courses 16 - alavi

Dr. Amin Alavi 2016 Course and Lecture Catalog We offer a wide selection of: Research-based General and Specialized designed Courses and Lectures BA and Master (MA) level studies in International Law International Relations Global Studies and European Studies. Dr. Amin Alavi [email protected] +41 79 78 51 606

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We offer a wide selection of:

• Research-based

• General and

• Specialized designed

• Courses and Lectures

• BA and Master (MA) level studies in

• International Law

• International Relations

• Global Studies and

• European Studies.

Dr. Amin Alavi

[email protected]

+41 79 78 51 606

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Contents Introduction ................................................................................................................................................0

Course and Lecture Catalog ........................................................................................................................1

About the courses ...............................................................................................................................1

General Courses ..........................................................................................................................................2

EU as a global actor (BA and MA level) ...............................................................................................2

EU External Trade (MA level) ..............................................................................................................3

Global Relations (BA and MA level) ....................................................................................................4

International Development Law (MA level)........................................................................................5

Global Justice and Law (MA level) ......................................................................................................6

Other relevant general courses: .................................................................................................................7

Specialized courses: ....................................................................................................................................8

A selection of offered lectures ....................................................................................................................9

Selected References ................................................................................................................................ 10

Past Professional Experiences: ................................................................................................................ 11

Publications:............................................................................................................................................. 15

Books and Reports: .......................................................................................................................... 15

Articles and book-sections: .............................................................................................................. 15

Selected Presentations, Conference-papers, and commentaries: .................................................. 17

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Dr. Amin Alavi possesses a wealth of

expertise and over 10 years of

professional and academic experience

in EU external relations,

international trade law and trade policy

on macro as well as micro level. He

has worked as professor and lecturer at

many universities in Denmark and

various universities in Europe. He has

also advised many developing

countries in WTO law and establishing

the necessary internal infrastructure to

connect producers, traders, civil

society with officials in charge of trade

policy. Dr. Alavi is now a freelance

researcher, consultant and lecturer.

On practical level, Dr. Alavi has

previously represented Denmark in the

WTO and worked as a trade

negotiations expert, commentator and

advisor for media, private companies

and various governments across the

globe, including the UK, Denmark,

Sweden, Russia, ASEAN countries

and Balkan countries.

Dr. Alavi´s main areas of expertise

include: International Relations,

legalization processes, EU-US

relations, EU external policies,

Development Law and policy,

international trade law in Goods,

multilateral and bilateral trade

negotiations, dispute settlement, and

the EU law and institutions. He is also

an expert in Middle East, Balkan and

China and South East Asia.

Dr. Alavi has successfully designed

courses and lead workshops, training

courses for officials, role plays, team-

building activities, and project

management exercises.

For further information about Dr. Alavi,

the courses and lectures contact Dr.

Alavi at [email protected] or


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Course and Lecture Catalog

About the courses

All courses are research-based and

interdisciplinary (law, politics and

economics) and put a great emphasis on

active participation by the participants. They

aim to give the participants the necessary

theoretical knowledge and enable them to

use the theories to analyze practical matters,

the so called applied-theoretical approach.

Most courses include workshops and role-

plays as an integral part of the teaching

method. All courses put a great emphasis on

being up-to-date with current events related

to the topic, in order to give the students a

hand on understanding of the covered issues.

The courses usually consist of minimum five

sessions á three hours and can be planned as

a three weeks modules. The courses can also

be modified according to the university´s

requirements and students´ academic level.

The reading materials consist of articles and

widely available books written by Dr. Alavi

himself and/or renowned scholars, and news

and analyses from international media such

as Economist, Financial Times, Le Figaro.

The BA level courses take into account the

novelty of the subject for students.

The examination form can vary according to

the university´s requirement.

