count all but loss; but preach the gospel

COUNT ALL BUT LOSS; BUT PREACH THE GOSPEL First Bible Lesson: John 3:8 "The wind bloweth where it listeth, and thou hearest the sound thereof, but canst not tell whence it cometh, and whither it goeth; so is every one that is born of the Spirit." Second Bible Lesson: Luke 9:58 "And Jesus said unto him, Foxes have holes, and birds of the air have nests; but the Son of man hath not where to lay his head." Golden Text: Luke 14:26 "If any man come to me, and hate not his father, and mother, and wife, and children, and brethren, and sisters, yea, and his own life also, he cannot be my disciple." Please, do not be exasperated about this Gospel. But it is expedient that we must deliver this Gospel to you. Always when Our Lord Jesus Christ finished His Teachings, He would say, those who have ears let them hear. Of a truth, those who have ears will hear this Gospel. The Word of God Is Not What Should Be Rejected We have a spiritual chorus which says, "child, wait, receive and take home for I have received mine. The Word of God is not what should be rejected, I have taken mine." So must it be. This Gospel is exclusively for the missionary. You have heard what has been read unto you. In order that you may be

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First Bible Lesson: John 3:8

"The wind bloweth where it listeth, and thou hearest the sound thereof, but canst not tell whence it cometh, and whither it goeth; so is every one that is born of the Spirit."

Second Bible Lesson: Luke 9:58

"And Jesus said unto him, Foxes have holes, and birds of the air have nests; but the Son of man hath not where to lay his head."

Golden Text: Luke 14:26

"If any man come to me, and hate not his father, and mother, and wife, and children, and brethren, and sisters, yea, and his own life also, he cannot be my disciple."

Please, do not be exasperated about this Gospel. But it is expedient that we must deliver this Gospel to you. Always when Our Lord Jesus Christ finished His Teachings, He would say, those who have ears let them hear. Of a truth, those who have ears will hear this Gospel.

The Word of God Is Not What Should Be Rejected

We have a spiritual chorus which says, "child, wait, receive and take home for I have received mine. The Word of God is not what should be rejected, I have taken mine." So must it be. This Gospel is exclusively for the missionary. You have heard what has been read unto you. In order that you may be able to follow Him, you have to fulfill the laid down conditions. When I tell you that Brotherhood has not yet started in full swing, and that you have not yet understood Brotherhood, you often argue, "How can that be? I have been in Brotherhood for twenty years."

Your twenty years mean nothing. Consider this: "For a whole month and year; both in the morning and evening, we continue to work. At what time then can we sleep?"

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This is the time that most eminent people want to sleep and relax. But this is the time we want to start our work. The particular time that we will close, nobody knows. After that begins the morning, prayer. What time will it end? No one knows. Morning Service will then start. When will it end? No one knows. At what time do you, therefore, sleep on your iron bed? What time is there left for you to play with your children? What time have you to converse with your father and mother? Can you not realize the source of the problem to a great many of you?

Hindrance To Your Missionary Assignment

We have no full-time missionary workers because you continue to seek for a house, motorcars, husband, wife, children, and your life. Those are the things, which hinder you. If Our Lord Jesus Christ had a house, He would have sat in His house to relax receiving the cool breeze of the air. If He had a dwelling place He would have remained there to converse with His girl friend. You have been told that of the four wise men who went to see Our Lord Jesus Christ, one of them took thirty years to search for Our Lord Jesus Christ, and could not see Him. They were four in number. Three of them had gone to see Him and presented Him with gifts. Unfortunately when the fourth person went, Herod had given the order that all children should be murdered and so Our Lord Jesus Christ was taken away to Egypt as revealed by the angel. (Matt 2:13-14). Before He got to Jerusalem, He was told that Our Lord Jesus Christ had left in the morning and may be He was at Jericho. He would move to Jericho, and by the time he got there, he would be told, if he had come earlier he would have seen Him; for He had just left for Bethlehem. Where was His dwelling place? By the time he got to Bethlehem, he would be told that He had left in the morning for Galilee. When he went to Galilee, he would be told that Our Lord Jesus Christ was at Canaan. Does that not show you that the wind blows where it listeth, and you hear the sound thereof, but cannot tell whence it comes, and whither it goes: so are the children of God, so also is a missionary.

