courier democrat. (langdon, n.d.), 1917-02-01, [p ].€¦ · court stenographer helen saufor.l...

THIS OOllKtEK-DlSMOOKAT, TBOKSluY FEBRUARY 1, 1017. PAGE THREE OFFICIAL DIRECTORY. » THE EXECUTIVE: President. Wood row Wilson Vice President Thomas R. Marshall CABINET OFFICERS. Secretary of State Robert Lansing Secretary of the Treasnry.. William G.McAdoo Attorney General, Jas. C. MacReynolds Kecretary of War Lindley M. Garrison Postmaster General Albert Burlesoi, Seoretary of the Navy Josephas Daniels Secretary of the Interior Franklin K Lane Secretary of Agriculture David A. Houston Secretary of Commerce William C.Redfleld Secretary of Labor William B. Wilson U S. SUPREME OOORT. Chief Justice Edward Douglass White Associate Justices—Joseph McKenna, Oliver Wendell HolmoR. William R. Day, Joseph McKemia, Willis Vhii Devanter, Mali Ion Pit- npy, Louis D. Hrandis.W. H. Reynolds. UNITED STATES SENATE. A. J. Gronuu Lakota P. J, McCumber Walipeton CONGRESSMEN. H. T. Helgeson Milton George M. Young Valley City * ' P.D.Norton Bismarck FEDERAL OFFICERS. United States District Judge 0. F. Amidon United States Marshal S. J. Doyle United States Attorney Edward Engerud Clerk of United States Court.. J A. Montgomery . Surveyor Goueral E A.Williams National Bunk Examiner E.S.Tyler Collector of Custom Alex. Morrison STATE SUPREME COURT, Chief Justice A. A. Bruce Associate J nsticos - A. M. Ch istiausou J. E. Robinson, 1{. H. Grace, L. E. Birdzell. Clerk ofSupromn Court R. D. lloskitis Reporter F. W. Ames STATE OFFICERS. Governor Lynn J. Frazier laeutenantGovernor A. J Kraabul Secretary of State Thomas Hall State Auditor Curl R. Kositzky State Treasurer Jolui Steeno Attorney General William Lander Sup't Public Instruction NeilC Mac Donald Commissioner of Insurance S, A. OI bih'sk Commissioner of Agriculture John N Hagan (JoiiimissioncrsofRailroads—S. A. Aandahl, t'. W. Bleick, Jl. 1' I dI iushij, DISTRICT COURT Judee Seventh District W. J . Kneeshaw Court Stenographer Helen Saufor.l STATE SENATORS. Eighteenth District Henry McLean REPRESENTATIVES Eighteenth District. Otto Dottier Ouo (!. Olson, J.J. Seiirag. COUNTY OFFICERS. County Auditor Ole .J. Eid<( County Treasurer Robert. Work Sheriff 1' rcii J Thompson Clorkof t he District Court C. S. Robertson States Attorney (}. Grinison County Judge K. W. Bleakley Register of Deeds John McGnuvrati Superintendent, of Schools Fred J. Keller County Surveyor Malcolm Darling County Coroner Dr.ti. Stroinherg COUNTY COMMISSIONERS. First Com'r District, Noil Nicolson Second Com'r District Sam Iverson Third Com'r District Robert Laing Fourth Com'r District Louis Rose Fifth Com'r District Alex Rus«el CITY OFFICERS. Mayor John J. Power Aldermen 1st Ward..John J. Boyd. l)r. T, Smith Aldermen Vnd Ward.. 11. T. linrk<>. Win Stranger Aldermen 3rd Ward..T, B. llaukev,,!. Balgaard City Auditor loliu Shefhan City Treasurer John I). Milne Chief of Police )times Rned Assessor J. H.Harlan Citv Attorney Tlio.-;. 1 »• vaney City Justice Josepli Power Police Magistrate \. D. McNah [OPFKIAL1 / - PROCEEDINGS -OF THE- Board of County Commissioners CAVALIER COUNTY, N. D. SOCIETY MUICOTOKY. CHA PTER OF ROSE CROIX—Ltmgilon CI,tip- tor No. 1^, holds irgular t'omniniiicxtions oil the tirst utnl third Thursiiays of each at the Masonic Temple. Wii.I.iam F I.UK.W. M. Robert Woek, Secretary. LODGE OF PERFECTION.—Langdon No. 8 Holds regular communications on iho first and ^hird Thursdays' of each month at the Masonic J. E. T rimx , V. M. ;<.m:R'r Winm, Sec'y. A. f. ,W A. M.— Lebanon Lodgo holds regular •ommiiiiicatioijs at the Masonic Temple on tiie ««enud and fourth Fridays'of each mouth, WILT,iam F I.ACK. W. M. Wm. S tevenson ,Sec retarv. O. E. S.—Langdou Tempi" holds reirittar com- munications on the first and third Tuesday's of tuch month at the Masonic hall. Mrs . S aijiis MoDowam,, W. M Robkbt Work, Sec'y. C. O, F. No. 808—St. Alphonsus Court, meets on the first and third Wednesday's of each month iu their hall. J ohn S hbktian, C. R. < Fbank J. Stadle Sec'y. I. O. O. F.—Meets every Tuesday night in hall over First National Bank. K rnkst ZiEi-Kit N. G. T ed Hanson Sec'y. Township Clerks Justice of the Peace We carry a complete line of Township and Justice Court BLANKS In fact everything necessary to successfully carry on the busi- ness of the township. :: :: Your Order will be Appreciated. Courier-Democrat. Dufaolt & Wilkens CITY 1 MEAT MARKET Fresh and Salt Meats of all kinds constantly on band GAME AND FISH IN SEASON Orders delivered in City. PHONE 3S £ OeWitt's Kidney and Bladder Pills fOR BACKACHE Minutes of a regular session of the board of county commissioners of Cavalier county, held at the auditor's office at Langdon, North Dakota, Tuesday, January 2nd 1317 at 2:00 p. m. Present: R. 13. I>aing-, Chairman. Ham Iverson, Commissioner. Alex Russell, commissioner. S. JCrickson, commissioner. Neal Nicolson, commissioner The minutes of the last regular and special meeting's were read and upon motion were approved as read. pon motion the board adjourned to Wednesday morning. Wednesday morning-, January 3rd, 1917 9:00 A. M. Board convened-pursuant to adjourn- ment. All members present. The several bids for the furnishing' of bonds for the different county of- ficials were presented by the follow- ing*: National Surety Co., New York, N. Y. Jos l'ower, agent. _ American Surety Co., New York, N. Y., F. A. McDonald,'agent. Dakota Trust Co., Fargo, N. D., Alex McNab, agent. Middlewe.nt I,onn and Trust Co., Val- ley City, North Dakota, II. A. Grim- shaw, agent. Northwestern Trust Co., Grand Forks, North Dakota, M. C. Bacheller, agent. American Surety Co., New York, N. Y., T. K. liiirke, agent. American Surety Co., New York, N. Y., 11. A. (Srimshaw, agent. As the bids were found to be all the same rate, a motion was made and car- ried that the different officers bo in- structed to get their bonds from any company desired. Upon motion the board adjourned to 2:00 p. in. 2:00 p. m. Hoard cunvdiwl pursuant to adjourn- ment. All members present. The bids for the amount of interest to be paid on the time, deposit of Coun- ty money were presented by the fol- lowing: State Hank of Wales, Wales, X. Da- kota, . r > per eent. Dank of Mowbray, Mowbray, North Dakota, 5 per eent. Cavalier County National Dank, Langdon, North Dakota, 5 per cent. Great Western Dank, Osnabrock, North Dakota, 5 per cent. First National Bank, Milton, North Dakota, T> per eent. First State Dank, Olga, North Dako- ta. f> per eent. Farmers State Rank, Alsen, North Dakota, r> per eent. Clyde; State Rank, Clyde, North Da- kota, , r i per cent. First National Rank, Munich, North Dakota, Ti per pent. Citizens State Rank, Wales, North Dakota. S per eent. First State Rank, Rasby, North Da- kota, . r > per eent. First State Rank, l^oma, T.omn, North Dakota, li per eent. State Rank Sarles, Sarles, North Da- kota, . r > per cent. First National Hank, I^angdon, North Dakota. f> per eent. State Rank of llanna, Hannah, North Dakota. . r i per eent. Citizens State llank, Rangdon.North Dakota. .1 per cent The State Hank Milton, Milton, North Dakota. fi per eent. The First State Rank, Calvin, North Dakota, r, per eent. Citizens State Rank, Hannah, North Dakota. 5 per eent. Farmers and Merchants State Rank, Sarles, North Dakota, r> per cent. Farmers Hanlc, Munich, North Dako- ta. 5 per eent. State Rank. Nekoma, North Dakota, per cent. State Hank Dresden, North Dakota, , r > per eent. Farmers and Merchants State Rank, ('alio. North Dakota, !> per eent. Motion made and carried that the bids be accepted and that the banks be notified to furnish bonds to cover the same. The bids for the amount of interest to be paid on the daily deposit of coun- ty funds were presented by the follow- ing: State Rank. Wales, North Dakota, 2 per cent. Rank ef Mowbraw, Mowbray, North Dakota. 2 per eent. Cavalier County National Rank, Rangdon. North Dakota, 2 per cent. First National Rank, Munich, North Dakota, 2 per cent. First State Rank, Calvin, North Da- kota, 2 per cent. Great Western Rank, Osnabrock, North Dakota, 2 per cent. First National Rank, Milton, North Dakota. 2 per cent. The State Rank, Milton, North Dako- ta. 2 per cent. The Clyde State Bank, Clyde, North Dakota, 2 p»r cent. _ The First State Bank, Easby, North Dakota. 2 per cent. . The First State Bank, Olga, North Dakota, 2 per cent. Citizens State Bank, Wales, North Dakota, 2 per cent. State Rank of Hanna, Hannah, North Dakota, 2 per cent. State Rank of Nekoma, Nekoma, North Dakota, 2 per cent. First National Bank, Osnabrock, North Dakota, 2 per cent. First National Bank, Langdon, North Dakota, 2 per cent. Farmers State Bank, Alson, North Dakota, 2 per cent. Citizens State Bank, Rangdon, North Dakota, 2 per cent. State Bank of Dresden, Dresden, North Dakota, 2 per cent. Farmers and Merchants State Bank, Calio, North Dakota, 2 per cent. Citizens State Bank, Hannah, North Dakota, 2 per cent. _i . Farmers and Merchants State Bank of Sarles, Sarles, North Dakota, 2 per cent. _ _ First State Bank of Roma, Roma, North Dakota, 2 per cent. The State Bank, Wales,, North Dako- to, 2 per cent. , The State Bank of Sarles, Sarles. North Dakota...2 ,per/cent. Motion made? and carried that the bids be accepted and that hte banks be. notified to furnish bonds to cover t ^Tpo^Aot'idri the,board adjourned to Thursday morning. Thursday, January 4th, 1917 9:00 A. M. Board convened pursuent to adjourn- ment. All members presetn. The following bills were audited and allowed: The Woolaeger Mfg. Co., part payment of furniture con- tract Sl,985.i i Better Farming Department Agricultural College, salaries and expenses for November.. The Hannah Moon, printing..—. S. J. A. Boyd, mileage and ex- penses as deputy superin- tendent of sohools - S. J. A. Boyd, expenses trip to agricultural college with children Sam Iverson,services and mile- age investigating county poor cases - 11.10 John McGauvran, postage ana box rent -1— - J. ^uAnson, board county poor Fred J. Reher, mileage, post- age, express, box rent, etc... The Globe Gazette Printing Co., supplies for court house Walker Bros., and Hardy. books and supplies 113. Cavalier County Lumber Co., coal for court house Langdon Light Co., light for court house Boyds Department Store, sup- plies for court house ..._ Warwick Sentinel, one year subscription to estray paper Upon motion the board adjourned to 2:00 p. m. 2:00 r. M. Board convened pursuent to adjourn- ment. All members preBQtn. The following bills were audited and allowed: Kenneth Hussell, road drag- glnif Fremont township 2.50 245.91 12.60 179.40 11S.7? 