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Page 1: COVER SHEET- Brigantine Public School Audit Reports - October 2012 /Brigantine...Transformer $7,379 $42,000 $0 $42,000 5.7 Design / Construction Extras (15%) $175,247 $175,247 Total







PROJECT MANAGER EMAIL: [email protected]



Page 2: COVER SHEET- Brigantine Public School Audit Reports - October 2012 /Brigantine...Transformer $7,379 $42,000 $0 $42,000 5.7 Design / Construction Extras (15%) $175,247 $175,247 Total

Brigantine Public School Energy Audit

Concord Engineering Group, Inc. 9C12013 July 26, 2012– FINAL Page 1 of 58


I.  EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ................................................................................................. 3 

II.  INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................... 9 

III.  METHOD OF ANALYSIS................................................................................................ 10 

IV.  HISTORIC ENERGY CONSUMPTION/COST ............................................................... 12 

A. ENERGY USAGE / TARIFFS .................................................................................................. 12

B. ENERGY USE INDEX (EUI) .................................................................................................. 17

C. EPA ENERGY BENCHMARKING SYSTEM ............................................................................. 19

V.  FACILITY DESCRIPTION .............................................................................................. 20 

VI.  MAJOR EQUIPMENT LIST ............................................................................................ 23 

VII.  ENERGY CONSERVATION MEASURES ..................................................................... 24 

VIII.  RENEWABLE/DISTRIBUTED ENERGY MEASURES ................................................ 48 

IX.  ENERGY PURCHASING AND PROCUREMENT STRATEGY .................................. 51 

X.  INSTALLATION FUNDING OPTIONS.......................................................................... 54 

XI.  ADDITIONAL RECOMMENDATIONS ......................................................................... 54 

Appendix A – ECM Cost & Savings Breakdown

Appendix B – New Jersey Smart Start® Program Incentives

Appendix C – Portfolio Manager “Statement of Energy Performance”

Appendix D – Major Equipment List

Appendix E – Investment Grade Lighting Audit

Appendix F – Renewable / Distributed Energy Measures Calculations

Appendix G – High Efficiency Transformer Calculations

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Brigantine Public School Energy Audit

Concord Engineering Group, Inc. 9C12013 July 26, 2012– FINAL Page 2 of 58


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Brigantine Public School Energy Audit

Concord Engineering Group, Inc. 9C12013 July 26, 2012– FINAL Page 3 of 58


This report presents the findings of the energy audit conducted for:

Brigantine Public School 301 East Evans Road Brigantine, NJ 08203 District Contact Person: Charles Brewin, Business Administrator

This audit is performed in connection with the New Jersey Clean Energy - Local Government Energy Audit Program for the City of Brigantine Board of Education. The purpose of this analysis is to provide the owner insight into the energy savings potential that exists within the facility at the school. Energy Efficiency changes and upgrades requires support from the building occupants, operations personnel and the administrators of the building in order to maximize the savings and overall benefit. The efficiency improvement of public buildings provides a benefit for the environment and the residence of New Jersey. Through this report it has been demonstrated that there is a great potential for energy savings and infrastructure improvements at the Brigantine Public School. The Energy Conservation Measures (ECMs) identified within the report represent the potential annual savings at the facility. It is recommended to consider all ECMs as part of the District’s initiative to save energy, reduce emissions, and lower operating costs. Concord Engineering (CE) recommends proceeding with the implementation of all ECM’s that provide a calculated simple payback at or under ten (10) years. The annual energy costs at this facility are as follows: The potential annual energy cost savings for each energy conservation measure (ECM) and renewable energy measure (REM) are shown below in Table 1. Be aware that the ECM’s and REM’s are not additive because of the interrelation of some of the measures. This audit is consistent with an ASHRAE level 2 audit. The cost and savings for each measure is ± 20%. The evaluations are based on engineering estimations and industry standard calculation methods. More detailed analyses would require engineering simulation models, hard equipment specifications, and contractor bid pricing.

Electricity $ 334,143

Natural Gas $ 124,643

Total $ 458,785

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Brigantine Public School Energy Audit

Concord Engineering Group, Inc. 9C12013 July 26, 2012– FINAL Page 4 of 58

Table 1 Financial Summary Table

ECM #1 Lighting Upgrade $131,110 $26,397 5.0 202.0%

ECM #2 Lighting Controls $24,555 $11,587 2.1 607.8%

ECM #3 NEMA Premium Motors $39,034 $6,923 5.6 219.2%

ECM #4 Swing Condensing Boilers $161,000 $7,406 21.7 -8.0%

ECM #5 Condensing Boilers $390,000 $19,734 19.8 1.2%

ECM #6 VFD Chilled Water Pumps $26,800 $1,780 15.1 -0.4%

ECM #7 AC Unit Upgrade $99,192 $2,979 33.3 -55.0%

ECM #8 DDC Controls Upgrade $380,000 $26,465 14.4 4.5%

ECM #9 Chiller Upgrade $268,910 $3,010 89.3 -72.0%

ECM #10 High Efficiency Transformer $42,000 $7,379 5.7 251.4%

REM #1 119.85 KW PV System $790,998 $47,041 16.8 -10.8%














A. Cost takes into consideration applicable NJ Smart StartTM incentives.B. Savings takes into consideration applicable maintenance savings.







The estimated demand and energy savings for each ECM and REM is shown below in Table 2. The descriptions in this table correspond to the ECM’s and REM’s listed in Table 1.

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Table 2 Estimated Energy Savings Summary Table

ECM #1 Lighting Upgrade 73.0 194,097 0

ECM #2 Lighting Controls 32 85,198 0

ECM #3 NEMA Premium Motors 6.8 50,907 0

ECM #4 Swing Condensing Boilers 0.0 0 7,635

ECM #5 Condensing Boilers 0.0 0 20,344

ECM #6 VFD Chilled Water Pumps 0.0 13,087 0

ECM #7 AC Unit Upgrade 19.9 21,905 0

ECM #8 DDC Controls Upgrade 0.0 136,557 8,138

ECM #9 Chiller Upgrade 17.9 22,134 0

ECM #10 High Efficiency Transformer 8.4 54,255 0

REM #1 119.85 KW PV System 119.9 143,818 0
















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Concord Engineering Group, Inc. 9C12013 July 26, 2012– FINAL Page 6 of 58

Renewable Energy Conservation Measures: Renewable Energy Measures (REMs) were also reviewed for implementation at Brigantine North School. The best fit for the school, appears to be a parking canopy solar array to house the PV systems, as the roof of the elementary half of the school already houses a large solar array. The facility has an additional estimated solar system potential of 119.85 kW DC that could generate 143,818 kilowatt-hours annually offsetting 5.85% of the total energy purchased from the grid. The system’s calculated simple payback of 16.8 years is not within the standard 10 year simple payback threshold; however, with alternative funding this payback could be lessened. Concord Engineering recommends the Owner review all funding options available with the implementation of this renewable energy measure. Energy Procurement Recommendations: The School District is currently contracted with a third party supplier for electric and natural gas supply. Concord Engineering recommends the District continue to purchase their electric commodity through a third party supplier once the current contract has expired. Further recommendations are outlined in the Energy Procurement Section of this report that could assist the District in finding additional savings through their utility bills. Maintenance and Operational Recommendations: In addition to the ECMs and REMs, there are maintenance and operational measures that can provide significant energy savings and provide immediate benefit. The ECMs listed above represent investments that can be made to the facility which are justified by the savings seen overtime. However, the maintenance items and small operational improvements below are typically achievable with onsite staff or maintenance contractors and in turn have the potential to provide substantial operational savings compared to the costs associated. The following are recommendations which should be considered a priority in achieving an energy efficient building and further recommendations for the building are provided in the building reports:

1. Chemically clean the condenser and evaporator coils periodically to optimize efficiency. Poorly maintained heat transfer surfaces can reduce efficiency 5-10%.

2. Maintain all weather stripping on windows and doors. 3. Clean all light fixtures to maximize light output. 4. Provide more frequent air filter changes to decrease overall system power usage and

maintain better IAQ. 5. Verify all HVAC control systems are utilizing setback and scheduling capabilities. 6. Shutdown all non-essential equipment during unoccupied periods. 7. Educate staff and students on being energy conscious by turning off lights and


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Concord Engineering Group, Inc. 9C12013 July 26, 2012– FINAL Page 7 of 58

Combined Project Approach: Although individual projects with a simple payback of 10 years and less are considered financially self-sustaining, it is important to consider how multiple projects can be combined together. When ECMs are aggregated into a single project, the lower cost ECMs provides valuable savings to offset the higher cost ECMs. Likewise when multiple facilities are aggregated together into a single entity energy efficiency project, the same benefits are seen on a larger scale. The Energy Savings Improvement Program (ESIP) allows for financing of any combination of energy efficiency projects across multiple facilities into one large project. The term of the financing must be under 15 years and the savings provides the revenue for the financing cost. The combination of all projects into one large energy efficiency project provides the School District with the opportunity to implement all ECMs identified within this report with an overall simple payback of 12.7 years. This option allows the District to implement much needed infrastructure improvements such as new condensing boilers, DDC controls upgrade, high efficiency lighting, and lighting controls for the facility. Implementation of an ESIP provides significant benefits and should be strongly considered. The total Entity Project Summary table below shows the savings, costs, incentives and paybacks for all ECMs at the North School. The ESIP Project includes all measures except those highlighted in grey.

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Brigantine Public School Energy Audit

Concord Engineering Group, Inc. 9C12013 July 26, 2012– FINAL Page 8 of 58

Lighting Upgrade $26,397 $145,650 $14,540 $131,110 5.0

Lighting Controls $11,587 $28,720 $4,165 $24,555 2.1

NEMA Premium Motors $6,923 $40,244 $1,210 $39,034 5.6

Swing Condensing Boilers $7,406 $165,000 $4,000 $161,000 21.7

Condensing Boilers $19,734 $400,000 $10,000 $390,000 19.8

VFD Chilled Water Pumps $1,780 $28,000 $1,200 $26,800 15.1

AC Unit Upgrade $2,979 $103,700 $4,508 $99,192 33.3

DDC Controls Upgrade $26,465 $380,000 $0 $380,000 14.4

Chiller Upgrade $3,010 $273,500 $4,590 $268,910 89.3

High Efficiency Transformer

$7,379 $42,000 $0 $42,000 5.7

Design / Construction Extras (15%)

$175,247 $175,247

Total Project $103,244 $1,343,561 $35,623 $1,307,938 12.7











Implementation of all ECMs identified within the ESIP – Entity Total Project Summary table represents a total annual savings of approximately $103,244 for the District. The individual project summaries are shown above in tables 1 and 2. Overall Assessment:

Overall, the Brigantine North School is well maintained and operating fairly efficiently. Through the implementation of measures outlined in this study and improving the overall operational efficiency it is likely the District has potential to further reduce its total energy cost by implementing the energy conservation measures noted above. This would allow the District to further reduce its grid purchased power and more efficiently utilize the generated electric from its renewable energy sources.

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The comprehensive energy audit covers the 226,881 square foot Brigantine Public School, which includes the following spaces: offices, classrooms, library, cafeteria, gymnasium, kitchen, storage, and toilet rooms. Electrical and fuel oil utility information is collected and analyzed for one full year’s energy use of the building. The utility information allows for analysis of the building’s operational characteristics; calculate energy benchmarks for comparison to industry averages, estimated savings potential, and baseline usage/cost to monitor the effectiveness of implemented measures. A computer spreadsheet is used to calculate benchmarks and to graph utility information (see the utility profiles below). The Energy Use Index (EUI) is established for the building. Energy Use Index (EUI) is expressed in British Thermal Units/square foot/year (BTU/ft2/yr), which is used to compare energy consumption to similar building types or to track consumption from year to year in the same building. The EUI is calculated by converting the annual consumption of all energy sources to BTU’s and dividing by the area (gross square footage) of the building. Blueprints (where available) are utilized to verify the gross area of the facility. The EUI is a good indicator of the relative potential for energy savings. A low EUI indicates less potential for energy savings, while a high EUI indicates poor building performance therefore a high potential for energy savings. Existing building architectural and engineering drawings (where available) are utilized for additional background information. The building envelope, lighting systems, HVAC equipment, and controls information gathered from building drawings allow for a more accurate and detailed review of the building. The information is compared to the energy usage profiles developed from utility data. Through the review of the architectural and engineering drawings a building profile can be defined that documents building age, type, usage, major energy consuming equipment or systems, etc. The preliminary audit information is gathered in preparation for the site survey. The site survey provides critical information in deciphering where energy is spent and opportunities exist within a facility. The entire site is surveyed to inventory the following to gain an understanding of how each facility operates:

• Building envelope (roof, windows, etc.) • Heating, ventilation, and air conditioning equipment (HVAC) • Lighting systems and controls • Facility-specific equipment

The building site visit is performed to survey all major building components and systems. The site visit includes detailed inspection of energy consuming components. Summary of building occupancy schedules, operating and maintenance practices, and energy management programs provided by the building manager are collected along with the system and components to determine a more accurate impact on energy consumption.

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Post site visit work includes evaluation of the information gathered, researching possible conservation opportunities, organizing the audit into a comprehensive report, and making recommendations on HVAC, lighting and building envelope improvements. Data collected is processed using energy engineering calculations to anticipate energy usage for each of the proposed energy conservation measures (ECMs). The actual building’s energy usage is entered directly from the utility bills provided by the owner. The anticipated energy usage is compared to the historical data to determine energy savings for the proposed ECMs. It is pertinent to note, that the savings noted in this report are not additive. The savings for each recommendation is calculated as standalone energy conservation measures. Implementation of more than one ECM may in some cases affect the savings of each ECM. The savings may in some cases be relatively higher if an individual ECM is implemented in lieu of multiple recommended ECMs. For example implementing reduced operating schedules for inefficient lighting will result in a greater relative savings. Implementing reduced operating schedules for newly installed efficient lighting will result in a lower relative savings, because there is less energy to be saved. If multiple ECM’s are recommended to be implemented, the combined savings is calculated and identified appropriately. ECMs are determined by identifying the building’s unique properties and deciphering the most beneficial energy saving measures available that meet the specific needs of the facility. The building construction type, function, operational schedule, existing conditions, and foreseen future plans are critical in the evaluation and final recommendations. Energy savings are calculated based on industry standard methods and engineering estimations. Energy consumption is calculated based on manufacturer’s cataloged information when new equipment is proposed. Cost savings are calculated based on the actual historical energy costs for the facility. Installation costs include labor and equipment costs to estimate the full up-front investment required to implement a change. Costs are derived from Means Cost Data, industry publications, and local contractors and equipment suppliers. The NJ Smart Start Building® program incentives savings (where applicable) are included for the appropriate ECM’s and subtracted from the installed cost. Maintenance savings are calculated where applicable and added to the energy savings for each ECM. The life-time for each ECM is estimated based on the typical life of the equipment being replaced or altered. The costs and savings are applied and a simple payback, simple lifetime savings, and simple return on investment are calculated. See below for calculation methods:

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Brigantine Public School Energy Audit

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ECM Calculation Equations:





( )LifetimeECMSavingsYearlySavingsLifetimeSimple ×=

CostNetCostNetSavingsLifetimeSimpleROILifetimeSimple )( −


( )LifetimeECMSavingseMaintenancYearlySavingseMaintenancLifetime ×=

( )∑=






( )∑=






Net Present Value calculations based on Interest Rate of 3%.

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Concord Engineering Group, Inc. 9C12013 July 26, 2012– FINAL Page 12 of 58

IV. HISTORIC ENERGY CONSUMPTION/COST A. Energy Usage / Tariffs The energy usage for the facility has been tabulated and plotted in graph form as depicted within this section. Each energy source has been identified and monthly consumption and cost noted per the information provided by the Owner. The electric usage profile represents the actual electrical usage for the facility. The facility receives electric distribution service through Atlantic City Electric (ACE) under their Annual General Service (AGS) rate structure. The school has contracted South Jersey Energy, a Third Party Supplier (TPS), to provide electric commodity supply (generation) service. The electric utility measures consumption in kilowatt-hours (KWH) and maximum demand in kilowatts (KW). One KWH usage is equivalent to 1000 watts running for one hour. One KW of electric demand is equivalent to 1000 watts running at any given time. The basic usage charges are shown as generation service and delivery charges along with several non-utility generation charges. Rates used in this report reflect the historical data received for the facility. The gas usage profile within each facility report shows the actual natural gas energy usage for the facility. The gas utility measures consumption in cubic feet x 100 (CCF), and converts the quantity into Therms of energy. One Therm is equivalent to 100,000 BTUs of energy. The facility received Natural Gas through South Jersey Gas Company under Firm Transportation Rate Service. The school has contracted with Hess Corporation, a Third Party Supplier, to provide natural gas commodity service. The school also currently has two renewable energy generating sources. There is a rooftop solar array on the elementary school and two small wind turbines. These two energy sources came online in October 2011 and are owned by the district. The overall cost for utilities is calculated by dividing the total cost by the total usage. Based on the utility history provided, the average cost for utilities at this facility is as follows: Description Average

Electricity 13.6¢ / kWh Natural Gas $0.97 / therm

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Table 3 Electricity Billing Data

Utility Provider: Atlantic City ElectricRate: Annual General Service (AGS)

Meter No: 78293420Account No: 039905299978; 039905299994

Third Party Utility Provider: South Jersey EnergyTPS Meter / Acct No: 039905299978; 039905299994


Dec-10 177,500 $23,482 Jan-11 180,300 $25,662 Feb-11 161,300 $23,179 Mar-11 154,800 $22,410 Apr-11 150,600 $22,338 May-11 154,800 $22,410 Jun-11 275,000 $37,296 Jul-11 268,400 $36,436

Aug-11 297,600 $38,978 Sep-11 254,429 $34,807 Oct-11 231,400 $28,402 Nov-11 152,240 $18,743

Totals 2,458,369 762.0 Max $334,143

AVERAGE DEMAND 667.2 KW averageAVERAGE RATE $0.136 $/kWh







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Figure 1 Electricity Usage Profile

























Demand (kW)

Usage (kWh)







ic S






ge P


e D



10 th


h N














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Table 4 Natural Gas Billing Data

Utility Provider: South Jersey GasRate: Firm Transportation

Meter No: 0518283; 0536546Account No: 1 05 39 2788 0 3

Third Party Utility Provider: Hess CorporationTPS Meter No:



Nov-11 6,914.88 $9,976.67Oct-11 774.75 $1,160.08Sep-11 385.17 $600.68Aug-11 176.29 $300.75Jul-11 114.18 $211.57Jun-11 310.20 $493.03May-11 1,519.96 $2,230.12Apr-11 9,561.37 $13,776.75Mar-11 11,769.42 $16,947.29Feb-11 16,521.45 $23,770.71Jan-11 22,712.32 $32,660.16Dec-10 15,646.82 $22,514.83

TOTALS 86,406.81 $124,642.62


418621 / 509897


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Figure 2 Natural Gas Usage Profile







ic S



as U















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B. Energy Use Index (EUI) Energy Use Index (EUI) is a measure of a building’s annual energy utilization per square foot of building. This calculation is completed by converting all utility usage consumed by a building for one year, to British Thermal Units (BTU) and dividing this number by the building square footage. EUI is a good measure of a building’s energy use and is utilized regularly for comparison of energy performance for similar building types. The Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) Buildings Technology Center under a contract with the U.S. Department of Energy maintains a Benchmarking Building Energy Performance Program. The ORNL website determines how a building’s energy use compares with similar facilities throughout the U.S. and in a specific region or state. Source use differs from site usage when comparing a building’s energy consumption with the national average. Site energy use is the energy consumed by the building at the building site only. Source energy use includes the site energy use as well as all of the losses to create and distribute the energy to the building. Source energy represents the total amount of raw fuel that is required to operate the building. It incorporates all transmission, delivery, and production losses, which allows for a complete assessment of energy efficiency in a building. The type of utility purchased has a substantial impact on the source energy use of a building. The EPA has determined that source energy is the most comparable unit for evaluation purposes and overall global impact. Both the site and source EUI ratings for the building are provided to understand and compare the differences in energy use. The site and source EUI for this facility is calculated as follows:

FootageSquareBuildingkBtuinUsageGaskBtuinUsageElectricEUISiteBuilding )( +


FootageSquareBuildingRatioSSXkBtuinUsageGasRatioSSXkBtuinUsageElectricEUISourceBuilding )( +


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Table 5 Facility Energy Use Index (EUI) Calculation

kWh Therms Gallons kBtu kBtu

ELECTRIC 2,458,369.0 8,392,872 3.340 28,032,192

NATURAL GAS 86,406.8 8,640,681 1.047 9,046,793

TOTAL 17,033,553 37,078,985







*Site - Source Ratio data is provided by the Energy Star Performance Rating Methodology for Incorporating Source Energy Use document issued Dec 2007.

Figure 2 below depicts a national EUI grading for the source use of Elementary Schools.

Figure 2

Source Energy Use Intensity Distributions: Elementary School

Based on Concord Engineering’s historical data for elementary schools in New Jersey, the Brigantine North School is operating approximately 40% higher in source energy as compared to its peers.

SOURCE EUI = 163.4


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C. EPA Energy Benchmarking System The United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) in an effort to promote energy management has created a system for benchmarking energy use amongst various end users. The benchmarking tool utilized for this analysis is entitled Portfolio Manager. The Portfolio Manager tool allows tracking and assessment of energy consumption via the template forms located on the ENERGY STAR website ( The importance of benchmarking for local government municipalities is becoming more important as utility costs continue to increase and emphasis is being placed on carbon reduction, greenhouse gas emissions and other environmental impacts. Based on information gathered from the ENERGY STAR website, Government agencies spend more than $10 billion a year on energy to provide public services and meet constituent needs. Furthermore, energy use in commercial buildings and industrial facilities is responsible for more than 50 percent of U.S. carbon dioxide emissions. It is vital that local government municipalities assess facility energy usage, benchmark energy usage utilizing Portfolio Manager, set priorities and goals to lessen energy usage and move forward with priorities and goals. In accordance with the Local Government Energy Audit Program, Concord has created an ENERGY STAR account for the municipality to access and monitoring the facility’s yearly energy usage as it compares to facilities of similar type. The login page for the account can be accessed at the following web address; the username and password are also listed below: User Name: BrigantineBOE Password: ceglgea2012 Security Question: What city were you born in? Security Answer: “Brigantine” The utility bills and other information gathered during the energy audit process are entered into the Portfolio Manager. The following is a summary of the results for the facility:

Table 6 ENERGY STAR Performance Rating






Brigantine Public School 25 50

Refer to Statement of Energy Performance Appendix for the detailed energy summary.

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The 226,881 square-foot Brigantine “North” School is comprised of an elementary (approx. 124,260 SF) and middle school (approx. 102,621 SF). The school was built in two phases with the most recent addition occurring in 1994, which connected an entirely new building with the original school. The Middle School, located in the older building is a single story facility comprised of classrooms, offices, library, multi-purpose room, gymnasium, and auditorium. The Elementary School, the 1994 addition, is a two story facility comprised of classrooms, offices, cafeteria/auditorium, multi-purpose, and media center.

Building Profile

The school hours are between 7:00 AM and 3:00 PM Monday to Friday. In addition to after school activities, the facility has additional use from Community Recreation Programs during the school year and summer time. The school hosts nighttime programs Monday through Thursday throughout the year that typical operate from 6 PM till 9 PM. The schools hosts multiple programs than run throughout the summer, these programs typical operate from 8 AM till Noon, Monday thru Friday. On weekends, the school is typically unoccupied, except for light Saturday usage during the winter months, and Sunday mornings from June thru August for religious services.

Building Envelope

The exterior of the Middle School is masonry brick with concrete block walls. The windows are comprised of double pane operable with aluminum frames. The roof was recently replaced in 2005 and is a flat built up rubber roof. The exterior of the Elementary School is concrete block construction. The windows are double pane tinted glass with aluminum frames. The roof is a flat built up rubber roof that currently houses a large solar photovoltaic generating system.

HVAC Systems

Middle School

The classrooms are heated and cooled by self-contained AAF unit ventilators. The units are fitted with a hot water heating coil with two-way control valves. The unit has a built in compressor with R-22 refrigerant.

The office areas are typically conditioned by split system air conditioning units with hot water heating coils. These units vary in vintage and the condensing units are all located on the roof.

The Middle School Child Study Office is conditioned by a 4 ton Rheem Rooftop that was recently installed. The unit is fitted with a gas fired heat exchanger; however the gas line is currently not connected, as the installation has not yet been completed by facility staff. Heating is this space is provided by the heating hot water plant.

The Board Office is conditioned by a 7 ½ ton Rheem rooftop unit that was recently installed. The unit is fitted with a gas fired heat exchanger; however the gas line is currently not connected,

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as the installation has not yet been completed by facility staff. Heating is this space is provided by the heating hot water plant.

The Library, Gymnasium, and Cafeteria/Auditorium are all conditioned by AAON packaged rooftop units. These units have direct expansion cooling and natural gas fired heating. The Library unit is the oldest of these units from 1998, however the remaining are only three years old.

The Middle School Boiler Plant has two natural gas fired HB Smith Cast Iron Section boilers Model M450L. These boilers are each rated at 3,578 MBH input with an efficiency rating of approximately 70%. The boiler did receive a burner upgrade in 2003 to extend the life of the boilers. Heating water is circulated via two Armstrong pumps rated at 150 GPM and 7 ½ horsepower.

Elementary School

The Classrooms in the Elementary School are conditioned by a mixture of system types. The perimeter rooms are typically conditioned by self-contained AAF unit ventilators with hot water heating and direct expansion cooling with an in unit compressor. The interior core space classrooms are typically conditioned by a split system horizontal fan coil unit located in the ceiling space with direct expansion cooling and hot water heating coil.

The Library (AHU-10), 1st Floor Administration (AHU-1), and Elementary Child Study (AHU-2) are conditioned by split system McQuay air handlers with direct expansion cooling and hot water heating coils. The Library and Administration units are variable air volume units connected to series fan powered boxes with hot water reheat coils. The Child Study unit is a constant volume air handler. The condensing units are located on the elementary roof and all three have been replaced over the last four years.

There are an additional six constant volume McQuay air handling units AHU-3 to 8 with chilled water and hot water coils that feed the Gymnasium, Cafeteria, Music room, and Art Room. The units are fitted with pneumatic 3-way chilled water and hot water valves.

The Maintenance Office is conditioned by a heating only McQuay air handling unit (AHU-9) with a hot water heating coil.

In the Computer Lab and AV Room the school is currently in the process or has added supplemental cooling provided by mini-split type systems to increase capacity in these rooms. The AV room has a single 2-ton Sanyo wall mounted fan coil style unit, and the Computer Lab has two Sanyo 3-ton ceiling cassette units.

The Heating Hot Water Plant has two Weil McLain natural gas fired cast iron boilers. These boilers are rated at 5,485 MBH input at estimated de-rated efficiency of 70%. Heating water is circulated via two Bell and Gossett pumps rated at 110 GPM and 30 horsepower.

The Chilled Water Plant has a single McQuay 170 ton electric water-cooled centrifugal chiller. The chiller rejects condenser heat to a BAC cooling tower with two fan motors, one rated at 25

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horsepower and 7 ½ horsepower. Chilled water is circulated via two primary Bell and Gossett pumps rated at 425 GPM and 20 horsepower. Condenser water is circulated via two Bell and Gossett pumps rated at 585 GPM and 15 horsepower.

Exhaust System

The air is exhausted from the corridors and toilet rooms via dedicated exhaust fans located on the roof. The general exhaust fans appear to operate continuously 24 hours per day, 7 days per week, however are able to be scheduled by the Building Management System. This operation is inefficient and is recommended for correction with modifying the BMS Schedules to match the building occupancy. The kitchen hood exhaust fans are switched on manually.

HVAC System Controls

The Elementary School has a Siemens Apogee building management system. This system controls all of the boilers, chillers, pumps, air handlers, fan coils, and unit ventilators in the Elementary Section, in addition to monitoring the AAON rooftop units, exhaust fans, and classrooms at the Middle School. The Middle School classroom control capability is limited and generally only monitors temperatures. Some of the scheduling and setback capability in the BMS system is being utilized, however further optimization could be dependent on the indoor environment impact.

Domestic Hot Water

The Middle School is supplied domestic hot by a single Bradford and White natural gas fired boilers rated at 1,075 MBH with a 400 gallons storage tank. The unit is 15 years old and is at the end of its ASHRAE equipment life expectancy, however still operable. The Elementary School is supplied domestic hot by a PVI boiler rated at 2,000 MBH combined with a 2,000 gallon storage tank.

Lighting A space by space breakdown of the lighting throughout the facility is provided in the Investment Grade Lighting Appendix.

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The equipment list contains major energy consuming equipment that through implementation of energy conservation measures could yield substantial energy savings. The list shows the major equipment in the facility and all pertinent information utilized in energy savings calculations. An approximate age was assigned to the equipment in some cases if a manufactures date was not shown on the equipment’s nameplate. The ASHRAE service life for the equipment along with the remaining useful life is also shown in the Appendix.

Refer to the Major Equipment List Appendix for this facility.

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VII. ENERGY CONSERVATION MEASURES ECM #1: Lighting Upgrade – General Description: The lighting at the North School consists of a mixture of T12 and T8 fluorescent technology that has a mixture of electronic and magnet ballasts. In addition to fluorescent fixtures the school contains metal halide fixtures in the Gym and Cafeteria, and incandescent fixtures located throughout toilet and storage rooms. This ECM includes re-lamping and re-ballasting all T12 fixtures to new T8 fixtures with electronic ballasts. The metal halide fixtures will be retrofitted to line fluorescent style fixtures. Incandescent fixtures will be re-lamped to compact fluorescent lamps. Energy Savings Calculations: The Investment Grade Lighting Audit Appendix outlines the hours of operation, proposed retrofits, costs, savings, and payback periods for each set of fixtures in the each building. Energy Savings Summary:

Installation Cost ($): $145,650

NJ Smart Start Equipment Incentive ($): $14,540

Net Installation Cost ($): $131,110

Maintenance Savings ($/Yr): $0

Energy Savings ($/Yr): $26,397

Total Yearly Savings ($/Yr): $26,397

Estimated ECM Lifetime (Yr): 15

Simple Payback 5.0

Simple Lifetime ROI 202.0%

Simple Lifetime Maintenance Savings $0

Simple Lifetime Savings $395,955Internal Rate of Return (IRR) 19%Net Present Value (NPV) $184,015.67


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ECM #2: Lighting Controls Upgrade – Occupancy Sensors Description: Most if not all of the areas in the school are controlled by manual switch controls. In many cases the lights are left on because of the inconvenience to manually switch lights off when a room is left or on when a room is first occupied. This is common in rooms that are occupied for only short periods and only a few times per day. In some instances lights are left on due to the misconception that it is better to keep the lights on rather than to continuously switch lights on and off. Although increased switching reduces lamp life, the energy savings outweigh the lamp replacement costs. The payback timeframe for when to turn the lights off is approximately two minutes. If the lights are expected to be off for at least a two minute interval, then it pays to shut them off.

