course focus - 2 sept 2014

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  • 8/11/2019 Course Focus - 2 Sept 2014


    StarSpecialTHE STARTuesday 2 September 2014

    Great resumes vital in job hunting > 6 Committed to excellence > 7


    Serving it upBrewing fresh talents.

  • 8/11/2019 Course Focus - 2 Sept 2014


    2COURSE FOCUSStarSpecial, Tuesday 2 September 2014


    IF cooking is your passion, youhave the advantage of beingable to turn it into a lucrative

    areer. It may take years ofpractise and experience to be ableo make a name for yourself likeamie Oliver and Jacques Pepin,

    but everybody has got to startomewhere.

    Here is what you need to knowbout culinary arts.

    What is it?

    Culinary arts is the practice ofhow to prepare, cook and plateood in a way that not only tastesood, but looks good as well.

    A person who studies culinaryrts is called a culinarian. Aulinarian who works in a kitchens called a chef.

    Types of culinary careers

    lChefsLine chefs A line chef is

    n charge of cooking a specificlement of a dish. A linehef usually works in biggerestaurants where a dish cannot

    be prepared by only one or twohefs. To become a line chef,

    you must possess a culinarydegree and have completed yournternships. Types of line chefsnclude saut chefs, fish chefs, grillhefs and vegetable chefs.

    Executive chefs Executivehefs holds the highest positionsn the kitchen. They are oftenesponsible for managing the

    kitchen staff, creating the menu,keeping track of the inventory andplating the dish. They do not cookoften, as cooking is the line chefs

    Turn your love ofcooking into a career

    job. Executive chefs are sometimesthe owners of the restaurant.

    Sous chefs Sous chefs workalongside the executive chefs astheir assistants. Their main jobis to ensure that the line chefsmeet the standards required byexecutive chefs. Sous chefs areusually taken under the wing ofthe executive chef. This meansthat the sous chefs will take overthe kitchen when the executivechef is off duty. The title ofexecutive chef will be handeddown to the sous chef when thecurrent executive chef retires ordecides to take charge of anotherrestaurant.

    Personal chefs Personalchefs do not work in restaurants.They are hired by individuals toprepare daily meals for them. Asthey have to be able to prepare anykind of dish their employer wants,

    personal chefs have to be vastlyexperienced and skilled.lCulinary managementCulinary managers are

    responsible for managingrestaurant operations from theback of house (kitchen) to the frontof house (dining area). They areresponsible for managing the staff,which could include the waiters,bartenders and chefs. They have toensure that each shift operates assmoothly as possible.

    Studying culinary arts

    To study culinary arts, youwill need an SPM certificate or itsequivalent with a minimum ofthree credits.

    Culinary arts coursesare offered by many privateinstitutions in Malaysia. Theduration of the courses usually run

    for two years with a semester ofinternship included.

    Butchery Basic culinary Pastry and baking Kitchen layout design Workplace communication Nutrition and sensory analysisIn your final semester, youwill be required to completean internship. During yourinternship, you will experienceworking in a real restaurantkitchen alongside establishedchefs.

    When you are studyingculinary arts, you will

    learn the following skills:

    > TURN TO PAGE 3


    of optionsTHERE are many career options

    for hospitality graduates as theskills they gain are transferable to

    a variety of job positions.To pursue a career in thehospitality industry, you musthave effective communication andpeople skills as you will interactwith the customers on a dailybasis.

    You will get to meet a lot ofinteresting people regardless ofwhich sector of the hospitalityindustry you work in.

    Here are several careers thatyou can choose to pursue in thetourism and hospitality industry:lHotel general manager Hotelgeneral managers oversee theoverall operations of a hotel.They also monitor the financialperformances of the hotel andensure that the services providedat the hotel are up to par.lTravel agent Travel agentsprovide a range of travel servicesto their customers from flightbookings to tour packages. Theyalso have to be well-versed withtravel procedures and airlineregulations from across the world.lFlight attendant Flightattendants interact withpassengers on board an aircraft.The serve them food and attend toany other needs that passengersmay have during the flight. Flightattendants spend long hours flyingbut if you enjoy travelling thiscareer might suit you.