3S.75 2S.00 138.05 11.17 158.GO 179.G5 S.20 5.00 Loam Township, culvert for county work 18.40 Loam Township, % of con- crete culverts 222.40 Edwin Haug, road work Loam township 8.50 Milton Griswold, road work Loam township 15.00 John Haug, road work Ixiam township 8.00 Andrew Stone,road work Loam township 2.00 P. O. Peterson, road work Roam township 7.7D Jerry Kelland, sheriff, presented the statement of services rendered in criminal actions for the month of October, and the following fees were allowed: Jerry Kelland, mileage and livery $ 20.30 Jerrff Kelland sheriff, presented the statement of services rendered in criminal actions for the month of Nov- ember and the following fees were allowed: Jerry Kelland, mileage and livery $ 59.40 Jerry Kelland sheriff, presented the statement of services rendered in criminal aetions for the month of Dec- ember and the following fees were allowed: Jerry Kelland, mileage and livery $195.55 R. G. Paxnian, justice, presented his report for the quarter ending Decem- ber 31, 19111, and upon motion was ap- proved and ordered filed. Upon motion the board adjourned to Friday morning. Friday, January 5th, 1917. 9:00 A. M. Board convened pursuent to adjourn- ment. All members presetn. The following bills were audited and allowed: O. J. Kide, to drawing jurors..$ 2.00 O. ,1. Hide, postage and box rent s.75 The Institute for Feeble Minded, care of county pati- ents IIGO.OO West Hope Township, county poor bill IS.00 West Hope Township, county poor bill IS.00 Stoekland Road Machine Co.. extras for road grader 14.00 North Dakota Tuberculosis Sanitoriuni, supplies for county patients 15.80 H. 10. Close, medicine for county prisioncrs 1.4U Turtle Mountain Department Store, supplies for patients at Dunseith ' 11.00 Nap Godaire, mileage omitted in Geo. W. Price justice re- port 8.20 Jerry Kelland sheriff.distrihut- ing election supplies, gener- al election 1U6.50 Jerry Kelland sheriff, serving notice of redemption for county k;.:io Jerry Kelland sheriff, drawing jurors and telegrams Hi.77 Walker Urns. and Hardy, supplies for court house 44.9C The Hannah Drug Store. medicine for the county poor 7.60 \V. G. Crocker, supplies for superintendent of schools .... ? 3.15 Cavalier County National Rank - , premiums on 2 in- surance policies uO.OO Milton Globe, printing and supplies 53.33 Milton Globe, printing and supplies 234.00 Calvin Times, printing and supplies 25S.90 Tpon motion the board adjourned to 2:00 p. m. 2:00 P. M. Roard convened pursuant to adjourn- ment. All members p>"-sent. The follow-in:,- hills were audited and allowed : Thi: Wales Progress, print- ing 75.25 Cavalier County Republican printing and supplies..., 499.50 Courier lieni'icrat, printing and supplies ;ifS.12 The Munieh Herald, printing and supplies 2S5.11I Henderson Township, county poor hill l.'M.Sl Fremont Township, county poor bill - 70.41! Osnabrock Township, county poor bill 33.75 Osnabrock Township, county poor hill 2(1.-10 .1". K. i Iosk, road work 24.20 lrvin Witheridge. road work.. 13.00 Peter Naismith, road work .'18.50 Oscar Johnson, dragging road 11. "7 A. (). (Hson, dragging road 20.00 Gus Schuliz, road work 25.00 D. Mc.Naught, dragging road.. 12.75 Northwestern Sheet and Iron Works, culverts 139.57 Northwestern Sheet and Iron Works, culverts 255.74 Osnabrock School District, re- fund on teachers retirement fund 100 M. O. Strom Co., supplies for court house 275.00 ,T. J. Mahoney, money advanced county poor 20.00 Upon motion the board adjourned to Saturday morning. Saturday, January Gth, 1917. 9:00 A. M. Roard convened pursuent to adjourn- ment. All members presetn. The surety bond of Neal Nicolson as county commissioner was presented in the, penal sum of $5000 with the North- western Trust Co., of Grand Forks as surety, and approved by the states at torney, clerk of court, and county judge, and upon motion was accepted and ordered filed. The surety bond of Sam Iverson as county commissioner was presented in the penal sum of $5000 with the North- western Trust Co., of Grand Forks as surety, and approved by the states at- torney, clerk of court, and county judge, and upon motion was accepted and ordered filed. The surety bond of Alex Russell as county commissioner was presented in the penal sum of $5000 with the Dako- ta Trust Co. of Fargo as surety, and approved by the states attorney, clerk of court, and the county judge, and up- on motion was accepted and ordered filed. The surety bond of R. B. Laing as county commissioner was presented in the penal sum of $5000 with the Ameri- can Surety Co. of New York as surety, and'approved by the states attorney, clerk of court, and the county judge, and upon motion accepted and ordered filed. The surety bond of Louis Rose tts county commissioner was presented in the penal sum of $5000 with the Northwestern Trust Co. of Grand Forks as surety, and approved by the states attorney, clerk of court, and the county judge, and upon motion \vas accepted and ordered filed. Commissioner S. G. Erickson retired from the board and Louis Rose was duly qualified to act as a member of the board. Upon motion made and carried Sam Iverson was appointed chairman of the board for the ensuing year. The following bills were audited and allowed: S. G. Erickson. services and mileage as county commis- sioner $ 40.00 Upon motion the board adjourned to 2:00 p. m. 2:00 r. M. Roard convened pursuent to adjourn- ment. All members presetn. The following bills were audited and allowed: Robt. Work treasurer. prem- iums on insurance policics.... $ G8.95 Robt. Work treasurer, post- age and box rent 112.10 Robt. Work treasurer. bailif fees district court 30.00 Robt. Work treasurer, post- age Co. auditor office 5.00 Robt. Work treasurer, money advanced furniture contract 30.00 Robt. Work treasurer, postage sheriff offffice 19.00 Robt. Work, treasurer, post- age clerk of court office 21.70 Robt. Work, treasurer, steno- grapher fees district court.. 117.20 Robt. Work treasurer, juror fees district court 577.45 Robt. Work treasurer, laundry for prisoners C.92 Uobt. Work, treasurer, post- age superintendent of schools ofllce 57.00 Robt. Work tre&aulrer, witness f»ea district court 82.30 Robt. Work treasurer, express and drayage 27.28 Robt.' Work treasurer, money advanced juvenile officer 39.25 Upon motion the board adjourned to Monday- jnoi oing. Monday, January 8th, 1917. 9:00 A. M. Roard com ened pursuent to adjourn- ment. All members presetn. Upon motion the board proceeded to check the ofllce of county judgo and found the following results: Total collections of fees for the year ending December 31st, 191G $ 220.00 Treasurer's receipts were presented for the above amount. A surety bond of F. W. Rleakley as county judge was presented in the penal sum of $2UOO. with the National Surety Co. of New York, as surety, and upon motion was approved and ordered tiled. I'Pun motion the board adjourned to 2:0o p. in. 2:00 1". M. Roard convened pursuent to adjourn- ment. All members presetn. Upon motion the board proceeded to cheek the office of clerk of court and found the following results: Total collection of fees for the vear ending December 31st, UUC $ 799.92 Treasurer's receipts were presented for the above amount. A surety bond of Chas. S. Robertson as ch-rk of court was presented in the penal sum of $10,000. with the Dakota Trust Co. of Fargo as surety, and upon motion was approved and ordered tiled. Upon motion the board proceeded to check the office of superintendent of schools and found the following re- sults Total collections for the vear ending December' 31st. 19l(!.$ 114.00 Remitted to county treasurer as per receipts 04.00 Remitted to state superintend- ent 50.00 A surety bond id' Fred J. Holier as superintendent of schools was present- ed in ;he i>ena! sum of $500 with the Northwestern Trust Co. of Grand Forks as surety and upon motion was ap- proved ; .',id ordered tiled. Upon motion the board adjourned to Tuesdiii morning. Tiusdaj. January 9th. 1917. 9:00 A. M. Hoard convened pursuent to adjourn- ment. A'i members presetn. i'pnti motion the board proceeded to ehecr. the register of deeds office ail dav Tuesday. Upon motion the board adjourned to Wednesday morning. Wednesday. Jan. loth. 1917. 9:00 A. M. Uoa:;l convened puisuent to adjourn- ment. All members present. The board proceeded to tinish check- ing the office of register of deeds and found the following results: 4215 ileal estate instruments tiled and recorded $3,S43.25 4434 chattel mortgages, liens, bills of sale, etc 1.108.50 189 enmity. township and sclii'el officers bonds 1S9.00 37 reports of chattel mortgage sale and attorney affidavit .... 9.25 5(1 cot titled copies 12.50 lowing results: 2 attachments of personal prope:ly •• r '0 Total fees collected $5,163.00 Treasurer's fees for the above amounts presented. A sui"ty bond of John McGauvran as register of deeds was presented in the penal sum of $10.uimi . with the National So ret;. of New York as surety, and upon i;i' t ion was appioved and ordered tiled. 1 motion the boa t d adjourned to 2:01) p. in. 2:t'0 I'. M. l'.oa'. i >. oiivetie pursuant to adjourn- ment. All embers present. rpol: motion the hoard pi"o oiled to cheek ' ie office of sheriff on Wednes- day ar.u Thursday and found the fol- Atnoui.: of personal property taxes collected for the year..