councillors report card 2011


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Praja's Report Card on Performance of Municipal Councillors in Mumbai Corporation


Page 1: Councillors report card 2011


M U N I C I PA L C O U N C I L L O R S 2 0 11

Page 2: Councillors report card 2011

M U M B A I R E P O R T C A R D2 M U N I C I P A L C O U N C I L L O R S 2 0 1 1 3

Founded in 1998, the Praja Foundation is a non-partisan voluntary organization which empowers the citizen to participate in governance by providing knowledge and enlisting people’s participation. Praja aims to provide ways in which the citizen can get politically active and involved beyond the ballot box, thus promoting transparency and accountability.

Concerned about the lack of awareness and apathy of the local government among citizens, and hence the disinterest in its functioning, Praja seeks change. Praja strives to create awareness about the elected representatives and their constituencies. It aims to encourage the citizen to raise his/her voice and influence the policy and working of the elected representative. This will eventually lead to efforts being directed by the elected representatives towards the specified causes of public interest.

The Praja Foundation also strives to revive the waning spirit of Mumbai City, and increase the interaction between the citizens and the government. To facilitate this, Praja has created, a website where the citizen can not only discuss the issues that their constituencies face, but can also get in touch with their elected representatives directly. The website has been equipped with information such as: the issues faced by the ward, the elected representatives, the responses received and a discussion board, thus allowing an informed interaction between the citizens of the area.

Praja’s goals are: empowering the citizens, elected representatives & government with facts and creating instruments of change to improve the quality of life of the citizens of India. Praja is committed to creating a transparent, accountable and efficient society through people’s participation.

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Page 3: Councillors report card 2011

M U M B A I R E P O R T C A R D4 M U N I C I P A L C O U N C I L L O R S 2 0 1 1 5

Chapter Pg.No.

The Team 8

Why was a report card needed and what does it contain? 11

Foreword 14

Acknowledgements 17

Assessing the performance of Municipal Councillors objectively 19

Ranking Score Sheet 20

The Methodology

(1) The Matrix – Scale of Ranking 148

(2) Parameters for Past Records as per Affidavit 151

(3) Parameters for Present Performance in the Corporation and Committee Meetings 153

(4) Parameters for People’s Perception as per Opinion Poll 156

(5) Parameters for Negative Marking 160

Table of ConTenTS

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ueeskeÀÒeefleefveOeeR®es ÒeieleerHegmlekeÀ keÀe Heeefnpes DeeefCe keÀmes Heeefnpes? 10

ÒemleeJevee 12

$eÝCeefveosMe 16

veiejmesJekeÀeb®³ee keÀeceefiejer®es Jemlegefve<þ cetu³eceeHeve 18

¬eÀceJeejer iegCe leeefuekeÀe 20


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(2) De@HeÀer[sJnerì Üejs peenerj kesÀuesueer ceeieerue (YetlekeÀeueerve) ceeefnleer 137

(3) ceneveiejHeeefuekeÀe DeeefCe meefceleer yewþkeÀeleerue keÀeceieerjer mebyebOeer cetu³eceeHeve IeìkeÀ 138

(4) pevecele ®ee®eCeervegmeej ueeskeÀeb®eer celes/¢<ìerkeÀesve 142

(5) vekeÀejelcekeÀ iegCeebkeÀvee®es IeìkeÀ 146


Page 4: Councillors report card 2011

M U M B A I R E P O R T C A R D6 M U N I C I P A L C O U N C I L L O R S 2 0 1 1 7

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Page 5: Councillors report card 2011

M U M B A I R E P O R T C A R D8 M U N I C I P A L C O U N C I L L O R S 2 0 1 1 9

THe TeaM





Market Research Professional


Education Consultant, Board of Advisor’s Centre for Civil Society


Foreign Exchange Consultant


Advertising Professional


Former Chairman & CEO A.C. Nielsen ORG-MARG


Managing Trustee, Praja Foundation; Business Entrepreneur




CEO, Tatva Public Relations; PR Advisor, Praja Foundation


Founder Trustee, Praja Foundation; Entrepreneur


Social Scientist & former Vice Chancellor, SNDT University









Market Research AgencyHansa Research


Managing Director, Hansa Research


Research Director, Hansa Research

And the rest of the Hansa team including – Ganesh Naik, Joy Chakraborty, Sushil Gaud,KrishnakantTiwari,RajeshShukla,ManishTiwari,SubitaSharma



former Municipal Commissioner, Mumbai and former Chief Secretary, Government of Maharashtra


IPS (Retd.), former Commissioner of Mumbai Police


Former MD, IDFC



Project Director, Praja Foundation


Project Manager, Praja Foundation

And the rest of the Praja Staff including – Kaustubh Gharat, Balwant Kirar, Dilip Tambe,Neelam Mirashi, Nitin Mirashi, Vipul Gharat, Rupali Ghadigaonkar, Shradha Parab,MilindRedkar,AtulGurav,AmeyPhadke,AkhileshSharan

Page 6: Councillors report card 2011

M U M B A I R E P O R T C A R D10 M U N I C I P A L C O U N C I L L O R S 2 0 1 1 11

WHy WaS a reporT Card needed and WHaT doeS iT ConTain?

The People of India have had Elected Representatives representing them in various bodies from the parliament to the panchayat for the last 60 years.These representatives have deliberated, debated, questioned, proposed new laws, passed new laws and governed the nation at all levels using the mechanisms given to them by the Constitution of India. The 1950 constitution which we gave to ourselves laid out the way in which we would govern ourselves. In the last three decades we have seen a steady decline in the quality of governance due to various reasons, prime amongst them being commercialisation of politics and criminalisation of politics, this has created a huge governance deficit in our country.The Electorate has remained a silent witness for most part of this and are feeling let down and frustrated by the Government and the elected representatives. The time when the citizen has a ‘real’ say, is during elections which happens once in five years. The elections are the only time when the elected representatives are appraised for their performance in the corresponding term by the electorate.Looking at the growing problems of Governance and the ever increasing needs of the citizens there is a need of a continuous dialogue and appraisal of the working of the elected representatives.It is this need of continuous dialogue and appraisal that made Praja develop this Report Card.Performance Appraisal of Elected Representatives has become the need of the hour.This appraisal has been done keeping in mind the constitutional role and responsibility of the elected representatives and the opinion of their electorate.This Report Card covers the working and performance of the 227 elected Municipal Councillors of Mumbai for the period of April 2010 to March 2011; the Councillor Discretionary funds spent for the period of April 2010 to March 2011; data from the affidavits filed by the Councillors with the election commission; updated data on criminal records; and results of an opinion poll across the City of Mumbai.We believe this Report Card which we will be publishing every year will give to the citizens, elected representatives, political parties and the government valuable feedback on the functioning of the elected representatives. We also hope that it will set standards and bench marks of the performance of the elected representatives not only in Mumbai but across the country.

NITAIMEHTA, Managing Trustee, Praja Foundation

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Page 7: Councillors report card 2011

M U M B A I R E P O R T C A R D12 M U N I C I P A L C O U N C I L L O R S 2 0 1 1 13

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Page 8: Councillors report card 2011

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parameters in the ranking scale, different weightages have been allocated for: attendances in Corporation and committee meetings, for the questions asked on issues under obligatory and discretionary duties of the Corporation, for issues raised related to public services that are essentially municipal in nature, and for the extent of utilisation of discretionary fund.

This initiative is the first of its kind where the elected municipal representatives’ performance has been appraised on the basis of objective data and the perceptions of the electorate of the respective constituencies. This initiative itself is a work in progress and future rationalising and refining of the methodology will only strengthen the initiative for evolving a strong tool for monitoring the performances of our elected municipal representatives. I wish this endeavour evokes spontaneous support from the discerning citizens of Mumbai in general and the leaders of the political parties in particular.

DMSuKHTANKAR,former Municipal Commissioner,

Mumbai and former Chief Secretary, Government of Maharashtra


Local government institutions have always existed in India in one form or another since ancient times. The present form of urban local government owes its genesis to the British rule. The initiation began with Samuel Laing, member of the Viceroy’s Council, in his Budget Speech (1861-62) proposing that local services should be based on local resources. Lord Mayo’s Resolution of 1870 introduced the concept of elected representatives in the municipalities. Lord Ripon is considered the founding father of urban local government as he implanted the concept of municipal authorities as units of self-government. His Resolution of 18 May 1882 on local self-government dealt with the constitution of local bodies, their functions, finances and powers and laid the foundation of local self-government in modern India. After Independence, the Constitution of India was framed on federal principles. Indian Constitution makers divided the government functions into three lists: Central, State and Concurrent. Local government bodies are covered in the State List and are governed by the State statutes or in the case of Union Territories by the Union Parliament. The 12th Schedule of the Constitution introduced by the 73rd and 74th Amendments of the Constitution seeks to provide more power and authority to the local government bodies and lists the functions of urban local bodies, covering planning, regulation and development aspects.

The Municipal Corporation of Greater Mumbai (MCGM) is the most crucial institution for governance in the lives of Mumbaikars. It is ‘Governed’ by the 227 elected municipal councillors, whom the citizens elect every five years. Under the mandate that they receive, the municipal councillors are duty bound to ensure smooth and efficient delivery of municipal services. In the past, luminaries like Pherozeshah Mehta amongst many others have represented the city; and have strived to not only ensure municipal services but also have provided a vision to develop the city to offer the highest standards of living.

The city is administratively divided into 24 wards and the MCGM has specific ‘central’ departments, such as water supply and sewerage, which are centrally managed. The 1888 Mumbai Municipal Corporation Act gives the obligatory and discretionary duties of the MCGM in great details.

For any attempt to asses and monitor the performance of municipal councillors, the scale needs to be based on the parameters embedded in the Mumbai Municipal Corporation Act, 1888 and the role of urban local bodies as envisaged in the Constitution of India. Hence, while deciding the

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Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has.

– Margaret Mead

The change comes when people stand up and demand for it, and then strive to get it. Today we are at that juncture of history where time demands that we stand up and demand that change and go and get it.

Individuals involved in developing this report card strongly believe that they cannot just wait and remain mute spectators when time is demanding action from them. All of them have come together to develop this report card with a over-arching belief in the Constitution of India and the opportunity it creates for improved and efficient governance – the mean towards achieving the high ideals of the constitution – Justice, Liberty, Equality and Fraternity.

This book is a compilation of sincere, concerned efforts of the Core Praja Team. We would like to particularly appreciate the guidance of: D M Sukhtankar, Dr. C R Sridhar, KMS (Titoo) Ahluwalia and Dr. Suma Chitnis. And also to Praja’s Advisors for their active support.

It is important here to acknowledge Hansa Research for conducting the opinion poll.

It is also very important to acknowledge the support of Vakils for doing a splendid publishing work.

Praja has obtained much of the data used in compiling this report card through Right to Information Act, 2005; without which sourcing information on the Municipal Councillors would have been very difficult. Hence it is very important to acknowledge the RTI Act and everyone involved, especially from the civil society, in bringing such a strong legislation. Also to those government officials who believe in the RTI act and strive for its effective implementation.

Very importantly, Praja Foundation appreciates the support given by:

Narotam Sekhsaria Foundation FORD FOUNDATION



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Dççpç®çç kçÀçU DççHçu³ççkçÀ[Óvç kçÀçnçÇ þçímç kç=ÀlççÇ®ççÇ DçHçí#çç kçÀjCççjç kçÀçU Dççní. DçMçç JçíUçÇ Mççblç jçnÓvç nçíCççN³çç Içìvççb®çí cçÓkçÀ mçç#ççÇoçj nçíCçí yçjçíyçj vççnçÇ. ³çç çÆJç®ççjçvçí SkçÀ$ç ³çíTvç DççcnçÇ kçÀçnçÇ uççíkçÀçbvççÇ ³çç ÒçiçlççÇ HçámlçkçÀ箳çç kçÀçcççuçç mçá©Jççlç kçíÀuççÇ. Dççcç®çç Yççjlç箳çç jçp³çIçìvçíJçj çÆJçéççmç Dççní. v³çç³ç, mJççlçb$³ç, mçcçlçç DçççÆCç yçbOçálJç ³çç Içìvçívçí IççuçÓvç çÆouçíu³çç lçlJççbvçç mççO³ç kçÀjC³çç®ççÇ mççOçvçí DççHçu³çç IçìvççlcçkçÀ ®ççÌkçÀìçÇlç®ç GHçuçyOç Dççnílç DçççÆCç DççHçu³ççuçç DççHçuçç jçp³çkçÀçjYççj DççÆOçkçÀ ®ççbiçuçç Jç kçÀç³ç&#çcç kçÀjC³çç®ççÇ mçbOççÇnçÇ jçp³çIçìvçílçÓvç GHçuçyOç Dççní, ³ççJçj Dççcç®ççÇ DçHççj Þç×ç Dççní.

ní HçámlçkçÀ lç³ççj kçÀjC³ççcçO³çí Òçpçç ìçÇc箳çç cçvç:HçÓJç&kçÀ kçíÀuçíu³çç kçÀç³çç&®çç cççíþç Jççìç Dççní. kçÀçnçÇ J³çkçwlççR®³çç cççiç&oMç&vçç®çç ³çççÆþkçÀçCççÇ çÆJçMçí<ç GuuçíKç kçÀjCçí DççJçM³çkçÀ Dççní: [çÇ. Scç. mçáKçìCçkçÀj, [ç@. mççÇ. Dççj. ÞççÇOçj, kçíÀScçSmç (ìçÇìá) DçnuçáJçççÆuç³çç DçççÆCç [ç@. mçácçç çÆ®çìCççÇmç ³ççb®çí DçççÆCç Òçpçç mçuuççiççj mçom³ççbvççÇ kçíÀuçíu³çç mç¬çÀçÇ³ç ³ççíiçoçvççyçÎuç DççcnçÇ l³ççb®çí DççYççjçÇ Dççnçílç.

nbmçç jçÇmç®ç&vçí pçvçcçlç ®çç®çCççÇ®çí kçÀçcç kçíÀuçí DçmçÓvç ³çç cçnÊJç箳çç kçÀçcççyçÎuç l³ççb®çí DççYççj.

lçmçí®ç Dçl³çblç ®ççbiçu³çç Hç×lççÇvçí ÒçkçÀçMçvçç®çí kçÀçcç kçÀjCççN³çç JçkçÀçÇuçmçd®çínçÇ DççcnçÇ DççYççjçÇ Dççnçílç.

³çç ÒçiçlççÇ HçámlçkçÀçmççþçÇ DççJçM³çkçÀ yçjçÇ®çMççÇ cçççÆnlççÇ Òçpççvçí cçççÆnlççÇ DççÆOçkçÀçj kçÀç³çoç, 2005 JççHçªvç çÆcçUJçuççÇ Dççní. l³çççÆMçJçç³ç nçÇ cçççÆnlççÇ GHçuçyOç nçíCçí Dçl³çblç kçÀþçÇCç nçílçí. l³ççcçáUí nç kçÀç³çoç DçççÆCç lççí kçÀç³çoç DççCçC³ççmççþçÇ Jç lççí HççÆjHçÓCç& JnçJçç PçìCççjí mçJç&pçCç, ÒççcçáK³ççvçí kçÀç³ç&kçÀlçx Jç vççiçjçÇ mçbmLçç ³ççb®çínçÇ DççcnçÇ DççYççjçÇ Dççnçílç. lçmçí®ç cçççÆnlççÇ DççÆOçkçÀçj kçÀç³çÐççJçj çÆJçéççmç DçmçCççjí DçççÆCç l³çç®ççÇ ÒçYççJççÇ DçbcçuçyçpççJçCççÇ kçÀjC³ççmççþçÇ Òç³çlvç kçÀjCççN³çç mçjkçÀçjçÇ DççÆOçkçÀçN³ççb®çínçÇ DççcnçÇ DççYççj cççvçlççí.

³çç GHç¬çÀcççmç çÆouçíu³çç mçnkçÀç³çç&yçÎuç Hçá{çÇuç mçbmLççb®çínçÇ DççYççj:

Narotam Sekhsaria Foundation FORD FOUNDATION


Page 10: Councillors report card 2011

M U M B A I R E P O R T C A R D18 M U N I C I P A L C O U N C I L L O R S 2 0 1 1 19

aSSeSSing THe perforManCe of MuniCipal CounCillors objeCTively

The air in India is thick with criticism of politicians. The question that arises is: how can the performance of our elected representatives be assessed objectively? Surely the right way cannot be by asking them for their opinion of themselves. Nor is it adequate to get a few political pundits (who may have their own angles) to evaluate them.

The only way such an assessment can be done in a manner that is, and is seen to be, unbiased and credible, is through a systematic and transparent study undertaken independently by respected professionals. That is precisely what The Praja Report Card seeks to accomplish.

The ratings of the Municipal Councillors’s are based on:

(a) Data accessed through RTI on attendance of different Committee Meetings of the Municipal Corporation, number and type of questions raised, use of discretionary funds, etc.

(b) Personal interviews with 28,707 citizens of Mumbai conducted by a reputed survey research organisation, to investigate the views of citizens on their elected representatives.

We believe the Report Card is an important step forward in promoting accountability and transparency in the political governance of the country.

K.M.S.(TIToo)AHluwAlIA,Formerly Chairman & CEO of A.C. Nielsen ORG-MARG

Yççjlççlç mçO³çç jçpçkçÀçdzç Hçá{çN³ççb®³çç çÆJçjçíOççÇ pçvçcçlç lç³ççj Pççuçí Dççní. HçCç Kçjç ÒçMvç DççHçCç ³çç jçpçkçÀçjCççÇ uççíkçÀçb®³çç kçÀçcççÆiçjçÇ®çí JçmlçáçÆvçÿ cçÓu³çcççHçvç kçÀmçí kçÀjCççj nç Dççní. ³ççmççþçÇ l³ççbvçç l³ççb®³çç kçÀçcççyçÎuç kçÀç³ç Jççìlçí ní çÆJç®ççjCçí Hçájímçí vççnçÇ. çÆkçbÀJçç kçÀçnçÇ jçpçkçÀçdzç lç%ç cçb[UçRvçç cçÓu³çcççHçvç kçÀjç³çuçç mççbiçCçínçÇ ³ççíi³ç þjCççj vççnçÇ (l³ççb®çç mJçlç:®ççnçÇ kçÀçnçÇ SkçÀ kçÀuç DçmçÓ MçkçÀlççí).

HççjoMç&kçÀ DçççÆCç HçOolçMççÇj mJçªHç箳çç DçY³ççmççlçÓvç uççíkçÀÒççÆlççÆvçOççR®çí mçcçlççíuç, HçÓJç&ûçnçÆJçjçÆnlç DçççÆCç çÆJçéççmççn& cçÓu³çcççHçvç kçÀjCçí Mçkçw³ç Dççní. DçççÆCç Dçmçí cçÓu³çcççHçvç kçÀjCçí nç Òçpçç ÒçiçlççÇ HçámlçkçÀ箳çç kçÀçcçç®çç nílçÓ Dççní.

vçiçjmçíJçkçÀçb®çí cçÓu³çcççHçvç Hçá{çÇuç iççíäçRJçj DççOçççÆjlç Dççní:

(Dç) cçnçvçiçjHçççÆuçkçíÀ®³çç çÆJççÆJçOç mççÆcçlççÇ yçÌþkçÀçbvçç GHççÆmLçlççÇ, çÆJç®ççjuçíu³çç ÒçMvççb®ççÇ mçbK³çç Jç ÒçkçÀçj vçiçjmçíJçkçÀ çÆvçOççÇ®çç çÆJççÆvç³ççíiç Fl³ççoçÇ cçççÆnlççÇ DççÆOçkçÀçjçKççuççÇ çÆcçUJçuçíuççÇ cçççÆnlççÇ.

(yç) cçábyçF&lççÇuç 28,707 vççiççÆjkçÀçb®³çç Jç̳ççqkçwlçkçÀ cçáuççKçlççÇ - ³çç cçáuççKçlççÇ SkçÀç cççv³çJçj mçbMççíOçvç mçbmLçívçí Içílçu³çç DçmçÓvç vççiççÆjkçÀçb®ççÇ uççíkçÀÒççÆlççÆvçOççRçÆJç<ç³ççÇ cçlçí pççCçÓvç IçíCçí nç l³çç®çç GÎíMç nçílçç.

jçp³çkçÀçjYççjçcçO³çí GÊçjoççƳçlJç Jç HççjoMç&kçÀlçç nçÇ cçÓu³çí ªpçC³ççmççþçÇ ÒçiçlççÇ HçámlçkçÀçb®çç GHç¬çÀcç cçolçkçÀçjkçÀ þjíuç Dçmçç Dççcnçuçç çÆJçéççmç Jççìlççí.

kçíÀ.Scç.Smç. (ìçÇì§) DçnuçáJçççÆuç³çç cççpççÇ DçO³ç#ç DçççÆCç mççÇF&Dççí - S.mççÇ. vççÇuçmçvç DççíDççjpççÇ-cççiç&

vçiçjmçíJçkçÀçb®³çç kçÀçcççÆiçjçÇ®çí JçmlçáçÆvçÿ cçÓu³çcççHçvç

Page 11: Councillors report card 2011

M U M B A I R E P O R T C A R D20 M U N I C I P A L C O U N C I L L O R S 2 0 1 1 21

Note:The ranking for Councillors for Constituency nos. 11, 86 & 169 is not available as the councillors are either the Mayor (Sr. No. 1), has been suspended during the period (Sr. No. 2) or has been recently elected (Sr. No. 3).

Sr. No. 1 : ShradhaS.Jadhav


Age: 46Edu.: HSCWard : F/SouthArea: C.G.S. Colony, Sector-7Constituency No. 169Member: Ward Committee F/South and F/North

Sr. No. 2 : SunilS.Chavan


Age: 57

Edu.: B.A.

Ward : R/Central

Area: Banshi Nagar, Tata Power Road

Constituency No. 11

Member : Ward Committee H/East and H/West

Sr. No. 3 : SuryavanshThakur

photo not available


Age: 57

Edu.: Eighth

Ward : H/East

Area: T.P.S. - 3, Santacruz - Ashok Nagar

Constituency No. 86

Member : Ward Committee H/East and H/West

MuniCipal CounCillor

parTy deTailS

While reading the ratings of the councillors in the next pages kindly note the following:

(1) The parameter indicating Quality of Questions is summation of scores for ‘Importance of questions asked by issues raised in the question’ (max. marks - 18) and ‘Issues raised compared to citizen’s Complaints’ (max. marks - 10).

(2) The grades are given based on actual percentage of marks earned for the particlar parameter and is given as below:

(a) Grade ‘A’ – Between 100% to 80%.

(b) Grade ‘B’ – Less than 80% but more than or equal to 70%

(c) Grade ‘C’ – Less than 70% but more than or equal to 60%

(d) Grade ‘D’ – Less than 60% but more than or equal to 50%

(e) Grade ‘E’ – Less than 50% but more than or equal to 35%

(f) Grade ‘F’ – Less than 35%







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M U M B A I R E P O R T C A R D22

MuniCipal CounCillor

parTy grade ToTal SCore


aTTendanCeno. of

QueSTionSQualiTy of QueSTionS

leaST CriMinal reCord

perCeived perforManCe

grade actual out of 15 grade actual

out of 15 grade actual out of 28 grade actual

out of 5 grade actual out of 30

M U N I C I P A L C O U N C I L L O R S 2 0 1 1 23

MuniCipal CounCillor

parTy grade ToTal SCore


aTTendanCeno. of

QueSTionSQualiTy of QueSTionS

leaST CriMinal reCord

perCeived perforManCe

grade actual out of 15 grade actual

out of 15 grade actual out of 28 grade actual

out of 5 grade actual out of 30


C 60.75 #109 D 8.24 F 2.88 C 17.69 A 5.00 C 20.95


Age: 33 yrs, Edu.: Bachelor of Architecture, Ward: R/North, Area: Kandarpada - I. C. Colony, Constituency No.: 1

Member: Ward Committee R/Central and R/North


b 70.01 #42 A 12.30 D 8.40 D 16.74 A 5.00 C 20.56


Age: 54 yrs, Edu.: SSC, Ward: R/North, Area: Gaondevi - Dahisar (East), Constituency No.: 2

Member: Works Committee (Suburbs), Ward Committee R/Central and R/North


C 65.51 #77 A 13.19 A 14.52 C 17.27 F -5.00 C 19.53


Age: 57 yrs, Edu.: B.Sc., Ward: R/North, Area: Ketkipada - Shailendra Nagar, Constituency No.: 3

Member: Law, Revenue and General Purposes Committee, Ward Committee R/Central and R/North, Standing Committee


C 65.04 #81 A 13.93 F 4.97 D 15.60 A 5.00 C 20.54


Age: 52 yrs, Edu.: Upto SSC, Ward: R/North, Area: Vaishali Nagar, Constituency No.: 4

Member: Women and Child Welfare Committee, Ward Committee R/Central and R/North

Page 13: Councillors report card 2011

M U M B A I R E P O R T C A R D24

MuniCipal CounCillor

parTy grade ToTal SCore


aTTendanCeno. of

QueSTionSQualiTy of QueSTionS

leaST CriMinal reCord

perCeived perforManCe

grade actual out of 15 grade actual

out of 15 grade actual out of 28 grade actual

out of 5 grade actual out of 30

M U N I C I P A L C O U N C I L L O R S 2 0 1 1 25

MuniCipal CounCillor

parTy grade ToTal SCore


aTTendanCeno. of

QueSTionSQualiTy of QueSTionS

leaST CriMinal reCord

perCeived perforManCe

grade actual out of 15 grade actual

out of 15 grade actual out of 28 grade actual

out of 5 grade actual out of 30


d 54.57 #156 B 10.96 E 6.26 F 6.00 A 5.00 C 19.36


Age: 37 yrs, Edu.: B.Com., Ward: R/North Area: Ashokvan - Chintamani Nagar, Constituency No.: 5

Member: Women and Child Welfare Committee, Ward Committee R/Central and R/North, Education Committee


b 74.39 #19 A 13.28 D 8.40 C 19.33 A 5.00 B 22.38


Age: 49 yrs, Edu.: HSC, Ward: R/North, Area: Ambawadi - Ovari Pada, Constituency No.: 6

Member: Works Committee (Suburbs), Ward Committee R/Central and R/North


C 65.42 #79 E 5.96 C 9.95 D 15.93 A 5.00 B 21.58


Age: 44 yrs, Edu.: B.A.M.S., M.D. Ayurved, Ward: R/North, Area: Mandapeshwar, Constituency No.: 7

Member: Ward Committee R/Central and R/North


C 69.38 #47 A 13.64 C 9.21 D 16.45 A 5.00 C 18.08


Age: 62 yrs, Edu.: Eleventh, Ward: R/Central, Area: Gorai - M.H.B. Colony (New), Constituency No.: 8

Member: Works Committee (Suburbs), Markets and Gardens Committee, Ward Committee R/Central and R/North