  • 8/11/2019 Course Focus - 2 Sept 2014


    StarSpecial, Tuesday 2 September 2014 COURSE FOCUS 3

    Versatilityof a degree


    STUDYING for a particular degreedoes not necessarily limit your careeroptions.

    The knowledge you gain and technicalnd soft skills you learn during your

    undergraduate study are often transferableo fields besides the one related to yourtudies.

    Two examples that give you thedge are a law degree and a massommunications degree.


    You can always apply the skills andnowledge that you gained while studying

    aw to pursue other careers.In law school, you learn:

    Communication skillsProblem-solving skillsAnalytical skillsPublic speaking skillsNegotiation and persuasion skills

    Here are some interesting careershat you can choose to pursue with a law

    degree.lWriter People who hold a law

    degree usually have a high proficiency inpoken and written English. This will allowhem to write about a variety of subject



    Bank manager Bank managers areesponsible for managing humanesource-related matters. They are alsoesponsible for managing marketingperations and provide quality customerervice. People who study law have goodommunication skills, making this career

    highly suitable to them.lLecturer For those who are well-

    ersed in law, they can choose to pursue aareer in academia and become a lecturern various institutions of higher learning.

    lProject manager Project managersplan and execute projects. They ensurethat all the objectives are met during aproject.

    Mass communications

    Mass communications is the study ofhow organisations communicate with thepublic using mass media. There are coursesin mass communications offered in mostprivate universities.

    The duration of the courses is usuallytwo and a half years for both the diplomaand degree courses.

    There are a lot of interesting careers thatyou can pursue as a mass communicationsgraduate. Here are some of those careers.lPublic relations (PR) Public

    relations managers or officers helppromote an organisation to the public.They are in charge of carrying outpromotional activities to attract the mediaand clients.

    They are also responsible formaintaining an organisations good imageduring events such as press conferencesand public announcements.lBroadcasting There are a few

    different careers that you can choosefrom in the broadcasting industry such as

    radio announcers, film production crew,photographers and producers.lAdvertising To pursue a career in

    the advertising industry, you will need tobe very creative and also have a businessside.

    You will be responsible for creatingand sending persuasive message to thepublic in various forms of advertisements,including print, online, billboards andcommercials, to encourage them to buyyour products.

    Effective exam countdown guideBy ELLEN WHYTE

    NEED to ace a test? Check out thisuide.

    One month beforeGo through your books and

    notes and identify major these in detail, each on a newheet of paper.

    If your textbook has learningbjectives, use these to guide you.

    Read through them to make sureyou understand it all.

    Three weeks beforeTake each of your themes

    and pretend to explain them tosomeone. If you understand it wellenough to explain it to someoneelse, you have the bare bonesdown.

    If you miss something, or havequestions, this is the time to visityour teacher or look outside yourtextbook for answers.

    Two weeks beforeReorganise your notes

    into what you need to know.

    Whenever possible, use lists anddiagrams.

    Highlight or bold importantwords. The more visual yournotes, the easier they are toremember. Now read over thesetwice a day.

    If you can, read them over threetimes but more is unnecessary ifyou read them properly. Dont justskim. Pay attention.

    One week beforeTest yourself on your notes.

    Invent mnemonics for the bits you

    don t remember or chant themover and over until they stick.

    The ultimate test is to writeyourself exam questions onenight, and to sit your test the nextmorning.

    As you master topics, set them

    aside for a daily refresher only.Focus the bulk of your study onthe pages youre still strugglingwith.

    Three days beforeGet a friend to help you by

    testing you on your notes. Either

    pick someone from your classor give someone your testquestions and correct answers.Focus on the questions you dontace.

    On the day

    Dont panic. Youve got mostthings down by now. Keepyour cool, read the questions,remember that the points for eachsection are a guide to the sort ofanswers expected, and bring anextra pen in case you run out ofink.