$5.7S4.54 fees i '1 collecting tlo- same... 375.00 Total ;• os collected in civil i ases for toe year 772.2S Ti Krida; Frida lal amount collected .... $«,931.S2 uj er's r eceipts u •. re presented above amounts. i motion the board adjourned to morning. . .January 12th. 1917. ":00 A. M. d convene pursuant to adjourn- A . . ; .el i.l'. ors 1 resent. i';i I! motion tti- board proceeded to cheeK it .e se.erai fees collected in tlo* audiotor's oi'l'iee for the year ending 1 lee . i l; 1 -J, and found the following results: Fees collected for the year ending December 31, 191(1, $277. Treasurer's receipts for the above, amount were presented. Upon motion tlw; auditor was in- structed to call for bids for furnishing culveits for the ensuing year to be opened at the February meeting. Upon motion the auditor was in- structed to call for bids for furnishing books and blanks for the ensuing year to be opened at the April meeting-. Upon motion the auditor was in- structed to call for bids for furnishing material and building bridges for the ensuing year, to be opened at the Ap- ril meeting. Upon motion the board adjourned to 2 :0o p. m. p. m. Roard convene pursuant to adjourn- ment. All members present. Upon motion the board proceeded to check the offices of treasurer and aud- itor. Upon motion the board adjourned to Satimlay morning. .Saturday, January 13, 1917 9:00 a. iu. Hoard convene pursuant to adjourn- ment. All members present. A surety bond of Fred A. Thompson as sheriff was presented in the penal sum of $5000 with the Northwestern Trust Co. of Grand Forks as surety and upon motion was approved and ordered filed. Fred A. Thompson having qualified, was duly installed as sheriff of Cava- lier county. A personal bond of G. Grimson as states attorney was presented in the penal sum of $2000 with W. W.' Mc- Quecn, C. E. Johnston, A. Sparling and A. Scliulke as sureties and upon mo- tion was approved and ordered filed. A surety bond of Dr. G. E. Strom- berg as coroner was presented in the penal sum of $500 with the American Surety Co. of New York as surety, and upon motion was approved and ordered filed. A personal bond of F. A. McDonald as county justice of the peace was pre- sented in the penal sum of $500 with J. B. Sweeney and A. P. Elliott as sur- eties and upon motion was approved and ordered filed. A personal bond of George W. Price as county justice of the peace was presented in the penal yum of $500 with J. H. Bain and C. E. Johnston as sureties and upon motion was approv- ed and ordered filed. A personal bond of Halvor Torger- son as county justice of the peace was presented in the penal sum of $500, with Robert Work and F. W. Bleakley as sureties and upon motion was ap- proved and ordered filed. Upon motion made and carried J. G. Dickson was appointed to fill the va- cancy caused by the resignation of Thomas Devaney .justice of the peace. A personal bond of J. G. Dickson as county justice of the peace was pre- sented in the penal sum of $500witli A. O. Wold and N. C. Crockett as sur- eties and upon motion was approved and ordered filed. A personal bond of J. D. McDougall as county constabh was presented in the penal sum of $5 00 with Joseph Power and £. C. McDonald as sure- ties and upon motion was approved and ordered filed. Upon motion, the board adjourned to 2 00 p. m. 2:00 P. M. Roard convene pursuant to adjourn- ment. AU ineinbera present. Upon motion the board proceeded to check the auditor's and treasurer's of- fices. Upon motion the board adjourned to Monday morning. Monday, Jan. IS, 1917 0:00 n. m. Bourd convene pursuant to adjourn- ment. All members present. Upon motion the board proceeded to check the offices of auditor and treas- urer Monday and Tuesday and found the following report to be correct. Balance on hand Jan. 1st, . 19 16 . $215,267.41 i ollections for the year ending Dec. 31, 191G S30,173.42 Total $1,045,,440.83 Total payments for the year ending Dec. 31,1916 877,007.47 IntheArena of Sports Darcy of Australia Ralance on hand in banks and otherwise Jan.l, 1917 108,433.36 Upon motion the board adjourned to I Wednesday morning. Wednesday, Jan. 17, 1917 9:04> a. m. The board convened pursuant to ad- journment. All members present. Upon motion the following amounts were appropriated for office hire In the different offices of the county: County auditor's office $2050.00 County treasurer's office 2000.00 Register of deed's office 2500.00 Clerk of court's office 300.00 States attorney's office 720.00 County judge's office 400.00 Jailor 720.00 Janitor 480.00 The salaries of the different depu- tjes and clerks of the county were fixed at the following amounts: County auditor's office—One deputy at $100 a month; one at $85 a month and clerks at $00 per month. County treasurer's office—One dep- uty at $100 a month; one at $80 a month and clerks at $00 a month. Register of Deeds office—One dep- uty at $100 a month: one at $75 a month and clerks at $G0 per month. Clerk of court's officr—$300 per year to be used for deputies as re- quired. States attorney's office—One stenog- rapher at $ti() per month. County ju.'gc's ofliee—$400 per year for deputy hire to be used as re- quired. Jailor—$t!0 per month. Janitor—$10 per month. Deputy sheriff—$80 a month. Upon motion the balance in the con- tingent fund, $4NO, was transferred in- to the county general fund. Upon motion the treasurer and audi- tor were instructed to transfer $500 fro inthe county general fund to the county contingent fund. Whereas. Geo. Hailey of Loam town- ship, appeared before the board and offered to make settlement of some back personal property taxes, Now. therefore, be it resolved that the sheriff In- instructed to make sett lenient, with said George Railey for the original amount of the taxes less the penalty and interest. Whereas, the directors of St. Ed- ward's parish of Nekoma. N. 1>., ap- before the board praving that i lots nomber 11. 12, 13, 14, 17. is in hlo< number 4, in the of N'el.oma. ' e cancelled for the that sari property is owned by . i iiureh an I that the said lots d for charitable purposes Los Darc.v, the Australian middle- weight boxing champion, who recently landed on our shores, is twenty-one years of age and lias a fine physical appearance. Ills height is slightly over live feet six inches, and bo weighs about 175 pounds. Working at d pe the I 15, li!, villagi reason the s. . were use only. And whereas, the supreme court of North Dakota has ruled that all church property used for charitable purposes be exempt, from taxation, Xow, therefore, be it resolved, that, tiie auditor be instructed to cancel all taM-s against said property. A surety bond of M. M. Darling as coiiti'y siii 'Veyo'' was presented in the penal' sum of $5n'l with the National Surely Co. of New York as surety and upon motion was approved and order- I it f i 1 e d. Whereas, the supreme court of the state of North Dakota has ruled that ail taxes against church property, lodges, fraternities and charitable in- stitutions are unconstitutional. Therefore, be it resolved, that the auditor be instructed to cancel all tax- es that are affected by the said ruling. Upon motion the same for holding' sheriff sales were designated for 1917 a-- in 19 It!. .Motion made and Towey be appointed the board of health ci' r. Motion made and I ..•loan le a i: t .1 'I i all bonds t! (bo- at !> carried that Dr. as a member of and health offi- earried that the i-ed to anprovc not presented at meeting, if approved by the states rney. Whereas. Gustnv Hrekko, represent- ing tlo- .Milton school board, appeared before the commissioners praying that the taxes against lots 7, 8, 9. 10, 1.'!. 14, 15, Iti, 17 and IS in block 2, Milton village, be cancelled. And whereas, the tax is for the years 1SSS and 1S92 and said lots having be- longed to Milton school district all of this time, And whereas all taxes on school prop- erty is exempt from taxation, Now, therefore, be if. ro-,i.."d. that the auditor be instructed to cancel said taxes. Resolution Whereas, John Sheehan, representing the North Dakota Townsite Co.,appear- ed before the board praying that the taxes against lots 2, 21, 22. 23 and 21 in block 2 of Milton village, be par- tially abated, And whereas, said company having sold said lots to the Milton school dis- trict for school purposes at a reason- able price and the taxes being for the years 1894. 1S95, 1S9G, 1897, 1899, 1901, 1902 and 1902, amounting to more than the value of the lots, Now, therefore, be, it resolved, that the auditor be authorized to make a settlement with tbe said townsite Co. for the original tax less the penalty and interest. Upon motion the board adjourned to 2:00 p. m. (Continued Next Week) Photo by American l'res.i Association. JAMES U'STEl: PAKCY. ills trade of blacksmith has given him bl'o:id shoulder-: and a deep cliest, while lil.s hips tire narrow ami his legs small in comparison in his bulky up- per body. Since he began lighting, live years ago, ho litis taken part in thir- ty-seven bonis, lie wo,t ail of these but l'our, twenty of thoni ending in knockouts. His full name is James Lester Ilarey. Herrmann Keeps His Job. At the recent annual session of the National baseball commission Presi- dent John K. Tener of the N'ationat league and President Ban li. Johnsou of the American league voted for Au- gust Herrmann's re-election as chair- man of the commission. John B, Bruce of Cincinnati was re-elected EQ&< retary. NOTICE OF TEACHERS' NATION. EXAM1- FOR YOUR INSPECTION. One thousand patterns of the finest woolens manufactured, together with my expert tailoring making a profit- able and satisfactory combination. My capacity is limited—so you h8d better order that spring and summer suit now. Anything in tailoring promptly and I properly taken care of, for either la- ' dies or gentlemen. 1 Wm. Size, * I Custom Tailor. j Langdon N. Dak., 1 An examination of applicants for teachers' certificates will be held at Langdon and at Munich on Thursday and Friday, Fehruary 8th and 9th, 1917. —Fred J. Reher, County Superintendent. Dated at Langdon, N. D., Jan. 17, 1917. NOTICE. The new directory for the Langdon Telephone Company will be issued shortly. The new book will be some what larger than heretofore and will reach several additional homes, mak- ing it a good advertising medium. Anyone wishing advertising space or change of address, will kindly notify the company. 27-2t. R. T. Burke, Manager. ...THE CORNER STORE... Dresden, North Dakota We wish, at this commencement of another season, to thank our manv customers for the measure of their patronage that they have been pleased to give. We shall welcome them at all times, together with alt new customers, with the firm resolve to frunish in the future, as we have in the past, the very best brand of goods at prices consistant with present conditions. Bring in your butter and eggs and let us show you our goods and quote prices that will appeal to you. With the best of wishes for the coming spring, we remain. Cordially Yours, THe Corner Store* Geo. A. Williams.

