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October 2013 edition Council of Administration Practical Guide

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October 2013 edition

Council of Administration

Practical Guide




Council of Administration Practical Guide October 2013 edition Berne 2013 International Bureau of the Universal Postal Union

3 Contents Page Chapter I – Council of Administration (CA) – General concepts

1 Role and functions of the CA


2 Composition Organizational chart of the CA



Chapter II – Levels of decision making within the CA Management Committee, committees and project groups and their responsibilities and functions

1 Levels of decision making


2 Management Committee (CA MC)


3 Committees


4 Consultative Committee


5 Project groups


Chapter III – Functioning of the CA

CA Rules of Procedure


Chapter IV – Background information about the CA

Background information about the CA 27

5 Chapter I Council of Administration (CA) – General concepts 1 Role and functions of the CA Under the terms of the Constitution of the Universal Postal Union, the Council of Administration is one of the three permanent bodies of the Union (Council of Administration, Postal Operations Council (POC) and International Bureau (IB)); it is responsible for ensuring the continuity of the Union's work between Congresses, in accordance with the provisions of the Acts of the Union. The CA has the following functions (article 107 of the General Regulations):

1.1 Supervises all the activities of the Union between Congresses, ensuring compliance with the deci-sions of Congress, studying questions with respect to governmental policies on postal issues, and taking account of international regulatory developments such as those relating to trade in services and to competition.

1.2 Promotes, coordinates and supervises all forms of postal technical assistance within the framework of international technical cooperation.

1.3 Examines the draft quadrennial UPU business plan approved by Congress, and finalizes it by bringing the activities set out in the draft plan for the four-year period into line with the actual resources available. The plan should also, if appropriate, be in line with the results of the prioritiza-tion process carried out by Congress. The finalized version of the quadrennial business plan, com-pleted and approved by the CA, will then form the basis for the preparation of the annual UPU Programme and Budget as well as for the annual operating plans to be drawn up and implemented by the CA and POC.

1.4 Considers and approves the annual programme and budget and the accounts of the Union, while taking into account the final version of the UPU Business Plan, as described in article 107.1.3.

1.5 Authorizes the ceiling of expenditure to be exceeded, if circumstances so require, in accordance with article 145.3 to 5.

1.6 Authorizes election of a lower contribution class, if it is so requested, in accordance with the condi-tions set out in article 150.6.

1.7 Authorizes a change of geographical group if it is so requested by a member country, taking into account the views expressed by the member countries which are members of the geographical groups concerned.

1.8 Creates or abolishes International Bureau posts taking into account the restrictions imposed by the expenditure ceiling fixed.

1.9 Decides on the contacts to be established with member countries in order to carry out its functions.

1.10 After consulting the Postal Operations Council, decides on the relations to be established with the organizations which are not observers within the meaning of article 105.1.

1.11 Considers and approves the reports by the International Bureau on UPU relations with other inter-national bodies and takes the decisions which it considers appropriate on the conduct of such rela-tions and the action to be taken on them.

1.12 Designates in due course, after consulting the Postal Operations Council and the Secretary General, the specialized agencies of the United Nations, international organizations, associations, enterprises and qualified persons to be invited as ad hoc observers to specific meetings of Congress and its Committees when this is in the interest of the Union or the work of the Congress and instructs the Director General of the International Bureau to issue the necessary invitations.

1.13 Designates the member country where the next Congress is to be held in the case provided for in article 101.3.

1.14 Determines in due course and after consulting the Postal Operations Council the number of Committees required to carry out the work of Congress, and specifies their functions.

6 1.15 Designates, after consulting the Postal Operations Council and subject to the approval of

Congress, the member countries prepared:

1.15.1 to assume the vice-chairmanships of Congress and the chairmanships and vice-chairmanships of the Committees, taking as much account as possible of the equitable geographical distribution of the member countries; and

1.15.2 to sit on the Restricted Committees of the Congress.

1.16 Designates those of its members that will serve as members of the Consultative Committee.

1.17 Considers and approves, within the framework of its competence, any action considered necessary to safeguard and enhance the quality of and to modernize the international postal service.

1.18 Studies, at the request of Congress, the Postal Operations Council or member countries, admin-istrative, legislative and legal problems concerning the Union or the international postal service; it shall be for the Council of Administration to decide, in the above-mentioned fields, whether it is expedient to undertake the studies requested by member countries between Congresses.

1.19 Formulates proposals which shall be submitted for the approval either of Congress or of member countries in accordance with article 140.

1.20 Submits subjects for study to the Postal Operations Council for examination in accordance with article 113.1.6.

1.21 Reviews and approves, in consultation with the Postal Operations Council, the draft Strategy for presentation to Congress.

1.22 Receives and discusses reports and recommendations from the Consultative Committee and con-siders recommendations from the Consultative Committee for submission to Congress.

1.23 Provides control over the activities of the International Bureau.

1.24 Approves the annual report on the work of the Union and the annual Financial Operating Reports prepared by the International Bureau and, where appropriate, furnishes observations on them.

1.25 Establishes principles, as may be considered necessary, for the Postal Operations Council to take into account in its study of questions with major financial repercussions (charges, terminal dues, transit charges, basic airmail conveyance rates and the posting abroad of letter-post items), follows closely the study of these questions, and reviews and approves, for conformity with the aforemen-tioned principles, Postal Operations Council proposals relating to these questions.

1.26 Approves, within the framework of its competence, the recommendations of the Postal Operations Council for the adoption, if necessary, of regulations or of a new procedure until such time as Congress takes a decision in the matter.

1.27 Considers the annual report prepared by the Postal Operations Council and any proposals submit-ted by the Council.

1.28 Approves the four-yearly report prepared by the International Bureau in consultation with the Postal Operations Council, on the performance of member countries in respect of the execution of the Union Strategy approved by the preceding Congress, for submission to the following Congress.

1.29 Establishes the framework for the organization of the Consultative Committee and concurs in the organization of the Consultative Committee, in accordance with the provisions of article 122.

1.30 Establishes criteria for membership of the Consultative Committee and approves or rejects applica-tions for membership in accordance with those criteria, ensuring that action on the applications is accomplished through an expedited process between meetings of the Council of Administration.

1.31 Lays down the Financial Regulations of the Union.

1.32 Lays down the rules governing the Reserve Fund.

1.33 Lays down the rules governing the Special Fund.

1.34 Lays down the rules governing the Special Activities Fund.

1.35 Lays down the rules governing the Voluntary Fund.

7 1.36 Lays down the Staff Regulations and the conditions of service of the elected officials.

1.37 Lays down the Regulations of the Social Fund.

1.38 Exercises, within the context of article 152, overall supervision of the creation and activities of user-funded subsidiary bodies.