Page 14: Councillors report card 2011

M U M B A I R E P O R T C A R D26

MuniCipal CounCillor

parTy grade ToTal SCore


aTTendanCeno. of

QueSTionSQualiTy of QueSTionS

leaST CriMinal reCord

perCeived perforManCe

grade actual out of 15 grade actual

out of 15 grade actual out of 28 grade actual

out of 5 grade actual out of 30

M U N I C I P A L C O U N C I L L O R S 2 0 1 1 27

MuniCipal CounCillor

parTy grade ToTal SCore


aTTendanCeno. of

QueSTionSQualiTy of QueSTionS

leaST CriMinal reCord

perCeived perforManCe

grade actual out of 15 grade actual

out of 15 grade actual out of 28 grade actual

out of 5 grade actual out of 30


C 63.87 #90 A 13.35 F 3.77 C 19.19 A 5.00 D 17.57

VinodGhedia Age: 73 yrs, Edu.: Not given, Ward: R/Central, Area: Govind Nagar, Constituency No.: 9

Member: Ward Committee R/Central and R/North


C 67.54 #61 B 11.51 B 11.43 E 12.06 A 5.00 C 20.55


Age: 41 yrs, Edu.: SSC, Ward: R/Central, Area: Daulat Nagar, Nancy Colony, Constituency No.: 10

Member: Public Health Committee, Ward Committee R/Central and R/North


C 67.32 #63 A 13.24 C 9.21 E 13.21 A 5.00 C 20.66


Age: 44 yrs, Edu.: Seventh, Ward: R/Central, Area: Datta Pada, Constituency No.: 12

Member: Works Committee (Suburbs), Markets and Gardens Committee, Ward Committee R/Central and R/North, Improvements Committee


b 72.96 #26 A 13.55 A 12.11 D 14.64 A 5.00 B 22.67


Age: 55 yrs, Edu.: Upto Eighth, Ward: R/Central, Area: Rajendra Nagar, Khatav Estate, Constituency No.: 13

Member: Works Committee (Suburbs), Women and Child Welfare Committee, Ward Committee R/Central and R/North

Page 15: Councillors report card 2011

M U M B A I R E P O R T C A R D28

MuniCipal CounCillor

parTy grade ToTal SCore


aTTendanCeno. of

QueSTionSQualiTy of QueSTionS

leaST CriMinal reCord

perCeived perforManCe

grade actual out of 15 grade actual

out of 15 grade actual out of 28 grade actual

out of 5 grade actual out of 30

M U N I C I P A L C O U N C I L L O R S 2 0 1 1 29

MuniCipal CounCillor

parTy grade ToTal SCore


aTTendanCeno. of

QueSTionSQualiTy of QueSTionS

leaST CriMinal reCord

perCeived perforManCe

grade actual out of 15 grade actual

out of 15 grade actual out of 28 grade actual

out of 5 grade actual out of 30


d 58.27 #132 C 10.14 E 6.26 E 9.84 A 5.00 C 20.03

PravinShah Age: 55 yrs, Edu.: SSC, Ward: R/Central, Area: Borivali TPS 3 - Kora Kendra, Constituency No.: 14

Member: Public Health Committee, Ward Committee R/Central and R/North


a 82.94 #2 A 13.77 A 14.33 B 20.92 A 5.00 B 21.92


Age: 64 yrs, Edu.: B.A. (Economic), B.Com. Ward: R/Central, Area: Eksar - Yogi Nagar, Constituency No.: 15

Member: Works Committee (Suburbs) , Markets and Gardens Committee, Ward Committee R/Central and R/North, Standing Committee, Improvements Committee


d 59.21 #122 C 9.11 E 6.26 E 10.30 A 5.00 B 21.54


Age: 32 yrs, Edu.: B.Com., Ward: R/Central, Area: Chikuwadi - Kanti Park, Constituency No.: 16

Member: Women and Child Welfare Committee, Ward Committee R/Central and R/North


C 65.62 #76 A 14.61 E 7.05 D 15.59 A 5.00 D 17.36


Age: 35 yrs, Edu.: Upto T.Y.B.Com., Ward: R/Central, Area: Charkop (North), M.H.B. Colony (New), Constituency No.: 17

Member: Ward Committee R/Central and R/North, Improvements Committee

Page 16: Councillors report card 2011

M U M B A I R E P O R T C A R D30

MuniCipal CounCillor

parTy grade ToTal SCore


aTTendanCeno. of

QueSTionSQualiTy of QueSTionS

leaST CriMinal reCord

perCeived perforManCe

grade actual out of 15 grade actual

out of 15 grade actual out of 28 grade actual

out of 5 grade actual out of 30

M U N I C I P A L C O U N C I L L O R S 2 0 1 1 31

MuniCipal CounCillor

parTy grade ToTal SCore


aTTendanCeno. of

QueSTionSQualiTy of QueSTionS

leaST CriMinal reCord

perCeived perforManCe

grade actual out of 15 grade actual

out of 15 grade actual out of 28 grade actual

out of 5 grade actual out of 30


C 65.18 #80 E 7.49 D 7.53 D 15.13 A 5.00 B 23.03


Age: 60 yrs, Edu.: Eleventh, Ward: R/South, Area: Charkop (South), Constituency No.: 18

Member: Public Health Committee, Ward Committee R/South and Education Committee


d 59.48 #121 A 12.92 A 12.65 E 11.85 F -5.00 C 20.06


Age: 43 yrs, Edu.: SSC, Ward: R/South, Area: Charkop Industrial Estate, Constituency No.: 19

Member: Ward Committee R/South, Education Committee


d 51.94 #167 D 7.59 F 4.97 F 6.00 A 5.00 B 21.39


Age: 52 yrs, Edu.: Eleventh, Ward: R/South, Area: Mahavir Nagar - Dhanukar Wadi, Constituency No.: 20

Member: Ward Committee R/South


e 39.61 #204 E 6.51 F 0.00 F 0.00 A 5.00 B 21.10


Age: 52 yrs, Edu.: B.Sc., G.C.D., D.F.M, Ward: R/South, Area: Narwane Sanskrutik Centre - Aarya Chanakya Nagar, Constituency No.: 21

Member: Law, Revenue and General Purposes Committee, Ward Committee R/South

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M U M B A I R E P O R T C A R D32

MuniCipal CounCillor

parTy grade ToTal SCore


aTTendanCeno. of

QueSTionSQualiTy of QueSTionS

leaST CriMinal reCord

perCeived perforManCe

grade actual out of 15 grade actual

out of 15 grade actual out of 28 grade actual

out of 5 grade actual out of 30

M U N I C I P A L C O U N C I L L O R S 2 0 1 1 33

MuniCipal CounCillor

parTy grade ToTal SCore


aTTendanCeno. of

QueSTionSQualiTy of QueSTionS

leaST CriMinal reCord

perCeived perforManCe

grade actual out of 15 grade actual

out of 15 grade actual out of 28 grade actual

out of 5 grade actual out of 30

independenT d 56.15 #147 C 9.97 F 2.21 D 14.18 A 5.00 C 18.79


Age: 37 yrs, Edu.: Eighth, Ward: R/South, Area: Poisar Village (West) - Kandivali (East), Constituency No.: 22

Member: Markets and Gardens Committee, Law, Revenue and General Purposes Committee, Ward Committee R/South


C 64.26 #89 C 9.46 E 7.05 D 14.59 A 5.00 B 22.16


Age: 56 yrs, Edu.: Eleventh, Ward: R/South, Area: Poisar (East), Rajaram Nagar - Ashok Nagar, Constituency No.: 23

Member: Law, Revenue and General Purposes Committee, Ward Committee R/South


C 65.94 #75 D 7.51 E 6.26 C 17.20 A 5.00 B 22.98


Age: 45 yrs, Edu.: B.Com., Ward: R/South, Area: Samata Nagar - Dattani Park - Mahindra & Mahindra Company, Constituency No.: 24

Member: Women and Child Welfare Committee, Law, Revenue and General Purposes Committee, Ward Committee R/South


d 51.10 #172 F 2.29 F 4.97 F 8.70 A 5.00 B 23.14


Age: 47 yrs, Edu.: SSC, Ward: R/South, Area: Damupada, Constituency No.: 25

Member: Ward Committee R/South

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parTy grade ToTal SCore


aTTendanCeno. of

QueSTionSQualiTy of QueSTionS

leaST CriMinal reCord

perCeived perforManCe

grade actual out of 15 grade actual

out of 15 grade actual out of 28 grade actual

out of 5 grade actual out of 30

M U N I C I P A L C O U N C I L L O R S 2 0 1 1 35

MuniCipal CounCillor

parTy grade ToTal SCore


aTTendanCeno. of

QueSTionSQualiTy of QueSTionS

leaST CriMinal reCord

perCeived perforManCe

grade actual out of 15 grade actual

out of 15 grade actual out of 28 grade actual

out of 5 grade actual out of 30


C 66.70 #69 B 11.89 B 10.56 F 9.70 A 5.00 B 22.54


Age: 43 yrs, Edu.: B.H.M.S., Ward: R/South, Area: Vadarpada Colony - Gautam Nagar, Constituency No.: 26

Member: Public Health Committee, Ward Committee R/South, Education Committee


d 55.79 #151 D 8.14 C 9.95 D 15.83 F -5.00 C 19.88


Age: 48 yrs, Edu.: F.Y.J.C, Ward: R/South, Area: Devji Bhimji Colony - Paras Nagar, Constituency No.: 27

Member: Ward Committee R/South, Standing Committee


d 52.97 #162 B 11.83 F 4.97 E 10.27 F -5.00 B 23.91


Age: 35 yrs, Edu.: D.H.M.S., Ward: R/South, Area: Iraniwadi - Kandivali (West), Constituency No.: 28

Member: Public Health Committee, Ward Committee R/South


C 66.98 #66 A 12.35 A 12.65 E 13.91 A 5.00 C 18.08


Age: 34 yrs, Edu.: Ninth, Ward: P/North, Area: Manori - Marve Erangel - Aksa - Daravali Village - Madh Island, Constituency No.: 29

Member: Markets and Gardens Committee, Ward Committee P/North

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parTy grade ToTal SCore


aTTendanCeno. of

QueSTionSQualiTy of QueSTionS

leaST CriMinal reCord

perCeived perforManCe

grade actual out of 15 grade actual

out of 15 grade actual out of 28 grade actual

out of 5 grade actual out of 30

M U N I C I P A L C O U N C I L L O R S 2 0 1 1 37

MuniCipal CounCillor

parTy grade ToTal SCore


aTTendanCeno. of

QueSTionSQualiTy of QueSTionS

leaST CriMinal reCord

perCeived perforManCe

grade actual out of 15 grade actual

out of 15 grade actual out of 28 grade actual

out of 5 grade actual out of 30


e 48.33 #190 B 10.74 F 0.93 F 6.00 A 5.00 C 19.66


Age: 42 yrs, Edu.: Eighth, Ward: P/North, Area: Valnai Village - Kharodi Village - Malavani Colony, Constituency No.: 30

Member: Women and Child Welfare Committee, Ward Committee P/North


e 49.98 #179 B 10.51 F 2.88 F 6.00 A 5.00 C 19.58


Age: 50 yrs, Edu.: S.Y.J.C., Ward: P/North, Area: Adarsh Dugdhalaya - Evershine Nagar, Constituency No.: 31

Member: Women and Child Welfare Committee, Ward Committee P/North


C 64.73 #84 C 10.12 A 13.17 E 12.30 A 5.00 C 18.14


Age: 43 yrs, Edu.: Sixth, Ward: P/North, Area: Bhadaran Nagar - Mamalatdar Wadi, Constituency No.: 32

Member: Works Committee (Suburbs), Ward Committee P/North, Improvements Committee


C 60.60 #111 C 10.39 F 4.97 D 14.64 A 5.00 C 18.60


Age: 65 yrs, Edu.: SSC, L.C.EH, Ward: P/North, Area: Pushpa Park, Constituency No.: 33

Member: Public Health Committee, Ward Committee P/North, Education Committee, Tree Committee

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aTTendanCeno. of

QueSTionSQualiTy of QueSTionS

leaST CriMinal reCord

perCeived perforManCe

grade actual out of 15 grade actual

out of 15 grade actual out of 28 grade actual

out of 5 grade actual out of 30

M U N I C I P A L C O U N C I L L O R S 2 0 1 1 39

MuniCipal CounCillor

parTy grade ToTal SCore


aTTendanCeno. of

QueSTionSQualiTy of QueSTionS

leaST CriMinal reCord

perCeived perforManCe

grade actual out of 15 grade actual

out of 15 grade actual out of 28 grade actual

out of 5 grade actual out of 30


e 43.35 #199 A 12.46 F 4.97 F 6.71 F -5.00 C 19.22


Age: 58 yrs, Edu.: Seventh, Ward: P/North, Area: Tanaji Nagar, Constituency No.: 34

Member: Women and Child Welfare Committee, Law, Revenue and General Purposes Committee, Ward Committee P/North


f 34.64 #214 F 5.17 F 0.93 F 6.00 F -5.00 C 20.54


Age: 53 yrs, Edu.: HSC, Ward: P/North, Area: Appa Pada, Constituency No.: 35

Member: Law, Revenue and General Purposes Committee, Ward Committee P/North, Education Committee


b 71.77 #32 B 11.46 C 9.95 C 18.75 A 5.00 C 19.62


Age: 54 yrs, Edu.: SSC, Commercial Arts, G. D. Arts, Ceramic Artist, Ward: P/North, Area: Malad Hill Reservoir, Constituency No.: 36

Member: Ward Committee P/North, Improvements Committee


C 66.58 #71 A 12.72 A 14.19 E 12.89 F 0.00 C 20.79


Age: 49 yrs, Edu.: Upto SSC, Ward: P/North, Area: Municipal colony Malad (East), Constituency No.: 37

Member: Works Committee (Suburbs), Ward Committee P/North

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aTTendanCeno. of

QueSTionSQualiTy of QueSTionS

leaST CriMinal reCord

perCeived perforManCe

grade actual out of 15 grade actual

out of 15 grade actual out of 28 grade actual

out of 5 grade actual out of 30

M U N I C I P A L C O U N C I L L O R S 2 0 1 1 41

MuniCipal CounCillor

parTy grade ToTal SCore


aTTendanCeno. of

QueSTionSQualiTy of QueSTionS

leaST CriMinal reCord

perCeived perforManCe

grade actual out of 15 grade actual

out of 15 grade actual out of 28 grade actual

out of 5 grade actual out of 30


C 66.50 #72 B 10.70 C 9.21 D 15.31 A 5.00 C 19.28


Age: 37 yrs, Edu.: F.Y.J.C., Ward: P/North, Area: Dhanjiwadi - Narsobawadi - Kokanipada, Constituency No.: 38

Member: Works Committee (Suburbs), Ward Committee P/North


C 60.55 #112 A 13.70 E 6.26 C 17.65 F 0.00 D 16.95


Age: 61 yrs, Edu.: Seventh, Ward: P/North, Area: Pimpri Pada - Pathanwadi, Constituency No.: 39

Member: Works Committee (Suburbs), Ward Committee P/North


b 79.11 #3 A 14.04 A 13.17 C 17.64 A 5.00 B 22.26


Age: 39 yrs, Edu.: B.Sc., L.L.B., Ward: P/North, Area: Raheja Complex - Dindoshi, Constituency No.: 40

Member: Law, Revenue and General Purposes Committee, Ward Committee P/North


e 48.20 #191 D 8.52 F 0.93 F 6.00 A 5.00 C 20.75


Age: 38 yrs, Edu.: S.Y.B.Com., Ward: P/North, Area: Makrani Pada, Constituency No.: 41

Member: Women and Child Welfare Committee, Ward Committee P/North

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aTTendanCeno. of

QueSTionSQualiTy of QueSTionS

leaST CriMinal reCord

perCeived perforManCe

grade actual out of 15 grade actual

out of 15 grade actual out of 28 grade actual

out of 5 grade actual out of 30

M U N I C I P A L C O U N C I L L O R S 2 0 1 1 43

MuniCipal CounCillor

parTy grade ToTal SCore


aTTendanCeno. of

QueSTionSQualiTy of QueSTionS

leaST CriMinal reCord

perCeived perforManCe

grade actual out of 15 grade actual

out of 15 grade actual out of 28 grade actual

out of 5 grade actual out of 30


C 69.31 #49 B 11.99 D 7.53 D 16.78 A 5.00 B 21.01


Age: 36 yrs, Edu.: B.Com., Ward: P/North, Area: Liberty Garden - Nadiyadwalla Colony, Constituency No.: 42

Member: Works Committee (Suburbs), Public Health Committee, Ward Committee P/North


d 55.15 #154 F 5.08 F 2.88 D 16.15 A 5.00 C 20.04


Age: 41 yrs, Edu.: Eighth, Ward: P/North, Area: New Collectors Colony, Constituency No.: 43

Member: Markets and Gardens Committee, Ward Committee P/North


e 38.46 #206 D 7.52 F 0.00 F 0.00 A 5.00 C 19.93


Age: 28 yrs, Edu.: SSC, Ward: P/North, Area: New Collector Compound, M.H.B. Colony, Constituency No.: 44

Member: Ward Committee P/North, Education Committee


d 54.05 #157 C 9.68 F 3.77 E 10.36 A 5.00 C 19.24


Age: 49 yrs, Edu.: Eighth, Ward: P/South Area: Sunder Nagar - Piramal Nagar, Constituency No.: 45

Member: Ward Committee P/South

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aTTendanCeno. of

QueSTionSQualiTy of QueSTionS

leaST CriMinal reCord

perCeived perforManCe

grade actual out of 15 grade actual

out of 15 grade actual out of 28 grade actual

out of 5 grade actual out of 30

M U N I C I P A L C O U N C I L L O R S 2 0 1 1 45

MuniCipal CounCillor

parTy grade ToTal SCore


aTTendanCeno. of

QueSTionSQualiTy of QueSTionS

leaST CriMinal reCord

perCeived perforManCe

grade actual out of 15 grade actual

out of 15 grade actual out of 28 grade actual

out of 5 grade actual out of 30


C 69.35 #48 A 14.73 E 7.05 D 16.69 A 5.00 C 18.88


Age: 60 yrs, Edu.: Eleventh, Ward: P/South, Area: Dindoshi - Pandurangwadi, Constituency No.: 46

Member: Works Committee (Suburbs), Ward Committee P/South


b 72.63 #28 B 10.78 A 14.93 C 18.47 F 0.00 B 21.45


Age: 42 yrs, Edu.: S.Y.B.A., I.T.I., Ward: P/South, Area: Aarey Colony (East), Constituency No.: 47

Member: Ward Committee P/South, Standing Committee, Tree Committee


C 61.39 #106 A 12.88 E 7.05 F 9.65 A 5.00 C 20.81


Age: 50 yrs, Edu.: Upto SSC, Ward: P/South, Area: Nirlon - Krushi Vidyapeeth - Jaiprakash Nagar, Constituency No.: 48

Member: Women and Child Welfare Committee, Ward Committee P/South


b 73.41 #23 A 13.67 B 11.43 E 13.44 A 5.00 A 24.87


Age: 43 yrs, Edu.: Not given, Ward: P/South, Area: Unnat Nagar - Motilal Nagar No. 2 & 3, Constituency No.: 49

Member: Ward Committee P/South, Standing Committee, Tree Committee

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aTTendanCeno. of

QueSTionSQualiTy of QueSTionS

leaST CriMinal reCord

perCeived perforManCe

grade actual out of 15 grade actual

out of 15 grade actual out of 28 grade actual

out of 5 grade actual out of 30

M U N I C I P A L C O U N C I L L O R S 2 0 1 1 47

MuniCipal CounCillor

parTy grade ToTal SCore


aTTendanCeno. of

QueSTionSQualiTy of QueSTionS

leaST CriMinal reCord

perCeived perforManCe

grade actual out of 15 grade actual

out of 15 grade actual out of 28 grade actual

out of 5 grade actual out of 30


d 53.20 #161 A 14.53 F 3.77 D 16.59 F -10.00 B 21.32


Age: 47 yrs, Edu.: HSC, I.T.I., Ward: P/South, Area: Shastri Nagar- Bangur Nagar, Constituency No.: 50

Member: Ward Committee P/South


d 58.11 #133 A 12.40 F 4.97 C 17.28 F -5.00 B 22.46


Age: 47 yrs, Edu.: Not given, Ward: P/South, Area: Motilal Nagar No.1 - B.E.S.T. Bus Depot, Constituency No.: 51

Member: Ward Committee P/South


C 68.05 #58 B 11.52 D 8.40 C 17.34 A 5.00 C 18.80


Age: 60 yrs, Edu.: HSC, Ward: P/South, Area: Siddharth Nagar - Jawahar Nagar, Constituency No.: 52

Member: BEST Committee, Ward Committee P/South


d 58.37 #131 C 10.25 E 7.05 E 11.98 A 5.00 C 19.09


Age: 46 yrs, Edu.: Ninth, Ward: K/West, Area: Oshiwara - Bandivli (East), Constituency No.: 53

Member: Ward Committee K/West, Education Committee

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leaST CriMinal reCord

perCeived perforManCe

grade actual out of 15 grade actual

out of 15 grade actual out of 28 grade actual

out of 5 grade actual out of 30

M U N I C I P A L C O U N C I L L O R S 2 0 1 1 49

MuniCipal CounCillor

parTy grade ToTal SCore


aTTendanCeno. of

QueSTionSQualiTy of QueSTionS

leaST CriMinal reCord

perCeived perforManCe

grade actual out of 15 grade actual

out of 15 grade actual out of 28 grade actual

out of 5 grade actual out of 30


C 67.26 #65 B 11.32 A 13.98 B 21.39 F -5.00 C 18.56


Age: 48 yrs, Edu.: HSC, D.Ed., Ward: K/West, Area: Tarapore Garden - Adarsh Nagar, Constituency No.: 54

Member: Public Health Committee, Ward Committee K/West, Standing Committee


b 77.76 #9 A 12.93 A 12.11 C 18.82 A 5.00 B 21.90


Age: 48 yrs, Edu.: B.A., Ward: K/West, Area: Swami Samarth Nagar, Constituency No.: 55

Member: Public Health Committee, Ward Committee K/West, Improvements Committee


C 62.59 #100 B 10.61 C 9.21 B 20.71 F -5.00 B 22.07


Age: 43 yrs, Edu.: Seventh, Ward: K/West, Area: Versova (North), Constituency No.: 56

Member: Markets and Gardens Committee, Ward Committee K/West


C 64.47 #86 C 9.83 D 7.53 C 17.14 F 0.00 B 22.97


Age: 45 yrs, Edu.: HSC, Ward: K/West, Area: Amboli Hill, Constituency No.: 57

Member: Law, Revenue and General Purposes Committee, Ward Committee K/West, Education Committee

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aTTendanCeno. of

QueSTionSQualiTy of QueSTionS

leaST CriMinal reCord

perCeived perforManCe

grade actual out of 15 grade actual

out of 15 grade actual out of 28 grade actual

out of 5 grade actual out of 30

M U N I C I P A L C O U N C I L L O R S 2 0 1 1 51

MuniCipal CounCillor

parTy grade ToTal SCore


aTTendanCeno. of

QueSTionSQualiTy of QueSTionS

leaST CriMinal reCord

perCeived perforManCe

grade actual out of 15 grade actual

out of 15 grade actual out of 28 grade actual

out of 5 grade actual out of 30


C 61.79 #104 C 9.61 D 8.40 E 12.98 A 5.00 C 19.80


Age: 52 yrs, Edu.: Fifth, Ward: K/West, Area: Sahaji Raje Sports Complex - Malcolm Baug, Constituency No.: 58

Member: Markets and Gardens Committee, Ward Committee K/West


d 58.86 #126 C 9.32 F 3.77 E 10.64 A 5.00 B 23.14


Age: 47 yrs, Edu.: B.A., Ward: K/West, Area: Seven Bunglow - Versova (South), Constituency No.: 59

Member: Markets and Gardens Committee, Ward Committee K/West, Improvements Committee


b 77.46 #10 B 11.95 B 11.43 C 18.58 A 5.00 A 24.51


Age: 57 yrs, Edu.: M.A. Economics, Ward: K/West, Area: Manish Nagar - Bhavan’s College, Constituency No.: 60

Member: Ward Committee K/West, Standing Committee


e 45.99 #195 F 5.09 F 3.77 F 6.00 A 5.00 C 20.13


Age: 54 yrs, Edu.: Seventh, Ward: K/West, Area: Gilbert Hill - Andheri Market, Constituency No.: 61

Member: Women and Child Welfare Committee, Ward Committee K/West

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aTTendanCeno. of

QueSTionSQualiTy of QueSTionS

leaST CriMinal reCord

perCeived perforManCe

grade actual out of 15 grade actual

out of 15 grade actual out of 28 grade actual

out of 5 grade actual out of 30

M U N I C I P A L C O U N C I L L O R S 2 0 1 1 53

MuniCipal CounCillor

parTy grade ToTal SCore


aTTendanCeno. of

QueSTionSQualiTy of QueSTionS

leaST CriMinal reCord

perCeived perforManCe

grade actual out of 15 grade actual

out of 15 grade actual out of 28 grade actual

out of 5 grade actual out of 30


d 56.19 #146 B 10.58 F 3.77 E 10.64 A 5.00 C 20.21


Age: 56 yrs, Edu.: SSC, Ward: K/West, Area: Lallubhai Park - Shriram Zarokha, Constituency No.: 62

Member: Women and Child Welfare Committee, Ward Committee K/West, Education Committee

independenT C 69.76 #44 A 13.27 B 10.56 C 17.11 A 5.00 D 16.81


Age: 48 yrs, Edu.: HSC, Diploma in Management Studies, Ward: K/West, Area: Bhakti Vedanta Marg - Cooper Hospital, Constituency No.: 63

Member: Ward Committee K/West


f 33.76 #215 F 5.16 F 0.93 F 6.00 F -2.00 D 16.67


Age: 42 yrs, Edu.: SSC, Ward: K/West, Area: S.N.D.T. University Campus - Juhu Airport, Constituency No.: 64

Member: Ward Committee K/West, Public Health Committee


e 47.69 #193 B 11.11 F 0.93 F 6.00 A 5.00 C 19.65


Age: 49 yrs, Edu.: Seventh, Ward: K/West, Area: Vile Parle (West) - Mithibai College, Constituency No.: 65

Member: Public Health Committee, Ward Committee K/West, Education Committee

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aTTendanCeno. of

QueSTionSQualiTy of QueSTionS

leaST CriMinal reCord

perCeived perforManCe

grade actual out of 15 grade actual

out of 15 grade actual out of 28 grade actual

out of 5 grade actual out of 30

M U N I C I P A L C O U N C I L L O R S 2 0 1 1 55

MuniCipal CounCillor

parTy grade ToTal SCore


aTTendanCeno. of

QueSTionSQualiTy of QueSTionS

leaST CriMinal reCord

perCeived perforManCe

grade actual out of 15 grade actual

out of 15 grade actual out of 28 grade actual

out of 5 grade actual out of 30


d 53.27 #160 D 8.18 F 2.21 D 14.04 A 5.00 D 16.85


Age: 44 yrs, Edu.: B.A., Ward: K/East, Area: Bandrekar Wadi - Ismail College - Natwar Nagar, Constituency No.: 66