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Page 1: Courier Democrat. (Langdon, N.D.), 1917-02-01, [p ].€¦ · Court Stenographer Helen Saufor.l STATE SENATORS. Eighteenth District Henry McLean REPRESENTATIVES Eighteenth District



President. Wood row Wilson Vice President Thomas R. Marshall

CABINET OFFICERS. Secretary of State Robert Lansing Secretary of the Treasnry.. William G.McAdoo Attorney General, Jas. C. MacReynolds Kecretary of War Lindley M. Garrison Postmaster General Albert Burlesoi, Seoretary of the Navy Josephas Daniels Secretary of the Interior Franklin K Lane Secretary of Agriculture David A. Houston Secretary of Commerce William C.Redfleld Secretary of Labor William B. Wilson

U S. SUPREME OOORT. Chief Justice Edward Douglass White Associate Justices—Joseph McKenna, Oliver

Wendell HolmoR. William R. Day, Joseph McKemia, Willis Vhii Devanter, Mali Ion Pit-npy, Louis D. Hrandis.W. H. Reynolds.

UNITED STATES SENATE. A. J. Gronuu Lakota P. J, McCumber Walipeton

CONGRESSMEN. H. T. Helgeson Milton George M. Young Valley City

* ' P.D.Norton Bismarck FEDERAL OFFICERS.

United States District Judge 0. F. Amidon Uni t ed S t a t e s Marsha l S . J . Doy le United States Attorney Edward Engerud Clerk of United States Court.. J A. Montgomery

. Surveyor Goueral E A.Williams National Bunk Examiner E.S.Tyler Collector of Custom Alex. Morrison

STATE SUPREME COURT, Chief Justice A. A. Bruce Assoc i a t e J ns t i cos - A . M. Ch • i s t i ausou J . E . Rob inson , 1{ . H . Grace , L . E . B i rdze l l . C l e rk o fSupromn Cour t R . D . l l o sk i t i s Reporter F. W. Ames

STATE OFFICERS. Gove rno r Lynn J . F raz i e r l a eu t enan tGove rno r A . J Kraabu l Sec re t a ry o f S t a t e Thomas Ha l l S t a t e Aud i to r Cur l R . Kos i t zky State Treasurer Jo lu i Steeno At to rney Gene ra l Wi l l i am Lande r Sup ' t Pub l i c In s t ruc t i on Ne i lC Mac Dona ld Commiss ione r o f I n su rance S , A . OIbih'sk Commiss ione r o f Agr i cu l tu r e John N Hagan ( Jo i i im i s s ionc r so fRa i l roads—S. A . Aandah l , t ' .

W. B le i ck , J l . 1 ' • IdI iushij, DISTRICT COURT

Judee Seven th D i s t r i c t W. J . Kneeshaw Cour t S t enog raphe r He len Sau fo r . l

STATE SENATORS. Eigh teen th D i s t r i c t Hen ry McLean

REPRESENTATIVES Eigh teen th Di s t r i c t . O t to Do t t i e r

Ouo ( ! . O l son , J . J . Se i i r ag . COUNTY OFFICERS.

Coun ty Aud i to r O le . J . E id<( Coun ty T reasu re r Robe r t . Work She r i f f 1 ' r c i i J Thompson C lo rko f t h e D i s t r i c t Cour t C . S . Robe r t son S t a t e s A t to rney (} . Gr in i son Coun ty Judge K . W. B leak l ey Reg i s t e r o f Deeds John McGnuvra t i Supe r in t enden t , o f Schoo l s F red J . Ke l l e r County Surveyor Malcolm Darling Coun ty Corone r Dr . t i . S t ro inhe rg

COUNTY COMMISSIONERS. F i r s t Com ' r D i s t r i c t , No i l N ico l son Second Com'r District Sam Iverson Thi rd Com ' r D i s t r i c t Robe r t La ing Four th Com ' r D i s t r i c t Lou i s Rose F i f t h Com ' r D i s t r i c t A lex Rus«e l

CITY OFFICERS. Mayor John J . Power A lde rmen 1 s t Ward . . John J . Boyd . l ) r . T , Smi th A lde rmen Vnd Ward . . 11 . T . l i n rk<> . Win S t r ange r A lde rmen 3 rd Ward . .T , B . l l aukev , , ! . Ba lgaa rd C i ty Aud i to r l o l i u She fhan C i ty T reasu re r John I ) . Mi lne Ch ie f o f Po l i ce ) t imes Rned Asses so r J . H .Har l an C i tv A t to rney T l io . - ; . 1 »• v aney C i ty Ju s t i ce Josep l i Power Po l i ce Mag i s t r a t e \ . D . McNah



Board of County Commissioners CAVALIER COUNTY, N. D.


CHA PTER OF ROSE CROIX—Ltmgi lon CI , t i p -t o r No . 1^ , ho ld s i r gu l a r t ' omn in i i i cx t i ons o i l t he t i r s t u tn l t h i rd Thur s i i ays o f e ach n io i . t h a t t he Mason ic Temple .

W ii.I.iam FI.UK.W. M. Robert Woek, Sec re t a ry .

LODGE OF PERFECTION.—Langdon No . 8 Ho lds r egu l a r communica t i ons on i ho f i r s t and ^h i rd Thur sdays ' o f e ach mon th a t t he Mason ic

J . E . Trimx , V . M. ;< .m:R ' r Winm, Sec ' y .