2 Composition Argentina Australia Bangladesh Barbados Brazil Bulgaria (Rep.) Burkina Faso Canada Congo (Rep.) Costa Rica Cote d'Ivoire (Rep.) Ecuador Egypt France

Gabon Greece India Italy Japan Korea (Rep.) Kuwait Malawi Mexico Morocco Norway Qatar Pakistan Poland

Portugal Romania Russian Federation Saudi Arabia South Africa Sudan Tanzania (United Rep.) Thailand Turkey Uganda Ukraine United States of America Viet Nam

Organizational chart of the Council of Administration

8 Chapter II – Levels of decision making within the CA Management Committee, committees and

project groups and their responsibilities and functions 1 Levels of decision making To promote a more efficient and rational decision-making process, the CA has established three levels of decision making:

i The Plenary is the primary body dealing with high-level policy and strategic matters of interest to UPU member countries and to the postal sector as a whole. The Plenary brings together decision makers from its member countries to conduct meaningful discussions on these issues. The Council may dele-gate powers to its committees (Congress mandates in specific and technical areas). The Plenary receives committee reports, endorses committee decisions and recommendations, and deals with any appeals concerning committee decisions.

ii The committees take decisions, subject to the endorsement of the Council, regarding the development of Congress proposals and measures to be taken by the Council. They set up groups, strictly on the basis of need and the work plan. Where necessary, committees may create inter-committee groups to address common interests, thereby ensuring the consistency and efficiency of the Union's work.

iii Project groups are set up by a committee with a specific task (or tasks) and a clear time frame for completing those tasks. Project groups do not have decision-making authority, but study and prepare recommendations on specific subjects, to be submitted to the relevant committee for consideration. Project group meetings are generally held in Berne during the POC and/or CA sessions.

2 Management Committee (CA MC) a Composition Chairman: Qatar. Members: Argentina, Bulgaria (Rep.), Côte d'Ivoire (Rep.), Turkey, Norway (C 1), India and Japan (C 2), South Africa (C 3), Barbados (C 4), Saudi Arabia (C 1), Canada (C 3), France (C 4). Observers: Japan (POC Chairman), Latin American Association of Private Posts and Postal Operators – ALACOPP (CC Chairman). b Functions The Management Committee prepares and directs the work of each session; it reviews the proceedings of the Council and of its committees. It assists the Chairman in drawing up the agenda of the plenary meetings and in coordinating the work of the committees. Furthermore, the Management Committee performs all such tasks as the Council may decide to entrust to it or the need for which arises in the course of the strategic planning process. 3 Committees Committee 1 (Governance and Regulatory Issues) – Functions:

• Study questions relating to governmental policies on postal issues.

• Take account of international regulatory developments such as those relating to trade in ser-vices and to competition (WTO and EU issues).

• Consider and approve any necessary actions to safeguard and enhance quality of service.

• Study legislative and legal problems concerning the Union or the international postal service.


• Establish principles for questions with major financial repercussions (remuneration of interna-tional postal services).

• Study POC recommendations for adopting regulations or new procedures.

• Study UPU reform and the UPU Acts.

– Congress resolutions and decisions charging the CA with carrying out various tasks aimed at imple-menting the decisions of the 25th Congress or submitting proposals to the next Congress: C 5/2012, C 6/2012, C 7/2012, C 8/2012, C 16/2012, C 17/2012, C 24/2012, C 26/2012, C 28/2012, C 29/2012, C 30/2012, C 57/2012, C 58/2012, C 68/2012 and C 77/2012.

Committee 2 (Finance and Administration) – Functions:

• Authorize the exceeding of the expenditure ceiling.

• Lay down the Union's Financial Regulations and the rules governing the Reserve Fund, Special Fund, Special Activities Fund and Voluntary Fund.

• Approve the Union's accounts and the financial operating report.

• Approve the annual Programme and Budget.

• Oversee IB activities.

• Create or abolish IB posts.

• Lay down the Staff Regulations and the conditions of service of elected officials.

• Lay down the Regulations of the Social Fund.

– Resolutions and decisions of the 25th Congress: C 65/2012, C 74/2012 and C 75/2012.

Committee 3 (Strategy) – Functions:

• Consider and endorse questions relating to the prioritization of activities and to the draft annual UPU Programme and Budget for the 2013–2016 period.

• Monitor, evaluate and report to member countries and to the UPU bodies on the results and implementation of the Doha Postal Strategy.

• Develop, review and endorse the future draft strategy for 2017–2020.

– Resolutions and decisions of the 25th Congress: C 3/2012, C 5/2012 and C 80/2012 and C 81/2012. Committee 4 (Cooperation and Development) – Functions: This Committee is responsible for promotion, coordination and supervision of all forms of

postal technical assistance within the framework of international technical cooperation and issues relating to sustainable development as well as financial inclusion.

– Resolutions and decisions of the 25th Congress: C 12/2012, C 14/2012, C 22/2012, C 23/2012, C 63/2012, C 64/2012, C 65/2012, C 66/2012 and C 76/2012.

10 4 Consultative Committee a Composition Chairman: Ms Marcela Maron, ALACOPP.

Vice-Chairman: Spain.

CA members: Argentina, Japan, Morocco, Russian Federation.

POC members: Benin, Greece, Italy, Spain.

Members: Digital Europe, Federation of European Direct and Interactive Marketing (FEDMA), Global Envelope Alliance (GEnA), Global Express Association (GEA), Interactive Media in Retail Group, International Mailers' Advisory Group (IMAG), International Post Corporation (IPC), International Publisher and Postal Association (IPPA), ALACOPP, UNI Global Union, World Blind Union, Xplor International. b Functions The aim of the Consultative Committee is to represent the interests of the wider international postal sector, and to provide a framework for effective dialogue between stakeholders. It comprises non-governmental organizations representing customers, delivery service providers, organizations of workers, suppliers of goods and services to the postal services sector and like organizations of individuals and companies which have an interest in supporting the mission and objectives of the Union. 5 Project groups Within the framework of CA Committee 1 i Reform of the Union Project Group (joint CA/POC) a Composition Chairman: Brazil.

CA and POC members: Argentina, Barbados, Belgium,1 Brazil, Bulgaria (Rep.), Canada, China (People's Rep.),1 Congo (Rep.), Ecuador, Egypt, France, Germany,1 Greece, Indonesia,1 Italy, Japan, Malaysia,1 Mexico, Morocco, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Qatar, Romania, Russian Federation, Saudi Arabia, Spain,1 South Africa, Switzerland,1 Tanzania (United Rep.), Turkey, Uganda, United Arab Emirates,1 United States of America.

Observers: Algeria, Australia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Colombia, Czech Rep., Denmark, Finland, Great Britain, Hungary, Iran (Islamic Rep.), Jordan, Lithuania, Netherlands, Niger, Nigeria, Pakistan, Senegal, Serbia, Slovakia, Sweden, Uruguay, Zambia, Zimbabwe, ALACOPP, FEDMA, GEnA, GEA, IMAG, Pan African Postal Union (PAPU), UNI Global Union. b Functions The Reform of the Union Project Group is charged with:

– studying measures to be taken for the efficient management of the UPU budget (with Committee 3);

– examining various issues relating to support costs for user-funded subsidiary body activities (with Committee 2);

– studying ways to promote more efficient decision making – UPU policy on better organization of meet-ings of Union bodies, better document management, and e-publications;

– examining various issues relating to management of the work of the Union – Further reform of the UPU;

1 These member countries of the joint CA/POC project groups are members of the POC only.

11 – study ways to enhance the dissemination of postal information via International Bureau circulars and

Emergency Information System (EmIS) messages. ii Acts of the Union Project Group a Composition

Chairman: Australia.