Lighting controls come in many forms. Sometimes an additional switch is adequate to provide reduced lighting levels when full light output is not needed. Occupancy sensors detect motion and will switch the lights on when the room is occupied. Occupancy sensors can either be mounted in place of a current wall switch, or on the ceiling to cover large areas. The U.S. Department of Energy sponsored a study to analyze energy savings achieved through various types of building system controls. The referenced savings is based on the “Advanced Sensors and Controls for Building Applications: Market Assessment and Potential R&D Pathways,” document posted for public use April 2005. The study has found that commercial buildings have the potential to achieve significant energy savings through the use of building controls. The average energy savings are as follows based on the report:

• Occupancy Sensors for Lighting Control 20% - 28% energy savings.

Savings resulting from the implementation of this ECM for energy management controls are estimated to be 20% of the total light energy controlled by occupancy sensors and daylight sensors (The majority of the savings is expected to be after school hours when rooms are left with lights on) This ECM includes installation of ceiling or switch mount sensors for individual offices, classrooms, and large bathrooms. Sensors shall be manufactured by Sensorswitch, Watt Stopper or equivalent. The Investment Grade Lighting Audit Appendix of this report includes the summary of lighting controls implemented in this ECM and outlines the proposed controls, costs, savings, and payback periods. The calculations adjust the lighting power usage by the applicable percent savings for each area that includes lighting controls.

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Energy Savings Calculations:

( )( )kWh/YrEnergyLightControlledSavings%SavingsEnergy ×=

( ) ⎟⎠⎞



Energy Savings Summary:

Installation Cost ($): $28,720

NJ Smart Start Equipment Incentive ($): $4,165Net Installation Cost ($): $24,555

Maintenance Savings ($/Yr): $0Energy Savings ($/Yr): $11,587

Total Yearly Savings ($/Yr): $11,587Estimated ECM Lifetime (Yr): 15

Simple Payback 2.1Simple Lifetime ROI 607.8%

Simple Lifetime Maintenance Savings $0Simple Lifetime Savings $173,805Internal Rate of Return (IRR) 47%Net Present Value (NPV) $113,769.85


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ECM #3: Install NEMA Premium® Efficiency Motors Description: The improved efficiency of the NEMA Premium® efficient motors is primarily due to better designs with use of better materials to reduce losses. Surprisingly, the electricity used to power a motor represents 95 % of its total lifetime operating cost. Because many motors operate continuously 24 hours a day, even small increases in efficiency can yield substantial energy and dollar savings. The electric motors driving the hot water and chilled water pumps and supply fans in some of the HVAC equipment are candidates for replacing with premium efficiency motors. These standard efficiency motors run considerable amount of time over a year. This energy conservation measure replaces existing inefficient electric motors with NEMA Premium® efficiency motors. NEMA Premium® is the most efficient motor designation in the marketplace today. IMPLEMENTATION SUMMARY






EFFICIENCYHWP-1 Hot Water Pump 7.5 2,190 82.0% 91.7%HWP-2 Hot Water Pump 7.5 2,190 82.0% 91.7%HWP-1 Hot Water Pump 30 2,190 89.5% 94.1%HWP-2 Hot Water Pump 30 2,190 89.5% 94.1%CHWP-1 Chilled Water Pum 20 800 87.5% 93.0%CHWP-2 Chilled Water Pum 20 800 87.5% 93.0%CWP-1 Condenser Water 15 800 87.5% 92.4%CWP-2 Condenser Water 15 800 87.5% 92.4%AHU-3 Air Handler 10 4,000 84.0% 92.4%AHU-10 Air Handler 3 4,000 81.5% 89.5%AHU-4 Air Handler 7.5 4,000 82.0% 91.7%

Energy Savings Calculations:

Electric usage, kWhHP LF 0.746 Hours of Operation

Motor Efficiency

where, HP Motor Nameplate Horsepower Rating LF Load Factor Motor Efficiency Motor Nameplate Efficiency

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ProposedExisting UsageElectricUsageElectrickWhSavings,UsageElectric −=

Electric Usage Savings, kWh Electric UsageE Electric UsageP

Electric cost savings Electric Usage Savings Electric Rate $


The calculations were carried out and the results are tabulated in the table below:













HWP-1 7.5 75% 82.0% 91.7% 0.54 1,192 $162HWP-2 7.5 75% 82.0% 91.7% 0.54 3,445 $469HWP-1 30 75% 89.5% 94.1% 0.92 10,277 $1,398HWP-2 30 75% 89.5% 94.1% 0.92 10,277 $1,398

CHWP-1 20 75% 87.5% 93.0% 0.76 2,665 $362CHWP-2 20 75% 87.5% 93.0% 0.76 2,665 $362CWP-1 15 75% 87.5% 92.4% 0.51 1,952 $265CWP-2 15 75% 87.5% 92.4% 0.51 1,952 $265AHU-3 10 75% 84.0% 92.4% 0.61 7,792 $1,060

AHU-10 3 75% 81.5% 89.5% 0.18 2,397 $326AHU-4 7.5 75% 82.0% 91.7% 0.54 6,293 $856

TOTAL 6.8 50,907 $6,923 Energy Savings Summary:

Installation Cost ($): $40,244

NJ Smart Start Equipment Incentive ($): $1,210Net Installation Cost ($): $39,034

Maintenance Savings ($/Yr): $0Energy Savings ($/Yr): $6,923

Total Yearly Savings ($/Yr): $6,923

Estimated ECM Lifetime (Yr): 18Simple Payback 5.6

Simple Lifetime ROI 219.2%Simple Lifetime Maintenance Savings $0

Simple Lifetime Savings $124,614Internal Rate of Return (IRR) 17%Net Present Value (NPV) $56,181.57


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ECM #4: Swing Condensing Boiler Installation Description: The Middle School has two HB Smith Boilers used for primary heating and the Elementary School Boilers has two Weil McLain boilers. The boilers are good operating condition; they are non-condensing type boilers. While these boilers are fairly efficient the installation of condensing boilers to operate during the non-peak heating season months would provide the facility with the ability to circulate a lower heating supply water temperature and allow the boiler to operate in condensing mode at a higher efficiency than a standard boiler. This ECM would install a two AERCO Benchmark series 2,000 MBH boilers with controls, one to be installed in the middle school boiler room and one in the elementary school boiler room, which will be tied into the each existing hot water loop. The controls will need to be integrated with the existing Weil McLain and HB Smith boilers to operate the condensing boiler during non-peak heating times. Energy Savings Calculations: Existing Heating Natural Gas: 81,377 Therms Non-peak Heating Season Gas: 30,540 Therms

( ) ( ) ⎟⎠⎞


ThermBTUHeatValueFuelEffHeatingThermsGasNatExistingquiredHeatBldg %.Re

( )( ) ⎟







( ) ⎟⎠⎞


ThermCostFuelAveThermsUsageGasHeatingCostEnergy $

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ECM INPUTS Existing Cast Iron Boilers

New Condensing Boilers

Heating Nat Gas (Therms) 81,377

Oct-Nov, Mar-May Heating Gas (Therms) 30,540

Boiler Efficiency (%) 69% 92% 23%

Nat Gas Heat Value (BTU/Therm) 100,000 100,000

Equivalent Building Heat Usage (MMBTUs) 2,107 2,107

Gas Cost ($/Therm) $0.97 $0.97


Natural Gas Usage (Therms) 30,540 22,905 7,635

Energy Cost ($) $29,624 $22,218 $7,406




Energy Savings Summary:

Installation Cost ($): $165,000

NJ Smart Start Equipment Incentive ($): $4,000

Net Installation Cost ($): $161,000

Maintenance Savings ($/Yr): $0

Energy Savings ($/Yr): $7,406

Total Yearly Savings ($/Yr): $7,406

Estimated ECM Lifetime (Yr): 20

Simple Payback 21.7

Simple Lifetime ROI -8.0%

Simple Lifetime Maintenance Savings $0

Simple Lifetime Savings $148,120Internal Rate of Return (IRR) -1%Net Present Value (NPV) ($50,817.42)


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ECM #5: Condensing Boiler Installation Description: The Middle School has two HB Smith Boilers used for primary heating and the Elementary School Boilers has two Weil McLain boilers. The boilers are all nearing the end of their useful life expectancy and could be replaced with much more efficiency condensing style boilers. This ECM would install in the Middle School two AERCO Benchmark 2,000 MBH condensing boilers, and dispose of one of the HB Smith Boilers, demoing the remaining in place. This includes reusing the existing hot water pumps and tying them into the new AERCO Boiler Control Panel. In the Elementary School three AERCO Benchmark 2,000 MBH condensing boilers would be installed, and dispose of one of the existing Weil McLain Boilers, demoing the remaining in place. This also includes reusing the existing hot water pumps and tying them into the new AERCO Boiler Control Panel. Energy Savings Calculations: Existing Heating Natural Gas: 81,377 Therms

( ) ( ) ⎟⎠⎞


ThermBTUHeatValueFuelEffHeatingThermsGasNatExistingquiredHeatBldg %.Re

( )( ) ⎟







( ) ⎟⎠⎞


ThermCostFuelAveThermsUsageGasHeatingCostEnergy $

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ECM INPUTS Existing Cast Iron Boilers

New Condensing Boilers

Heating Nat Gas (Therms) 81,377

Boiler Efficiency (%) 69% 92% 23%

Nat Gas Heat Value (BTU/Therm) 100,000 100,000

Equivalent Building Heat Usage (MMBTUs) 5,615 5,615

Gas Cost ($/Therm) $0.97 $0.97


Natural Gas Usage (Therms) 81,377 61,033 20,344

Energy Cost ($) $78,936 $59,202 $19,734




Energy Savings Summary:

Installation Cost ($): $400,000

NJ Smart Start Equipment Incentive ($): $10,000Net Installation Cost ($): $390,000

Maintenance Savings ($/Yr): $0Energy Savings ($/Yr): $19,734

Total Yearly Savings ($/Yr): $19,734Estimated ECM Lifetime (Yr): 20

Simple Payback 19.8Simple Lifetime ROI 1.2%

Simple Lifetime Maintenance Savings $0Simple Lifetime Savings $394,680Internal Rate of Return (IRR) 0%Net Present Value (NPV) ($96,407.91)


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ECM #6: VFD Chilled Water Pumps Description: The air handling units in this facility utilize a constant speed pumping design with 3-way valves. As a result the pumping head and energy are constant as the load in the building changes. 2-way control valves provide flow through the heat exchanger equipment only when there is a call for heating or cooling, unlike 3-way control valves that allow constant flow of the water loop. 3-way control valves require full pumping energy continuously, while 2-way control valves allow the system to reduce flow when it is not needed. Variable frequency drives allow the pumps to slow down in response to a reduction in overall system flow. The reduction in operating flow allows the pumps to reduce energy consumption for all hours that the heating system is not at its peak load. This ECM includes the installation of Variable Frequency Drives on the existing chilled water pumps without any modifications to the piping. The VFD’s would be controlled by a differential pressure sensor in each water loop to measure demand for water. The furthest air handling unit from the loop pumps would remain as 3-way control valves (constant flow) to eliminate dead heading potential. In addition, a minimum flow amount should be set based on chiller unloading capability. Energy Savings Calculations:

Pump Power HPFlowGPM Head .

3650 ηP η

Energy Consumption kWh Motor HP 0.746kWHP Hours of operation Hr

Total Energy Consumption kWh Energy Consumption of Each Motor

Energy Cost $ Total Comsumption kWh Average Cost of Electric $


Affinity Laws are used in order to calculate energy savings by calculating the reduced power consumption requirement based a reduction in flow. Affinity laws, are as following: Q = Flow, n = RPM, p = total pressure QQ






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Flow Control Throttle VFD -

Motor Nameplate HP 20.0 20.0

Flow* (GPM) 425 425 -

Head* (Ft) 100 100 -

Pump Efficiency (%) 75.0% 75.0% -

Motor Efficiency (%) 87.5% 87.5% 0.0%

Operating Hrs 1600 1600 -

Estimated Power (HP) 16.4 16.4 0.00

Elec Cost ($/kWh) 0.136 0.136 -


Electric Energy (kWh) 22,309 9,221 13,087

Electric Energy Cost ($) $3,034 $1,254 $1,780




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Energy Savings Summary:

Installation Cost ($): $28,000

NJ Smart Start Equipment Incentive ($): $1,200Net Installation Cost ($): $26,800

Maintenance Savings ($/Yr): $0Energy Savings ($/Yr): $1,780

Total Yearly Savings ($/Yr): $1,780Estimated ECM Lifetime (Yr): 15

Simple Payback 15.1Simple Lifetime ROI -0.4%

Simple Lifetime Maintenance Savings 0Simple Lifetime Savings $26,700Internal Rate of Return (IRR) 0%Net Present Value (NPV) ($5,550.48)


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ECM #7: Air Conditioning Unit Upgrades


The North School has many aging condensing units and rooftop units that are nearing the end of their useful life and much less efficient then what is commercial available today. In addition nearly all of these units currently operate on refrigerant R-22, which has been phased out of production, which is resulting in an increase cost to recharge existing units. This ECM includes one-for-one replacement of the older air conditioning units with new higher efficiency systems, in addition to replacing the existing line set and cooling coil in the air handling equipment. It is recommended the district evaluate the benefit of either replacing only the coil or potentially the entire air handling unit assigned to each condensing unit. A summary of the unit replacements for this ECM can be found in the table below:






CU-Copy Mid. Copy Room 1 24,000 2.0 York CZH Series

CU-Offices Mid. Offices 1 24,000 2.0 York CZH Series

AC-Main Mid. Main Office 1 48,000 9.0 York DNQ Series

CU-MO Office MO Office 1 18,000 1.5 York CZH Series

CU-Conf Mid Child Study 1 24,000 2.0 York CZH Series

CU-Gym Office Gym Office 1 24,000 2.0 York CZH Series

CU-Admissions Admiss Office 1 48,000 4.0 York CZH Series

CU-Classrooms Elem Classrooms 7 18,000 10.5 York CZH Series

CU-UV's Classrooms 3 36,000 9.0 York CZH Series

CU-UV's Classrooms 2 42,000 7.0 York CZH SeriesTotal 19 306,000 49.0


Energy Savings Calculations: Cooling Energy Savings: Seasonal energy consumption of the air conditioners at the cooling mode is calculated with the equation below:

Energy Savings, kWh Cooling Capacity,BTUHr



Operation Hours

1000 WkWh

Demand Savings, kW Energy Savings kWh

Hours of Cooling

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Cooling Cost Savings Energy Savings, kWh Cost of Electricity $












kWCU-Copy 24,000 1,100 12 SEER 16.75 SEER 1 624 0.6

CU-Offices 24,000 1,100 12 SEER 16.75 SEER 1 624 0.6

AC-Main 48,000 1,100 9 EER 12 EER 1 1,467 1.3

CU-MO Office 18,000 1,100 10 SEER 16.75 SEER 1 798 0.7

CU-Conf 24,000 1,100 11 SEER 16.75 SEER 1 824 0.7

CU-Gym Office 24,000 1,100 10 SEER 16.75 SEER 1 1,064 1.0

CU-Admissions 48,000 1,100 10 SEER 17 SEER 1 2,174 2.0

CU-Classrooms 18,000 1,100 10 SEER 16.75 SEER 7 5,585 5.1

CU-UV's 36,000 1,100 10 SEER 18 SEER 3 5,280 4.8

CU-UV's 42,000 1,100 10 SEER 16 SEER 2 3,465 3.2Total 19 21,905 19.9








CU-Copy $5,400 1 $5,400 $184 $5,216 $85 61.5

CU-Offices $5,400 1 $5,400 $184 $5,216 $85 61.5

AC-Main $7,200 1 $7,200 $828 $6,372 $199 31.9

CU-MO Office $4,900 1 $4,900 $138 $4,762 $109 43.9

CU-Conf $5,400 1 $5,400 $184 $5,216 $112 46.6

CU-Gym Office $5,400 1 $5,400 $184 $5,216 $145 36.1

CU-Admissions $6,500 1 $6,500 $368 $6,132 $296 20.7

CU-Classrooms $4,900 7 $34,300 $966 $33,334 $760 43.9

CU-UV's $5,800 3 $17,400 $828 $16,572 $718 23.1

CU-UV's $5,900 2 $11,800 $644 $11,156 $471 23.7Total 19 $103,700 $4,508 $99,192 $2,979 33.3


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Energy Savings Summary:

Installation Cost ($): $103,700

NJ Smart Start Equipment Incentive ($): $4,508Net Installation Cost ($): $99,192

Maintenance Savings ($/Yr): $0Energy Savings ($/Yr): $2,979

Total Yearly Savings ($/Yr): $2,979Estimated ECM Lifetime (Yr): 15

Simple Payback 33.3Simple Lifetime ROI -55.0%

Simple Lifetime Maintenance Savings $0Simple Lifetime Savings $44,685Internal Rate of Return (IRR) -9%Net Present Value (NPV) ($63,628.89)


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ECM #8: Direct Digital Control System Controls Upgrade Description:

The Middle School section of the building currently has limited central BMS controls with only the AAON rooftop units being connected to the Siemens Apogee System, and most of the classrooms and offices being controlled locally. All of the Elementary School section of the building is controlled by the Siemens Apogee System, however many of the existing schedules could be further optimized to increase energy savings.

It is recommended the District invest in installing new DDC controls in areas of the Middle School that are currently only locally controlled. The District could either integrate these points into the existing Siemens system, or investigate replacing the Siemens system with a new front end system compatible with the existing control points. The new DDC system has the potential to provide significant savings by controlling the HVAC systems as a whole and provide operating schedules and features such as space averaging, night set-back, temperature override control, etc. The U.S. Department of Energy sponsored a study to analyze energy savings achieved through various types of building system controls. The referenced savings is based on the “Advanced Sensors and Controls for Building Applications: Market Assessment and Potential R&D Pathways,” document posted for public use April 2005. The study has found that commercial buildings have the potential to achieve significant energy savings through the use of building controls. The average energy savings are as follows based on the referenced report:

• Energy Management and Control System Savings: 5%-15%. Savings resulting from the implementation of this ECM for energy management controls are estimated to be 10% of the electricity and 10% for the natural gas utility in this building. Energy Savings Calculations:

Energy savings for each utility is calculated with the equation below.

Energy Savings Utility Current Energy Consumption Estimated Savings, % Following table summarizes energy savings for this facility via implementation of an Energy Management System:

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ECM INPUTS EXISTING PROPOSED SAVINGSECM INPUTS Existing Controls DDC ControlsHeating Nat Gas Usage (Therms)

81,377 -

HVAC Electricity Usage (kWh)

1,365,565 -

Energy Savings, Nat. Gas - 10%

Energy Savings, Electricity - 10%

Gas Cost ($/Therm) $0.97 $0.97

Electricity Cost ($/kWh) $0.136 $0.136


Natural Gas Usage (Therms) 81,377 73,239 8,138

Electricity Usage (kWh) 1,365,565 1,229,009 136,557

Natural Gas Cost ($) $78,936 $71,042 $7,894

Electricity Cost ($) $185,717 $167,145 $18,572

Energy Cost ($) $264,653 $238,187 $26,465




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Energy Savings Summary:

Installation Cost ($): $380,000

NJ Smart Start Equipment Incentive ($): $0

Net Installation Cost ($): $380,000

Maintenance Savings ($/Yr): $0

Energy Savings ($/Yr): $26,465

Total Yearly Savings ($/Yr): $26,465

Estimated ECM Lifetime (Yr): 15

Simple Payback 14.4

Simple Lifetime ROI 4.5%

Simple Lifetime Maintenance Savings $0

Simple Lifetime Savings $396,975Internal Rate of Return (IRR) 1%Net Present Value (NPV) ($64,062.55)


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ECM #9: Chiller Replacement Description: The facility currently has one 170 ton water-cooled chiller that is nearing the end of its useful life expectancy. The estimated efficiency of the chiller is 0.835 KW/Ton at full load capacity, and an estimated 0.80 kW/Ton at part load. This ECM includes the installation of two 80 ton Multistack Model MS085X water-cooled chillers. The existing McQuay chiller would be removed and the new chillers would be re-piped to the existing header in its place. The new chillers would reuse the existing cooling tower, condenser water pumps, and chilled water pumps. Energy Savings Calculations:

.HrsLoadFullTonkWTonsCoolingUsageElectric ×⎟




⎜⎝⎛ −=


TonkWExistingxTonsCoolingSavingsDemand Pr

( ) ⎟⎠⎞


kWhCostElecAvekWhEnergyCostCooling $

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ECM INPUTS Existing Chiller High Efficiency Chiller

Operating Capacity (Tons) 170.0 170.0

Chiller Efficiency (KW/Ton) 0.835 0.730

Full Load Cooling Hrs (Est.) 1,000 1,000

Cooling Energy (kWh) 141,950 124,100

Chiller Operating Hours (May to Sept) 3,650 3,650

Chiller Part Load Hours Est. 1,200 1,200

Chiller IPLV (KW/Ton) 0.800 0.730

Chiller Part Load % 30.0% 30.0%

Part Load Cooling Energy (kWh) 48,960 44,676

Elec Cost ($/kWh) 0.136 0.136


Electric Energy (kWh) 190,910 168,776 22,134

Electric Demand (KW) 142.0 124.1 17.9

Electric Energy Cost ($) $25,964 $22,954 $3,010



COMMENTS: Efficiency Based off MultiStack MS085X

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Energy Savings Summary:

Installation Cost ($): $273,500

NJ Smart Start Equipment Incentive ($): $4,590Net Installation Cost ($): $268,910

Maintenance Savings ($/Yr): $0Energy Savings ($/Yr): $3,010

Total Yearly Savings ($/Yr): $3,010Estimated ECM Lifetime (Yr): 25

Simple Payback 89.3Simple Lifetime ROI -72.0%

Simple Lifetime Maintenance Savings $0Simple Lifetime Savings $75,250Internal Rate of Return (IRR) -8%Net Present Value (NPV) ($216,496.43)


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ECM #10: High Efficiency Transformers Description: Electrical distribution transformers play a key role in delivering electrical power to buildings as all the electrical power supplied to the building flows through them. Whether equipment is plugged in and turned on or not transformers continue to operate. Consider their impact on electricity consumption. Some transformers waste as much as 20% of billed electricity. Older transformers in existing buildings may not have been built to meet the load requirements of today. Over the years electrical distribution has changed very little, however the connected equipment has changed dramatically. This dramatic change is derived from both the type of equipment (mostly electronic in nature) and the density of installed equipment. The impact of this change has had a direct impact on power quality and transformer efficiency. When newer electronic equipment is introduced into buildings with older electrical systems power quality and transformer efficiency can suffer. According to a Department of Energy study performed in 1996 electronic equipment can increase losses by as much as 2.7 times. In real terms this would mean that a transformer that has a name- plate efficiency of 97% in reality is operating closer to 90% or lower. The difference represents additional costs to operate the transformer. Replacing your older transformers with Power smiths energy efficient E-Saver-C3 or T1000-C3 transformers can improve the reliability of your electronic equipment and significantly reduce electricity waste. Power smith’s energy efficient transformers have substantially lower losses (higher efficiency) than other transformers. These energy savings mean less kilowatt-hours (kWh) consumed and lower energy bills. Electricity demand charges also decline, thanks to reduced energy losses. These savings pay for the transformer many times over its installed life. Energy Savings Calculations: See Appendix for Manufacturers Transformer Calculation Spreadsheet.

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Energy Savings Summary:

Installation Cost ($): $42,000

NJ Smart Start Equipment Incentive ($): $0Net Installation Cost ($): $42,000

Maintenance Savings ($/Yr): $0Energy Savings ($/Yr): $7,379

Total Yearly Savings ($/Yr): $7,379Estimated ECM Lifetime (Yr): 20

Simple Payback 5.7Simple Lifetime ROI 251.4%

Simple Lifetime Maintenance Savings $0Simple Lifetime Savings $147,580Internal Rate of Return (IRR) 17%Net Present Value (NPV) $67,780.89


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REM #1: 119.85 kW Solar System Description: The Brigantine Public School has available parking lot space that could accommodate a significant amount of solar generation. Based on the available area a 119.85 kilowatt solar array could be installed, assuming the existing roof structure is capable of supporting an array. The array will produce approximately 143,818 kilowatt-hours annually that will reduce the overall electric usage of the facility by 5.85%. Energy Savings Calculations: See Renewable / Distributed Energy Measures Calculations Appendix for detailed financial summary and proposed solar layout areas. Financial results in table below are based on 100% financing of the system over a fifteen year period. Energy Savings Summary:

System Size (KWDC): 119.85Electric Generation (KWH/Yr): 143,818

Installation Cost ($): $790,998

SREC Revenue ($/Yr): $27,481

Energy Savings ($/Yr): $19,559

Total Yearly Savings ($/Yr): $47,041

ECM Analysis Period (Yr): 15

Simple Payback (Yrs): 16.8

Analysis Period Electric Savings ($): $363,781

Analysis Period SREC Revenue ($): $398,101

Net Present Value (NPV) ($334,452.99)


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VIII. RENEWABLE/DISTRIBUTED ENERGY MEASURES Globally, renewable energy has become a priority affecting international and domestic energy policy. The State of New Jersey has taken a proactive approach, and has recently adopted in its Energy Master Plan a goal of 30% renewable energy by 2020. To help reach this goal New Jersey created the Office of Clean Energy under the direction of the Board of Public Utilities and instituted a Renewable Energy Incentive Program to provide additional funding to private and public entities for installing qualified renewable technologies. A renewable energy source can greatly reduce a building’s operating expenses while producing clean environmentally friendly energy. Concord Engineering has assessed the feasibility of installing renewable energy measures (REM) for the municipality utilizing renewable technologies and concluded that there is potential for solar energy generation. The solar photovoltaic system calculation summary will be concluded as REM#1 within this report. Solar Generation Solar energy produces clean energy and reduces a building’s carbon footprint. This is accomplished via photovoltaic panels which are mounted on all south and southwestern facades of the building. Flat roof, as well as sloped areas can be utilized; flat areas will have the panels turned to an optimum solar absorbing angle. (A structural survey of the roof would be necessary before the installation of PV panels is considered). The state of NJ has instituted a program in which one Solar Renewable Energy Certificate (SREC) is given to the Owner for every 1000 kWh of generation. SREC’s can be sold anytime on the market at their current market value. The value of the credit varies upon the current need of the power companies. The average value per credit is around $191, this value was used in our financial calculations. This equates to $0.191 per kWh generated. While the Elementary Roof already contains a solar system, Concord Engineering believes a parking array system is best suited for this site. An area of 11,400 S.F. can be utilized for a PV system. A depiction of the area utilized is shown in Renewable / Distributed Energy Measures Calculation Appendix. Using this square footage it was determined that a system size of 97.1 kilowatts DC could be installed. A system of this size has an estimated kilowatt hour production of 143,818 kWh annually, reducing the overall utility bill by approximately 5.85% percent. A detailed financial analysis can be found in the Renewable / Distributed Energy Measures Calculation Appendix. This analysis illustrates the payback of the system over a 15 year period. The eventual degradation of the solar panels and the price of accumulated SREC’s are factored into the payback. The proposed photovoltaic array layout is designed based on the specifications for the Sharp NU-U235F2 panel. This panel has a “DC” rated full load output of 235 watts, and has a total panel conversion efficiency of 18%. Although panels rated at higher wattages are available through Sharp and other various manufacturers, in general most manufacturers who produce commercially available solar panels produce a similar panel in the 200 to 250 watt range. This provides more manufacturer options to the public entity if they wish to pursue the proposed solar recommendation without losing significant system capacity.

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The array system capacity was sized on available roof or land space of the existing facility. Estimated solar array generation was then calculated based on the National Renewable Energy Laboratory PVWatts Version 1.0 Calculator. In order to calculate the array generation an appropriate location with solar data on file must be selected. In addition the system DC rated kilowatt (kW) capacity must be inputted, a DC to AC de-rate factor, panel tilt angle, and array azimuth angle. The DC to AC de-rate factor is based on the panel nameplate DC rating, inverter and transformer efficiencies (95%), mismatch factor (98%), diodes and connections (100%), dc and ac wiring(98%, 99%), soiling, (95%), system availability (95%), shading (if applicable), and age(new/100%). The overall DC to AC de-rate factor has been calculated at an overall rating of 81%. The PVWatts Calculator program then calculates estimated system generation based on average monthly solar irradiance and user provided inputs. The monthly energy generation and offset electric costs from the PVWatts calculator is shown in the Renewable/Distributed Energy Measures Calculation Appendix. The proposed solar array is qualified by the New Jersey Board of Public Utilities Net Metering Guidelines as a Class I Renewable Energy Source. These guidelines allow onsite customer generation using renewable energy sources such as solar and wind with a capacity of 2 megawatts (MW) or less. This limits a customer system design capacity to being a net user and not a net generator of electricity on an annual basis. Although these guidelines state that if a customer does net generate (produce more electricity than they use), the customer will be credited those kilowatt-hours generated to be carried over for future usage on a month to month basis. Then, on an annual basis if the customer is a net generator the customer will then be compensated by the utility the average annual PJM Grid LMP price per kilowatt-hour for the over generation. Due to the aforementioned legislation, the customer is at limited risk if they generate more than they use at times throughout the year. With the inefficiency of today’s energy storage systems, such as batteries, the added cost of storage systems is not warranted and was not considered in the proposed design. Direct purchase involves the District paying for 100% of the total project cost upfront via one of the methods noted in the Installation Funding Options section below. Calculations include a utility inflation rate as well as the degradation of the solar panels over time. Based on our calculations the following is the payback period:

Table 7 Financial Summary – Photovoltaic System





Direct Purchase 16.8 Years -10.8% -1.4% *The solar energy measure is shown for reference in the executive summary Renewable Energy Measure (REM) table Concord Engineering recommends the District review all options available for installation of solar PV systems at their facility including a Power Purchase Agreement (PPA). This option

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utilizes providers who will own, operate, and maintain the system for a period of 15 years. During this time the PPA Provider would sell all of the electric generated by Solar Array to the BOE at a reduced rate compared to their existing electric rate. It should be noted that current SREC pricing has significantly impacted the PPA market for public entities in addition to the end of the 30% grant in lieu of the investment tax credit. These recent market changes have made it more difficult for public entities to secure low cost power purchase price options. Wind Generation In addition to the Solar Analysis, Concord Engineering also conducted a review of the applicability of wind energy for the facility. Wind energy production is another option available through the Renewable Energy Incentive Program. Wind turbines of various types can be utilized to produce clean energy on a per building basis. Cash incentives are available per kWh of electric usage. The wind speeds at the School are more than adequate to substantiate the investment in a larger commercial size turbine, however given the close proximity to residents and limited land space available the installation of such a turbine is infeasible. Though, the facility currently has a pilot project of two small wind turbines mounted on the Elementary Roof. These turbines are building mounted and generate a small amount of electric monthly. Given the school currently only has two months of actual generation data for these turbine it is recommended the district wait until a full year of generation has been recorded and then re-evaluate the cost effectiveness of this technology for further investment.