Your Wealth Is a Hindrance in God's Service

The reason you cannot be a full-time missionary is that you have a house, a town, a city, a father, and a mother. Those are the things, which suppress you. Preach what you may; whoever has a magnificent house, with a television set, air conditioner, a cushion chair for you and your girl, how is it possible for you to leave those things and go on

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ministry? Whenever your friends come, they will always meet you in your magnificent air-conditioned house. Your mother will always find you there. So also will your father. Every person will be there engaged in vain conversation and all funny things. It is very simple to do the things pertaining to the world. As for the things of God, it is not easy to be a full-time missionary. If you were a full-time missionary, then you could be compared to the wind. You have seen that the wind blows where it will but no one knows from where it comes and where it goes, too. You have no dwelling place. Everything will be very easy for you and you will have no problem to undertake ministry.

163 Members Ordained This Year, Are They Doing the Work?

The children of this Kingdom have no house, neither a city, nor a street, nor a dwelling place. They move about, as the wind. What is pleasing to me is that I had obtained permission from you before giving this Gospel, so that people may not be troubled in their heart. And I will not fail to give it. But, please, do not be exasperated. If you are not prepared to listen to it, you are free to block your ears. I am imparting this teaching with tears. Right now, consider the ordained ones'

Pews. It is large but there is no one who is prepared to do the work of God. This year (1985), I have ordained one hundred and sixty three people. But there is no one who is prepared to pray for any person. You claim to have no chance. Many of you who come here ask that the Father should ordain you because you want to do the work of God. But who is prepared among all of you, to do the work?

Foxes Have Holes; the Son of Man Has No House

If Our Lord Jesus Christ had a dwelling house, how could it have been possible for Him to preach to the people? How could He have done this work? If Paul, Peter, and John had dwelling places, how could it have been possible for them to be full-time missionaries? It is my desire that this house should be full.

Those of you who continue to argue that you have been in Brotherhood for twenty years, and I ask, of what use is your number of years? What has been your loss? Mention to me any child of God who claims he hails from a city, and has a dwelling place, family, next of kin, brothers and sisters, who can do the Work of God. At one instance while Our Lord Jesus was speaking, His mother and brothers began to look for Him and they stood outside waiting for Him. Someone told Him, "Look, your mother and brothers are outside waiting for you." He pointed to His disciples and asked, "who is my mother and who are my brethren?"

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(Mark 3:33-35 / Luke 8:19)). Then he told them, "Whoever does the will of My Father, he it is who is my mother, brother and sister." It is, therefore, conclusive that whoever loves this world the love of God is not in him. (1 John 2:15-16)

Brotherhood Has Overwhelmed the World, Who Will Preach To Them?

Right now, all the whites have accepted Brotherhood. But who will go and preach to them? All the Africans have accepted Brotherhood and rejoiced greatly in it, but who will go forth and preach unto them? Here in Nigeria, everyone has heard the story about Brotherhood and has accepted and rejoiced over it. But who is prepared to go and preach to them? Right now, the harvest truly is plenteous but the laborers are not available.

It is said, "And this Gospel of the Kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations, and then shall the end come." (Matt 24:14). Now that we have not even one missionary, when then shall the word be preached in all the world? Even though we have millions and millions of members, but have not any full-time missionary, when do you think we will have one? People continue to ask, "What is Brotherhood?" Who is prepared to go and tell them what Brotherhood is. The children of God have neither dwelling places, nor houses, nor streets nor families. Their family is but the Work of the Father, which is the Word of God. Their city is the Word of God. Their house is the Word of God. Their bounden duty is to go about for the sake of the sheep, to do the work for which they were sent.

The Missionary's Meat Is To Preach the Word of God

Remember our Lord Jesus Christ, when he spoke with the Samaritan woman. He told her, "Go and call thy husband and come hither." She replied that she had no husband.

And Our Lord Jesus Christ said, "You have well said, for you have married five husbands, and the one whom you are now with is not your husband." (John 4:18) The woman exclaimed and said that she has seen a person who has revealed everything about her. She, therefore, ran into the city to tell the people about it. Meanwhile, the disciples brought food and said to them, "Rabbi, come and eat." But He said to them, "I have meat to eat that you know not of." The disciples began to entertain doubts and then asked amongst themselves, "Has anyone brought him food?" Since Our Lord Jesus Christ is God, He knew their thought and so He said, "My meat is to do the will of Him that sent me, and to finish His work. Say not ye that there are yet four months, and

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then cometh harvest. Behold I say unto you, lift up your eyes, and look on the fields, for they are white already to harvest." (John 4:35)

Perilous Time at the End

Therefore my children, friends, kith and kin, little children, lift up your eyes and look on the fields. Are they not due for harvest? Is it not even overripe? All the signs spoken of by Our Lord Jesus Christ have all been fulfilled. He said, "This know also that in the last days perilous times shall come. For men shall be lovers of money, lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, without natural affection, truce breakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good. Traitors, heady, high minded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God." (2 Timothy 3:1-4) Have they not all been made manifest? Do you, therefore, still consider that there is more time left? But that is not what I intended to tell you today.

