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1 Course: GPY 453 – WATER RESOURCES MANAGEMENT Lecturer: Iroye, Kayode Ademola Ph.D. Geography (Unilorin); M.Sc.; B.Sc. (Hons); PGDE (UNAD). Address: Department of Geography & Environmental Management. Faculty of Business and Social Sciences University of Ilorin, Ilorin Kwara State, Nigeria. E-mail: [email protected] Office Address: Ground Floor, Department of Geography & Environmental Management. University of Ilorin, Ilorin. Consultation hour: 1.00pm -2.00pm Tuesdays and Thursdays Course Content Water as a strategic resource. Worlds water resource inventories and surveys. Use of water for industrial, domestic, commercial and agricultural purposes. Harnessing of water for rural and urban use, - boreholes, wells, dams etc case studies of water supply in Nigeria. 45h (T), PR: GPY 324, EL Course Justification Water is essential for both life and livelihood. It is required for consumption by humans and animals alike, bringing with it essential micronutrients such as iron and fluoride. Water is also required for personal hygiene such as washing, bathing, laundering, sewerage and cleaning. Water is essential for agricultural and industrial production. While its availability in-terms of quantity and quality determine rate of a country growth and development; its management level and control also determines whether it will constitute a blessing or curse. Thus knowledge acquire by students in this course will help in managing and developing water as a resource rather than hindrance

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Course: GPY 453 – WATER RESOURCES MANAGEMENT Lecturer: Iroye, Kayode Ademola Ph.D. Geography (Unilorin); M.Sc.; B.Sc. (Hons); PGDE

(UNAD). Address: Department of Geography & Environmental Management. Faculty of Business and Social Sciences University of Ilorin, Ilorin Kwara State, Nigeria. E-mail: [email protected] Office Address: Ground Floor, Department of Geography & Environmental Management. University of Ilorin, Ilorin. Consultation hour: 1.00pm -2.00pm Tuesdays and Thursdays Course Content Water as a strategic resource. Worlds water resource inventories and surveys. Use of water for industrial, domestic, commercial and agricultural purposes. Harnessing of water for rural and urban use, - boreholes, wells, dams etc case studies of water supply in Nigeria. 45h (T), PR: GPY 324, EL Course Justification Water is essential for both life and livelihood. It is required for consumption by humans and animals alike, bringing with it essential micronutrients such as iron and fluoride. Water is also required for personal hygiene such as washing, bathing, laundering, sewerage and cleaning. Water is essential for agricultural and industrial production. While its availability in-terms of quantity and quality determine rate of a country growth and development; its management level and control also determines whether it will constitute a blessing or curse. Thus knowledge acquire by students in this course will help in managing and developing water as a resource rather than hindrance


Course Objectives The general objective of the course as an integral part of the B.Sc. (Geography and Env. Mgt.) is to be able to identify different sources of water, management techniques that can be adopted in their development and problems associated with each of the management techniques. At the end of the course, the students will be able to: i. identify water as a resource ii. describe on a global scale, different sources of water iii. explain the different management techniques of water resources iv. identify problems associated with each of the management techniques, and v. describe ways of solving problems associated with each of the management


Course Requirement Hydrology is a perquisite for this course; thus students in this class are expected to have taken and passed GPY 324 in 300 level. Students in the class are also expected to participate in all the course activities and have minimum of 75% attendance to be able to write the final examination. Each student is also expected to present a term paper of a case study on water supply in Nigeria. Method of grading Number Item % score 1 Term paper 10 2 Test 20 3 Final

examination 70

Total 100 Course Delivery Strategies The lecture will be delivered through face to face method using lecture note. Students will be advised to read around the topics. Though additional materials will be provided on the board; students will also be encouraged to read relevant journal articles. Reading List Ayoade, J.O. (2003), Tropical Hydrology and Water Resources Macmillan and Agbo

Areo Publishes, Ibadan 275pp. Balek, J. (1983), Hydrology and Water Resources in Tropical Regions, Elsevier,



Knapp, B.J. (1979), Elements of Geographical Hydrology, George Allen and Unwin, London 80pp.

Oyegun, R.O. (1983), Water Resources in Kwara State Matanmi and Sons Printing and Publishing, Ilorin 113pp.

Todd, D.K. (1980), Groundwater Hydrology John Wiley, New York. Wards, R.C. (1978) Flood; A Geographical Perspective Macmillan, London 224pp. LECTURES Week 1: Water as a Resource Objective: The students will be able to explain the importance of water in the

ecosystem of man. Description: Uses to which water can be put will be discussed such as irrigation,

HEP generation, fishing, industrialization, navigation, wildlife conservation, recreation, healthful living, pollution abatement and control.