  • 8/11/2019 Course Focus - 2 Sept 2014


    4COURSE FOCUSStarSpecial, Tuesday 2 September 2014

    Event organising is part of the programme syllabus, which enablesstudents to obtain hands-on learning.

    Pursue a career in public relationsP

    UBLIC Relations professionalscreate and present positiveimages to the public about

    heir clients, the businesses or

    products that they represent.Among all fields of studyn communications, publicelations has the most employableptions. Graduates who major

    n public relations secure jobs in

    Eric Seaton,alumnus ofNorthumbriaUniversity, UK,found the 3+0Bsc (Hons) inCommunicationand PublicRelations coursewell-taught.

    Making edible artBEING a chef was previouslyconsidered a lowly occupation

    and a mundane job reservedmostly for the uneducated.

    Perceptions of a chef havechanged over the years andschool-leavers are starting tosee the potential of cooking andbaking as a viable career option.

    With increasing interest indining, there is a rising needfor skilled people in the foodservice industry.

    For those who wish tocraft a career in the culinaryor pastry line, it is importantto undergo formal vocationaltraining to obtain a professionalqualification in cooking, pastry-making and baking. It helpsincrease their chances to gain

    entry-level employment in thefood service industry.

    Being one of the pioneerprivate vocational culinary andpastry academies in Malaysia,Cilantro Culinary Academy hastrained thousands of studentsin 15 of its industrial-standardkitchens since 2006.

    Cilantro Culinary Academyoffers a comprehensivecurriculum that includesDiploma in Food Preparationand Cooking, Diploma inPatisserie and AdvancedDiploma in Culinary Arts.

    Graduates are awarded a

    Cilantro CulinaryAcademyhas trainedthousands ofstudents to beculinary expertsin its variouscourses.

    a wide range of fields such as eventmanagement, human resource,administration, media managementand corporate communications.

    KDU College Penang (KDU Penang)has been providing career-focusededucation since 1993, and we prideourselves in preparing students for avariety of careers in public relations.

    An overwhelming 90% of KDUgraduates were sought after andemployed by both local and foreignemployers within 6 months ofcompleting their studies.

    KDU Penangs NorthumbriaUniversity, UK 3+0 BSc (Hons)in Communication and PublicRelations offers students with anon-examination programme thatencourages creativity and dynamicthinking.

    This degree offers themopportunity to explore and discovertheir own potential, parallel to

    industry standards. This degree is afull assignment-based programmeand fully accredited in the UK andMalaysia.

    Students with Diploma inCommunication who fulfil theentry for degree requirement (entryrequirement for degree programme)may be granted up to a yearsexemption and save up to RM14,000at KDU Penang. 15% discount offtuition fees will be waived for KDUDiploma in Mass Communicationholders. A wide range of financialassistance can be obtained.

    Its a very practical programmeand well-taught by qualifiedlecturers. The syllabuse is designedto match current trends and needsof the corporate world, says EricSeaton, who has been recruited evenbefore he completes his degree withKDU Penang.

    The communication and publicrelations programme in KDUPenang is fun as its courseworkbased. Our learning is fun,experiential and engaging asit requires hands-on activitiesand learning beyond theclassroom, Nurul FarehaJamal Mohd, who graduatedwith First Class Honours and iscurrently working in corporatecommunications and affairs.

    The nation increasingly isin need of professionals who

    are highly trained in publicrelations and communicationswho can spearhead and meetthe nations future challenges.

    Therefore, public relationsprogramme in KDU Penangis the perfect choice forthose who want to embracecommunicationsas their career.

    nFor more information visit

    diploma or advanced diplomafrom City and Guild, the United

    Kingdoms leading vocationaleducation organisation.

    Cilantro Culinary Academyalso offers a Degree in Foodand Professional Cookery forstudents looking to enhancetheir professional andmanagement skills.

    A professional chef can beattached to a five-star hotel,R&D in food production line,F&B manufacturing company,retailing, fine dining restaurant,pastry and bakery shop or evenrun his own business.

    With a variety of careeropportunities, the market forculinary and pastry graduateslook promising.

