course out line

Introduction to Social Engineering Advance Tactics used by Cyber Criminals Anonymity (VPN,TOR,Proxy) Phishing ( Attacks, Identification, Prevention) Spoofing ( Attacks, Prevention, Countermeasure) Browser Exploitation (Web Browser attacks, Procedures, Security) Waterhole attacks (Proof of Concept, Advance Security Technique) OS Exploitation (Anti Virus/Malwre functionality,OS deep drive) Sniffing (POC,Anti sniffing tools/techniques) Payloads and C&C servers Click Jacking (Social media techniques) Chain attacks Basic /Advance Security and counter measures Account Security (Banking ,Credit Card,ATM, Online transactions, Online shopping) Communication Security (Wifi , whats App,Skype,Mobile phone ,Tablets,Laptops)

Upload: mudassarsaleh4454

Post on 05-Nov-2015




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Introduction to Social Engineering Advance Tactics used by Cyber Criminals Anonymity (VPN,TOR,Proxy) Phishing ( Attacks, Identification, Prevention) Spoofing ( Attacks, Prevention, Countermeasure)Browser Exploitation (Web Browser attacks, Procedures, Security)Waterhole attacks (Proof of Concept, Advance Security Technique) OS Exploitation (Anti Virus/Malwre functionality,OS deep drive) Sniffing (POC,Anti sniffing tools/techniques)Payloads and C&C servers Click Jacking (Social media techniques) Chain attacks Basic /Advance Security and counter measures Account Security (Banking ,Credit Card,ATM, Online transactions, Online shopping) Communication Security (Wifi , whats App,Skype,Mobile phone ,Tablets,Laptops)