Study Questions: 1. Explain the properties possessed by water which enhances its resource

value. 2. List 10 illnesses and diseases which have linkage with water 3. Identify 5 countries whose success stories in agricultural practice is due to

provision of water by irrigation Reading List Ayoade, J.O. (2003), Tropical Hydrology and Water Resources Macmillan and Agbo

Areo Publishes, Ibadan 275pp. Biswas, A.K. (1878), Water Development and Environment, Geojournal 3(5) 7-12 Mitchell, B. (1979), Geography and Resources Analysis, Longman, London Week 2: World’s Water Inventory Objective: The students will be able to identify different sources of water Description:Global water resource inventory will be taken such as oceanic water,

rivers, lakes, water aloft, life fluid of vegetative kingdom, biological water, unseen reservoiur and global refrigeration system. Challenges facing each of these sources will also be examined.


Study Questions 1. List 5 different sources of fresh water 2. Highlight the importance of groundwater in hydrological process 3. Identify the largest single item in the world’s water budget outside the ocean

and its equivalent volume. Reading List Biswas, A.K. (1878), Water Development and Environment, Geojournal 3(5) 7-12 Lvovitch, M.I. (1973), The World’s Water, Mir Publishers, Moscow Ward, R.C. (1975), Principles of Hydrology McGraw Hill, London. Week 3: Domestic Water Demand Objective: The students will be able to explain different uses of water

domestically. Description: Difference process of estimating domestic water demand will be

explained and factors affecting differences in domestic demand examined.

Study Questions 1. Make a list of 5 uses to which water can be put domestically 2. Provide estimate per-capital consumption of the above uses in developed

world. Reading List Oyegun, R.O. (1983), Water Resources in Kwara State Matanmi and Sons Printing

and Publishing, Ilorin 113pp. Ayoade, J.O. and Oyebande, B.L. (1978) Water Resources, In: J.S. Oguntoyinbo,

O.O. Areola and M.O. Filani (eds) A Geography of Nigerian Development, Heinemann, Ibadan, pp 40-56

Burkalow, V.A. (1959), The Geography of New York City Water Supply: A Study of Interactions, Geographical Rev. 49 (3) 369-386

Week 4: Industrial Water Demand Objectives: Students will be able to explain variety of industrial uses of water Description:Variability in quantity and quality of water required by different industrial

processes will be discussed.


Study Questions 1. Examine 4 factors which determine the volume of water used in a given

industry 2. Explain the reason why industries in the tropics consume much less water

than industries in the temperate region. Reading List: Ayoade, J.O. (1981), A note on Industrial Water use in Nigeria, Water Supply and

Management, 5 (4/5) pp 373-375 Rees, J.A. (1973), The Demand for Water in Southeast England, Geographic

Journal 139: 20-36 Week 5: Irrigation Water Demand Objective: The objective of the lecture is to describe controlled supply of water to

agriculture through irrigation Description: Though agricultural activities in most parts of the world is mainly rain-

fed with the exception of semi-arid and arid areas, irrigation agriculture is of crucial importance because of unreliability of rainfall and high variation in its incidence, duration and amount from year to year. Physical and cultural factors affecting types of irrigation to be adopted will be discussed. Modern and primitive types of irrigation will be explained. The lecture will also discussed various problems created by irrigation practice such as creation of cone of depression, subsidence, salinicity, ecological disturbance etc.

Study Questions 1. Examine the ways by which evaporation losses in irrigation practice can be

minimized. 2. Examine the need for irrigation practice in the tropics despite the fact that

agriculture is still mainly rain-fed in the region. Reading List Ayoade, J.O. (1977), Perspective on the Recent Drought in the Sudano-Sahelian

Zone of West Africa with particular reference to Nigeria. Archiv Fumeteorologic Geophysik and BioKlimatologie, Series B No 25, pp 67-77

Ayoade, J.O. (2003), Tropical Hydrology and Water Resources. Macmillan and Agbo Areo Publishers pp. 219 – 225


Week 6: Forecasting Water Demand Objective: The objective of the lecture is to explain model generation in

forecasting water demand. Description: The lecture will explain different forecasting techniques and factors

that can be uses in forecasting water demand. Study Questions: Explain the two basic forecasting techniques use in water demand analysis Reading List Ayoade, J.O. (2003), Tropical Hydrology and Water Resources, Macmillan and Agbo

Areo Publishers 275pp. Overman, M. (1968), Water: Solution to a Problem of Supply and Demand, Aldus

Books, London. Week 7: Origin, Occurrence and Storage of Groundwater Objective: The students will be able to know the origin, mode of occurrence under

variety of conditions and forms and rock properties affecting groundwater storage.

Description: Explanation of precipitation as main origin of groundwater. Other sources include connate and juvenile water. Groundwater occur as springs and water in permanent frozen ground while rock micro and macro properties affect groundwater storage.

Study Questions 1. Examine three ways by which groundwater can be naturally discharge from

the ground 2. Differentiate between diffuse seepage and spring 3. Define the following terms a. Aquifer b. Aquifuge c. Aquiclude Reading List Todd, D.K. (1980), Groundwater Hydrology, John Wiley Walton, W.C. (1970), Groundwater Resource Evaluation, McGraw Hill, New York.


Week 8: Types of Aquifer Objective: Students will be able to know the different types of aquifers Description:Criteria used in classifying aquifer include yield, geological

characteristics, source of replenishment, manner of occurrence and presence or absence of a water table.