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IX. ENERGY PURCHASING AND PROCUREMENT STRATEGY Load Profile: Load Profile analysis was performed to determine the seasonal energy usage of the facility. Irregularities in the load profile will indicate potential problems within the facility. Consequently based on the profile a recommendation will be made to remedy the irregularity in energy usage. For this report, the facility’s energy consumption data was gathered in table format and plotted in graph form to create the load profile. Refer to the electric and natural gas profiles included within this report to reference the respective usage load profiles. Electricity: The electricity usage profile demonstrates a summer cooling load profile. Historical usage is relatively steady throughout the seasons with an average monthly summer (June - Sept) consumption of 273,857 kWh and the average monthly winter (Oct – May) consumption of 170,368 kWh. The largest consumption months were June, July, and August. The historical usage profile is less favorable and will yield less competitive energy prices when shopping for alternative suppliers mainly due to the summer cooling peak that occurs when grid prices are at their highest. Third Party Supplier (TPS) electric commodity contracts that offer’s a firm, fixed price for 100% of the facilities electric requirements and are lower than the AECO’s BGS-FP default rate are recommended. Natural Gas: The Natural Gas Usage Profile demonstrates a typical natural gas (heat load) profile. The average winter (Nov-Mar) monthly consumption is 14,713 therms and the average summer (Apr-Oct) monthly consumption is 1,834.56 therms. The largest consumption month was January2011 at 22,712 therms, and smallest consumption month was July at 114.18 therms. This load profile will yield less favorable natural gas pricing when shopping for alternative suppliers. This is because the higher winter month consumption will yield higher pricing which will not be offset by similar summer month consumption. Nymex commodity pricing is generally higher in the winter months of November – March and lower in the summer months of April – October. Obtaining a flat load profile, (usage is similar each month), will yield optimum natural gas pricing when shopping for alternative suppliers. Tariff Analysis: Electricity: The facility receives electric distribution service through Atlantic City Electric (AECO) on rate schedule AGS (Annual General Service). For the electric supply (generation) service only, the client has a choice to either use AECO’s default service rate BGS-FP or contract with a Third

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Party Supplier (TPS) to supply electric. The District has contracted with South Jersey Energy to be their TPS for the electric accounts. Each year since 2002, the four New Jersey Electric Distribution Companies (EDCs) - Public Service Gas & Electric Company (PSE&G), Atlantic City Electric Company (ACE), Jersey Central Power & Light Company (JCP&L), and Rockland Electric Company (RECO) - have procured several billion dollars of electric supply to serve their Basic Generation Service (BGS) customers through a statewide auction process held in February. BGS refers to the service of customers who are not served by a third party supplier or competitive retailer. This service is sometimes known as Standard Offer Service, Default Service, or Provider of Last Resort Service. The Auction Process has consisted of two auctions that are held concurrently, one for larger customers on an hourly price plan (BGS-CIEP) and one for smaller commercial and residential customers on a fixed-price plan (BGS-FP). This facility’s rate structure is based on the fixed-price plan (BGS-FP). The current BGS-FP average price to compare for AECO’s AGS rate schedule is $0.1182/kWh. Based upon the current BGS-FP electric rate from AECO, this facility has the ability to experience savings by contracting with a Third Party Supplier (TPS) for electric supply service. Should the facility contract with a TPS, the utility, AECO will continue to be responsible for maintaining the existing network of wires, pipes and poles that make up the delivery system, which will serve all consumers, regardless of whom they choose to purchase their electricity from. AECO’s delivery service rate includes the following charges: Customer Service Charge, Distribution Charge, Market Transition, Transition Bond Charge, Non-Utility Generation Charge, Societal Benefits Charge (SBC), Infrastructure Investment Charge, System Control Charge, Regulatory Assets Recovery Charge, and Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative Charge. Natural Gas: This facility currently receives natural gas distribution service through South Jersey Gas on rate schedule Firm Transportation. The facility is currently receiving natural gas commodity supply from Hess Energy, a Third Party Supplier. South Jersey Gas provides basic gas supply service (BGSS) to customers who choose not to shop from a Third Party Supplier (TPS) for natural gas commodity. The option is essential to protect the reliability of service to consumers as well as protecting consumers if a third party supplier defaults or fails to provide commodity service. When considering a third party supplier for natural gas it is important to understand the costs associated with imbalances. Most natural gas rate schedules have a balancing charge included in their rate structure. Should the TPS not deliver, the customer may receive service from the default delivery utility under their Emergency Sales Service. Emergency Sales Service carries an extremely high penalty cost of service. Should the TPS un-deliver to the utility on behalf of the client, the utility will automatically supply this default service to the client. Imbalances occur

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when Third Party Suppliers are used to supply natural gas, full-delivery is not made, and when a new supplier is contracted or the customer returns to the utility. It is important when utilizing a Third Party Supplier, that an experienced regional supplier is used. Otherwise, imbalances can occur, jeopardizing economics and scheduling. Recommendations: Concord Engineering recommends the School District continue their utility purchasing approach utilizing third party commodity supply procurement strategies for their electricity and natural gas supply service. Overall, after review of the utility consumption, billing, and current commodity pricing outlook, Concord Engineering recommends that if the District has any concerns they seek advisement of their own from a third party unbiased Energy Consulting Firm. This firm should be experienced in the procurement of electricity commodity, New Jersey procurement laws, aggregation of facilities and energy supply risk and commodity management. In addition, the firm should be able to provide full service advisement over the term of the contract to identify additional opportunities to further reduce costs. Many of these opportunities may include: energy rates; utility bill auditing; energy data analytics; and efficiency improvements.

It is important that a rational, defensible strategy for purchasing commodity in volatile markets is incorporated. Examples include:

• Budgets that reflect sound market intelligence • An understanding of BGS historical prices and trends • Awareness of seasonal opportunities (e.g. shoulder months) • Negotiation of fair contractual terms • An aggressive, market based price

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X. INSTALLATION FUNDING OPTIONS CEG has reviewed various funding options for the facility owner to utilize in subsidizing the costs for installing the energy conservation measures noted within this report. Below are a few alternative funding methods: A. Incentive Programs: Pay For Performance The New Jersey Smart Start Pay for Performance program includes incentives based on savings resulted from implemented ECMs. The program is available for all buildings that were audited as part of the NJ Clean Energy’s Local Government Energy Audit Program. The facility’s participation in the program is assisted by an approved program partner. An “Energy Reduction Plan” is created with the facility and approved partner to shown at least 15% reduction in the building’s current energy use. Multiple energy conservation measures implemented together are applicable toward the total savings of at least 15%. No more than 50% of the total energy savings can result from lighting upgrades / changes.

Total incentive is capped at 50% of the project cost. The program savings is broken down into three benchmarks; Energy Reduction Plan, Project Implementation, and Measurement and Verification. Each step provides additional incentives as the energy reduction project continues. The benchmark incentives are as follows:

1. Energy Reduction Plan – Upon completion of an energy reduction plan by an approved program partner, the incentive will grant $0.10 per square foot between $5,000 and $50,000, and not to exceed 50% of the facility’s annual energy expense. (Benchmark #1 is not provided in addition to the local government energy audit program incentive.)

2. Project Implementation – Upon installation of the recommended measures along with the “Substantial Completion Construction Report,” the incentive will grant savings per KWH or Therm based on the program’s rates. Minimum saving must be 15%. (Example $0.11 / kWh for 15% savings, $0.12/ kWh for 17% savings, … and $1.10 / Therm for 15% savings, $1.20 / Therm for 17% saving, …) Increased incentives result from projected savings above 15%.

3. Measurement and Verification – Upon verification 12 months after implementation of all recommended measures, that actual savings have been achieved, based on a completed verification report, the incentive will grant additional savings per kWh or Therm based on the program’s rates. Minimum savings must be 15%. (Example $0.07 / kWh for 15% savings, $0.08/ kWh for 17% savings, … and

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$0.70 / Therm for 15% savings, $0.80 / Therm for 17% saving, …) Increased incentives result from verified savings above 15%.

Smart Start Program

Prescriptive Measures - The New Jersey Clean Energy’s Smart Start prescriptive measures incentives include unit pricing incentives for installation of energy efficient equipment and controls. Proposed equipment and controls must meet the minimum efficiency requirements as well as other application requirements. The Smart Start prescriptive incentives applicable for new construction, renovations, remodeling and equipment replacements, for a wide range of equipment including:

• Electric Chillers • Gas Cooling • Electric Unitary HVAC • Ground Source Heat Pumps • Gas Heating • Variable Frequency Drives • Gas Water Heating • Premium Motors • Prescriptive Lighting • Lighting Controls • Technical Studies

Custom Measures - The New Jersey Clean Energy’s Smart Start prescriptive measures incentives include all measures not identified in the prescriptive measures category or measures that must have savings verified through additional analysis such as energy model simulations. Custom measures are intended to include savings as a result of unique energy efficiency measures, which are typically facility specific such as waste heat recovery. Custom incentives are provided based on the amount of energy saved and minimum internal rate of return in order to be eligible.

CEG recommends the Owner review the use of the above-listed funding options in addition to utilizing their standard method of financing for facilities upgrades in order to fund the proposed energy conservation measures. B. Financing Options: Municipal Bonds Municipal bonds are a bond issued by a city or other local government, or their agencies. Potential issuers of municipal bonds include cities, counties, redevelopment agencies, school districts, publicly owned airports and seaports, and any other governmental entity (or group of governments) below the state level. Municipal bonds may be general obligations of the issuer or secured by specified revenues. Interest income received by holders of municipal bonds is often

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exempt from the federal income tax and from the income tax of the state in which they are issued, although municipal bonds issued for certain purposes may not be tax exempt. Power Purchase Agreement Public Law 2008, Chapter 3 authorizes contracts of up to fifteen (15) years for energy purchase contracts commonly known as “power purchase agreements.” These are programs where the contracting unit (Owner) procures a contract for, in most cases, a third party to install, maintain, and own a renewable energy system. These renewable energy systems are typically solar panels, windmills or other systems that create renewable energy. In exchange for the third party’s work of installing, maintaining and owning the renewable energy system, the contracting unit (Owner) agrees to purchase the power generated by the renewable energy system from the third party at agreed upon energy rates. Energy Savings Improvement Program (ESIP): Public Law 2009, Chapter 4 authorizes government entities to make energy related improvements to their facilities and pay for the costs using the value of energy savings that result from the improvements. The “Energy Savings Improvement Program (ESIP)” law provides a flexible approach that can allow all government agencies in New Jersey to improve and reduce energy usage with minimal expenditure of new financial resources. This program provides public entities to make valuable facility infrastructure improvements that are associated with energy savings. All energy savings projects are eligible as long as the financing period does not extend beyond 15 years. The financing can be utilized for all aspects of energy efficiency project implementation including, energy savings plan development, engineering, construction management, construction management, commissioning, and measurement and verification. This program provides the much needed financing for energy efficiency projects without the burden of increased debt. The program allows for procurement of financing without voter approval or extending existing dept. The program requires evaluation to ensure a positive cash-flow through the entire 15 year financing period. The first phase of implementing an ESIP is the development of an Energy Savings Plan (ESP) to verify the energy savings, construction costs, and overall financial model. The underlining program requirement is the limitation of the project term to 15 years. The ESIP project size is open for multiple buildings to be included within one project. In addition all applicable incentive programs can also be utilized to help reduce the overall construction cost. The following breakdown is an estimated project scope with the potential to qualify for the ESIP. An ESP is required to verify the costs and savings as part of an ESIP project.

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XI. ADDITIONAL RECOMMENDATIONS The following recommendations include no cost/low cost measures, Operation & Maintenance (O&M) items, and water conservation measures with attractive paybacks. These measures are not eligible for the Smart Start Buildings incentives from the office of Clean Energy but save energy none the less.

A. Chemically clean the condenser and evaporator coils periodically to optimize efficiency. Poorly maintained heat transfer surfaces can reduce efficiency 5-10%.

B. Maintain all weather stripping on windows and doors.

C. Clean all light fixtures to maximize light output.

D. Provide more frequent air filter changes to decrease overall system power usage and maintain better IAQ.

E. Confirm that outside air economizers on the rooftop units are functioning properly to take advantage of free cooling and avoid excess outside air during occupied periods.

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Concord Engineering Group, Inc. 9C12013 July 26, 2012– FINAL Page 58 of 58

XII. ENERGY AUDIT ASSUMPTIONS The assumptions utilized in this energy audit include but are not limited to following:

A. Cost Estimates noted within this report are based on industry accepted costing data such as RS MeansTM Cost Data, contractor pricing and engineering estimates. All cost estimates for this level of auditing are +/- 20%. Prevailing wage rates for the specified region has been utilized to calculate installation costs. The cost estimates indicated within this audit should be utilized by the owner for prioritizing further project development post the energy audit. Project development would include investment grade auditing and detailed engineering.

B. Energy savings noted within this audit are calculated utilizing industry standard procedures and accepted engineering assumptions. For this level of auditing, energy savings are not guaranteed.

C. Information gathering for each facility is strongly based on interviews with operations personnel. Information dependent on verbal feedback is used for calculation assumptions including but not limited to the following:

a. operating hours b. equipment type c. control strategies d. scheduling

D. Information contained within the major equipment list is based on the existing owner documentation where available (drawings, O&M manuals, etc.). If existing owner documentation is not available, catalog information is utilized to populate the required information.

E. Equipment incentives and energy credits are based on current pricing and status of rebate programs. Rebate availability is dependent on the individual program funding and applicability.

F. Equipment (HVAC, Plumbing, Electrical, & Lighting) noted within an ECM recommendation is strictly noted as a basis for calculation of energy savings. The owner should use this equipment information as a benchmark when pursuing further investment grade project development and detailed engineering for specific energy conservation measures.

G. Utility bill annual averages are utilized for calculation of all energy costs unless otherwise noted. Accuracy of the utility energy usage and costs are based on the information provided. Utility information including usage and costs is estimated where incomplete data is provided.

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Appendix Energy Audit

Concord Engineering Group, Inc.


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COSTENERGY MAINT. / SREC TOTAL (Yearly Saving * ECM Lifetime)

(Yearly Maint Svaing * ECM Lifetime)

(Lifetime Savings - Net Cost) / (Net Cost) (Net cost / Yearly Savings)

($) ($) ($) ($) ($/Yr) ($/Yr) ($/Yr) (Yr) ($) ($) (%) (Yr) ($) ($)

ECM #1 Lighting Upgrade $145,650 $0 $14,540 $131,110 $26,397 $0 $26,397 15 $395,955 $0 202.0% 5.0 18.57% $184,015.67

ECM #2 Lighting Controls $28,720 $0 $4,165 $24,555 $11,587 $0 $11,587 15 $173,805 $0 607.8% 2.1 47.04% $113,769.85

ECM #3 NEMA Premium Motors $21,377 $18,867 $1,210 $39,034 $6,923 $0 $6,923 18 $124,614 $0 219.2% 5.6 16.62% $56,181.57

ECM #4 Swing Condensing Boilers $109,000 $56,000 $4,000 $161,000 $7,406 $0 $7,406 20 $148,120 $0 -8.0% 21.7 -0.78% ($50,817.42)

ECM #5 Condensing Boilers $260,000 $140,000 $10,000 $390,000 $19,734 $0 $19,734 20 $394,680 $0 1.2% 19.8 0.11% ($96,407.91)

ECM #6 VFD Chilled Water Pumps $16,000 $12,000 $1,200 $26,800 $1,780 $0 $1,780 15 $26,700 $0 -0.4% 15.1 -0.05% ($5,550.48)

ECM #7 AC Unit Upgrade $47,600 $56,100 $4,508 $99,192 $2,979 $0 $2,979 15 $44,685 $0 -55.0% 33.3 -8.63% ($63,628.89)

ECM #8 DDC Controls Upgrade $380,000 $0 $0 $380,000 $26,465 $0 $26,465 15 $396,975 $0 4.5% 14.4 0.55% ($64,062.55)

ECM #9 Chiller Upgrade $144,500 $129,000 $4,590 $268,910 $3,010 $0 $3,010 25 $75,250 $0 -72.0% 89.3 -8.08% ($216,496.43)

ECM #10 High Efficiency Transformer $27,000 $15,000 $0 $42,000 $7,379 $0 $7,379 20 $147,580 $0 251.4% 5.7 16.78% $67,780.89

REM #1 119.85 KW PV System $790,998 $0 $0 $790,998 $19,559 $27,481 $47,041 15 $705,610 $412,221 -10.8% 16.8 -1.40% ($229,429.62)

Notes: 1) The variable Cn in the formulas for Internal Rate of Return and Net Present Value stands for the cash flow during each period.2) The variable DR in the NPV equation stands for Discount Rate3) For NPV and IRR calculations: From n=0 to N periods where N is the lifetime of ECM and Cn is the cash flow during each period .



Brigantine Schools - Brigantine North School




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Appendix Energy Audit

Concord Engineering Group, Inc.


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Appendix B Page 1 of 4

Concord Engineering Group, Inc. 520 BURNT MILL ROAD VOORHEES, NEW JERSEY 08043 PHONE: (856) 427-0200 FAX: (856) 427-6508

SmartStart Building Incentives The NJ SmartStart Buildings Program offers financial incentives on a wide variety of building system equipment. The incentives were developed to help offset the initial cost of energy-efficient equipment. The following tables show the current available incentives as of February 15, 2011:

Electric Chillers Water-Cooled Chillers $12 - $170 per ton

Air-Cooled Chillers $8 - $52 per ton

Energy Efficiency must comply with ASHRAE 90.1-2007

Gas Cooling Gas Absorption Chillers $185 - $400 per ton

Gas Engine-Driven Chillers Calculated through custom measure


Desiccant Systems $1.00 per cfm – gas or electric

Electric Unitary HVAC Unitary AC and Split Systems $73 - $92 per ton

Air-to-Air Heat Pumps $73 - $92 per ton Water-Source Heat Pumps $81 per ton

Packaged Terminal AC & HP $65 per ton Central DX AC Systems $40- $72 per ton

Dual Enthalpy Economizer Controls $250 Occupancy Controlled Thermostat

(Hospitality & Institutional Facility) $75 per thermostat

Energy Efficiency must comply with ASHRAE 90.1-2007

Gas Heating Gas Fired Boilers < 300 MBH $300 per unit

Gas Fired Boilers ≥ 300 - 1500 MBH $1.75 per MBH

Gas Fired Boilers ≥1500 - ≤ 4000 MBH $1.00 per MBH

Gas Fired Boilers > 4000 MBH (Calculated through Custom Measure


Gas Furnaces $300 - $400 per unit, AFUE ≥ 92%

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Appendix B Page 2 of 4

Ground Source Heat Pumps

Closed Loop $450 per ton, EER ≥ 16 $600 per ton, EER ≥ 18 $750 per ton, EER ≥ 20

Energy Efficiency must comply with ASHRAE 90.1-2007

Variable Frequency Drives Variable Air Volume $65 - $155 per hp

Chilled-Water Pumps $60 per VFD rated hp

Compressors $5,250 to $12,500 per drive

Cooling Towers ≥ 10 hp $60 per VFD rated hp

Natural Gas Water Heating

Gas Water Heaters ≤ 50 gallons, 0.67 energy factor or better

$50 per unit

Gas-Fired Water Heaters > 50 gallons $1.00 - $2.00 per MBH

Gas-Fired Booster Water Heaters $17 - $35 per MBH

Gas Fired Tankless Water Heaters $300 per unit

Prescriptive Lighting Retro fit of T12 to T-5 or T-8 Lamps

w/Electronic Ballast in Existing Facilities

$10 per fixture (1-4 lamps)

Replacement of T12 with new T-5 or T-8 Lamps w/Electronic Ballast in

Existing Facilities $25 per fixture (1-4 lamps)

Replacement of incandescent with screw-in PAR 38 or PAR 30 (CFL)

bulb $7 per bulb

T-8 reduced Wattage (28w/25w 4’, 1-4 lamps)

Lamp & ballast replacement $10 per fixture

Hard-Wired Compact Fluorescent $25 - $30 per fixture

Metal Halide w/Pulse Start Including Parking Lot

$25 per fixture

T-5 and T-8 High Bay Fixtures $16 - $200 per fixture

HID ≥ 100w Retrofit with induction lamp, power coupler and generator

(must be 30% less watts/fixture than HID system)

$50 per fixture

HID ≥ 100w Replacement with new HID ≥ 100w

$70 per fixture

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Appendix B Page 3 of 4

Prescriptive Lighting - LED

LED New Exit Sign Fixture Existing Facility < 75 kw Existing Facility > 75 kw

$20 per fixture $10 per fixture

LED Display Case Lighting $30 per display case

LED Shelf-Mtd. Display & Task Lights $15 per linear foot

LED Portable Desk Lamp $20 per fixture

LED Wall-wash Lights $30 per fixture

LED Recessed Down Lights $35 per fixture LED Outdoor Pole/Arm-Mounted Area

and Roadway Luminaries $175 per fixture

LED Outdoor Pole/Arm-Mounted Decorative Luminaries

$175 per fixture

LED Outdoor Wall-Mounted Area Luminaries

$100 per fixture

LED Parking Garage Luminaries $100 per fixture

LED Track or Mono-Point Directional Lighting Fixtures

$50 per fixture

LED High-Bay and Low-Bay Fixtures for Commercial & Industrial Bldgs.

$150 per fixture

LED High-Bay-Aisle Lighting $150 per fixture

LED Bollard Fixtures $50 per fixture

LED Linear Panels (2x2 Troffers only) $100 per fixture

LED Fuel Pump Canopy $100 per fixture

LED Refrigerator/Freezer case lighting replacement of fluorescent in medium

and low temperature display case

$42 per 5 foot $65 per 6 foot

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Appendix B Page 4 of 4

Lighting Controls – Occupancy Sensors

Wall Mounted $20 per control Remote Mounted $35 per control

Daylight Dimmers $25 per fixture

Occupancy Controlled hi-low Fluorescent Controls

$25 per fixture controlled

Lighting Controls – HID or Fluorescent Hi-Bay Controls Occupancy hi-low $75 per fixture controlled Daylight Dimming $75 per fixture controlled

Daylight Dimming - office $50 per fixture controlled

Premium Motors Three-Phase Motors $45 - $700 per motor

Fractional HP Motors Electronic Communicated Motors (replacing shaded pole motors in

refrigerator/freezer cases)

$40 per electronic communicated motor

Other Equipment Incentives

Performance Lighting

$1.00 per watt per SF below program incentive threshold, currently 5% more energy efficient than ASHRAE 90.1-

2007 for New Construction and Complete Renovation

Custom Electric and Gas Equipment Incentives

not prescriptive

Custom Measures

$0.16 KWh and $1.60/Therm of 1st year savings, or a buy down to a 1 year

payback on estimated savings. Minimum required savings of 75,000 KWh or 1,500 Therms and a IRR of at

least 10%. Multi Measures Bonus 15%

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Appendix Energy Audit

Concord Engineering Group, Inc.


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OMB No. 2060-0347


Building ID: 3177448 For 12-month Period Ending: October 31, 20111

Date SEP becomes ineligible: N/A Date SEP Generated: July 05, 2012

FacilityBrigantine Public School301 E. Evans RoadBrigantine, NJ 08203

Facility OwnerN/A

Primary Contact for this FacilityN/A

Year Built: 1994Gross Floor Area (ft2): 226,881

Energy Performance Rating2 (1-100) 25

Site Energy Use Summary3

Electricity - Grid Purchase(kBtu) 8,383,889 Natural Gas (kBtu)4 8,697,923 Total Energy (kBtu) 17,081,812

Energy Intensity4 Site (kBtu/ft2/yr) 75 Source (kBtu/ft2/yr) 164 Emissions (based on site energy use) Greenhouse Gas Emissions (MtCO2e/year) 1,650 Electric Distribution Utility Atlantic City Electric Co [Pepco Holdings Inc] National Median Comparison National Median Site EUI 60 National Median Source EUI 131 % Difference from National Median Source EUI 25% Building Type K-12


Stamp of Certifying Professional

Based on the conditions observed at thetime of my visit to this building, I certify that

the information contained within thisstatement is accurate.

Meets Industry Standards5 for Indoor EnvironmentalConditions:Ventilation for Acceptable Indoor Air Quality N/A Acceptable Thermal Environmental Conditions N/A Adequate Illumination N/A

Certifying ProfessionalN/A

Notes: 1. Application for the ENERGY STAR must be submitted to EPA within 4 months of the Period Ending date. Award of the ENERGY STAR is not final until approval is received from EPA.2. The EPA Energy Performance Rating is based on total source energy. A rating of 75 is the minimum to be eligible for the ENERGY STAR.3. Values represent energy consumption, annualized to a 12-month period.4. Values represent energy intensity, annualized to a 12-month period.5. Based on Meeting ASHRAE Standard 62 for ventilation for acceptable indoor air quality, ASHRAE Standard 55 for thermal comfort, and IESNA Lighting Handbook for lighting quality.

The government estimates the average time needed to fill out this form is 6 hours (includes the time for entering energy data, Licensed Professional facility inspection, and notarizing the SEP) andwelcomes suggestions for reducing this level of effort. Send comments (referencing OMB control number) to the Director, Collection Strategies Division, U.S., EPA (2822T), 1200 Pennsylvania Ave.,NW, Washington, D.C. 20460.

EPA Form 5900-16

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Concord Engineering Group, Inc.


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Appendix D

Page 1 of 19

AHUsTag UV-1 UV-2 UV-3

Unit Type Self Contained Self Contained Self Contained

Qty 11 20 3

Location Middle Middle Middle

Area Served Classrooms Classrooms Classrooms

Manufacturer AAF AAF AAF

Model #EDBECNFSAZ607150

00 AZ48 AZ42

Serial # 78H0806400 N/A N/A

Cooling Type DX DX DX

Cooling Capacity (Tons) 5 4 3.5

Cooling Efficiency (SEER/EER)

9 EER 9 EER 9.5 EER

Heating Type Hot Water Hot Water Hot Water

Heating Input (MBH) - - -

Efficiency - - -

Fuel - - -

Approx Age 12 12 12

ASHRAE Service Life 20 20 20

Remaining Life 8 8 8



MAJOR EQUIPMENT LISTConcord Engineering Group

Brigantine Public School

"N/A" = Not Applicable. "-" = Info Not Available

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Appendix D

Page 2 of 19


Unit Type



Area Served


Model #

Serial #

Cooling Type

Cooling Capacity (Tons)

Cooling Efficiency (SEER/EER)

Heating Type

Heating Input (MBH)



Approx Age

ASHRAE Service Life

Remaining Life



"N/A" = Not Applicable. "-" = Info Not Available

FCU-231 AHU-3 AHU-6

Fan Coils Air Handler Air Handler

2 1 1

Comp Lab 231 Elementary Elementary

Comp Lab 231 Gymnasium Music Room

McQuay McQuay McQuay


- 35G00769-04 35G00772-06

Chilled Water Chilled Water Chilled Water

- 60 5

- - -

- Hot Water Hot Water

- 1120 85

- - -

- - -

12 12 12

20 20 20

8 8 8

10 HP SF, 84%; 3-Way valves

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Appendix D

Page 3 of 19


Unit Type



Area Served


Model #

Serial #

Cooling Type

Cooling Capacity (Tons)

Cooling Efficiency (SEER/EER)

Heating Type

Heating Input (MBH)



Approx Age

ASHRAE Service Life

Remaining Life



"N/A" = Not Applicable. "-" = Info Not Available

FCU-1 UV-4 AHU-2

Fan Coils Unit Ventilators Air Handler


Elementary Elementary Storage Room

Classrooms Perimeter Classrooms Elementary Child Study

McQuay - McQuay

- - -

- - -

Chilled Water DX DX

- - 7.5

- - -

Hot Water Hot Water Hot Water

- - -

- - -

- - -

12 12 12

20 20 20

8 8 8

w/CU-AHU-2; 1 HP SF

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Appendix D

Page 4 of 19


Unit Type



Area Served


Model #

Serial #

Cooling Type

Cooling Capacity (Tons)

Cooling Efficiency (SEER/EER)

Heating Type

Heating Input (MBH)



Approx Age

ASHRAE Service Life

Remaining Life



"N/A" = Not Applicable. "-" = Info Not Available

AHU-10 AHU-4/5 AHU-7

Air Handler Air Handler Air Handler

1 2 1

Penthouse Mech Ceiling Hung Scafold Mech Closet

Library Cafeteria Art Room

McQuay McQuay McQuay

LSL111CH - -

35G00G29-06 - -

DX Chilled Water Chilled Water



Hot Water Hot Water Hot Water




12 12 12

20 20 20

8 8 8

3 HP SF, 81.5%

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Appendix D

Page 5 of 19


Unit Type



Area Served


Model #

Serial #

Cooling Type

Cooling Capacity (Tons)

Cooling Efficiency (SEER/EER)

Heating Type

Heating Input (MBH)



Approx Age

ASHRAE Service Life

Remaining Life



"N/A" = Not Applicable. "-" = Info Not Available


Air Handler Air Handler

1 1

Mech Closet -

Maint Office Admin 1st Flr Offices

McQuay McQuay

- -

- -


N/A 10.0

N/A 9.5 EER

Hot Water Hot Water




12 12

20 20

8 8

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Appendix D

Page 6 of 19

AC UnitsTag CU-Music CU-Copy CU-Offices

Unit Type Condensing Unit Condensing Unit Condensing Unit

Qty 1 1 1

Location Middle Roof Middle Roof Middle Roof

Area Served Middle Music Room Middle Copy Room Middle Offices

Manufacturer RUUD ICP ICP

Model # 13ACN36A01 NAC024AKC3 NAC024AKC3

Serial # 8396W141202146 E043970223 E043970223

Cooling Type DX DX DX

Cooling Capacity (Tons) 3 2 2

Cooling Efficiency (SEER/EER)


Heating Type N/A N/A N/A

Heating Input (MBH) N/A N/A N/A

Efficiency N/A N/A N/A

Fuel N/A N/A N/A

Approx Age 0 8 8

ASHRAE Service Life 15 15 15

Remaining Life 15 7 7

Comments 208/230 3P 208/230 1P 208/230 1P


MAJOR EQUIPMENT LISTConcord Engineering Group

Brigantine Public School

"N/A" = Not Applicable. "-" = Info Not Available

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Appendix D

Page 7 of 19

AC UnitsTag

Unit Type



Area Served


Model #

Serial #

Cooling Type

Cooling Capacity (Tons)

