins on their


After the 1st 3 nights at Turtle Cove we moved into one of the beautiful

chalets to get a feel for these. The chalet contains its own en-suite

bathroom and since ours was upstairs we had a balcony too, the

downstairs units have a patio. I loved our room and was sad to leave it

behind at the end of our stay.

Turtle Cove also offers self-catering accommodation such as the Tree

House their luxurious house situated just off Tofo beach, Anastasia, a

private luxury house

Tofo really is special place, a beautiful rustic paradise. The locals are

generally very friendly and welcoming and one really feels at home very

quickly. I would definitely recommend it as a prime destination to get back

in touch with yourself and nature.

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Willem Smuts

Blissdance and

Inspiration Dance Facilitator

Is Hosting a:

Wild Dolphin and Conscious Dancing Retreat

With Angie Gullan's

Dolphin Centre

in Ponta do Oura

Mozambique, from 28 May - 1 June '14

We will go out to sea on Friday, Saturday and Sunday mornings to be with the

dolphins, and dance on each of these evenings. In the early afternoon the centre

will show films of their research and give informational talks. A dinner and lunch

is included in the package from Thursday evening to Sunday evening.

We leave Johannesburg on Wednesday 23 May in shared carpools, stay over at

the lush casa Mia in Pongola and get a transfer from Kosi Bay border at 3pm on

Thursday. We travel back to Johannesburg on Monday, leaving Ponto early in the


Transfer from the Kosi Bay border is also included, as well as the stay over and

meal at Casa Mia – for a package price of R5 500!

A 50% deposit is due as soon as possible to secure your space.

Contact Willem Smuts, [email protected] Mobile: 082 458 1031

Banking Details: Nedbank Campus Square, Cheque account 1581009267.

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& healthy

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The benefits of eating a plant based diet

Nicole Sacks, consulting dietician for

Pouyoukas, explains why there has always

been loads of hype in the media about eating

protein. “This mindset dates back to the

years of the war, when meat, eggs and dairy

were rationed and people were not getting

enough protein”.

“Then came Dr Atkins and his revolutionary

diet that said you could eat as much animal

protein and fat as you wanted so long as you

did not eat any form of carbohydrates with it.

Men especially loved this – they could have

platefuls of steak, eggs and bacon and lose

weight. Now we have Professor Tim Noakes

saying pretty much the same thing. Animal

protein and animal fat can and should be

eaten in large quantities – just stay far away

from any form of carbohydrate including fruit

and most vegetables with it.”

“Fortunately, there are many renowned

doctors who are saying just the opposite and

who have the evidence to back up their

claims,” explains Nicole. “One of the main

advocates of a plant based diet is Dr Dean

Ornish who has shown that he can actually

reverse heart disease by cutting out all meat,

chicken, fish, eggs and dairy products. A talk

by Christina Warinner (an archaeologist)

called Debunking the paleo diet explains how

traces of barley and corn found in cavemen

confirm we were not meant for large scale

meat eating. She says at most we caught a

rabbit or turtle.”

A new study published on 6 March 2014 in

the journal Cell Metabolism explains that low

protein intake is associated with a major

reduction in IGF-1 (insulin like growth factor

1), cancer and overall mortality in the 65 and

younger population. This study followed over

6 318 people for 20 years and showed that

eating a diet that is higher than 20% protein is

as deadly as smoking 20 cigarettes a day.

This is however only true until age 65, after

which more protein is recommended.

Crucially, the researchers found that plant-

based proteins, such as those from beans,

did not seem to have the same mortality

effects as animal proteins. Valter Longo one

of the researchers stated, "Almost everyone

is going to have a cancer cell or pre-cancer

cell in them at some point. The question is:

Does it progress?" Longo said. "Turns out

one of the major factors in determining if it

does - is protein intake."

Nicole says people should make up their own

minds about what they put in their body and

find a diet that suits them and is sustainable,

but they should have all the facts before they

do this.