    An executive chef working ina five-star restaurant can earna handsome pay. Chefs salariesdiffer depending on location,skill level, past employers andprevious experience.

    Cilantro Culinary Academyis hosting a four-day CareerDiscovery Program (CDP), whichis a trial class for students whowish to explore their passion inculinary or pastry arts beforemaking a decision.

    nFor more information,call 03-8023 0555 or

  • 8/11/2019 Course Focus - 2 Sept 2014


    StarSpecial, Tuesday 2 September 2014 COURSE FOCUS 5

    For Chay, studying at UCSI providedhim the right foundation thatpropelled him into the workforce.

    Follow your passionFOR Joshua Chay Jing Cheng,his work is his passion. As theco-founder of The Spacemen,

    production house specialising inideos, photography, and contentervices, Chay credits UCSI forhaping who he is today.

    My experience at UCSIUniversity was great because theecturers were good, says Chay,mass communication graduate

    rom the Universitys Faculty ofocial Science and Liberal ArtsFoSSLA). Im grateful that they

    understood what I was trying todo and encouraged me to expressmyself freely.

    He recalls a project where hedapted a Hollywood film into aondensed short film. It gave himlot of room to explore different

    cenes and was his first short film.Chay learned most of his skillshrough freelancing but it was at

    UCSI that he was able to channelhose skills.

    Thanks to my lecturers andlasses, I learned to focus more on

    my strengths, he says.FoSSLA is strongly committed

    o creating an environment

    Learning on the jobNTERNS endure a rigorousob application process thatncludes CV writing andnterview sessions beforeetting the desired internship.

    The first batch of the BAHons) in Communication

    degree students of SunwayUniversity underwent a

    2-week internship programmewith reputable advertising,public relation agencies and

    multinational corporations suchs The Star Publications, Newstraits Times Press, TBWA Kualaumpur, Havas Worldwide and

    Naga DDB.The internship programme

    s also aimed to provide real-ife work experience in theommunication field and

    prepare them for the workforce.Through internships,

    tudents gain the opportunityo experience challenging

    workplace situations anddevelop practitioner skills andttitudes.

    It also helps developtudents skills in time

    management, organisational

    nd interpersonalommunication, negotiationnd administration, which arekills that are highly regarded

    by the industry.In preparing students for

    nternships, the Departmentf Communication & Liberal

    Arts works closely with thetudent Services Departmento organise CV-writing andnterview skills workshops.

    They also assist studentswith internship applicationsby providing consultationnd counselling services tonsure that students are

    placed accordingly.The internships provide

    an enjoyable and enrichingexperience to students as itfurthers their knowledge andskills that they acquire from thedegree programme.

    However, some internswere required to work beyondregular working hours whenpreparing for events orcompleting advertising projects.

    Others were given theopportunity to be included inmeetings and discussions withtheir employers clients.

    Kieran Hogan describes hisinternship experience, I wasable to apply what I had learnedin class and work effectively inan organisation. The experiencealso helped me examine mycareer options.

    Kek Joo Yan interned atCITE (M) Sdn Bhd, a publishingfirm, says that she was ableto advance her skills of usingcreative software that shelearned from her degree.

    Shinta Erdiana, anadvertising design student

    who interned with TBWAKuala Lumpur, says that shegained fruitful experiencesafter working on visualisations,creating storyboards andpresenting ideas and proposalsto clients.

    These students havebenefited much from theirinternship experiences andthe BA Hons Communicationprogramme has prepared themwell for the workforce.

    nFor more information,call 03-7491 8622 or

    where students can excel in theirintellectual pursuits. The Facultyalso acknowledges the individualtalents of its students and ensures

    they hone their niche.In their first year, masscommunications students areintroduced to courses suchas written discourse, publicspeaking, advertising, publicrelations and journalism, wherethey learn the basics of the field.

    Year 2 involves studentsgaining deeper knowledgethrough their course and choosingelectives that are relevant to theirpathway while Year 3 is separatedinto three main pathways filmand television, journalism andmarketing communications.