Cooling Efficiency (SEER/EER)

Heating Type

Heating Input (MBH)



Approx Age

ASHRAE Service Life

Remaining Life



"N/A" = Not Applicable. "-" = Info Not Available

AC-Main CU-MO Office RTU-Library

Condensing Unit Condensing Unit Rooftop Unit

1 1 1

Middle Roof Middle Roof Middle Roof

Middle Main Offices Mike O. Office Library


D4CE048A25BDA AG018G1 RK-10-2-E1-750

NEHM060123 L942021968 98LKWJ38


4 1.5 10


N/A N/A Hot Water

N/A N/A -

N/A N/A -

N/A N/A -

11 18 14

15 15 15

4 (3) 1

208/230 3P 208/230 1P 2 HP SF, 2 HP Power Exhaust

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Appendix D

Page 8 of 19

AC UnitsTag

Unit Type



Area Served


Model #

Serial #

Cooling Type

Cooling Capacity (Tons)

Cooling Efficiency (SEER/EER)

Heating Type

Heating Input (MBH)



Approx Age

ASHRAE Service Life

Remaining Life



"N/A" = Not Applicable. "-" = Info Not Available

CU-Conf RTU-CS Office CU-Gym Off

Condensing Unit Rooftop Condensing Unit

1 1 1

Middle Roof Middle Roof Middle Roof

Middle Conf/Child Study

Middle Child Study Offices Gym Office



L024003340 2G7502ADAAF111107301 L961978675


2 4 2


N/A Heat Exchanger N/A

N/A 100 N/A

N/A 81% N/A

N/A Natural Gas N/A

10 1 16

15 15 15

5 14 (1)

208/230 1P Gas line is not connected to unit; 208/230V 3P

208/230 1P

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Appendix D

Page 9 of 19

AC UnitsTag

Unit Type



Area Served


Model #

Serial #

Cooling Type

Cooling Capacity (Tons)

Cooling Efficiency (SEER/EER)

Heating Type

Heating Input (MBH)



Approx Age

ASHRAE Service Life

Remaining Life



"N/A" = Not Applicable. "-" = Info Not Available

CU-Admissions RTU-1, 2 RTU-Board Office

Condensing Unit Rooftop Rooftop

1 2 1

Middle Roof Middle Roof Middle Roof

Admissions Office Gymnasium Board Office


H1RA048S25A RN-018-8-0-EA19-389 RKNL-B090CL15E

WHLM005908 200907-ANGN06516 2N7867ADAAF161103044


4 18 7.5

10 SEER 10 EER 11 EER

N/A Heat Exchanger Heat Exchanger

N/A 405 150

N/A 80% 81%

N/A Natural Gas Natural Gas

12 3 1

15 15 15

3 12 14

208/230 3P 7.5 HP SF, 3 HP Power Exhaust

Gas line is not connected to unit; 208/230V 3P

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Appendix D

Page 10 of 19

AC UnitsTag

Unit Type



Area Served


Model #

Serial #

Cooling Type

Cooling Capacity (Tons)

Cooling Efficiency (SEER/EER)

Heating Type

Heating Input (MBH)



Approx Age

ASHRAE Service Life

Remaining Life



"N/A" = Not Applicable. "-" = Info Not Available

RTU-3,4,5,6 MS-1 CU-AHU-2

Rooftop Mini-Split Condensing Unit

4 2 1

Middle Roof Comp Lab 231 Elementary Room

Café & Auditorium Comp Lab 231 AHU-2


- C3672R RAWE092DAZ

- 30811 8560F121204288


20 3 7.5


Heat Exchanger N/A N/A

- N/A N/A

80% N/A N/A

Natural Gas N/A N/A

3 0 0

15 15 15

12 15 15

Ceiling Casset, Installation not Complete

460 V 3P

Page 80: COVER SHEET- Brigantine Public School Audit Reports - October 2012 /Brigantine...Transformer $7,379 $42,000 $0 $42,000 5.7 Design / Construction Extras (15%) $175,247 $175,247 Total

Appendix D

Page 11 of 19

AC UnitsTag

Unit Type



Area Served


Model #

Serial #

Cooling Type

Cooling Capacity (Tons)

Cooling Efficiency (SEER/EER)

Heating Type

Heating Input (MBH)



Approx Age

ASHRAE Service Life

Remaining Life



"N/A" = Not Applicable. "-" = Info Not Available

CU-Classrooms CU-UVs CU-AHU-10

Condensing Unit Condensing Unit Condensing Unit

7 2 1

Elementary Roof Elementary Roof Elementary Roof

Elementary Classrooms Perimeter Classroom Unit Vents Library AHU-10



L953591482 L954055252 6699F130902043


1.5 3 15






17 17 3

15 15 15

(2) (2) 12

208/230V 1P 460V 3P 460V 3P

Page 81: COVER SHEET- Brigantine Public School Audit Reports - October 2012 /Brigantine...Transformer $7,379 $42,000 $0 $42,000 5.7 Design / Construction Extras (15%) $175,247 $175,247 Total

Appendix D

Page 12 of 19

AC UnitsTag

Unit Type



Area Served


Model #

Serial #

Cooling Type

Cooling Capacity (Tons)

Cooling Efficiency (SEER/EER)

Heating Type

Heating Input (MBH)



Approx Age

ASHRAE Service Life

Remaining Life



"N/A" = Not Applicable. "-" = Info Not Available

CU-UVs CU-UVs CU-Main Office

Condensing Unit Condensing Unit Condensing Unit

1 2 1

Elementary Roof Elementary Roof Elementary Roof

Perimeter Classroom Unit Vents

Perimeter Classroom Unit Vents w/ AHU-1

ICP Lennox ICP

CAC036LAC HS29-463-2G CAE120LAA

E033022106 5895M30734 G084120120


3 3.5 10

10 SEER 10 SEER 9.5 EER





9 17 4

15 15 15

6 (2) 11

460V 3P 460 V 3P

Page 82: COVER SHEET- Brigantine Public School Audit Reports - October 2012 /Brigantine...Transformer $7,379 $42,000 $0 $42,000 5.7 Design / Construction Extras (15%) $175,247 $175,247 Total

Appendix D

Page 13 of 19

AC UnitsTag

Unit Type



Area Served


Model #

Serial #

Cooling Type

Cooling Capacity (Tons)

Cooling Efficiency (SEER/EER)

Heating Type

Heating Input (MBH)



Approx Age

ASHRAE Service Life

Remaining Life



"N/A" = Not Applicable. "-" = Info Not Available

MS-2 MS-3

Mini Split Mini Split

1 1

Elementary Roof Elementary Roof

AV/TV Room Classroom

Sanyo Panasonic


0005731 10114


2 2






6 0

15 15

9 15

208/230V 1P 208/230V 1P; New Not fully Connected Yet

Page 83: COVER SHEET- Brigantine Public School Audit Reports - October 2012 /Brigantine...Transformer $7,379 $42,000 $0 $42,000 5.7 Design / Construction Extras (15%) $175,247 $175,247 Total

Appendix D

Page 14 of 19

BoilersTag B-1, 2 B-1, 2

Unit Type Cast Iron 12 Section Cast Iron

Qty 2 2

Location Middle Rm B-18 Elementary Boiler Rm

Area Served Middle School Elementary

Manufacturer HB Smith Weil McLain

Model # M450L 1788

Serial # - -

Input Capacity (Btu/Hr) 3,578 5,485

Rated Output Capacity (Btu/Hr)

2,487 4,370

Approx. Efficiency % 69.5% 79.7%

Fuel Natural Gas Natural Gas

Approx Age 18 17

ASHRAE Service Life 25 25

Remaining Life 7 8




Concord Engineering Group

Brigantine Public School

"N/A" = Not Applicable. "-" = Info Not Available

Page 84: COVER SHEET- Brigantine Public School Audit Reports - October 2012 /Brigantine...Transformer $7,379 $42,000 $0 $42,000 5.7 Design / Construction Extras (15%) $175,247 $175,247 Total

Appendix D

Page 15 of 19

Cooling TowerTag CH-1

Unit TypeCentrifigul Water


Qty 1

Location Mech Rm

Area Served Elementary

Manufacturer McQuay

Model # PEH063-BAAA

Serial # 55G81067-00

Refrigerant R134a

Cooling Capacity (Tons) 170

Cooling Efficiency (KW/Ton)

0.835 kW/ton

Volts / Phase / Hz 460/3/60

Fuel Electric

Chilled Water GPM / ΔT 425 GPM / 10dT

Condenser Water GPM / ΔT

585 GPM / 10dT

Approx Age 17

ASHRAE Service Life 20

Remaining Life 3



MAJOR EQUIPMENT LISTConcord Engineering Group

Brigantine Public School

"N/A" = Not Applicable. "-" = Info Not Available

Page 85: COVER SHEET- Brigantine Public School Audit Reports - October 2012 /Brigantine...Transformer $7,379 $42,000 $0 $42,000 5.7 Design / Construction Extras (15%) $175,247 $175,247 Total

Appendix D

Page 16 of 19

Cooling TowerTag CT-1

Unit Type Closed Circuit

Qty 1

Location Loading Dock

Area Served Elementary Chiller

Manufacturer BAC

Model # VTL-190-NCL

Serial # 95T00494

Rated Flow GPM 585 GPM

EWT / LWT 75 / 85

Motor HP x2 25 HP & 7.5 HP

Electrical 460V 3P

Approx Age 17

ASHRAE Service Life 20

Remaining Life 3




Concord Engineering Group

Brigantine Public School

"N/A" = Not Applicable. "-" = Info Not Available

Page 86: COVER SHEET- Brigantine Public School Audit Reports - October 2012 /Brigantine...Transformer $7,379 $42,000 $0 $42,000 5.7 Design / Construction Extras (15%) $175,247 $175,247 Total

Appendix D

Page 17 of 19

Domestic Water HeatersTag DH-1 DH-2

Unit Type Domestic Hot Domestic Hot

Qty 1 1

Location Middle Rm B-18 Elem Mech Rm

Area Served Middle School Elementary School

Manufacturer Bradford & White PVI

Model # R400-1075-5NA 2500PHE2000A-TP

Serial # T16256 029584541

Size (Gallons) 400 2000

Input Capacity (MBH/KW)

1075 2000

Recovery (Gal/Hr) 1338 2500

Efficiency % 75% 70.00%

Fuel Natural Gas Natural Gas

Approx Age 15 17

ASHRAE Service Life 15 15

Remaining Life 0 (2)




Concord Engineering Group

Brigantine Public School

"N/A" = Not Applicable. "-" = Info Not Available

Page 87: COVER SHEET- Brigantine Public School Audit Reports - October 2012 /Brigantine...Transformer $7,379 $42,000 $0 $42,000 5.7 Design / Construction Extras (15%) $175,247 $175,247 Total

Appendix D

Page 18 of 19

PumpsTag P-1, 2 HWP-1, 2 CHWP-1, 2

Unit Type Hot Water Hot Water Chilled Water

Qty 2 2 2

Location Middle Rm B-18 Elementary Mech Rm Elementary Mech Rm

Area Served Middle School Elementary School Elementary School

Manufacturer Armstrong Bell & Gossett Bell & Gossett

Model # - - -

Serial # - - -

Horse Power 7.5 30 20

Flow 150 GPM 110 GPM, 30' HD 425 GPM, 100' HD

Motor Info Marathon FR 213T Marathon FR 286T FR 256T

Electrical Power 208-230/460V 3P 460V 3P 460V 3P

RPM 1750 1760 1760

Motor Efficiency % 82.0% 89.5% 87.5

Approx Age 18 17 17

ASHRAE Service Life 18 18 18

Remaining Life 0 1 1



MAJOR EQUIPMENT LISTConcord Engineering Group

Brigantine Public School

"N/A" = Not Applicable. "-" = Info Not Available

Page 88: COVER SHEET- Brigantine Public School Audit Reports - October 2012 /Brigantine...Transformer $7,379 $42,000 $0 $42,000 5.7 Design / Construction Extras (15%) $175,247 $175,247 Total

Appendix D

Page 19 of 19


Unit Type



Area Served


Model #

Serial #

Horse Power


Motor Info

Electrical Power


Motor Efficiency %

Approx Age

ASHRAE Service Life

Remaining Life



"N/A" = Not Applicable. "-" = Info Not Available


Condenser Water


Elementary Mech Rm

Elementary School

Bell & Gossett




585 GPM, 110' HD

FR 254T

460V 3P






Page 89: COVER SHEET- Brigantine Public School Audit Reports - October 2012 /Brigantine...Transformer $7,379 $42,000 $0 $42,000 5.7 Design / Construction Extras (15%) $175,247 $175,247 Total

Appendix Energy Audit

Concord Engineering Group, Inc.


Page 90: COVER SHEET- Brigantine Public School Audit Reports - October 2012 /Brigantine...Transformer $7,379 $42,000 $0 $42,000 5.7 Design / Construction Extras (15%) $175,247 $175,247 Total

Investment Grade Lighting Audit APPENDIX E1 of 29

CEG Job #: 9C12013

Project: Brigantine Schools KWH COST: $0.136

North School

301 East Evans Blvd., NJ 08203Bldg. Sq. Ft.


CEG Fixture Yearly No. No. Fixture Fixt Total kWh/Yr Yearly No. No. Retro-Unit Watts Total kWh/Yr Yearly Unit Cost Total kW kWh/Yr Yearly Yearly SimpleType Location Usage Fixts Lamps Type Watts kW Fixtures $ Cost Fixts Lamps Description Used kW Fixtures $ Cost (INSTALLED) Cost Savings Savings $ Savings Payback

221.11 Classroom E-10 2600 12 21x4, 2 Lamp, 32w

FO32/735/ECO, Elect. Ballast, Surface Mnt., Prismatic Lens

62 0.74 1,934.4 $263.08 12 0 No Change 0 0.00 0 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 0.00 0 $0.00 0.00

3011 Classroom E-10 Restroom 2600 1 2 Wall Mount Vanity Light, (2)

60w A19 Lamps 120 0.12 312.0 $42.43 1 2 13w CFL Lamp 26 0.03 67.6 $9.19 $30.00 $30.00 0.09 244.4 $33.24 0.90

221.11 Classroom E-8 2600 12 21x4, 2 Lamp, 32w

FO32/735/ECO, Elect. Ballast, Surface Mnt., Prismatic Lens

62 0.74 1,934.4 $263.08 12 0 No Change 0 0.00 0 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 0.00 0 $0.00 0.00

3011 Classroom E-8 Restroom 2600 1 2 Wall Mount Vanity Light, (2)

60w A19 Lamps 120 0.12 312.0 $42.43 1 2 13w CFL Lamp 26 0.03 67.6 $9.19 $30.00 $30.00 0.09 244.4 $33.24 0.90

221.11 Classroom E-7 2600 12 21x4, 2 Lamp, 32w

FO32/735/ECO, Elect. Ballast, Surface Mnt., Prismatic Lens

62 0.74 1,934.4 $263.08 12 0 No Change 0 0.00 0 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 0.00 0 $0.00 0.00

3011 Classroom E-7 Restroom 2600 1 2 Wall Mount Vanity Light, (2)

60w A19 Lamps 120 0.12 312.0 $42.43 1 2 13w CFL Lamp 26 0.03 67.6 $9.19 $30.00 $30.00 0.09 244.4 $33.24 0.90

221.11 Classroom E-6 2600 12 21x4, 2 Lamp, 32w

FO32/735/ECO, Elect. Ballast, Surface Mnt., Prismatic Lens

62 0.74 1,934.4 $263.08 12 0 No Change 0 0.00 0 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 0.00 0 $0.00 0.00

3011 Classroom E-6 Restroom 2600 1 2 Wall Mount Vanity Light, (2)

60w A19 Lamps 120 0.12 312.0 $42.43 1 2 13w CFL Lamp 26 0.03 67.6 $9.19 $30.00 $30.00 0.09 244.4 $33.24 0.90

221.11 Classroom E-5 2600 12 21x4, 2 Lamp, 32w

FO32/735/ECO, Elect. Ballast, Surface Mnt., Prismatic Lens

62 0.74 1,934.4 $263.08 12 0 No Change 0 0.00 0 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 0.00 0 $0.00 0.00

3011 Classroom E-5 Restroom 2600 1 2 Wall Mount Vanity Light, (2)

60w A19 Lamps 120 0.12 312.0 $42.43 1 2 13w CFL Lamp 26 0.03 67.6 $9.19 $30.00 $30.00 0.09 244.4 $33.24 0.90

221.11 Classroom E-4 2600 12 21x4, 2 Lamp, 32w

FO32/735/ECO, Elect. Ballast, Surface Mnt., Prismatic Lens

62 0.74 1,934.4 $263.08 12 0 No Change 0 0.00 0 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 0.00 0 $0.00 0.00

3011 Classroom E-4 Restroom 2600 1 2 Wall Mount Vanity Light, (2)

60w A19 Lamps 120 0.12 312.0 $42.43 1 2 13w CFL Lamp 26 0.03 67.6 $9.19 $30.00 $30.00 0.09 244.4 $33.24 0.90

221.11 Classroom E-3 2600 12 21x4, 2 Lamp, 32w

FO32/735/ECO, Elect. Ballast, Surface Mnt., Prismatic Lens

62 0.74 1,934.4 $263.08 12 0 No Change 0 0.00 0 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 0.00 0 $0.00 0.00

3011 Classroom E-3 Restroom 2600 1 2 Wall Mount Vanity Light, (2)

60w A19 Lamps 120 0.12 312.0 $42.43 1 2 13w CFL Lamp 26 0.03 67.6 $9.19 $30.00 $30.00 0.09 244.4 $33.24 0.90

221.11 Classroom E-2 2600 12 21x4, 2 Lamp, 32w

FO32/735/ECO, Elect. Ballast, Surface Mnt., Prismatic Lens

62 0.74 1,934.4 $263.08 12 0 No Change 0 0.00 0 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 0.00 0 $0.00 0.00

3011 Classroom E-2 Restroom 2600 1 2 Wall Mount Vanity Light, (2)

60w A19 Lamps 120 0.12 312.0 $42.43 1 2 13w CFL Lamp 26 0.03 67.6 $9.19 $30.00 $30.00 0.09 244.4 $33.24 0.90

221.11 Classroom E-1 2600 12 21x4, 2 Lamp, 32w

FO32/735/ECO, Elect. Ballast, Surface Mnt., Prismatic Lens

62 0.74 1,934.4 $263.08 12 0 No Change 0 0.00 0 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 0.00 0 $0.00 0.00

3011 Classroom E-1 Restroom 2600 1 2 Wall Mount Vanity Light, (2)

60w A19 Lamps 120 0.12 312.0 $42.43 1 2 13w CFL Lamp 26 0.03 67.6 $9.19 $30.00 $30.00 0.09 244.4 $33.24 0.90

Brigantine Public School


Page 91: COVER SHEET- Brigantine Public School Audit Reports - October 2012 /Brigantine...Transformer $7,379 $42,000 $0 $42,000 5.7 Design / Construction Extras (15%) $175,247 $175,247 Total

Investment Grade Lighting Audit APPENDIX E2 of 29


CEG Fixture Yearly No. No. Fixture Fixt Total kWh/Yr Yearly No. No. Retro-Unit Watts Total kWh/Yr Yearly Unit Cost Total kW kWh/Yr Yearly Yearly SimpleType Location Usage Fixts Lamps Type Watts kW Fixtures $ Cost Fixts Lamps Description Used kW Fixtures $ Cost (INSTALLED) Cost Savings Savings $ Savings Payback

221.11 Classroom E-9 2600 12 21x4, 2 Lamp, 32w

FO32/735/ECO, Elect. Ballast, Surface Mnt., Prismatic Lens

62 0.74 1,934.4 $263.08 12 0 No Change 0 0.00 0 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 0.00 0 $0.00 0.00

3011 Classroom E-9 Restroom 2600 1 2 Wall Mount Vanity Light, (2)

60w A19 Lamps 120 0.12 312.0 $42.43 1 2 13w CFL Lamp 26 0.03 67.6 $9.19 $30.00 $30.00 0.09 244.4 $33.24 0.90

242.21 Classroom E-9 Observation 1200 1 4

2x4, 4 Lamp, 32w FO32/735/ECO, Elect. Ballast, Recessed Mnt., Prismatic Lens

107 0.11 128.4 $17.46 1 0 No Change 0 0.00 0 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 0.00 0 $0.00 0.00

242.21 B27 Nurse 3000 5 42x4, 4 Lamp, 32w

FO32/735/ECO, Elect. Ballast, Recessed Mnt., Prismatic Lens

107 0.54 1,605.0 $218.28 5 0 No Change 0 0.00 0 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 0.00 0 $0.00 0.00

227.21 B27 Nurse 3000 3 22x2, 2 Lamp, 31w T8, Elect.

Ballast, Recessed Mnt., Prismatic Lens

65 0.20 585.0 $79.56 3 0 No Change 0 0.00 0 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 0.00 0 $0.00 0.00

222.21 Main Office 3000 8 22x4, 2 Lamp, 32w

FO32/735/ECO, Elect. Ballast, Recessed Mnt., Prismatic Lens

62 0.50 1,488.0 $202.37 8 0 No Change 0 0.00 0 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 0.00 0 $0.00 0.00

222.21 Principal's Office 3000 3 22x4, 2 Lamp, 32w

FO32/735/ECO, Elect. Ballast, Recessed Mnt., Prismatic Lens

62 0.19 558.0 $75.89 3 0 No Change 0 0.00 0 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 0.00 0 $0.00 0.00

222.21 Main Office 3000 4 22x4, 2 Lamp, 32w

FO32/735/ECO, Elect. Ballast, Recessed Mnt., Prismatic Lens

62 0.25 744.0 $101.18 4 0 No Change 0 0.00 0 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 0.00 0 $0.00 0.00

242.21 Girl's Restroom 3000 3 42x4, 4 Lamp, 32w

FO32/735/ECO, Elect. Ballast, Recessed Mnt., Prismatic Lens

107 0.32 963.0 $130.97 3 0 No Change 0 0.00 0 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 0.00 0 $0.00 0.00

242.21 Boy's Restroom 3000 3 42x4, 4 Lamp, 32w

FO32/735/ECO, Elect. Ballast, Recessed Mnt., Prismatic Lens

107 0.32 963.0 $130.97 3 0 No Change 0 0.00 0 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 0.00 0 $0.00 0.00

211.11 Custodial Closet 1200 3 11x4, 1 Lamp, 32w

FO32/735/ECO, Elect. Ballast, Surface Mnt., Prismatic Lens

33 0.10 118.8 $16.16 3 0 No Change 0 0.00 0 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 0.00 0 $0.00 0.00

221.25 Men's Restroom 3000 2 21x4, 2 Lamp, 32w

FO32/735/ECO, Elect. Ballast, Recessed Mnt., White Lens

62 0.12 372.0 $50.59 2 0 No Change 0 0.00 0 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 0.00 0 $0.00 0.00

221.25 Women's Restroom 3000 2 21x4, 2 Lamp, 32w

FO32/735/ECO, Elect. Ballast, Recessed Mnt., White Lens

62 0.12 372.0 $50.59 2 0 No Change 0 0.00 0 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 0.00 0 $0.00 0.00

612 D18 Supply Room 1200 1 1 Pendant Mnt., 100w A19 Lamp 100 0.10 120.0 $16.32 1 1 (1) 26w CFL Lamp 26 0.03 31.2 $4.24 $20.00 $20.00 0.07 88.8 $12.08 1.66

242.21 Classroom D15 2600 24 42x4, 4 Lamp, 32w

FO32/735/ECO, Elect. Ballast, Recessed Mnt., Prismatic Lens

107 2.57 6,676.8 $908.04 24 0 No Change 0 0.00 0 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 0.00 0 $0.00 0.00

242.21 Classroom D13 2600 6 42x4, 4 Lamp, 32w

FO32/735/ECO, Elect. Ballast, Recessed Mnt., Prismatic Lens

107 0.64 1,669.2 $227.01 6 0 No Change 0 0.00 0 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 0.00 0 $0.00 0.00

227.21 Classroom D13 2600 6 22x2, 2 Lamp, 31w T8, Elect.

Ballast, Recessed Mnt., Prismatic Lens

65 0.39 1,014.0 $137.90 6 0 No Change 0 0.00 0 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 0.00 0 $0.00 0.00

Page 92: COVER SHEET- Brigantine Public School Audit Reports - October 2012 /Brigantine...Transformer $7,379 $42,000 $0 $42,000 5.7 Design / Construction Extras (15%) $175,247 $175,247 Total

Investment Grade Lighting Audit APPENDIX E3 of 29


CEG Fixture Yearly No. No. Fixture Fixt Total kWh/Yr Yearly No. No. Retro-Unit Watts Total kWh/Yr Yearly Unit Cost Total kW kWh/Yr Yearly Yearly SimpleType Location Usage Fixts Lamps Type Watts kW Fixtures $ Cost Fixts Lamps Description Used kW Fixtures $ Cost (INSTALLED) Cost Savings Savings $ Savings Payback

222.21 Classroom D12 2600 12 22x4, 2 Lamp, 32w

FO32/735/ECO, Elect. Ballast, Recessed Mnt., Prismatic Lens

62 0.74 1,934.4 $263.08 12 0 No Change 0 0.00 0 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 0.00 0 $0.00 0.00

222.21 Classroom D11 2600 12 22x4, 2 Lamp, 32w

FO32/735/ECO, Elect. Ballast, Recessed Mnt., Prismatic Lens

62 0.74 1,934.4 $263.08 12 0 No Change 0 0.00 0 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 0.00 0 $0.00 0.00

222.21 Classroom D10 2600 12 22x4, 2 Lamp, 32w

FO32/735/ECO, Elect. Ballast, Recessed Mnt., Prismatic Lens

62 0.74 1,934.4 $263.08 12 0 No Change 0 0.00 0 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 0.00 0 $0.00 0.00

222.21 Classroom D9 2600 12 22x4, 2 Lamp, 32w

FO32/735/ECO, Elect. Ballast, Recessed Mnt., Prismatic Lens

62 0.74 1,934.4 $263.08 12 0 No Change 0 0.00 0 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 0.00 0 $0.00 0.00

222.21 Classroom D8 2600 12 22x4, 2 Lamp, 32w

FO32/735/ECO, Elect. Ballast, Recessed Mnt., Prismatic Lens

62 0.74 1,934.4 $263.08 12 0 No Change 0 0.00 0 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 0.00 0 $0.00 0.00

222.21 Classroom D7 2600 12 22x4, 2 Lamp, 32w

FO32/735/ECO, Elect. Ballast, Recessed Mnt., Prismatic Lens

62 0.74 1,934.4 $263.08 12 0 No Change 0 0.00 0 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 0.00 0 $0.00 0.00

222.21 Classroom D6 2600 12 22x4, 2 Lamp, 32w

FO32/735/ECO, Elect. Ballast, Recessed Mnt., Prismatic Lens

62 0.74 1,934.4 $263.08 12 0 No Change 0 0.00 0 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 0.00 0 $0.00 0.00

221.14 D5 Storage 1200 2 2 1x4, 2 Lamp, 32w T8, Elect. Ballast, Surface Mnt., No Lens 58 0.12 139.2 $18.93 2 0 No Change 0 0.00 0 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 0.00 0 $0.00 0.00

222.21 D4 Office 3000 4 22x4, 2 Lamp, 32w

FO32/735/ECO, Elect. Ballast, Recessed Mnt., Prismatic Lens

62 0.25 744.0 $101.18 4 0 No Change 0 0.00 0 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 0.00 0 $0.00 0.00

232.21 Classroom C28 2600 9 32x4, 3 Lamp, 32w T8, Elect.

Ballast, Recessed Mnt., Prismatic Lens

86 0.77 2,012.4 $273.69 9 0 No Change 0 0.00 0 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 0.00 0 $0.00 0.00

232.21 Classroom C18 2600 9 32x4, 3 Lamp, 32w T8, Elect.

Ballast, Recessed Mnt., Prismatic Lens

86 0.77 2,012.4 $273.69 9 0 No Change 0 0.00 0 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 0.00 0 $0.00 0.00

232.21 Classroom C27 2600 9 32x4, 3 Lamp, 32w T8, Elect.

Ballast, Recessed Mnt., Prismatic Lens

86 0.77 2,012.4 $273.69 9 0 No Change 0 0.00 0 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 0.00 0 $0.00 0.00

232.21 Classroom C17 2600 9 32x4, 3 Lamp, 32w T8, Elect.

Ballast, Recessed Mnt., Prismatic Lens

86 0.77 2,012.4 $273.69 9 0 No Change 0 0.00 0 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 0.00 0 $0.00 0.00

232.21 Classroom C16 2600 9 32x4, 3 Lamp, 32w T8, Elect.

Ballast, Recessed Mnt., Prismatic Lens

86 0.77 2,012.4 $273.69 9 0 No Change 0 0.00 0 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 0.00 0 $0.00 0.00

232.21 Classroom C15 2600 12 32x4, 3 Lamp, 32w T8, Elect.

Ballast, Recessed Mnt., Prismatic Lens

86 1.03 2,683.2 $364.92 12 0 No Change 0 0.00 0 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 0.00 0 $0.00 0.00

612 Custodial Closet 1200 1 1 Pendant Mnt., 100w A19 Lamp 100 0.10 120.0 $16.32 1 1 (1) 26w CFL Lamp 26 0.03 31.2 $4.24 $20.00 $20.00 0.07 88.8 $12.08 1.66

221.31 Library 3000 48 21x4, 2 Lamp, 32w 700 Series T8, Elect. Ballast, Pendant

Mnt., Prismatic Lens62 2.98 8,928.0 $1,214.21 48 2 No Change 0 0.00 0 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 0.00 0 $0.00 0.00

221.11 C26 Office 3000 4 21x4, 2 Lamp, 32w

FO32/735/ECO, Elect. Ballast, Surface Mnt., Prismatic Lens

62 0.25 744.0 $101.18 4 0 No Change 0 0.00 0 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 0.00 0 $0.00 0.00

Page 93: COVER SHEET- Brigantine Public School Audit Reports - October 2012 /Brigantine...Transformer $7,379 $42,000 $0 $42,000 5.7 Design / Construction Extras (15%) $175,247 $175,247 Total

Investment Grade Lighting Audit APPENDIX E4 of 29


CEG Fixture Yearly No. No. Fixture Fixt Total kWh/Yr Yearly No. No. Retro-Unit Watts Total kWh/Yr Yearly Unit Cost Total kW kWh/Yr Yearly Yearly SimpleType Location Usage Fixts Lamps Type Watts kW Fixtures $ Cost Fixts Lamps Description Used kW Fixtures $ Cost (INSTALLED) Cost Savings Savings $ Savings Payback