A . f . , W A . M . — Lebanon Lodgo ho lds r egu l a r •ommi i i i i c a t i o i j s a t t he Mason ic Temple on t i i e ««enud and fou r th F r idays ' o f e ach mou th ,

WILT,iam FI.ACK. W. M. Wm . Stevenson , Sec r e t a rv .

O . E . S .—Langdou Tempi" ho lds r e i r i t t a r com­mun ica t i ons on the f i r s t and th i rd Tuesday ' s o f t uch mon th a t t he Mason ic ha l l .

Mrs. Saijiis MoDowam, , W. M Robkbt Work, Sec'y.

C. O, F. No. 808—St. Alphonsus Court, meets on the first and third Wednesday's of each month iu their hall.

John Shbktian, C. R. < Fbank J. Stadle Sec'y.

I. O. O. F.—Meets every Tuesday night in hall over First National Bank.

Krnkst ZiE i -Ki t N . G . Ted Hanson Sec'y.

Township Clerks Justice of the Peace

We carry a complete line of •

Township and Justice Court

BLANKS In fact everything necessary to successfully carry on the busi­ness of the township. :: ::

Your Order will be Appreciated.


Dufaolt & Wilkens


1 MEAT MARKET Fresh and Salt Meats of all kinds

constantly on band


Orders delivered in City.


OeWitt's Kidney and Bladder Pills


Minutes of a regular session of the board of county commissioners of Cavalier county, held at the auditor's office at Langdon, North Dakota, Tuesday, January 2nd 1317 at 2:00 p. m. Present:

R. 13. I>aing-, Chairman. Ham Iverson, Commissioner. Alex Russell, commissioner. S. JCrickson, commissioner. Neal Nicolson, commissioner

The minutes of the last regular and special meeting's were read and upon motion were approved as read.

pon motion the board adjourned to Wednesday morning. Wednesday morning-, January 3rd, 1917

9:00 A. M. Board convened-pursuant to adjourn­

ment. All members present. The several bids for the furnishing'

of bonds for the different county of­ficials were presented by the follow­ing*:

Nat iona l Su re ty Co . , New York , N . Y . Jo s l ' ower , agen t .

_ American Surety Co., New York, N. Y., F. A. McDonald,'agent.

Dako ta T rus t Co . , Fa rgo , N . D . , A lex McNab , agen t .

Midd lewe .n t I , onn and T rus t Co . , Va l ­l ey C i ty , Nor th Dako ta , I I . A . Gr im-shaw, agen t .

Nor thwes t e rn T rus t Co., Grand Fo rks , Nor th Dako ta , M. C. Bache l l e r , agen t .

Amer i can Su re ty Co . , New York , N . Y . , T . K . l i i i r ke , agen t .

Amer i can Su re ty Co . , New York , N . Y . , 11 . A . (S r imshaw, agen t .

As t he b id s we re found t o be a l l t he s ame r a t e , a mot ion was made and ca r ­r i ed t ha t t he d i f f e r en t o f f i ce r s bo i n ­s t ruc t ed t o ge t t he i r bonds f rom any company des i r ed .

Upon mo t ion t he boa rd ad jou rned t o 2 :00 p . i n .

2 :00 p . m . Hoa rd cunvd iwl pu r suan t t o ad jou rn ­

men t . A l l member s p r e sen t . The b id s fo r t he amoun t o f i n t e r e s t

t o be pa id on t he t ime , depos i t o f Coun­ty money were p re sen t ed by t he fo l ­l owing :

S t a t e Hank o f Wa le s , Wa le s , X . Da ­ko ta , . r > p e r e en t .

Dank o f Mowbray , Mowbray , Nor th Dako ta , 5 pe r een t .

Cava l i e r Coun ty Na t iona l Dank , Langdon , Nor th Dako ta , 5 pe r cen t .

Grea t Wes t e rn Dank , Osnab rock , Nor th Dako ta , 5 pe r cen t .

F i r s t Na t iona l Bank , Mi l t on , Nor th Dako ta , T> p e r een t .

F i r s t S t a t e Dank , O lga , Nor th Dako­t a . f> p e r een t .

Fa rmer s S t a t e Rank , A l sen , Nor th Dako ta , r> p e r een t .

C lyde ; S t a t e Rank , C lyde , Nor th Da ­ko ta , , r i p e r cen t .

F i r s t Na t iona l Rank , Mun ich , Nor th Dako ta , Ti p e r pen t .

C i t i z ens S t a t e Rank , Wa le s , Nor th Dako ta . S pe r een t .

F i r s t S t a t e Rank , Rasby , Nor th Da ­ko ta , . r > p e r een t .

F i r s t S t a t e Rank , l ^oma , T .omn , Nor th Dako ta , l i p e r een t .

S t a t e Rank Sa r l e s , Sa r l e s , Nor th Da ­ko ta , . r > p e r c en t .

F i r s t Na t iona l Hank , I ^angdon , Nor th Dako ta . f> p e r een t .

S t a t e Rank o f l l anna , Hannah , Nor th Dako ta . . r i p e r e en t .

C i t i z ens S t a t e l l ank , Rangdon .Nor th Dako ta . .1 p e r c en t

The S t a t e Hank Mi l ton , Mi l t on , Nor th Dako ta . f i p e r e en t .

The F i r s t S t a t e Rank , Ca lv in , Nor th Dako ta , r , pe r een t .

C i t i z ens S t a t e Rank , Hannah , Nor th Dako ta . 5 pe r een t .

Fa rmer s and Merchan t s S t a t e Rank , Sa r l e s , Nor th Dako ta , r> p e r cen t .

Fa rmer s Han lc , Mun ich , Nor th Dako­t a . 5 pe r een t .

S t a t e Rank . Nekoma , Nor th Dako ta , pe r cen t . S t a t e Hank Dresden , Nor th Dako ta ,

, r > p e r e en t . Fa rmer s and Merchan t s S t a t e Rank ,

( ' a l i o . Nor th Dako ta , !> p e r een t . Mot ion made and ca r r i ed t ha t t he

b id s be accep t ed and t ha t t he banks be no t i f i ed t o fu rn i sh bonds t o cove r t he s ame .

The b id s fo r t he amoun t o f i n t e r e s t t o be pa id on t he da i l y depos i t o f coun ­ty funds were p re sen t ed by t he fo l l ow­ing :

S t a t e Rank . Wa le s , Nor th Dako ta , 2 pe r cen t .

Rank e f Mowbraw, Mowbray , Nor th Dako ta . 2 pe r een t .

Cava l i e r Coun ty Na t iona l Rank , Rangdon . Nor th Dako ta , 2 pe r cen t .

F i r s t Na t iona l Rank , Mun ich , Nor th Dako ta , 2 pe r cen t .

F i r s t S t a t e Rank , Ca lv in , Nor th Da ­ko ta , 2 pe r cen t .

Grea t Wes t e rn Rank , Osnab rock , Nor th Dako ta , 2 pe r cen t .

F i r s t Na t iona l Rank , Mi l t on , Nor th Dako ta . 2 pe r cen t .

The State Rank, Milton, North Dako­ta. 2 per cent.

The Clyde State Bank, Clyde, North Dakota, 2 p»r cent. _

The First State Bank, Easby, North Dakota. 2 per cent. .

The First State Bank, Olga, North Dakota, 2 per cent.

Ci t i zens S t a t e Bank , Wa le s , Nor th Dako ta , 2 pe r cen t .

S t a t e Rank of Hanna , Hannah , Nor th Dako ta , 2 pe r cen t .

State Rank of Nekoma, Nekoma, North Dakota, 2 per cent.

First National Bank, Osnabrock, North Dakota, 2 per cent.

First National Bank, Langdon, North Dakota, 2 per cent.

Farmers State Bank, Alson, North Dakota, 2 per cent.

Citizens State Bank, Rangdon, North Dakota, 2 per cent.

State Bank of Dresden, Dresden, North Dakota, 2 per cent.

Farmers and Merchants State Bank, Calio, North Dakota, 2 per cent.

Citizens State Bank, Hannah, North Dakota, 2 per cent. _i.

Farmers and Merchants State Bank of Sarles, Sarles, North Dakota, 2 per cent. _ _

First State Bank of Roma, Roma, North Dakota, 2 per cent.

The State Bank, Wales,, North Dako-to, 2 per cent. ,

The State Bank of Sarles, Sarles. North Dakota...2 ,per/cent.

Motion made? and carried that the bids be accepted and that hte banks be. notified to furnish bonds to cover t^Tpo^Aot'idri the,board adjourned to Thursday morning. Thursday, January 4th, 1917 9:00 A. M.

Board convened pursuent to adjourn­ment.

All members presetn. The following bills were audited and

allowed: „ The Woolaeger Mfg. Co., part

payment of furniture con-tract Sl,985.i i

Better Farming Department Agricultural College, salaries and expenses for November..

The Hannah Moon, printing..—. S. J. A. Boyd, mileage and ex­

penses as deputy superin­tendent of sohools -

S. J. A. Boyd, expenses trip to agricultural college with children

Sam Iverson,services and mile­age investigating county poor cases - 11.10

John McGauvran, postage ana box rent -1— -

J. ^uAnson, board county poor Fred J. Reher, mileage, post­

age, express, box rent, etc... The Globe Gazette Printing

Co., supplies for court house Walker Bros., and Hardy.

books and supplies 113. Cavalier County Lumber Co.,

coal for court house Langdon Light Co., light for

court house Boyds Department Store, sup­

plies for court house ..._ Warwick Sentinel, one year

subscription to estray paper Upon motion the board adjourned to

2:00 p. m. 2:00 r. M.