    The three-year curriculum hasbeen designed to expose studentsto the many elements in thefield and guide them in choosing

    their major.While FoSSLAs well-designed

    curriculum structure is certainlynoteworthy, it is the lecturers

    who have extensive industrialexperience that contribute greatlyto the success of students.

    For example, Nazvi Careem hasmore than 25 years of industryexperience in journalism andkeeps his classes fun, interactiveand informal while beingcommitted to equipping hisstudents with the right knowledgeand skills.

    He ventured into teachingbecause he wanted to preparestudents to put into practice at theworkplace what they learned atuniversity.

    Careems classes are popularamong the mass communicationsstudents at the university, one ofthem being Chay.

    It was more about using yourown methods to achieve yourgoal in Careems classes. Careemcreated an environment for us

    to learn independently but thelessons were structured to ensurethat we learn something at theend of the day, says Chay.

    At FoSSLA, students are giventhe avenues to think creatively,give shape to their ideas andcommunicate those ideas underthe tutelage of experiencedlecturers.

    FoSSLA is a faculty that strivesto make a difference in the livesof its students and see studentsbecome creative and confidentindividuals who are passionateabout what they do.

    nFor more information,call 03-9101 8882 or

    tudents such as Shinta Erdiana (left) learn practical skills duringnternships that prepare them for the workforce.

  • 8/11/2019 Course Focus - 2 Sept 2014


    6COURSE FOCUSStarSpecial, Tuesday 2 September 2014

    Great resumesvital in job huntingT

    HE University of Nottingham MalaysiaCampus and RHB Bank Berhad recentlyorganised the inaugural Resume

    Competition to raise student awareness onthe importance of writing a good resume.

    The competition was well receivedby both undergraduate and postgraduatestudents. Resumes are important becauseit introduces a candidate to a prospectiveemployer. Therefore, you have to make yourresume stand out to secure an interview,says Mavis Tsang, director of studentexperience at UNMC during the prize-giving ceremony.

    Aishah Zaharuddin, manager of talentsourcing at RHB Bank Berhad who was alsoone of the judges, said It was a very closetie as everyone performed well, whichmade selecting the winner even moredifficult.


    Winners of both the undergraduate andpostgraduate category were presented withthe following prizes: RM500 for the winner,RM400 for the first runner-up, RM300 forthe second runner-up and three consolationprizes worth RM100 each.

    The winner of the postgraduatecategory, Adam Joseph Hanrahan, says thatthis was a great reassurance that his resumeis good and a standout.

    A good resume is essential as ithelps you to visualise your career goalsand encapsulate your previous work

    experience, he says.Prizes were presented by RHB Bank Bhds

    Zamrus Zakaria, head of Group HR SharedServices and Noor Faizal, head of TalentAcquisition and Manpower Planning.

    The resume competition was organisedby Career Services Department at UNMCwho provides students with career advice,direction, placement and maintain closelinks with potential employers.

    The University of NottinghamMalaysia Campus offers a variety ofcourses at foundation, undergraduate andpostgraduate levels.

    nFor more information, [email protected] or

    Writing a good resume is essential for graduates toimpress prospective employers.

  • 8/11/2019 Course Focus - 2 Sept 2014


    StarSpecial, Tuesday 2 September 2014 COURSE FOCUS 7

    Committed to excellenceREADING law is one ofthe most rewardingdisciplines and equips one

    with an awareness of rightsnd responsibilities, enhanceself confidence, augmentsritical thinking and improvesommunication skills.

    It is also a versatile qualificationhat enables graduates to pursueareers beyond the law field.

    Brickfields Asia College (BAC)s a centre for legal educationhat offers the widest selectionf law programmes in the

    nation, ranging from pre-law toprofessional programmes.

    It has built a reputation ashe nations No.1 Law School,

    having sent more than 6,700 lawraduates into legal practice.