221.11 LDTC 3000 2 21x4, 2 Lamp, 32w

FO32/735/ECO, Elect. Ballast, Surface Mnt., Prismatic Lens

62 0.12 372.0 $50.59 2 0 No Change 0 0.00 0 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 0.00 0 $0.00 0.00

222.21 Classroom C14 2600 5 22x4, 2 Lamp, 32w

FO32/735/ECO, Elect. Ballast, Recessed Mnt., Prismatic Lens

62 0.31 806.0 $109.62 5 0 No Change 0 0.00 0 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 0.00 0 $0.00 0.00

232.21 Classroom C12 2600 9 32x4, 3 Lamp, 32w T8, Elect.

Ballast, Recessed Mnt., Prismatic Lens

86 0.77 2,012.4 $273.69 9 0 No Change 0 0.00 0 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 0.00 0 $0.00 0.00

232.21 Classroom C11 2600 9 32x4, 3 Lamp, 32w T8, Elect.

Ballast, Recessed Mnt., Prismatic Lens

86 0.77 2,012.4 $273.69 9 0 No Change 0 0.00 0 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 0.00 0 $0.00 0.00

232.21 Classroom C10 2600 9 32x4, 3 Lamp, 32w T8, Elect.

Ballast, Recessed Mnt., Prismatic Lens

86 0.77 2,012.4 $273.69 9 0 No Change 0 0.00 0 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 0.00 0 $0.00 0.00

232.21 Classroom C9 2600 9 32x4, 3 Lamp, 32w T8, Elect.

Ballast, Recessed Mnt., Prismatic Lens

86 0.77 2,012.4 $273.69 9 0 No Change 0 0.00 0 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 0.00 0 $0.00 0.00

232.21 Classroon C5 2600 9 32x4, 3 Lamp, 32w T8, Elect.

Ballast, Recessed Mnt., Prismatic Lens

86 0.77 2,012.4 $273.69 9 0 No Change 0 0.00 0 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 0.00 0 $0.00 0.00

222.21 Boy's Restroom 3000 2 22x4, 2 Lamp, 32w

FO32/735/ECO, Elect. Ballast, Recessed Mnt., Prismatic Lens

62 0.12 372.0 $50.59 2 0 No Change 0 0.00 0 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 0.00 0 $0.00 0.00

222.21 Girl's Restroom 3000 2 22x4, 2 Lamp, 32w

FO32/735/ECO, Elect. Ballast, Recessed Mnt., Prismatic Lens

62 0.12 372.0 $50.59 2 0 No Change 0 0.00 0 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 0.00 0 $0.00 0.00

232.21 Classroom C3 2600 9 32x4, 3 Lamp, 32w T8, Elect.

Ballast, Recessed Mnt., Prismatic Lens

86 0.77 2,012.4 $273.69 9 0 No Change 0 0.00 0 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 0.00 0 $0.00 0.00

232.21 Classroom C1 2600 9 32x4, 3 Lamp, 32w T8, Elect.

Ballast, Recessed Mnt., Prismatic Lens

86 0.77 2,012.4 $273.69 9 0 No Change 0 0.00 0 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 0.00 0 $0.00 0.00

242.21 Faculty Room A7 3000 12 42x4, 4 Lamp, 32w

FO32/735/ECO, Elect. Ballast, Recessed Mnt., Prismatic Lens

107 1.28 3,852.0 $523.87 12 0 No Change 0 0.00 0 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 0.00 0 $0.00 0.00

221.11 Classroom A6 2600 38 21x4, 2 Lamp, 32w

FO32/735/ECO, Elect. Ballast, Surface Mnt., Prismatic Lens

62 2.36 6,125.6 $833.08 38 0 No Change 0 0.00 0 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 0.00 0 $0.00 0.00

221.14 A10 Storage 1200 2 2 1x4, 2 Lamp, 32w T8, Elect. Ballast, Surface Mnt., No Lens 58 0.12 139.2 $18.93 2 0 No Change 0 0.00 0 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 0.00 0 $0.00 0.00

769 Gym A1 2600 24 1 400w MH, Clear Lens 465 11.16 29,016.0 $3,946.18 24 6 2x4 54w T5HO 6 Lamp w/Prismatic Lens 354 8.50 22089.6 $3,004.19 $300.00 $7,200.00 2.66 6926.4 $941.99 7.64

222.21 Gym Office - Boy's 2600 2 22x4, 2 Lamp, 32w

FO32/735/ECO, Elect. Ballast, Recessed Mnt., Prismatic Lens

62 0.12 322.4 $43.85 2 0 No Change 0 0.00 0 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 0.00 0 $0.00 0.00

3011 Gym Office Restroom 800 1 2 Wall Mount Vanity Light, (2) 60w A19 Lamps 120 0.12 96.0 $13.06 1 2 13w CFL Lamp 26 0.03 20.8 $2.83 $30.00 $30.00 0.09 75.2 $10.23 2.93

222.21 Gym Office - Girl's 2600 2 22x4, 2 Lamp, 32w

FO32/735/ECO, Elect. Ballast, Recessed Mnt., Prismatic Lens

62 0.12 322.4 $43.85 2 0 No Change 0 0.00 0 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 0.00 0 $0.00 0.00

3011 Gym office Restroom 800 1 2 Wall Mount Vanity Light, (2) 60w A19 Lamps 120 0.12 96.0 $13.06 1 2 13w CFL Lamp 26 0.03 20.8 $2.83 $30.00 $30.00 0.09 75.2 $10.23 2.93

Page 94: COVER SHEET- Brigantine Public School Audit Reports - October 2012 /Brigantine...Transformer $7,379 $42,000 $0 $42,000 5.7 Design / Construction Extras (15%) $175,247 $175,247 Total

Investment Grade Lighting Audit APPENDIX E5 of 29


CEG Fixture Yearly No. No. Fixture Fixt Total kWh/Yr Yearly No. No. Retro-Unit Watts Total kWh/Yr Yearly Unit Cost Total kW kWh/Yr Yearly Yearly SimpleType Location Usage Fixts Lamps Type Watts kW Fixtures $ Cost Fixts Lamps Description Used kW Fixtures $ Cost (INSTALLED) Cost Savings Savings $ Savings Payback

221.11 Classroom A9 2600 12 21x4, 2 Lamp, 32w

FO32/735/ECO, Elect. Ballast, Surface Mnt., Prismatic Lens

62 0.74 1,934.4 $263.08 12 0 No Change 0 0.00 0 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 0.00 0 $0.00 0.00

221.11 Classroom B2 2600 24 21x4, 2 Lamp, 32w

FO32/735/ECO, Elect. Ballast, Surface Mnt., Prismatic Lens

62 1.49 3,868.8 $526.16 24 0 No Change 0 0.00 0 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 0.00 0 $0.00 0.00

221.11 Classroom B1 2600 24 21x4, 2 Lamp, 32w

FO32/735/ECO, Elect. Ballast, Surface Mnt., Prismatic Lens

62 1.49 3,868.8 $526.16 24 0 No Change 0 0.00 0 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 0.00 0 $0.00 0.00

221.11 Girl's Locker Room 2600 17 21x4, 2 Lamp, 32w

FO32/735/ECO, Elect. Ballast, Surface Mnt., Prismatic Lens

62 1.05 2,740.4 $372.69 17 0 No Change 0 0.00 0 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 0.00 0 $0.00 0.00

221.11 Boy's Locker Room 2600 17 21x4, 2 Lamp, 32w

FO32/735/ECO, Elect. Ballast, Surface Mnt., Prismatic Lens

62 1.05 2,740.4 $372.69 17 0 No Change 0 0.00 0 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 0.00 0 $0.00 0.00

227.21 Gym Lobby 3000 17 22x2, 2 Lamp, 31w T8, Elect.

Ballast, Recessed Mnt., Prismatic Lens

65 1.11 3,315.0 $450.84 17 0 No Change 0 0.00 0 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 0.00 0 $0.00 0.00

624.1 Auditorium 2600 46 1 Recessed Auditorium Light, 300w Quartz Lamp 300 13.80 35,880.0 $4,879.68 46 1 100w LED AltLed RO2 Series

Recessed 100 4.60 11960 $1,626.56 $750.00 $34,500.00 9.20 23920 $3,253.12 10.61

802 Stage 1200 10 1 150w R40 Pendant Mount 150 1.50 1,800.0 $244.80 10 0 No Change 0 0.00 0 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 0.00 0 $0.00 0.00

222.21 Classroom B12 2600 20 22x4, 2 Lamp, 32w

FO32/735/ECO, Elect. Ballast, Recessed Mnt., Prismatic Lens

62 1.24 3,224.0 $438.46 20 0 No Change 0 0.00 0 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 0.00 0 $0.00 0.00

612 B17 Receiving 3000 3 1 Pendant Mnt., 100w A19 Lamp 100 0.30 900.0 $122.40 3 1 (1) 26w CFL Lamp 26 0.08 234 $31.82 $20.00 $60.00 0.22 666 $90.58 0.66

221.11 B18 Boiler Room 3000 8 21x4, 2 Lamp, 32w

FO32/735/ECO, Elect. Ballast, Surface Mnt., Prismatic Lens

62 0.50 1,488.0 $202.37 8 0 No Change 0 0.00 0 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 0.00 0 $0.00 0.00

745 Cafeteria 3000 18 1 250w MH Down Light w/Prismatic Lens 295 5.31 15,930.0 $2,166.48 18 6 2x4, 6 Lamp, 32w T8, Elect.

Ballast, Lo Bay 168 3.02 9072 $1,233.79 $220.00 $3,960.00 2.29 6858 $932.69 4.25

221.21 Kitchen 3000 24 21x4, 2 Lamp, 32w 700 Series T8, Elect. Ballast, Recessed

Mnt., Prismatic Lens62 1.49 4,464.0 $607.10 24 2 No Change 0 0.00 0 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 0.00 0 $0.00 0.00

617 Kitchen Hood 3000 6 1 Hood Light w/Globe & Cage, 100w A Lamp 100 0.60 1,800.0 $244.80 6 1 26w CFL Lamp 26 0.16 468 $63.65 $20.00 $120.00 0.44 1332 $181.15 0.66

BOA Offices 3000

227.21 Girl's Restroom 3000 3 22x2, 2 Lamp, 31w T8, Elect.

Ballast, Recessed Mnt., Prismatic Lens

65 0.20 585.0 $79.56 3 0 No Change 0 0.00 0 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 0.00 0 $0.00 0.00

227.21 Boy's Restroom 3000 3 22x2, 2 Lamp, 31w T8, Elect.

Ballast, Recessed Mnt., Prismatic Lens

65 0.20 585.0 $79.56 3 0 No Change 0 0.00 0 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 0.00 0 $0.00 0.00

222.21 Business Office B19 3000 7 22x4, 2 Lamp, 32w

FO32/735/ECO, Elect. Ballast, Recessed Mnt., Prismatic Lens

62 0.43 1,302.0 $177.07 7 0 No Change 0 0.00 0 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 0.00 0 $0.00 0.00

3011 Business Office B19 Restroom 1200 1 2 Wall Mount Vanity Light, (2)

60w A19 Lamps 120 0.12 144.0 $19.58 1 2 13w CFL Lamp 26 0.03 31.2 $4.24 $30.00 $30.00 0.09 112.8 $15.34 1.96

222.21 Business Office 3000 6 22x4, 2 Lamp, 32w

FO32/735/ECO, Elect. Ballast, Recessed Mnt., Prismatic Lens

62 0.37 1,116.0 $151.78 6 0 No Change 0 0.00 0 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 0.00 0 $0.00 0.00

3011 Business Office Restroom 1200 1 2 Wall Mount Vanity Light, (2)

60w A19 Lamps 120 0.12 144.0 $19.58 1 2 13w CFL Lamp 26 0.03 31.2 $4.24 $30.00 $30.00 0.09 112.8 $15.34 1.96

Page 95: COVER SHEET- Brigantine Public School Audit Reports - October 2012 /Brigantine...Transformer $7,379 $42,000 $0 $42,000 5.7 Design / Construction Extras (15%) $175,247 $175,247 Total

Investment Grade Lighting Audit APPENDIX E6 of 29


CEG Fixture Yearly No. No. Fixture Fixt Total kWh/Yr Yearly No. No. Retro-Unit Watts Total kWh/Yr Yearly Unit Cost Total kW kWh/Yr Yearly Yearly SimpleType Location Usage Fixts Lamps Type Watts kW Fixtures $ Cost Fixts Lamps Description Used kW Fixtures $ Cost (INSTALLED) Cost Savings Savings $ Savings Payback

222.21 Conference Room 3000 7 22x4, 2 Lamp, 32w

FO32/735/ECO, Elect. Ballast, Recessed Mnt., Prismatic Lens

62 0.43 1,302.0 $177.07 7 0 No Change 0 0.00 0 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 0.00 0 $0.00 0.00

222.21 Reception 3000 7 22x4, 2 Lamp, 32w

FO32/735/ECO, Elect. Ballast, Recessed Mnt., Prismatic Lens

62 0.43 1,302.0 $177.07 7 0 No Change 0 0.00 0 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 0.00 0 $0.00 0.00

3011 Reception Restroom 1200 1 2 Wall Mount Vanity Light, (2) 60w A19 Lamps 120 0.12 144.0 $19.58 1 2 13w CFL Lamp 26 0.03 31.2 $4.24 $30.00 $30.00 0.09 112.8 $15.34 1.96

222.21 Office 3000 6 22x4, 2 Lamp, 32w

FO32/735/ECO, Elect. Ballast, Recessed Mnt., Prismatic Lens

62 0.37 1,116.0 $151.78 6 0 No Change 0 0.00 0 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 0.00 0 $0.00 0.00

227.21 Girl's Restroom 3000 3 22x2, 2 Lamp, 31w T8, Elect.

Ballast, Recessed Mnt., Prismatic Lens

65 0.20 585.0 $79.56 3 0 No Change 0 0.00 0 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 0.00 0 $0.00 0.00

227.21 Boy's Restroom 2600 3 22x2, 2 Lamp, 31w T8, Elect.

Ballast, Recessed Mnt., Prismatic Lens

65 0.20 507.0 $68.95 3 0 No Change 0 0.00 0 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 0.00 0 $0.00 0.00

132.22 Classroom 243 2600 6 32x4, 3-Lamp, 34w T12, Mag.

Ballast, Recessed Mnt., Parabolic Lens

127 0.76 1,981.2 $269.44 6 2 2 Lamp, 32w T8, Elect. Ballast, Specular Reflector; retrofit 58 0.35 904.8 $123.05 $100.00 $600.00 0.41 1076.4 $146.39 4.10

142.22 Classroom 244 2600 9 42x4, 4 Lamp, 34w T12, Mag.

Ballast, Recessed Mnt., Parabolic Lens

156 1.40 3,650.4 $496.45 9 3 3 Lamp , 32w T8, Elect. Ballast, Specular Reflector; retrofit 86 0.77 2012.4 $273.69 $100.00 $900.00 0.63 1638 $222.77 4.04

121.22 Classroom 244 2600 3 21x4, 2-Lamp, 34w T12, Mag.

Ballast, Recessed Mnt., Parabolic Lens

78 0.23 608.4 $82.74 3 2 2 Lamp, 32w T8, Elect. Ballast; retrofit 58 0.17 452.4 $61.53 $80.00 $240.00 0.06 156 $21.22 11.31

142.22 Classroom 245 2600 9 42x4, 4 Lamp, 34w T12, Mag.

Ballast, Recessed Mnt., Parabolic Lens

156 1.40 3,650.4 $496.45 9 3 3 Lamp , 32w T8, Elect. Ballast, Specular Reflector; retrofit 86 0.77 2012.4 $273.69 $100.00 $900.00 0.63 1638 $222.77 4.04

121.11 Classroom 245 2600 3 21x4, 2-Lamp, 34w T12, Mag.

Ballast, Surface Mnt., Prismatic Lens

78 0.23 608.4 $82.74 3 2 2 Lamp, 32w T8, Elect. Ballast; retrofit 58 0.17 452.4 $61.53 $100.00 $300.00 0.06 156 $21.22 14.14

142.22 Classroom 246 2600 9 42x4, 4 Lamp, 34w T12, Mag.

Ballast, Recessed Mnt., Parabolic Lens

156 1.40 3,650.4 $496.45 9 3 3 Lamp , 32w T8, Elect. Ballast, Specular Reflector; retrofit 86 0.77 2012.4 $273.69 $100.00 $900.00 0.63 1638 $222.77 4.04

121.11 Classroom 246 2600 2 21x4, 2-Lamp, 34w T12, Mag.

Ballast, Surface Mnt., Prismatic Lens

78 0.16 405.6 $55.16 2 2 2 Lamp, 32w T8, Elect. Ballast; retrofit 58 0.12 301.6 $41.02 $100.00 $200.00 0.04 104 $14.14 14.14

142.22 Classroom 247 2600 9 42x4, 4 Lamp, 34w T12, Mag.

Ballast, Recessed Mnt., Parabolic Lens

156 1.40 3,650.4 $496.45 9 3 3 Lamp , 32w T8, Elect. Ballast, Specular Reflector; retrofit 86 0.77 2012.4 $273.69 $100.00 $900.00 0.63 1638 $222.77 4.04

121.11 Classroom 247 2600 3 21x4, 2-Lamp, 34w T12, Mag.

Ballast, Surface Mnt., Prismatic Lens

78 0.23 608.4 $82.74 3 2 2 Lamp, 32w T8, Elect. Ballast; retrofit 58 0.17 452.4 $61.53 $100.00 $300.00 0.06 156 $21.22 14.14

142.22 Classroom 248 2600 9 42x4, 4 Lamp, 34w T12, Mag.

Ballast, Recessed Mnt., Parabolic Lens

156 1.40 3,650.4 $496.45 9 3 3 Lamp , 32w T8, Elect. Ballast, Specular Reflector; retrofit 86 0.77 2012.4 $273.69 $100.00 $900.00 0.63 1638 $222.77 4.04

221.22 Classroom 248 2600 3 21x4, 2 Lamp, 32w 700 Series T8, Elect. Ballast, Recessed

Mnt., Parabolic Lens62 0.19 483.6 $65.77 3 2 No Change 0 0.00 0 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 0.00 0 $0.00 0.00

142.22 Classroom 249 2600 9 42x4, 4 Lamp, 34w T12, Mag.

Ballast, Recessed Mnt., Parabolic Lens

156 1.40 3,650.4 $496.45 9 3 3 Lamp , 32w T8, Elect. Ballast, Specular Reflector; retrofit 86 0.77 2012.4 $273.69 $100.00 $900.00 0.63 1638 $222.77 4.04

121.22 Classroom 249 2600 3 21x4, 2-Lamp, 34w T12, Mag.

Ballast, Recessed Mnt., Parabolic Lens

78 0.23 608.4 $82.74 3 2 2 Lamp, 32w T8, Elect. Ballast; retrofit 58 0.17 452.4 $61.53 $80.00 $240.00 0.06 156 $21.22 11.31

142.22 Classroom 250 2600 9 42x4, 4 Lamp, 34w T12, Mag.

Ballast, Recessed Mnt., Parabolic Lens

156 1.40 3,650.4 $496.45 9 3 3 Lamp , 32w T8, Elect. Ballast, Specular Reflector; retrofit 86 0.77 2012.4 $273.69 $100.00 $900.00 0.63 1638 $222.77 4.04

Page 96: COVER SHEET- Brigantine Public School Audit Reports - October 2012 /Brigantine...Transformer $7,379 $42,000 $0 $42,000 5.7 Design / Construction Extras (15%) $175,247 $175,247 Total

Investment Grade Lighting Audit APPENDIX E7 of 29


CEG Fixture Yearly No. No. Fixture Fixt Total kWh/Yr Yearly No. No. Retro-Unit Watts Total kWh/Yr Yearly Unit Cost Total kW kWh/Yr Yearly Yearly SimpleType Location Usage Fixts Lamps Type Watts kW Fixtures $ Cost Fixts Lamps Description Used kW Fixtures $ Cost (INSTALLED) Cost Savings Savings $ Savings Payback

121.22 Classroom 250 2600 2 21x4, 2-Lamp, 34w T12, Mag.

Ballast, Recessed Mnt., Parabolic Lens

78 0.16 405.6 $55.16 2 2 2 Lamp, 32w T8, Elect. Ballast; retrofit 58 0.12 301.6 $41.02 $80.00 $160.00 0.04 104 $14.14 11.31

142.22 Classroom 201 2600 8 42x4, 4 Lamp, 34w T12, Mag.

Ballast, Recessed Mnt., Parabolic Lens

156 1.25 3,244.8 $441.29 8 3 3 Lamp , 32w T8, Elect. Ballast, Specular Reflector; retrofit 86 0.69 1788.8 $243.28 $100.00 $800.00 0.56 1456 $198.02 4.04

121.22 Classroom 201 2600 3 21x4, 2-Lamp, 34w T12, Mag.

Ballast, Recessed Mnt., Parabolic Lens

78 0.23 608.4 $82.74 3 2 2 Lamp, 32w T8, Elect. Ballast; retrofit 58 0.17 452.4 $61.53 $80.00 $240.00 0.06 156 $21.22 11.31

121.21 Classroom 201 Restroom 1200 1 2

1x4, 2-Lamp, 34w T12, Mag. Ballast, Recessed Mnt.,

Prismatic Lens78 0.08 93.6 $12.73 1 2 2 Lamp, 32w T8, Elect. Ballast;

retrofit 58 0.06 69.6 $9.47 $80.00 $80.00 0.02 24 $3.26 24.51

121.21 Storage 1200 1 21x4, 2-Lamp, 34w T12, Mag.

Ballast, Recessed Mnt., Prismatic Lens

78 0.08 93.6 $12.73 1 2 2 Lamp, 32w T8, Elect. Ballast; retrofit 58 0.06 69.6 $9.47 $80.00 $80.00 0.02 24 $3.26 24.51

142.22 Classroom 202 2600 9 42x4, 4 Lamp, 34w T12, Mag.

Ballast, Recessed Mnt., Parabolic Lens

156 1.40 3,650.4 $496.45 9 3 3 Lamp , 32w T8, Elect. Ballast, Specular Reflector; retrofit 86 0.77 2012.4 $273.69 $100.00 $900.00 0.63 1638 $222.77 4.04

121.22 Classroom 202 1200 2 21x4, 2-Lamp, 34w T12, Mag.

Ballast, Recessed Mnt., Parabolic Lens

78 0.16 187.2 $25.46 2 2 2 Lamp, 32w T8, Elect. Ballast; retrofit 58 0.12 139.2 $18.93 $80.00 $160.00 0.04 48 $6.53 24.51

142.22 Classroom 203 2600 9 42x4, 4 Lamp, 34w T12, Mag.

Ballast, Recessed Mnt., Parabolic Lens

156 1.40 3,650.4 $496.45 9 3 3 Lamp , 32w T8, Elect. Ballast, Specular Reflector; retrofit 86 0.77 2012.4 $273.69 $100.00 $900.00 0.63 1638 $222.77 4.04

121.22 Classroom 203 1200 2 21x4, 2-Lamp, 34w T12, Mag.

Ballast, Recessed Mnt., Parabolic Lens

78 0.16 187.2 $25.46 2 2 2 Lamp, 32w T8, Elect. Ballast; retrofit 58 0.12 139.2 $18.93 $80.00 $160.00 0.04 48 $6.53 24.51

142.22 Classtoom 204 Storage 2600 9 4

2x4, 4 Lamp, 34w T12, Mag. Ballast, Recessed Mnt.,

Parabolic Lens156 1.40 3,650.4 $496.45 9 3 3 Lamp , 32w T8, Elect. Ballast,

Specular Reflector; retrofit 86 0.77 2012.4 $273.69 $100.00 $900.00 0.63 1638 $222.77 4.04

121.22 Classtoom 204 Storage 1200 2 2

1x4, 2-Lamp, 34w T12, Mag. Ballast, Recessed Mnt.,

Parabolic Lens78 0.16 187.2 $25.46 2 2 2 Lamp, 32w T8, Elect. Ballast;

retrofit 58 0.12 139.2 $18.93 $80.00 $160.00 0.04 48 $6.53 24.51

142.22 Classroom 205 2600 6 42x4, 4 Lamp, 34w T12, Mag.

Ballast, Recessed Mnt., Parabolic Lens

156 0.94 2,433.6 $330.97 6 3 3 Lamp , 32w T8, Elect. Ballast, Specular Reflector; retrofit 86 0.52 1341.6 $182.46 $100.00 $600.00 0.42 1092 $148.51 4.04

142.22 Classroom 206 2600 9 42x4, 4 Lamp, 34w T12, Mag.

Ballast, Recessed Mnt., Parabolic Lens

156 1.40 3,650.4 $496.45 9 3 3 Lamp , 32w T8, Elect. Ballast, Specular Reflector; retrofit 86 0.77 2012.4 $273.69 $100.00 $900.00 0.63 1638 $222.77 4.04

121.22 Classroom 206 1200 2 21x4, 2-Lamp, 34w T12, Mag.

Ballast, Recessed Mnt., Parabolic Lens

78 0.16 187.2 $25.46 2 2 2 Lamp, 32w T8, Elect. Ballast; retrofit 58 0.12 139.2 $18.93 $80.00 $160.00 0.04 48 $6.53 24.51

142.22 Classroom 207 2600 9 42x4, 4 Lamp, 34w T12, Mag.

Ballast, Recessed Mnt., Parabolic Lens

156 1.40 3,650.4 $496.45 9 3 3 Lamp , 32w T8, Elect. Ballast, Specular Reflector; retrofit 86 0.77 2012.4 $273.69 $100.00 $900.00 0.63 1638 $222.77 4.04

121.22 Classroom 207 1200 2 21x4, 2-Lamp, 34w T12, Mag.

Ballast, Recessed Mnt., Parabolic Lens

78 0.16 187.2 $25.46 2 2 2 Lamp, 32w T8, Elect. Ballast; retrofit 58 0.12 139.2 $18.93 $80.00 $160.00 0.04 48 $6.53 24.51

142.22 Classroom 208 2600 9 42x4, 4 Lamp, 34w T12, Mag.

Ballast, Recessed Mnt., Parabolic Lens

156 1.40 3,650.4 $496.45 9 3 3 Lamp , 32w T8, Elect. Ballast, Specular Reflector; retrofit 86 0.77 2012.4 $273.69 $100.00 $900.00 0.63 1638 $222.77 4.04

121.22 Classroom 208 1200 2 21x4, 2-Lamp, 34w T12, Mag.

Ballast, Recessed Mnt., Parabolic Lens

78 0.16 187.2 $25.46 2 2 2 Lamp, 32w T8, Elect. Ballast; retrofit 58 0.12 139.2 $18.93 $80.00 $160.00 0.04 48 $6.53 24.51

142.22 Classroom 209 2600 8 42x4, 4 Lamp, 34w T12, Mag.

Ballast, Recessed Mnt., Parabolic Lens

156 1.25 3,244.8 $441.29 8 3 3 Lamp , 32w T8, Elect. Ballast, Specular Reflector; retrofit 86 0.69 1788.8 $243.28 $100.00 $800.00 0.56 1456 $198.02 4.04

121.22 Classroom 209 1200 3 21x4, 2-Lamp, 34w T12, Mag.

Ballast, Recessed Mnt., Parabolic Lens

78 0.23 280.8 $38.19 3 2 2 Lamp, 32w T8, Elect. Ballast; retrofit 58 0.17 208.8 $28.40 $80.00 $240.00 0.06 72 $9.79 24.51

132.22 Classroom 210 2600 10 32x4, 3-Lamp, 34w T12, Mag.

Ballast, Recessed Mnt., Parabolic Lens

127 1.27 3,302.0 $449.07 10 2 2 Lamp, 32w T8, Elect. Ballast, Specular Reflector; retrofit 58 0.58 1508 $205.09 $100.00 $1,000.00 0.69 1794 $243.98 4.10

211 Storage 1200

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Investment Grade Lighting Audit APPENDIX E8 of 29


CEG Fixture Yearly No. No. Fixture Fixt Total kWh/Yr Yearly No. No. Retro-Unit Watts Total kWh/Yr Yearly Unit Cost Total kW kWh/Yr Yearly Yearly SimpleType Location Usage Fixts Lamps Type Watts kW Fixtures $ Cost Fixts Lamps Description Used kW Fixtures $ Cost (INSTALLED) Cost Savings Savings $ Savings Payback

121.21 212 Custodial Closet 1200 1 21x4, 2-Lamp, 34w T12, Mag.