Forsake Your Possessions and Do the Work of God

The theme of Our Gospel today is that the children of God have neither a house, nor a street, nor next of kin, nor relations, for they are all strangers in the world. Their bounden duty is to do the work of their Father at all places. They are like the wind, for they have no dwelling place.

That is why Paul said, "If our Gospel be hid, it is hid to them that are lost: In whom the god of this world hath blinded the minds of them which believe not." (2 Corinthians 4:3-4) That refers to the mother, father, husband, brother, sister, your life and the things of the earth. You are witness to the fact that Our Lord Jesus Christ met Peter and Andrew his brother as they were casting their net. He told them, "Launch out into the deep, and let down your nets for a draught." This they did, and had many fishes, which filled their boat. Right from that moment, Peter became a fisher of men and no more of fishes. (Luke 5:4-10) He forsook his boat, net, paddles, and everything and followed Him about, having no more house to live in. John and James, the sons of Zebedee were also taken while fishing. But when they saw Our Lord Jesus Christ they left both their father and mother in the boat, forsook the net and boat, and everything and followed Him. Have you ever been told that they ever went back to fishing? Did they go back home?


The Field Is All White; Where Are The Laborers?

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Paul was caught on his way to Damascus. (Acts 9:3-6). You have already heard of his, own story. Right from the time he became baptized at Damascus, he had never gone back home and no more owned a house. He went about the Father's work from that day even unto this day. Paul has since been in the ministry of Our Lord Jesus Christ.

Why you fail, why we have not even seen one missionary is because of the things of the earth. I am doing this to clear the way for those who will walk along it. If we will have any person, being that we shall take it to the Father in prayer; for we shall certainly pray the Father to send to us his laborers; for his field is ripe. The harvest is really plenteous but the laborers are not available.

It is said, "Love not the world and the things that are in the world. Whoever loves the world, the love of The Father is not in him." (1 John 2:15) Agarwal has not been baptized in Brotherhood but he has said that it is a mark of insolence for one to ask God for anything. But all of you here continue to ask God for certain things. Even now, you are asking God for a particular thing. That is insolence. You have chosen to be insolent because of your love for the things of the earth. Even though you have known that you brought nothing into this world and it is certain that you will go back with nothing, but your foolish thoughts continue to blind you and cause you to seek after the things of the earth.

See how wise the children of God are. They know that they are not from this world. They have no city; neither are they from Calabar, nor Nigeria, nor Africa, nor Western World. They are not from any particular place. They continue to walk about. Their only duty is to do the work of their Father at all places. They do not know from where they have come and where they are going to. They continue to walk to every place. If you claim to come from Calabar, it means that if an Efik, and an Ibibio, and an Ibo man come together and you are told to share anything for them, you will certainly give the lion's share to the person from Calabar. If you are a Black man, but in a group you have the white, the black, the colored you will only do things to favor the black because you are yourself black. But the children of God, since they are neither black nor white nor colored, do not discriminate against color. They only abide by and teach the concept of Equality. Whoever may be involved, and at whatever place, they will continue to serve people equally. They have no dwelling places. They continue to travel everywhere. Can you not see the difference?

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Remember Lot's Wife

You have been told that Lot's wife turned into a pillar of salt. Because angels had told them, "when you depart take nothing with you and look not behind you." (Genesis 19:17) But because of her lust for trinket and possessions, she turned back and became a pillar of salt even till today. (Genesis 19:26) That is why the scripture says, "What shall it profit a man if he gains the whole world and loses his life in hell?" (Matt 16:26). The predicament of Lot's wife should serve as a lesson for you and me. As long as you continue to belong to a city, a street, have a mother and father, and continue to think on those things, then just as Lot's wife perished, so will you perish.