Vice-Chairman: Argentina.

Members: Argentina, Australia, Barbados, Brazil, Bulgaria (Rep.), Ecuador, Egypt, France, Greece, Japan, Kuwait, Mexico, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Qatar, Russian Federation, Saudi Arabia, South Africa, Turkey, United States of America, Viet Nam.

Observers: Belarus, China (People's Rep.), Colombia, Czech Rep., Finland, Germany, Iran (Islamic Rep.), Jordan, Kyrgyzstan, Lithuania, Netherlands, Senegal, Serbia, Slovakia, Sweden, Switzerland, Uruguay, Zimbabwe, GEA, PAPU. b Functions The Acts of the Union Project Group is charged with:

– general revision of the Convention and its Regulations to make the POC a more efficient and swifter decision-making body (with POC);

– continuation of the study on the possibility of establishing a permanent Universal Postal Convention;

– study of the use and definitions of terms and expressions in the Acts of the Union. iii Regulatory Issues Project Group a Composition Chairman: United States of America.

Vice-Chairman: Ecuador.

Members: Argentina, Australia, Barbados, Brazil, Bulgaria (Rep.), Ecuador, Egypt, France, Gabon, Greece, Mexico, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Russian Federation, South Africa, Tanzania (United Rep.), Thailand, Turkey, United States of America, Viet Nam.

Observers: Belarus, Cameroon, China (People's Rep.), Colombia, Finland, Germany, Great Britain, Iran (Islamic Rep.), Jordan, Kyrgyzstan, Lithuania, Moldova, Netherlands, Senegal, Serbia, Slovakia, Sweden, Switzerland, Uruguay, Zambia, Zimbabwe, ALACOPP, GEA, PAPU, UNI Global Union. b Functions The Regulatory Issues Project Group is charged with:

– continuation of the study on extraterritorial offices of exchange, international mail processing centres, and issues surrounding the designation of multiple operators in a single country;

– studying various issues on interconnection of wider postal sector external stakeholders to UPU prod-ucts and services;

– improving the transparency and visibility of parties responsible for international mail processing cen-tres (with the POC);

– continuation of UPU activities in the area of the universal postal service;

– studying ways of defining a sanctions mechanism for non-payment of ongoing, long-term debts related to general accounts (CN 52) between designated operators (with the POC).

12 iv Remuneration Governance Issues Project Group a Composition

Chairman: Mexico.

Members: Barbados, Congo (Rep.), Ecuador, Egypt, France, Gabon, Japan, Malawi, Mexico, Morocco, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Saudi Arabia, South Africa, Thailand, Turkey, United States of America.

Observers: Australia, Belarus, Cameroon, China (People's Rep.), Colombia, Finland, Germany, Great Britain, Iran (Islamic Rep.), Jordan, Kyrgyzstan, Lithuania, Malaysia, Moldova, Netherlands, Senegal, Serbia, Slovakia, Sweden, Switzerland, Zambia, Zimbabwe, GEA, IPPA, PAPU. b Functions The Remuneration Governance Issues Project Group is charged with:

– studying various issues on future work of the terminal dues system for 2018–2021 (C 57/2012);

– studying issues on classification of countries and territories for terminal dues and Quality of Service Fund purposes (C 77/2012).

Within the framework of Committee 3 (Strategy) i Future Strategy Project Group (joint CA/POC) a Composition

Chairman: Morocco.

Vice-Chairman: Brazil.

Members: Argentina, Australia, Barbados, Belgium2, Brazil, Bulgaria (Rep.), Canada, China (People's Rep.),2 Congo (Rep.), Ecuador, Egypt, France, Germany,2 Indonesia,2 Italy, Malaysia,2 Mexico, Morocco, Norway, Pakistan, Poland, Portugal, Qatar, Romania, Russian Federation, South Africa, Spain,2 Switzerland,2 Tanzania (United Rep.), Tunisia,2 Turkey, Uganda, United Arab Emirates,2 United States of America.

Observers: Azerbaijan, Chile, Colombia, Czech Rep., Denmark, Finland, Great Britain, Hungary, Iran (Islamic Rep.), Iraq, Jordan, Lithuania, Netherlands, Niger, Nigeria, Saudi Arabia, Senegal, Serbia, Sweden, Uruguay, Zambia, Zimbabwe, ALACOPP, FEDMA, GEA, GEnA, IPC, Mailtec, PAPU. b Functions The Future Strategy Project Group (joint CA/POC) is charged, under the terms of Congress resolution C 81/2012, with preparing the UPU's future strategy. ii Programme and Budget Prioritization and Allocation Project Group (joint CA/POC) a Composition Chairman: Romania.

Members: Barbados, Belgium,2 Brazil, Canada, China (People's Rep.),2 Ecuador, Egypt, France, Germany,2 Greece, Italy, Malawi, Mexico, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, South Africa, Spain,2 Switzerland,2 Thailand, Turkey, United States of America.

Observers: Australia, Denmark, Finland, Great Britain, Haiti, Hungary, Iran (Islamic Rep.), Iraq, Jordan, Lithuania, Netherlands, Niger, Pakistan, Serbia, Sweden, Zambia, Zimbabwe, ALACOPP, IPC, PAPU.

2 These member countries of the joint CA/POC project groups are members of the POC only.

13 b Functions The Programme and Budget Prioritization and Allocation Project Group is charged, under the terms of Congress resolutions C 3/2012, C 5/2012, C 80/2012 and C 81/2012, with prioritization and allocation of the Programme and Budget in the 2013–2016 cycle. iii Monitoring and Evaluation Project Group a Composition Chairman: Canada.

Vice-Chairman: Poland.

Members: Barbados, Brazil, Canada, Ecuador, Egypt, France, Mexico, Morocco, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Qatar, Romania, South Africa, Turkey.

Observers: Cameroon, China (People's Rep.), Germany, Iran (Islamic Rep.), Jordan, Lithuania, Netherlands, Senegal, Serbia, Spain, Switzerland, Zambia, ALACOPP, PAPU. b Functions The Monitoring and Evaluation Project Group is charged, under the terms of Congress resolutions C 80/2012 and C 81/2012, with ensuring implementation of the Doha Postal Strategy at national and regional levels and by the Union bodies. Within the framework of Committee 4 (Cooperation and Development) i Technical Cooperation and Postal Sector Development Project Group (joint CA/POC) a Composition Chairman: Côte d'Ivoire (Rep.).

Vice-Chairman: Kuwait.