Ballast, Recessed Mnt., Prismatic Lens

78 0.08 93.6 $12.73 1 2 2 Lamp, 32w T8, Elect. Ballast; retrofit 58 0.06 69.6 $9.47 $80.00 $80.00 0.02 24 $3.26 24.51

131.22 SGI 213 2600 10 31x4, 3-Lamp, 34w T12, Mag.

Ballast, Recessed Mnt., Parabolic Lens

127 1.27 3,302.0 $449.07 10 2 2 Lamp, 32w T8, Elect. Ballast; retrofit 58 0.58 1508 $205.09 $100.00 $1,000.00 0.69 1794 $243.98 4.10

142.22 Classroom 214 2600 8 42x4, 4 Lamp, 34w T12, Mag.

Ballast, Recessed Mnt., Parabolic Lens

156 1.25 3,244.8 $441.29 8 3 3 Lamp , 32w T8, Elect. Ballast, Specular Reflector; retrofit 86 0.69 1788.8 $243.28 $100.00 $800.00 0.56 1456 $198.02 4.04

121.22 Classroom 214 2600 3 21x4, 2-Lamp, 34w T12, Mag.

Ballast, Recessed Mnt., Parabolic Lens

78 0.23 608.4 $82.74 3 2 2 Lamp, 32w T8, Elect. Ballast; retrofit 58 0.17 452.4 $61.53 $80.00 $240.00 0.06 156 $21.22 11.31

121.21 Boy's Restroom 2600 11 21x4, 2-Lamp, 34w T12, Mag.

Ballast, Recessed Mnt., Prismatic Lens

78 0.86 2,230.8 $303.39 11 2 2 Lamp, 32w T8, Elect. Ballast; retrofit 58 0.64 1658.8 $225.60 $80.00 $880.00 0.22 572 $77.79 11.31

121.21 Girl's Restroom 2600 12 21x4, 2-Lamp, 34w T12, Mag.

Ballast, Recessed Mnt., Prismatic Lens

78 0.94 2,433.6 $330.97 12 2 2 Lamp, 32w T8, Elect. Ballast; retrofit 58 0.70 1809.6 $246.11 $80.00 $960.00 0.24 624 $84.86 11.31

142.22 Classroom 224 2600 17 42x4, 4 Lamp, 34w T12, Mag.

Ballast, Recessed Mnt., Parabolic Lens

156 2.65 6,895.2 $937.75 17 3 3 Lamp , 32w T8, Elect. Ballast, Specular Reflector; retrofit 86 1.46 3801.2 $516.96 $100.00 $1,700.00 1.19 3094 $420.78 4.04

132.22 Classroom 224 Storage 1200 2 3

2x4, 3-Lamp, 34w T12, Mag. Ballast, Recessed Mnt.,

Parabolic Lens127 0.25 304.8 $41.45 2 2 2 Lamp, 32w T8, Elect. Ballast,

Specular Reflector; retrofit 58 0.12 139.2 $18.93 $100.00 $200.00 0.14 165.6 $22.52 8.88

142.22 Classroom 223 2600 9 42x4, 4 Lamp, 34w T12, Mag.

Ballast, Recessed Mnt., Parabolic Lens

156 1.40 3,650.4 $496.45 9 3 3 Lamp , 32w T8, Elect. Ballast, Specular Reflector; retrofit 86 0.77 2012.4 $273.69 $100.00 $900.00 0.63 1638 $222.77 4.04

121.22 Classroom 223 Restroom 1200 1 2

1x4, 2-Lamp, 34w T12, Mag. Ballast, Recessed Mnt.,

Parabolic Lens78 0.08 93.6 $12.73 1 2 2 Lamp, 32w T8, Elect. Ballast;

retrofit 58 0.06 69.6 $9.47 $80.00 $80.00 0.02 24 $3.26 24.51

142.22 Classroom 222 2600 9 42x4, 4 Lamp, 34w T12, Mag.

Ballast, Recessed Mnt., Parabolic Lens

156 1.40 3,650.4 $496.45 9 3 3 Lamp , 32w T8, Elect. Ballast, Specular Reflector; retrofit 86 0.77 2012.4 $273.69 $100.00 $900.00 0.63 1638 $222.77 4.04

121.22 Classroom 222 2600 3 21x4, 2-Lamp, 34w T12, Mag.

Ballast, Recessed Mnt., Parabolic Lens

78 0.23 608.4 $82.74 3 2 2 Lamp, 32w T8, Elect. Ballast; retrofit 58 0.17 452.4 $61.53 $80.00 $240.00 0.06 156 $21.22 11.31

142.22 Classroom 221 2600 9 42x4, 4 Lamp, 34w T12, Mag.

Ballast, Recessed Mnt., Parabolic Lens

156 1.40 3,650.4 $496.45 9 3 3 Lamp , 32w T8, Elect. Ballast, Specular Reflector; retrofit 86 0.77 2012.4 $273.69 $100.00 $900.00 0.63 1638 $222.77 4.04

121.22 Classroom 221 2600 3 21x4, 2-Lamp, 34w T12, Mag.

Ballast, Recessed Mnt., Parabolic Lens

78 0.23 608.4 $82.74 3 2 2 Lamp, 32w T8, Elect. Ballast; retrofit 58 0.17 452.4 $61.53 $80.00 $240.00 0.06 156 $21.22 11.31

142.22 Classroom 220 2600 9 42x4, 4 Lamp, 34w T12, Mag.

Ballast, Recessed Mnt., Parabolic Lens

156 1.40 3,650.4 $496.45 9 3 3 Lamp , 32w T8, Elect. Ballast, Specular Reflector; retrofit 86 0.77 2012.4 $273.69 $100.00 $900.00 0.63 1638 $222.77 4.04

121.22 Classroom 220 2600 3 21x4, 2-Lamp, 34w T12, Mag.

Ballast, Recessed Mnt., Parabolic Lens

78 0.23 608.4 $82.74 3 2 2 Lamp, 32w T8, Elect. Ballast; retrofit 58 0.17 452.4 $61.53 $80.00 $240.00 0.06 156 $21.22 11.31

142.22 Classroom 219 2600 9 42x4, 4 Lamp, 34w T12, Mag.

Ballast, Recessed Mnt., Parabolic Lens

156 1.40 3,650.4 $496.45 9 3 3 Lamp , 32w T8, Elect. Ballast, Specular Reflector; retrofit 86 0.77 2012.4 $273.69 $100.00 $900.00 0.63 1638 $222.77 4.04

121.22 Classroom 219 2600 3 21x4, 2-Lamp, 34w T12, Mag.

Ballast, Recessed Mnt., Parabolic Lens

78 0.23 608.4 $82.74 3 2 2 Lamp, 32w T8, Elect. Ballast; retrofit 58 0.17 452.4 $61.53 $80.00 $240.00 0.06 156 $21.22 11.31

142.22 Classroom 218 2600 9 42x4, 4 Lamp, 34w T12, Mag.

Ballast, Recessed Mnt., Parabolic Lens

156 1.40 3,650.4 $496.45 9 3 3 Lamp , 32w T8, Elect. Ballast, Specular Reflector; retrofit 86 0.77 2012.4 $273.69 $100.00 $900.00 0.63 1638 $222.77 4.04

121.22 Classroom 218 2600 3 21x4, 2-Lamp, 34w T12, Mag.

Ballast, Recessed Mnt., Parabolic Lens

78 0.23 608.4 $82.74 3 2 2 Lamp, 32w T8, Elect. Ballast; retrofit 58 0.17 452.4 $61.53 $80.00 $240.00 0.06 156 $21.22 11.31

142.22 Classroom 217 2600 9 42x4, 4 Lamp, 34w T12, Mag.

Ballast, Recessed Mnt., Parabolic Lens

156 1.40 3,650.4 $496.45 9 3 3 Lamp , 32w T8, Elect. Ballast, Specular Reflector; retrofit 86 0.77 2012.4 $273.69 $100.00 $900.00 0.63 1638 $222.77 4.04

Page 98: COVER SHEET- Brigantine Public School Audit Reports - October 2012 /Brigantine...Transformer $7,379 $42,000 $0 $42,000 5.7 Design / Construction Extras (15%) $175,247 $175,247 Total

Investment Grade Lighting Audit APPENDIX E9 of 29


CEG Fixture Yearly No. No. Fixture Fixt Total kWh/Yr Yearly No. No. Retro-Unit Watts Total kWh/Yr Yearly Unit Cost Total kW kWh/Yr Yearly Yearly SimpleType Location Usage Fixts Lamps Type Watts kW Fixtures $ Cost Fixts Lamps Description Used kW Fixtures $ Cost (INSTALLED) Cost Savings Savings $ Savings Payback

121.22 Classroom 217 2600 3 21x4, 2-Lamp, 34w T12, Mag.

Ballast, Recessed Mnt., Parabolic Lens

78 0.23 608.4 $82.74 3 2 2 Lamp, 32w T8, Elect. Ballast; retrofit 58 0.17 452.4 $61.53 $80.00 $240.00 0.06 156 $21.22 11.31

142.22 Classroom 216 2600 9 42x4, 4 Lamp, 34w T12, Mag.

Ballast, Recessed Mnt., Parabolic Lens

156 1.40 3,650.4 $496.45 9 3 3 Lamp , 32w T8, Elect. Ballast, Specular Reflector; retrofit 86 0.77 2012.4 $273.69 $100.00 $900.00 0.63 1638 $222.77 4.04

121.22 Classroom 216 2600 3 21x4, 2-Lamp, 34w T12, Mag.

Ballast, Recessed Mnt., Parabolic Lens

78 0.23 608.4 $82.74 3 2 2 Lamp, 32w T8, Elect. Ballast; retrofit 58 0.17 452.4 $61.53 $80.00 $240.00 0.06 156 $21.22 11.31

142.22 Classroom 215 2600 6 42x4, 4 Lamp, 34w T12, Mag.

Ballast, Recessed Mnt., Parabolic Lens

156 0.94 2,433.6 $330.97 6 3 3 Lamp , 32w T8, Elect. Ballast, Specular Reflector; retrofit 86 0.52 1341.6 $182.46 $100.00 $600.00 0.42 1092 $148.51 4.04

142.22 Classroom 228 2600 8 42x4, 4 Lamp, 34w T12, Mag.

Ballast, Recessed Mnt., Parabolic Lens

156 1.25 3,244.8 $441.29 8 3 3 Lamp , 32w T8, Elect. Ballast, Specular Reflector; retrofit 86 0.69 1788.8 $243.28 $100.00 $800.00 0.56 1456 $198.02 4.04

121.22 Classroom 228 2600 2 21x4, 2-Lamp, 34w T12, Mag.

Ballast, Recessed Mnt., Parabolic Lens

78 0.16 405.6 $55.16 2 2 2 Lamp, 32w T8, Elect. Ballast; retrofit 58 0.12 301.6 $41.02 $80.00 $160.00 0.04 104 $14.14 11.31

142.22 Classroom 229 2600 8 42x4, 4 Lamp, 34w T12, Mag.

Ballast, Recessed Mnt., Parabolic Lens

156 1.25 3,244.8 $441.29 8 3 3 Lamp , 32w T8, Elect. Ballast, Specular Reflector; retrofit 86 0.69 1788.8 $243.28 $100.00 $800.00 0.56 1456 $198.02 4.04

121.22 Classroom 229 2600 4 21x4, 2-Lamp, 34w T12, Mag.

Ballast, Recessed Mnt., Parabolic Lens

78 0.31 811.2 $110.32 4 2 2 Lamp, 32w T8, Elect. Ballast; retrofit 58 0.23 603.2 $82.04 $80.00 $320.00 0.08 208 $28.29 11.31

142.22 Classroom 226 2600 5 42x4, 4 Lamp, 34w T12, Mag.

Ballast, Recessed Mnt., Parabolic Lens

156 0.78 2,028.0 $275.81 5 3 3 Lamp , 32w T8, Elect. Ballast, Specular Reflector; retrofit 86 0.43 1118 $152.05 $100.00 $500.00 0.35 910 $123.76 4.04

142.22 Classroom 225 2600 5 42x4, 4 Lamp, 34w T12, Mag.

Ballast, Recessed Mnt., Parabolic Lens

156 0.78 2,028.0 $275.81 5 3 3 Lamp , 32w T8, Elect. Ballast, Specular Reflector; retrofit 86 0.43 1118 $152.05 $100.00 $500.00 0.35 910 $123.76 4.04

127.22 232 Library 3000 6 2 2x2, 2 Lamp, 34w T12 U-Tube, Mag Ballast Recessed Mnt 60 0.36 1,080.0 $146.88 6 2 Reballast & Relamp to T8 30W

U Lamp Electronic Ballast 49 0.29 882 $119.95 $90.00 $540.00 0.07 198 $26.93 20.05

560 232 Library 3000 3 1 Recessed Down Light, 26w CFL Lamp 26 0.08 234.0 $31.82 3 0 No Change 0 0.00 0 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 0.00 0 $0.00 0.00

121.14 232 Library 3000 30 2 1x4, 2-Lamp, 34w T12, Mag. Ballast, Surface Mnt., No Lens 78 2.34 7,020.0 $954.72 30 2 Reballast & Relamp; Sylvania

Lamp FO28/841/SS/ECO 50 1.50 4500 $612.00 $80.00 $2,400.00 0.84 2520 $342.72 7.00

738.1 232 Library 3000 16 1 175w MH Uplight 210 3.36 10,080.0 $1,370.88 16 1 150w MH Energy Master Lamp; Venture Lighting 185 2.96 8880 $1,207.68 $30.00 $480.00 0.40 1200 $163.20 2.94

132.22 Library Office 2600 6 32x4, 3-Lamp, 34w T12, Mag.

Ballast, Recessed Mnt., Parabolic Lens

127 0.76 1,981.2 $269.44 6 2 2 Lamp, 32w T8, Elect. Ballast, Specular Reflector; retrofit 58 0.35 904.8 $123.05 $100.00 $600.00 0.41 1076.4 $146.39 4.10

560 Library Window Display 3000 4 1 Recessed Down Light, 26w

CFL Lamp 26 0.10 312.0 $42.43 4 0 No Change 0 0.00 0 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 0.00 0 $0.00 0.00

131.22 Classroom 231 2600 27 31x4, 3-Lamp, 34w T12, Mag.

Ballast, Recessed Mnt., Parabolic Lens

127 3.43 8,915.4 $1,212.49 27 2 2 Lamp, 32w T8, Elect. Ballast; retrofit 58 1.57 4071.6 $553.74 $100.00 $2,700.00 1.86 4843.8 $658.76 4.10

131.22 Classroom 231 Storage 1200 3 3

1x4, 3-Lamp, 34w T12, Mag. Ballast, Recessed Mnt.,

Parabolic Lens127 0.38 457.2 $62.18 3 2 2 Lamp, 32w T8, Elect. Ballast;

retrofit 58 0.17 208.8 $28.40 $100.00 $300.00 0.21 248.4 $33.78 8.88

122.21 A/V 3000 2 22x4, 2-Lamp, 34w T12, Mag.

Ballast, Recessed Mnt., Prismatic Lens

78 0.16 468.0 $63.65 2 2 Reballast & Relamp; Sylvania Lamp FO28/841/SS/ECO 50 0.10 300 $40.80 $80.00 $160.00 0.06 168 $22.85 7.00

132.22 A/V Office 3000 2 32x4, 3-Lamp, 34w T12, Mag.

Ballast, Recessed Mnt., Parabolic Lens

127 0.25 762.0 $103.63 2 2 2 Lamp, 32w T8, Elect. Ballast, Specular Reflector; retrofit 58 0.12 348 $47.33 $100.00 $200.00 0.14 414 $56.30 3.55

131.22 Studio 3000 8 31x4, 3-Lamp, 34w T12, Mag.

Ballast, Recessed Mnt., Parabolic Lens

127 1.02 3,048.0 $414.53 8 2 2 Lamp, 32w T8, Elect. Ballast; retrofit 58 0.46 1392 $189.31 $100.00 $800.00 0.55 1656 $225.22 3.55

131.22 Clasroom 101 2600 23 31x4, 3-Lamp, 34w T12, Mag.

Ballast, Recessed Mnt., Parabolic Lens

127 2.92 7,594.6 $1,032.87 23 2 2 Lamp, 32w T8, Elect. Ballast; retrofit 58 1.33 3468.4 $471.70 $100.00 $2,300.00 1.59 4126.2 $561.16 4.10

560 Classroom 101 Restroom 1200 1 1 Recessed Down Light, 26w

CFL Lamp 26 0.03 31.2 $4.24 1 0 No Change 0 0.00 0 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 0.00 0 $0.00 0.00

Page 99: COVER SHEET- Brigantine Public School Audit Reports - October 2012 /Brigantine...Transformer $7,379 $42,000 $0 $42,000 5.7 Design / Construction Extras (15%) $175,247 $175,247 Total

Investment Grade Lighting Audit APPENDIX E10 of 29


CEG Fixture Yearly No. No. Fixture Fixt Total kWh/Yr Yearly No. No. Retro-Unit Watts Total kWh/Yr Yearly Unit Cost Total kW kWh/Yr Yearly Yearly SimpleType Location Usage Fixts Lamps Type Watts kW Fixtures $ Cost Fixts Lamps Description Used kW Fixtures $ Cost (INSTALLED) Cost Savings Savings $ Savings Payback

131.22 Classroom 102 2600 19 31x4, 3-Lamp, 34w T12, Mag.

Ballast, Recessed Mnt., Parabolic Lens

127 2.41 6,273.8 $853.24 19 2 2 Lamp, 32w T8, Elect. Ballast; retrofit 58 1.10 2865.2 $389.67 $100.00 $1,900.00 1.31 3408.6 $463.57 4.10

560 Classroom 102 Restroom 1200 1 1 Recessed Down Light, 26w

CFL Lamp 26 0.03 31.2 $4.24 1 0 No Change 0 0.00 0 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 0.00 0 $0.00 0.00

131.22 Classroom 103 2600 19 31x4, 3-Lamp, 34w T12, Mag.

Ballast, Recessed Mnt., Parabolic Lens

127 2.41 6,273.8 $853.24 19 2 2 Lamp, 32w T8, Elect. Ballast; retrofit 58 1.10 2865.2 $389.67 $100.00 $1,900.00 1.31 3408.6 $463.57 4.10

560 Classroom 103 Restroom 1200 1 1 Recessed Down Light, 26w

CFL Lamp 26 0.03 31.2 $4.24 1 0 No Change 0 0.00 0 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 0.00 0 $0.00 0.00

131.22 Classtroom 104 2600 19 31x4, 3-Lamp, 34w T12, Mag.

Ballast, Recessed Mnt., Parabolic Lens

127 2.41 6,273.8 $853.24 19 2 2 Lamp, 32w T8, Elect. Ballast; retrofit 58 1.10 2865.2 $389.67 $100.00 $1,900.00 1.31 3408.6 $463.57 4.10

560 Classroom 104 Restroom 1200 1 1 Recessed Down Light, 26w

CFL Lamp 26 0.03 31.2 $4.24 1 0 No Change 0 0.00 0 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 0.00 0 $0.00 0.00

131.22 Classroom 105 2600 19 31x4, 3-Lamp, 34w T12, Mag.

Ballast, Recessed Mnt., Parabolic Lens

127 2.41 6,273.8 $853.24 19 2 2 Lamp, 32w T8, Elect. Ballast; retrofit 58 1.10 2865.2 $389.67 $100.00 $1,900.00 1.31 3408.6 $463.57 4.10

560 Classroom 105 Restroom 1200 1 1 Recessed Down Light, 26w

CFL Lamp 26 0.03 31.2 $4.24 1 0 No Change 0 0.00 0 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 0.00 0 $0.00 0.00

131.22 Classroom 106 2600 19 31x4, 3-Lamp, 34w T12, Mag.

Ballast, Recessed Mnt., Parabolic Lens

127 2.41 6,273.8 $853.24 19 2 2 Lamp, 32w T8, Elect. Ballast; retrofit 58 1.10 2865.2 $389.67 $100.00 $1,900.00 1.31 3408.6 $463.57 4.10

560 Classroom 106 Restroom 1200 1 1 Recessed Down Light, 26w

CFL Lamp 26 0.03 31.2 $4.24 1 0 No Change 0 0.00 0 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 0.00 0 $0.00 0.00

131.22 Classroom 107 2600 25 31x4, 3-Lamp, 34w T12, Mag.

Ballast, Recessed Mnt., Parabolic Lens

127 3.18 8,255.0 $1,122.68 25 2 2 Lamp, 32w T8, Elect. Ballast; retrofit 58 1.45 3770 $512.72 $100.00 $2,500.00 1.73 4485 $609.96 4.10

560 Classroom 107 Restroom 1200 1 1 Recessed Down Light, 26w

CFL Lamp 26 0.03 31.2 $4.24 1 0 No Change 0 0.00 0 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 0.00 0 $0.00 0.00

121.21 Storage 1200 5 21x4, 2-Lamp, 34w T12, Mag.

Ballast, Recessed Mnt., Prismatic Lens

78 0.39 468.0 $63.65 5 2 2 Lamp, 32w T8, Elect. Ballast; retrofit 58 0.29 348 $47.33 $80.00 $400.00 0.10 120 $16.32 24.51

121.21 Custodial Closet 1200 1 21x4, 2-Lamp, 34w T12, Mag.

Ballast, Recessed Mnt., Prismatic Lens

78 0.08 93.6 $12.73 1 2 2 Lamp, 32w T8, Elect. Ballast; retrofit 58 0.06 69.6 $9.47 $80.00 $80.00 0.02 24 $3.26 24.51

221.21 Men's Restroom 3000 1 21x4, 2 Lamp, 32w 700 Series T8, Elect. Ballast, Recessed

Mnt., Prismatic Lens62 0.06 186.0 $25.30 1 2 No Change 0 0.00 0 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 0.00 0 $0.00 0.00

221.21 Women's Restroom 3000 1 21x4, 2 Lamp, 32w 700 Series T8, Elect. Ballast, Recessed

Mnt., Prismatic Lens62 0.06 186.0 $25.30 1 2 No Change 0 0.00 0 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 0.00 0 $0.00 0.00

142.22 Faculty 121 3000 7 42x4, 4 Lamp, 34w T12, Mag.

Ballast, Recessed Mnt., Parabolic Lens

156 1.09 3,276.0 $445.54 7 3 3 Lamp , 32w T8, Elect. Ballast, Specular Reflector; retrofit 86 0.60 1806 $245.62 $100.00 $700.00 0.49 1470 $199.92 3.50

142.22 Faculty 120 3000 9 42x4, 4 Lamp, 34w T12, Mag.

Ballast, Recessed Mnt., Parabolic Lens

156 1.40 4,212.0 $572.83 9 3 3 Lamp , 32w T8, Elect. Ballast, Specular Reflector; retrofit 86 0.77 2322 $315.79 $100.00 $900.00 0.63 1890 $257.04 3.50

142.22 Classroom 119 2600 9 42x4, 4 Lamp, 34w T12, Mag.

Ballast, Recessed Mnt., Parabolic Lens

156 1.40 3,650.4 $496.45 9 3 3 Lamp , 32w T8, Elect. Ballast, Specular Reflector; retrofit 86 0.77 2012.4 $273.69 $100.00 $900.00 0.63 1638 $222.77 4.04

121.22 Classroom 119 Restroom 1200 1 2

1x4, 2-Lamp, 34w T12, Mag. Ballast, Recessed Mnt.,

Parabolic Lens78 0.08 93.6 $12.73 1 2 2 Lamp, 32w T8, Elect. Ballast;

retrofit 58 0.06 69.6 $9.47 $80.00 $80.00 0.02 24 $3.26 24.51

142.22 Classroom 118 2600 9 42x4, 4 Lamp, 34w T12, Mag.

Ballast, Recessed Mnt., Parabolic Lens

156 1.40 3,650.4 $496.45 9 3 3 Lamp , 32w T8, Elect. Ballast, Specular Reflector; retrofit 86 0.77 2012.4 $273.69 $100.00 $900.00 0.63 1638 $222.77 4.04

121.22 Classroom 118 2600 3 21x4, 2-Lamp, 34w T12, Mag.

Ballast, Recessed Mnt., Parabolic Lens

78 0.23 608.4 $82.74 3 2 2 Lamp, 32w T8, Elect. Ballast; retrofit 58 0.17 452.4 $61.53 $80.00 $240.00 0.06 156 $21.22 11.31

142.22 Classroom 117 2600 9 42x4, 4 Lamp, 34w T12, Mag.

Ballast, Recessed Mnt., Parabolic Lens

156 1.40 3,650.4 $496.45 9 3 3 Lamp , 32w T8, Elect. Ballast, Specular Reflector; retrofit 86 0.77 2012.4 $273.69 $100.00 $900.00 0.63 1638 $222.77 4.04

Page 100: COVER SHEET- Brigantine Public School Audit Reports - October 2012 /Brigantine...Transformer $7,379 $42,000 $0 $42,000 5.7 Design / Construction Extras (15%) $175,247 $175,247 Total

Investment Grade Lighting Audit APPENDIX E11 of 29


CEG Fixture Yearly No. No. Fixture Fixt Total kWh/Yr Yearly No. No. Retro-Unit Watts Total kWh/Yr Yearly Unit Cost Total kW kWh/Yr Yearly Yearly SimpleType Location Usage Fixts Lamps Type Watts kW Fixtures $ Cost Fixts Lamps Description Used kW Fixtures $ Cost (INSTALLED) Cost Savings Savings $ Savings Payback

121.22 Classroom 117 2600 3 21x4, 2-Lamp, 34w T12, Mag.

Ballast, Recessed Mnt., Parabolic Lens

78 0.23 608.4 $82.74 3 2 2 Lamp, 32w T8, Elect. Ballast; retrofit 58 0.17 452.4 $61.53 $80.00 $240.00 0.06 156 $21.22 11.31

142.22 Classroom 116 2600 9 42x4, 4 Lamp, 34w T12, Mag.

Ballast, Recessed Mnt., Parabolic Lens

156 1.40 3,650.4 $496.45 9 3 3 Lamp , 32w T8, Elect. Ballast, Specular Reflector; retrofit 86 0.77 2012.4 $273.69 $100.00 $900.00 0.63 1638 $222.77 4.04

121.22 Classroom 116 2600 3 21x4, 2-Lamp, 34w T12, Mag.

Ballast, Recessed Mnt., Parabolic Lens

78 0.23 608.4 $82.74 3 2 2 Lamp, 32w T8, Elect. Ballast; retrofit 58 0.17 452.4 $61.53 $80.00 $240.00 0.06 156 $21.22 11.31

142.22 Classroom 115 2600 9 42x4, 4 Lamp, 34w T12, Mag.

Ballast, Recessed Mnt., Parabolic Lens

156 1.40 3,650.4 $496.45 9 3 3 Lamp , 32w T8, Elect. Ballast, Specular Reflector; retrofit 86 0.77 2012.4 $273.69 $100.00 $900.00 0.63 1638 $222.77 4.04

121.22 Classroom 115 2600 3 21x4, 2-Lamp, 34w T12, Mag.

Ballast, Recessed Mnt., Parabolic Lens

78 0.23 608.4 $82.74 3 2 2 Lamp, 32w T8, Elect. Ballast; retrofit 58 0.17 452.4 $61.53 $80.00 $240.00 0.06 156 $21.22 11.31

142.22 Classroom 114 2600 9 42x4, 4 Lamp, 34w T12, Mag.

Ballast, Recessed Mnt., Parabolic Lens

156 1.40 3,650.4 $496.45 9 3 3 Lamp , 32w T8, Elect. Ballast, Specular Reflector; retrofit 86 0.77 2012.4 $273.69 $100.00 $900.00 0.63 1638 $222.77 4.04

121.22 Classroom 114 2600 3 21x4, 2-Lamp, 34w T12, Mag.

Ballast, Recessed Mnt., Parabolic Lens

78 0.23 608.4 $82.74 3 2 2 Lamp, 32w T8, Elect. Ballast; retrofit 58 0.17 452.4 $61.53 $80.00 $240.00 0.06 156 $21.22 11.31

142.22 Classroom 113 2600 9 42x4, 4 Lamp, 34w T12, Mag.

Ballast, Recessed Mnt., Parabolic Lens

156 1.40 3,650.4 $496.45 9 3 3 Lamp , 32w T8, Elect. Ballast, Specular Reflector; retrofit 86 0.77 2012.4 $273.69 $100.00 $900.00 0.63 1638 $222.77 4.04

121.22 Classroom 113 2600 3 21x4, 2-Lamp, 34w T12, Mag.

Ballast, Recessed Mnt., Parabolic Lens

78 0.23 608.4 $82.74 3 2 2 Lamp, 32w T8, Elect. Ballast; retrofit 58 0.17 452.4 $61.53 $80.00 $240.00 0.06 156 $21.22 11.31

142.22 Classroom 112 2600 9 42x4, 4 Lamp, 34w T12, Mag.

Ballast, Recessed Mnt., Parabolic Lens

156 1.40 3,650.4 $496.45 9 3 3 Lamp , 32w T8, Elect. Ballast, Specular Reflector; retrofit 86 0.77 2012.4 $273.69 $100.00 $900.00 0.63 1638 $222.77 4.04

121.22 Classroom 112 2600 3 21x4, 2-Lamp, 34w T12, Mag.

Ballast, Recessed Mnt., Parabolic Lens

78 0.23 608.4 $82.74 3 2 2 Lamp, 32w T8, Elect. Ballast; retrofit 58 0.17 452.4 $61.53 $80.00 $240.00 0.06 156 $21.22 11.31

142.22 Classroom 111 2600 6 42x4, 4 Lamp, 34w T12, Mag.

Ballast, Recessed Mnt., Parabolic Lens

156 0.94 2,433.6 $330.97 6 3 3 Lamp , 32w T8, Elect. Ballast, Specular Reflector; retrofit 86 0.52 1341.6 $182.46 $100.00 $600.00 0.42 1092 $148.51 4.04

142.22 Classroom 128 2600 6 42x4, 4 Lamp, 34w T12, Mag.

Ballast, Recessed Mnt., Parabolic Lens

156 0.94 2,433.6 $330.97 6 3 3 Lamp , 32w T8, Elect. Ballast, Specular Reflector; retrofit 86 0.52 1341.6 $182.46 $100.00 $600.00 0.42 1092 $148.51 4.04

142.22 Classroom 129 2600 12 42x4, 4 Lamp, 34w T12, Mag.

Ballast, Recessed Mnt., Parabolic Lens

156 1.87 4,867.2 $661.94 12 3 3 Lamp , 32w T8, Elect. Ballast, Specular Reflector; retrofit 86 1.03 2683.2 $364.92 $100.00 $1,200.00 0.84 2184 $297.02 4.04

121.22 Classroom 129 2600 2 21x4, 2-Lamp, 34w T12, Mag.

Ballast, Recessed Mnt., Parabolic Lens

78 0.16 405.6 $55.16 2 2 2 Lamp, 32w T8, Elect. Ballast; retrofit 58 0.12 301.6 $41.02 $80.00 $160.00 0.04 104 $14.14 11.31

121.22 Classroom 129 Restroom 1200 1 2

1x4, 2-Lamp, 34w T12, Mag. Ballast, Recessed Mnt.,

Parabolic Lens78 0.08 93.6 $12.73 1 2 2 Lamp, 32w T8, Elect. Ballast;

retrofit 58 0.06 69.6 $9.47 $80.00 $80.00 0.02 24 $3.26 24.51

142.22 CST 122 2600 7 42x4, 4 Lamp, 34w T12, Mag.

Ballast, Recessed Mnt., Parabolic Lens

156 1.09 2,839.2 $386.13 7 3 3 Lamp , 32w T8, Elect. Ballast, Specular Reflector; retrofit 86 0.60 1565.2 $212.87 $100.00 $700.00 0.49 1274 $173.26 4.04

142.22 CST Side Offices (4) 2600 8 42x4, 4 Lamp, 34w T12, Mag.

Ballast, Recessed Mnt., Parabolic Lens

156 1.25 3,244.8 $441.29 8 3 3 Lamp , 32w T8, Elect. Ballast, Specular Reflector; retrofit 86 0.69 1788.8 $243.28 $100.00 $800.00 0.56 1456 $198.02 4.04

142.22 CST Break Room 2600 2 42x4, 4 Lamp, 34w T12, Mag.

Ballast, Recessed Mnt., Parabolic Lens

156 0.31 811.2 $110.32 2 3 3 Lamp , 32w T8, Elect. Ballast, Specular Reflector; retrofit 86 0.17 447.2 $60.82 $100.00 $200.00 0.14 364 $49.50 4.04

122.21 MPr 2600 19 22x4, 2-Lamp, 34w T12, Mag.

Ballast, Recessed Mnt., Prismatic Lens

78 1.48 3,853.2 $524.04 19 2 Reballast & Relamp; Sylvania Lamp FO28/841/SS/ECO 50 0.95 2470 $335.92 $80.00 $1,520.00 0.53 1383.2 $188.12 8.08

132.22 PE Office Girl's 3000 2 32x4, 3-Lamp, 34w T12, Mag.

Ballast, Recessed Mnt., Parabolic Lens

127 0.25 762.0 $103.63 2 2 2 Lamp, 32w T8, Elect. Ballast, Specular Reflector; retrofit 58 0.12 348 $47.33 $100.00 $200.00 0.14 414 $56.30 3.55