Member: Ward Committee K/East


d 50.29 #177 B 11.64 F 2.21 F 6.00 A 5.00 C 19.45


Age: 44 yrs, Edu.: Eighth, Ward: K/East, Area: Jogeshwari Caves - Majaswadi, Constituency No.: 67

Member: Ward Committee K/East


e 37.77 #207 E 6.04 F 4.97 F 9.03 F -5.00 D 15.74


Age: 52 yrs, Edu.: B.Sc., Ward: K/East, Area: Shivneri Vasahat - Meghwadi, Constituency No.: 68

Member: Ward Committee K/East, Standing Committee


d 58.64 #129 C 9.32 F 3.77 E 13.27 A 5.00 B 21.28


Age: 40 yrs, Edu.: Ninth, Ward: K/East, Area: Shankarwadi - Sher-E-Punjab Colony, Constituency No.: 69

Member: Works Committee (Suburbs), Markets and Gardens Committee, Ward Committee K/East

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aTTendanCeno. of

QueSTionSQualiTy of QueSTionS

leaST CriMinal reCord

perCeived perforManCe

grade actual out of 15 grade actual

out of 15 grade actual out of 28 grade actual

out of 5 grade actual out of 30

M U N I C I P A L C O U N C I L L O R S 2 0 1 1 57

MuniCipal CounCillor

parTy grade ToTal SCore


aTTendanCeno. of

QueSTionSQualiTy of QueSTionS

leaST CriMinal reCord

perCeived perforManCe

grade actual out of 15 grade actual

out of 15 grade actual out of 28 grade actual

out of 5 grade actual out of 30


C 63.52 #94 B 11.57 F 4.97 D 14.78 A 5.00 B 22.20


Age: 60 yrs, Edu.: Not Given, Ward: K/East, Area: Squatter’s Colony - Tolani College, Constituency No.: 70

Member: Women and Child Welfare Committee, Ward Committee K/East


b 74.52 #18 A 13.79 C 9.21 B 20.08 A 5.00 C 19.45


Age: 54 yrs, Edu.: SSC, Ward: K/East, Area: Gundavali Gaonthan (West), Constituency No.: 71

Member: Law, Revenue and General Purposes Committee, Ward Committee K/East


d 59.94 #117 D 8.70 A 12.98 C 16.93 F -5.00 C 19.33


Age: 40 yrs, Edu.: SSC, Ward: K/East, Area: Gundavali (East) - E.S.I.S. Hospital, Constituency No.: 72

Member: Law, Revenue and General Purposes Committee, Ward Committee K/East, Improvements Committee


b 78.79 #5 A 13.67 B 11.43 B 19.73 A 5.00 B 21.96

CliveDias Age: 46 yrs, Edu.: Upto T.Y.B.A., Ward: K/East, Area: Veravali - M.I.D.C., Constituency No.: 73

Member: Works Committee (Suburbs), Ward Committee K/East

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aTTendanCeno. of

QueSTionSQualiTy of QueSTionS

leaST CriMinal reCord

perCeived perforManCe

grade actual out of 15 grade actual

out of 15 grade actual out of 28 grade actual

out of 5 grade actual out of 30

M U N I C I P A L C O U N C I L L O R S 2 0 1 1 59

MuniCipal CounCillor

parTy grade ToTal SCore


aTTendanCeno. of

QueSTionSQualiTy of QueSTionS

leaST CriMinal reCord

perCeived perforManCe

grade actual out of 15 grade actual

out of 15 grade actual out of 28 grade actual

out of 5 grade actual out of 30


e 35.57 #211 F 2.63 F 0.00 F 0.00 A 5.00 C 20.94


Age: 36 yrs, Edu.: F.Y.B.Com., Ward: K/East, Area: Vijay Nagar , Bhavani Nagar, Constituency No.: 74

Member: Markets and Gardens Committee, Ward Committee K/East


d 58.66 #128 D 7.53 D 8.40 B 19.81 F -5.00 C 20.91


Age: 38 yrs, Edu.: B.A., Ward: K/East, Area: Sahar Airport - Maroshi Village, Constituency No.: 75

Member: Markets and Gardens Committee, Ward Committee K/East, Improvements Committee


e 41.03 #203 C 9.98 F 2.88 F 6.03 F -5.00 B 21.14


Age: 43 yrs, Edu.: Eighth, Ward: K/East, Area: Chakala, Sahar Airport, Constituency No.: 76

Member: Markets and Gardens Committee, Ward Committee K/East


b 70.65 #37 D 8.86 B 11.43 D 16.58 A 5.00 B 21.78


Age: 40 yrs, Edu.: T.Y.B.Com. (Appeared), Ward: K/East, Area: Sahar Village - Bamanwada, Constituency No.: 77

Member: Markets and Gardens Committee, BEST Committee, Ward Committee K/East, Public Health Committee

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aTTendanCeno. of

QueSTionSQualiTy of QueSTionS

leaST CriMinal reCord

perCeived perforManCe

grade actual out of 15 grade actual

out of 15 grade actual out of 28 grade actual

out of 5 grade actual out of 30

M U N I C I P A L C O U N C I L L O R S 2 0 1 1 61

MuniCipal CounCillor

parTy grade ToTal SCore


aTTendanCeno. of

QueSTionSQualiTy of QueSTionS

leaST CriMinal reCord

perCeived perforManCe

grade actual out of 15 grade actual

out of 15 grade actual out of 28 grade actual

out of 5 grade actual out of 30


d 53.38 #158 C 10.05 F 3.77 D 15.15 F -2.00 C 20.41


Age: 49 yrs, Edu.: Seventh, Ward: K/East, Area: M. V. College - Vijay Nagar - Koldongri, Constituency No.: 78

Member: Public Health Committee, Ward Committee K/East, Improvements Committee, Tree Committee


d 57.09 #139 C 9.58 F 2.88 E 13.05 A 5.00 C 19.58


Age: 55 yrs, Edu.: Inter Arts, Ward: K/East, Area: Tejpal Scheme - Paranjape Scheme- Vile Parle (East), Constituency No.: 79

Member: Ward Committee K/East, Education Committee


b 72.91 #27 A 12.29 D 8.40 B 21.78 A 5.00 C 18.44


Age: 48 yrs, Edu.: SSC, Ward: K/East, Area: Vile Parle(E) - Telephone Exchange, Constituency No.: 80

Member: Works Committee (Suburbs), Markets and Gardens Committee, Ward Committee K/East


C 68.23 #57 A 12.60 C 9.95 E 12.88 A 5.00 C 20.80


Age: 45 yrs, Edu.: B.A., L.L.B., Ward: H/East, Area: Prabhat Colony - Anand Nagar, Constituency No.: 81

Member: Ward Committee H/East and H/West, Improvements Committee, Tree Committee

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MuniCipal CounCillor

parTy grade ToTal SCore


aTTendanCeno. of

QueSTionSQualiTy of QueSTionS

leaST CriMinal reCord

perCeived perforManCe

grade actual out of 15 grade actual

out of 15 grade actual out of 28 grade actual

out of 5 grade actual out of 30

M U N I C I P A L C O U N C I L L O R S 2 0 1 1 63

MuniCipal CounCillor

parTy grade ToTal SCore


aTTendanCeno. of

QueSTionSQualiTy of QueSTionS

leaST CriMinal reCord

perCeived perforManCe

grade actual out of 15 grade actual

out of 15 grade actual out of 28 grade actual

out of 5 grade actual out of 30


f 34.75 #213 A 12.47 F 0.00 F 0.00 F 0.00 D 16.28


Age: 55 yrs, Edu.: SSC Appeared, Ward: H/East, Area: Vivekanand Nagar, Constituency No.: 82

Member: Public Health Committee , Ward Committee H/East and H/West


C 60.42 #114 C 9.98 F 4.97 E 13.78 A 5.00 C 19.70


Age: 54 yrs, Edu.: F.Y.J.C., Ward: H/East, Area: University Campus - Dharamashi Colony, Constituency No.: 83

Member: BEST Committee, Ward Committee H/East and H/West


C 62.03 #102 A 14.46 F 2.88 D 15.30 A 5.00 D 17.40


Age: 58 yrs, Edu.: HSC, Ward: H/East, Area: Kalina Village, Santacruz Cantonment, Constituency No.: 84

Member: Works Committee (Suburbs), Ward Committee H/East and H/West, Education Committee


d 52.74 #163 E 7.18 F 3.77 F 7.06 A 5.00 B 23.74


Age: 46 yrs, Edu.: HSC, Ward: H/East, Area: Bharat Nagar (E), Constituency No.: 85

Member: Works Committee (Suburbs), Ward Committee H/East and H/West

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M U M B A I R E P O R T C A R D64

MuniCipal CounCillor

parTy grade ToTal SCore


aTTendanCeno. of

QueSTionSQualiTy of QueSTionS

leaST CriMinal reCord

perCeived perforManCe

grade actual out of 15 grade actual

out of 15 grade actual out of 28 grade actual

out of 5 grade actual out of 30

M U N I C I P A L C O U N C I L L O R S 2 0 1 1 65

MuniCipal CounCillor

parTy grade ToTal SCore


aTTendanCeno. of

QueSTionSQualiTy of QueSTionS

leaST CriMinal reCord

perCeived perforManCe

grade actual out of 15 grade actual

out of 15 grade actual out of 28 grade actual

out of 5 grade actual out of 30


d 59.83 #119 B 11.54 F 3.77 E 11.97 A 5.00 B 21.56


Age: 31 yrs, Edu.: F.Y.B.Com., Ward: H/East, Area: Dawari Colony - Khar Rifle Range, Constituency No.: 87

Member: Works Committee (Suburbs), Public Health Committee, Ward Committee H/East and H/West


d 56.22 #144 A 12.68 F 2.88 E 10.18 A 5.00 C 19.47


Age: 48 yrs, Edu.: Seventh, Ward: H/East, Area: Teacher’s Colony - Jawahar Nagar, Constituency No.: 88

Member: Women and Child Welfare Committee, Ward Committee H/East and H/West


f 34.90 #212 F 4.97 F 3.77 F 6.00 F -5.00 C 18.17


Age: 60 yrs, Edu.: SSC, Ward: H/East, Area: Govt. Colony - Bharat Nagar (West), Constituency No.: 89

Member: Ward Committee H/East and H/West


b 73.53 #21 A 14.32 A 14.79 E 13.80 A 5.00 C 18.63


Age: 59 yrs, Edu.: M.A. (Economics), L.L.B., Ward: H/East, Area: Bandra Terminus - Nirmal Nagar, Constituency No.: 90

Member: Law, Revenue and General Purposes Committee, Ward Committee H/East and H/West, Improvements Committee

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MuniCipal CounCillor

parTy grade ToTal SCore


aTTendanCeno. of

QueSTionSQualiTy of QueSTionS

leaST CriMinal reCord

perCeived perforManCe

grade actual out of 15 grade actual

out of 15 grade actual out of 28 grade actual

out of 5 grade actual out of 30

M U N I C I P A L C O U N C I L L O R S 2 0 1 1 67

MuniCipal CounCillor

parTy grade ToTal SCore


aTTendanCeno. of

QueSTionSQualiTy of QueSTionS

leaST CriMinal reCord

perCeived perforManCe

grade actual out of 15 grade actual

out of 15 grade actual out of 28 grade actual

out of 5 grade actual out of 30


f 26.34 #223 F 4.94 F 0.93 F 3.00 F -5.00 D 17.47


Age: 33 yrs, Edu.: Seventh, Ward: H/East, Area: Kherwadi, Constituency No.: 91

Member: Works Committee (Suburbs), Markets and Gardens Committee, Ward Committee H/East and H/West


d 59.51 #120 C 10.20 A 12.30 C 17.27 F -5.00 D 17.74


Age: 51 yrs, Edu.: HSC, Ward: H/West, Area: Khira Nagar -Muktanand Park, Constituency No.: 92

Member: Works Committee (Suburbs), Markets and Gardens Committee, BEST Committee, Ward Committee H/East and H/West


C 69.81 #43 A 12.64 A 12.65 E 12.92 A 5.00 C 19.61


Age: 38 yrs, Edu.: B.Sc., L.L.B., Ward: H/West,, Area: Vitthaldas Nagar - Madhu Park (Khar West) Saraswat Colony, Constituency No.: 93

Member: Ward Committee H/East and H/West, Standing Committee

independenT C 60.44 #113 A 13.10 F 3.77 D 14.51 A 5.00 C 18.06


Age: 49 yrs, Edu.: B.A., Audit Diploma, Ward: H/West, Area: Khar Danda - Chuim Village, Constituency No.: 94

Member: Works Committee (Suburbs), Markets and Gardens Committee, BEST Committee, Ward Committee H/East and H/West, Tree Committee

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MuniCipal CounCillor

parTy grade ToTal SCore


aTTendanCeno. of

QueSTionSQualiTy of QueSTionS

leaST CriMinal reCord

perCeived perforManCe

grade actual out of 15 grade actual

out of 15 grade actual out of 28 grade actual

out of 5 grade actual out of 30

M U N I C I P A L C O U N C I L L O R S 2 0 1 1 69

MuniCipal CounCillor

parTy grade ToTal SCore


aTTendanCeno. of

QueSTionSQualiTy of QueSTionS

leaST CriMinal reCord

perCeived perforManCe

grade actual out of 15 grade actual

out of 15 grade actual out of 28 grade actual

out of 5 grade actual out of 30


d 50.57 #174 E 6.96 D 7.53 F 6.04 A 5.00 C 19.04


Age: 51 yrs, Edu.: SSC, Ward: H/West, Area: Union Park - National College, Constituency No.: 95

Member: Ward Committee H/East and H/West, Standing Committee


d 55.60 #153 B 11.07 F 2.88 E 12.04 A 5.00 D 17.60


Age: 40 yrs, Edu.: B.Com., Ward: H/West, Area: Bandra Fort - Pali Market - National Library, Constituency No.: 96

Member: Law, Revenue and General Purposes Committee, Ward Committee H/East and H/West

independenT C 65.97 #74 E 6.01 B 10.56 C 18.30 A 5.00 C 19.10


Age: 44 yrs, Edu.: F.Y.B.Com., Ward: H/West, Area: Lilavati Hospital - Bandra Bus Terminus, Constituency No.: 97

Member: Works Committee (Suburbs), Public Health Committee, Ward Committee H/East and H/West


b 76.44 #13 B 11.44 A 13.65 C 19.07 A 5.00 C 20.28


Age: 59 yrs, Edu.: SSC, Ward: T, Area: Mulund Colony - Tulsi Lake, Constituency No.: 98

Member: Works Committee (Suburbs), Markets and Gardens Committee, Ward Committee S and T

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MuniCipal CounCillor

parTy grade ToTal SCore


aTTendanCeno. of

QueSTionSQualiTy of QueSTionS

leaST CriMinal reCord

perCeived perforManCe

grade actual out of 15 grade actual

out of 15 grade actual out of 28 grade actual

out of 5 grade actual out of 30

M U N I C I P A L C O U N C I L L O R S 2 0 1 1 71

MuniCipal CounCillor

parTy grade ToTal SCore


aTTendanCeno. of

QueSTionSQualiTy of QueSTionS

leaST CriMinal reCord

perCeived perforManCe

grade actual out of 15 grade actual

out of 15 grade actual out of 28 grade actual

out of 5 grade actual out of 30


d 58.62 #130 B 11.56 C 9.95 D 15.22 F -5.00 C 19.89


Age: 38 yrs, Edu.: SSC, Ward: T, Area: Mulund Check Naka - ESIS Hospital, Constituency No.: 99

Member: Law, Revenue and General Purposes Committee, Ward Committee S and T, Improvements Committee


b 70.04 #41 B 10.79 B 11.03 D 14.66 A 5.00 B 21.57


Age: 41 yrs, Edu.: SSC, Ward: T, Area: Topiwala College - Gavan Pada - Mhada Colony, Constituency No.: 100

Member: Women and Child Welfare Committee, Ward Committee S and T


d 57.89 #134 B 10.92 A 12.30 E 12.34 F -5.00 C 20.33


Age: 52 yrs, Edu.: SSC, Ward: T, Area: Nane Pada - Palm Acers, Constituency No.: 101

Member: Ward Committee S and T, Standing Committee, Tree Committee


b 73.25 #24 A 14.45 A 13.79 E 13.65 A 5.00 C 19.36


Age: 52 yrs, Edu.: B.A., Ward: T, Area: Mulund Central, Constituency No.: 102

Member: Women and Child Welfare Committee, Ward Committee S and T

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MuniCipal CounCillor

parTy grade ToTal SCore


aTTendanCeno. of

QueSTionSQualiTy of QueSTionS

leaST CriMinal reCord

perCeived perforManCe

grade actual out of 15 grade actual

out of 15 grade actual out of 28 grade actual

out of 5 grade actual out of 30

M U N I C I P A L C O U N C I L L O R S 2 0 1 1 73

MuniCipal CounCillor

parTy grade ToTal SCore


aTTendanCeno. of

QueSTionSQualiTy of QueSTionS

leaST CriMinal reCord

perCeived perforManCe

grade actual out of 15 grade actual

out of 15 grade actual out of 28 grade actual

out of 5 grade actual out of 30


C 67.28 #64 C 10.10 C 9.95 D 16.42 A 5.00 C 18.82


Age: 77 yrs, Edu.: HSC, Diploma in Naturopathy, Ward: T, Area: Johnson & Johnson - Sarvodaya Nagar - Nahur Village, Constituency No.: 103

Member: Ward Committee S and T, Education Committee


C 60.15 #116 C 10.45 D 8.40 C 18.47 F -5.00 C 20.83


Age: 54 yrs, Edu.: SSC, Ward: S, Area: Milind Nagar, Constituency No.: 104

Member: Markets and Gardens Committee, Ward Committee S and T, Improvements Committee


C 60.95 #107 D 8.25 E 6.26 D 15.42 A 5.00 C 20.02


Age: 40 yrs, Edu.: B.A., Ward: S, Area: Bhandup Village, Constituency No.: 105

Member: Public Health Committee, Women and Child Welfare Committee, Ward Committee S and T


e 48.82 #188 E 7.06 F 4.97 D 16.20 F -5.00 C 20.60


Age: 57 yrs, Edu.: Upto SSC, Ward: S, Area: Gaondevi (Bhandup) - Tembipada, Constituency No.: 106

Member: Markets and Gardens Committee, Ward Committee S and T

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MuniCipal CounCillor

parTy grade ToTal SCore


aTTendanCeno. of

QueSTionSQualiTy of QueSTionS

leaST CriMinal reCord

perCeived perforManCe

grade actual out of 15 grade actual

out of 15 grade actual out of 28 grade actual

out of 5 grade actual out of 30

M U N I C I P A L C O U N C I L L O R S 2 0 1 1 75

MuniCipal CounCillor

parTy grade ToTal SCore


aTTendanCeno. of

QueSTionSQualiTy of QueSTionS

leaST CriMinal reCord

perCeived perforManCe

grade actual out of 15 grade actual

out of 15 grade actual out of 28 grade actual

out of 5 grade actual out of 30


e 49.90 #180 B 11.60 D 7.53 E 13.33 F -5.00 D 16.44


Age: 50 yrs, Edu.: Ninth, Ward: S, Area: Nardas Nagar, Constituency No.: 107

Member: Markets and Gardens Committee, Ward Committee S and T, Tree Committee


d 56.59 #141 C 9.74 F 3.77 D 15.16 A 5.00 D 17.92


Age: 60 yrs, Edu.: Seventh, Ward: S, Area: Kokan Nagar - Bhattipada, Constituency No.: 108

Member: Works Committee (Suburbs), Women and Child Welfare Committee, Ward Committee S and T


C 69.50 #46 B 11.16 D 7.53 C 17.88 A 5.00 C 20.93


Age: 59 yrs, Edu.: Eleventh, Ward: S, Area: Hanuman Nagar - Farid Nagar, Constituency No.: 109

Member: Works Committee (Suburbs), Public Health Committee, Ward Committee S and T


d 59.86 #118 A 12.29 F 3.77 E 11.71 A 5.00 B 21.09


Age: 50 yrs, Edu.: Fifth, Ward: S, Area: Datar colony - C.G.S. Quarters, Constituency No.: 110

Member: Markets and Gardens Committee, Women and Child Welfare Committee, Ward Committee S and T

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M U M B A I R E P O R T C A R D76

MuniCipal CounCillor

parTy grade ToTal SCore


aTTendanCeno. of

QueSTionSQualiTy of QueSTionS

leaST CriMinal reCord

perCeived perforManCe

grade actual out of 15 grade actual

out of 15 grade actual out of 28 grade actual

out of 5 grade actual out of 30

M U N I C I P A L C O U N C I L L O R S 2 0 1 1 77

MuniCipal CounCillor

parTy grade ToTal SCore


aTTendanCeno. of

QueSTionSQualiTy of QueSTionS

leaST CriMinal reCord

perCeived perforManCe

grade actual out of 15 grade actual

out of 15 grade actual out of 28 grade actual

out of 5 grade actual out of 30


d 50.39 #176 C 9.08 F 0.93 F 9.54 A 5.00 C 18.84


Age: 41 yrs, Edu.: S.Y.J.C., Ward: S, Area: Kanjur Village, Constituency No.: 111

Member: Women and Child Welfare Committee, Ward Committee S and T


C 63.44 #95 C 9.67 B 11.43 C 17.28 F 0.00 C 18.06


Age: 36 yrs, Edu.: HSC, Ward: S, Area: Kannamwar Nagar, Constituency No.: 112

Member: Ward Committee S and T, Standing Committee, Improvements Committee


C 68.58 #54 C 10.28 D 8.40 B 20.62 A 5.00 C 19.27


Age: 57 yrs, Edu.: Seventh, Ward: S, Area: Tagore Nagar, Constituency No.: 113

Member: Works Committee (Suburbs), Markets and Gardens Committee, Ward Committee S and T


C 61.52 #105 A 12.42 F 4.97 D 14.79 A 5.00 C 18.35


Age: 51 yrs, Edu.: SSC, Ward: S, Area: Hariyali Village - Godrej Colony, Constituency No.: 114

Member: Women and Child Welfare Committee, Ward Committee S and T

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MuniCipal CounCillor

parTy grade ToTal SCore


aTTendanCeno. of

QueSTionSQualiTy of QueSTionS

leaST CriMinal reCord

perCeived perforManCe

grade actual out of 15 grade actual

out of 15 grade actual out of 28 grade actual

out of 5 grade actual out of 30

M U N I C I P A L C O U N C I L L O R S 2 0 1 1 79

MuniCipal CounCillor

parTy grade ToTal SCore


aTTendanCeno. of

QueSTionSQualiTy of QueSTionS

leaST CriMinal reCord

perCeived perforManCe

grade actual out of 15 grade actual

out of 15 grade actual out of 28 grade actual

out of 5 grade actual out of 30


d 50.41 #175 E 6.39 F 4.97 F 6.00 A 5.00 B 21.05


Age: 47 yrs, Edu.: HSC, Ward: S, Area: Eden Bungalows - Tirandaz Village, Constituency No.: 115

Member: Markets and Gardens Committee, Women and Child Welfare Committee, Ward Committee S and T


e 36.66 #209 E 6.32 F 0.00 F 0.00 A 5.00 C 18.34


Age: 51 yrs, Edu.: B.A.M.S., Ward: S, Area: Vihar Lake - Powai Lake - Paspoli Village, Constituency No.: 116

Member: Public Health Committee, Ward Committee S and T


e 49.26 #185 C 10.44 F 2.88 E 12.21 F 0.00 C 18.73


Age: 53 yrs, Edu.: Eighth, Ward: N, Area: Rahul Nagar, Constituency No.: 117

Member: Public Health Committee, Ward Committee N


d 54.89 #155 A 12.88 F 2.21 D 16.31 F -5.00 B 21.49


Age: 51 yrs, Edu.: SSC, Ward: N, Area: Parksite Colony - Vikroli Village, Constituency No.: 118

Member: BEST Committee, Ward Committee N

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MuniCipal CounCillor

parTy grade ToTal SCore


aTTendanCeno. of

QueSTionSQualiTy of QueSTionS

leaST CriMinal reCord

perCeived perforManCe

grade actual out of 15 grade actual

out of 15 grade actual out of 28 grade actual

out of 5 grade actual out of 30

M U N I C I P A L C O U N C I L L O R S 2 0 1 1 81

MuniCipal CounCillor

parTy grade ToTal SCore


aTTendanCeno. of

QueSTionSQualiTy of QueSTionS

leaST CriMinal reCord

perCeived perforManCe

grade actual out of 15 grade actual

out of 15 grade actual out of 28 grade actual

out of 5 grade actual out of 30


C 69.00 #50 A 14.56 A 13.58 C 17.72 F -5.00 B 22.15


Age: 54 yrs, Edu.: SSC, Ward: N, Area: Damodar Park - Sanghani Estate, Constituency No.: 119

Member: Works Committee (Suburbs), Ward Committee N


d 56.04 #149 C 9.94 D 7.53 D 14.77 F -5.00 B 21.80


Age: 64 yrs, Edu.: Eleventh, Ward: N, Area: Sarvodaya Hospital - Central Govt. Colony - Jagdusha Nagar, Constituency No.: 120

Member: Law, Revenue and General Purposes Committee, Ward Committee N, Improvements Committee, Tree Committee


C 64.59 #85 B 11.33 F 4.97 C 18.75 A 5.00 C 19.55


Age: 45 yrs, Edu.: upto SSC, Ward: N, Area: Bhim Nagar - Ram Nagar, Constituency No.: 121

Member: Ward Committee N, Tree Committee


b 74.07 #20 A 12.42 A 13.17 C 19.59 A 5.00 D 17.88


Age: 60 yrs, Edu.: Ninth, Ward: N, Area: Bhatwadi - Barve Nagar, Constituency No.: 122

Member: Women and Child Welfare Committee, Ward Committee N, Improvements Committee

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M U M B A I R E P O R T C A R D82

MuniCipal CounCillor

parTy grade ToTal SCore


aTTendanCeno. of

QueSTionSQualiTy of QueSTionS

leaST CriMinal reCord

perCeived perforManCe

grade actual out of 15 grade actual

out of 15 grade actual out of 28 grade actual

out of 5 grade actual out of 30

M U N I C I P A L C O U N C I L L O R S 2 0 1 1 83

MuniCipal CounCillor

parTy grade ToTal SCore


aTTendanCeno. of

QueSTionSQualiTy of QueSTionS

leaST CriMinal reCord

perCeived perforManCe

grade actual out of 15 grade actual

out of 15 grade actual out of 28 grade actual

out of 5 grade actual out of 30


C 62.93 #97 A 12.15 A 12.98 D 15.09 F -5.00 C 20.71


Age: 44 yrs, Edu.: HSC, Ward: N, Area: Chirag Nagar - Narayan Nagar, Constituency No.: 123