The Author of our faith, and the foundation stone of this New Kingdom is Our Lord Jesus Christ. Therefore it is incumbent upon us to walk by His footsteps. If you do not walk by His footsteps, it is impossible for you to overcome. If you do not search the Bible, you will not know that Our Lord Jesus Christ had many brothers and sisters. (Matt 13:55-56). He had a father and a mother. He had nephews, uncles, cousins and nieces. He had many relations. But if He had devoted His attention to them, focused all His interest in them, then the whole world would have perished. But His birth revealed what He would be. At His birth, His parents as they arrived at Bethlehem, and the guesthouse was full, he was taken to the manger where he was born. That implies that he had no dwelling place.

We do not intend to bother you. Let our first lesson be read.

First Bible Lesson: John 3:8

"The wind bloweth where it listeth, and thou hearest the sound thereof, but canst not tell whence it cometh, and whither it goeth; so is every one that is born of the Spirit."

Brethren, have you heard that? Can you therefore note the difference between the children of God and carnal children? The children of the world know their fathers, they know their families of descent, they know the street from which they come, and their relation, and everything of their city. But the children of God have neither a town nor city, nor have anything to do with carnal things.

Only the Children of God Can Practice the Word of God

That is why you will find that apart from the children of God, no other person can do the work of God. For if you are a child of the world, and

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you are a governor, you will only do things to benefit your town or city and your family. If you are a president, you will only seek for the good of your community. Whatever you may have at your disposal, you will only consider your community. There is nobody in the world who can do anything good to others. He will only concentrate every good thing for his family. He will continue to look for cars, houses, seek after the welfare of his brothers and sisters, relations and himself. When do you think he can serve God? Brethren, you can notice that those born of the spirit have neither towns nor cities, nor communities, nor relations they continue to travel about. That is why people will ask, "Do you think that such a person has got any house to live in?" Even now people continue to advise that you look for a house to live in. Because he is not sure whether the Leader is a human being, whether He will not one day disappear? People ask does the Leader go to his hometown?

Right now, you have all come, the pertinent question is: where is the dwelling place of the Leader? Mention it to me. Can you say that His house is at Biakpan or that it is at Calabar, at 26 Mbukpa Road, or at 34, Ambo Street? Where can you find it? In which street is it situated? Is it in Lagos, or in Port Harcourt or in Europe? I require that you should mention it to me.

Forsake Your Relations and Serve God

It is said, "For where your treasure is, there will your heart be." (Matt 6:21). How is it possible for you to depart from your house, leaving behind your television set and furniture, on a ministry work for one week, without thinking of how your family is, and whether thieves have broken into your house. A great many of you are desirous of going on ministry work, but your fear is, who will keep watch over your house in your absence? You will think of where you could keep your furniture and belongings. Perhaps, you have a mother at home, at times children, or wife, or husband, or relations and you will begin to think of who will give them food to eat. You will also think of what you will eat and wear. Because of such thoughts even till doomsday, you will not travel out.

That is why that young man said, I will follow you but let me go first and bury my father. What was the reply given by Our Lord Jesus Christ? He said, "Let the dead bury their dead, (Matt 8:22) but you go and preach the Kingdom of God."

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Go Forth and Preach the Word

The Kingdom of God is our own farm. It is our city. It is our house. It is our family. It is the Kingdom of God for which you had all been called to come and preach. There is nothing greater than your participating in spreading this Word, these glad tidings, in town and cities, streets, in corners and indeed all over the world. If you travel out of Nigeria, to a different country, you will find the inhabitants there following you as flies following decayed matter. They will plead and prostrate on the ground, asking for prayers. When the Apostles and Evangelists went on ministry to Guinea and Liberia, at the time of departure, the inhabitants of those countries wept. At what time can you sleep as long as people continue to run after you? Of what use is a husband to you? Of what use is a wife to you? You were called for the sake of the Word of God, that you should bear eloquent testimony of it.

A Man Cannot Serve God and Mammon (Matt 6:24).

Imagine all the Christ Servants. They have all got dwelling places. The Christ students have all got dwelling places. The Spirited Children and indeed everybody have got dwelling places. How then can you be a missionary? How is it possible that you can do the Work of God?

When you are sought for, a person will be directed to your house. And when the person comes, he will find you in an easy chair under a fan, listening to your radio. That is why it is said, "If you love a person, you will enslave yourself to him."

On my part, I only enslave myself to God. That is why Our Lord Jesus Christ asked Peter, "Do you love me more than anything else?" And Peter replied, "Lord, thou knowest that I love you." (John 21:15-17) If Peter had lusted after money, if he had a house to himself, or a town, he would not have been able to do the Work of God; and the world would have perished.