    This is reinforced by theolleges stellar track record thatncludes more than 200 Worldnd National Top Student Awards,

    Book Prize Winners, 1st Class andnd Uppers over the past two

    years.The success of its students

    howcases BACs commitment toprovide a remarkable educational

    xperience.Recent accolades received

    by BAC include the Best BrandsAward in 2012 for CorporateBranding in Education (Law) byBrandLaureate and the 2013 SMERecognition Award for ServiceExcellence.

    Currently, BAC has partnershipsnd affiliations with morehan 20 foreign universitiesnd professional organisations,ffering its students access to

    more than 70 world-class law andbusiness degrees and professionalqualifications that are available tobe completed locally or abroad.

    BAC has guided students toachieve outstanding resultsin the Bachelor of Laws (LLB)programme.

    In the last three years, 70 FirstClass LLB (Hons) degrees havebeen awarded to BAC students.

    BAC Students in the Universityof London Internationalprogramme have been awardedthe Kings College Scholarshipthree times in the past six years.

    Students can opt to pursuethe LLB (Hons) via the University

    of London InternationalProgrammes, which is the onlyexternal law degree recognised bythe Legal Professional QualifyingBoard.

    This is a 3+0 programme thatcan be completed at BAC, whichis one of the few Affiliate Centresfor the UOL Law programme inMalaysia.

    BAC also offers the UK TransferDegree Programme (Law) thatallows students to study law inMalaysia for the first two years

    before transferring to one of BACsprestigious partner universitiesin the United Kingdom for theremainder of the course.

    Preceded by BACs A-LevelExpress Route, which takes only11 months to complete, the UKTprogramme allows students tograduate up to two years earlierthan their peers, making BAC thefastest and smartest pathway tomore than 70 UK law or businessdegrees.

    After obtaining a degree in law,

    graduates may choose to pursuethe Certificate in Legal Practice(CLP) to be qualified to practicelaw in Malaysia.

    At the 2013 CLP Convocation,a BAC student received the TunHamid Omar Award for BestOverall Student in the country.

    This is the first time thatstudents from the same institutionhave been awarded this covetedprize for the ninth consecutiveyear.

    Since 2005, BAC has producednine top students, 50 bookprize winners and 51 2nd upperperformances in the history of theexaminations.

    BAC has the largest lawfaculty in Malaysia, consistingof highly qualified lecturersand experienced practitionersto ensure that students receivequality education.

    Students studying at BACreceive free-study materialsand access to exclusive onlineresources.

    To make tertiary educationmore accessible to students,BAC has set up the BrickfieldsEducation Fund.

    This fund awards meritscholarships and financial aidscholarships to students based onacademic excellence and financialneeds.

    nFor more information,call 03-2727 7494 or

    Brickfields AsiaCollege has guidedstudents to achieve

    outstanding results inthe Bachelor of Laws(LLB) programme.

  • 8/11/2019 Course Focus - 2 Sept 2014


    8COURSE FOCUSStarSpecial, Tuesday 2 September 2014

    A crisis really does a good jobof bringing various elements(communications, journalism,international studies, writing) together.There is also the exchange betweenthe different disciplines so it has goodpedagogical value, says Dr Joel Moore,lecturer at the School of Arts and SocialSciences, Monash University Malaysia.

    Importance ofcrisis managementI

    F handled correctly, crisis canwin a company or country moreinvestment and trade. However,

    if handled badly, it can affect theeconomy, profits and image.

    A crisis in this day and agecan cover a range of incidents,including terrorist attacks, planecrashes and the recall of products.

    Studying crisis managementis new in Malaysia, yet in light ofthe demands of todays world, it isvery relevant. It is now offered forthe first time at Monash UniversityMalaysia, beginning in 2015.

    International studies lecturer,Dr Joel David Moore, says crisismanagement is very important forMonash Universitys School of Artsand Social Sciences, which offerscommunications, journalism,international studies and writing.

    This unit is designed to blendall of these elements together toget the students to start thinkingabout different career paths thatthey can take, ensuring thatthey have the practical skills andexperiences and not just theory.

    A crisis does a good job ofbringing these various elements(communications, journalism,international studies, writing)together.