Two happy Master students after their final exam. Aarhus 2015

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General Courses

EU as a global actor (BA and MA level)

Target audience: Political Science,

International Relations, European

Studies, Global Studies

Thought at Department of Business

Communication, Aarhus University, Denmark

The aim of the course is to enable the

student to carry out research-based and

critical analyses of the EU´s role in

international politics, how EU politics are

affected by globalization processes, and how

the EU itself is able to influence these



In order to achieve the aim of the course, the

student will acquire the following


a) In-depth knowledge about:

• EU foreign politics and international


• The EU in the system of international


• the role and influence of the EU as a global

actor in the world regarding issues such as

Trade, Development, International Law,

Security, Environment, Migration

• IR theories and alternative approaches to

understand the EU's external relations

b) skills in:

• conducting structured and academic

research projects both theoretical and


• analyzing the international relations of the


• analyzing the role of the EU within

globalization processes

• making assessments of scope and limits of

the EU as a global power.

Spring semester 2015. Aarhus

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EU External Trade (MA level)

Target audience: Law, European

Studies, Global Studies

Thought at Department of Law, Aarhus

University, Denmark and Haifa University,


EU External Trade is an advanced course

offering a comprehensive understanding of

core political/legal elements of EU External

trade, which includes formal agreements,

such as EU-bilateral trade Agreements, its

Generalized System of Preferences (GSP),

and the WTO; and informal trade relations

with for example the US and China.

A core element of the course is the EU´s

position in the WTO. With the establishment

of the WTO in 1995 the structure of

international trade has changed. The number

of agreements and the scope of regulation

were expanded so that the WTO of today is

now regulating not only trade in goods but

also trade in services, investments and

certain aspects of international property

rights. In this process, the EU has played a

significant role. But in the same time, the

establishment of the WTO has also changed

the institutional setting for the regulation of

international trade, including EU external



The aim of this interdisciplinary course is to

give the students the knowledge and

understanding of the political/legal aspects

of the EU external trade, the WTO, how WTO

law and EU law interact, the relevant case

law before the WTO´s Dispute settlement

body and the European Court, and how the

EU uses its power to shape the international

trade rules and how it uses the WTO to

achieve its goals.


The course will cover the following topics:

• The core elements and instruments of EU

external trade

• the structure of the WTO and its Dispute

Settlement Body

• the relationship between WTO law and the

EU law

• tariffs on goods and the most favored

nation principle

• discrimination of goods and other


• subsidies, countervailing duties and public


• anti-dumping laws

• trade in services (GATS)

• trade-related intellectual property rights


• EU regional and free trade agreements with

third countries

Explaining trade law terminology. Aarhus 2014

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Global Relations (BA and MA level)

Target audience: Political Science,

International Relations, European

Studies, Global Studies

Thought at Department of Business

Communication, Aarhus University


The Aim of the course is to enable students

to analyze issues related to international

affairs as well as transnational politics. The

students will be able to acquire knowledge of

how different theoretical approaches can be

used to analyze policies and practices of

international actors such as the EU,

transnational cooperation, multinational

firms, cultural entities and NGOs on bilateral,

regional and global level.


In order to meet the aim of the course, the

students will acquire the following


a) knowledge of:

- a wide range of international relations

theories, e.g. realism, neo-realism, liberalism,

neo-liberalism, regime theory and emerging

accounts of governance networks

- how the theories outline the structure of

international affairs

- actors and actorness on the global stage

- how the theories explain actors' behavior

b) skills in:

- applying the theories on selected topics

- analyzing international affairs and

transnational politics

Explaining issue linkage. 2014. Aarhus

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International Development Law (MA


Target audience: Law, Political Science,

International Relations, European

Studies, Global Studies

Thought at Department of Law, Aarhus

University Denmark

The aim of the course is to provide the

students with knowledge on legalization

processes, the interaction between law,

politics and economics in the field of


The course is designed to:

• promote reflection on the justifications

and methods behind how development

as a political concepts is legalized in

different issue areas and how they have

been interpreted by the relevant courts;

• analysis of the substantive law on

various issue areas relevant for

development and developing countries,

e.g. trade, security, finance, human


• introducing the students to the relevant

actors operating in the field of law and

development, e.g. UN, WTO, World Bank,

IMF and how they operate.

During the course the students should attain

the following competences:

• the ability to carry out interdisciplinary

analyses of selected issues,

governmental as well as non-

governmental and intergovernmental

actors and understand the linkages

between them;

• understanding how the relevant rules

are applied by various actors, such as

states, the EU, and NGOs;

• the ability to ask critical questions from

a legal/political perspective;

• the ability to analyze highly complex


• the ability to seek out and select

relevant legislative documents.