Member: Public Health Committee, Ward Committee N, Standing Committee


C 60.90 #108 A 13.58 F 4.97 E 11.24 A 5.00 C 19.11


Age: 51 yrs, Edu.: B.A. Part 2, Ward: N, Area: Kirol Village - Ramji Ashar School, Constituency No.: 124

Member: Public Health Committee, Ward Committee N


C 65.46 #78 E 6.88 D 8.40 B 20.33 A 5.00 C 18.85


Age: 59 yrs, Edu.: Eleventh, Ward: N, Area: Pant Nagar, Constituency No.: 125

Member: Ward Committee N


C 60.36 #115 F 4.78 E 7.05 D 16.24 A 5.00 C 20.29


Age: 36 yrs, Edu.: SSC, Ward: N, Area: Ramabai Nagar, Constituency No.: 126

Member: Public Health Committee, Ward Committee N

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M U M B A I R E P O R T C A R D84

MuniCipal CounCillor

parTy grade ToTal SCore


aTTendanCeno. of

QueSTionSQualiTy of QueSTionS

leaST CriMinal reCord

perCeived perforManCe

grade actual out of 15 grade actual

out of 15 grade actual out of 28 grade actual

out of 5 grade actual out of 30

M U N I C I P A L C O U N C I L L O R S 2 0 1 1 85

MuniCipal CounCillor

parTy grade ToTal SCore


aTTendanCeno. of

QueSTionSQualiTy of QueSTionS

leaST CriMinal reCord

perCeived perforManCe

grade actual out of 15 grade actual

out of 15 grade actual out of 28 grade actual

out of 5 grade actual out of 30


b 75.97 #14 A 13.50 B 11.03 C 18.69 A 5.00 C 20.75


Age: 48 yrs, Edu.: SSC, Diploma in Licentiate of Electrical Engineering, Ward: N, Area: Garodia Nagar - Somaiya College, Constituency No.: 127

Member: Ward Committee N, Standing Committee


e 36.93 #208 E 7.43 F 0.93 F 8.98 F -5.00 D 17.58


Age: 38 yrs, Edu.: SSC, Ward: N, Area: Kamraj Nagar, Constituency No.: 128

Member: Works Committee (Suburbs), Markets and Gardens Committee, Ward Committee N

independenT d 52.43 #165 C 9.15 F 2.88 F 9.03 A 5.00 C 19.36


Age: 50 yrs, Edu.: SSC, Ward: M/East Area: Lotus Colony - Rafique Nagar, Constituency No.: 129

Member: Works Committee (Suburbs), Markets and Gardens Committee, Ward Committee M/East and M/West


b 72.14 #31 B 11.72 A 13.17 D 16.39 A 5.00 C 18.86


Age: 42 yrs, Edu.: SSC, Ward: M/East Area: Shivaji Nagar No. 1, Constituency No.: 130

Member: Works Committee (Suburbs), Ward Committee M/East and M/West

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MuniCipal CounCillor

parTy grade ToTal SCore


aTTendanCeno. of

QueSTionSQualiTy of QueSTionS

leaST CriMinal reCord

perCeived perforManCe

grade actual out of 15 grade actual

out of 15 grade actual out of 28 grade actual

out of 5 grade actual out of 30

M U N I C I P A L C O U N C I L L O R S 2 0 1 1 87

MuniCipal CounCillor

parTy grade ToTal SCore


aTTendanCeno. of

QueSTionSQualiTy of QueSTionS

leaST CriMinal reCord

perCeived perforManCe

grade actual out of 15 grade actual

out of 15 grade actual out of 28 grade actual

out of 5 grade actual out of 30


d 56.13 #148 E 5.44 F 4.97 D 16.28 A 5.00 C 18.45


Age: 33 yrs, Edu.: Seventh, Ward: M/East Area: Shivaji Nagar No. 2 - Sanjay Nagar, Constituency No.: 131

Member: Women and Child Welfare Committee, Ward Committee M/East and M/West


e 45.21 #196 E 6.60 F 4.97 D 16.51 F -5.00 D 16.13


Age: 34 yrs, Edu.: B.Com., Ward: M/East Area: Shastri Nagar - Kamla Raman Nagar, Constituency No.: 132

Member: Ward Committee M/East and M/West


b 70.58 #39 A 12.84 C 9.21 B 20.08 A 5.00 D 16.44


Age: 44 yrs, Edu.: HSC, Ward: M/East Area: Baiganwadi, P.M.G. Colony, Constituency No.: 133

Member: Law, Revenue and General Purposes Committee, Ward Committee M/East and M/West


C 66.39 #73 B 11.00 D 7.53 C 18.37 A 5.00 C 18.50


Age: 48 yrs, Edu.: SSC, Ward: M/East Area: Mankhurd Village - Mandala Village, Constituency No.: 134

Member: Markets and Gardens Committee, Women and Child Welfare Committee, Ward Committee M/East and M/West

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M U M B A I R E P O R T C A R D88

MuniCipal CounCillor

parTy grade ToTal SCore


aTTendanCeno. of

QueSTionSQualiTy of QueSTionS

leaST CriMinal reCord

perCeived perforManCe

grade actual out of 15 grade actual

out of 15 grade actual out of 28 grade actual

out of 5 grade actual out of 30

M U N I C I P A L C O U N C I L L O R S 2 0 1 1 89

MuniCipal CounCillor

parTy grade ToTal SCore


aTTendanCeno. of

QueSTionSQualiTy of QueSTionS

leaST CriMinal reCord

perCeived perforManCe

grade actual out of 15 grade actual

out of 15 grade actual out of 28 grade actual

out of 5 grade actual out of 30

independenT C 62.14 #101 D 7.90 B 11.03 E 11.61 A 5.00 C 19.60


Age: 46 yrs, Edu.: SSC, Ward: M/East Area: Cheeta Camp, Constituency No.: 135

Member: Works Committee (Suburbs), Ward Committee M/East and M/West


e 48.94 #187 C 10.23 A 12.98 F 6.01 F -5.00 D 17.74


Age: 37 yrs, Edu.: Civil Engineering (M.S.), Ward: M/East Area: Anushakti Nagar - (B.A.R.C.) - Trombay, Constituency No.: 136

Member: Law, Revenue and General Purposes Committee, BEST Committee Ward Committee M/East and M/West, Standing Committee


d 51.26 #171 A 12.08 F 2.88 F 6.00 A 5.00 C 18.29


Age: 44 yrs, Edu.: B.Com., Ward: M/East Area: New Gautam Nagar, Constituency No.: 137

Member: Ward Committee M/East and M/West

rpi (a)

e 49.21 #186 E 6.53 F 3.77 F 9.00 A 5.00 C 18.92


Age: 30 yrs, Edu.: Upto SSC, Ward: M/East Area: Deonar - Abattoir, Constituency No.: 138

Member: Public Health Committee, Ward Committee M/East and M/West

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aTTendanCeno. of

QueSTionSQualiTy of QueSTionS

leaST CriMinal reCord

perCeived perforManCe

grade actual out of 15 grade actual

out of 15 grade actual out of 28 grade actual

out of 5 grade actual out of 30

M U N I C I P A L C O U N C I L L O R S 2 0 1 1 91

MuniCipal CounCillor

parTy grade ToTal SCore


aTTendanCeno. of

QueSTionSQualiTy of QueSTionS

leaST CriMinal reCord

perCeived perforManCe

grade actual out of 15 grade actual

out of 15 grade actual out of 28 grade actual

out of 5 grade actual out of 30


C 64.29 #88 C 10.47 D 7.53 D 15.07 A 5.00 C 20.21


Age: 40 yrs, Edu.: Seventh, Ward: M/East Area: Deonar Village - Mankhurd Childrens’ Home, Constituency No.: 139

Member: Markets and Gardens Committee, Ward Committee M/East and M/West


C 69.54 #45 A 13.61 C 9.21 C 17.01 A 5.00 D 17.71


Age: 62 yrs, Edu.: SSC, D.T.C., Ward: M/East Area: R.C.F. Township, Constituency No.: 140

Member: Works Committee (Suburbs), Ward Committee M/East and M/West


d 58.98 #125 C 9.88 C 9.95 E 11.52 A 5.00 D 15.64


Age: 51 yrs, Edu.: SSC, Ward: M/East Area: Adarsh Nagar - Hindustan Petroleum - Anik Village, Constituency No.: 141

Member: Women and Child Welfare Committee, Ward Committee M/East and M/West, Standing Committee, Education Committee


f 32.74 #216 F 2.52 F 0.00 F 0.00 A 5.00 C 19.22


Age: 48 yrs, Edu.: Ninth, Ward: M/West Area: Anik, Mahul Villages - R.C.F. Company, Constituency No.: 142

Member: Ward Committee M/East and M/West

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aTTendanCeno. of

QueSTionSQualiTy of QueSTionS

leaST CriMinal reCord

perCeived perforManCe

grade actual out of 15 grade actual

out of 15 grade actual out of 28 grade actual

out of 5 grade actual out of 30

M U N I C I P A L C O U N C I L L O R S 2 0 1 1 93

MuniCipal CounCillor

parTy grade ToTal SCore


aTTendanCeno. of

QueSTionSQualiTy of QueSTionS

leaST CriMinal reCord

perCeived perforManCe

grade actual out of 15 grade actual

out of 15 grade actual out of 28 grade actual

out of 5 grade actual out of 30


C 65.01 #82 B 11.68 F 4.97 D 16.41 A 5.00 B 21.96


Age: 34 yrs, Edu.: Upto SSC, Ward: M/West Area: Suman Nagar - Sindhi Society, Constituency No.: 143

Member: Ward Committee M/East and M/West, Women and Child Welfare Committee


C 66.97 #67 A 12.98 B 10.56 B 20.18 F -5.00 B 22.24


Age: 49 yrs, Edu.: Eighth, Ward: M/West Area: Siddharth Colony - Basant Park, Golf Club, Constituency No.: 144

Member: Works Committee (Suburbs), Public Health Committee, Ward Committee M/East and M/West

rpi (a)

d 58.78 #127 E 5.29 A 12.30 B 20.54 F -5.00 C 20.65


Age: 49 yrs, Edu.: Upto SSC, Ward: M/West Area: Sahakar Nagar, Constituency No.: 145

Member: Markets and Gardens Committee, Law, Revenue and General Purposes Committee, Ward Committee M/East and M/West


C 68.48 #55 C 10.14 B 11.43 E 11.11 A 5.00 B 23.81


Age: 52 yrs, Edu.: SSC, Ward: M/West Area: Subhash Nagar - Beggar’s Home, Constituency No.: 146

Member: Works Committee (Suburbs), Public Health Committee, Ward Committee M/East and M/West, Improvements Committee

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aTTendanCeno. of

QueSTionSQualiTy of QueSTionS

leaST CriMinal reCord

perCeived perforManCe

grade actual out of 15 grade actual

out of 15 grade actual out of 28 grade actual

out of 5 grade actual out of 30

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MuniCipal CounCillor

parTy grade ToTal SCore


aTTendanCeno. of

QueSTionSQualiTy of QueSTionS

leaST CriMinal reCord

perCeived perforManCe

grade actual out of 15 grade actual

out of 15 grade actual out of 28 grade actual

out of 5 grade actual out of 30


d 57.25 #137 D 8.48 F 3.77 E 11.36 A 5.00 B 22.64


Age: 44 yrs, Edu.: Fourth, Ward: M/West Area: Borla (Central) - Ghatla Village, Constituency No.: 147

Member: Works Committee (Suburbs). Women and Child Welfare Committee, Ward Committee M/East and M/West

rpi (a)

d 56.24 #143 E 7.19 D 8.40 E 10.25 A 5.00 C 19.39


Age: 61 yrs, Edu.: Eleventh, Ward: M/West Area: Jyoti Nagar - Rahul Nagar, Constituency No.: 148

Member: Ward Committee M/East and M/West, Improvements Committee


d 56.20 #145 B 10.60 A 13.98 E 12.40 F -10.00 B 22.22


Age: 50 yrs, Edu.: HSC, Diploma in Chemical Engineering, Ward: M/West Area: Tilak Nagar - Chedda Nagar, Constituency No.: 149

Member: Law, Revenue and General Purposes Committee, Ward Committee M/East and M/West, Education Committee


b 75.59 #15 C 9.91 A 13.17 B 20.62 A 5.00 C 19.88


Age: 50 yrs, Edu.: SSC, Ward: L Area: Tungwa Village - Chandivali Village (West), Constituency No.: 150

Member: Works Committee (Suburbs), Ward Committee L

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aTTendanCeno. of

QueSTionSQualiTy of QueSTionS

leaST CriMinal reCord

perCeived perforManCe

grade actual out of 15 grade actual

out of 15 grade actual out of 28 grade actual

out of 5 grade actual out of 30

M U N I C I P A L C O U N C I L L O R S 2 0 1 1 97

MuniCipal CounCillor

parTy grade ToTal SCore


aTTendanCeno. of

QueSTionSQualiTy of QueSTionS

leaST CriMinal reCord

perCeived perforManCe

grade actual out of 15 grade actual

out of 15 grade actual out of 28 grade actual

out of 5 grade actual out of 30


d 57.68 #135 C 9.69 E 6.26 E 10.08 A 5.00 C 20.66


Age: 50 yrs, Edu.: Not given, Ward: L Area: Chandivali Village (East), Constituency No.: 151

Member: Women and Child Welfare Committee, Ward Committee L


C 63.59 #93 C 9.22 D 7.53 C 17.87 A 5.00 D 17.97


Age: 42 yrs, Edu.: Upto SSC, Ward: L Area: Mohili Village, Constituency No.: 152

Member: Law, Revenue and General Purposes Committee, Ward Committee L


d 53.31 #159 D 8.19 E 7.05 C 17.20 F -5.00 C 19.86


Age: 41 yrs, Edu.: Upto SSC, Ward: L Area: Kajupada Hill - Asalpha Village, Constituency No.: 153

Member: Law, Revenue and General Purposes Committee, Ward Committee L


b 72.46 #29 B 10.73 C 9.95 B 19.99 A 5.00 C 19.80

Shailalande Age: 41 yrs, Edu.: SSC, Ward: L Area: Kamani Industries - Sakinaka, Constituency No.: 154

Member: Ward Committee L, Education Committee

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QueSTionSQualiTy of QueSTionS

leaST CriMinal reCord

perCeived perforManCe

grade actual out of 15 grade actual

out of 15 grade actual out of 28 grade actual

out of 5 grade actual out of 30

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MuniCipal CounCillor

parTy grade ToTal SCore


aTTendanCeno. of

QueSTionSQualiTy of QueSTionS

leaST CriMinal reCord

perCeived perforManCe

grade actual out of 15 grade actual

out of 15 grade actual out of 28 grade actual

out of 5 grade actual out of 30


e 49.83 #182 D 7.78 F 2.21 D 14.00 F -2.00 C 20.84

S.Annamalai Age: 56 yrs, Edu.: S.S.L.C. and Diploma in Agriculture, Ward: L, Area: Jarimari, Constituency No.: 155

Member: Ward Committee L, Standing Committee


e 48.09 #192 A 12.98 F 0.00 F 0.00 A 5.00 B 23.11


Age: 54 yrs, Edu.: B.A., Ward: L, Area: Home Guard Training Centre, Constituency No.: 156

Member: Ward Committee L


C 64.88 #83 E 6.83 A 14.19 E 11.50 A 5.00 C 20.35

RajhansSingh Age: 53 yrs, Edu.: B.A.,Ward: L, Area: Wadia Estate - Hall Village - Premier Automobiles , Constituency No.: 157

Member: Ward Committee L, Standing Committee, Tree Committee


b 70.74 #36 B 11.69 A 12.65 C 19.56 F 0.00 C 19.85


Age: 50 yrs, Edu.: S.Y.J.C.,Ward: L, Area: Kurla Village, Dayanand Vidyalaya, Constituency No.: 158

Member: BEST Committee, Ward Committee L

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aTTendanCeno. of

QueSTionSQualiTy of QueSTionS

leaST CriMinal reCord

perCeived perforManCe

grade actual out of 15 grade actual

out of 15 grade actual out of 28 grade actual

out of 5 grade actual out of 30

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MuniCipal CounCillor

parTy grade ToTal SCore


aTTendanCeno. of

QueSTionSQualiTy of QueSTionS

leaST CriMinal reCord

perCeived perforManCe

grade actual out of 15 grade actual

out of 15 grade actual out of 28 grade actual

out of 5 grade actual out of 30


C 62.64 #98 D 8.61 F 4.97 D 15.54 A 5.00 B 22.53

ShaziaAzmi Age: 28 yrs, Edu.: SSC, Ward: L, Area: Vinoba Bhave Nagar, Constituency No.: 159

Member: Public Health Committee, Ward Committee L, Standing Committee


b 70.63 #38 A 13.18 A 14.66 D 15.07 F 0.00 C 20.73


Age: 40 yrs, Edu.: HSC, Ward: L, Area: Kurla Terminals, Kamgar Nagar, Constituency No.: 160

Member: Public Health Committee, Ward Committee L


b 77.35 #11 A 12.13 C 9.21 C 18.38 A 5.00 A 25.63


Age: 50 yrs, Edu.: SSC, Ward: L, Area: Shikshak Nagar, Constituency No.: 161

Member: Ward Committee L


C 68.87 #51 B 11.63 B 11.43 E 12.48 A 5.00 B 21.33


Age: 41 yrs, Edu.: B.A.M.S., Ward: L, Area: Nehru Nagar - Bhabha Hospital - Takiya Ward, Constituency No.: 162

Member: Public Health Committee, Ward Committee L

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QueSTionSQualiTy of QueSTionS

leaST CriMinal reCord

perCeived perforManCe

grade actual out of 15 grade actual

out of 15 grade actual out of 28 grade actual

out of 5 grade actual out of 30

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MuniCipal CounCillor

parTy grade ToTal SCore


aTTendanCeno. of

QueSTionSQualiTy of QueSTionS

leaST CriMinal reCord

perCeived perforManCe

grade actual out of 15 grade actual

out of 15 grade actual out of 28 grade actual

out of 5 grade actual out of 30


e 39.37 #205 F 2.30 F 0.93 F 6.00 A 5.00 C 19.13


Age: 51 yrs, Edu.: B.Sc., Ward: L, Area: Kasai Wada - Everard Nagar, Constituency No.: 163

Member: Ward Committee L, Standing Committee


b 74.59 #17 A 14.42 A 12.30 D 14.09 A 5.00 B 22.79


Age: 46 yrs, Edu.: SSC, Ward: L, Area: Swadeshi Mill - Eye Hospital, Constituency No.: 164

Member: Markets and Gardens Committee, Women and Child Welfare Committee, Ward Committee L


C 60.72 #110 A 12.41 B 11.03 E 12.70 F -5.00 B 22.58


Age: 46 yrs, Edu.: Graduate, Ward: F/North, Area: Pratiksha Nagar, Sion, Constituency No.: 165

Member: Ward Committee F/South and F/North, Standing Committee


C 64.32 #87 C 9.32 B 10.56 E 10.58 A 5.00 B 21.86

RaviK.Raja Age: 50 yrs, Edu.: B.Com., Ward: F/North, Area: Salt Pans, Sion Transit Camp, Constituency No.: 166

Member: Law, Revenue and General Purposes Committee, Ward Committee F/South and F/North, BEST Committee

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aTTendanCeno. of

QueSTionSQualiTy of QueSTionS

leaST CriMinal reCord

perCeived perforManCe

grade actual out of 15 grade actual

out of 15 grade actual out of 28 grade actual

out of 5 grade actual out of 30

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MuniCipal CounCillor

parTy grade ToTal SCore


aTTendanCeno. of

QueSTionSQualiTy of QueSTionS

leaST CriMinal reCord

perCeived perforManCe

grade actual out of 15 grade actual

out of 15 grade actual out of 28 grade actual

out of 5 grade actual out of 30


b 73.52 #22 C 10.11 A 14.46 C 17.52 A 5.00 C 20.42


Age: 59 yrs, Edu.: Non Matric, Ward: F/North, Area: Lokmanya Tilak Hospital - Shanmukhanand Hall, Constituency No.: 167

Member: Law, Revenue and General Purposes Committee, Ward Committee F/South and F/North, Improvements Committee


d 52.45 #164 C 9.04 F 2.21 E 10.73 A 5.00 C 20.48


Age: 60 yrs, Edu.: Eighth, Ward: F/North, Area: Raoli Hill, Constituency No.: 168

Member: Works Committee (City), Women and Child Welfare Committee, Ward Committee F/South and F/North


d 56.43 #142 C 9.74 B 11.03 D 15.73 F -7.00 C 19.93

NiyazA.Vanu Age: 58 yrs, Edu.: B.Sc., Ward: F/North, Area: Antop Hill - C.G.S. Colony , Constituency No.: 170

Member: Ward Committee F/South and F/North, Standing Committee, Tree Committee


C 68.59 #53 B 11.54 D 8.40 C 17.45 A 5.00 C 20.19


Age: 46 yrs, Edu.: Seventh, Ward: F/North, Area: Sangam Nagar, Constituency No.: 171

Member: Works Committee (City), Ward Committee F/South and F/North, Improvements Committee

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aTTendanCeno. of

QueSTionSQualiTy of QueSTionS

leaST CriMinal reCord

perCeived perforManCe

grade actual out of 15 grade actual

out of 15 grade actual out of 28 grade actual

out of 5 grade actual out of 30

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MuniCipal CounCillor

parTy grade ToTal SCore


aTTendanCeno. of

QueSTionSQualiTy of QueSTionS

leaST CriMinal reCord

perCeived perforManCe

grade actual out of 15 grade actual

out of 15 grade actual out of 28 grade actual

out of 5 grade actual out of 30


C 67.34 #62 D 8.90 D 8.40 C 19.34 A 5.00 C 20.71


Age: 37 yrs, Edu.: Ninth, Ward: F/North, Area: Korba Mithagar - Wadala Salt Pans, Constituency No.: 172

Member: Works Committee (City), Women and Child Welfare Committee, Ward Committee F/South and F/North, BEST Committee


d 50.08 #178 E 6.82 F 0.93 F 9.49 A 5.00 C 20.84


Age: 56 yrs, Edu.: SSC, Ward: F/North, Area: Lepers’ Home - B.P.T. Hospital, Colony, Constituency No.: 173

Member: Works Committee (City), Ward Committee F/South and F/North


b 73.16 #25 B 11.93 A 12.65 D 15.17 A 5.00 B 22.41


Age: 53 yrs, Edu.: Eleventh, Ward: F/North, Area: Hindu Colony - Parsi Colony, Constituency No.: 174

Member: Works Committee (City), Ward Committee F/South and F/North


d 59.04 #124 A 12.30 F 3.77 E 11.51 A 5.00 B 21.46


Age: 54 yrs, Edu.: Seventh, Ward: G/North, Area: Mahim Kala Killa, Constituency No.: 175

Member: Works Committee (City), Ward Committee G/North

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aTTendanCeno. of

QueSTionSQualiTy of QueSTionS

leaST CriMinal reCord

perCeived perforManCe

grade actual out of 15 grade actual

out of 15 grade actual out of 28 grade actual

out of 5 grade actual out of 30

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MuniCipal CounCillor

parTy grade ToTal SCore


aTTendanCeno. of

QueSTionSQualiTy of QueSTionS

leaST CriMinal reCord

perCeived perforManCe

grade actual out of 15 grade actual

out of 15 grade actual out of 28 grade actual

out of 5 grade actual out of 30


C 68.74 #52 C 9.22 B 11.03 D 16.49 A 5.00 B 22.00


Age: 63 yrs, Edu.: Fifth, Ward: G/North, Area: Dharavi Transit Camp, Constituency No.: 176

Member: Works Committee (City), Ward Committee G/North, Standing Committee


d 57.22 #138 B 11.76 F 2.21 E 11.83 A 5.00 B 21.42


Age: 42 yrs, Edu.: Upto SSC, Ward: G/North, Area: Kakkaiyadevi Temple (Dharavi) - Khambadevi Nagar - Mukund Nagar, Constituency No.: 177

Member: Works Committee (City), Women and Child Welfare Committee, Ward Committee G/North


b 71.30 #34 A 12.15 E 6.26 C 17.83 A 5.00 B 23.06


Age: 42 yrs, Edu.: SSC, Ward: G/North, Area: Western India Tanneries, Constituency No.: 178

Member: Works Committee (City), Ward Committee G/North, Improvements Committee


b 78.42 #7 A 13.38 B 11.43 B 20.26 A 5.00 B 23.34


Age: 59 yrs, Edu.: Seventh, Ward: G/North, Area: Mahim Sonapur - Labour Camp, Constituency No.: 179

Member: Law, Revenue and General Purposes Committee, Ward Committee G/North

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aTTendanCeno. of

QueSTionSQualiTy of QueSTionS

leaST CriMinal reCord

perCeived perforManCe

grade actual out of 15 grade actual

out of 15 grade actual out of 28 grade actual

out of 5 grade actual out of 30

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MuniCipal CounCillor

parTy grade ToTal SCore


aTTendanCeno. of

QueSTionSQualiTy of QueSTionS

leaST CriMinal reCord

perCeived perforManCe

grade actual out of 15 grade actual

out of 15 grade actual out of 28 grade actual

out of 5 grade actual out of 30


d 55.91 #150 B 11.61 F 2.88 F 6.00 A 5.00 A 24.42


Age: 50 yrs, Edu.: S.Y.B.A., Ward: G/North, Area: Estrella Battery Company - Rajarshi Shahu Nagar, Constituency No.: 180

Member: Public Health Committee, Ward Committee G/North


f 32.40 #217 D 7.78 F 0.00 F 0.00 F -2.00 B 21.62


Age: 50 yrs, Edu.: Eighth, Ward: G/North, Area: Mahim Creek, Mahim Police Quarters, Constituency No.: 181

Member: Works Committee (City), Ward Committee G/North


a 83.21 #1 A 14.87 A 14.79 C 18.67 A 5.00 B 22.88

MeenaS.Desai Age: 45 yrs, Edu.: B.Com., Ward: G/North, Area: Shitaladevi Temple - Hinduja Hospital, Constituency No.: 182

Member: Works Committee (City), Law, Revenue and General Purposes Committee, Ward Committee G/North


f 30.96 #220 F 0.18 F 0.00 F 0.00 A 5.00 C 19.78

AjitPandit Age: 62 yrs, Edu.: Not given, Ward: G/North, Area: Ruparel College - Matunga Workshop, Constituency No.: 183