The Good Work of Mary Mitchell Slessor

A part-time missionary is quite a different case but I am only speaking of full-time missionary. Take Mary Slessor for example. Her grave is in Calabar. She left her country far away in Scotland to this part of the world, where she was bitten by mosquitoes. She suffered untold hardships. She forsook everything and went as far as to Okoyong. The woman worked and died here and was buried in Nigeria. When Europeans come to Nigeria they usually visit her grave.

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All those who are the children of God are in effect not born in their countries or towns. Even if they are born, they will not live there. They will be taken to different countries so that they can serve the Father. All those who have countries, communities, and streets, brothers, and sisters are people of the world. The disciples were able to do their work because they emulated their master. A servant of the Lord has neither a dwelling place, nor a country, nor a street, nor relation. He simply surrenders himself to God and continues to serve God. His duty is to travel everywhere. He will eat wherever he goes to be it at the market or at any other place. Our Lord Jesus Christ was like a missionary.

Walk with Christ and You Will Not Fulfill the Desires of the Flesh

Such are the sorts of people who really serve God. Right now, how many such persons have we? Tell me how you can be a disciple of Our Lord Jesus Christ. It is said, "He that is not with me is against me; and he that gathereth not with me scattereth abroad. (Matt 12:30)" Ask yourself the question, Are you with Our Lord Jesus Christ? Are you gathering with Him or are you scattering abroad? A great many of you think that if you had lived at the time of Our Lord Jesus Christ, you would have walked with Him. Is it too late now to walk with Him? Those who have gone to Jerusalem are here with us. Did they see any house, which was the property of Our Lord Jesus Christ? Did they see any house belonging to Paul? They had no house. You are unable to do the Work of God because of your own property.

Do Not Lay Treasures For Yourself on Earth

No matter how you may preach, the things of this earth have actually weighed down on you. You are laying unto yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust corrupt, and where thieves break through and steal. But it is said, "Lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust doth corrupt, and where thieves do not break through nor steal." (Matt 6:20). Because the treasures on earth are but a loss unto you.

The children of God have no countries of their own. Their streets cannot be found here. Their glories are not found in houses and cars, but in the Word of God. If you forsake all the things of the earth, you will no longer have problems. Your duty will be to go about doing the Work of God. As a child of God, you should have gone to India, Russia, America, Europe, and other parts of the world.

A great many people when they see that you have resolved to serve God will conclude that you are demented, and ask why you should not

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remain at home. You have a house, chairs, but people continue to say that you are not easily found at home. That is even a case of a part-time missionary. Consider the case of a full-time missionary.

The 144,000 Virgins

The one hundred and forty-four thousand whom you have been told neither marry, (Mark 12:25/Luke 20:35/Rev 7:4), nor are given in marriage, are those who have been redeemed out of the earth and therefore have no concern with the affairs of the country. They have neither countries, nor communities, nor streets, nor relations. They have denied all the things of the world. They are those who follow Our Lord Jesus Christ wherever He goes.

What Means of Transport Does the Leader Use?

You give thanks to God for bringing these good tidings to the Black world but how many of you have denied the things of the world to follow Our Lord Jesus Christ out of the thousands and millions of people. Brethren, you can realize that your stay here for hundred years, so long as you are not ready to deny the things of this world, is fruitless as you will not be able to follow Him. Let us pray fervently because the children of God should have no dealings with the things of this earth, for they have neither places of abode, nor streets, nor relatives but their whole life is committed to the work of God. Where do you think I normally stay when I go to Lagos, or United States of America, or India or any other place? In all my travels, whose aeroplane or motorcar have I been travelling in, and who is the driver I normally go with? Besides, in whose house have I been lodging? When I come to your different homes, where do you usually prepare the bed for me to lie in? Have you not been seeing me in homes as well as in your offices, even in your toilets?

Unless You Disassociate from Relations You Cannot Serve God

Brethren, it is said that whatever is bound up here on earth is also bound up in heaven. (Matt 18:18). If I had any house to myself, you would not have been seeing me in your house. You are my house, my country; family I have no dwelling place. Every person, throughout the world sees me. Can you now realize why it is said that if you do not hate your father, mother, streets, communities, and even your life, it is impossible that you can become the disciple of Our Lord Jesus Christ (Luke 14:26) and it will amount to waste of energy and time?

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Let us now speak of the "Master Voice." Let the second lesson be read. Please my children do not be sorrowful for I have earlier obtained permission to give you this information. It is just an unavoidable circumstance. We cannot fail to impart this teaching to you.