Page 101: COVER SHEET- Brigantine Public School Audit Reports - October 2012 /Brigantine...Transformer $7,379 $42,000 $0 $42,000 5.7 Design / Construction Extras (15%) $175,247 $175,247 Total

Investment Grade Lighting Audit APPENDIX E12 of 29


CEG Fixture Yearly No. No. Fixture Fixt Total kWh/Yr Yearly No. No. Retro-Unit Watts Total kWh/Yr Yearly Unit Cost Total kW kWh/Yr Yearly Yearly SimpleType Location Usage Fixts Lamps Type Watts kW Fixtures $ Cost Fixts Lamps Description Used kW Fixtures $ Cost (INSTALLED) Cost Savings Savings $ Savings Payback

142.22 CST Conference Room 3000 3 4

2x4, 4 Lamp, 34w T12, Mag. Ballast, Recessed Mnt.,

Parabolic Lens156 0.47 1,404.0 $190.94 3 3 3 Lamp , 32w T8, Elect. Ballast,

Specular Reflector; retrofit 86 0.26 774 $105.26 $100.00 $300.00 0.21 630 $85.68 3.50

121.21 Girl's locker Room 3000 16 21x4, 2-Lamp, 34w T12, Mag.

Ballast, Recessed Mnt., Prismatic Lens

78 1.25 3,744.0 $509.18 16 2 2 Lamp, 32w T8, Elect. Ballast; retrofit 58 0.93 2784 $378.62 $80.00 $1,280.00 0.32 960 $130.56 9.80

132.22 PE Office Boy's 3000 2 32x4, 3-Lamp, 34w T12, Mag.

Ballast, Recessed Mnt., Parabolic Lens

127 0.25 762.0 $103.63 2 2 2 Lamp, 32w T8, Elect. Ballast, Specular Reflector; retrofit 58 0.12 348 $47.33 $100.00 $200.00 0.14 414 $56.30 3.55

121.21 Boy's Locker Room 3000 16 21x4, 2-Lamp, 34w T12, Mag.

Ballast, Recessed Mnt., Prismatic Lens

78 1.25 3,744.0 $509.18 16 2 2 Lamp, 32w T8, Elect. Ballast; retrofit 58 0.93 2784 $378.62 $80.00 $1,280.00 0.32 960 $130.56 9.80

121.21 MPR Storage 1200 6 21x4, 2-Lamp, 34w T12, Mag.

Ballast, Recessed Mnt., Prismatic Lens

78 0.47 561.6 $76.38 6 2 2 Lamp, 32w T8, Elect. Ballast; retrofit 58 0.35 417.6 $56.79 $80.00 $480.00 0.12 144 $19.58 24.51

769 Cafeteria 3000 8 1 400w MH, Clear Lens 465 3.72 11,160.0 $1,517.76 8 6 2x4 54w T5HO 6 Lamp w/Prismatic Lens 354 2.83 8496 $1,155.46 $300.00 $2,400.00 0.89 2664 $362.30 6.62

121.21 T&C Storage 1200 6 21x4, 2-Lamp, 34w T12, Mag.

Ballast, Recessed Mnt., Prismatic Lens

78 0.47 561.6 $76.38 6 2 2 Lamp, 32w T8, Elect. Ballast; retrofit 58 0.35 417.6 $56.79 $80.00 $480.00 0.12 144 $19.58 24.51

121.21 Kitchen 3000 34 21x4, 2-Lamp, 34w T12, Mag.

Ballast, Recessed Mnt., Prismatic Lens

78 2.65 7,956.0 $1,082.02 34 2 2 Lamp, 32w T8, Elect. Ballast; retrofit 58 1.97 5916 $804.58 $80.00 $2,720.00 0.68 2040 $277.44 9.80

122.21 Kitchen Hall 3000 6 22x4, 2-Lamp, 34w T12, Mag.

Ballast, Recessed Mnt., Prismatic Lens

78 0.47 1,404.0 $190.94 6 2 Reballast & Relamp; Sylvania Lamp FO28/841/SS/ECO 50 0.30 900 $122.40 $80.00 $480.00 0.17 504 $68.54 7.00

132.22 Music 2600 15 32x4, 3-Lamp, 34w T12, Mag.

Ballast, Recessed Mnt., Parabolic Lens

127 1.91 4,953.0 $673.61 15 2 2 Lamp, 32w T8, Elect. Ballast, Specular Reflector; retrofit 58 0.87 2262 $307.63 $100.00 $1,500.00 1.04 2691 $365.98 4.10

802 Music 2600 23 1 150w R40 Pendant Mount 150 3.45 8,970.0 $1,219.92 23 0 No Change 0 0.00 0 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 0.00 0 $0.00 0.00

122.21 Maintenance 3000 6 22x4, 2-Lamp, 34w T12, Mag.

Ballast, Recessed Mnt., Prismatic Lens

78 0.47 1,404.0 $190.94 6 2 Reballast & Relamp; Sylvania Lamp FO28/841/SS/ECO 50 0.30 900 $122.40 $80.00 $480.00 0.17 504 $68.54 7.00

132.22 Maintenance Break Room 3000 2 3

2x4, 3-Lamp, 34w T12, Mag. Ballast, Recessed Mnt.,

Parabolic Lens127 0.25 762.0 $103.63 2 2 2 Lamp, 32w T8, Elect. Ballast,

Specular Reflector; retrofit 58 0.12 348 $47.33 $100.00 $200.00 0.14 414 $56.30 3.55

121.34 Maintenance Office 3000 6 2 1x4, 2-Lamp, 34w T12, Mag. Ballast, Pendant Mnt., No Lens 78 0.47 1,404.0 $190.94 6 2 2 Lamp, 32w T8, Elect. Ballast;

retrofit 58 0.35 1044 $141.98 $80.00 $480.00 0.12 360 $48.96 9.80

121.34 Maintenance Storage 3000 7 2 1x4, 2-Lamp, 34w T12, Mag. Ballast, Pendant Mnt., No Lens 78 0.55 1,638.0 $222.77 7 2 2 Lamp, 32w T8, Elect. Ballast;

retrofit 58 0.41 1218 $165.65 $80.00 $560.00 0.14 420 $57.12 9.80

121.34 Maintenance Locker and Restroom 3000 2 2 1x4, 2-Lamp, 34w T12, Mag.

Ballast, Pendant Mnt., No Lens 78 0.16 468.0 $63.65 2 2 2 Lamp, 32w T8, Elect. Ballast; retrofit 58 0.12 348 $47.33 $80.00 $160.00 0.04 120 $16.32 9.80

121.34 Storage 163 1200 2 2 1x4, 2-Lamp, 34w T12, Mag. Ballast, Pendant Mnt., No Lens 78 0.16 187.2 $25.46 2 2 2 Lamp, 32w T8, Elect. Ballast;

retrofit 58 0.12 139.2 $18.93 $80.00 $160.00 0.04 48 $6.53 24.51

142.22 Classroom 132 2600 18 42x4, 4 Lamp, 34w T12, Mag.

Ballast, Recessed Mnt., Parabolic Lens

156 2.81 7,300.8 $992.91 18 3 3 Lamp , 32w T8, Elect. Ballast, Specular Reflector; retrofit 86 1.55 4024.8 $547.37 $100.00 $1,800.00 1.26 3276 $445.54 4.04

121.22 Classroom 132 2600 2 21x4, 2-Lamp, 34w T12, Mag.

Ballast, Recessed Mnt., Parabolic Lens

78 0.16 405.6 $55.16 2 2 2 Lamp, 32w T8, Elect. Ballast; retrofit 58 0.12 301.6 $41.02 $80.00 $160.00 0.04 104 $14.14 11.31

142.22 135 Storage 1200 3 42x4, 4 Lamp, 34w T12, Mag.

Ballast, Recessed Mnt., Parabolic Lens

156 0.47 561.6 $76.38 3 3 3 Lamp , 32w T8, Elect. Ballast, Specular Reflector; retrofit 86 0.26 309.6 $42.11 $100.00 $300.00 0.21 252 $34.27 8.75

132.22 Nurse 134 3000 8 32x4, 3-Lamp, 34w T12, Mag.

Ballast, Recessed Mnt., Parabolic Lens

127 1.02 3,048.0 $414.53 8 2 2 Lamp, 32w T8, Elect. Ballast, Specular Reflector; retrofit 58 0.46 1392 $189.31 $100.00 $800.00 0.55 1656 $225.22 3.55

100 Nurse 134 3000 4 2 2' Vanity Light, 2-Lamp, 20w T12, Mag. Ballast, Wall Mnt. 42 0.17 504.0 $68.54 4 2 Reballast & Relamp; 17w T8

Elec. Ballast 33 0.13 396 $53.86 $60.00 $240.00 0.04 108 $14.69 16.34

560 Nurse 134 3000 2 1 Recessed Down Light, 26w CFL Lamp 26 0.05 156.0 $21.22 2 0 No Change 0 0.00 0 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 0.00 0 $0.00 0.00

Page 102: COVER SHEET- Brigantine Public School Audit Reports - October 2012 /Brigantine...Transformer $7,379 $42,000 $0 $42,000 5.7 Design / Construction Extras (15%) $175,247 $175,247 Total

Investment Grade Lighting Audit APPENDIX E13 of 29


CEG Fixture Yearly No. No. Fixture Fixt Total kWh/Yr Yearly No. No. Retro-Unit Watts Total kWh/Yr Yearly Unit Cost Total kW kWh/Yr Yearly Yearly SimpleType Location Usage Fixts Lamps Type Watts kW Fixtures $ Cost Fixts Lamps Description Used kW Fixtures $ Cost (INSTALLED) Cost Savings Savings $ Savings Payback

132.22 Conference Room 3000 6 32x4, 3-Lamp, 34w T12, Mag.

Ballast, Recessed Mnt., Parabolic Lens

127 0.76 2,286.0 $310.90 6 2 2 Lamp, 32w T8, Elect. Ballast, Specular Reflector; retrofit 58 0.35 1044 $141.98 $100.00 $600.00 0.41 1242 $168.91 3.55

121.21 Boy's Restroom 3000 11 21x4, 2-Lamp, 34w T12, Mag.

Ballast, Recessed Mnt., Prismatic Lens

78 0.86 2,574.0 $350.06 11 2 2 Lamp, 32w T8, Elect. Ballast; retrofit 58 0.64 1914 $260.30 $80.00 $880.00 0.22 660 $89.76 9.80

121.21 Girl's Restroom 3000 12 21x4, 2-Lamp, 34w T12, Mag.

Ballast, Recessed Mnt., Prismatic Lens

78 0.94 2,808.0 $381.89 12 2 2 Lamp, 32w T8, Elect. Ballast; retrofit 58 0.70 2088 $283.97 $80.00 $960.00 0.24 720 $97.92 9.80

142.22 Main Office 3000 12 42x4, 4 Lamp, 34w T12, Mag.

Ballast, Recessed Mnt., Parabolic Lens

156 1.87 5,616.0 $763.78 12 3 3 Lamp , 32w T8, Elect. Ballast, Specular Reflector; retrofit 86 1.03 3096 $421.06 $100.00 $1,200.00 0.84 2520 $342.72 3.50

142.22 Principal's Office 3000 4 42x4, 4 Lamp, 34w T12, Mag.

Ballast, Recessed Mnt., Parabolic Lens

156 0.62 1,872.0 $254.59 4 3 3 Lamp , 32w T8, Elect. Ballast, Specular Reflector; retrofit 86 0.34 1032 $140.35 $100.00 $400.00 0.28 840 $114.24 3.50

142.22 Work Room 3000 4 42x4, 4 Lamp, 34w T12, Mag.

Ballast, Recessed Mnt., Parabolic Lens

156 0.62 1,872.0 $254.59 4 3 3 Lamp , 32w T8, Elect. Ballast, Specular Reflector; retrofit 86 0.34 1032 $140.35 $100.00 $400.00 0.28 840 $114.24 3.50

101 Stairwell (3) 8760 30 2 2' Wall Mount, 3-Lamp, 17w T8, Mag. Ballast 59 1.77 15,505.2 $2,108.71 30 3 Reballast T8 Elec. Ballast 47 1.41 12351.6 $1,679.82 $60.00 $1,800.00 0.36 3153.6 $428.89 4.20

Totals 1,960 635 223.4 601,130 $81,754 1,960 392 94.2 258,230 $35,119 $145,650 73.0 194,097 $26,397 5.52

Page 103: COVER SHEET- Brigantine Public School Audit Reports - October 2012 /Brigantine...Transformer $7,379 $42,000 $0 $42,000 5.7 Design / Construction Extras (15%) $175,247 $175,247 Total

APPENDIX E14 of 29

CEG Job #: 9C12013Project: Brigantine Schools KWH COST: $0.136

Address: North School301 East Evans Blvd., NJ 08203

Building SF:

ECM #2: Lighting Controls

EXISTING LIGHTING PROPOSED LIGHTING CONTROLS SAVINGSCEG Fixture Yearly No. No. Fixture Fixt Total kWh/Yr Yearly No. No. Controls Watts Total Reduction kWh/Yr Yearly Unit Cost Total kW kWh/Yr Yearly Yearly SimpleType Location Usage Fixts Lamps Type Watts kW Fixtures $ Cost Fixts Cont. Description Used kW (%) Fixtures $ Cost (INSTALLED) Cost Savings Savings $ Savings Payback

221.11 Classroom E-10 2600 12 2

1x4, 2 Lamp, 32w FO32/735/ECO, Elect. Ballast, Surface Mnt.,

Prismatic Lens

62 0.74 1934.4 $263.08 12 1

Dual Tech. Occupancy Sensor w/2 Pole Powerpack -

Remote Mnt. 62 0.60 20% 1547.52 $210.46 $225.00 $225.00 0.15 386.88 $52.62 4.28

3011 Classroom E-10 Restroom 2600 1 2 Wall Mount Vanity Light,

(2) 60w A19 Lamps 120 0.12 312 $42.43 1 1 Dual Technology Occupancy Sensor - Switch Mnt. 120 0.10 20% 249.6 $33.95 $75.00 $75.00 0.02 62.4 $8.49 8.84

221.11 Classroom E-8 2600 12 2

1x4, 2 Lamp, 32w FO32/735/ECO, Elect. Ballast, Surface Mnt.,

Prismatic Lens

62 0.74 1934.4 $263.08 12 1

Dual Tech. Occupancy Sensor w/2 Pole Powerpack -

Remote Mnt. 62 0.60 20% 1547.52 $210.46 $225.00 $225.00 0.15 386.88 $52.62 4.28

3011 Classroom E-8 Restroom 2600 1 2 Wall Mount Vanity Light,

(2) 60w A19 Lamps 120 0.12 312 $42.43 1 1 Dual Technology Occupancy Sensor - Switch Mnt. 120 0.10 20% 249.6 $33.95 $75.00 $75.00 0.02 62.4 $8.49 8.84

221.11 Classroom E-7 2600 12 2

1x4, 2 Lamp, 32w FO32/735/ECO, Elect. Ballast, Surface Mnt.,

Prismatic Lens

62 0.74 1934.4 $263.08 12 1

Dual Tech. Occupancy Sensor w/2 Pole Powerpack -

Remote Mnt. 62 0.60 20% 1547.52 $210.46 $225.00 $225.00 0.15 386.88 $52.62 4.28

3011 Classroom E-7 Restroom 2600 1 2 Wall Mount Vanity Light,

(2) 60w A19 Lamps 120 0.12 312 $42.43 1 1 Dual Technology Occupancy Sensor - Switch Mnt. 120 0.10 20% 249.6 $33.95 $75.00 $75.00 0.02 62.4 $8.49 8.84

221.11 Classroom E-6 2600 12 2

1x4, 2 Lamp, 32w FO32/735/ECO, Elect. Ballast, Surface Mnt.,

Prismatic Lens

62 0.74 1934.4 $263.08 12 1

Dual Tech. Occupancy Sensor w/2 Pole Powerpack -

Remote Mnt. 62 0.60 20% 1547.52 $210.46 $225.00 $225.00 0.15 386.88 $52.62 4.28

3011 Classroom E-6 Restroom 2600 1 2 Wall Mount Vanity Light,

(2) 60w A19 Lamps 120 0.12 312 $42.43 1 1 Dual Technology Occupancy Sensor - Switch Mnt. 120 0.10 20% 249.6 $33.95 $75.00 $75.00 0.02 62.4 $8.49 8.84

221.11 Classroom E-5 2600 12 2

1x4, 2 Lamp, 32w FO32/735/ECO, Elect. Ballast, Surface Mnt.,

Prismatic Lens

62 0.74 1934.4 $263.08 12 1

Dual Tech. Occupancy Sensor w/2 Pole Powerpack -

Remote Mnt. 62 0.60 20% 1547.52 $210.46 $225.00 $225.00 0.15 386.88 $52.62 4.28

3011 Classroom E-5 Restroom 2600 1 2 Wall Mount Vanity Light,

(2) 60w A19 Lamps 120 0.12 312 $42.43 1 1 Dual Technology Occupancy Sensor - Switch Mnt. 120 0.10 20% 249.6 $33.95 $75.00 $75.00 0.02 62.4 $8.49 8.84

221.11 Classroom E-4 2600 12 2

1x4, 2 Lamp, 32w FO32/735/ECO, Elect. Ballast, Surface Mnt.,

Prismatic Lens

62 0.74 1934.4 $263.08 12 1

Dual Tech. Occupancy Sensor w/2 Pole Powerpack -

Remote Mnt. 62 0.60 20% 1547.52 $210.46 $225.00 $225.00 0.15 386.88 $52.62 4.28

3011 Classroom E-4 Restroom 2600 1 2 Wall Mount Vanity Light,

(2) 60w A19 Lamps 120 0.12 312 $42.43 1 1 Dual Technology Occupancy Sensor - Switch Mnt. 120 0.10 20% 249.6 $33.95 $75.00 $75.00 0.02 62.4 $8.49 8.84

221.11 Classroom E-3 2600 12 2

1x4, 2 Lamp, 32w FO32/735/ECO, Elect. Ballast, Surface Mnt.,

Prismatic Lens

62 0.74 1934.4 $263.08 12 1

Dual Tech. Occupancy Sensor w/2 Pole Powerpack -

Remote Mnt. 62 0.60 20% 1547.52 $210.46 $225.00 $225.00 0.15 386.88 $52.62 4.28

3011 Classroom E-3 Restroom 2600 1 2 Wall Mount Vanity Light,

(2) 60w A19 Lamps 120 0.12 312 $42.43 1 1 Dual Technology Occupancy Sensor - Switch Mnt. 120 0.10 20% 249.6 $33.95 $75.00 $75.00 0.02 62.4 $8.49 8.84

221.11 Classroom E-2 2600 12 2

1x4, 2 Lamp, 32w FO32/735/ECO, Elect. Ballast, Surface Mnt.,

Prismatic Lens

62 0.74 1934.4 $263.08 12 1

Dual Tech. Occupancy Sensor w/2 Pole Powerpack -

Remote Mnt. 62 0.60 20% 1547.52 $210.46 $225.00 $225.00 0.15 386.88 $52.62 4.28


Brigantine Public School

Page 104: COVER SHEET- Brigantine Public School Audit Reports - October 2012 /Brigantine...Transformer $7,379 $42,000 $0 $42,000 5.7 Design / Construction Extras (15%) $175,247 $175,247 Total

APPENDIX E15 of 29

ECM #2: Lighting Controls

EXISTING LIGHTING PROPOSED LIGHTING CONTROLS SAVINGSCEG Fixture Yearly No. No. Fixture Fixt Total kWh/Yr Yearly No. No. Controls Watts Total Reduction kWh/Yr Yearly Unit Cost Total kW kWh/Yr Yearly Yearly SimpleType Location Usage Fixts Lamps Type Watts kW Fixtures $ Cost Fixts Cont. Description Used kW (%) Fixtures $ Cost (INSTALLED) Cost Savings Savings $ Savings Payback

3011 Classroom E-2 Restroom 2600 1 2 Wall Mount Vanity Light,

(2) 60w A19 Lamps 120 0.12 312 $42.43 1 1 Dual Technology Occupancy Sensor - Switch Mnt. 120 0.10 20% 249.6 $33.95 $75.00 $75.00 0.02 62.4 $8.49 8.84

221.11 Classroom E-1 2600 12 2

1x4, 2 Lamp, 32w FO32/735/ECO, Elect. Ballast, Surface Mnt.,

Prismatic Lens

62 0.74 1934.4 $263.08 12 1

Dual Tech. Occupancy Sensor w/2 Pole Powerpack -

Remote Mnt. 62 0.60 20% 1547.52 $210.46 $225.00 $225.00 0.15 386.88 $52.62 4.28

3011 Classroom E-1 Restroom 2600 1 2 Wall Mount Vanity Light,

(2) 60w A19 Lamps 120 0.12 312 $42.43 1 1 Dual Technology Occupancy Sensor - Switch Mnt. 120 0.10 20% 249.6 $33.95 $75.00 $75.00 0.02 62.4 $8.49 8.84

221.11 Classroom E-9 2600 12 2

1x4, 2 Lamp, 32w FO32/735/ECO, Elect. Ballast, Surface Mnt.,

Prismatic Lens

62 0.74 1934.4 $263.08 12 1

Dual Tech. Occupancy Sensor w/2 Pole Powerpack -

Remote Mnt. 62 0.60 20% 1547.52 $210.46 $225.00 $225.00 0.15 386.88 $52.62 4.28

3011 Classroom E-9 Restroom 2600 1 2 Wall Mount Vanity Light,

(2) 60w A19 Lamps 120 0.12 312 $42.43 1 1 Dual Technology Occupancy Sensor - Switch Mnt. 120 0.10 20% 249.6 $33.95 $75.00 $75.00 0.02 62.4 $8.49 8.84

242.21 Classroom E-9 Observation 1200 1 4

2x4, 4 Lamp, 32w FO32/735/ECO, Elect. Ballast, Recessed Mnt.,

Prismatic Lens

107 0.11 128.4 $17.46 1 0 No Change 107 0.11 0% 128.4 $17.46 0 $0.00 0.00 0 $0.00 0.00

242.21 B27 Nurse 3000 5 4

2x4, 4 Lamp, 32w FO32/735/ECO, Elect. Ballast, Recessed Mnt.,

Prismatic Lens

107 0.54 1605 $218.28 5 0 No Change 107 0.54 0% 1605 $218.28 0 $0.00 0.00 0 $0.00 0.00

227.21 B27 Nurse 3000 3 22x2, 2 Lamp, 31w T8,

Elect. Ballast, Recessed Mnt., Prismatic Lens

65 0.20 585 $79.56 3 0 No Change 65 0.20 0% 585 $79.56 0 $0.00 0.00 0 $0.00 0.00

222.21 Main Office 3000 8 2

2x4, 2 Lamp, 32w FO32/735/ECO, Elect. Ballast, Recessed Mnt.,

Prismatic Lens

62 0.50 1488 $202.37 8 0 No Change 62 0.50 0% 1488 $202.37 0 $0.00 0.00 0 $0.00 0.00

222.21 Principal's Office 3000 3 2

2x4, 2 Lamp, 32w FO32/735/ECO, Elect. Ballast, Recessed Mnt.,

Prismatic Lens

62 0.19 558 $75.89 3 1 Dual Technology Occupancy Sensor - Switch Mnt. 62 0.15 20% 446.4 $60.71 $75.00 $75.00 0.04 111.6 $15.18 4.94

222.21 Main Office 3000 4 2

2x4, 2 Lamp, 32w FO32/735/ECO, Elect. Ballast, Recessed Mnt.,

Prismatic Lens

62 0.25 744 $101.18 4 0 No Change 62 0.25 0% 744 $101.18 0 $0.00 0.00 0 $0.00 0.00

242.21 Girl's Restroom 3000 3 4

2x4, 4 Lamp, 32w FO32/735/ECO, Elect. Ballast, Recessed Mnt.,

Prismatic Lens

107 0.32 963 $130.97 3 1

Dual Tech. Occupancy Sensor w/2 Pole Powerpack -

Remote Mnt. 107 0.26 20% 770.4 $104.77 $225.00 $225.00 0.06 192.6 $26.19 8.59

242.21 Boy's Restroom 3000 3 4

2x4, 4 Lamp, 32w FO32/735/ECO, Elect. Ballast, Recessed Mnt.,

Prismatic Lens

107 0.32 963 $130.97 3 1

Dual Tech. Occupancy Sensor w/2 Pole Powerpack -

Remote Mnt. 107 0.26 20% 770.4 $104.77 $225.00 $225.00 0.06 192.6 $26.19 8.59

211.11 Custodial Closet 1200 3 1

1x4, 1 Lamp, 32w FO32/735/ECO, Elect. Ballast, Surface Mnt.,

Prismatic Lens

33 0.10 118.8 $16.16 3 0 No Change 33 0.10 0% 118.8 $16.16 0 $0.00 0.00 0 $0.00 0.00

221.25 Men's Restroom 3000 2 2

1x4, 2 Lamp, 32w FO32/735/ECO, Elect. Ballast, Recessed Mnt.,

White Lens

62 0.12 372 $50.59 2 1 Dual Technology Occupancy Sensor - Switch Mnt. 62 0.10 20% 297.6 $40.47 $75.00 $75.00 0.02 74.4 $10.12 7.41

221.25 Women's Restroom 3000 2 2

1x4, 2 Lamp, 32w FO32/735/ECO, Elect. Ballast, Recessed Mnt.,

White Lens

62 0.12 372 $50.59 2 1 Dual Technology Occupancy Sensor - Switch Mnt. 62 0.10 20% 297.6 $40.47 $75.00 $75.00 0.02 74.4 $10.12 7.41

612 D18 Supply Room 1200 1 1 Pendant Mnt., 100w A19 Lamp 100 0.10 120 $16.32 1 0 No Change 100 0.10 0% 120 $16.32 0 $0.00 0.00 0 $0.00 0.00

Page 105: COVER SHEET- Brigantine Public School Audit Reports - October 2012 /Brigantine...Transformer $7,379 $42,000 $0 $42,000 5.7 Design / Construction Extras (15%) $175,247 $175,247 Total

APPENDIX E16 of 29

ECM #2: Lighting Controls

EXISTING LIGHTING PROPOSED LIGHTING CONTROLS SAVINGSCEG Fixture Yearly No. No. Fixture Fixt Total kWh/Yr Yearly No. No. Controls Watts Total Reduction kWh/Yr Yearly Unit Cost Total kW kWh/Yr Yearly Yearly SimpleType Location Usage Fixts Lamps Type Watts kW Fixtures $ Cost Fixts Cont. Description Used kW (%) Fixtures $ Cost (INSTALLED) Cost Savings Savings $ Savings Payback

242.21 Classroom D15 2600 24 4

2x4, 4 Lamp, 32w FO32/735/ECO, Elect. Ballast, Recessed Mnt.,

Prismatic Lens

107 2.57 6676.8 $908.04 24 1

Dual Tech. Occupancy Sensor w/2 Pole Powerpack -

Remote Mnt. 107 2.05 20% 5341.44 $726.44 $225.00 $225.00 0.51 1335.36 $181.61 1.24

242.21 Classroom D13 2600 6 4

2x4, 4 Lamp, 32w FO32/735/ECO, Elect. Ballast, Recessed Mnt.,

Prismatic Lens

107 0.64 1669.2 $227.01 6 1 107 0.51 20% 1335.36 $181.61 $225.00 $225.00 0.13 333.84 $45.40 4.96

227.21 Classroom D13 2600 6 22x2, 2 Lamp, 31w T8,

Elect. Ballast, Recessed Mnt., Prismatic Lens

65 0.39 1014 $137.90 6 0 65 0.31 20% 811.2 $110.32 0 $0.00 0.08 202.8 $27.58 0.00

222.21 Classroom D12 2600 12 2

2x4, 2 Lamp, 32w FO32/735/ECO, Elect. Ballast, Recessed Mnt.,

Prismatic Lens

62 0.74 1934.4 $263.08 12 1

Dual Tech. Occupancy Sensor w/2 Pole Powerpack -

Remote Mnt. 62 0.60 20% 1547.52 $210.46 $225.00 $225.00 0.15 386.88 $52.62 4.28

222.21 Classroom D11 2600 12 2

2x4, 2 Lamp, 32w FO32/735/ECO, Elect. Ballast, Recessed Mnt.,

Prismatic Lens

62 0.74 1934.4 $263.08 12 1

Dual Tech. Occupancy Sensor w/2 Pole Powerpack -

Remote Mnt. 62 0.60 20% 1547.52 $210.46 $225.00 $225.00 0.15 386.88 $52.62 4.28

222.21 Classroom D10 2600 12 2

2x4, 2 Lamp, 32w FO32/735/ECO, Elect. Ballast, Recessed Mnt.,

Prismatic Lens

62 0.74 1934.4 $263.08 12 1

Dual Tech. Occupancy Sensor w/2 Pole Powerpack -

Remote Mnt. 62 0.60 20% 1547.52 $210.46 $225.00 $225.00 0.15 386.88 $52.62 4.28

222.21 Classroom D9 2600 12 2

2x4, 2 Lamp, 32w FO32/735/ECO, Elect. Ballast, Recessed Mnt.,

Prismatic Lens

62 0.74 1934.4 $263.08 12 1

Dual Tech. Occupancy Sensor w/2 Pole Powerpack -

Remote Mnt. 62 0.60 20% 1547.52 $210.46 $225.00 $225.00 0.15 386.88 $52.62 4.28

222.21 Classroom D8 2600 12 2

2x4, 2 Lamp, 32w FO32/735/ECO, Elect. Ballast, Recessed Mnt.,

Prismatic Lens

62 0.74 1934.4 $263.08 12 1

Dual Tech. Occupancy Sensor w/2 Pole Powerpack -

Remote Mnt. 62 0.60 20% 1547.52 $210.46 $225.00 $225.00 0.15 386.88 $52.62 4.28

222.21 Classroom D7 2600 12 2

2x4, 2 Lamp, 32w FO32/735/ECO, Elect. Ballast, Recessed Mnt.,

Prismatic Lens

62 0.74 1934.4 $263.08 12 1

Dual Tech. Occupancy Sensor w/2 Pole Powerpack -

Remote Mnt. 62 0.60 20% 1547.52 $210.46 $225.00 $225.00 0.15 386.88 $52.62 4.28

222.21 Classroom D6 2600 12 2

2x4, 2 Lamp, 32w FO32/735/ECO, Elect. Ballast, Recessed Mnt.,

Prismatic Lens

62 0.74 1934.4 $263.08 12 1

Dual Tech. Occupancy Sensor w/2 Pole Powerpack -

Remote Mnt. 62 0.60 20% 1547.52 $210.46 $225.00 $225.00 0.15 386.88 $52.62 4.28

221.14 D5 Storage 1200 2 21x4, 2 Lamp, 32w T8,

Elect. Ballast, Surface Mnt., No Lens

58 0.12 139.2 $18.93 2 0 No Change 58 0.12 0% 139.2 $18.93 0 $0.00 0.00 0 $0.00 0.00

222.21 D4 Office 3000 4 2

2x4, 2 Lamp, 32w FO32/735/ECO, Elect. Ballast, Recessed Mnt.,

Prismatic Lens

62 0.25 744 $101.18 4 1 Dual Technology Occupancy Sensor - Switch Mnt. 62 0.20 20% 595.2 $80.95 $75.00 $75.00 0.05 148.8 $20.24 3.71

232.21 Classroom C28 2600 9 32x4, 3 Lamp, 32w T8,

Elect. Ballast, Recessed Mnt., Prismatic Lens

86 0.77 2012.4 $273.69 9 1

Dual Tech. Occupancy Sensor w/2 Pole Powerpack -

Remote Mnt. 86 0.62 20% 1609.92 $218.95 $225.00 $225.00 0.15 402.48 $54.74 4.11

232.21 Classroom C18 2600 9 32x4, 3 Lamp, 32w T8,

Elect. Ballast, Recessed Mnt., Prismatic Lens

86 0.77 2012.4 $273.69 9 1

Dual Tech. Occupancy Sensor w/2 Pole Powerpack -

Remote Mnt. 86 0.62 20% 1609.92 $218.95 $225.00 $225.00 0.15 402.48 $54.74 4.11

Dual Tech. Occupancy Sensor w/2 Pole Powerpack -

Remote Mnt.