Member: Ward Committee G/North

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QueSTionSQualiTy of QueSTionS

leaST CriMinal reCord

perCeived perforManCe

grade actual out of 15 grade actual

out of 15 grade actual out of 28 grade actual

out of 5 grade actual out of 30

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MuniCipal CounCillor

parTy grade ToTal SCore


aTTendanCeno. of

QueSTionSQualiTy of QueSTionS

leaST CriMinal reCord

perCeived perforManCe

grade actual out of 15 grade actual

out of 15 grade actual out of 28 grade actual

out of 5 grade actual out of 30


C 63.33 #96 B 11.57 C 9.95 D 15.70 F 0.00 C 19.11


Age: 41 yrs, Edu.: HSC, Ward: G/North, Area: Kamgar Krida Kendra - Dadar Railway Station, Constituency No.: 184

Member: Ward Committee G/North


e 36.41 #210 D 8.69 F 2.21 F 6.00 F -5.00 C 18.51


Age: 40 yrs, Edu.: Upto SSC, Ward: G/North, Area: Ravindra Natya Mandir - Shivaji Park, Constituency No.: 185

Member: Ward Committee G/North


d 51.73 #168 B 11.05 F 0.93 F 8.04 C 3.00 B 21.70


Age: 54 yrs, Edu.: SSC, Ward: G/South, Area: Parel S.T. Depot - Western Railway Workshop, Constituency No.: 186

Member: Law, Revenue and General Purposes Committee, Improvements Committee, Ward Committee G/South


C 66.59 #70 A 14.21 A 13.79 D 16.22 F -5.00 B 21.37

Jyotil.Bhosale Age: 47 yrs, Edu.: SSC, Ward: G/South, Area: T.V. Centre - Prabhadevi, Constituency No.: 187

Member: Works Committee (City), Education Committee, Ward Committee G/South

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aTTendanCeno. of

QueSTionSQualiTy of QueSTionS

leaST CriMinal reCord

perCeived perforManCe

grade actual out of 15 grade actual

out of 15 grade actual out of 28 grade actual

out of 5 grade actual out of 30

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MuniCipal CounCillor

parTy grade ToTal SCore


aTTendanCeno. of

QueSTionSQualiTy of QueSTionS

leaST CriMinal reCord

perCeived perforManCe

grade actual out of 15 grade actual

out of 15 grade actual out of 28 grade actual

out of 5 grade actual out of 30


e 41.81 #202 E 6.45 F 3.77 C 16.81 F -10.00 C 18.78


Age: 33 yrs, Edu.: SSC, ITI, N.C.T.V.T., Ward: G/South, Area: Worli Village, Constituency No.: 188

Member: Works Committee (City), Ward Committee G/South


d 55.77 #152 C 9.35 C 9.21 D 15.49 F -7.00 B 21.72


Age: 41 yrs, Edu.: SSC, Ward: G/South, Area: Worli Dairy - Sasmira, Constituency No.: 189

Member: Public Health Committee, Law, Revenue and General Purposes Committee, Education Committee, Ward Committee G/South


b 72.36 #30 A 13.34 A 14.52 B 20.22 F -2.00 C 19.29


Age: 56 yrs, Edu.: B.A., L.L.B., D.P.M. & I.R., G.D.M.M., Ward: G/South, Area: Worli B.D.D. Chawls, Constituency No.: 190

Member: Law, Revenue and General Purposes Committee, Improvements Committee, Ward Committee G/South


d 56.86 #140 A 12.24 E 6.26 C 17.48 F -5.00 C 18.88


Age: 47 yrs, Edu.: SSC, Ward: G/South, Area: Gandhi Nagar - Dawn Mill, Constituency No.: 191

Member: Ward Committee G/South

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aTTendanCeno. of

QueSTionSQualiTy of QueSTionS

leaST CriMinal reCord

perCeived perforManCe

grade actual out of 15 grade actual

out of 15 grade actual out of 28 grade actual

out of 5 grade actual out of 30

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parTy grade ToTal SCore


aTTendanCeno. of

QueSTionSQualiTy of QueSTionS

leaST CriMinal reCord

perCeived perforManCe

grade actual out of 15 grade actual

out of 15 grade actual out of 28 grade actual

out of 5 grade actual out of 30

independenT C 63.79 #91 A 12.67 B 10.56 D 16.26 F -2.00 C 19.30


Age: 50 yrs, Edu.: B.Sc., Ward: G/South, Area: Mahalaxmi Race Course - Nehru Tarangan, Constituency No.: 192

Member: Works Committee (City), Public Health Committee, Education Committee, Ward Committee G/South


b 78.79 #5 A 13.76 A 14.33 B 20.31 A 5.00 C 19.40


Age: 58 yrs, Edu.: Sixth, Ward: G/South, Area: Shanti Nagar - Arthur Road Jail, Constituency No.: 193

Member: Works Committee (City), Law, Revenue and General Purposes Committee, BEST Committee, Ward Committee G/South


C 62.63 #99 A 12.27 A 12.30 C 18.04 F -5.00 C 18.01

SunilG.Shinde Age: 47 yrs, Edu.: SSC, Ward: G/South, Area: Parel - B.D.D. Chawls, Constituency No.: 194

Member: Works Committee (City), BEST Committee, Ward Committee G/South


e 42.78 #200 B 10.91 F 0.00 F 0.00 A 5.00 B 21.86


Age: 57 yrs, Edu.: Sixth, Ward: F/South, Area: Ranjeet Studio - Naigaon B.D.D. Chawls, Constituency No.: 195

Member: Works Committee (City), Ward Committee F/South and F/North

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parTy grade ToTal SCore


aTTendanCeno. of

QueSTionSQualiTy of QueSTionS

leaST CriMinal reCord

perCeived perforManCe

grade actual out of 15 grade actual

out of 15 grade actual out of 28 grade actual

out of 5 grade actual out of 30

M U N I C I P A L C O U N C I L L O R S 2 0 1 1 119

MuniCipal CounCillor

parTy grade ToTal SCore


aTTendanCeno. of

QueSTionSQualiTy of QueSTionS

leaST CriMinal reCord

perCeived perforManCe

grade actual out of 15 grade actual

out of 15 grade actual out of 28 grade actual

out of 5 grade actual out of 30


e 48.56 #189 A 12.91 E 6.26 F 7.04 F -5.00 C 20.36

SunilV.More Age: 49 yrs, Edu.: B.Com, L.L.B., Ward: F/South, Area: Naigaum Police Ground - B.P.T. Hospital, Constituency No.: 196

Member: Works Committee (City), Ward Committee F/South and F/North


d 52.38 #166 A 13.16 F 0.93 F 6.00 A 5.00 B 22.29


Age: 55 yrs, Edu.: Below Fifth, Ward: F/South, Area: Mahatma Gandhi Vasahat (Hospital) - Bhoiwada, Constituency No.: 197

Member: Works Committee (City), Ward Committee F/South and F/North


e 42.49 #201 E 7.17 E 6.26 F 9.44 F -5.00 C 18.63


Age: 48 yrs, Edu.: SSC, Ward: F/South, Area: India United Mills - Nare Park, Constituency No.: 198

Member: Works Committee (City), Ward Committee F/South and F/North


e 49.74 #183 A 12.86 C 9.21 F 9.18 F -10.00 B 22.49

AnilK.Pawar Age: 50 yrs, Edu.: SSC, Ward: F/South, Area: K.E.M. Hospital - Raj Kamal Studio - Mahatma Gandhi Hospital, Constituency No.: 199

Member: Law, Revenue and General Purposes Committee, Ward Committee F/South and F/North

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MuniCipal CounCillor

parTy grade ToTal SCore


aTTendanCeno. of

QueSTionSQualiTy of QueSTionS

leaST CriMinal reCord

perCeived perforManCe

grade actual out of 15 grade actual

out of 15 grade actual out of 28 grade actual

out of 5 grade actual out of 30

M U N I C I P A L C O U N C I L L O R S 2 0 1 1 121

MuniCipal CounCillor

parTy grade ToTal SCore


aTTendanCeno. of

QueSTionSQualiTy of QueSTionS

leaST CriMinal reCord

perCeived perforManCe

grade actual out of 15 grade actual

out of 15 grade actual out of 28 grade actual

out of 5 grade actual out of 30


d 59.16 #123 A 14.20 D 7.53 E 10.31 C 3.00 C 18.12

DilipG.Shinde Age: 45 yrs, Edu.: SSC, Ward: F/South, Area: Veternary Hospital - Abhyuday Nagar, Constituency No.: 200

Member: Markets and Gardens Committee, Ward Committee F/South and F/North, Tree Committee


e 49.27 #184 C 9.46 F 0.93 F 6.00 A 5.00 B 21.88


Age: 55 yrs, Edu.: Ninth, Ward: F/South, Area: Cotton Green - Sewri Fort, Constituency No.: 201

Member: Works Committee (City), Public Health Committee, Ward Committee F/South and F/North


C 67.95 #59 A 14.08 B 10.56 E 13.84 A 5.00 D 17.46


Age: 47 yrs, Edu.: B.A., L.L.B., Ward: E, Area: Veer Jijamata Udyan - Ghodapdeo - Mazgaon Dock (North), Constituency No.: 202

Member: Works Committee (City), Law, Revenue and General Purposes Committee, Ward Committee A, B and E, Standing Committee


C 68.41 #56 A 14.33 A 14.73 C 18.49 F -7.00 C 20.86


Age: 53 yrs, Edu.: SSC, Ward: E, Area: Kasturba Hospital - India United Mills, Constituency No.: 203

Member: Works Committee (City), Law, Revenue and General Purposes Committee, Ward Committee A, B and E

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MuniCipal CounCillor

parTy grade ToTal SCore


aTTendanCeno. of

QueSTionSQualiTy of QueSTionS

leaST CriMinal reCord

perCeived perforManCe

grade actual out of 15 grade actual

out of 15 grade actual out of 28 grade actual

out of 5 grade actual out of 30

M U N I C I P A L C O U N C I L L O R S 2 0 1 1 123

MuniCipal CounCillor

parTy grade ToTal SCore


aTTendanCeno. of

QueSTionSQualiTy of QueSTionS

leaST CriMinal reCord

perCeived perforManCe

grade actual out of 15 grade actual

out of 15 grade actual out of 28 grade actual

out of 5 grade actual out of 30


d 51.39 #170 A 12.58 F 0.93 F 8.91 A 5.00 D 17.97

VandanaGawli Age: 39 yrs, Edu.: Upto SSC, Ward: E, Area: Byculla Railway Station - Municipal Colony, Constituency No.: 204

Member: Ward Committee A, B and E, Standing Committee


e 46.53 #194 E 5.82 F 0.93 F 6.00 A 5.00 B 21.79

GeetaGawli Age: 27 yrs, Edu.: SSC, Ward: E, Area: Nair Hospital - Byculla Fire Brigade, Constituency No.: 205

Member: Ward Committee A, B and E, Improvements Committee


d 51.05 #173 C 9.52 F 2.21 F 6.00 A 5.00 B 22.33


Age: 45 yrs, Edu.: SSC, Ward: E, Area: Mazgaon Court - Madanpura, Constituency No.: 206

Member: Ward Committee A, B and E, Works Committee (City)


C 61.96 #103 D 8.42 A 13.65 C 17.96 F -7.00 B 21.93


Age: 48 yrs, Edu.: HSC, Ward: E, Area: Anjirwadi, Dockyard - Mazgaon Dock (South), Constituency No.: 207

Member: Markets and Gardens Committee, Ward Committee A, B and E, Standing Committee

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M U M B A I R E P O R T C A R D124

MuniCipal CounCillor

parTy grade ToTal SCore


aTTendanCeno. of

QueSTionSQualiTy of QueSTionS

leaST CriMinal reCord

perCeived perforManCe

grade actual out of 15 grade actual

out of 15 grade actual out of 28 grade actual

out of 5 grade actual out of 30

M U N I C I P A L C O U N C I L L O R S 2 0 1 1 125

MuniCipal CounCillor

parTy grade ToTal SCore


aTTendanCeno. of

QueSTionSQualiTy of QueSTionS

leaST CriMinal reCord

perCeived perforManCe

grade actual out of 15 grade actual

out of 15 grade actual out of 28 grade actual

out of 5 grade actual out of 30


C 63.66 #92 C 10.16 C 9.21 E 11.91 A 5.00 B 21.38

RabiaShaikh Age: 47 yrs, Edu.: Non Matric, Ward: E, Area: Mastan Talao - J.J. Hospital - Vikrikar Bhavan, Constituency No.: 208

Member: Markets and Gardens Committee, Women and Child Welfare Committee, Ward Committee A, B and E


f 32.27 #219 F 1.66 F 0.00 F 0.00 A 5.00 C 18.60

AminA.Patel Age: 48 yrs, Edu.: SSC, Ward: E, Area: Kamathipura, Constituency No.: 209

Member: Ward Committee A, B and E


b 78.05 #8 A 12.77 A 13.79 C 18.53 A 5.00 C 20.97

AnahitaR.Mehta Age: 41 yrs, Edu.: B.Sc. (Hon.), Ward: D, Area: Bellasis Chawls - Navjeevan Society, Constituency No.: 210

Member: Public Health Committee,Ward Committee C and D, Education Committee


C 66.78 #68 A 12.31 E 6.26 C 18.08 A 5.00 C 19.14

BhavanaD.Koli Age: 41 yrs, Edu.: SSC, Ward: D, Area: Wellington Sports Club - Bhatia Hospital, Constituency No.: 211

Member: Works Committee (City), Ward Committee C and D, BEST Committee

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M U M B A I R E P O R T C A R D126

MuniCipal CounCillor

parTy grade ToTal SCore


aTTendanCeno. of

QueSTionSQualiTy of QueSTionS

leaST CriMinal reCord

perCeived perforManCe

grade actual out of 15 grade actual

out of 15 grade actual out of 28 grade actual

out of 5 grade actual out of 30

M U N I C I P A L C O U N C I L L O R S 2 0 1 1 127

MuniCipal CounCillor

parTy grade ToTal SCore


aTTendanCeno. of

QueSTionSQualiTy of QueSTionS

leaST CriMinal reCord

perCeived perforManCe

grade actual out of 15 grade actual

out of 15 grade actual out of 28 grade actual

out of 5 grade actual out of 30


b 71.43 #33 A 12.28 D 7.53 B 20.77 A 5.00 C 18.85

ArvindJ.Bane Age: 52 yrs, Edu.: SSC, Ward: D, Area: Mahalaxmi - Air Condition Market - Umar Park, Constituency No.: 212

Member: Works Committee (City), Law, Revenue and General Purposes Committee, Ward Committee C and D


b 71.26 #35 B 10.96 A 12.11 C 17.62 A 5.00 C 19.57


Age: 35 yrs, Edu.: B.A., Ward: D, Area: Priyadarshani Park - August Kranti Maidan, Constituency No.: 213

Member: Works Committee (City), Ward Committee C and D


d 57.39 #136 B 11.83 F 2.88 E 12.32 A 5.00 C 18.36


Age: 40 yrs, Edu.: B.Com., Ward: D, Area: Kamala Nehru Park - Rajbhavan, Constituency No.: 214

Member: Ward Committee C and D; Standing Committee


e 44.40 #198 B 11.07 F 2.21 F 6.00 F 0.00 C 19.12


Age: 44 yrs, Edu.: SSC, Home Science, Ward: D, Area: Prarthana Samaj - Opera House, Constituency No.: 215

Member: Public Health Committee, Women and Child Welfare Committee, Ward Committee C and D

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M U M B A I R E P O R T C A R D128

MuniCipal CounCillor

parTy grade ToTal SCore


aTTendanCeno. of

QueSTionSQualiTy of QueSTionS

leaST CriMinal reCord

perCeived perforManCe

grade actual out of 15 grade actual

out of 15 grade actual out of 28 grade actual

out of 5 grade actual out of 30

M U N I C I P A L C O U N C I L L O R S 2 0 1 1 129

MuniCipal CounCillor

parTy grade ToTal SCore


aTTendanCeno. of

QueSTionSQualiTy of QueSTionS

leaST CriMinal reCord

perCeived perforManCe

grade actual out of 15 grade actual

out of 15 grade actual out of 28 grade actual

out of 5 grade actual out of 30


C 67.89 #60 A 12.91 D 7.53 C 17.39 A 5.00 C 19.06

KokilaA.Parmar Age: 62 yrs, Edu.: SSC, D.Ed., Ward: D, Area: Harkisandas N. Hospital - Khetwadi, Constituency No.: 216

Member: Works Committee (City), Public Health Committee, Women and Child Welfare Committee, Ward Committee C and D, Education Committee


f 26.23 #224 F 0.67 F 0.00 F 0.00 F 0.00 C 20.56

VijayA.Vashride Age: 60 yrs, Edu.: Upto SSC, Ward: C, Area: Durgadevi Udyan - Madhav Baug - Bhuleshwar, Constituency No.: 217

Member: Works Committee (City), Ward Committee C and D


b 78.99 #4 A 13.79 A 14.12 B 20.48 A 5.00 C 19.61


Age: 48 yrs, Edu.: SSC, Ward: C, Area: Chandanwadi, Chirabazar, Gymkhana Vibhag, Constituency No.: 218

Member: Markets and Gardens Committee, Ward Committee C and D


b 76.85 #12 A 14.60 A 13.52 C 17.88 A 5.00 C 18.86

JanakJ.Sanghvi Age: 44 yrs, Edu.: B.Com., Ward: C, Area: Mumbadevi - Mulji Jetha Market - Dhobi Talao, Constituency No.: 219

Member: Works Committee (City), Ward Committee C and D, Improvements Committee

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M U M B A I R E P O R T C A R D130

MuniCipal CounCillor

parTy grade ToTal SCore


aTTendanCeno. of

QueSTionSQualiTy of QueSTionS

leaST CriMinal reCord

perCeived perforManCe

grade actual out of 15 grade actual

out of 15 grade actual out of 28 grade actual

out of 5 grade actual out of 30

M U N I C I P A L C O U N C I L L O R S 2 0 1 1 131

MuniCipal CounCillor

parTy grade ToTal SCore


aTTendanCeno. of

QueSTionSQualiTy of QueSTionS

leaST CriMinal reCord

perCeived perforManCe

grade actual out of 15 grade actual

out of 15 grade actual out of 28 grade actual

out of 5 grade actual out of 30


f 29.51 #222 F 1.24 F 0.00 F 0.00 A 5.00 D 17.28


Age: 45 yrs, Edu.: Seventh, Ward: C, Area: Khara Talao, Ghoghari Mohalla, Constituency No.: 220

Member: Works Committee (City), Ward Committee C and D


f 30.63 #221 F 0.61 F 0.00 F 0.00 A 5.00 C 18.03


Age: 48 yrs, Edu.: SSC, Ward: B, Area: Imamwada - Dongri, Constituency No.: 221

Member: Law, Revenue and General Purposes Committee, Ward Committee A, B and E


f 32.38 #218 E 5.70 F 0.93 F 6.00 F -5.00 D 17.75


Age: 54 yrs, Edu.: SSC, Ward: B, Area: Bengalipura - Princess Dock, Constituency No.: 222

Member: Works Committee (City), Ward Committee A, B and E, Tree Committee


b 70.15 #40 D 8.62 B 11.43 D 16.53 A 5.00 B 21.57


Age: 60 yrs, Edu.: SSC, H.T.C., Ward: B, Area: Musafir Khana - Victoria Docks, Constituency No.: 223

Member: Women and Child Welfare Committee, Ward Committee A, B and E, Standing Committee

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MuniCipal CounCillor

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aTTendanCeno. of

QueSTionSQualiTy of QueSTionS

leaST CriMinal reCord

perCeived perforManCe

grade actual out of 15 grade actual

out of 15 grade actual out of 28 grade actual

out of 5 grade actual out of 30

M U N I C I P A L C O U N C I L L O R S 2 0 1 1 133

MuniCipal CounCillor

parTy grade ToTal SCore


aTTendanCeno. of

QueSTionSQualiTy of QueSTionS

leaST CriMinal reCord

perCeived perforManCe

grade actual out of 15 grade actual

out of 15 grade actual out of 28 grade actual

out of 5 grade actual out of 30


e 44.68 #197 C 9.28 F 0.93 F 6.00 A 5.00 D 16.47

VijayaK.Dhulla Age: 60 yrs, Edu.: B.Sc., Ward: A, Area: Mahatma Phule Market - Churchgate - Museum Indira Dock, Constituency No.: 224

Member: Works Committee (City), Ward Committee A, B and E, Tree Committee


b 74.65 #16 C 10.36 A 15.00 C 17.85 A 5.00 C 19.44

VinodShekhar Age: 52 yrs, Edu.: B.A. (Hons), Ward: A, Area: Brabourne Stadium, Colaba Market - Gateway of India, Constituency No.: 225

Member: Law, Revenue and General Purposes Committee, Ward Committee A, B and E, Improvements Committee


e 49.84 #181 B 11.34 F 0.93 F 6.00 A 5.00 C 20.56


Age: 57 yrs, Edu.: Fourth, Ward: A, Area: Sasoon Dock, World Trade Centre, Geeta Nagar, Constituency No.: 226

Member: Ward Committee A, B and E


d 51.72 #169 A 14.19 F 0.93 F 6.00 A 5.00 C 19.60

PremaV.Singh Age: 53 yrs, Edu.: SSC, Ward: A, Area: R.C. Church - Colaba Dandi - Navy Nagar, Constituency No.: 227

Member: Works Committee (City), Ward Committee A, B and E

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1. cçÓu³çcççHçvç cççípçHçfçÇ

Òçpççvçí çÆJççÆJçOç #çí$ççlççÇuç lç%ç J³çkçwlççRMççÇ çÆJç®ççjçÆJççÆvçcç³ç kçÀªvç cçÓu³çcççHçvç Hç×lççÇ çÆJçkçÀçÆmçlç kçíÀuççÇ Dççní. jçpçkçÀçjCç, mçcççpççÆJç%ççvç, cççkçxÀì jçÇmç®ç&, cççO³çcçí DçMçç çÆJççÆJçOç #çí$ççlççÇuç lç%ç J³çkçwlççRvççÇ ³çç kçÀçcççÇ DççHçuçí ³ççíiçoçvç çÆouçí Dççní. DçHçíçÆ#çlç GÎíMç mççO³ç nçíC³ç箳çç ¢äçÇvçí mçbMççíOçvçç®ççÇ DççKçCççÇ kçÀjlççvçç Hçá{çÇuç ÒçMvççb®çç ÒççOççv³ççvçí çÆJç®ççj kçíÀuçç içíuçç:

Dç. kçÀçíCçl³çç çÆvçkçÀ<ççbJçj vçiçjmçíJçkçÀçb®³çç kçÀçcççÆiçjçÇ®çí cçÓu³çcççHçvç kçíÀuçí HçççÆnpçí?

yç. Òçl³çíkçÀ vçiçjmçíJçkçÀ箳çç cçlçoçjmçbIçç®çç Dçboçpç ³çíCçí cçnÊJçç®çí; l³çç¢äçÇvçí mçbMççíOçvçç®ççÇ DççKçCççÇ kçÀMççÇ kçÀjçJççÇ DçççÆCç vçícçkçw³çç kçÀçíCçl³çç J³çkçwlççR®³çç cçáuççKçlççÇ I³ççJ³ççlç?

³ççlççÇuç HççÆnu³çç ÒçMvççmççþçÇ Dçmçç çÆJç®ççj kçíÀuçç kçÀçÇ; 26 vççíJnWyçj 1949 cçO³çí Yççjlççvçí DççHçuççÇ jçp³çIçìvçç HçççÆjlç kçíÀuççÇ, mJççÇkçÀçjuççÇ. ³çç mçbçÆJçOççvççlç uççíkçÀMççnçÇ jçp³çkçÀçjYççjç®ççÇ çÆvç³çcççJçuççÇ mçcçççÆJçä Dççní. kçWÀê, jçp³ç DçççÆCç mLçççÆvçkçÀ mJçjçp³ç mçbmLçç ³çç lççÇvnçÇ mlçjçJçjçÇuç kçÀçjYççj mç#çcç Jç uççíkçÀççÆYçcçáKç JnçJçç ³çç¢äçÇvçí Içìvçílç DççJçM³çkçÀ lçí yçouç JçíUçíJçíUçÇ kçíÀuçí içíuçí Dççnílç, vçJçí kçÀç³çoí mçbcçlç kçÀjC³ççlç Dççuçí Dççnílç. IçìvççlcçkçÀ lçjlçáoçÇ DçççÆCç çÆJççÆJçOç kçÀç³çoí ³ççÜçjí uççíkçÀÒççÆlççÆvçOççRvçç l³ççb®³çç kçÀçcçç®çí DççÆOçkçÀçj yçnçuç kçÀjC³ççlç Dççuçí Dççnílç; lçmçí®ç DççÆOçkçÀçjçb®çç içÌjJççHçj nçíT vç³çí ³ççmççþçÇ çÆvçyç¥Oç Iççlçuçíuçí Dççnílç. mçJç&®ç yççyçlççÇlç uççíkçÀÒççÆlççÆvçOççRvçí kçÀmçí Dçmçuçí HçççÆnpçí ³çç®ççÇ çÆJççÆMç<ì ®ççÌkçÀì mçbçÆJçOççvççvçí DççKçÓvç çÆouççÇ Dççní. l³ççcçáUí vçiçjmçíJçkçÀçb®³çç kçÀçcççÆiçjçÇ®çí cçÓu³çcççHçvç çÆvçkçÀ<ç ní HçÓCç&lç: l³ççb®ççÇ IçìvççlcçkçÀ YçÓçÆcçkçÀç, pçyççyçoçN³çç Jç l³ççmçboYçç&lç IçìvçívççÇ DççKçÓvç çÆouçíuççÇ kçÀç³ç&®ççÌkçÀì ³çç mçboYçç&vçí lç³ççj kçíÀuçí Dççnílç, çÆJçMçí<çlç: 73 Jç 74 J³çç Içìvççoá©mlççÇvçí mçcçççÆJçä Pççuçíuçí 12Jçí Mçí[îçÓuç DçççÆCç cçábyçF& cçnçvçiçjHçççÆuçkçÀç kçÀç³çoç, 1888 ³ççb®çç çÆJç®ççj Pççuçç.

Hçjblçá, IçìvçívçínçÇ pçvçcçlççuçç mçJççx®®ç mLççvç çÆouçí Dççní. l³ççcçáUí uççíkçÀÒççÆlççÆvçOççRçÆJç<ç³ççÇ vççiççÆjkçÀçb®çí kçÀç³ç cçlç Dççní nç çÆvçkçÀ<ç Dçl³çblç cçnÊJçç®çç Jç DççJçM³çkçÀ Dççní. l³ççcçáUí oámçN³çç ÒçMvçç®çí GÊçj çÆcçUJçC³ççmççþçÇ uççíkçÀçb®çí DççHçu³çç cçlçoçjmçbIççlççÇuç uççíkçÀÒççÆlççÆvçOççÇ®³çç (vçiçjmçíJçkçÀ箳çç) kçÀçcçççÆJç<ç³ççÇ®çí cçlç pççCçÓvç IçíCçí DççJçM³çkçÀ Dççní.