When you begin to ask, "Why is it that we cannot do the Work of God?" that is the answer provided for you. 

Second Bible Lesson: Luke 9:58

"And Jesus said unto him, Foxes have holes, and birds of the air have nests; but the Son of man hath not where to lay his head."

Brethren, those Words are spoken by the Ruler of heaven and earth. Consider it yourselves, where do you think is the dwelling place of God? We often refer to God as the Creator of heaven and earth. Have you ever gone to His house? Does Our Lord Jesus Christ, who is the Son of God, Lord of Lords, and King of Kings, have any house?

Follow the Footsteps of the Christ

It is said, "Foxes have holes, and birds of the air have nests; but the Son of man hath not where to lay his head." When you went to Jerusalem, did you find a house belonging to Our Lord Jesus Christ? Were you shown any? How can you resemble Him as long as you do not emulate His examples? How can you follow Him as long as you do not walk according to His footsteps? You are always seeking to build a house, buy land, and because of that problems arise. As a result of seeking to acquire land, there arises a problem from it. When do you have the time to follow Our Lord Jesus Christ? That is the cause of your downfall. No matter what you may preach, as long as you do not follow Our Lord Jesus Christ, your preaching will be unprofitable exercise.

That is why Our Lord Jesus Christ said, "whoever does not hate his father, mother, brother and sister, and even his life, cannot be my disciple." The Father is here, the Son is here and the Holy Spirit is here. But who is prepared to walk with Him wherever He goes? The Father who is here, where is He living? The Son who is amongst us, where too does He live? The Holy Spirit who is now amongst us, where can you fined His house? Abide by the truth, you who continue to seek for a house, father and mother.

God Does Not Dwell in the House Built by Man

It is said that Solomon built a house for God; but the most High God

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does not live in a house built by man. (Acts 7:48) God does not live in a building like the Pentecostal Hall, 34, Ambo Street, Calabar. God is a Spirit. He is Omnipresent. He is there in the field, in the room, at Lagos, in America, in water. Can you, therefore, not realize that God has no other dwelling place? If His house were to be in the sun, now that you and I have not the capability to get to the sun, it would mean that we would have perished. If His house were to be in the depth of the sea, now that you and I cannot bathe, swim, and dive, it means that we would have perished.

If His house were to be at India, now that you and I cannot afford the fare to India, what do you consider would have been our plight?

The Wisdom of God Eludes Man

That is why the Wisdom of God has surpassed the wisdom of man. God has no dwelling place. He is Omnipresent. Therefore, wherever you may go to, you have to find Him. Equally so the children of God are Omnipresent. They are found everywhere. They have neither a dwelling place, nor a community, nor kith and kin. They are everywhere.

Do not decide to buy an aeroplane for them. Neither should you buy a car for them. They can go to any place. They have no problem. They are everywhere because they are workers of God. Whoever wants to follow Our Lord Jesus Christ but decides first to build a house before following Him, is not yet prepared. Can you not realize that a man of God has no problems? Even in the car, he will only speak about the car. He can sleep in the car. Even if he is in an open ground in the street, he is prepared to lie in it and sleep. Every place is one and the same thing to him. Why then do you bother yourself? Go to preach from one city to the other, and from one country to the other. As a full-time missionary you have to know that Lagos is looking for you, Ghana is looking for you. And so you have no problems. You can do this work with interest otherwise you will turn into a pillar of salt.

Emulate My Example

As I am here now, what type of house could you build which will be sufficient for me? Brethren, can you not realize how the Wisdom of God has eluded you. I have already told you that this is yet thirty years, and my feet have not stepped on the land of Biakpan physically. I have no dwelling place. I have no community. I have no acquaintance. I have no relations. I have no friend. It is said that when you visit the father toad and the mother toad, and find them squatting, you have to squat

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with them.

When you went to Biakpan, did you find any house, which is supposed to be owned by the Leader? Did you find any house and my furniture? Did you find any such things? When you go to 26 Mbukpa, Calabar, do you find any room belonging to me? Do you find my dresses or any possessions, or iron bed?

Do people not think that as the Name Olumba Olumba Obu is so proclaimed, that His house will be a skyscraper, and the most magnificent of all the buildings? Did you not have such an opinion? Does the world not hold to that opinion? If I were to live in a house, who would have done this work? How would the work have progressed? What good would have come to me? What good would have come to you?

