covenant presbyterian · covenant...

Covenant Presbyterian Church 11:00 a.m. Austin, Texas May 7, 2017 P REPARATION PRELUDE Holy Manna Alec Wyton WELCOME Please sign the friendship register at this time and pass it down the row, then return it to its original position, noting the names of those worshiping with you. At the conclusion of the service, take time to greet one another in the name of Christ. P RAISING G OD *CALL TO WORSHIP from Psalm 106 Leader: Praise the Lord! People: O give thanks to the Lord, for he is good. Leader: His steadfast love endures forever! People: Let his people declare His goodness! All: Come and let us worship God! * HYMN OF PRAISE We Have Come to Join in Worship Hymn 647 (In 11:00 worship - children ages four through second grade are invited to Sunday School) M INISTRY OF THE W ORD SCRIPTURE READING Luke 15:11-24 NewTestament, page 850 SERMON COMING HOME Thomas Daniel The Prodigal R ESPONSE TO THE W ORD *HYMN OF RESPONSE Come, Ye Sinners, Poor and Needy (I Will Arise) [please see words and music on page 4] PRAYER OF CONFESSION (silent confession…) Our Father, we confess that sin still has its grip upon our lives. We find it so easy to do what is wrong, and so difficult to do what is right. We have fallen short of your purposes for our lives. We have broken your commandments. How often we have wandered from your ways, wasted your gifts, and forgotten your love. Have mercy upon us for we are ashamed and sorry. Forgive us, cleanse us, and teach us to follow Jesus. Amen. RESPONSE Kyrie Eleison (Lord, Have Mercy) Russian Orthodox ASSURANCE OF GODS GRACE AND PARDON *RESPONSE TO OUR FORGIVENESS Gloria Patri (Glory Be to the Father) Hymn 734 PASSING OF THE PEACE

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Page 1: Covenant Presbyterian · Covenant Presbyterian Church 11:00 a.m. Austin, Texas May 7, ... Ye Sinners, Poor and Needy

Covenant Presbyterian Church 11:00 a.m. Austin, Texas May 7, 2017


PRELUDE Holy Manna Alec Wyton

WELCOME Please sign the friendship register at this time and pass it down the row, then return it to its original position, noting the names of those worshiping with you. At the conclusion of the service, take time to greet one another in the name of Christ.


*CALL TO WORSHIP from Psalm 106 Leader: Praise the Lord! People: O give thanks to the Lord, for he is good. Leader: His steadfast love endures forever! People: Let his people declare His goodness! Al l : Come and let us worship God!

*HYMN OF PRAISE We Have Come to Join in Worship Hymn 647

(In 11:00 worship - children ages four through second grade are invited to Sunday School)


SCRIPTURE READING Luke 15:11-24 NewTestament, page 850

SERMON COMING HOME Thomas Daniel The Prodigal


*HYMN OF RESPONSE Come, Ye Sinners, Poor and Needy (I Will Arise) [please see words and music on page 4]


(s i lent confession…) Our Father, we confess that s in st i l l has i ts gr ip upon our l ives. We f ind i t so easy to do what is wrong, and so diff icult to do what is r ight. We have fal len short of your purposes for our l ives. We have broken your commandments. How often we have wandered from your ways, wasted your gifts , and forgotten your love. Have mercy upon us for we are ashamed and sorry. Forgive us, c leanse us, and teach us to fol low Jesus. Amen.

RESPONSE Kyrie Eleison (Lord, Have Mercy) Russian Orthodox


*RESPONSE TO OUR FORGIVENESS Gloria Patri (Glory Be to the Father) Hymn 734


Page 2: Covenant Presbyterian · Covenant Presbyterian Church 11:00 a.m. Austin, Texas May 7, ... Ye Sinners, Poor and Needy

As we are forgiven and reconciled to God through Christ, let us be reconciled to each other by sharing a sign of Christ’s peace. * Those who are able, please stand 1


OFFERTORY Sweet Rivers arr. Shawn Kirchner The GraceNotes Vocal Ensemble

Sweet rivers of redeeming love lie just before mine eyes; Had I the pinions of a dove, I’d to those rivers fly. I’d rise superior to my pain, with joy outstrip the wind: I’d cross o’er Jordan’s stormy waves and leave the world behind.

A few more days, or years at most, my troubles will be o’er: I hope to join the heavenly host on Canaan’s happy shore. My rapturous soul shall drink and feast in love’s unbounded sea, The glorious hope of endless rest is ravishing to me.

O! Come, my Savior, come away, and bear me through the sky, Nor let thy chariot wheels delay, but quickly draw thou nigh. Then I shall join the angel throng and circle round thy throne, I’ll sing through all the ages long, and joy to be thine own.

Sweet rivers of redeeming love… (John Adam Granade, adapted by SLK [v. 3]) *DOXOLOGY Praise God from Whom All Blessings Flow Hymn 34



Author of life divine, who hast a table spread, Furnished with mystic wine and everlasting bread Preserve the life thyself hast given and feed and train us up for heaven.