Members: Argentina, Barbados, Belgium3, Brazil, Canada, China (People's Rep.),3 Congo (Rep.), Costa Rica, Côte d'Ivoire (Rep.), Ecuador, France, Gabon, Germany,3 Great Britain,3 Greece, Indonesia,3 Kuwait, Malawi, Mexico, Norway, Pakistan, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Russian Federation, South Africa, Spain,3 Switzerland,3 Tanzania (United Rep.), Thailand, Turkey, Uganda, Ukraine, Viet Nam.

Observers: Algeria, Azerbaijan, Cameroon, Chile, Colombia, Finland, Haiti, Hungary, Iran (Islamic Rep.), Iraq, Italy, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova, Netherlands, Niger, Nigeria, Pakistan, Senegal, Serbia, Uruguay, Venezuela (Bolivarian Rep.), Zambia, Zimbabwe, ALACOPP, GEA, PAPU. b Functions The Technical Cooperation and Postal Sector Development Project Group is charged, under the terms of Congress resolutions C 63/2012 and C 65/2012, with formulating and implementing the UPU's development cooperation policy for 2013–2016 and financing of the UPU Emergency and Solidarity Fund (with Commit- tee 2).

3 These member countries of the joint CA/POC project groups are members of the POC only.

14 ii Postal Sector Macroeconomics Project Group a Composition Chairman: Chairman: Italy.

Members: Barbados, Brazil, Ecuador, France, Greece, Italy, Mexico, Morocco, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Turkey, United States of America.

Observers: China (People's Rep.), Colombia, Finland, Germany, Hungary, Iran (Islamic Rep.), Lithuania, Senegal, Serbia, Slovakia, Switzerland, Zambia, Zimbabwe, ALACOPP, GEA, PAPU. b Functions The Postal Sector Macroeconomics Project Group is charged, under the terms of Congress resolution C 12/2012, with studying issues on macroeconomics. iii Sustainable Development Project Group (joint CA/POC) a Composition Chairman: France.

Vice-Chairman: Turkey.

CA members: Barbados, Belgium,4 Brazil, Canada, China (People's Rep.),4 Costa Rica, Ecuador, Egypt, France, Germany,4 Japan, Mexico, Morocco, Norway, Poland, Romania, Portugal, Russian Federation, South Africa, Switzerland,4 Tanzania (United Rep.), Tunisia,4 Turkey, Uganda, United Arab Emirates,4 Viet Nam.

Observers: Azerbaijan, Cameroon, Colombia, Finland, Great Britain, Hungary, Indonesia, Iran (Islamic Rep.), Iraq, Italy, Jordan, Kyrgyzstan, Niger, Nigeria, Pakistan, Senegal, Serbia, Slovakia, Spain, Sweden, United States of America, Venezuela (Bolivarian Rep.), Zambia, Zimbabwe, ALACOPP, PAPU, UNI Global Union. b Functions The Sustainable Development Project Group (joint CA/POC) is charged, under the terms of Congress reso-lutions C 64/2012, C 66/2012 and C 76/2012, with studying issues relating to sustainable development and development cooperation, measures to make postal organizations more resistant to natural disasters, and the establishment of a voluntary carbon offset system for designated operators of UPU member countries. iv Postal Financial Inclusion Project Group (joint CA/POC) a Composition Chairman: Morocco.

Members: Australia, Argentina, Benin,4 Brazil, Burkina Faso, Costa Rica, Côte d'Ivoire (Rep.), Ecuador, Egypt, Ghana,4 India, Italy, Kenya,4 Malawi, Mexico, Morocco, Pakistan, Poland, Romania, Russian Federation, South Africa, Sri Lanka, Tanzania (United Rep.), Tunisia,4 Turkey, Uganda, Ukraine.

Observers: Chad, China (People's Rep.), Guinea, Kenya, Kyrgyzstan, Lebanon, Nigeria, Peru, Serbia, Spain, Sri Lanka, South Sudan, Swaziland, Thailand, Togo. b Functions The Postal Financial Inclusion Project Group (joint CA/POC) is charged, under the terms of Congress reso-lutions C 22/2012 and C 23/2012, with studying issues on promotion of cooperation and development in the area of financial services in member countries.

4 These member countries of the joint CA/POC project groups are members of the POC only.

15 Chapter III – Functioning of the CA 1 Rules of Procedure Contents Article 1 Purpose and functions of the Council of Administration 2 Members of the Council and notification of representatives 3 Observers and ad hoc observers 4 Chairmanships and vice-chairmanships 5 Management Committee 6 Secretariat 7 Sessions 8 Order of seating 9 Agenda 10 Committees, Project Groups, Working Parties, Contact Committees and Joint Groups 11 Financial consequences of proposals made by the bodies 12 Urgent questions raised between sessions 13 Languages 14 Quorum 15 Voting 16 Motions on points of order and procedural motions 17 Reopening of decisions 18 Election and replacement of the Deputy Director General 19 Reports 20 Refund of travelling expenses to representatives of members and to invitees of the Council and its

bodies 21 Effective date Article 1 Purpose and functions of the Council of Administration 1 The Council of Administration, hereinafter called "the Council", shall be responsible for ensuring the continuity of the work of the Union between Congresses in accordance with the provisions of the Acts of the Union. Its functions shall derive in particular from the relevant article5 of the General Regulations and from the decisions of Congress. Article 2 Members of the Council and notification of representatives 1 The Council shall consist of 41 members, i.e. a Chairman and 40 other members elected by Congress. 2 Each member of the Council, according to the relevant article6 of the General Regulations, shall appoint its representative, who shall be competent in postal matters. This representative may be accompa-nied by one or more other delegates who shall also be entitled to participate in the discussions and to vote. In line with its national legislation or according to its internal processes, each member country shall notify the International Bureau, before the opening of the session, of its designated representative and of the delegates accompanying him. In the event of doubt about the composition of a member country's delegation, the repre-sentative, or his deputy if any, shall decide the matter. 5 Article 102 of the 2008 General Regulations (article 107 of the Doha General Regulations). 6 Article 102.4 of the 2008 General Regulations (article 106 of the Doha General Regulations).

16 Article 3 Observers and ad hoc observers 1 Observers

1.1 The following entities shall be invited to participate in the plenary sessions and Committee meet-ings of the Council as observers:

1.1.1 representatives of the United Nations;

1.1.2 restricted unions7;

1.1.3 members of the Consultative Committee8;

1.1.4 entities authorized to attend Union meetings as observers by virtue of a resolution or decision of Congress9;

1.1.5 the Chairman of the Postal Operations Council shall represent that body at Council meetings on the agenda of which there are questions of interest to the body which he directs;

1.1.6 the Chairman of the Consultative Committee shall represent that body at Council meetings on the agenda of which there are questions of interest to the body which he directs;

1.1.7 the representatives of the Postal Operations Council, designated by the latter;

1.1.8 the representatives of the Consultative Committee, designated by the latter;

1.1.9 other member countries of the Union. 2 Ad hoc observers

2.1 The Chairman of the Council, after consultation with the Secretary General and, where appropriate, with the Chairman of the Committee concerned, may invite the following entities to attend specific meetings as ad hoc observers when this is considered to be in the interest of the Union and its bodies:

2.1.1 specialized agencies of the United Nations;

2.1.2 intergovernmental organizations;

2.1.3 any international body, any association or enterprise, or any qualified person. 3 Principles

3.1 Observers and ad hoc observers shall not be entitled to vote, but may take the floor with the Chairman's permission.

3.2 Observers and ad hoc observers may also attend meetings of the bodies of the Council mentioned in article 10, subject to informing their Chairman in advance, either in writing or verbally.