Carnality Affects the Progress of Work

Despite all the teachings imparted to you, the things of the earth continue to hinder you from hearing the Word of God, believing in the Word, and practicing it. You always think on what to eat, and drink, put on and how to build a house. All the wealth of the earth stands to hinder you.

The children of God, I have to emphasize, have no dwelling houses. They have neither a country, nor town, nor community. No person knows from where they have come. No person knows to where they are going. Our Lord Jesus Christ is here on earth. Sister Clover, in the year 1958, saw Our Lord Jesus Christ physically at No. 8, Eton Street. She saw Him with the twelve disciples but could not know their faces.

The Field Is All White

Brethren, that is the only cause of your problem. Let us pray the Father to send us laborers, for the harvest really is overripe. The time is at hand. We cannot predict what will befall the world.

It is not money, which is your problem. It is no other thing apart from the fact that you are not prepared to forsake the things of the earth. When people heard that Our Lord Jesus Christ had said, "If any man come to me, and hate not his father, and brethren, and sisters, yea and his own life also, he cannot be my disciple," they argue that he was speaking parabolically. Where lies the parable in that statement?

Remember when the father of Our Lord Jesus Christ died, He was on

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ministry to India. Brethren why you cannot serve God fully is due to those factors enumerated by Our Lord Jesus Christ. The love for father, mother, brethren, sisters, brother, and even your life, are the factors, which hinder you.

If you find any person who wants to do the Work of God, but argues that until he completes his building or until he gets married and have children, depart from such a fellow because he is only wasting his time.

Our Lord Jesus Christ said, "Whoever does not forsake all his belongings, cannot be my disciple."

He is here by your side. He is here right before you. He is behind you. He is within you. He is your eyes, and everywhere, but are you prepared to follow Him?

This is the time for you to go forth and bear witness of Him. He is Omnipresent. But He requires you to come and bear witness of Him. If you go to Russia, you will find Him there. If you go to China, Japan, Europe, Asia, Persia, you will find Him because He is everywhere. But the only thing He requires of you is that you should come and bear witness of Him. But you seem to have no chance. Which day did Our Lord Jesus Christ request you to build for Him a house? You will argue that you want to build a cathedral but when did Christ request you to do so? Of what use is a cathedral to Him?

The Uncircumcised in Heart Resist the Will of God

What type of house do you want to build for Our Lord Jesus Christ? Is it not out of your own desires that this is being done? And you that have not yet circumcised your ears and heart you continue to resist the Holy Spirit. And so this week is set-aside for the missionaries to critically give meaning to the term "missionary." Missionaries are the children of God who do the Work of God. They have no places of abode neither do they have fathers nor mothers, and have forsaken everything in the world.

Brethren, I do not intend to be tedious unto you. Let our golden text be read.

Golden Text: Luke 14:26

"If any man come to me, and hate not his father, and mother, and wife, and children, and brethren, and sisters, yea, and his own life also, he cannot be my disciple."

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A Child of God Does Not Segregate

Who has made this statement? Are these not the things you want? How then will you be the disciple of Our Lord Jesus Christ? How can you follow Him wherever He goes? That precisely is the problem. Any person who does not hate his father, mother, wife, children, relatives and his very life also cannot be a disciple of Our Lord Jesus Christ; and if you are not, you are wasting your time. I voice out these things to you so that tomorrow your blood will only be upon you. I have made everything open to you lest you say tomorrow that Leader should have told us to follow Him. If you do not forsake everything you cannot be a worthy disciple of Our Lord Jesus Christ. Of the twelve disciples of Our Lord Jesus Christ, who among them was of the same womb with Our Lord Jesus Christ? Who was His brother or uncle? The disciples came from different places and this epitomizes the fact that the children of God know no discrimination or division. They do not ask where you come from and have no dealings with town, streets, genealogy, date, month, house, and what have you. Are not all the children in the world your children? Are not all the mothers in the entire universe your own mothers? Are not all the young girls in this earth your own sisters? Are not all the houses, on the earth plane your own houses? The children of God have no problems. They sleep anywhere they go to do the work of their Almighty Father and preaching about the Kingdom of God. You are living witnesses, for even now, there are many brothers here who own storey buildings yet prefer sleeping in the open fields, and feel better there than sleeping in their houses. Therefore, if you should leave off these things, you would not have argued, but would have become disciples of Our Lord Jesus Christ and thus become full-time missionaries going everywhere. Because if you go to Russia, Our Lord Jesus Christ is there much the same way as He is in West Indies, India, China and every part of the world. There is no place Our Lord Jesus Christ is not present.