Our needy souls sustain with fresh supplies of love, Till all thy life we gain, and all thy fullness prove, And strengthened with thy perfect grace, behold without a veil thy face. Amen. (Charles Wesley[1707-1788])


*THE LORD’S PRAYER (Sung) Albert Hay Malotte

Page 3: Covenant Presbyterian · Covenant Presbyterian Church 11:00 a.m. Austin, Texas May 7, ... Ye Sinners, Poor and Needy


*POSTLUDE Come, Ye Sinners Poor and Needy George Shearing 2

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3 Come, Ye Sinners, Poor and Needy (I Will Arise)

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4 ASSISTING IN WORSHIP Jill Williams at 9:30 and 11:00, Jon Wasson at 8:15 and 11:05 Lay Liturgists – Mike Austin at 8:15, Daniel Tomlin at 9:30 and Cindy Young at 11:00 The GraceNotes Vocal Ensemble – Tom Brown, director John Schmidt, organist Adolfo Ham preaching at 11:30 at Iglesia Presbiteriana Reformada en Luyanó (our sister church in Cuba) Thomas Daniel preaching at 11:05 am in the Contemporary Worship Service

The flowers in the Sanctuary are given to the glory of God by Mary and Charles Teeple with love, in celebration of Sloan Teeple’s birthday on May 5 and Bryan Teeple’s birthday on May 7.

Encouraging one another to follow Jesus wherever we live, work, and play.

COVENANT CHILDREN’S CHOIR MUSICAL- A presentation of "Nic at Night"at 6:30 p.m. in the Sanctuary on Wednesday, May 10. This delightful play-within-a-play cleverly weaves the account of Nicodemus found in the Gospel of John with the mystery of rebirth and renewal. Contact Stacy Curtis at [email protected].

SANCTUARY CHOIR SPRING CONCERT – “Sweet Rivers of Delight” on Sunday, May 21 at 4:00pm at First Baptist Church – 901 Trinity Street, downtown Austin

The combined choirs of CPC and First Baptist Church with chamber orchestra.

Featuring Dan Forrest’s Te Deum (sung in English), Benjamin Britten’s Rejoice in the Lamb, and anthems of the church by Stanford, Perry, Gjeilo plus a bluegrass and gospel selection.

Free admission, donations accepted find out more at

Page 6: Covenant Presbyterian · Covenant Presbyterian Church 11:00 a.m. Austin, Texas May 7, ... Ye Sinners, Poor and Needy

For our senior adults, the church van will be available, leaving at 3:15pm from Covenant and returning after the concert is over. To reserve your seat, please call the church office at 512-454-5231.


For more information about events at Covenant, please see Covenant Matters.


Welcome! We are thankful you have chosen to worship with us today! Please introduce yourself by signing the red welcome booklet in each pew. Find out more about our community at the turquoise table on the patio following the service. Our prayer is that Covenant becomes your second family. We want you to feel comfortable here and hope that we can help you find ways to grow in your faith. For more information about Covenant’s many groups, programs and events, contact Amy Skaggs at [email protected]. Amy is eager to meet and discuss ways of connecting. You can also find out more by visiting our website at

Four services of worship are offered each Sunday — 8:15 a.m. (a traditional communion service), 9:30 a.m. and 11:00 a.m. (traditional services) and 11:05 a.m. (contemporary service). A shuttle service carries worshipers from the parking lot at the Texan Eye Center at 5717 Balcones Drive at Northland Drive, two blocks west of campus. Shuttle service runs from 7:55 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.


Prayers of celebration and joy: Elizabeth Drake Millier, born April 19. Parents are Callie and Drake Millier, grandparents are Regina and Will Schlotter.

Charlotte August Essex, born April 7. Parents are Elizabeth and Sean Essex.

Elizabeth “Ellie” Grace McBride, born April 7. Parents are Meghan and Breck McBride.

Prayers of sympathy and support : Family and friends on the death of Lucy Hamilton on April 14.

Prayers for: Dorothy Taylor, Cindy Sullivan, LuAnn Bennett, Tana Taylor, Kathy Shook, Bridgette Kershner, Bob Sebesta, Dave Ferguson, Remi Anne Strauss, Myrtle Eilert, Ardis Cox, Nancy Prideaux, Meghan Still, Henry Wetzel, C. Moody Alexander, Beth Gibbs, Jane Scruggs, T.J. Chapman, Erin Young, Kathy Summers, Tommie Weaver, Dick Gwinn, George Livers, Susan Szaniszlo, Chuck Cooley, Denise Myers, Riley Furlong, Barbara Knisely, David Phinney, Gail Neal, Nelson Fuller, Ed Pierson, Janis Stansell, Kaye Roth, Fran Langfitt, Marvin Cressman.

Prayers for people serving in our country’s armed forces: USAF 2LT Gonzalo Hernando, USMC 1st Lt. Katherine Ashton, USA Pvt. Jessica Choe, USA 2LT Ben Smith, USN LCDR Bryan Gunkel, USA Col. Janet Riley, USAF Lt. Katy Deiters, USAF A1C Taylor Cotham, USA Maj. Seth Pruett, USA Capt. Matt Irwin, USN LCDR Austin Wade Latour, USAF Lt. Col. Joseph Chennault, USA SFC Kevin Guy, USMC Staff Sgt. Jeremy Alexander.

Prayers requested by our sister church, Iglesia Presbiteriana Reformada en Luyanó, in Havana Cuba: Para la familia de Marilyn Ramírez. Para Martina Izquierdo y Zaida García (sus enfermedades) y Deisi Noa (su empleo nuevo). Praises and prayers of thanksgiving for missional outreach to our communities in Austin and Luyanó in the Spirit filled partnership between our loving and faithful congregations. ¡Gracias a Dios!

Prayers requested by the Mission Committee: Foundation for the Homeless and Karen and Daniel Evans at Navigators.

Prayers requested by the Session: Prayers of gratitude for the lay leadership of the church, especially the committee chairs and members.

Although prayer requests will be removed from this listing after three weeks, please contact Kay Austin in the church office, 512 334-3030, or [email protected], if prayer continues to be requested.

Recycling containers for this publication are available in the Narthex.