Fall semester 2015. Aarhus

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Global Justice and Law (MA level)

Target audience: Law, Political

Science, International Relations,

European Studies, Global Studies

Thought at Department of Humanities,

Aarhus University Denmark

A violation of the law in one particular place

in the world is a violation of the law for

everyone in the world. This was observed by

the German philosopher Kant over 200 years

ago - but global justice is still a long way off.

Some states have been relatively successful

in creating justice within their own borders -

in the form of both a formal constitutional

state and social justice. However, many

states have, for one reason or another, been

unable to establish normal forms of justice,

just as the apparatus for the establishment of

a global constitutional state, or social justice

on a global scale, does not exist. The course

in Global Justice and Law looks into the most

recent steps taken in relation to

international law, international

responsibility for atrocities, and how we

perceive current situations in relation to

ideas and theories relating to Global Justice

and Law.

Outdoor session, Fall semester 2014. Aarhus

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Other relevant general courses:

EU Law (BA level)

Target audience: Law, Political Science,

International Relations, European Studies

Thought at Department of Society and

Globalization, Roskilde University, Denmark

An introduction to the EU law, institutions,

decision-making and implementations of

the EU law in EU countries

Jurisprudence (BA level)

Target audience: Law, Political Science,

International Relations

Thought at Department of Law, Aarhus

University, Denmark

Theories of jurisprudence, interpretations

and comparative dispute settlement

Law and Politics (BA level)

Target audience: Law, Political Science,

International Relations

Thought at Department of Law, Aarhus

University Denmark

An interdisciplinary course on the relation

between law and politics, and legalization


Law and Policy of International

Organizations (MA level)

Target audience: Law, Political Science,

International Relations, Global Studies

Thought at Department of Political Science,

University of South Denmark

A comparative course on various

intergovernmental organizations, Decision-

making and the law-making activities of

selected IOs.

Legalization of International Relations

(MA level)

Target audience: Law, Political Science,

International Relations, Global Studies

Thought at Department of Political Science,

University of Copenhagen, Denmark

A course on legalization processes, Legal

Interpretations theories, deferent legal

instruments, compliance and

implementation of international legal

obligations in a domestic setting

Spring semester 2015. Aarhus

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Specialized courses:

Trade in goods

Target audience: Lawyers, Customs

Authorities, Diplomatic Representatives,

Trade Negotiators, Officials in the charge

of Trade policy

The course covers the GATT agreement, and

focuses on the following issues: Rules of

Origin, Trade Facilitation, Anti-Dumping,

Dispute Settlement, and trade negotiations.

Trade Facilitations

Target audience: Lawyers, Customs

Authorities, Trade Negotiators, Officials

in the charge of Trade policy

The course covers the GATT agreement on

Trade Facilitations, and focuses on the

following issues: Rules of Origin, Trade

Facilitation, Dispute Settlement, and trade


Dispute Settlement

Target audience: Lawyers, Diplomatic

Representatives, Trade Negotiators,

Officials in the charge of Trade policy

By using workshops and Role plays. the

course deals with different methods of

dispute settlement and negotiations, from

litigation to Mediation, and the different

relevant for a in this regard.

Trade Negotiations Technics

Target audience: Lawyers, Trade

Negotiators, Officials in the charge of

Trade policy

Through role play, the course offers the

participants on various negotiations technics

and strategies.

Ministry of Commerce, Phnom Penh, Cambodia, 2012

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A selection of offered lectures

Europanization of International Trade

The lecture gives an overview of the

numerous and latest trade agreements that

the EU is negotiating or has finalized with

third countries to see which common

features they have and why; and how these

agreements influence the existing

international trade rules (the WTO and US-


Making decisions in the EU

The lecture offers an account of which issues

are currently on the agenda in the EU and

how the decision-making processes deal

with its task.

What about TTIP?

The lecture offers a general introduction to

the current free-trade negotiations between

the EU and the US.

Development and Developing Countries

The lecture offers an overview on the

position of developing countries and

development as a political concept in the

legalized system of international relations.