The Word of God Is Everything to Every Man

Brethren, at this time nothing is concealed from you because the time is at hand. No time is left for you. The city of Brotherhood is the Word of God, the Word of God is the City of Brotherhood and it is the Word of God that is our street. The Word of God is our house. The Word of God is our brother and sister. The Word of God is our Father, our King and is all and in all. We have no other dwelling place than the Word of God and to practice the Word of God as well as to disseminate the Gospel to the entire world. The Scripture says that your fathers did eat the manna in the desert and perished but I am the bread of life whoever eats of it shall never perish.

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(John 6:49-51) Right now, every one is committed to the word of life and to spread same to all nations that they may have life. But the love of your mother, father, brother, sister, husband, wife, and life itself has hindered you from going outside. The Scripture says that I am a jealous God whosoever loves his father more than me is not worthy of me. But if you have them and love me, you are my disciple. To hate your mother and father is not to curse or beat them but it is for you to leave them to do the Work of God. Brethren, do you not realize what have hindered you? Even if you should contribute money just as the launching of the N1.5 Million fund this week, are you going to bell the cat? One person can donate N20 million, but can the N20 million go and do the work of God? Brethren, let nobody deceive you any longer. If you reject Our Lord Jesus Christ and His Teachings you will perish. You see why church denominations in the world confess that the power of the Holy Spirit is not in existence. Right now how will the power exist so long as you fail to practice the Teachings of Our Lord Jesus Christ? Whosoever does not abide by the Teachings of Our Lord Jesus Christ has neither the Father nor Our Lord Jesus Christ.

And now the unique Gospel:

Unique Gospel

As you are going away, we go together. In your house, I am there. Have I ever requested you for a mat, clothing to cover myself, room for me to sleep in? Brethren, the Gospel of today is a unique one for I have not given it before. That is why I plead with you not to be infuriated. There are many Gospels, which I have not yet given you lest you become exasperated. This Gospel is not for the carnally minded children. It is not also for new members. It is not meant for those who seek for the things of this world. But it is for those who were waiting anxiously for the coming of this Kingdom of God. Because there are few people in this world who have been waiting for this Kingdom of God. This is the ground of my statement that you must go and preach the Word of God to all nations, before the end of time comes.

Labor Not for Meat that Perishes (John 6:27).

Remember that Our Lord Jesus Christ did tell Pilate that his Kingdom is not of this world; if it were so, My children would have fought. For the children of God, their kingdom is not of this world. Give N100 million to the children of God, they will not thank you.

You build a magnificent mansion, furnish it for a child of God, he will show no appreciation. If you are a man and you give a child of God

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many beautiful girls with hairs all over their bodies who speak English wonderfully, he will reject them. What does he do with them? They are useless to him. What benefit will he derive from this? Do you not know that children prevent you from entering this Kingdom of God? Do you not realize that it is husband, money, food, clothes and all the things of this world that prevent you from gaining entry into this Kingdom of God? Do you not know this? The Scripture says, "They shall hunger no more, neither thirst any more, neither shall the sun light on them, nor any heat, (Rev 7:16) for the Lamb shall cover them with His mighty wings." Have you not heard this Word of God? You are told not to seek for food that perishes but seek the food that will endure forever which the Lamb of God will give, for Him had God the Father sealed.

Do Not Worship Anything Made by Hand

Everyday I make it known that you do not fully understand what Brotherhood stands for. Have you seen me with a wrist, watch on My Hand, slippers on My Feet, a tie on My Neck, rings on My fingers, a hat on My Head, or on a bicycle, a motorcycle, or in a car? What really do you see me with since you came here? Somebody preached that he will not worship anything made by man? Are clothes not man-made? How about towns? They all are, but the Word of God is not.

Brethren, I do not intend to take you long, and from today I will not preach this kind of Gospel. You will please excuse me for this. I will preach a different type tomorrow so that your mind be not troubled.

Everybody is weak and thinking how this thing is like.

Well, it is said that one stroke of the cane is enough for the wise. He who has ears let him hear. May God Bless His Words. Amen.

REFERENCE: Everlasting Gospel By The Sole Spiritual Head Of The Universe,

Leader Olumba Olumba Obu on: "COUNT ALL BUT LOSS BUT PREACH THE GOSPEL" Monday Evening, May 13, 1985