3.3 Observers and ad hoc observers may, at their request, be allowed to cooperate in the studies undertaken, subject to such conditions as the Council may establish to ensure the efficiency and effectiveness of its work. They may also be invited to chair Working Parties and Project Groups when their experience or expertise justifies it. The participation of observers and ad hoc observers shall be carried out without additional expense for the Union.

3.4 For logistical reasons, the Council may also limit the number of attendees per observer participat-ing. It may also limit their right to speak during the debates.

3.5 In exceptional circumstances, observers and ad hoc observers may be excluded from a meeting or a portion of a meeting or may have their right to receive documents restricted if the confidentiality of the subject of the meeting or document so requires. This restriction may be decided on a case-by-case basis by any body concerned or its Chair. The case-by-case situations shall be reported to

7 Moved from paragraph 1.6 of the same article. 8 Moved from paragraph 2.2 of the same article. 9 There are currently four observers in this category: the African Union (C 92/1974), the League of Arab States (C 7/1979), Palestine (C 115/1999) and the European Union (C 78/2012).


the Council and to the Postal Operations Council when matters of interest to the Postal Operations Council are concerned. If it considers this necessary, the Council may subsequently review restrictions, in consultation with the Postal Operations Council where appropriate.

Article 4 Chairmanships and vice-chairmanships 1 The chairmanship of the Council shall devolve by right on the host country of the last Congress. If that country waives this right it shall become a de jure member and the Council shall elect to the chairmanship one of the member countries belonging to the geographical group of the host country. At its first meeting, the Council shall elect, from among its members and on the basis of equitable geographical distribution, the countries which are to hold the offices of the four Vice-Chairmen, Chairmen and Vice-Chairmen of the Committees respectively and shall designate its members to serve as members of the Consultative Committee. 2 The Chairman shall convene the Council, direct its proceedings and approve the Summary Record. He shall also be responsible for the general direction of the Council's work and activities. If prevented from discharging his duties, he shall be replaced by one of the Vice-Chairmen, selected by drawing lots. 3 The Chairman may designate another member of the Council to lead part of the deliberations, for example the Chairman of a Committee for discussions relating to certain matters of that Committee which, where appropriate, could be dealt with directly in plenary. Article 5 Management Committee 1 The Chairman and the Vice-Chairmen of the Council as well as the Chairmen and Vice-Chairmen of its Committees shall constitute the Management Committee, which shall meet at the request of the Chairman of the Council. The Chairmen of the Postal Operations Council and Consultative Committee shall be invited to take part, as observers, in the meetings of the Management Committee. The Chairmen of the other bodies coming directly under the Council may also be invited to attend the meetings of the Management Committee as observers. The Secretary General and Assistant Secretary General of the Council mentioned in arti- cle 6.1, shall attend the meetings of the Management Committee. 2 The Management Committee shall prepare the work of each session and monitor the progress of the work of the Council and of its bodies. It shall assist the Chairman in drawing up the agenda of the plenary meetings and in coordinating the work of the bodies. 3 The Committee shall approve, on behalf of the Council, the annual report prepared by the International Bureau on the work of the Union. The Management Committee shall perform all such tasks as the Council may decide to entrust to it or the need for which arises in the course of the strategic planning process. Article 6 Secretariat 1 The Director General and the Deputy Director General of the International Bureau shall serve respec-tively as Secretary General and Assistant Secretary General of the Council. The International Bureau shall act as Secretariat of the Council.

18 2 The Secretary General of the Council shall:

2.1 take part in the discussions of the Council and its bodies without the right to vote; he may also be rep-resented;

2.2 prepare the work of the Council and make available on the UPU website all the documents published on the occasion of each session; the documents subject to a decision or discussion by the Council and Committees shall be published on the UPU website in all the languages of deliberation of the meeting concerned at least twenty working days before the opening of the session.

2.3 inform the member countries of the Union and the observers specified in article 3.1 about the activities of the Council and in particular shall send them, after it has been approved by the Chairman of the Council, a Summary Record and the resolutions and decisions of the Council;

2.4 prepare the Comprehensive report on the work of the Council, which is referred to in the General Regulations, the relevant article10, and make it available on the UPU website after approval by the Council and at least two months before the opening of Congress;

2.5 maintain contact with the Postal Operations Council and submit to that body those matters which the Council decides to entrust to it, in accordance with the relevant article11 of General Regulations;

2.6 implement the decisions of the Council in accordance with the latter's instructions;

2.7 organize, in the intervals between sessions, and in accordance with any directives by the Council, representation of the Union at meetings of the United Nations, the specialized agencies, the Restricted Unions and the other international organizations with which the Union is concerned;

2.8 transmit to the relevant bodies, for their prior notification, questions submitted to the Council between sessions by a member country of the Union or by international organizations;

2.9 dispose, after consultation with the Chairman, of the routine business of the Council. 3 The Secretary General may be entrusted, by the Chairman or by the Council itself, with the study of certain special subjects; in the same way, in order to simplify management, certain functions may be dele-gated to him. 4 The Secretariat of the Council shall:

4.1 prepare the work of the Council and the various reports on the work of the Council;

4.2 draft the reports of the meetings of the bodies of the Council, as well as the Summary Record;

4.3 prepare correspondence and maintain archives. Article 7 Sessions 1 In principle, the Council shall meet every year at the headquarters of the Union. It shall fix the approxi-mate date and duration of its next annual session. If compelled by circumstances, the Chairman, after con-sulting the Secretary General, may alter the date or duration which has been fixed, provided the alteration is notified to the members of the Council in good time. 2 The Council may meet, exceptionally, when a request for this is made or approved by at least one third of its members or on the initiative of its Chairman. The date shall be fixed by the Chairman after con-sulting the Secretary General.

10 Article 103.2 of the 2008 General Regulations (article 111.2 of the Doha General Regulations). 11 Article 102.6.25 of the 2008 General Regulations (article 107.1.25 of the Doha General Regulations).