EU External Trade Policy

The lecture focuses on the role of EU´s

economic position on the international

scene, which goals it aims to achieve, which

instruments it has to this end and how the

instruments are used. The lecture uses

textile and/or agriculture industries and the

EU-based FTAs to highlight its points.

How do we deal with the Chinese issue?

The lecture looks at the challenges the ever

increasing Chinese influence and power has

on the traditional powers and how they

attempt to find a new balance.

Role of non-state actors in international


The lecture focuses on the increasing role

and influence of Non-State actors (IOs and

NGOs) in shaping the structure of

international relations. It also offers an

overview of the instruments they have to

achieve their goals.

TTIP debate, Copenhagen. 2014

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Selected References

Carolyn Gates: [email protected]

Prof. dr. sc. Tamara Perisin, MJur (Oxon)


Carolyn Gates – [email protected]

Prof. dr. Vanja Smokvina: [email protected]

Prof. Rasmus Brun Pedersen- [email protected]

Prof. Jean d'Aspremont

[email protected]

University of Zagreb, Croatia

University of Rijeka, Croatia

Aarhus University, Denmark

ASEAN countries University of Manchester, UK

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Past Professional Experiences:

Date from - to Location Funding Agency/Company

Position Description

December 2013 – January 2014

Haifa, Israel University of Haifa Visiting Professor Teaching a course on “WTO law”



Prishtina, Kosovo EU Short-term Senior expert

“Specialist Advice and Training on Trade Law and Disputes” under the project: “Technical

Assistance to Further Development of Kosovo´s Trade Policy” – Topics included: Dispute

Settlement, Engaging private stakeholders in trade policy matters

Workshop, ASEAN Secretariat. 2012

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Date from - to Location Funding Agency/Company

Position Description

November 2012

Phenom Penh, Cambodia

ASEAN-secretariat Senior consultant/expert


WORKSHOP on trade negotiations with the EU – Topics included: Rules of Origin, Dispute


May 2012 Kuala Lumpur - Malaysia

ASEAN-secretariat Senior consultant/expert


WORKSHOP on “Rules of Origin” and “Dispute Settlement”

Oct 2010 – Present

Denmark Aarhus University Associate Professor of International Trade Law

EU External Trade (Master course) Advanced WTO Law (Master course) Development Law (lecture) Regulating International Trade (lecture) Global relations (Master course) EU in a global world (Master course)

January 2012

Croatia Rijeka University Speaker Gave a presentation entitled ‘(Non-) Decision-making in the WTO- Prospect for the Doha Round’. The speech was given to the staff of faculty of law, PhD students and Master students.

January 2012

Croatia Zagreb University Speaker Gave a presentation entitled ‘The EU in the WTO’. The speech was given to the staff of faculty of law.

June 2010 Denmark A legal study for the University of West Indies´

yearbook on EPA

Analyst ‘Rules of Origin in Caribbean-EU Economic Partnership Agreements’. Carried out a legal analysis on how the Rule of Origin regime can be implemented.

2009 - 2010 Denmark Part of a research project on EPAs for the Aarhus University

Researcher ‘How to Challenge a Preferential Trade Agreement Before the WTO’- a research project on different aspects of PTAs, including Rules of Origin.

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Date from - to Location Funding Agency/Company

Position Description

Oct 2007 – Oct 2010

Denmark Aarhus University Post Doctorate Research, teaching and supervision in topics related to: • Law of the World Trade Organizations, EU-external trade, Regional Trade Agreements,

Dispute settlement, GATS; • International relations, Trade negotiations

February-May 2009

Denmark Danish Institute for International Studies (DIIS)

Consultant ‘Rules of Origin in the EU’s Preferential Trade Agreements’. Carried out a legal analysis of the proposed Rule of Origin in the Economic Partnership Agreements between the EU and the ACP countries.

November 2009

Sweden Swedish National Board of Trade

Consultant Taught Rules of Origin from a Comparative Perspective to the Swedish National Board of Trade on the International Training Programme on Rules of Origin- a comparative teaching module on different types of Rules of Origin in the EU and the US preferential trade agreements for trade and customs officials from African countries.

2007 - 2009 Denmark University of Aarhus

Researcher ‘Compatibility of EPAs with the WTO Rules’- a legal research program on different aspects of the EPAs including the proposed provisions on Most Favoured Nation treatment, Dispute Settlement and Rules of Origin.