³ççHçá{çÇuç Yççiççlç ³çç DçY³ççmçç®ççÇ j®çvçç kçÀMççÇ kçíÀuççÇ DçççÆCç Dçv³ç cçnÊJçHçÓCç& lçHçMççÇuç çÆouçí Dççnílç. HçCç lçí pççCçÓvç IçíC³ççDççOççÇ ³çç DçY³ççmçç®çí þUkçÀ cçççÆnlççÇ ñççílç kçÀçíCçlçí nçílçí DçççÆCç l³ççb®çç cçÓu³çcççHçvççlç kçÀmçç JççHçj kçíÀuçç içíuçç ní mçcçpçÓvç IçíCçí DççJçM³çkçÀ Dççní.

MçnjçlççÇuç Òçl³çíkçÀ vçiçjmçíJçkçÀç®ççÇ kçÀçcççÆiçjçÇ lçHççmçC³ççmççþçÇ Hçá{çÇuç cçççÆnlççÇ DçmçCçí DççJçM³çkçÀ Dççní:

kçÀç³ç&Hç×lççÇ1. kçÀçnçÇ çÆvçkçÀ<ç cççípçlçç ³çíC³ççmççjKçí Dççnílç, GoçnjCççLç&, vçiçjmçíJçkçÀçb®ççÇ cçnçvçiçjHçççÆuçkçíÀlççÇuç Jç mççÆcçlççÇ

yçÌþkçÀçb®ççÇ GHççÆmLçlççÇ, ³çç oçívnçÇ çÆþkçÀçCççÇ l³ççbvççÇ çÆJç®ççjuçíu³çç ÒçMvççb®ççÇ mçbK³çç, ³çç ÒçMvççb®çí cçnÊJç DçççÆCç uççíkçÀÒççÆlççÆvçOççÇvçí kçíÀuçíuçç çÆvçOççÇ®çç çÆJççÆvç³ççíiç.

2. uççíkçÀÒççÆlççÆvçOççÇ®ççÇ Jç̳ççqkçwlçkçÀ Hççéç&YçÓcççÇ; ³ççcçO³çí MçÌ#ççÆCçkçÀ Hçç$çlçç, Dçç³çkçÀj çÆJçJçjCç Hç$çí, içávníiççjçÇ Hççéç&YçÓcççÇ Dçmçu³ççmç l³çççÆJç<ç³ççÇ®ççÇ DçÐç³ççJçlç cçççÆnlççÇ.

3. uççíkçÀÒççÆlççÆvçOççR®³çç cçlçoçjmçbIççlççÇuç vççiççÆjkçÀçb®ççÇ cçlçí, l³ççb®³çççÆJç<ç³ççÇ®ççÇ cçççÆnlççÇ, kçÀçcçççÆJç<ç³ççÇ®çí mçcççOççvç DçççÆCç vçiçjmçíJçkçÀçcçáUí vççiççÆjkçÀçb®çí pççÇJçvçcççvç Gb®ççJçuçí Dççní kçÀç ³çç çÆJç<ç³çç®ççÇ cçlçí.

kçÀçíCçkçÀçíCçl³çç iççíäçR®ççÇ cçççÆnlççÇ I³çç³ç®ççÇ ní çÆvççƽçlç Pççu³ççJçj lççÇ kçÀMçç ÒçkçÀçjí çÆcçUJçç³ç®ççÇ ³çç®çç cnCçpçí®ç kçÀç³ç&Hç×lççÇ®çç çÆJç®ççj kçÀjC³ççlç Dççuçç. JçjçÇuç cçáÎîççbHçÌkçÀçÇ 1 Jç 2 ¬çÀcççbkçÀ箳çç cçççÆnlççÇmççþçÇ cçççÆnlççÇ DççÆOçkçÀçj kçÀç³çoç JççHçjC³ççlç Dççuçç Jç GHçuçyOç cçççÆnlççÇ®çç DçY³ççmç kçíÀuçç içíuçç. vçiçjmçíJçkçÀçb®çí içáCççbkçÀvç kçÀjlççvçç kçÀcççuç içáCç 100 Dççnílç. cççípçlçç ³çíC³ççpççíi³çç çÆvçkçÀ<ççbJçj 70… Yçj çÆouçç Dççní. 3 ¬çÀcççbkçÀçlççÇuç cçççÆnlççÇmççþçÇ Òçl³çíkçÀ cçlçoçjmçbIççlççÇuç vççiççÆjkçÀçb®çç mçJnx Içílçuçç DçççÆCç l³ççb®ççÇ l³ççb®³çç uççíkçÀÒççÆlççÆvçOççÇçÆJç<ç³ççÇ®ççÇ cçlçí pççCçÓvç IçílçuççÇ. vçiçjmçíJçkçÀ箳çç kçÀçcççÆiçjçÇçÆJç<ç³ççÇ uççíkçÀçb®ççÇ cçlçí, ¢äçÇkçÀçívç ³ççJçj 30… Yçj çÆouçç içíuçç.

¬çÀcççbkçÀ 1 Jç 2 mççþçÇ Hçá{çÇuç mçjkçÀçjçÇ ñççílççlçÓvç cçççÆnlççÇ çÆcçUJçuççÇ:

Dç. çÆvçJç[CçÓkçÀ Dçç³ççíiç kçÀç³çç&uç³ç, ye=.cegb.ce.Hee.

yç. cçççÆnlççÇ DççÆOçkçÀçjçKççuççÇ, cçnçHçççÆuçkçÀç mççÆ®çJç, ye=.cegb.ce.Hee. (ye=.cegb.ce.Hee. cçáK³ç kçÀç³çç&uç³ç DçççÆCç yçímì).

kçÀ. cçççÆnlççÇ DççÆOçkçÀçjçKççuççÇ, mççnç³³çkçÀ DççÆYç³çblçç (HççÆjj#çCç), ye=.cegb.ce.Hee. (ye=.cegb.ce.Hee. ®³çç mçJç&24 Jçç@[&cçOçÓvç).

[. cçççÆnlççÇ DççÆOçkçÀçjçKççuççÇ, cçábyçF& HççíçÆuçmç kçÀç³çç&uçkçÀ[Óvç cçççÆnlççÇ.

¬çÀcççbkçÀ 3 ®³çç cçççÆnlççÇmççþçÇ cçábyçF& Mçnj箳çç çÆJççÆJçOç YççiççlççÇuç 28,707 uççíkçÀçb®ççÇ mçJnxÜçjí cçlç®çç®çCççÇ kçíÀuççÇ. nbmçç cççkçxÀì çÆjmç®ç&vçí ÒçMvççJçuççÇÜçjç nç mçJnx Içílçuçç.

cçÓu³çcççHçvçç®ççÇ Hç×lççÇ JçmlçáçÆvçÿ Dççní ní uç#ççlç IçíCçí içjpçí®çí Dççní. uççíkçÀÒççÆlççÆvçOççR®çç jçpçkçÀçdzç Hç#ç çÆkçbÀJçç l³ççb®ççÇ Jç̳ççqkçwlçkçÀ / jçpçkçÀçdzç çÆJç®ççjmçjCççÇ ³ççbvçç cçnÊJç çÆouçí içíuçíuçí vççnçÇ.

jçpçkçÀçjCçç®çí PçHççìîççvçí içávníiççjçÇkçÀjCç nçílç Dççní. lçí JçíUçÇ®ç jçíKçuçí vççnçÇ lçj DççHçu³çç oíMççlççÇuç uççíkçÀMççnçÇ J³çJçmLçí®çç Hçç³çç®ç çÆKçUçÆKçUç nçíC³çç®ççÇ Mçkçw³çlçç Dççní. l³ççcçáUí uççíkçÀÒççÆlççÆvçOççR®ççÇ içávníiççjçÇ çÆJç<ç³çkçÀ Hççéç&YçÓcççÇ pççCçÓvç IçíC³çç®çç DççJçpçÓ&vç Òç³çlvç kçíÀuçç Dççní DçççÆCç l³ççcçO³çí Hçá{çÇuç iççíäçR®çç mçcççJçíMç Dççní - çÆvçJç[CçÓkçÀ MçHçLçHç$ççlç çÆouçíu³çç l³ççb®³ççJçjçÇuç SHçÀDçç³çDççj Pççuçíu³çç kçíÀmçímç; çÆvçJç[Óvç Dççu³ççvçblçj l³ççb®³ççJçj oçKçuç Pççuçíu³çç içávníiççjçÇ kçíÀmçímç DçççÆCç cçnÊJçç®çí ÒçuçbçÆyçlç lçHççmççOççÇvç içávní.

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lçkçwlçç 1: vçiçjmçíJçkçÀçb®³çç kçÀçcççÆiçjçÇ®ççÇ cççípçHçfçÇ

¬çÀ. çÆvçkçÀ<ç kçÀcççuç …


1. Jçlç&cççvç

Dç cçnçvçiçjHçççÆuçkçÀç DçççÆCç mççÆcçlççÇ yçÌþkçÀçbvçç GHççÆmLçlççÇ

15 DççÆOçkçÀ lçHçMççÇuççbmççþçÇ Hççvç ¬çÀ. 138 JçjçÇuç 3Dç Hçnç.

yç çÆJç®ççjuçíu³çç ÒçMvççb®ççÇ mçbK³çç 15 15 nçÇ kçÀcççuç Jç 1 nçÇ çÆkçÀcççvç ìkçwkçíÀJççjçÇ.

kçÀ ÒçMvççblçÓvç GþJçuçíuççÇ mçcçm³çç, çÆJç<ç³ç ³ççDçvçáMçbiççvçí l³çç®çí cçnÊJç

18 DççÆOçkçÀ lçHçMççÇuççbmççþçÇ Hççvç ¬çÀ. 140 JçjçÇuç 3kçÀ Hçnç.

[ vççiççÆjkçÀçb®³çç lç¬çÀçjçR®³çç lçáuçvçílç cççb[uçíu³çç mçcçm³ççb®çí ÒçcççCç

10 DççÆOçkçÀ lçHçMççÇuççbmççþçÇ Hççvç ¬çÀ. 141 JçjçÇuç 3[ Hçnç.

F SçÆÒçuç 2010 lçí cçç®ç& 2011 ojc³ççvç JççHçjuçíuçç SkçÓÀCç vçiçjmçíJçkçÀ çÆvçOççÇ

5 DççÆOçkçÀ lçHçMççÇuççbmççþçÇ Hççvç ¬çÀ. 141 JçjçÇuç 3F Hçnç.

SkçÓÀCç 63

2 YçÓlçkçÀçU

Dç MçÌ#ççÆCçkçÀ Hçç$çlçç 1 çÆkçÀcççvç onçJççÇ Hççmç - 1; Dçv³çLçç - 0

yç Dçç³çkçÀj 1 Hç@vçkçÀç[& Dççní - 1; Dçv³çLçç - 0

kçÀ içávníiççjçÇ Hççéç&YçÓcççÇ 5 pçj GcçíoJççjçJçj MçÓv³ç kçíÀmçímç DçmçlççÇuç lçj 5 Dçv³çLçç Hçá{çÇuçÒçcççCçí:

1. KçÓvç, yçuççlkçÀçj, sí[sç[, obiçuç, Kçb[CççÇ ³ççKçíjçÇpç içávníiççjçÇ kçíÀmçímç - 3

2. Dçv³çLçç - 0

SkçÓÀCç 7

3 cçlçí/¢çÆäkçÀçívç cçábyçF& Mçnj箳çç çÆJççÆJçOç cçlçoçjmçbIççlççÇuç 28,707 uççíkçÀçb®³çç pçvçcçlç ®çç®çCççÇJçj DççOçççÆjlç cçççÆnlççÇ

Dç uççíkçÀçb®³çç vçpçjílçÓvç kçÀçcççÆiçjçÇ 11 mççJç&pççÆvçkçÀ mçíJççbçÆJç<ç³ççÇ®çí içáCç

yç cçççÆnlççÇ Jç Hççínçí®ç 5 DççHçu³çç uççíkçÀÒççÆlççÆvçOççÇ Jç l³ç箳çç/çÆl箳çç jçpçkçÀçdzç Hç#çççÆJç<ç³ççÇ uççíkçÀçbcçOççÇuç pççiçªkçÀlçç Jç l³ççb®ççÇ Hççínçí®ç ³çççÆJç<ç³ççÇ®çí içáCç

kçÀ Yç´äç®ççjçÆJç<ç³çkçÀ 7 uççíkçÀÒççÆlççÆvçOççÇ®³çç Yç´äç®ççjççÆJç<ç³ççÇ®çí cçlç/mçcçpç ³ççJçj DççOçççÆjlç içáCç

[ mçJç&mççOççjCç GHçç³ç³ççípçvçç 7 SkçbÀoj pççÇJçvçcççvç Gb®ççJçC³ççlç ³ççíiçoçvç Jç mçcççOççvçkçÀçjkçÀ kçÀçcççÆiçjçÇ ³ççDçvçáMçbiççvçí içáCç

SkçÓÀCç 30

4 Jç<ç&Yçjçlç oçKçuç Pççuçíu³çç vçJ³çç içávníiççjçÇ kçíÀmçímçmççþçÇ vçkçÀçjçlcçkçÀ içáCççbkçÀvç

-5 Jç<ç&Yçjçlç oçKçuç Pççuçíu³çç Òçl³çíkçÀ SHçÀDçç³çDççjmççþçÇ

lçkçwlçç 1: vçiçjmçíJçkçÀçb®³çç kçÀçcççÆiçjçÇ®ççÇ cççípçHçfçÇ

¬çÀ. çÆvçkçÀ<ç kçÀcççuç …


5 içávníiççjçÇ DççjçíHç$ççbmççþçÇ vçkçÀçjçlcçkçÀ içáCççbkçÀvç

-5 oçKçuç Pççuçíu³çç Òçl³çíkçÀ içávníiççjçÇ DççjçíHçHç$ççmççþçÇ

6 cççuçcçÊçç çÆJçJçjCç DçççÆCç içávníiççjçÇ çÆJç<ç³çkçÀ ojJç<çça mJçlç:nÓvç cçççÆnlççÇ pççnçÇj vç kçíÀu³ççmç vçkçÀçjçlcçkçÀ içáCççbkçÀvç (*)

-5 DççHçuççÇ JçíyçmççF&ì, Jçlç&cççvçHç$çí, Òçpçç JçíyçmççF&ì ³ççJçªvç Jçç Dçv³ç cççO³çcççlçÓvç nçÇ cçççÆnlççÇ pççnçÇj kçÀjlçç ³çíF&uç. lçmçí®ç ³çç cççO³çcççlçÓvç ®çákçÀçÇ®ççÇ cçççÆnlççÇ IççíçÆ<çlç kçíÀu³çç içáCç kçÀçHçuçí pççlççÇuç.

SkçÓÀCç 100

(*) mJçlç:nÓvç pççnçÇj kçíÀuçíu³çç cçççÆnlççÇmçbyçbOççÇ vçkçÀçjçlcçkçÀ içáCççbkçÀvçç®çç DçJçuçbyç ³çç Jç<çça kçÀjC³ççlç Dççuçíuçç vççnçÇ. lçLçççÆHç ní ÒçiçlççÇ HçámlçkçÀ uççíkçÀÒççÆlççÆvçOççR®³çç HççjoMç&kçÀlçí®çç HçájmkçÀçj kçÀjCççjí Dçmçu³ççvçí l³ççbvççÇ ojJç<çça DççHçuçí cççuçcçÊçí®çí lçHçMççÇuç mJçlç:nÓvç pççnçÇj kçÀjCçí DçHçíçÆ#çlç Dççní. lçmçí®ç uççíkçÀÒççÆlççÆvçOççR®ççÇ ÒççÆlçcçç mJç®s DçmçuççÇ HçççÆnpçí Jç l³ççkçÀçÆjlçç l³ççbvççÇ içávníiççjçÇ kçíÀmçímçmçbyçbOççÇ®çí DçÐç³ççJçlç lçHçMççÇuç ojJç<çça mJçlç:nÓvç mççoj kçíÀuçí HçççÆnpçílç.

2. Dç@HçÀçÇ[íJnçÇì Üçjí pççnçÇj kçíÀuçíuççÇ cççiççÇuç (YçÓlçkçÀçuççÇvç) cçççÆnlççÇ

çÆvçJç[CçákçÀçÇ®³çç JçíUçÇ Dç@çÆHçÀ[íJnçÇìÜçjí pççÇ cçççÆnlççÇ çÆouççÇ pççlçí lççÇ cnCçpçí vçiçjmçíJçkçÀç®çí çÆMç#çCç, içávníiççjçÇ Hççéç&YçÓcççÇ Jç çÆJçÊççdzç cçççÆnlççÇ ³ççb®çç ³ççcçO³çí mçcççJçíMç Dççní. SkçÓÀCç 100 HçÌkçÀçÇ 7 cççkç&À ³çç IçìkçÀçbmççþçÇ çÆouçíuçí Dççnílç.

Dç. çÆMç#çCç

pçj uççíkçÀÒççÆlççÆvçOççÇvçí onçJççÇ Hççmç çÆkçbÀJçç l³ççHçá{çÇuç MçÌ#ççÆCçkçÀ Hçç$çlçç vçcçÓo kçíÀuççÇ Dçmçíuç lçj 1 içáCç Dçv³çLçç 0 içáCç çÆouçí Dççnílç. SkçÀçÆJçmççJ³çç MçlçkçÀçlççÇuç SkçÀ çÆJçkçÀmçvçMççÇuç oíMç ³çç vççl³ççvçí DççHçu³çç vççiççÆjkçÀçb®çí çÆMç#çCç nç cççvçJççÇ çÆJçkçÀçmçç®çç SkçÀ ÒçcçáKç çÆvçkçÀ<ç Dççní. mçjkçÀçjçÇ mçíJçílççÇuç çÆvçcvç pççiçíJçj YçjlççÇ nçíC³ççmççþçÇnçÇ çÆkçÀcççvç MçÌ#ççÆCçkçÀ Hçç$çlçç DçmççJççÇ uççiçlçí. l³ççÒçcççCçí®ç Dççlçç DççHçu³çç uççíkçÀÒççÆlççÆvçOççRmççþçÇnçÇ çÆkçÀcççvç MçÌ#ççÆCçkçÀ Hçç$çlçí®çç Dççûçn OçjCçí DççJçM³çkçÀ Dççní. Hçjblçá vçiçjmçíJçkçÀçb®ççÇ kçÀçcççÆiçjçÇ cççípçC³ççmççþçÇ®³çç SkçÓÀCç IçìkçÀçb®³çç lçáuçvçílç ³çç IçìkçÀçuçç kçÀcççÇlç kçÀcççÇ Jçpçvç çÆouçí pççJçí DçmçínçÇ Dççcnçuçç Jççìlçí.

yç. Dçç³çkçÀj

Yççjlççlç çÆvçJç[Óvç ³çíCççN³çç uççíkçÀÒççÆlççÆvçOççR®çí GlHçVç l³ççb®³çç kçÀç³ç&kçÀçuççlç DçvçíkçÀ HçìçRvççÇ Jçç{lçí DçMççÇ uççíkçÀçb®ççÇ OççjCçç Dççní DçççÆCç ³ççuçç HçáäçÇ oíCççjçÇ cçççÆnlççÇ DçvçíkçÀoç pççnçÇj PççuçíuççÇ Dççní. Dç@HçÀçÇ[íJnçÇìvçámççj Hç@vç kçÀç[& Dçmçu³ççmç 1 içáCç Jç vçmçu³ççmç 0 içáCç çÆouçí Dççnílç.

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M U M B A I R E P O R T C A R D138 M U N I C I P A L C O U N C I L L O R S 2 0 1 1 139

kçÀ. içávníiççjçÇ Hççéç&YçÓcççÇ

jçpçkçÀçjCçç®çí içávníiççjçÇkçÀjCç ní SkçÀ oá:Kço JççmlçJç Dççní. yçN³çç®ç uççíkçÀÒççÆlççÆvçOççR®ççÇ içávníiççjçÇ Hççéç&YçÓcççÇ Dçmçu³çç®çí çÆvçoMç&vççmç ³çílç Dççní. cnCçpçí®ç, 1) l³ççb®³ççJçj SHçÀDçç³çDççj vççWoJçuçí Dççní; 2) DççjçíHçHç$ç oçKçuç Pççuçí Dççní; DçççÆCç 3) kçÀçíìç&vçí çÆMç#çç pççnçÇj kçíÀuççÇ Dççní.

mççJç&pççÆvçkçÀ Dçç³çá<³ççlç DçmçCççN³çç J³çkçwlççR®çí ®çççÆj$³ç mJç®s Dçmçuçí HçççÆnpçí. l³ççcçáUí DççHçuçí ÒççÆlççÆvççÆOçlJç kçÀjCççN³çç J³çkçwlççÇ içávníiççjçÇ Hççéç&YçÓcççÇ®³çç Dçmçlçç kçÀçcçç vç³çílç ní þjJçC³çç®çç, cççb[C³çç®çç DççÆOçkçÀçj vççiççÆjkçÀçbvçç Dççní. l³ççcçáUí vçiçjmçíJçkçÀçb®çí içáCç þjJçlççvçç nçÇ cçççÆnlççÇ pççCçÓvç IçílçuççÇ Dççní.

1. GcçíoJççjçJçj MçÓv³ç kçíÀmçímç DçmçlççÇuç lçj 5 içáCç

2. KçÓvç, yçuççlkçÀçj, sí[sç[, obiçuç, Kçb[CççÇ DçMçç içávnîççbKççuççÇ SHçÀDçç³çDççj oçKçuç Pççuçí Dçmçu³ççmç - 0 içáCç

3. JçjçÇuç ¬çÀcççbkçÀ 2 KçíjçÇpç Flçj kçÀçjCççbmççþçÇ SHçÀDçç³çDççj oçKçuç Pççuçí Dçmçu³ççmç - 3 içáCç

Hçá{í cçáÎç ¬çÀcççbkçÀ 5cçO³çí çÆJç<ço kçíÀu³ççÒçcççCçí içávníiççjçÇ Hççéç&YçÓcççÇmçboYçç&lç vçkçÀçjçlcçkçÀ içáCççbkçÀvçnçÇ çÆouçí içíuçí Dççní.

SkçÀ uç#ççlç Içílçuçí HçççÆnpçí kçÀçÇ, Òçl³çíkçÀ J³çkçwlççÇmççþçÇ ní içáCççbkçÀvç kçÀjCçí içáblççiçáblççÇ®çí þjuçí Dçmçlçí, l³ççcçáUí ÒçLçcç kçíÀmçímç®çí JçiççakçÀjCç kçÀªvç l³çç®çí içáCççbkçÀvç kçÀjCçí DççÆOçkçÀ mçbb³çáçqkçwlçkçÀ Dççní.

3. cçnçvçiçjHçççÆuçkçÀç DçççÆCç mççÆcçlççÇ yçÌþkçÀçlççÇuç kçÀçcççÆiçjçÇ mçbyçbOççÇ cçÓu³çcççHçvç IçìkçÀ

Yççjlç nç ÒçççÆlççÆvçOççÇkçÀ uççíkçÀMççnçÇ®çç oíMç Dççní. ³ççcçO³çí vççiççÆjkçÀ DççHçuçí uççíkçÀÒççÆlççÆvçOççÇ çÆvçJç[lççlç DçççÆCç ní uççíkçÀÒççÆlççÆvçOççÇ uççíkçÀçb®³çç JçlççÇvçí mçYççiç=nçlç kçÀçcç kçÀjlççlç, vççiççÆjkçÀçb®³çç ÒçMvççbJçj çÆJç®ççjçÆJççÆvçcç³ç kçÀjlççlç, l³ççmççþçÇ IçìvççlcçkçÀ cççiç&oMç&vç Jç ³çb$çCçç ³ççb®³çç DççOççjí DççJçM³çkçÀ kçÀç³çoí kçÀjlççlç. cnCçpçí çÆJç®ççjçÆJççÆvçcç³ç ní uççíkçÀÒççÆlççÆvçOççR®³çç kçÀçcççÆiçjçÇ®çç SkçÀ cçnÊJçç®çç IçìkçÀ DçmçÓvç l³ççJçj cççHçvççlç DççÆOçkçÀ Yçj oíC³çç®ççÇ içjpç Dççní.