19 Article 8 Order of seating 1 At meetings of the Council and its bodies, delegations shall be seated in the French alphabetical order of members. 2 The Chairman of the Council shall draw lots, in due course, for the name of the country to be placed foremost before the Chairman's rostrum at the meetings of the Council and of its Committees. Article 9 Agenda 1 The Chairman shall make out, on the proposal of or after consultation with the Secretary General, the provisional agenda for each session, according to the order of importance and priority of decision making. This agenda shall be made available on the UPU website at the same time as the convening notice. 2 Each Chairman of a body shall also prepare, on the proposal of or after consultation with the Secretary General, the agenda of the meetings of his body according to the same principle mentioned in paragraph 1. 3 The following subjects, inter alia, shall appear in the provisional agenda of the Council:

3.1 matters selected at the previous session;

3.2 questions in the form of a Council document submitted by members of the Council or by other member countries of the Union between sessions and notified to the Secretary General at least six weeks before the opening of the session during which they are to be considered; questions notified to the Secretary General less than six weeks before the opening of the session may be considered only if the Council so decides by a majority of the members present and voting and having the right to vote;

3.3 suggestions and proposals submitted by the Director General of the International Bureau. Article 10 Committees, Project Groups, Working Parties, Contact Committees and Joint Groups 1 The Council shall set up its bodies (Committees, Project Groups, etc.) and determine their powers. It may also, with the participation of other international organizations, set up contact committees or joint work-ing parties to deal with problems of mutual interest. 2 The Council may, in agreement with the POC, form joint bodies made up of members of the CA and POC to deal with matters of common interest. The joint bodies shall meet once a year during the annual session of the Council and shall submit their reports, including proposals or recommendations, to the Council for final approval. These bodies may inform the POC of the results of their work. 3 The relevant provisions of these Rules of Procedure shall apply to the proceedings of bodies of the Council. 4 The Council and its bodies may, subject to paragraph 6, set up Project Groups composed of experts appointed on the basis of their professional skills and equitable geographical distribution. The mandates and deadlines for the tasks to be carried out should be clearly defined when each Project Group is established. The Chairmen of the bodies concerned shall determine the methods of work that are most suitable for the successful completion of their activities. 5 Council members are members ex officio of all Committees. 6 Each Council member that is not a member of a body may, with the authorization of its Chairman, attend meetings thereof and take part in the proceedings without the right to vote.

20 7 The Council shall approve the timetable, drawn up in agreement with the Chairmen of the bodies con-cerned and after consultation with the Secretary General, of meetings which will be held before the next ses-sion. Any meeting planned and not appearing in this timetable must, if it entails additional expenditure, be authorized by the Chairman of the Council after consultation with the Secretary General. Article 11 Financial consequences of proposals made by the bodies 1 Any proposal submitted by the bodies which has financial repercussions for the Union shall be submit-ted for consideration to the Finance Committee before it is studied by the Council. This Committee, which the Council shall set up, shall report to the Council on the matter. 2 Similarly, each proposal submitted to Congress by the Council that is liable to give rise to costs for the Union shall be accompanied by an indication of its financial impact so that the financial resources needed for its implementation can be determined. Article 12 Urgent questions raised between sessions 1 Urgent questions raised between sessions shall be dealt with by the Chairman. 2 If questions of principle are involved, the Chairman shall consult the members of the Council and, if he thinks fit, all the member countries of the Union; he shall inform the members consulted of the solutions adopted. Article 13 Languages 1 The official language of the Council shall be French. 2 For the discussions of the Council and its bodies, the French, English, Spanish, Russian and Arabic languages shall be accepted, provision being made for a simultaneous interpretation system. 3 The cost of the interpretation services in the languages mentioned in paragraph 2 shall be borne, in accordance with the method laid down in paragraph 4, by the members of the five groups of countries given below, and by the observers referred to in article

French English Spanish Arabic Russian

Burkina Faso Congo (Rep.) Côte d'Ivoire (Rep.) France Gabon Morocco

Australia Bangladesh Barbados Brazil Bulgaria (Rep.) Canada Greece India Italy Japan Korea (Rep.) Malawi Norway Pakistan Poland Portugal Romania

Argentina Costa Rica Ecuador Mexico

Egypt Kuwait Qatar Saudi Arabia

Russian Federation Ukraine


French English Spanish Arabic Russian

South Africa Sudan Tanzania (United Rep.) Thailand Turkey Uganda United States of America Viet Nam

Any member country wishing to change its language of discussion between sessions of the Council must inform the Secretary General accordingly. 4 The cost of the interpretation services in the languages mentioned in paragraph 2 shall, in principle, be divided into five equal parts, each borne by the members of the Council and the member countries partici-pating in these meetings as observers, in application of article 3.1.9, which have chosen to use the same language, in proportion to their contribution to the expenses of the Union. However, if interpretation into one of the languages laid down in paragraph 2 is not used for a session of the Council or for an interim meeting of one of its bodies, and provided the International Bureau has not yet entered into any commitments in this regard, the costs referred to in paragraph 3 shall be shared equally between the language groups repre-sented at the meeting. 5 If members of the Council wish to use other languages, they must provide for simultaneous interpreta-tion into Arabic, English, French, Russian or Spanish, either by the method stated in paragraph 2, when the necessary technical modifications can be made, or by special interpreters. Requests for the use of other languages must be sent to the secretariat at least six months before the opening of the meeting in question. 6 The cost of the use of other languages shall be divided between the member countries using them, in proportion to their contribution to the expenses of the Union. 7 Notwithstanding the provisions of paragraphs 4 and 6, any group of interested countries may inform the International Bureau, direct or through a recognized spokesman, that it constitutes, for the purposes of the interpretation costs mentioned in paragraphs 4 and 6, a language group bearing the costs in question, at the same time giving the key for apportionment among the member countries. The International Bureau will take this statement into account in collecting the said costs. 8 The cost of installing and maintaining the technical equipment shall be borne by the Union. Article 14 Quorum 1 Discussions by the Council shall not be valid unless at least half of its members having the right to vote are present. Article 15 Voting 1 Subject to the sanctions provided for in the relevant article12 of the General Regulations, each member of the Council shall have a single vote.

12 Article 129 of the 2008 General Regulations (article 149 of the Doha General Regulations).

22 2 If a member of the Council, who is represented at a session, is prevented from attending a meeting, he may as an exceptional measure delegate his right to vote to the representative of another member coun-try having the right to vote, provided he gives previous notice in writing to the Chairman of the Council. However, a member of the Council may represent only one country other than his own. 3 Questions which cannot be settled by common consent shall be decided by a majority of members present and voting and having the right to vote. In the event of a tie, the proposal shall be considered as rejected. 4 The manner of voting shall be determined before the voting begins. It may be:

4.1 by show of hands;

4.2 by roll-call: at the request of a member of the Council or if desired by the Chairman. The roll-call shall be taken in the French alphabetical order of countries represented on the Council;

4.3 by secret ballot: at the request of two members of the Council; in this case the necessary measures shall be taken for ensuring that this procedure is properly carried out, either electronically or by paper ballot; the secret ballot shall take precedence over the other voting procedures.