September 2008

Switzerland Consultant The compatibility of EPA with the WTO rules – Seen from an African perspective – A study for Namibian Delegation to the WTO

June 2008 South Africa World Bank – Conference Series


Speaker Gave a presentation at a Development & International Organisations Conference entitled ‘Strengthening Development in the WTO: Theoretical View with Practical Implications’.

Apr – Sept 2007

Denmark Danish Institute for International Studies (DIIS)

Project Researcher

Within the Trade & Development Department, carried out research, analysis and consultancy work on EU´s bilateral trade agreements with third countries and Danish policy options on trade matters in the EU and the WTO. Carried out a legal and political study of EPAs for the DIIS and Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs entitled ‘Economic Partnership Agreements- Institutional and Substantive Issues’.

2007 Denmark Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Consultant ‘Special and Differential Treatments Provisions in the TRIPs’- carrying out legal analyses of the negotiations proposals for the Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Sept 2006 – Sept 2007

Denmark Roskilde University Centre

External Lecturer Course subject: EU-law; Free movement of Goods and Services

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Date from - to Location Funding Agency/Company

Position Description

2006 Denmark Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs,


Analyst Carried out political and legal analyses of the negotiations on the special and differential treatment provisions in the WTO and the proposed S&DT provision in the Doha Round for DIIS and Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

2006 Switzerland - Analyst Negotiating Special and Differential Treatments rules – A study for the Philippines delegation to the WTO

2005 Switzerland - Analyst EUs Rules of Origin for fish – A study for the Fijian Delegation to the WTO 2005 Denmark/Switzerland - Analyst ‘Russia’s accession to the WTO’- carried out various political and legal studies on the

negotiations process, implications of accession/non-accession, including its implication for Russia’s Rule of Origin regime, Russia’s relations with selected other countries for a group of Russian industries.

2003 - 2004 Switzerland DANIDA Visiting researcher

Visiting researcher at the Danish mission to the WTO-Geneva, with special focus on Dispute Settlement System, Developing countries, and the Doha Round

Apr 2003 – Mar 2007

Denmark Danish Institute for International Studies (DIIS)

PhD Researcher Research topics: WTO; Trade law; WTO Dispute Settlement Mechanism; Developing countries; Trade negotiations

Mar 2002 – Aug 2003

Switzerland May Group Analyst and Consultant

Public Policy Analysis, e.g. electricity sector Assisting private companies in the bidding process to the EU and World Bank funded public procurement projects

1998-2002 Copenhagen, Denmark

Samspil Editor in chief Publishin a monthly magazine “Samspil” and a weekly paper “På Let Dansk”

1996-2000 Copenhagen, Denmark

Dagbladet Information

Journalist and commentator

My areas of coverage for the newspaper was: Middle East, and multiculturalism

University of Haifa, Israel. 2013

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Books and Reports:

Alavi, Amin (2017 – forth coming) ”EU External Trade – Law and Policy”. Cambridge University Press.

Alavi, Amin (ed) 2015. ”International Development Law and Policy”, AU-course compendium.

Alavi, Amin. (2008) “Legalization of Development in the WTO : Between Law and Politics”. Alphen aan

den Rijn : Kluwer Law International, 2008. 243 s.

Alavi, Amin. (2007) “Studying Legalization : Special and Differential Treatments of Developing

Countries in the WTO”. København : Københavns Universitet. 325 s.

Alavi, Amin ; Gibbon, Peter ; Niels Jon, Mortensen. (2007) “EU-ACP Economic Partnership Agreements

(EPAs) : Institutional and Substantive Issues”. Copenhagen : Danish Institute for International Studies.

110 s.

Articles and book-sections:

Alavi, Amin (2016 – Forthcoming) ”Europanization of International Trade Law”. Europarettslig Tidskrift,

Stockholm University.

Alavi, Amin (2016 – Forthcoming) ”On the Difficult Task of Issue-Linkage in Intergovernmental


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Alavi, Amin (2016 – Forthcoming) “Strengthening the Trade-Development effort”.

Alavi, Amin (2016 – Forthcoming) “Flexibilities and Regime effectiveness”.