Dç. GHççÆmLçlççÇ

uççíkçÀÒççÆlççÆvçOççRvççÇ mçbyçbçÆOçlç mçYççiç=nçbcçO³çí GHççÆmLçlç jçnçJçí Jç kçÀçcçkçÀçpç kçÀjçJçí ³ççmççþçÇ vççiççÆjkçÀ l³ççbvçç çÆvçJç[Óvç oílççlç. l³ççcçáUí uççíkçÀÒççÆlççÆvççÆOçbvççÇ 100… çÆkçbÀJçç l³ç箳çç pçJçUHççmç kçÀçuççJçOççÇ mçYççiç=nçlç GHççÆmLçlç DçmçCçí Dçl³ççJçM³çkçÀ Dççní. l³ççcçáUí GHççÆmLçlççÇ®³çç ìkçwkçíÀJççjçÇJçj içáCççbkçÀvç Dççní: 100… GHççÆmLçlççÇ cnCçpçí 15 içáCç DçççÆCç 0… cnCçpçí 0 içáCç.

ye=.cegb.ce.Hee. cçO³çí Òçl³çíkçÀ vçiçjmçíJçkçÀ nç cçnçvçiçjHçççÆuçkçíÀ®çç mçom³ç Dçmçlççí lçmçí®ç Jçç@[& mççÆcçl³ççb®çç mçom³ç Dçmçlççí. ³çççÆMçJçç³ç kçÀçnçÇ vçiçjmçíJçkçÀ ní Hçá{çÇuçÒçcççCçí çÆJççÆMçä kçÀç³ç& mççÆcçl³ççb®çí mçom³ç Dçmçlççlç :

1. mLçç³ççÇ mççÆcçlççÇ

2. yçímì mççÆcçlççÇ

3. mLeeHel³e (Mçnj) mççÆcçlççÇ

4. mLeeHel³e (GHçvçiçjí) mççÆcçlççÇ

5. mçáOççj mççÆcçlççÇ

6. çÆMç#çCç mççÆcçlççÇ

7. mççJç&pççÆvçkçÀ Dççjçíi³ç mççÆcçlççÇ

8. cççÆnuçç Jç yççuç kçÀu³ççCç mççÆcçlççÇ

9. efJeefOe mççÆcçlççÇ

10. Jç=#ç ÒeeefOekeÀjCe mççÆcçlççÇ

11. yççpççj Jç GÐeeve mççÆcçlççÇ

DçMçç ÒçkçÀçjí, vçiçjmçíJçkçÀçbcçO³çí ¿çç oçívç kç@ÀìíiçjçÇ DçmçÓvç l³ççbvçç 15 içáCçç®çí çÆJçlçjCç kçÀjlççvçç JçíiçJçíiçȳçç Hç×lççÇvçí çÆJç®ççj kçíÀuçç içíuçç HçççÆnpçí.



cçnçvçiçjHçççÆuçkçÀç mçJç&mççOççjCç mçYçç


Jçç@[& mççÆcçlççÇ yçÌþkçÀç

çÆJççÆJçOç mççÆcçl³ççb®³çç (JçjçÇuçÒçcççCçí)


kç@ÀìíiçjçÇ Dç 9 6 uççiçÓ vççnçÇ. 15

kç@ÀìíiçjçÇ yç 7 4 4 15

yç. ÒçMvççb®ççÇ mçbK³çç

SKççÐçç vçiçjmçíJçkçÀçvçí vçícçkçíÀ çÆkçÀlççÇ ÒçMvç çÆJç®ççjuçí HçççÆnpçílç çÆkçbÀJçç kçÀçíCçl³çç çÆJç<ç³ççJçj ÒçMvç çÆJç®ççjuçí HçççÆnpçílç ³çç®çí kçÀçnçÇ çÆvççƽçlç cççHçob[ vççnçÇlç. DççHçu³çç oíMççlççÇuç SkçÓÀCç HççÆjçÆmLçlççÇ DçççÆCç ÒçMvççb®ççÇ içáblççiçáblç

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uç#ççlç Içílçç vçiçjmçíJçkçÀçvçí vççiççÆjkçÀçb®³çç içjpççbvçç DçvçáMçbiçÓvç Mçkçw³ç çÆlçlçkçíÀ pççmlç ÒçMvç GþJçCçí DççJçM³çkçÀ Dççní. uççíkçÀÒççÆlççÆvçOççRvçç DççÆOçkçÀççÆOçkçÀ ÒçMvç çÆJç®ççjC³ççmç ÒçJç=Êç kçÀjC³ç箳çç nílçÓvçí içáCççbkçÀvççcçO³çí ìkçwkçíÀJççjçÇ®çç JççHçj kçíÀuçç Dççní.

uççíkçÀÒççÆlççÆvçOççRvçç mçYççiç=nçlç çÆJç®ççjuçíu³çç ÒçMvççbcçO³çí Hçá{çÇuç ÒçkçÀçj®çí ÒçMvç çÆJç®ççjçlç Içílçuçí Dççnílç:

• keÀe³e&¬eÀce Heef$ekeÀe

• njkeÀleer®es cegÐes

• DeuHeeJeOeer met®evee

• 66 (ye) Je 66(keÀ) Debleie&le efJe®eejCee kesÀuesues ÒeMve

• þjçJççb®³çç mçÓ®çvçç

• meYesle ceeb[uesues ÒemleeJe

• lççlç[çÇ®çí keÀecekeÀepe

• mLeieerefle®ee þjeJe

• ®e®ee& DeLeJee meYee mLeieerefle®ee ÒemleeJe Je ÒemleeefJele megOeej

³çç çÆJçYççiççlç mçJçç&çÆOçkçÀ ÒçMvç çÆJç®ççjCççN³çç uççíkçÀÒççÆlççÆvçOççÇuçç kçÀcççuç 15 içáCç çÆcçUÓ MçkçÀlççlç. ûçáHç HçjmçWìípç jBkçÀ ÒçcççCçí ní içáCççbkçÀvç kçíÀuçí Dççní:

ìkçwkçíÀJççjçÇlç 15 ní kçÀcççuç içáCç Dççnílç DçççÆCç 0 ní çÆkçÀcççvç içáCç Dççnílç.

kçÀ. ÒçMvççblçÓvç GþJçuçíuççÇ mçcçm³çç, çÆJç<ç³ç ³ççDçvçáMçbiççvçí l³çç®çí cçnÊJç

ceneHeeefuekesÀ®eer keÀle&J³es þeceHeCes cegbyeF& ceneveiejHeeefuekeÀe DeefOeefve³ece, 1888 ceO³es veceto kesÀueer iesueer Deensle. Heg{s ner keÀle&J³es oesve Jeiee&le DeLee&led DeeJeM³ekeÀ keÀle&J³es (keÀuece 61, 62) Je mJes®íeOeerve keÀle&J³es (keÀuece 63) efJeYeeieueer iesueer Deensle. DeeJeM³ekeÀ keÀle&J³eeb®³ee Debleie&le jmles, HeeCeer HegjJeþe, ceueefveëmeejCe, Fceejleer, DeeHeelkeÀeueerve J³eJemLeeHeve, ceneHeeefuekeÀe ceeueceÊee, ÒeeLeefcekeÀ efMe#eCe, Deejesi³e, jml³ee®eb Hegvevee&cekeÀjCe F. yeeyeer cees[leele. lemes®e mJes®íeOeerve keÀle&J³eebceO³es PeesHe[HeÆer efJekeÀeme, Kegu³ee peeiee, GÐeeveW, ceeie& HeefjJenve, Tpee&, Jeerpe, peueeMe³es (OejCe, efmeb®eve) meceepe YeJeve/cebefoj F. yeeyeer cees[leele.

Jele&ceeve ceeHeob[eÒeceeCes DeecneR keÀener DeeM³ekeÀ mesJee ng[ketÀve keÀe{u³ee Deensle p³ee cetueleë veeieefjkeÀ mJeªHee®³ee Deensle Je p³eeb®³eeJej ye=nvedcegbyeF& ceneveiejHeeefuekesÀ®ee, ¿ee mesJee cegbyeF&®³ee veeieefjkeÀebHe³e¥le Heesnes®eefJeC³eemeeþer, DeskeÀeefOekeÀej Deens. ¿ee mesJeebJej G®eueu³ee peeCeeN³eeyeeyeer ceueefveëmeejCe jmles, HeeCeer HegjJeþe, IevekeÀ®eje

J³eJemLeeHeve F. efJe<e³eebMeer efveieef[le Deensle. ¿ee cegÐeebJ³eefleefjkeÌle, veiejmesJekeÀ les efJe<e³ener ceeb[t MekeÀleele pes ceneHeeefuekesÀ®³ee Òel³e#e #es$eele veeneRle HeCe jep³e Je keWÀê Meemevee®³ee DeKel³eeefjle Deensle. pemes, iegvns, HejHeje<ì^ J³eJenej, ke=Àef<e, HeMeg mebJeOe&ve, cegbyeF& ceneveiej #es$e efJekeÀeme ÒeeefOekeÀjCe, F.

GHejesuuesefKele JeieeakeÀjCeebJej DeeOeeªve ÒeMveeb®³ee iegCeJeÊee/cenÊJeeuee Keeueerue ÒeceeCes Yeej Je Òel³eskeÀer SkegÀCe 100 HewkeÀer iegCe efoueb iesueb Deens ë õ

cegÐes/keÀle&J³es DeeJeM³ekeÀ mJes®íeOeerve veeieefjkeÀ


jep³e/keWÀê SkegÀCe

iegCe 8 6 3 1 18

[. vççiççÆjkçÀçb®³çç lç¬çÀçjçR®³çç lçáuçvçílç cççb[uçíu³çç mçcçm³ççb®çí ÒçcççCç

ye=nvedcegbyeF& ceneveiejHeeefuekesÀves veeieefjkeÀeb®³ee le¬eÀejer ng[ketÀve keÀe{C³eemeeþer Je veeWoJeC³eemeeþer SkeÀ He×efle efJekeÀefmele kesÀueer Deens. ¿ee le¬eÀejeR®ee jKejKeeJe keWÀêerke=Àle le¬eÀej veeWoCeer ³eb$eCes®³ee (meermeerDeejSme) Debleie&le kesÀuee peelees. l³eeb®eer veeWoCeer SkeÀ mee@HeÌìJes³ej J³eemeHeerþele kesÀueer peeles efpeLes l³eeb®eb JeieeakeÀjCe efJeefYeVe ÒeJeiee&le le¬eÀejer®³ee efJeYeeie Je mJeªHee®³ee DeeOeejeJej, [eme, ceueefveëmeejCe, jmles, HeeCeer HegjJeþe Jemeenle DeefOekeÀejer, Fceejle Fl³eeefo, kesÀuee peelees. ueeskeÀ ÒeefleefveefOe Demeu³eeves DeMeer DeeMee kesÀueer peeles keÀer veiejmesJekeÀ veeieefjkeÀeb®³ee le¬eÀejeR®³ee efveJeejCeemeeþer ÒeMve efJe®eejleerue efkebÀJee cegÐes ceeb[leerue. cnCetve meoj ceeHeob[ veiejmesJekeÀebveer ceeb[uesu³ee cegÐeebMeer veeieefjkeÀeb®³ee le¬eÀejeR®eer Je keWÀêerke=Àle le¬eÀej veeWoCeer ³eb$eCeeÜejs DeefYeuesefKele * DeekeÀ[îeeb®eer kesÀuesu³ee letueveebJej DeeOeeefjle Deens. ¿ee ceeHeob[eKeeueer cees[Ceejs ye=nvedcegbyeF& ceneiejHeeefuekesÀ®es efJeYeeie Keeueerue ÒeceeCes Deensle. Fceejleer Jemeenle DeefOekeÀejer, ceueefveëmeejCe, ceeueceÊee, GÐeeve, HejJeevee, ye=nvedcegbyeF& ceneveiejHeeefuekeÀe efJe<e³ekeÀ, keÀer[ efve³eb$eCe, Òeot<eCe, jmles, ogkeÀeves Je DeemLeeHevee (Sme Je F&), IevekeÀ®eje J³eJemLeeHeve (Sme[yu³etSce), Hepe&v³e peueJeeefnveer, Meew®eeue³e Je HeeCeer HegjJeþe.

* ceeefnleer®³ee DeefOekeÀeje®³ee Debleie&le efceUefJeuesu³ee

F. SçÆÒçuç 2010 lçí cçç®ç& 2011 kçÀçuççJçOççÇlç vçiçjmçíJçkçÀ çÆvçOççÇ®çç JççHçj

vçiçjmçíJçkçÀçbvçç Òçl³çíkçÀ DçççÆLç&kçÀ Jç<çç&lç 35 uççKç ªHç³çí çÆvçOççÇ çÆcçUlççí. DççHçu³çç cçlçoçjmçbIççlççÇuç kçÀçíCçl³çç çÆJççÆMçä kçÀçcççmççþçÇ nç çÆvçOççÇ JççHçjç³ç®çç ³çç®çç lçí çÆvçCç&³ç IçíT MçkçÀlççlç. çÆvç³ççíçÆpçlç ìHH³ççlç çÆvçOççÇ Kç®ç& kçÀªvç l³çç®çç DççÆOçkçÀççÆOçkçÀ uççYç kçÀªvç IçíCçí DçHçíçÆ#çlç Dççní. l³ççcçáUí kçÀcççuç 35 uççKç ªHç³çí çÆvçOççÇHçÌkçÀçÇ çÆkçÀlççÇ ìkçwkçíÀ®çç JççHçj kçíÀuçç l³ççJçj ní içáCççbkçÀvç DççOçççÆjlç Dççní: 1) 100… (Jçç DççÆOçkçÀ) lçí 91… - 5; 2) 90… lçí 76… - 4; 3) 75… lçí 61… - 3; 4) 60… lçí 51… - 2 DçççÆCç 2) 50… Hçí#çç kçÀcççÇ - 0

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4. pçvçcçlç ®çç®çCççÇvçámççj uççíkçÀçb®ççÇ cçlçí/¢äçÇkçÀçívç

uççíkçÀçb®³çç vçpçjílçÓvç uççíkçÀÒççÆlççÆvçOççR®ççÇ kçÀçcççÆiçjçÇ ³ççmççþçÇ SkçÓÀCç 40 içáCç oíC³ççlç Dççuçí. kçÀçcççÆiçjçÇ®çí lçHçMççÇuçJççj cçÓu³ççbkçÀvç kçÀjlçç ³ççJçí ³ççmççþçÇ JçíiçJçíiçȳçç ÒçkçÀçjí ³çç içáCççb®ççÇ 4 Yççiççlç çÆJçYççiçCççÇ kçíÀuççÇ, lççÇ Hçá{çÇuçÒçcççCçí:

n DççHçu³çç YççiççlççÇuç mççJç&pççÆvçkçÀ mçíJççmçáçÆJçOççbçÆJç<ç³ççÇ uççíkçÀçb®ççÇ cçlçí ³ççJçj mçJçç&çÆOçkçÀ Yçj çÆouçç, ³ççuçç 13 içáCç çÆouçí.

n vçiçjmçíJçkçÀççÆJç<ç³ççÇ cçççÆnlççÇ, pççiçªkçÀlçç Jç Hççínçí®ç ³ççuçç SkçÓÀCç 4 içáCç çÆouçí.

n Yç´äç®ççjçÆJç<ç³çkçÀ cçlççbvçç 6 içáCç çÆouçí.

n mçJç&mççOççjCç GHçç³ç³ççípçvçç ³çç IçìkçÀçuçç 7 içáCç çÆouçí.

³ççÒçkçÀçjí içáCççb®ççÇ çÆJçYççiçCççÇ kçÀjlççvçç mççJç&pççÆvçkçÀ mçíJççmçáçÆJçOçç DçççÆCç Yç´äç®ççjcçákçwlç kçÀç³ç&Hç×lççÇ ³çç cçáÎîççbvçç Flçj oçívç cçáÐççb®³çç lçáuçvçílç DççÆOçkçÀ cçnÊJç oíC³çç®çç nílçÓ Dççní. uççíkçÀÒççÆlççÆvçOççÇ l³ççb®³çç çÆJççÆJçOç ÒçkçÀçj®³çç kçÀçcççcçáUí uççíkçÀçÆÒç³ç DçmçÓ MçkçÀlççlç Jçç l³ççb®³çççÆJç<ç³ççÇ ®ççbiçuçí cçlç DçmçÓ MçkçÀlçí. mçJç&mççOççjCç cçlç ®ççbiçuçí Dçmçuçí lçjçÇ kçÀçcççÆiçjçÇ mçcçpçÓvç IçíC³ççmççþçÇ DççÆOçkçÀ yççjkçÀçF&vçí çÆJç®ççj nçíC³çç®ççÇ içjpç Dççní. cnCçÓvç ³çç ®ççj ÒçkçÀçjçlç uççíkçÀÒççÆlççÆvçOççÇçÆJç<ç³ççÇ®çí pçvçcçlç mçcçpçÓvç IçíC³ççlç Dççuçç.

mççJç&pççÆvçkçÀ mçíJççmçáçÆJçOççbçÆJç<ç³ççÇ uççíkçÀçb®çí cçlç DççÆOçkçÀ Kççíuççlç Jç vçícçkçíÀHçCççvçí mçcçpçÓvç ³çíC³ççmççþçÇ ³çç çÆJçYççiççlçnçÇ ®ççj mlçj kçÀjC³ççlç Dççuçí. ³ççHçÌkçÀçÇ HççÆnu³çç mlçjçlç ÒççcçáK³ççvçí jçp³ç mçjkçÀçjMççÇ mçbyçbçÆOçlç mçíJççmçáçÆJçOçç mçcçççÆJçä Dççnílç, lçj ®ççÌL³çç mlçjçlç mLçççÆvçkçÀ mJçjçp³ç mçbmLççbMççÇ mçbyçbçÆOçlç mçíJççmçáçÆJçOçç mçcçççÆJçä Dççnílç.

n HççÆnuçç mlçj - ³ççcçO³çí JççÇpç HçájJçþç, kçÀç³çoç Jç mçáJ³çJçmLçç DçççÆCç içávníiççjçÇ ³ççb®çç mçcççJçíMç DçmçÓvç ³ççuçç 8 içáCç çÆouçí.

n oámçjç mlçj - ³ççcçO³çí jíMçvç oákçÀçvççlç DçVçOççv³çç®ççÇ GHçuçyOçlçç DçççÆCç içávníiççjçÇ®³çç Içìvçç ³ççb®çç mçcççJçíMç DçmçÓvç ³ççuçç 5 içáCç çÆouçí.

n çÆlçmçjç mlçj - ³ççcçO³çí ªiCççuç³çí Jç JçÌÐçkçÀçdzç mçáçÆJçOçç Jç MççUç Jç cçnççÆJçÐççuç³çí ³ççb®çç mçcççJçíMç DçmçÓvç ³ççuçç 4 içáCç çÆouçí.

n ®ççÌLçç mlçj - ³ççcçO³çí jml³ççb®ççÇ DçJçmLçç, jnoçjçÇ Jç ì^@HçÀçÇkçÀ pç@cç, mççJç&pççÆvçkçÀ yçiççÇ®ççb®ççÇ GHçuçyOçlçç, mççJç&pççÆvçkçÀ JççnlçákçÀçÇ®ççÇ GHçuçyOçlçç, HççCççÇ HçájJçþç, HççCççÇ çÆvçmmççjCç, mJç®slçç Jç MççÌ®ççuç³çí ³ççb®çç mçcççJçíMç DçmçÓvç ³ççuçç 3 içáCç çÆouçí.

mçbMççíOçvç DççjçKç[ç:

n çÆJçOççvçmçYçç DçLçJçç cçnçvçiçjHçççÆuçkçÀç mçom³ç cnCçpçí çÆJççÆMçä cçlçoçjmçbIççlçÓvç mJçlçb$ç çÆvçJç[CçákçÀçÇ®³çç Üçjí cçlçoçjçbvççÇ çÆvçJç[Óvç çÆouçíuçí uççíkçÀÒççÆlççÆvçOççÇ.

n cçábyçF&cçO³çí Òçl³çíkçÀ çÆJçOççvçmçYçç cçlçoçjmçbIç ÒçMççmçkçÀçdzç Jçç@[&cçO³çí çÆJçYççiçuçç DçmçÓvç Jçç@[& mlçjçJçj mJçlçb$çHçCçí çÆvçJç[uçí pççCççjí uççíkçÀÒççÆlççÆvçOççÇ cnCçpçí vçiçjmçíJçkçÀ. ³çç uççíkçÀÒççÆlççÆvçOççÇuçç DççHçu³çç cçlçoçjmçbIççlç kçÀçcç kçÀjC³çç®çí DççÆOçkçÀçj Dçmçlççlç.

n Òçmlçálç DçY³ççmç nç ÒççcçáK³ççvçí vçiçjmçíJçkçÀçb®³çç kçÀçcççÆiçjçÇMççÇ mçbyçbçÆOçlç Dçmçu³ççvçí ní vçiçjmçíJçkçÀ p³çç çÆJçOççvçmçYçç cçlçoçjmçbIççlççÇuç Jçç@[祮çí ÒççÆlççÆvççÆOçlJç kçÀjlççlç lçí cçlçoçjmçbIççlççÇuç cçççÆnlççÇ IçíCçí içjpçí®çí nçílçí.

n l³ççcçáUí DççcnçÇ Òçl³çíkçÀ cçlçoçjmçbIççlççÇuç SkçÀ ÒçççÆlççÆvçOççÇkçÀ vçcçávçç mçcçççÆJçä kçÀjC³çç®çí þjJçuçí. Hçjblçá, Òçl³çíkçÀ cçlçoçjmçbIçç®çç DççkçÀçj, cnCçpçí®ç uççíkçÀmçbK³çç Jç J³ççHlççÇ, JçíiçJçíiçUç Dçmçlççí DçççÆCç l³ççcçáUí l³ççcçO³çí mçcçççÆJçä cçlçoçjmçbIççb®ççÇ mçbK³ççnçÇ JçíiçJçíiçUçÇ jçnlçí.

n cçábyçF&cçO³çí 36 çÆJçOççvçmçYçç cçlçoçjmçbIç DçmçÓvç l³ççcçO³çí cçnçvçiçjHçççÆuçkçíÀ®çí 227 Jçç@[& Dççnílç.DççcnçÇ mçJç& 227 Jçç@[ç&lç SkçÀmççjKçç vçcçávçç IçíC³çç®çí þjJçuçí DçççÆCç l³ççvçámççj Òçl³çíkçÀ Jçç@[ç&lç 105 ³ççÒçcççCçí vçcçávçç çÆvçJç[ kçíÀuççÇ. ³ççÒçcççCçí pçí cçlçoçjmçbIç DççkçÀçjçvçí cççíþí Dççnílç lçíLççÇuç vçcçáv³çç®çç DççkçÀçj cççíþç jççÆnuçç.

n ³çç DçY³ççmççlç mçá©JççlççÇuçç mçcçççÆJç<ì SkçÓÀCç vçcçávçç: 227 cçvçHçç Jçç@[& x 105 J³çkçwlççÇ † 23835 J³çkçwlççÇ.

n ³ççvçblçj vçícçkçw³çç kçÀçíCçl³çç J³çkçwlççR®ççÇ çÆvçJç[ kçÀjç³ç®ççÇ ní þjJçuçí, lçí Hçá{çÇuçÒçcççCçí:

p m$ççÇ Jç Hçáª<ç ³çç oçínçW®çç mçcççJçíMç.

p 18 Jç<çx Jç l³ççHçí#çç pççmlç Jç³ç箳çç (cçlçoçjçuçç Hçç$ç) J³çkçwlççÇ.

n ³ççÒçcççCçí ìçiçxì ûçáHç çÆvççƽçlç Pççu³ççJçj l³çç®ççÇ çÆuçbiç DçççÆCç Jç³ççíiçìç®çí ³ççíi³ç ÒççÆlççÆvççÆOçlJç ³çíC³ç箳çç ¢äçÇvçí çÆJçYççiçCççÇ çÆvççƽçlç kçíÀuççÇ.

n Jç³ç DçççÆCç çÆuçbiç ³ççJçj DççOçççÆjlç çÆJçYççiçCççÇmççþçÇ FbçÆ[³çvç jçÇ[jMççÇ[ mì[çÇ®çç DççOççj Içílçuçç.(nç mçJçç&lç cççíþç yçímçuççF&vç mçJnx; jçä^çdzç mlçjçJçj ³çç®çí kçÀçcç çÆcç[çdzçç jçÇmç®ç& ³çáPçmç& kçÀçÌçqvmçuçvçí kçíÀuçí lçj cçábyçF& çÆJçYççiççlç nbmçç jçÇmç®ç& ûçáHçvçí kçíÀuçí).

n ÒçMvççJçuççÇ®³çç DççOççjí mçbyçbçÆOçlç J³çkçwlççR®³çç Lçíì cçáuççKçlççÇ IçíTvç DççJçM³çkçÀ cçççÆnlççÇ pçcçç kçíÀuççÇ.

n vçcçávçç çÆvççƽçlççÇ®ççÇ Hçá{çÇuç ÒççƬçÀ³çç DçJçuçbyçuççÇ:

p Òçl³çíkçÀ Jçç@[&cçO³çí 105 cçáuççKçlççÇ Içílçu³çç.

p Jçç@[&cçOççÇuç 2 lçí 3 cççíþçÇ çÆþkçÀçCçí çÆvçJç[Óvç l³ççcçO³çí vçcçávçç çÆJçYççiçCççÇ kçíÀuççÇ. yççpççjHçíþ, jíuJçí mìíMçvç, cçç@uç Fl³ççoçÇ içoça®ççÇ çÆþkçÀçCçí ³ççmççþçÇ çÆvçJç[uççÇ.