Pouyoukas Foods are of the highest quality,

carefully selected from around the world.

From seeds and legumes to essential flours

and snack products, Pouyoukas products are

the perfect addition to any pantry. For more

information, recipes and cooking tips, visit the

Pouyoukas website:

Page 65: Cotu conscious living

5 Bean minestrone soup


800 g Pouyoukas 5 bean mix pre-soaked and cooked

2 Tbs olive oil

2 onions peeled and chopped

2 medium carrots peeled and chopped

1 celery stick chopped

1 bay leaf

2 Tbs tomato puree

150 g cherry tomatoes halved

600 ml to 800 ml prepared chicken or vegetable stock

75 g spaghetti broken into small pieces

Salt and pepper to taste


Heat olive oil in a large pot. Add onions, carrots celery, salt and pepper. Stir frequently over

a medium to high heat until vegetables begin to soften. Add bay leaf and tomato puree and

cook for another minute. Add in beans, cherry tomatoes and stock and bring to a simmer.

Add spaghetti and cover for 10 minutes. Add salt and pepper as desired. Serve with grated

parmesan and warm crusty bread.


Page 66: Cotu conscious living

Celebrate Father’s Day with a delicious and healthy treat

(Ed’s note: this gives you a few weeks to perfect your pancakes)

Father’s Day falls on Sunday June 15 2014 and is a great opportunity to acknowledge the contribution that fathers have made to their children. We all know that the way to a man’s heart is through his stomach so why not treat dad to delicious and healthy pancakes in bed. This Pouyoukas Easy Does It recipe is a perfect start on this special day. It is easy to make and healthy. After all, we still need to look after dad’s health. Health pancakes

1 large ripe banana or 2 small bananas

2 large eggs

1/3 cup Pouyoukas whole rolled oats

3 Tbs plain yoghurt

½ tsp vanilla essence

½ tsp baking soda

Oil for frying


Mash the banana in a bowl, add all of the ingredients and mix well together.

Heat a little oil in a pan and add 1½ Tbs batter per pancake, then use the back of the spoon to

even out the batter.

Turn heat down to medium/low.

Cook pancakes both sides until golden.

Serve with fresh fruit, yoghurt and nuts.

Add syrup (only because it’s Father’s Day).

About Pouyoukas Foods:

Pouyoukas Foods are of the highest quality, carefully selected from around the world. From seeds and legumes to essential

flours and snack products, Pouyoukas products are the perfect addition to any pantry. Visit the Pouyoukas website at

Page 67: Cotu conscious living


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Get your Food Forest now and learn from nature; I recall an article in the Farmer’s Weekly about a farm in Namibia. In the before pictures it was vegetated by karroid scrub and used for cattle ranching. When the farmer replaced the cattle with gemsbok the vegetation changed to grassland within two years. This is an example of how ecosystems respond to the inadvertent impacts of higher forms of sentient life to increase their ability to support them.

Another example is that Johannesburg became the world’s biggest man made forest. While we have hands and not hooves and a bigger brain than the gemsbok we should not forget that Mother Nature responds benevolently and intelligently to our impacts. We should use our brains to discern how nature is trying to help us and work in partnership with her. Gaia responds benevolently to this information.

The human impacts to which Mother Nature can respond benevolently are:

1. Our storm water runoff 2. Our grey water3. The seeds and cuttings in our

kitchen waste 4. The sweat from our bodies 5. All of our biodegradable wastes

Negative natural responses mean that humanity has lost its sentience and become more like the orkes in Tolkien’s ‘Lord of the Rings’. This may require intervention from outer space.

Straightway he begins to

rescue the tree fell from


Although a food forest ecosystem can work with little attention, it can produce more if it is

managed. A walapini, a greenhouse designed to use the fact that sub-soil temperature stays the

same throughout the year by being sunk into the ground, expands the productive potential.

Food Forestry Course outlineRegistration 

[email protected]

Page 70: Cotu conscious living




Gro4U installs perfectly balanced vegetable gardens.