    There is also the exchangebetween the different disciplinesso it has a good pedagogicalvalue, he adds.

    In a crisis situation, the rapidityof information exchange is key.

    Not only is it importantto provide new informationcontinually to various media,NGOs and the public, there is alsothe need to consume and filterthe many sources of information,including crowd sourcing,social media networks, besidestraditional sources of information.

    The ability to do that andcontrol the flow of accurateinformation is critical to besuccessful in this field.

    In practising responding to asimulated crisis, students willuse communication, journalism,writing, international studies and

    negotiation skills.According to Dr Moore,

    bargaining and negotiating willteach students to differentiatebetween cheap talk or emptythreats and real material interestsof the groups involved.

    Negotiation helps studentsfilter out what people seem to besaying from what they actuallymean, he says.

    Dr Moore explains that the unitwill come in handy for helpingstudents understand better crisismanagement for state, country, as

    well as multinational companies.They are going to be

    required to be experts in theirown specialisation such ascommunications or internationalstudies.

    Theyre really takingownership of what theyve learnedand will see the importance of theinter-disciplinary framework, heshares.

    Students will learn theoriesand the history of various crisesin the past, how media stake outvarious interests, how differentorganisations respond to crisesand how negotiations are done.

    In addition to learning theories,they will also learn to apply themin a simulation.

    I want the students to havea deeper appreciation of thetheories and gain the practical softskills that will help them morerealistically than theories will intheir future careers.

    They will need to think ontheir feet and come up withcreative solutions to problems,not wait for someone else to solveproblems for them but to realisethat they have to work together.

    They have to learn that whensomeone does not pull their fullweight, someone is required totake on an unfair amount of workto complete a task.

    Thats life and I think its

    important that students areexposed to that experience in acontrolled environment so thatthey dont go out into the jobmarket with expectations that lifewill be like it is in a classroom,says Dr Moore, who waspreviously with the Colorado StateUniversity in the United States.

    nFor more information on theprograms offered at MonashUniversity Malaysias School ofArts and Social Sciences,

    Meeting industry needs

    ATC Business and Management School provides high-standard business courseshat equip students with the skills that will enable them to meet the needs of thendustry.

    INCE its inception 27 years ago,he growth of Advance Tertiary

    College (ATC) as an educationnstitution has been earmarkedhrough its strong commitmento academic excellence and

    ntellectual evolution.ATCs Business andManagement School (SOBM) offersbusiness programmes that catero people from all walks of lifend shape them into high-calibrelumni.

    This is in line with the schoolsphilosophy to create professionalswho are fit for business and life.

    The school aims to provide atimulating learning platformhat will propel students fromhe classroom into the workplacend equip them with a holisticducation and skills that willnable them to meet the needs ofhe industry.

    ATC provides full access to itscademic team who is a group ofxperienced, devoted educationalxperts with strong links to thendustry and its professionals.

    This is important in manyways, the most significant beinghat they are able to relate theircademic knowledge abouturrent business practicesnd convey them to studentsn a meaningful and thought-

    provoking way.The collaboration with St

    Marys University, London, (SMU)o conduct their BA Managementtudies degree programme is an

    important component of ATCsSOBM.

    SMU was founded in 1850to provide an education for thegrowing number of poor children.

    It has seen strong academic

    performance with an excellenttrack record for placing graduatesin good employment orpostgraduate study.

    The ATCs SOBM alliance withSMU aspires to run a programmethat is focused on a regionaland international perception ofbusiness, pushing the boundariesto ensure that it producesglobal graduates who are ableto participate in designing theirown future while facilitating thecountrys growth.

    In addition, ATC offers aCertificate in Business Studies,Diploma in Management andDiploma in Marketing for SPMschool-leavers as a pathway totheir degree studies.

    While pursuing their pre-tertiary studies, studentsare required to go throughan internship programme atestablished companies that willallow them to experience real-world business environments,enhance their learned knowledgeand expose them to situationswhere they must striveindependently to be successful.

    nFor more information,call 1800 88 9292 or