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M U M B A I R E P O R T C A R D144 M U N I C I P A L C O U N C I L L O R S 2 0 1 1 145

p ³çççÆþkçÀçCççÇ uççíkçÀçbMççÇ Lçíì mçbHçkç&À mççOçÓvç l³ççb®³ççMççÇ yççlç®ççÇlç kçÀªvç DççJçM³çkçÀ cçççÆnlççÇçÆcçUJçuççÇ.

cçÓu³çcççHçvçç®çí IçìkçÀ:

vçiçjmçíJçkçÀçb®³çç cçÓu³çcççHçvççkçÀçÆjlçç DççcnçÇ ÒççcçáK³ççvçí ®ççj çÆJçYççiççlççÇuç cçççÆnlççÇ IçíC³çç®çí þjJçuçí, lçí Hçá{çÇuçÒçcççCçí:

n DççHçu³çç YççiççlççÇuç çÆJççÆJçOç mçáçÆJçOççbyççyçlççÇlç uççíkçÀçb®ççÇ cçlçí:

p jml³ççb®ççÇ çÆmLçlççÇ

p JççnlçÓkçÀçÇ®ççÇ kçÀçW[çÇ

p mççJç&pççÆvçkçÀ yçiççÇ®çí / KçíUç®ççÇ cçÌoçvçí ³ççb®ççÇ GHçuçyOçlçç

p Dçç@ìçí, ì@kçwmççÇ Jç yçmç ³ççmççjK³çç mççJç&pççÆvçkçÀ JççnlçákçÀçÇ®³çç mççOçvççb®ççÇ GHçuçyOçlçç

p jíMçvç oákçÀçvççlç Oççv³çç®ççÇ GHçuçyOçlçç

p ªiCççuç³çí DçççÆCç Flçj JçÌÐçkçÀçdzç mçáçÆJçOçç

p ³ççíi³ç ÒçkçÀçj®³çç MççUç Jç cçnççÆJçÐççuç³çí

p JççÇpç HçájJçþç

p HççCççÇ HçájJçþç

p HççJçmççUîççlç HççCççÇ lçábyçÓvç jçnC³çç®ççÇ mçcçm³çç

p ÒçoÓ<çCçç®ççÇ mçcçm³çç

p içávníiççjçÇ Içìvçç

p kçÀç³çoç Jç mçáJ³çJçmLçç ³ççb®ççÇ çÆmLçlççÇ

p mJç®slçç Jç MççÌ®ççuç³ç mçáçÆJçOçç

n vçiçjmçíJçkçÀçyççyçlç cçççÆnlççÇ, pççiçªkçÀlçç Dççní Jç l³ç箳ççHç³ç¥lç mçnpç Hççínçí®çlçç ³çílçí kçÀç.

n vçiçjmçíJçkçÀ Jç Yç´äç®ççj ³çççÆJç<ç³ççÇ®çí pçvçcçlç.

n vçiçjmçíJçkçÀ箳çç kçÀçcççÆiçjçÇçÆJç<ç³ççÇ mçJç&mççOççjCç mçcççOççvç DçççÆCç l³ççcçáUí pççÇJçvçcççvç Gb®ççJçuçí Dçmçí Jççìlçí ³çççÆJç<ç³ççÇ pçvçcçlç.

vçiçjmçíJçkçÀ箳çç içáCçHç$çkçÀç®çí SkçÀ GoçnjCç:

Hçá{í vçiçjmçíJçkçÀ箳çç içáCçHç$çkçÀç®çí SkçÀ GoçnjCç çÆouçí Dççní, l³ççJçªvç içáCç oíC³çç®ççÇ Hç×lççÇ mHçä nçíF&uç:

¬çÀ. IçìkçÀ mçJç&mççOççjCç içì (ûçáHççRiç) içáCç kçÀcççuç içáCç

1 vçiçjmçíJçkçÀ箳çç jçpçkçÀçdzç Hç#çç®çí vççJç mcçjCççlç DçmçCçí

pççiçªkçÀlçç DçççÆCç Hççínçí®ç 77 100

2 vçiçjmçíJçkçÀç®çí vççJç mcçjCççlç DçmçCçí pççiçªkçÀlçç DçççÆCç Hççínçí®ç 77 100

3 vçiçjmçíJçkçÀçMççÇ mçnpç Yçíìlçç ³çílç, l³ç箳ççHç³ç¥lç Hççínçí®çlçç ³çílçí

pççiçªkçÀlçç DçççÆCç Hççínçí®ç 69 100

4 vçiçjmçíJçkçÀçyççyçlç®çí mçcççOççvç mçJç&mççOççjCç GHçç³ç³ççípçvçç 59 100

5 pççÇJçvçcççvççlç mçáOççjCçç mçJç&mççOççjCç GHçç³ç³ççípçvçç 69 100

6 Yç´äç®ççj Yç´äç®ççj cççHçvç 72 100

7 JççÇpçHçájJçþç uççíkçÀçb®çí cçlç - 3 mlçj 67 100

8 içávníiççjçÇ Içìvçç uççíkçÀçb®çí cçlç - 3 mlçj 57 100

9 kçÀç³çoç Jç mçáJ³çJçmLçç çÆmLçlççÇ uççíkçÀçb®çí cçlç - 3 mlçj 61 100

10 jíMçvç oákçÀçvç Oççv³çç®ççÇ GHçuçyOçlçç uççíkçÀçb®çí cçlç - 1 mlçj 61 100

11 ÒçoÓ<çCç mçcçm³çç uççíkçÀçb®çí cçlç - 1 mlçj 56 100

12 ªiCççuç³çí Jç Flçj JçÌÐçkçÀçdzç mçáçÆJçOçç uççíkçÀçb®çí cçlç - 2 mlçj 67 100

13 ³ççíi³ç MççUç Jç cçnççÆJçÐççuç³çí uççíkçÀçb®çí cçlç - 2 mlçj 68 100

14 jml³ççb®ççÇ çÆmLçlççÇ uççíkçÀçb®çí cçlç - 1 mlçj 58 100

15 JççnlçÓkçÀçÇ®ççÇ kçÀçW[çÇ uççíkçÀçb®çí cçlç - 1 mlçj 57 100

16 mççJç&pççÆvçkçÀ yççÆiç®çí / cçÌoçvçí GHçuçyOçlçç uççíkçÀçb®çí cçlç - 1 mlçj 62 100

17 mççJç&pççÆvçkçÀ JççnlçákçÀçÇ®ççÇ GHçuçyOçlçç uççíkçÀçb®çí cçlç - 1 mlçj 59 100

18 HççCççÇ HçájJçþç uççíkçÀçb®çí cçlç - 1 mlçj 62 100

19 HççJçmççȳççlç HççCççÇ lçábyçC³çç®ççÇ mçcçm³çç uççíkçÀçb®çí cçlç - 1 mlçj 56 100

20 mJç®slçç Jç MççÌ®ççuç³ç mçáçÆJçOçç uççíkçÀçb®çí cçlç - 1 mlçj 59 100

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M U M B A I R E P O R T C A R D146 M U N I C I P A L C O U N C I L L O R S 2 0 1 1 147

IçìkçÀçb®çí içáCççbkçÀvç

¬çÀ. IçìkçÀ Yççj içáCç kçÀcççuç içáCç

1 cçççÆnlççÇ, pççiçªkçÀlçç Jç Hççínçí®ç 4 74 100

2 mçJç&mççOççjCç GHçç³ç³ççípçvçç 7 64 100

3 Yç´äç®ççjçÆJç<ç³çkçÀ 6 72 100

4 uççíkçÀçb®çí cçlç - HççÆnuçç mlçj 7 61 100

5 uççíkçÀçb®çí cçlç - oámçjç mlçj 5 58 100

6 uççíkçÀçb®çí cçlç - çÆlçmçjç mlçj 1 68 100

7 uççíkçÀçb®çí cçlç - ®ççÌLçç mlçj 3 59 100

Yççj uç#ççlç IçíTvç DçbçÆlçcç içáCççbkçÀvç

vçiçjmçíJçkçÀ箳çç kçÀçcççÆiçjçÇçÆJç<ç³ççÇ®çí cçlç †

((4*74)+(7*64)+(6*72)+(7*59)+(5*68)+(1*62))/100 † 19.9 SkçÓÀCç 30 HçÌkçÀçÇ

vçiçjmçíJçkçÀ箳çç ³ççDççOççÇ HçççÆnuçíu³çç Flçj çÆvçkçÀ<ççb®çí içáCççbkçÀvç DçççÆCç ní içáCççbkçÀvç ³ççbvçç SkçÀ$ç kçÀªvç Òçl³çíkçÀ vçiçjmçíJçkçÀç®çí içáCç çÆvççƽçlç kçíÀuçí içíuçí.

cçççÆnlççÇ®ççÇ lçáuçvççlcçkçÀ Hç[lççUCççÇ

SKççoç mçJnx kçÀjlççvçç, DççHçu³çç vçcçáv³ççlçÓvç pççÇ DççkçÀ[íJççjçÇ Hçá{í ³çílçí çÆlç®ççÇ lçáuçvçç J³ççHçkçÀ DçJçkçÀçMç Jçç uççíkçÀmçbK³çílççÇuç mççbçqK³çkçÀçÇMççÇ kçíÀuççÇ pççlçí. nçÇ mççbçqK³çkçÀçÇ JçíiçJçíiçȳçç JçíUíuçç kçíÀuçíu³çç l³çç®ç mçJçx#çCççlçÓvç IçílçuççÇ pççlçí çÆkçbÀJçç Flçj ñççílççlçÓvç IçílçuççÇ pççlçí.

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1. TheMatrix–ScaleofRanking

The Matrix for measuring the functioning of the Municipal Councillors has been designed by Praja with inputs from reputed people with sectoral knowledge in governance, social science, market research, media.

In order to design the research and get the desired output, it was important to answer the following two questions:

a. On what parameters should the performance of Municipal Councillors be evaluated?

b. How should the research be designed in order to represent areas of each Municipal Councillors and meet the right people?

For the first question; The Indian Democracy functions on rules and strictures laid down in The Constitution of India adopted on the 26th November, 1949. The constitution has been amended on numerous occasions and various acts have been passed and adopted by subsequent assemblies to strengthen the functioning of centre, state and local self government institutions. All these acts/legislations with their base in the constitution give our elected representative needed powers for functioning; have built the needed checks and balances; and serve as the source of the terms of reference for the elected representatives on all aspects of their conduct as the people’s representatives. Hence, the first parameter for evaluating the performance of Municipal Councillors is based solely in the mechanisms and instruments and duties and responsibilities as led in the Constitution of India, in particular, the 12th Schedule of the Constitution that was introduced through the 73rd and 74th Amendments of the Constitution, and the Mumbai Municipal Corporation Act, 1888.

However; The Constitution itself derives its power from the free will of its citizens as also the document itself states that it has been adopted, enacted and given to themselves by the people. Hence the perceptions of the people who are represented by the elected representatives are the other important, necessary parameter for evaluating the performance of the elected representatives (the Municipal Councillors). Thus, to answer the second question it is necessary to study people’s perceptions of the Municipal Councillors performance, by who represent them from their respective constituencies.

The next few pages will elaborate the study design and details of the study conducted to judge the performance of Municipal Councillors in Mumbai;

THe MeTHodologybut before we get into details, it is important to understand the sources of data and its broad usage in the ranking matrix.

The following information was required to judge the performance of each Municipal Councillor in the city:

1. Some of the tangible parameters like an elected Municipal Councillors attendance in the Corporation and the Committee Meetings, the number of questions (issues) she/he has raised in the above forums (Corporation and Committee Meetings), importance of those questions, and utilization of funds allotted to him/her.

2. Some parameters on his/her background such as educational qualification, income tax records & criminal record (if any).

3. Some soft parameters like the perception/impression of the people in his/her constituency, awareness about them, satisfaction with their work and improvement in the quality of life because of the Municipal Councillor.

Once the areas of evaluation were finalised, it was important to decide upon the methodology which would best provide the required information. Information mentioned in points 1 & 2 above was gathered from RTI & by means of secondary research. Municipal Councillor Scores have been derived out of maximum 100 marks with 70% weightage given to tangible facts about the Municipal Councillor. For the Information on the 3rd point a primary survey was conducted amongst the citizens in each constituency to evaluate the perceived performance of the Municipal Councillor. 30% weightage was given to perceived performance of Municipal Councillors in the minds of common man.

The data used for points 1 and 2 has been collected from government sources:

a. Election Department MCGM.

b. Under Right to Information Act from Municipal Secretary, MCGM (MCGM Head Office and BEST).

c. Under Right to Information Act from Assistant Engineer (Maintenance), MCGM (from all the 24 Administrative Wards of MCGM).

d. Under Right to Information Act from Mumbai Police.

People’s perception as per point 3 has been mapped through an opinion poll of 28,707 people across the city of Mumbai by Hansa Market Research conducted through a structured questionnaire.

It is very important to understand here that the matrix is objectively designed and provides no importance to the political party of the representative or to any personal/political ideology.

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Criminalisation of politics in the country has been growing since independence and is a phenomenon which if not checked now can destroy the democratic foundations of our nation. Hence personal criminal record related parameters pertaining to the elected representative are taken into consideration such as: their FIR cases registered against them as stated in the election affidavit; new FIR cases registered against them after being elected in the current term; and important pending charge sheets.

Table 1: Scale for Ranking Performance for Councillor


Indicator Max%


1 Present

A Attendance in the Corporation and Committee Meetings

15 Refer Point 3a on page 153 for details.

B Number of Questions Asked

15 Against Group Percentage Rank. 15 being the top most percentiles and so on to the lowest for 1.

C Importance of questions asked by issues raised in the question

18 Refer Point 3c on page 154 for details

D Issues raised compared to Citizen’s Complaints

10 Refer Point 3d on page 155 for details

E Total Discretionary Funds Utilised during April, 2011 to March, 2012

5 Refer Point 3e on page 155 for details

Total 63

2 Past

A Education Qualification 1 A minimum of 10th Pass - 1; if not - 0

B Income Tax 1 Possesing PAN Card - 1; if not - 0

C Criminal Record 5 If the candidate has zero cases registered against her/him, then 5; else as below:

(1) Criminal Cases Registered excluding the following charges: Murder, Rape, Molestation, Riot, Extortion - 3

(2) Rest - 0

Total 7


Indicator Max%


3 Perception Basedonaopinionpollof28,707peoplespreadacrossdifferentconstituenciesinthecityofMumbai

A Perceived Performance 11 Score on Public Services

B Awareness & Accessibility 5 Score on Awareness amongst people about their representative, their political party and ease of access to the representative

C Corruption Index 7 Score on perceived personal corruption of the representative

D Broad Measures 7 Score on overall satisfaction and improvement in quality of life

Total 30

4 Negativemarkingfornewcriminalcasesregisteredduringtheyear

-5 For any new FIR registered during the year.

5 NegativemarkingforChargesheet

-5 For any Charge sheet in a criminal case.

6 Negativemarkingfornoannualpro-activedisclosuresbytheelectedrepresentativesofAssetsandliabilitiesandCriminalrecord(*)

-5 This can be done on own website, newspaper, Praja Website or any other source which should be announced publicly.Also marks would be cut for wrong disclosures in the above mentioned forums.

Total 100

(*) This negative parameter on proactive disclosures has not been applied for the current year. But as one the primary purpose of the Yearbook is to promote transparency amongst elected representatives, it is imperative that they proactively provide personal information on their personal annual economic status and to emphasise their probity in public life, they should share every year their updated criminal record.

2. ParametersforPastRecordsasperAffidavitParameters for Past Records are based on information in election affidavit that includes educational, criminal and financial records of Municipal Councillors. Total seven Marks out of Maximum 100 marks are allocated for this parameter.

a. EducationIf the elected representative has declared in his affidavit, education qualification as 10th pass or more then on the scale one mark is allocated, else zero marks are given.

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As a developing 21st century country, basic modern education is an important criterion for human development. Even at lowest clerical jobs in the government, the government insists on a minimum educational level. Going by the same logic and the times, it is prudent that a similar yardstick be applied to our elected representatives. However, we also believe that the educational parameter should be given a minimal weightage in the overall scheme vis-a-vis other parameters, that are more crucial for judging performance of the elected representatives.

b. IncomeTaxIt is widely published and believed in India that annual income levels and wealth of those who are elected sees a manifold increase in the few years when they represent. Marks are allocated for possessing a PAN card (one mark), as per the affidavit; else if not possessing a PAN card than zero marks are allocated.

c. CriminalRecord

Criminalisation of politics is a sad reality. A significant number of elected representatives have a criminal record i.e. 1) they have FIRs registered against them; 2) charge sheets filled; and 3) even convictions given by the courts of law.

There is no excuse for not having moral probity in public life. It is the right of the citizens to have people representing them with no criminal records. Hence the scheme of ranking has into account marks for people with clean records:

i. Those with absolutely no criminal FIRs registered are given five marks.

ii. Those with FIRs registered against, with cases containing the following charges:

murder, rape, molestation and extortion are given zero marks.

iii. Those with other FIRs registered against, other than those mentioned in No. ii

above, are given three marks.

We have negative markings as explained in No. 5 below for other parameters related to crime records like charge sheet.

Kindly note that allocating scoring for each individual case would have been complex, instead scoring for cases after them being categorised as above seemed more logical and hence number of individual cases are not of that important but the category of case needed for the scoring.

3. Parameters for Present Performance in the Corporation andCommitteeMeetings

In an indirect, representative democracy like India’s, citizens elect their representatives so that these representatives can represent them in the houses of legislation and deliberate on issues related to the citizens and form needed legislations under the guidelines of and using the mechanisms of the constitution. Thus it is very clear that the weightages in the performance scale have to be more biased to these functions of the elected representatives i.e. of Deliberation.

a. Attendance

The mandate given by citizens to the representatives is to attend the business of the respective legislative houses. It is hence prudent that the representatives attend 100% or near to 100% sessions of their respective houses. Hence the marking is based on percentage of attendance: 100% getting 15 while 0% getting zero.

However, in the MCGM a councillor is always a member of the Corporation and a particular Ward Committee, and apart from that some of the councillors are members of various committees viz:

i. Standing Committee

ii. BEST Committee

iii. Works (City) Committee

iv. Works (Suburb) Committee

v. Improvements Committee

vi. Education Committee

vii. Public Health Committee

viii. Women and Child Welfare Committee

ix. Law and Revenue Committee

x. Tree Authority Committee

xi. Market and Garden Committee

Thus, it is understood that there can be two categories of councillors and they need to be allocated the 15 marks in different ways:








Category A 9 6 N.A. 15

Category B 7 4 4 15

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b. NumberofQuestionsThere cannot be really a set benchmark for the right number of questions or issues that have to be asked by a representative. However given the range and complexity of issues that our country is facing, it is necessary for the representative to raise as many issues as they can, which are necessary for the citizens. Hence to stimulate the representatives to ask maximum number of questions the scale uses the percentile system for scoring.

Devices used for asking ‘Questions’ that have been considered in the marking:

• Agenda Raised • Point of Order • Short Notice Question • Discussion on urgent public matters under section 66 (B) of MMC Act • Asking statement from Municipal Commissioner under Sec. 66 (C) • Notice of Motions • Proposal Raised • Urgent Business • Adjournment of meeting and business to be transacted at adjourned meeting • General discussion on budget estimation • Proposal for adjournment of debate or meeting and Amendments proposed

The marking for this section is out of a maximum 15 marks that the representative can get for being the person with the maximum number of questions asked. The marking here is done against Group Percentage Rank:

15 being the top most percentile and so on to the lowest for 0.

c. Importanceofquestionsaskedbyissuesraisedinthequestion

The duties of the Municipal Corporation are laid down precisely under the Mumbai Municipal Corporation Act, 1888. They are further divided into Obligatory duties (Section 61, 62) and Discretionary duties (Section 63). The Obligatory duties include issues related to roads, water supply, sewerage, buildings, disaster management, municipal properties, primary education, health, renaming of roads, etc. are covered. The Discretionary duties include issues related to slum development, open spaces, gardens, road transport, energy, electricity, water bodies (dams, irrigation), community halls/ temples, etc.

In the present scale, we have culled out certain services from the Obligatory duties that are essentially civic in nature and where the MCGM has monopoly for delivery of these services to the citizens of Mumbai. The issues that can be raised on these services are related to subjects such as drainage, roads, water supply, solid waste management, etc.

Apart from these issues, an councillor can raise subjects that are not under the direct purview of the corporation but are covered by the state and central governments. Such as, crime, foreign affairs, agriculture, animal husbandry, MMRDA (Mumbai Metropolitan Regional Development Authority), etc.

Based on the above classifications the weightages for the quality/importance of the questions has been designated as below from the total marks out of 100 in the overall scale:

Issues/Duties obligatory Discretionary Civic(obligatory)

State/Central Total

Marks 8 6 3 1 18

d. IssuesraisedcomparedtoCitizenComplaints

MCGM has developed a system for tracking, recording citizen complaints. These complaints are maintained under the Centralised Complaint Registering System (CCRS). They are registered into a software platform where they are classified into different categories by departments and the nature of the complaint such as drainage, road, water supply, colony officer, building, etc. As citizens’ representatives, it is expected that Municipal Councillors also ask questions or raise issues to resolve citizens issues (complaints). Hence the current parameter is based on comparing issues raised by councillors related to the citizen complaints based on the RTI information procured related to the data maintained by CCRS. The departments of MCGM that are covered under this criteria are as follows: Buildings, Colony officer, Drainage, Estate, Garden, License, MCGM related, Pest control, Pollution, Roads, Shop and Establishment (S & E), Solid Waste Management (SWM), Storm Water Drainage, Toilet and Water Supply.

A maximum of 10 marks have been allocated for this parameter.

e. utilisation of Discretionary Funds utilised April 2010 toMarch2011

Municipal Councillors get a total of Rs. 35 lakhs in every financial year. This fund they can spend as per their discretion on certain specified development work in their constituencies. It is necessary that the funds are utilised in a planned phased manner to achieve optimal results. Hence, the marks given are based on percentage of the funds utilised out of the maximum Rs. 35 lakhs:

(1) 100% (or more) to 91% - five marks; (2) 90% to 76% - four marks; (3) 75% to 61% - three marks; (4) 60% to 51% - two marks; and (5) 50% and below - zero marks.

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4. ParametersforPeople’sPerceptionasperopinionPoll

Since perceived performance was given a weightage of 30 points, we divided it further in to four broad areas in order to evaluate the performance in detail. All these four areas were given differential weightage based to the importance in defining the Municipal Councillors performance. The weightages were divided in the following scheme:

n Perception of Public Services (impression of the people about the facilities in the area) was given a weightage of 13points,

n Awareness & Accesibility of the Municipal Councillor was given a weightage of 4points,

n Corruption index was given a weightage of 6points and

n Broad overall measures were given a weightage of 7points

The rationale for giving the above scoring points was to give more importance to the key issues like facilities in the area & corruption as compared to Municipal Councillor being aware and accessible or overall feel of the people being positive. This is because we believe that scoring positively overall or being popular is actually a function of your work in different areas. Hence, these areas should be given more importance than the overall satisfaction. Moreover a blanket overall performance for an individual may be good but when interrogated deeply about different traits the positives and negatives can be clearly pointed.

The next step after assigning weightages to government’s four broad areas was to make sure that facilities which come under local jurisdiction to get more importance than the ones which come under the state or central government’s jurisdiction. Hence the weightage for Perception of Public Services was further divided into a hierarchy of 3 levels to meet the desired objective.

Level 1 included facilities which are more critical to local government whereas Level 4 included facilities that are more critical to state government.

n Level 1 – This level included areas like Condition of Roads, Traffic Jams & Congestion, Availability of public gardens, Availability of public transport facilities, Water Supply, Water logging problems & Cleanliness & Sanitation facilities. It was given a weightage of 7 points.

n Level 2 – This level included areas like Hospitals & other Medical facilities & Appropriate Schools & Colleges. It was given a weightage of 5 points.

n Level 3 – This level included areas like Power Supply, Instances of Crime, Law & Order situation. It was given a weightage of 1 point.


n A Municipal Councillor is a representative elected by the voters to over see the functioning of the ward.

n Winner of elections in each ward is termed as a Municipal Councillor and has the power to manage the functioning of the ward.

n This division helps to provide clear delegation of responsibilities at the ground level.

n Since, our study focused on evaluating the performance of Municipal Councillors it was necessary to cover and represent all the wards to which each of these Municipal Councillors belonged.

n Hence, we decided to cover a sample from each ward. We decided to cover all the 227 municipal wards equally, with a sample of 105 in each ward.

n The initial total sample for the study covered: 227 municipal wards x 105 respondents = 23835 respondents.

n Next step was to define the target group for the study. We finalised on covering within each ward:

p Both Males & Females

p 18 years and above (eligible to vote)

n Once the target group was defined, quotas for representing gender and age groups were set.

n The quotas were set on the basis of age and gender split available through Indian Readership Study (Large scale baseline study conducted nationally by Media Research Users Council (MRUC) & Hansa Research group for Mumbai Region.

n The required information was collected through face to face interviews with the help of structured questionnaire.

n In order to meet the respondent, following sampling process was followed:

p 105 interviews were conducted in each municipal ward.

p 2 – 3 prominent areas in the ward were identified and the sample was divided amongst them. These areas were mainly crowded areas such as market place, railway stations, malls etc.

p Respondents were intercepted in these areas and the required information was obtained from them.

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n Sample composition of age & gender was corrected to match the universe profile using the baseline data from IRS. (Refer to weighting paragraph on facing page).


While deciding the parameters of evaluation for a Municipal Councillor, we decided to capture the information on four important aspects. These were as follows:

n Impression of the people about different facilities in his/her area

p Condition of Roads

p Traffic jams & Congestion of roads

p Availability of public gardens/open playgrounds

p Availability of public transport facilities like Auto, Taxis & Buses

p Availability of food through ration shops

p Hospitals and other medical facilities

p Appropriate schools and colleges

p Power Supply

p Water Supply

p Water Logging during rainy season

p Pollution problems

p Instances of Crime

p Law & Order situation

p Cleanliness & Sanitation facilities

n Awareness & Accessibility of the Municipal Councillor

n Perception of corruption for Municipal Councillor

n Broad overall measures like overall satisfaction with Municipal Councillor & improvement in quality of life because of Municipal Councillor.


Below is an illustration of scorecard for a Municipal Councillor which will help us to understand the scoring pattern:



Parameters Broadgroupings Scores MaximumScore

1 Recall for party name to which the Municipal Councillor belongs

Awareness & Accessibility 77 100

2 Recall for Name of the Municipal Councillor

Awareness & Accessibility 77 100

3 Accessibility of the Municipal Councillor

Awareness & Accessibility 69 100

4 Satisfaction with the Municipal Councillor

Broad overall measures 59 100

5 Improvement in Lifestyle Broad overall measures 69 100

6 Corruption Corruption Index 72 100

7 Power Supply Impression of people - Level 3 67 100

8 Instances of Crime Impression of people - Level 3 57 100

9 Law & Order situation Impression of people - Level 3 61 100

10 Availability of food through ration shops

Impression of people - Level 1 61 100

11 Pollution problems Impression of people - Level 1 56 100

12 Hospitals and other medical facilities

Impression of people - Level 2 67 100

13 Appropriate schools and colleges

Impression of people - Level 2 68 100

14 Condition of Roads Impression of people - Level 1 58 100

15 Traffic jams & Congestion of roads

Impression of people - Level 1 57 100

16 Availability of public gardens/ open playgrounds

Impression of people - Level 1 62 100

17 Availability of public transport facilities like Auto, Taxis & Buses

Impression of people - Level 1 59 100

18 Water Supply Impression of people - Level 1 62 100

19 Water Logging during rainy season

Impression of people - Level 1 56 100

20 Cleanliness & Sanitation facilities

Impression of people - Level 1 59 100

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NettedVariables weightageAssigned Scores MaximumScore

1 Awareness & Accessibility 4 74 100

2 Broad overall measures 7 64 100

3 Corruption Index 6 72 100

4 Impression of people - Level 1 7 59 100

5 Impression of people - Level 2 5 68 100

6 Impression of people - Level 3 1 62 100


Perceived performance score of the Municipal Councillor =

((4*74)+(7*64)+(6*72)+(7*59)+(5*68)+(1*62))/100 = 19.9 out of 30

This score was further added with the performance on hard parameters and a composite score for each Municipal Councillor was derived.


When conducting a survey, it is common to compare the figures obtained in a sample with universe or population values. These values may come from the same survey from a different time period or from other sources.

In this case, we compared the age & gender compositions achieved in our survey with the similar compositions in IRS study (Indian Readership Survey). In the process, minor deviations for demographics were corrected.

Hence, weighting not only helped us to remove the demographic skews from our sample data but also ensured that the representation of demography was correct.

5. ParametersforNegativeMarking

NegativemarkingfornewFIRcasesregisteredIf there has been a new FIR registered against the elected representative after his election then this happens to be a matter of concern; and hence out of the marks earned by the representative, five marks would be deducted.

Do note that in the process of allocating marks does not take into account number of new criminal FIR cases, but simply takes into account even a single occurrence for allocating marks based on the severity of the crime.

NegativemarkingforChargeSheetregisteredA charge sheet signifies prima facie evidence in the case. This is again a serious concern for moral probity of the representative. Hence out of the marks earned by the representative, five marks would be deducted.

Do note that in the process of allocating marks does not take into account number of criminal charge sheets, but simply takes into account even a single occurrence for allocating marks based on the severity of the crime.

Negative marking for no annual pro-active disclosures by the electedrepresentativesofAssetsandliabilitiesandCriminalrecord

As per the election commission norms the candidate standing for elections have to file an affidavit detailing amongst other things, their own asset and liabilities and criminal records. The candidate who gets elected later, does not share this information with his constituency or the election commission until and unless he/she stands for re-election or for a new election on different seat or post. However given the need of the time, we feel that it is necessary that the elected representatives proactively make their assets and liabilities (income status) and criminal records available to their constituencies at the end of every financial year when they are representing. This can be done through Newspapers or other Public Medias or through their own Websites or through Praja Website. This will bring larger transparency.

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The four lions of the Ashoka Pillar, symbolizing power, courage, pride and confidence are the ethos behind the Indian Republic as embedded in our Constitution. We salute the top 3 ranking Municipal Councillors of Mumbai as torch bearers of this idea. They have topped the list by on an objective ranking system as explained earlier in this report card, performing more efficiently relative to their peers. Jai Hind.

#1: GOLD


THe four lion TorCH

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