5 The expression "members present and voting" shall mean members having the right to vote voting "for" or "against". Abstentions shall not be taken into consideration; similarly, blank or spoilt ballot papers shall not be taken into account in the event of a secret ballot. 6 Once the voting has begun, no delegation may interrupt it, except to raise a point of order relating to the technical process being used to take the vote. 7 The voting rules apply to decisions taken by the Plenary or by the Committees. Article 16 Motions on points of order and procedural motions 1 During the discussion of any question and even, where appropriate, after the closure of the debate, a delegation may submit a motion on a point of order for the purpose of requesting:

1.1 clarification on the conduct of the debates;

1.2 observance of the Rules of Procedure;

1.3 a change in the order of discussion of proposals suggested by the Chairman.

The motion on a point of order shall take precedence over all questions, including the procedural motions set forth in paragraph 3. 2 The Chairman shall immediately give the desired clarifications or take the decision which he considers advisable on the subject of the motion on a point of order. In the event of an objection, the Chairman's deci-sion shall be put to the vote forthwith. 3 In addition, during discussion of a question, a delegation may introduce a procedural motion with a view to proposing:

3.1 the suspension of the meeting;

3.2 the closure of the meeting;

3.3 the adjournment of the debate on the question under discussion;

3.4 the closure of the debate on the question under discussion.

Procedural motions shall take precedence, in the order set out above, over all other proposals except the motions on points of order referred to in paragraph 1. 4 Motions for the suspension or closure of the meeting shall not be discussed, but shall be put to the vote immediately.

23 5 When a delegation proposes adjournment or closure of the debate on a question under discussion, only two speakers against the adjournment or the closure of the debate may speak, after which the motion shall be put to the vote. 6 The delegation which submits a motion on a point of order or a procedural motion may not, in its sub-mission, deal with the substance of the question under discussion. The proposer of a procedural motion may withdraw it before it has been put to the vote, and any motion of this kind, whether amended or not, which is withdrawn may be reintroduced by another delegation. Article 17 Reopening of decisions 1 When a decision has been taken by the Council or by a Committee, the question may only be recon-sidered if the Council approves the principle of such reconsideration by a vote taken in the same way (by show of hands, roll-call or secret ballot) as the ballot previously used for the proposal in question. Article 18 Election and replacement of the Deputy Director General 1 If, in the case provided for in the relevant article13 of the General Regulations, the Council has to elect the Deputy Director General of the International Bureau, the election shall take place by secret ballot. The candidate who obtains a majority of the votes, as defined in article 15.3 and 15.5, shall be elected. There shall be as many ballots as are necessary to obtain this majority. 2 The candidate who obtains the fewest votes in a ballot shall be eliminated. 3 In the event of a tie, a first and, if necessary, a second additional ballot, shall be held in order to decide between the tying candidates; the ballot shall be for these candidates only. If the result is negative, lots shall be drawn. The drawing of lots shall be done by the Chairman. 4 If several candidates obtain no votes in a ballot, all those candidates shall be eliminated without a further ballot being taken in an attempt to decide between them. 5 If the post of Deputy Director General falls vacant, the Council shall, on the proposal of the Director General, instruct one of the D 2 grade Directors to take over the functions of Deputy Director General until the following Congress. Article 19 Reports 1 The bodies of the Council shall prepare, for the attention of the Council, concise reports on their work. Article 20 Refund of travelling expenses to representatives of members and to invitees of the Council and its bodies 1 In accordance with the relevant article14 of the General Regulations, the representative of each mem-ber of the Council participating in its meetings, except for meetings which take place during Congress, shall be entitled to reimbursement of the cost of either an economy-class return air ticket or first-class return rail ticket, or expenses incurred for travel by any other means, subject to the condition that the amount does not exceed the price of the economy-class return air ticket. 13 Article 111.4 of the 2008 General Regulations (article 126.4 of the Doha General Regulations). 14 Article 102.10 of the 2008 General Regulations (article 110 of the Doha General Regulations).

24 2 Pursuant to paragraph 1, the following provisions shall be observed:

2.1 if a member country of the Council is represented by the same person or by different persons at the session of the Council and at meetings of its bodies sitting in the same place during the period pre-ceding or following the session, the fare shall only be refunded once;

2.2 if a member country of the Council is convened and is represented by the same person or by different persons, in the interval between sessions of the Council, at meetings of bodies of the Council sitting in the same place within a period not exceeding 30 days for all the meetings, the fare shall only be refunded once.

3 The travelling expenses of the representatives of an international organization, or of any other persons whom the Council wishes to associate with its work, can only be charged to the Union with the prior agree-ment of the Chairman of the Council and of the Secretary General and if such participation is in the interest of the Union or of the Council's work. This shall also apply to the travelling expenses of representatives of countries which are not members of the Council but which the latter expressly desires to associate with its work. Article 21 Effective date 1 These Rules shall take effect immediately. So adopted at Berne, on 25 April 2013. For the Council of Administration: Abdul Rahman bin Ali Al-Aqaily Bishar A. Hussein Chairman Secretary General

25 Chapter IV – Background information about the CA Under the title of "Executive and Liaison Committee", this body was created by the Paris Congress in 1947, and was originally composed of 19 member countries. Its membership was subsequently increased to 20 by the 1952 Brussels Congress, which introduced the principle of equitable geographical distribution of seats, to 27 by the 1964 Vienna Congress, to 31 by the 1969 Tokyo Congress, to 40 by the 1974 Lausanne Congress and to 41 by the 1994 Seoul Congress. The 1964 Vienna Congress also gave the body the title of "Executive Council" and the 1994 Seoul Congress changed it to "Council of Administration". In accordance with a provision which was incorporated in the Acts when the Executive and Liaison Committee was set up, and was repeated in article 106.3 of the General Regulations, at least half of its membership was renewed at every Congress, and no member country was chosen by three Congresses in succession. The composition of the Council of Administration (and of the Executive and Liaison Committee and Executive Council) appointed by the various Congresses is given below. Paris Congress 1947: 19 members

Argentina France Switzerland Australia Great Britain Turkey Brazil India USSR China Mexico United States of America Colombia Netherlands Yugoslavia Czechoslovakia Portugal Egypt Sweden

Chairman: France

Vice-Chairmen: Great Britain, USSR, Brazil and China Brussels Congress 1952: 20 members

Australia India Switzerland Belgium Indonesia Syrian Arab Rep. Brazil Italy USSR Chile Japan United States of America Denmark Pakistan Uruguay Egypt Poland Venezuela France South Africa

Chairman: Belgium

Vice-Chairmen: USSR, United States of America, Australia and Egypt Ottawa Congress 1957: 20 members

Argentina Italy Pakistan Belgium Japan Poland Canada Lebanon South Africa Chile Libya Turkey Germany Mexico Venezuela Great Britain New Zealand Yugoslavia Indonesia Norway

Chairman: Great Britain

Vice-Chairmen: Canada, South Africa, Japan and Yugoslavia

26 Vienna Congress 1964: 27 members

Argentina Austria Bulgaria Canada Egypt Ethiopia France Germany Great Britain

Hungary India Kuwait Malagasy (Rep.) Malaysia Mexico New Zealand Nigeria Peru

Senegal Sudan Sweden Syrian Arab Rep. Thailand Tunisia Turkey USSR United States of America