Introduce your students to the wonder, dedication and joy of planting

and nurturing their own food gardens. GRO4U will teach your kids, at your schools, to grow their own

vegetables, and share knowledge about organic gardening and just how nature works with us if we let it is our vision.


My Size Insides

Learn the names of your organs and understand the roles

they play inside your body. Strap the felt bands onto the

child and position the illustrated organs in their proper

place. Children will develop their scientific language, and

gain a better understanding of the human body.


Page 71: Cotu conscious living

1. Eat whole foods. Today’s heavily processed convenience foods are loaded

with artificial colors and flavors, preservatives, salt, sugar, and more. Whole, fresh

foods are far healthier. Eating organic will help you avoid pesticides, hormones

and antibiotics in meats and dairy products, and limit your exposure to GMOs

(genetically modified organisms). Artificial, processed foods and chemicals

depress your immune system. If your body is working to battle these constant

exposures, it is less able to take on the cold and flu bugs effectively!

2. Stay Hydrated. Adequate fluid intake is not only important to prevent

dehydration, but it also helps to thin nasal secretions, and helps flush the body as a

whole. These are essential during the cold season.

3. Sleep. It may go without saying, but a sick body has to work overtime and can

use extra rest. Young children may fight against the natural urge for extra sleep, so

keep your child’s bedroom dark and peaceful to help encourage rest, and be sure

to keep sleep on your own priority list!

4. Try homeopathic remedies. Do your research before investing in alternative

remedies – every individual has different needs and many of us have found

supplements or remedies that work well for us or for our children. In our house, I

always keep Oscillococcum™ on hand throughout the season, as well as a variety

of single remedies for cold and flu symptoms.5. Turn up the heat. I don’t mean the

thermostat, I mean steam and hot beverages. Hot beverages like tea and even

hot water with lemon and honey are naturally soothing to sore throats and help

with congestion, too. (Consult your healthcare provider before trying herbal teas

other than chamomile, as not all herbal teas are safe for children, and do not give

honey to children younger than 1.) Another helpful healing tactic is to take a

steam bath by sitting in the bathroom with the shower turned on as hot as it can

Page 72: Cotu conscious living

go. (To prevent accidents, young children should be supervised during steam


6. Look to nature. Nature provides a wealth of resources for all of your winter

issues. Fennel seed steeped in hot water is great for nausea, as is fresh ginger. A

few drops of eucalyptus oil in a vaporizer or steamer helps with lung congestion.

The many ways we can harness the power of nature for healing goes on and on.

7. Let a fever do its job. A fever is your body’s way of battling viruses – germs just

don’t survive and thrive as well in hotter temperatures. The heat also helps blood

circulate faster which helps germ-killing proteins reach their targets more

effectively. If your child is comfortable with a mild fever, letting it do its thing can

actually speed-up the recovery process.

8. Get some expert advice. Some of my favorite go-to guides are Homeopathic

Medicine for Children and Infants by Dana Ullman and Treatment Alternatives for

Children by Dr. Larry Rosen and Jeff Cohen.

By Holistic Moms

Page 73: Cotu conscious living


Desperate cries for help come from parents who have children with learning

problems at school. An article in a Cape newspaper, entitled: Ritalin - the right

or wrong choice... sparked off a dilemma that faces parents and teachers on a

daily basis. Child behaviour is an area of medicine that is fast becoming a

sophisticated channel for drug abuse. Some of the youngest consumers of

schedule 7 amphetamines like Ritalin are only four and a half years old! In other

words, a drug with the same properties as the illegal street drug known as

speed is now an acceptable "medication" for young children?

(Ed’s note: do your child and yourself a favour... don’t opt for the

prescription route, take a good look at all the natural remedies

available. 15 years ago I made the mistake of taking the school’s

& doctors advice and put my son on Ritalin... this was the start of

MANY problems including drug abuse!)

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