Board convened pursuent to adjourn­ment.

All members preBQtn. The following bills were audited and

allowed: Kenneth Hussell, road drag-

glnif Fremont township 2.50

245.91 12.60



3S.75 2S.00







Loam Township, culvert for county work 18.40

Loam Township, % of con­crete culverts 222.40

Edwin Haug, road work Loam township 8.50 Milton Griswold, road work Loam township 15.00 John Haug, road work Ixiam

township 8.00 Andrew Stone,road work Loam

township 2.00 P. O. Peterson, road work

Roam township 7.7D Jerry Kelland, sheriff, presented the

statement of services rendered in criminal actions for the month of October, and the following fees were allowed: Jerry Kelland, mileage and

l i ve ry $ 20 .30 Jerrff Kelland sheriff, presented the

statement of services rendered in criminal actions for the month of Nov­ember and the following fees were allowed: Jerry Kelland, mileage and

livery $ 59.40 Jerry Kelland sheriff, presented the statement of services rendered in criminal aetions for the month of Dec­ember and the following fees were allowed: Jerry Kelland, mileage and

livery $195.55 R. G. Paxnian, justice, presented his

report for the quarter ending Decem­ber 31, 19111, and upon motion was ap­proved and ordered filed.

Upon mo t ion t he boa rd ad jou rned t o F r iday morn ing . F r iday , J anua ry 5th, 1917 . 9 :00 A. M.

Boa rd convened pu r suen t t o ad jou rn ­men t .

A l l member s p r e se tn . The fo l l owing b i l l s we re aud i t ed and

a l l owed : O . J . K ide , t o d r awing ju ro r s . . $ 2 .00 O. ,1. Hide, postage and box

rent s.75 The In s t i t u t e fo r Feeb l e

Minded , c a r e o f coun ty pa t i ­en t s I IGO.OO

Wes t Hope Townsh ip , coun ty poo r b i l l IS .00

Wes t Hope Townsh ip , coun ty poo r b i l l IS .00

S toek l and Road Mach ine Co . . ex t r a s fo r road g rade r 14 .00

Nor th Dako ta Tube rcu los i s San i to r iun i , supp l i e s fo r coun ty pa t i en t s 15 .80

H . 10 . C lo se , med ic ine fo r coun ty p r i s i onc r s 1 .4U

Tu r t l e Moun ta in Depa r tmen t S to re , supp l i e s fo r pa t i en t s a t Dunse i t h ' 11 .00

Nap Goda i r e , m i l eage omi t t ed i n Geo . W. P r i ce j u s t i c e r e ­

po r t 8 .20 J e r ry Ke l l and she r i f f . d i s t r i hu t -

i ng e l ec t i on supp l i e s , gene r ­a l e l ec t i on 1U6 .50

J e r ry Ke l l and she r i f f , s e rv ing no t i ce o f r edempt ion fo r coun ty k;.:io

Je r ry Ke l l and she r i f f , d r awing ju ro r s and t e l eg rams Hi .77

Wa lke r Urns . and Hardy , supp l i e s fo r cou r t house 44 .9C

The Hannah Drug S to re . med ic ine fo r t he coun ty poo r 7 .60

\V . G . C rocke r , supp l i e s fo r supe r in t enden t o f s choo l s . . . . ? 3 .15

Cava l i e r Coun ty Na t iona l Rank - , p r emiums on 2 i n ­su rance po l i c i e s uO.OO

Mi l t on G lobe , p r i n t i ng and supp l i e s 53 .33

Mi l t on Globe , p r i n t i ng and supp l i e s 234 .00

Ca lv in T imes , p r i n t i ng and supp l i e s 25S .90 Tpon mo t ion t he boa rd ad jou rned to

2 :00 p . m . 2 :00 P . M.

Roa rd convened pu r suan t t o ad jou rn ­men t .

A l l member s p>" - sen t . The fo l low- in : , - h i l l s we re aud i t ed and

a l l owed : Th i : Wa le s P rog re s s , p r i n t ­i ng 75 .25

Cava l i e r Coun ty Repub l i can p r in t i ng and supp l i e s . . . , 499 .50

Cour i e r l i en i ' i c r a t , p r i n t i ng and supp l i e s ; i fS .12

The Mun ieh Hera ld , p r i n t i ng and supp l i e s 2S5 .11 I

Hende r son Townsh ip , coun ty poo r h i l l l . 'M .S l

F r emon t Townsh ip , coun ty poo r b i l l - 70 .41 !

Osnab rock Townsh ip , coun ty poo r b i l l 33 .75

Osnab rock Townsh ip , coun ty poo r h i l l 2 (1 . -10

.1" . K . i I o sk , r oad work 24 .20 l r v in Wi the r idge . road work . . 13 .00 Pe t e r Na i smi th , r oad work . ' 18 .50 Osca r Johnson , d r agg ing road 11 ."7 A. ( ) . (Hson , d r agg ing road 20 .00 Gus Schu l i z , r oad work 25 .00 D . Mc .Naugh t , d r agg ing road . . 12 .75 Nor thwes t e rn Shee t and I ron

Works , cu lve r t s 139 .57 Nor thwes t e rn Shee t and I ron

Works , cu lve r t s 255 .74 Osnab rock Schoo l D i s t r i c t , r e ­

fund on t eache r s r e t i r emen t fund 100

M. O . S t rom Co . , supp l i e s f o r cou r t house 275 .00

,T . J . Mahoney , money advanced coun ty poo r 20 .00 Upon motion the board adjourned to

Saturday morning. Saturday, January Gth , 1917. 9:00 A. M.

Roard convened pursuent to adjourn­ment.

All members presetn. The surety bond of Neal Nicolson as

county commissioner was presented in the, penal sum of $5000 with the North­western Trust Co., of Grand Forks as surety, and approved by the states at torney, clerk of court, and county judge, and upon motion was accepted and ordered filed.

The surety bond of Sam Iverson as county commissioner was presented in the penal sum of $5000 with the North­western Trust Co., of Grand Forks as surety, and approved by the states at­torney, clerk of court, and county judge, and upon motion was accepted and ordered filed.

The surety bond of Alex Russell as county commissioner was presented in the penal sum of $5000 with the Dako­ta Trust Co. of Fargo as surety, and approved by the states attorney, clerk of court, and the county judge, and up­on motion was accepted and ordered filed.

The surety bond of R. B. Laing as county commissioner was presented in the penal sum of $5000 with the Ameri­can Surety Co. of New York as surety, and'approved by the states attorney, clerk of court, and the county judge, and upon motion accepted and ordered filed.

The surety bond of Louis Rose tts county commissioner was presented in the penal sum of $5000 with the Northwestern Trust Co. of Grand Forks as surety, and approved by the states attorney, clerk of court, and the county judge, and upon motion \vas accepted and ordered filed.

Commissioner S. G. Erickson retired from the board and Louis Rose was duly qualified to act as a member of the board.

Upon motion made and carried Sam Iverson was appointed chairman of the board for the ensuing year.

The following bills were audited and allowed: S. G. Erickson. services and

mileage as county commis­sioner $ 40.00 Upon motion the board adjourned to

2:00 p. m. 2 :00 r. M.

Roard convened pursuent to adjourn­ment.

All members presetn. The following bills were audited and

allowed: Robt. Work treasurer. prem­

iums on insurance policics....$ G8.95 Robt. Work treasurer, post­

age and box rent 112.10 Robt. Work treasurer. bailif

fees district court 30.00 Robt. Work treasurer, post­age Co. auditor office 5.00 Robt. Work treasurer, money

advanced furniture contract 30.00 Robt. Work treasurer, postage

sheriff offffice 19.00 Robt. Work, treasurer, post­

age clerk of court office 21.70 Robt. Work, treasurer, steno­

grapher fees district court.. 117.20 Robt. Work treasurer, juror

fees district court 577.45 Robt. Work treasurer, laundry

for prisoners C.92 Uobt. Work, treasurer, post­

age superintendent of schools ofllce 57.00

Robt. Work tre&aulrer, witness f»ea district court 82.30

Robt. Work treasurer, express and drayage 27.28

Robt.' Work treasurer, money advanced juvenile officer 39.25 Upon motion the board adjourned to

Monday- jnoi oing. Monday , J anua ry 8 th , 1917 . 9 :00 A . M.

Roard com ened pursuent to adjourn­ment.

Al l members presetn. Upon motion the board proceeded to

check the ofllce of county judgo and found the following results: Tota l co l l ec t i ons o f f ee s fo r

t he yea r end ing December 31s t , 191G $ 220 .00 Treasurer's receipts were presented

for the above amount. A su re ty bond o f F . W. R leak l ey a s

coun ty j udge was p re sen t ed i n t he pena l sum o f $2UOO. w i th t he Na t iona l Su re ty Co . o f New York , a s su re ty , and upon mo t ion was app roved and o rde red t i l ed .

I ' Pun mo t ion t he boa rd ad jou rned t o 2 :0o p . i n .