Alavi, Amin (2012) “Negotiating in the shadow of good faith in the EU and the WTO” in Engsig

Sørensen (Eds) “Liberalizing Trade – Comparing the Experiences of the EU and the WTO”, Oxford

University Press.

Alavi Amin (2012) “Trade in Agriculture” in Engsig Sørensen (Eds) “WTO Law – Seen from the EU

Perspective 2nd

Ed.”, Kluwer Law International.

Alavi Amin (2012) “Developing Countries” in Engsig Sørensen (Eds) “WTO Law – Seen from the EU

Perspective 2nd

Ed.”, Kluwer Law International.

Alavi Amin (2012) “Preferential Trade Agreements” in Engsig Sørensen (Eds) “WTO Law – Seen

from the EU Perspective 2nd

Ed.”, Kluwer Law International.

Alavi, Amin (2010) “Preferential Trade Agreements and the Law and Politics of GATT Article XXIV”,

Beijing Law Review.

Alavi, Amin. (2009) “Challenging Preferential Trade Agreements: How and Where?” I ABA Trade

Committee Newsletter. s. 9-12

Alavi, Amin. (2009). “EPAs, Cotonou and the WTO - Legal Dimensions”. I: Trade Relations Between the

EU and Africa : Development, challenges and options beyond the Cotonou Agreement. / red. Yenkong

Ngangjoh-Hodu ; Francis Matambalya. Routledge, s. 185-198

Alavi, Amin. (2008) “Special and Differential Treatments provisions in the TRIPs negotiations”. I:

Journal of Intellectual Property Law & Practice; vol. 3, nr. 1, s. 55-58

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Alavi, Amin. (2007) “African Countries and WTO´s Dispute Settlement Mechanism”. I: Development

Policy Review; vol. 25, nr. 1, January. s. 25-42

Alavi, Amin. (2007) “On the (Non-)Effectiveness of the World Trade Organization Special and

Differential Treatments in the Dispute Settlement Process”. I: Journal of World Trade; vol. 41, nr. 2, s.


Alavi, Amin. (2005) “Defending Interests - Public-Private Partnership in WTO Litigation”. I: International

Organizations Bulletin.

Alavi, Amin. (2004) ”Tvistbilæggelse i WTO”. I: Den Ny Verden - Tidsskrift for internationale studier.

2004 ; vol. 37, nr. 1, København: s. 73-86

Selected Presentations, Conference-papers, and commentaries:

Amin Alavi (2015) “Europanization of International Trade Law”, Europarättsdagar, Umeå Universitet,


Amin Alavi (2014) “Trade Facilitations in the WTO, and EU-FTAs” – Manual for Ministry of Trade,

Kosovo – (Trade negotiations with the EU - workshop)

Amin Alavi (2013) “Dispute Settlement Mechanisms in International Trade Law” – Manual for Ministry

of Trade, Cambodia - (Trade negotiations with the EU - workshop)

Amin Alavi (2013) “Overview of TBT Measures and TRIPS GI Protection” – Manual for Ministry

of Trade, Malaysia - (Trade negotiations with the EU - workshop)

Amin Alavi (2013) “Standards and Agricultural Trade” – Manual for Ministry of Agriculture,

Malaysia - (Trade negotiations with the EU - workshop)

Amin Alavi (2012) “(Non-)Decision-making in the WTO – Prospect for the Doha Round”. Presentation at

Rijeka University, Croatia.

Amin Alavi (2012) “The EU in the WTO”. Presentation at Zagreb University, Croatia.

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Alavi, Amin. (2009) “Rules of Origin from a Comparative Perspective”. Konferencen: International

Training Programme on Rules of Origin, Stockholm, Sweden, 5. October 2009 - 16. October 2009.

Alavi, Amin. (2009) “Using the WTO to kick-start international trade”. Debatindlæg i

Alavi, Amin. (2008) “Strengthening Development in the WTO: Theoretical View with Practical

Implications”. s. 1-19. Conference: Development & International Organizations, Cape Town, South

Africa, 6. June 2008 - 9. June 2008. (World Bank - Conference series ABCDE).

Alavi, Amin. (2007) “Trade and Regionalism : Cure or Poison”. Lausanne : IMD - The Evian group.