Chairman: Austria

Vice-Chairmen: Mexico, USSR, India and Egypt Tokyo Congress 1969: 31 members

Australia Austria Bulgaria Cameroon Colombia Congo (People's Rep.) Egypt Ethiopia Finland France India

Indonesia Iran Italy Japan Lebanon Morocco Netherlands Niger Nigeria Pakistan Peru

Romania Senegal Thailand Trinidad and Tobago Tunisia USSR United States of America Uruguay Venezuela

Chairman: Japan

Vice-Chairmen: United States of America, USSR, Netherlands and Egypt Lausanne Congress 1974: 40 members

Argentina Australia Bangladesh Brazil Cameroon Canada China (People's Rep.) Colombia Congo (People's Rep.) Cuba Czechoslovakia Germany (Fed. Rep.) Great Britain Guinea

Iceland Indonesia Italy Jamaica Japan Kenya Lebanon Liberia Libya Malaysia Mali Mauritius Morocco Netherlands

Niger Pakistan Romania Spain Sri Lanka Sudan Switzerland Syrian Arab Rep. Ukraine Uruguay Venezuela Yugoslavia

Chairman: Switzerland

Vice-Chairmen: Canada, Czechoslovakia, Lebanon and Kenya

27 Rio de Janeiro Congress 1979: 40 members

Algeria Argentina Bangladesh Barbados Brazil Canada Chile China (People's Rep.) Côte d'Ivoire (Rep.) Cuba Czechoslovakia Denmark Egypt France

Gabon Germany (Fed. Rep.) Great Britain Guinea Honduras (Rep.) India Iraq Ireland Jordan Kenya Liberia Libyan Jamahiriya Malaysia Mali

Mexico Mongolian People's Rep. Saudi Arabia Senegal Spain Sri Lanka Sudan Syrian Arab Rep. Thailand USSR United States of America Yugoslavia

Chairman: Brazil

Vice-Chairmen: USSR, Spain, China (People's Rep.) and Liberia Hamburg Congress 1984: 40 members

Algeria Australia Belgium Benin Brazil Cameroon Chile Colombia Côte d'Ivoire (Rep.) Egypt Ethiopia France Gabon Germany (Fed. Rep.)

Honduras (Rep.) Hungarian People's Rep. India Iraq Ireland Japan Jordan Lebanon Madagascar Mexico New Zealand Nigeria Norway Pakistan

Peru Polish People's Rep. Portugal Romania Saudi Arabia Senegal Switzerland Thailand USSR United States of America Uruguay Zambia

Chairman: Germany (Fed. Rep.)

Vice-Chairmen: Mexico, USSR, Jordan and Benin 1989 Washington Congress: 40 members

Argentina Australia Bahamas Belgium Benin Brazil Cameroon Canada China (People's Rep.) Colombia Costa Rica Cuba Ethiopia Germany (Fed. Rep.)

Great Britain Hungary (Rep.) Indonesia Italy Japan Kenya Korea (Rep.) Kuwait Lebanon Mongolian People's Rep. Morocco New Zealand Nigeria Pakistan

Polish People's Rep. Sweden Switzerland Tanzania (United Rep.) Togo Tunisia United Arab Emirates United States of America Venezuela Yugoslavia Zambia Zimbabwe

Chairman: United States of America

Vice-Chairmen: Hungary (Rep.), Italy, China (People's Rep.) and Cameroon

28 Seoul Congress 1994: 41 members

Argentina Bangladesh Barbados Bulgaria (Rep.) Burkina Faso Chile China (People's Rep.) Congo (Rep.) Côte d'Ivoire (Rep.) Cuba Egypt Finland France Gabon

Germany Ghana Great Britain India Indonesia Iran (Islamic Rep.) Italy Jordan Kazakhstan Kenya Korea (Rep.) Kuwait Mexico Netherlands

Russian Federation Saudi Arabia Slovakia South Africa Tanzania (United Rep.) Thailand Tunisia Ukraine United Arab Emirates United States of America Uruguay Venezuela Zimbabwe

Chairman: Korea (Rep.)

Vice-Chairmen: Congo (Rep.), Cuba, Jordan, Ukraine Beijing Congress 1999: 41 members

Australia Bangladesh Barbados Brazil Bulgaria (Rep.) Burkina Faso China (People's Rep.) Congo (Rep.) Costa Rica Côte d'Ivoire (Rep.) Denmark Dominican Rep. Ecuador Egypt

Ethiopia France Gabon Ghana Hungary (Rep.) India Japan Korea (Rep.) Madagascar Mexico Morocco Netherlands Pakistan Poland (Rep.)

Russian Federation Saudi Arabia Spain Sudan Switzerland Syrian Arab Rep. Thailand Turkey Uganda Ukraine United States of America Uruguay Viet Nam

Chairman: China (People's Rep.)

Vice-Chairmen: Barbados, Bulgaria (Rep.), Morocco and Turkey Bucharest Congress 2004: 41 members

Algeria Angola Armenia Australia Azerbaijan Belgium Benin Brazil Cameroon Chile China (People's Rep.) Colombia Costa Rica Cuba

Ecuador Germany Great Britain Hungary (Rep.) Indonesia Iran (Islamic Rep.) Italy Japan Korea (Rep.) Kazakhstan Malaysia Morocco Nigeria Pakistan

Panama (Rep.) Poland Portugal Romania Senegal Spain Sudan Trinidad and Tobago Tunisia Uganda United Arab Emirates Viet Nam Zimbabwe

Chairman: Romania

Vice-Chairmen: Algeria, Italy, Pakistan and Trinidad and Tobago

29 2008 Congress (Geneva): 41 members

Algeria Argentina Azerbaijan Bangladesh Belgium Benin Botswana Cameroon Canada China (People's Rep.) Colombia Congo (Rep.) Cuba Egypt

France Germany Great Britain India Indonesia Kazakhstan Kenya Kuwait Libya Lithuania Malaysia Nigeria Panama (Rep.) Qatar

Russian Federation Saudi Arabia Senegal Sweden Tanzania (United Rep.) Thailand Trinidad and Tobago Tunisia Turkey Ukraine United Arab Emirates United States of America Uruguay

Chairman: Kenya

Vice-Chairmen: Great Britain, Qatar, Trinidad and Tobago, Ukraine Doha Congress 2012: 41 members

Argentina Australia Bangladesh Barbados Brazil Bulgaria (Rep.) Burkina Faso Canada Congo (Rep.) Costa Rica Côte d'Ivoire (Rep.) Ecuador Egypt France

Gabon Greece India Italy Japan Korea (Rep.) Kuwait Malawi Mexico Morocco Norway Qatar Pakistan Poland

Portugal Romania Russian Federation Saudi Arabia South Africa Sudan Tanzania (United Rep.) Thailand Turkey Uganda Ukraine United States of America Viet Nam

Chairman: Qatar

Vice-Chairmen: Argentina, Bulgaria (Rep.), Côte d'Ivoire (Rep.), Turkey