2 :00 1" . M . Roa rd convened pu r suen t t o ad jou rn ­

men t . A l l member s p r e se tn . Upon mo t ion t he boa rd p roceeded t o

cheek t he o f f i ce o f c l e rk o f cou r t and found t he fo l l owing r e su l t s : To ta l co l l ec t i on o f f ee s fo r

t he vea r end ing December 31s t , UUC $ 799 .92

T reasu re r ' s r ece ip t s we re p re sen t ed fo r t he above amoun t .

A su re ty bond o f Chas . S . Robe r t son a s ch - rk o f cou r t was p re sen t ed i n t he pena l sum o f $10 ,000 . w i th t he Dako ta T rus t Co . o f Fa rgo a s su re ty , and upon mot ion was app roved and o rde red t i l ed .

Upon mo t ion t he boa rd p roceeded t o check t he o f f i ce o f supe r in t enden t o f s choo l s and found t he fo l l owing r e ­su l t s To ta l co l l ec t i ons fo r t he vea r

end ing December ' 31s t . 19 l ( ! . $ 114 .00 Remi t t ed t o coun ty t r ea su re r

a s pe r r ece ip t s 04. 00 Remi t t ed t o s t a t e supe r in t end ­

en t 50 .00 A su re ty bond id ' F r ed J . Ho l i e r a s

supe r in t enden t o f s choo l s was p re sen t ­ed in ; he i>ena ! sum of $500 w i th t he Nor thwes t e rn T rus t Co . o f Grand Fo rks a s su re ty and upon mo t ion was ap ­p roved ; . ' , i d o rde red t i l ed .

Upon mo t ion t he boa rd ad jou rned t o Tuesd i i i morn ing . T iusda j . J anua ry 9 th . 1917 . 9 :00 A . M.

Hoa rd convened pu r suen t t o ad jou rn ­men t .

A ' i member s p r e se tn . i ' pn t i mo t ion t he boa rd p roceeded t o

ehec r . t he r eg i s t e r o f deeds o f f i ce a i l dav Tuesday .

Upon mo t ion t he boa rd ad jou rned t o Wednesday morn ing . Wednesday . J an . l o th . 1917 . 9 :00 A . M.

Uoa : ; l convened pu i suen t t o ad jou rn ­men t .

A l l member s p r e sen t . The boa rd p roceeded t o t i n i sh check ­

ing the o f f i ce o f r eg i s t e r o f deeds and found the fo l l owing r e su l t s : 4215 i l e a l e s t a t e i n s t rumen t s

t i l ed and r eco rded $3 ,S43 .25 4434 cha t t e l mor tgages ,

l i ens , b i l l s o f s a l e , e t c — 1 .108 .50 189 enmi ty . t ownsh ip and

sc l i i ' e l o f f i ce r s bonds 1S9 .00 37 r epo r t s o f cha t t e l mor tgage

s a l e and a t t o rney a f f i dav i t . . . . 9 . 25 5 (1 co t t i t l ed cop i e s 12 .50 l owing r e su l t s : 2 a t t a chmen t s o f pe r sona l

p rope : ly • • r ' 0

To t a l f e e s co l l ec t ed $5 ,163 .00 T reasu re r ' s f ee s fo r t he above

amoun t s p r e sen t ed . A su i " ty bond o f John McGauvran a s

r eg i s t e r o f deeds was p re sen t ed i n t he pena l sum of $10.uimi . w i t h t he Na t iona l So re t ; . o f New York a s su re ty , and upon i ; i ' t i on was app ioved and o rde red t i l ed .

1 p . in mo t ion t he boa t d ad jou rned to 2 :01 ) p . i n .

2 : t ' 0 I ' . M . l ' . oa ' . i > . o i i ve t i e pu r suan t t o ad jou rn ­

men t . A l l ember s p r e sen t . r po l : mo t ion t he hoa rd p i "o o i l ed t o

cheek ' i e o f f i ce o f she r i f f on Wednes ­day a r . u Thu r sday and found t he fo l -Atnou i . : o f pe r sona l p rope r ty

t axes co l l ec t ed fo r t he yea r . . $5 .7S4 .54 f e e s i ' 1 c o l l ec t i ng t l o - s ame . . . 375 .00 To ta l ; • o s co l l ec t ed i n c iv i l

i a s e s fo r t oe yea r 772 .2S

T i

Kr ida ; F r ida

l a l amoun t co l l ec t ed . . . . $« ,931 .S2 u j e r ' s r ece ip t s u •. r e p r e sen t ed

• a bove amoun t s . i mo t ion t he boa rd ad jou rned t o

morn ing . . . J anua ry 12 th . 1917 . " : 00 A . M. d convene pu r suan t t o ad jou rn -

A . . ; .el i . l ' . o r s 1 • r e s e n t . i ' ; i I ! mo t ion t t i - boa rd p roceeded t o

cheeK i t . e s e . e r a i f ee s co l l ec t ed i n t l o* aud io to r ' s o i ' l ' i e e f o r t he yea r end ing 1 l e e . i l ; 1 - J , a nd found t he fo l l owing r e su l t s :

Fees co l l ec t ed fo r t he yea r end ing December 31 , 191 (1 , $277 .

T rea su re r ' s r ece ip t s f o r t he above , amoun t we re p re sen t ed .

Upon mo t ion t lw ; aud i to r was i n ­s t ruc t ed t o ca l l f o r b id s fo r fu rn i sh ing cu lve i t s f o r t he ensu ing yea r t o be opened a t t he Feb rua ry mee t ing .

Upon mo t ion t he aud i to r was i n ­s t ruc t ed t o ca l l f o r b id s fo r f u rn i sh ing books and b l anks fo r t he ensu ing yea r t o be opened a t t he Apr i l mee t ing - .

Upon mo t ion t he aud i to r was i n ­s t ruc t ed t o ca l l f o r b id s fo r fu rn i sh ing ma te r i a l and bu i ld ing b r idges fo r t he ensu ing yea r , t o be opened a t t he Ap­r i l mee t ing .

Upon mo t ion t he boa rd ad jou rned t o 2 :0o p . m .

p. m. Roard c o n v e n e pur suan t t o ad jou rn ­

men t . A l l member s p r e sen t . Upon mo t ion t h e boa rd p roceeded t o

check t he o f f i ce s o f t r e a su re r and aud ­i t o r .

Upon mo t ion t he boa rd ad jou rned t o Sa t imlay morn ing .

.Saturday, January 13, 1917 9:00 a. iu.

Hoard convene pu r suan t t o ad jou rn ­men t .

All members present. A surety bond of Fred A. Thompson

as sheriff was presented in the penal sum of $5000 with the Northwestern Trust Co. of Grand Forks as surety and upon motion was approved and ordered filed.

Fred A. Thompson having qualified, was duly installed as sheriff of Cava­lier county.

A personal bond of G. Grimson as states attorney was presented in the penal sum of $2000 with W. W.' Mc-Quecn, C. E. Johnston, A. Sparling and A. Scliulke as sureties and upon mo­tion was approved and ordered filed.

A surety bond of Dr. G. E. Strom-berg as coroner was presented in the penal sum of $500 with the American Surety Co. of New York as surety, and upon motion was approved and ordered filed.

A personal bond of F. A. McDonald as county justice of the peace was pre­sented in the penal sum of $500 with J. B. Sweeney and A. P. Elliott as sur­eties and upon motion was approved and ordered filed.

A personal bond of George W. Price as county justice of the peace was presented in the penal yum of $500 with J. H. Bain and C. E. Johnston as sureties and upon motion was approv­ed and ordered filed.

A personal bond of Halvor Torger-son as county justice of the peace was presented in the penal sum of $500, with Robert Work and F. W. Bleakley as sureties and upon motion was ap­proved and ordered filed.

Upon motion made and carried J. G. Dickson was appointed to fill the va­cancy caused by the resignation of Thomas Devaney .justice of the peace.

A personal bond of J. G. Dickson as county justice of the peace was pre­sented in the penal sum of $500witli A. O. Wold and N. C. Crockett as sur­eties and upon motion was approved and ordered filed.

A personal bond of J. D. McDougall as county constabh was presented in the penal sum of $5 00 with Joseph Power and £. C. McDonald as sure­ties and upon motion was approved and ordered filed.

Upon motion, the board adjourned to 2 00 p. m.

2:00 P. M. Roard convene pursuant to adjourn­

ment. AU ineinbera present. Upon motion the board proceeded to

check the auditor's and treasurer's of­fices.

Upon motion the board adjourned to Monday morning.

Monday, Jan. IS, 1917 0:00 n. m.

Bourd convene pursuant to adjourn­ment.

All members present. Upon motion the board proceeded to

check the offices of auditor and treas­urer Monday and Tuesday and found the following report to be correct. Balance on hand Jan. 1st, . 1916 . $215,267.41

i o l l ec t i ons fo r t he yea r ending Dec. 31, 191G S30,173.42

Tota l $1,045,,440.83 Tota l paymen t s fo r t he

yea r end ing Dec . 31,1916 877,007.47

IntheArena of Sports Darcy of Australia

Ralance on hand in banks and o the rwi se J an . l , 1917 108,433.36 Upon mo t ion t he boa rd ad jou rned t o I

Wednesday morn ing . Wednesday, Jan. 17, 1917

9:04> a. m. The boa rd convened pu r suan t t o ad ­

jou rnmen t . A l l member s p r e sen t . Upon mo t ion t he fo l l owing amoun t s

we re app rop r i a t ed fo r o f f i ce h i r e In t he d i f f e r en t o f f i ce s o f t he coun ty : Coun ty aud i to r ' s o f f i ce $2050 .00 Coun ty t r ea su re r ' s o f f i ce 2000 .00 Reg i s t e r o f deed ' s o f f i ce 2500 .00 C le rk o f cou r t ' s o f f i ce 300 .00 S t a t e s a t t o rney ' s o f f i ce 720 .00 Coun ty j udge ' s o f f i ce 400 .00 J a i l o r 720 .00 J an i t o r 480 .00

The s a l a r i e s o f t he d i f f e r en t depu -t j e s and c l e rk s o f t he coun ty were f i xed a t t he fo l l owing amoun t s :

Coun ty aud i to r ' s o f f i ce—One depu ty a t $100 a mon th ; one a t $85 a mon th and c l e rk s a t $00 pe r mon th .