Study Questions 1. Classify aquifers into four categories based on manner of occurrence 2. Differentiate between artesian aquifers and artesian wells Reading List: Faniran, A. and Omorinbola, E.O. (1980), Evaluating the Shallow Groundwater

Reserves in Basement Complex Areas: A Case Study of South Western Nigeria, Journal of Mining and Geology 17(1) pp 65-79.

Omorinbola, E.O. (1980), Refraction Seismic Determination of some Aspects of the Groundwater Condition of Nigeria Basement Complex Regoliths, Nigerian Geographical Journal, Vol. 23, pp 65-82

Week 9: Groundwater Movements Objective: Students will be able to know different types of groundwater

movements Description: Explanation of movements in both horizontal and vertical plane.

Theoretical and practical methods of examining the pattern of horizontal movement

Study Questions 1. Tracers can be used to show the direction and rates of groundwater flow.

Examine five properties of an ideal tracer 2. Make a list of four components each of groundwater recharge and discharge. Reading List Ayoade, J.O (2003), Tropical Hydrology and Water Resources. Agbo Areo and

Macmillan Publishers 275pp Week 10: Groundwater Quality Objective: The students will be able to know factors influencing quality of



Description: Quality of groundwater will be compared with surface water and its advantages over surface water will be discussed, especially for the use of rural dwellers

Study Questions 1. List 5 disadvantages of groundwater as a source of water supply 2. List 5 relative advantages of developing groundwater over surface water,

especially for the use of rural dwellers Reading List Todd, D.K. (1980), Groundwater Hydrology, John Wiley Walton, W.C. (1970), Groundwater Resource Evaluation, McGraw Hill, New York. Week 11: River Storage Objective: The objective of the lecture is to explain the use of dam in meeting the

water requirement of man Description: The lecture will explain the use of dam as a means of water storage in

urban areas. Advantages and disadvantages of dam as system of storage will be discussed

Study Questions 1. List 5 advantages of dam 2. List 5 environmental consequences of dam as water control project Reading List Ayoade, J.O. (2003), Tropical Hydrology and Water Resources, Macmillan and Agbo

Areo Publisher 275pp Barrow, C.J. (1983), The Environmental Consequences of Water Resources

Development in the Tropics In: O.J. Bee (ed) Natural Resources in Tropical Countries; Signapore University Press

Week 12: Ocean Storage Objective: The objective of the lecture is to explain the use of ocean in meeting up

the water requirement of man Description: The lecture will explain the challenge facing man in his attempt to use

ocean water as a supply option. Methods of overcoming the challenge and prospects will also be discussed.


Study Questions 1. Explain any two methods that can be used in removing salt from ocean water 2. List four energy source for the above desalination processes. Reading List Biwas, A.K. (1978), Water Development and Environment; Geojournal 3(5) Overman, M. (1968), Water: solutions to Problem of Supply and Demand, Aldus

Book, London. Week 13: Estuarine Storage Objective: The objective of the lecture is to explain the use of estuarine in meeting

the water requirement of man. Description: The lecture will explain process of developing estuarine storage and

development challenges associated with the use of estuarine storage as water supply option.

Study Questions 1. Examine the implication of developing an estuarine for water supply on fish

farming 2. List the problems limiting the use of estuarine as source of water supply for

man Reading List Biwas, A.K. (1978), Water Development and Environment; Geojournal 3(5) Overman, M. (1968), Water: Solutions to Problem of supply and Demand, Aldus

Book. Week 14: Problems of water resource management in Nigeria Objective: The students will be able to explain the general problems confronting

water resource management in Nigeria Description: Discussion on problem of water resource management such as data

problems, physical and environmental problems, cultural, institutional/political and management problems will be carried out.

Study Questions: 1. Examine physical constraints as problem of water resource management in Nigeria 2. To what extent do you consider cultural factor a significant problem in water

resource management in Nigeria?


Reading List Faniran, A. (1991), Water Resources Development in Nigeria. University of Ibadan

Lecture Series 95pp Oyegun, R.O. (1983), Water Resources in Kwara State Matanmi Printing and

Publishing, Ilorin 113pp. Sule, B.F. (2003), Water Security; Now and the Future 65th Inaugural Lecture,

University of Ilorin, Unilorin Press 69pp, Week 15: Revision Description: Students will be expected to ask question on any difficult concept or

topic treated during the course Study Questions: 1. Examine the view that provision of improved water supply is the major key for

the development of any geographical region 2. Attempt a typology of aquifers 3. Distinguish between confined and unconfined aquifers and describe the

conditions under which they occur 4. What are the advantages and disadvantages of surface water storage 5. Describe two methods that can be used in removing salt from water 6. Review the activities of your state government in the area of water resources

development and management in the last one decade 7. Examine the factors which determine the relative importance of groundwater

over surface water especially for the use of rural dwellers 8. Examine the properties of ideal tracer 9. Examine the physical characteristics of a region that constitute problem in

water resource management 10. Examine the need for irrigation agriculture in the tropics despite its climatic
