counsellors professional ethics

Ch 15 The Counsellor’s Professional Ethics

Upload: vnitritesh

Post on 22-Jan-2015




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  • 1. Ch 15 The Counsellors Professional Ethics

2. Introduction

  • Every profession has in some form or other aCode of Ethics
  • Profession of psychologists- a more recent one
  • US -> American Psychological Association hasEthical Standards of Psychologists

Purpose of this chapter-> to formulate guiding principles of the Profession of Psychologists 3. Meaning of Professional Ethics

  • A systematized body ofmoral principlesthat guide or determine thecounsellors behaviorin his relationships to the counselee, to the counselee's relatives, to his referring agency, and to society in general
  • Professional Ethics ->Valuesthat determine the counsellors behavior

4. Values

  • Standards of behavior determined by the society
  • Eg. Good manners, traditions such as wedding reception, etc.
  • Differ according to races, castes, etc.
  • Change under influence of modern ideas

Social Values

  • Based on dictates of right reason- ones conscience
  • Innate knowledge of what is right & wrong
  • Apply to all men
  • Are objective & unchangeable
  • Eg. love parents, not to steal/tell lies
  • Based on enduring nature of human being

Moral Values

  • Based on particular faith & vary according to the tenets of that faith
  • Eg. Hindus value Vedas, Jains avoid killing of animals, Parsis value their fire temples, etc.

Religious Values 5. The Counseling Profession

  • Aims athelping individualswith their personal problems
  • These problems often involveethical issues(eg. Real life case)
  • Values influence both the goals of counseling & the methods & techniques used to reach those goals
  • The psychologists ethical standards & his professional techniques are inseparable- American Psychological Associations code of ethics

6. Counselors relationships 7. 1. Counselors relationship to the Counselee

  • Counselor must respect the values of the counselee
    • Can suggest to change her social values (not the moral or religious values)
  • B) Counselor must keep secret the counselee's confidential material
    • May not reveal info to anyone without securing her permission
    • Exceptions:Suicide or crime or for the good of the counselee (unsound mind), welfare of others
  • C) Test results must be interpreted to the counselee in a manner likely to be constructive in her efforts to solve her problem

8. 2. Counselors relationship to the Profession

  • Counselor must maintain high standards of work, not just aim at expedience or temporary success
    • Unethical to offer services outside his area of training & experience or beyond the boundary of his competence (must refer to a competent person)
    • Should not work only for money
  • B) Should try to rectify the malpractices of other counselors
    • Should not criticize counselors who use other methods
  • C) Counselor should not accept for counseling a person who already receiving it from someone else

9. 3. Counselors relationship to referring bodies

  • It is courtesy to inform the referring person or agency that the counselee kept the appointment and is continuing counseling or has been referred to another agency
  • No confidential info should be imparted to them

10. 4. Counselors relationship to himself

  • Right to private life and to relaxation
  • May not accept phone calls after certain hour
  • Must leave the problems of the counselee in the office
  • Should not encourage dependency
  • Should realize that he is not expected to help each and every counselee

11. Counselors influence on the counselee

  • Counselor is not to teach a system of values or philosophy of life (task of parents/ priests)
  • Can impress his system of values influence more by what he does than by what he says
  • Should not condone the unethical course of behavior of the counselee- express implications of such actions but should respect her freedom of choice

12. Conclusion

  • Counselor should have his own system of values or philosophy of life
  • Act according to the above with the counselee
  • Must not impose his views
  • Respect her freedom of choice and her values

13. Thank you