Coun ty t r ea su re r ' s o f f i ce—One dep ­u ty a t $100 a mon th ; one a t $80 a mon th and c l e rk s a t $00 a mon th .

Reg i s t e r o f Deeds o f f i ce—One dep ­u ty a t $100 a mon th : one a t $75 a mon th and c l e rk s a t $G0 pe r mon th .

C le rk o f cou r t ' s o f f i c r—$300 pe r yea r t o be u sed fo r depu t i e s a s r e ­qu i r ed .

S t a t e s a t t o rney ' s o f f i ce—One s t enog ­r aphe r a t $ t i ( ) p e r mon th .

Coun ty j u . ' gc ' s o f l i e e—$400 pe r yea r fo r depu ty h i r e t o be u sed a s r e ­qu i r ed .

J a i l o r—$t !0 pe r mon th . J an i t o r— $ 1 0 pe r mon th . Depu ty she r i f f—$80 a mon th . Upon mo t ion t he ba l ance i n t he con ­

t i ngen t fund , $4NO, was t r ans f e r r ed i n ­to t he coun ty gene ra l f und .

Upon mo t ion t he t r ea su re r and aud i ­to r we re i n s t ruc t ed t o t r ans f e r $500 f ro i n the coun ty gene ra l f und t o t he coun ty con t ingen t fund .

Whereas . Geo . Ha i l ey o f Loam town­sh ip , appea red be fo re t he boa rd and o f f e r ed t o make se t t l emen t o f some back pe r sona l p rope r ty t axes ,

Now. t he re fo re , be i t r e so lved t ha t t he she r i f f In - i n s t ruc t ed t o make se t t l en i en t , w i th s a id George Ra i l ey fo r t he o r ig ina l amoun t o f t he t axes l e s s t he pena l ty and in t e r e s t .

Whereas , t he d i r ec to r s o f S t . Ed ­ward ' s pa r i sh o f Nekoma . N . 1> . , a p -

b e f o r e t he boa rd p r av ing t ha t • i l o t s nomber 11 . 12 , 13 , 14 , 17 . i s i n h lo< number 4 , i n t he o f N ' e l . oma . ' e c ance l l ed fo r t he t ha t s a r i p rope r ty i s owned by . i i i u r eh an I t h a t t he s a id l o t s

d fo r cha r i t ab l e pu rposes

Los Darc.v, the Australian middle­weight boxing champion, who recently landed on our shores, is twenty-one years of age and lias a fine physical appearance. Ills height is slightly over live feet six inches, and bo weighs about 175 pounds. Working at

d pe t he I 15 , l i ! , v i l l ag i r ea son t he s . . we re u se on ly .

And whe reas , t he sup reme cou r t o f Nor th Dako ta ha s ru l ed t ha t a l l chu rch p rope r ty u sed fo r cha r i t ab l e pu rposes be exempt , f r om t axa t i on ,

Xow, t he re fo re , be i t r e so lved , t ha t , t i i e aud i to r be i n s t ruc t ed t o cance l a l l t aM-s aga in s t s a id p rope r ty .

A su r e ty bond o f M. M. Da r l i ng a s co i i t i ' y s i i i ' V e y o ' ' was p re sen t ed i n t he pena l ' s um of $5n ' l w i th t he Na t iona l Su re ly Co . o f New York a s su re ty and upon mo t ion was app roved and o rde r -I i t f i 1 e d .

Whereas , t he sup reme cou r t o f t he s t a t e o f Nor th Dako ta ha s ru l ed t ha t a i l t axes aga in s t chu rch p rope r ty , l odges , f r a t e rn i t i e s and cha r i t ab l e i n ­s t i t u t i ons a r e uncons t i t u t i ona l .

The re fo re , be i t r e so lved , t ha t t he aud i to r be i n s t ruc t ed t o cance l a l l t ax ­es t ha t a r e a f f ec t ed by t he s a id ru l i ng .

Upon • mo t ion t he s ame p lac . e s f o r ho ld ing ' she r i f f s a l e s we re des igna t ed fo r 1917 a - - i n 19 I t ! .

. M o t i o n made and T o w e y b e a p p o i n t e d t h e b o a r d o f h e a l t h c i ' r .

Mo t ion made and I . . • l oan l e • a i : t . 1 ' I i

a l l bonds t ! (bo ­a t !>

c a r r i ed t ha t Dr . a s a member o f and hea l t h o f f i -

ea r r i ed t ha t t he i - ed t o anp rovc no t p r e sen t ed a t

mee t ing , i f app roved by t he s t a t e s rney .

Whereas . Gus tnv Hrekko , r ep re sen t ­i ng t l o - .Mi l t on s choo l boa rd , appea red be fo re t he commiss ione r s p r ay ing t ha t t he t axes aga in s t l o t s 7 , 8 , 9 . 10 , 1 . ' ! . 14 , 15 , I t i , 17 and IS i n b lock 2 , Mi l t on v i l l age , be cance l l ed .

And whe reas , t he t ax i s f o r t he yea r s 1SSS and 1S92 and sa id l o t s hav ing be ­longed t o Mi l ton s choo l d i s t r i c t a l l o f t h i s t ime ,

And whe reas a l l t axes on schoo l p rop ­e r ty i s exempt f rom t axa t i on ,

Now, t he re fo re , be i f . r o - , i . . "d . t ha t t he aud i to r be i n s t ruc t ed t o cance l s a id t axes .

Resolution Whereas , John Sheehan , r ep re sen t ing

t he Nor th Dako ta Towns i t e Co . , appea r ­ed be fo re t he boa rd p ray ing t ha t t he t axes aga in s t l o t s 2 , 21 , 22 . 23 and 21 i n b lock 2 o f Mi l t on v i l l age , be pa r ­t i a l l y aba t ed ,

And whe reas , s a id company hav ing so ld s a id l o t s t o t he Mi l ton s choo l d i s ­t r i c t f o r s choo l pu rposes a t a r ea son ­ab l e p r i ce and t he t axes be ing fo r t he yea r s 1894 . 1S95 , 1S9G, 1897 , 1899 , 1901 , 1902 and 1902 , amoun t ing t o more t han the va lue o f t he lo t s ,

Now, t he re fo re , be , i t r e so lved , t ha t t he aud i to r be au tho r i zed t o make a se t t l emen t w i th t be s a id t owns i t e Co . f o r t he o r ig ina l t ax l e s s t he pena l ty and in t e r e s t .

Upon mo t ion t he boa rd ad jou rned t o 2 :00 p . m .

(Con t inued Nex t Week)

Photo by Amer i can l ' r e s . i Assoc i a t i on .


ills trade of blacksmith has given him bl'o:id shoulder-: and a deep cliest, while lil.s hips tire narrow ami his legs small in comparison in his bulky up­per body. Since he began lighting, live years ago, ho litis taken part in thir­ty-seven bonis, lie wo,t ail of these but l'our, twenty of thoni ending in knockouts. His full name is James Lester Ilarey.

Herrmann Keeps His Job. At the recent annual session of the

National baseball commission Presi­dent John K. Tener of the N'ationat league and President Ban li. Johnsou of the American league voted for Au­gust Herrmann's re-election as chair­man of the commission. John B, Bruce of Cincinnati was re-elected EQ&< retary.




One thousand patterns of the finest woolens manufactured, together with my expert tailoring making a profit­able and satisfactory combination. My capacity is limited—so you h8d better order that spring and summer suit now.

Anything in tailoring promptly and I properly taken care of, for either la- ' dies or gentlemen. 1

Wm. Size, * I Custom Tailor. j

Langdon N. Dak., 1

An examination of applicants for teachers' certificates will be held at Langdon and at Munich on Thursday and Friday, Fehruary 8th and 9th, 1917.

—Fred J. Reher, County Superintendent.

Dated at Langdon, N. D., Jan. 17, 1917.


The new directory for the Langdon Telephone Company will be issued shortly. The new book will be some what larger than heretofore and will reach several additional homes, mak­ing it a good advertising medium. Anyone wishing advertising space or change of address, will kindly notify the company. 27-2t. R. T. Burke, Manager.

...THE CORNER STORE... Dresden, North Dakota

We wish, at this commencement of another season, to thank our manv customers for the measure of their patronage that they have been pleased to give.

We shall welcome them at all times, together with alt new customers, with the firm resolve to frunish in the future, as we have in the past, the very best brand of goods at prices consistant with present conditions.

Bring in your butter and eggs and let us show you our goods and quote prices that will appeal to you.

With the best of wishes for the coming spring, we remain. Cordially Yours,

THe Corner Store* Geo. A. Williams.