Page 106: COVER SHEET- Brigantine Public School Audit Reports - October 2012 /Brigantine...Transformer $7,379 $42,000 $0 $42,000 5.7 Design / Construction Extras (15%) $175,247 $175,247 Total

APPENDIX E17 of 29

ECM #2: Lighting Controls

EXISTING LIGHTING PROPOSED LIGHTING CONTROLS SAVINGSCEG Fixture Yearly No. No. Fixture Fixt Total kWh/Yr Yearly No. No. Controls Watts Total Reduction kWh/Yr Yearly Unit Cost Total kW kWh/Yr Yearly Yearly SimpleType Location Usage Fixts Lamps Type Watts kW Fixtures $ Cost Fixts Cont. Description Used kW (%) Fixtures $ Cost (INSTALLED) Cost Savings Savings $ Savings Payback

232.21 Classroom C27 2600 9 32x4, 3 Lamp, 32w T8,

Elect. Ballast, Recessed Mnt., Prismatic Lens

86 0.77 2012.4 $273.69 9 1

Dual Tech. Occupancy Sensor w/2 Pole Powerpack -

Remote Mnt. 86 0.62 20% 1609.92 $218.95 $225.00 $225.00 0.15 402.48 $54.74 4.11

232.21 Classroom C17 2600 9 32x4, 3 Lamp, 32w T8,

Elect. Ballast, Recessed Mnt., Prismatic Lens

86 0.77 2012.4 $273.69 9 1

Dual Tech. Occupancy Sensor w/2 Pole Powerpack -

Remote Mnt. 86 0.62 20% 1609.92 $218.95 $225.00 $225.00 0.15 402.48 $54.74 4.11

232.21 Classroom C16 2600 9 32x4, 3 Lamp, 32w T8,

Elect. Ballast, Recessed Mnt., Prismatic Lens

86 0.77 2012.4 $273.69 9 1

Dual Tech. Occupancy Sensor w/2 Pole Powerpack -

Remote Mnt. 86 0.62 20% 1609.92 $218.95 $225.00 $225.00 0.15 402.48 $54.74 4.11

232.21 Classroom C15 2600 12 32x4, 3 Lamp, 32w T8,

Elect. Ballast, Recessed Mnt., Prismatic Lens

86 1.03 2683.2 $364.92 12 1

Dual Tech. Occupancy Sensor w/2 Pole Powerpack -

Remote Mnt. 86 0.83 20% 2146.56 $291.93 $225.00 $225.00 0.21 536.64 $72.98 3.08

612 Custodial Closet 1200 1 1 Pendant Mnt., 100w A19 Lamp 100 0.10 120 $16.32 1 0 No Change 100 0.10 0% 120 $16.32 0 $0.00 0.00 0 $0.00 0.00

221.31 Library 3000 48 2

1x4, 2 Lamp, 32w 700 Series T8, Elect. Ballast, Pendant Mnt., Prismatic


62 2.98 8928 $1,214.21 48 0 No Change 62 2.98 0% 8928 $1,214.21 0 $0.00 0.00 0 $0.00 0.00

221.11 C26 Office 3000 4 2

1x4, 2 Lamp, 32w FO32/735/ECO, Elect. Ballast, Surface Mnt.,

Prismatic Lens

62 0.25 744 $101.18 4 1 Dual Technology Occupancy Sensor - Switch Mnt. 62 0.20 20% 595.2 $80.95 $75.00 $75.00 0.05 148.8 $20.24 3.71

221.11 LDTC 3000 2 2

1x4, 2 Lamp, 32w FO32/735/ECO, Elect. Ballast, Surface Mnt.,

Prismatic Lens

62 0.12 372 $50.59 2 0 No Change 62 0.12 0% 372 $50.59 0 $0.00 0.00 0 $0.00 0.00

222.21 Classroom C14 2600 5 2

2x4, 2 Lamp, 32w FO32/735/ECO, Elect. Ballast, Recessed Mnt.,

Prismatic Lens

62 0.31 806 $109.62 5 1

Dual Tech. Occupancy Sensor w/2 Pole Powerpack -

Remote Mnt. 62 0.25 20% 644.8 $87.69 $225.00 $225.00 0.06 161.2 $21.92 10.26

232.21 Classroom C12 2600 9 32x4, 3 Lamp, 32w T8,

Elect. Ballast, Recessed Mnt., Prismatic Lens

86 0.77 2012.4 $273.69 9 1

Dual Tech. Occupancy Sensor w/2 Pole Powerpack -

Remote Mnt. 86 0.62 20% 1609.92 $218.95 $225.00 $225.00 0.15 402.48 $54.74 4.11

232.21 Classroom C11 2600 9 32x4, 3 Lamp, 32w T8,

Elect. Ballast, Recessed Mnt., Prismatic Lens

86 0.77 2012.4 $273.69 9 1

Dual Tech. Occupancy Sensor w/2 Pole Powerpack -

Remote Mnt. 86 0.62 20% 1609.92 $218.95 $225.00 $225.00 0.15 402.48 $54.74 4.11

232.21 Classroom C10 2600 9 32x4, 3 Lamp, 32w T8,

Elect. Ballast, Recessed Mnt., Prismatic Lens

86 0.77 2012.4 $273.69 9 1

Dual Tech. Occupancy Sensor w/2 Pole Powerpack -

Remote Mnt. 86 0.62 20% 1609.92 $218.95 $225.00 $225.00 0.15 402.48 $54.74 4.11

232.21 Classroom C9 2600 9 32x4, 3 Lamp, 32w T8,

Elect. Ballast, Recessed Mnt., Prismatic Lens

86 0.77 2012.4 $273.69 9 1

Dual Tech. Occupancy Sensor w/2 Pole Powerpack -

Remote Mnt. 86 0.62 20% 1609.92 $218.95 $225.00 $225.00 0.15 402.48 $54.74 4.11

232.21 Classroon C5 2600 9 32x4, 3 Lamp, 32w T8,

Elect. Ballast, Recessed Mnt., Prismatic Lens

86 0.77 2012.4 $273.69 9 1

Dual Tech. Occupancy Sensor w/2 Pole Powerpack -

Remote Mnt. 86 0.62 20% 1609.92 $218.95 $225.00 $225.00 0.15 402.48 $54.74 4.11

Page 107: COVER SHEET- Brigantine Public School Audit Reports - October 2012 /Brigantine...Transformer $7,379 $42,000 $0 $42,000 5.7 Design / Construction Extras (15%) $175,247 $175,247 Total

APPENDIX E18 of 29

ECM #2: Lighting Controls

EXISTING LIGHTING PROPOSED LIGHTING CONTROLS SAVINGSCEG Fixture Yearly No. No. Fixture Fixt Total kWh/Yr Yearly No. No. Controls Watts Total Reduction kWh/Yr Yearly Unit Cost Total kW kWh/Yr Yearly Yearly SimpleType Location Usage Fixts Lamps Type Watts kW Fixtures $ Cost Fixts Cont. Description Used kW (%) Fixtures $ Cost (INSTALLED) Cost Savings Savings $ Savings Payback

222.21 Boy's Restroom 3000 2 2

2x4, 2 Lamp, 32w FO32/735/ECO, Elect. Ballast, Recessed Mnt.,

Prismatic Lens

62 0.12 372 $50.59 2 1 Dual Technology Occupancy Sensor - Remote Mnt. 62 0.10 20% 297.6 $40.47 $160.00 $160.00 0.02 74.4 $10.12 15.81

222.21 Girl's Restroom 3000 2 2

2x4, 2 Lamp, 32w FO32/735/ECO, Elect. Ballast, Recessed Mnt.,

Prismatic Lens

62 0.12 372 $50.59 2 1 Dual Technology Occupancy Sensor - Remote Mnt. 62 0.10 20% 297.6 $40.47 $160.00 $160.00 0.02 74.4 $10.12 15.81

232.21 Classroom C3 2600 9 32x4, 3 Lamp, 32w T8,

Elect. Ballast, Recessed Mnt., Prismatic Lens

86 0.77 2012.4 $273.69 9 1

Dual Tech. Occupancy Sensor w/2 Pole Powerpack -

Remote Mnt. 86 0.62 20% 1609.92 $218.95 $225.00 $225.00 0.15 402.48 $54.74 4.11

232.21 Classroom C1 2600 9 32x4, 3 Lamp, 32w T8,

Elect. Ballast, Recessed Mnt., Prismatic Lens

86 0.77 2012.4 $273.69 9 1

Dual Tech. Occupancy Sensor w/2 Pole Powerpack -

Remote Mnt. 86 0.62 20% 1609.92 $218.95 $225.00 $225.00 0.15 402.48 $54.74 4.11

242.21 Faculty Room A7 3000 12 4

2x4, 4 Lamp, 32w FO32/735/ECO, Elect. Ballast, Recessed Mnt.,

Prismatic Lens

107 1.28 3852 $523.87 12 1

Dual Tech. Occupancy Sensor w/2 Pole Powerpack -

Remote Mnt. 107 1.03 20% 3081.6 $419.10 $225.00 $225.00 0.26 770.4 $104.77 2.15

221.11 Classroom A6 2600 38 2

1x4, 2 Lamp, 32w FO32/735/ECO, Elect. Ballast, Surface Mnt.,

Prismatic Lens

62 2.36 6125.6 $833.08 38 1

Dual Tech. Occupancy Sensor w/2 Pole Powerpack -

Remote Mnt. 62 1.88 20% 4900.48 $666.47 $225.00 $225.00 0.47 1225.12 $166.62 1.35

221.14 A10 Storage 1200 2 21x4, 2 Lamp, 32w T8,

Elect. Ballast, Surface Mnt., No Lens

58 0.12 139.2 $18.93 2 0 No Change 58 0.12 0% 139.2 $18.93 0 $0.00 0.00 0 $0.00 0.00

769 Gym A1 2600 24 1 400w MH, Clear Lens 465 11.16 29016 $3,946.18 24 0 No Change 465 11.16 0% 29016 $3,946.18 0 $0.00 0.00 0 $0.00 0.00

222.21 Gym Office - Boy's 2600 2 2

2x4, 2 Lamp, 32w FO32/735/ECO, Elect. Ballast, Recessed Mnt.,

Prismatic Lens

62 0.12 322.4 $43.85 2 1 Dual Technology Occupancy Sensor - Switch Mnt. 62 0.10 20% 257.92 $35.08 $75.00 $75.00 0.02 64.48 $8.77 8.55

3011 Gym Office Restroom 800 1 2 Wall Mount Vanity Light,

(2) 60w A19 Lamps 120 0.12 96 $13.06 1 0 No Change 120 0.12 0% 96 $13.06 0 $0.00 0.00 0 $0.00 0.00

222.21 Gym Office - Girl's 2600 2 2

2x4, 2 Lamp, 32w FO32/735/ECO, Elect. Ballast, Recessed Mnt.,

Prismatic Lens

62 0.12 322.4 $43.85 2 1 Dual Technology Occupancy Sensor - Switch Mnt. 62 0.10 20% 257.92 $35.08 $75.00 $75.00 0.02 64.48 $8.77 8.55

3011 Gym office Restroom 800 1 2 Wall Mount Vanity Light,

(2) 60w A19 Lamps 120 0.12 96 $13.06 1 0 No Change 120 0.12 0% 96 $13.06 0 $0.00 0.00 0 $0.00 0.00

221.11 Classroom A9 2600 12 2

1x4, 2 Lamp, 32w FO32/735/ECO, Elect. Ballast, Surface Mnt.,

Prismatic Lens

62 0.74 1934.4 $263.08 12 1

Dual Tech. Occupancy Sensor w/2 Pole Powerpack -

Remote Mnt. 62 0.60 20% 1547.52 $210.46 $225.00 $225.00 0.15 386.88 $52.62 4.28

221.11 Classroom B2 2600 24 2

1x4, 2 Lamp, 32w FO32/735/ECO, Elect. Ballast, Surface Mnt.,

Prismatic Lens

62 1.49 3868.8 $526.16 24 1

Dual Tech. Occupancy Sensor w/2 Pole Powerpack -

Remote Mnt. 62 1.19 20% 3095.04 $420.93 $225.00 $225.00 0.30 773.76 $105.23 2.14

221.11 Classroom B1 2600 24 2

1x4, 2 Lamp, 32w FO32/735/ECO, Elect. Ballast, Surface Mnt.,

Prismatic Lens

62 1.49 3868.8 $526.16 24 1

Dual Tech. Occupancy Sensor w/2 Pole Powerpack -

Remote Mnt. 62 1.19 20% 3095.04 $420.93 $225.00 $225.00 0.30 773.76 $105.23 2.14

221.11 Girl's Locker Room 2600 17 2

1x4, 2 Lamp, 32w FO32/735/ECO, Elect. Ballast, Surface Mnt.,

Prismatic Lens

62 1.05 2740.4 $372.69 17 2

Dual Tech. Occupancy Sensor w/2 Pole Powerpack -

Remote Mnt. 62 0.84 20% 2192.32 $298.16 $225.00 $450.00 0.21 548.08 $74.54 6.04

Page 108: COVER SHEET- Brigantine Public School Audit Reports - October 2012 /Brigantine...Transformer $7,379 $42,000 $0 $42,000 5.7 Design / Construction Extras (15%) $175,247 $175,247 Total

APPENDIX E19 of 29

ECM #2: Lighting Controls

EXISTING LIGHTING PROPOSED LIGHTING CONTROLS SAVINGSCEG Fixture Yearly No. No. Fixture Fixt Total kWh/Yr Yearly No. No. Controls Watts Total Reduction kWh/Yr Yearly Unit Cost Total kW kWh/Yr Yearly Yearly SimpleType Location Usage Fixts Lamps Type Watts kW Fixtures $ Cost Fixts Cont. Description Used kW (%) Fixtures $ Cost (INSTALLED) Cost Savings Savings $ Savings Payback

221.11 Boy's Locker Room 2600 17 2

1x4, 2 Lamp, 32w FO32/735/ECO, Elect. Ballast, Surface Mnt.,

Prismatic Lens

62 1.05 2740.4 $372.69 17 2

Dual Tech. Occupancy Sensor w/2 Pole Powerpack -

Remote Mnt. 62 0.84 20% 2192.32 $298.16 $225.00 $450.00 0.21 548.08 $74.54 6.04

227.21 Gym Lobby 3000 17 22x2, 2 Lamp, 31w T8,

Elect. Ballast, Recessed Mnt., Prismatic Lens

65 1.11 3315 $450.84 17 0 No Change 65 1.11 0% 3315 $450.84 0 $0.00 0.00 0 $0.00 0.00

624.1 Auditorium 2600 46 1 Recessed Auditorium Light, 300w Quartz Lamp 300 13.80 35880 $4,879.68 46 0 No Change 300 13.80 0% 35880 $4,879.68 0 $0.00 0.00 0 $0.00 0.00

802 Stage 1200 10 1 150w R40 Pendant Mount 150 1.50 1800 $244.80 10 0 No Change 150 1.50 0% 1800 $244.80 0 $0.00 0.00 0 $0.00 0.00

222.21 Classroom B12 2600 20 2

2x4, 2 Lamp, 32w FO32/735/ECO, Elect. Ballast, Recessed Mnt.,

Prismatic Lens

62 1.24 3224 $438.46 20 1

Dual Tech. Occupancy Sensor w/2 Pole Powerpack -

Remote Mnt. 62 0.99 20% 2579.2 $350.77 $225.00 $225.00 0.25 644.8 $87.69 2.57

612 B17 Receiving 3000 3 1 Pendant Mnt., 100w A19 Lamp 100 0.30 900 $122.40 3 0 No Change 100 0.30 0% 900 $122.40 0 $0.00 0.00 0 $0.00 0.00

221.11 B18 Boiler Room 3000 8 2

1x4, 2 Lamp, 32w FO32/735/ECO, Elect. Ballast, Surface Mnt.,

Prismatic Lens

62 0.50 1488 $202.37 8 0 No Change 62 0.50 0% 1488 $202.37 0 $0.00 0.00 0 $0.00 0.00

745 Cafeteria 3000 18 1 250w MH Down Light w/Prismatic Lens 295 5.31 15930 $2,166.48 18 0 No Change 295 5.31 0% 15930 $2,166.48 0 $0.00 0.00 0 $0.00 0.00

221.21 Kitchen 3000 24 2

1x4, 2 Lamp, 32w 700 Series T8, Elect. Ballast, Recessed Mnt., Prismatic


62 1.49 4464 $607.10 24 0 No Change 62 1.49 0% 4464 $607.10 0 $0.00 0.00 0 $0.00 0.00

617 Kitchen Hood 3000 6 1 Hood Light w/Globe & Cage, 100w A Lamp 100 0.60 1800 $244.80 6 0 No Change 100 0.60 0% 1800 $244.80 0 $0.00 0.00 0 $0.00 0.00

0 BOA Offices 3000 0 0 0 0 0.00 0 $0.00 0 0 No Change 0 0.00 0% 0 $0.00 0 $0.00 0.00 0 $0.00 0.00

227.21 Girl's Restroom 3000 3 22x2, 2 Lamp, 31w T8,

Elect. Ballast, Recessed Mnt., Prismatic Lens

65 0.20 585 $79.56 3 2 Dual Technology Occupancy Sensor - Remote Mnt. 65 0.16 20% 468 $63.65 $160.00 $320.00 0.04 117 $15.91 20.11

227.21 Boy's Restroom 3000 3 22x2, 2 Lamp, 31w T8,

Elect. Ballast, Recessed Mnt., Prismatic Lens

65 0.20 585 $79.56 3 2 Dual Technology Occupancy Sensor - Remote Mnt. 65 0.16 20% 468 $63.65 $160.00 $320.00 0.04 117 $15.91 20.11

222.21 Business Office B19 3000 7 2

2x4, 2 Lamp, 32w FO32/735/ECO, Elect. Ballast, Recessed Mnt.,

Prismatic Lens

62 0.43 1302 $177.07 7 0 No Change 62 0.43 0% 1302 $177.07 0 $0.00 0.00 0 $0.00 0.00

3011 Business Office B19 Restroom 1200 1 2 Wall Mount Vanity Light,

(2) 60w A19 Lamps 120 0.12 144 $19.58 1 0 No Change 120 0.12 0% 144 $19.58 0 $0.00 0.00 0 $0.00 0.00

222.21 Business Office 3000 6 2

2x4, 2 Lamp, 32w FO32/735/ECO, Elect. Ballast, Recessed Mnt.,

Prismatic Lens

62 0.37 1116 $151.78 6 0 No Change 62 0.37 0% 1116 $151.78 0 $0.00 0.00 0 $0.00 0.00

3011 Business Office Restroom 1200 1 2 Wall Mount Vanity Light,

(2) 60w A19 Lamps 120 0.12 144 $19.58 1 0 No Change 120 0.12 0% 144 $19.58 0 $0.00 0.00 0 $0.00 0.00

222.21 Conference Room 3000 7 2

2x4, 2 Lamp, 32w FO32/735/ECO, Elect. Ballast, Recessed Mnt.,

Prismatic Lens

62 0.43 1302 $177.07 7 1 Dual Technology Occupancy Sensor - Remote Mnt. 62 0.35 20% 1041.6 $141.66 $160.00 $160.00 0.09 260.4 $35.41 4.52

222.21 Reception 3000 7 2

2x4, 2 Lamp, 32w FO32/735/ECO, Elect. Ballast, Recessed Mnt.,

Prismatic Lens

62 0.43 1302 $177.07 7 0 No Change 62 0.43 0% 1302 $177.07 0 $0.00 0.00 0 $0.00 0.00

3011 Reception Restroom 1200 1 2 Wall Mount Vanity Light, (2) 60w A19 Lamps 120 0.12 144 $19.58 1 0 No Change 120 0.12 0% 144 $19.58 0 $0.00 0.00 0 $0.00 0.00

Page 109: COVER SHEET- Brigantine Public School Audit Reports - October 2012 /Brigantine...Transformer $7,379 $42,000 $0 $42,000 5.7 Design / Construction Extras (15%) $175,247 $175,247 Total

APPENDIX E20 of 29

ECM #2: Lighting Controls

EXISTING LIGHTING PROPOSED LIGHTING CONTROLS SAVINGSCEG Fixture Yearly No. No. Fixture Fixt Total kWh/Yr Yearly No. No. Controls Watts Total Reduction kWh/Yr Yearly Unit Cost Total kW kWh/Yr Yearly Yearly SimpleType Location Usage Fixts Lamps Type Watts kW Fixtures $ Cost Fixts Cont. Description Used kW (%) Fixtures $ Cost (INSTALLED) Cost Savings Savings $ Savings Payback

222.21 Office 3000 6 2

2x4, 2 Lamp, 32w FO32/735/ECO, Elect. Ballast, Recessed Mnt.,

Prismatic Lens

62 0.37 1116 $151.78 6 0 No Change 62 0.37 0% 1116 $151.78 0 $0.00 0.00 0 $0.00 0.00

227.21 Girl's Restroom 3000 3 22x2, 2 Lamp, 31w T8,

Elect. Ballast, Recessed Mnt., Prismatic Lens

65 0.20 585 $79.56 3 1 Dual Technology Occupancy Sensor - Remote Mnt. 65 0.16 20% 468 $63.65 $160.00 $160.00 0.04 117 $15.91 10.06

227.21 Boy's Restroom 3000 3 22x2, 2 Lamp, 31w T8,

Elect. Ballast, Recessed Mnt., Prismatic Lens

65 0.20 507 $68.95 3 1 Dual Technology Occupancy Sensor - Remote Mnt. 65 0.16 20% 468 $63.65 $160.00 $160.00 0.04 39 $5.30 30.17

132.22 Classroom 243 2600 6 32x4, 3-Lamp, 34w T12, Mag. Ballast, Recessed Mnt., Parabolic Lens

127 0.76 1981.2 $269.44 6 1

Dual Tech. Occupancy Sensor w/2 Pole Powerpack -

Remote Mnt. 127 0.61 20% 1584.96 $215.55 $225.00 $225.00 0.15 396.24 $53.89 4.18

142.22 Classroom 244 2600 9 42x4, 4 Lamp, 34w T12, Mag. Ballast, Recessed Mnt., Parabolic Lens

156 1.40 3650.4 $496.45 9 1 156 1.12 20% 2920.32 $397.16 $225.00 $225.00 0.28 730.08 $99.29 2.27

121.22 Classroom 244 2600 3 21x4, 2-Lamp, 34w T12, Mag. Ballast, Recessed Mnt., Parabolic Lens

78 0.23 608.4 $82.74 3 0 78 0.19 20% 486.72 $66.19 0 $0.00 0.05 121.68 $16.55 0.00

142.22 Classroom 245 2600 9 42x4, 4 Lamp, 34w T12, Mag. Ballast, Recessed Mnt., Parabolic Lens

156 1.40 3650.4 $496.45 9 1 156 1.12 20% 2920.32 $397.16 $225.00 $225.00 0.28 730.08 $99.29 2.27

121.11 Classroom 245 2600 3 21x4, 2-Lamp, 34w T12,

Mag. Ballast, Surface Mnt., Prismatic Lens

78 0.23 608.4 $82.74 3 0 78 0.19 20% 486.72 $66.19 0 $0.00 0.05 121.68 $16.55 0.00

142.22 Classroom 246 2600 9 42x4, 4 Lamp, 34w T12, Mag. Ballast, Recessed Mnt., Parabolic Lens

156 1.40 3650.4 $496.45 9 1 156 1.12 20% 2920.32 $397.16 $225.00 $225.00 0.28 730.08 $99.29 2.27

121.11 Classroom 246 2600 2 21x4, 2-Lamp, 34w T12,

Mag. Ballast, Surface Mnt., Prismatic Lens

78 0.16 405.6 $55.16 2 0 78 0.12 20% 324.48 $44.13 0 $0.00 0.03 81.12 $11.03 0.00

142.22 Classroom 247 2600 9 42x4, 4 Lamp, 34w T12, Mag. Ballast, Recessed Mnt., Parabolic Lens

156 1.40 3650.4 $496.45 9 1 156 1.12 20% 2920.32 $397.16 $225.00 $225.00 0.28 730.08 $99.29 2.27

121.11 Classroom 247 2600 3 21x4, 2-Lamp, 34w T12,

Mag. Ballast, Surface Mnt., Prismatic Lens

78 0.23 608.4 $82.74 3 0 78 0.19 20% 486.72 $66.19 0 $0.00 0.05 121.68 $16.55 0.00

142.22 Classroom 248 2600 9 42x4, 4 Lamp, 34w T12, Mag. Ballast, Recessed Mnt., Parabolic Lens

156 1.40 3650.4 $496.45 9 1 156 1.12 20% 2920.32 $397.16 $225.00 $225.00 0.28 730.08 $99.29 2.27

221.22 Classroom 248 2600 3 2

1x4, 2 Lamp, 32w 700 Series T8, Elect. Ballast, Recessed Mnt., Parabolic


62 0.19 483.6 $65.77 3 0 62 0.15 20% 386.88 $52.62 0 $0.00 0.04 96.72 $13.15 0.00

142.22 Classroom 249 2600 9 42x4, 4 Lamp, 34w T12, Mag. Ballast, Recessed Mnt., Parabolic Lens

156 1.40 3650.4 $496.45 9 1 156 1.12 20% 2920.32 $397.16 $225.00 $225.00 0.28 730.08 $99.29 2.27

121.22 Classroom 249 2600 3 21x4, 2-Lamp, 34w T12, Mag. Ballast, Recessed Mnt., Parabolic Lens

78 0.23 608.4 $82.74 3 0 78 0.19 20% 486.72 $66.19 0 $0.00 0.05 121.68 $16.55 0.00

142.22 Classroom 250 2600 9 42x4, 4 Lamp, 34w T12, Mag. Ballast, Recessed Mnt., Parabolic Lens

156 1.40 3650.4 $496.45 9 1 156 1.12 20% 2920.32 $397.16 $225.00 $225.00 0.28 730.08 $99.29 2.27

121.22 Classroom 250 2600 2 21x4, 2-Lamp, 34w T12, Mag. Ballast, Recessed Mnt., Parabolic Lens

78 0.16 405.6 $55.16 2 0 78 0.12 20% 324.48 $44.13 0 $0.00 0.03 81.12 $11.03 0.00

142.22 Classroom 201 2600 8 42x4, 4 Lamp, 34w T12, Mag. Ballast, Recessed Mnt., Parabolic Lens

156 1.25 3244.8 $441.29 8 1 156 1.00 20% 2595.84 $353.03 $225.00 $225.00 0.25 648.96 $88.26 2.55

Dual Tech. Occupancy Sensor w/2 Pole Powerpack -

Remote Mnt.

Dual Tech. Occupancy Sensor w/2 Pole Powerpack -

Remote Mnt.

Dual Tech. Occupancy Sensor w/2 Pole Powerpack -

Remote Mnt.

Dual Tech. Occupancy Sensor w/2 Pole Powerpack -

Remote Mnt.

Dual Tech. Occupancy Sensor w/2 Pole Powerpack -

Remote Mnt.

Dual Tech. Occupancy Sensor w/2 Pole Powerpack -

Remote Mnt.

Dual Tech. Occupancy Sensor w/2 Pole Powerpack -

Remote Mnt.

Dual Tech. Occupancy Sensor w/2 Pole Powerpack -

Page 110: COVER SHEET- Brigantine Public School Audit Reports - October 2012 /Brigantine...Transformer $7,379 $42,000 $0 $42,000 5.7 Design / Construction Extras (15%) $175,247 $175,247 Total

APPENDIX E21 of 29

ECM #2: Lighting Controls

EXISTING LIGHTING PROPOSED LIGHTING CONTROLS SAVINGSCEG Fixture Yearly No. No. Fixture Fixt Total kWh/Yr Yearly No. No. Controls Watts Total Reduction kWh/Yr Yearly Unit Cost Total kW kWh/Yr Yearly Yearly SimpleType Location Usage Fixts Lamps Type Watts kW Fixtures $ Cost Fixts Cont. Description Used kW (%) Fixtures $ Cost (INSTALLED) Cost Savings Savings $ Savings Payback

121.22 Classroom 201 2600 3 21x4, 2-Lamp, 34w T12, Mag. Ballast, Recessed Mnt., Parabolic Lens

78 0.23 608.4 $82.74 3 0 78 0.19 20% 486.72 $66.19 0 $0.00 0.05 121.68 $16.55 0.00

121.21 Classroom 201 Restroom 1200 1 2

1x4, 2-Lamp, 34w T12, Mag. Ballast, Recessed Mnt., Prismatic Lens

78 0.08 93.6 $12.73 1 0 No Change 78 0.08 0% 93.6 $12.73 0 $0.00 0.00 0 $0.00 0.00

121.21 Storage 1200 1 21x4, 2-Lamp, 34w T12, Mag. Ballast, Recessed Mnt., Prismatic Lens

78 0.08 93.6 $12.73 1 0 No Change 78 0.08 0% 93.6 $12.73 0 $0.00 0.00 0 $0.00 0.00

142.22 Classroom 202 2600 9 42x4, 4 Lamp, 34w T12, Mag. Ballast, Recessed Mnt., Parabolic Lens

156 1.40 3650.4 $496.45 9 1 156 1.12 20% 2920.32 $397.16 $225.00 $225.00 0.28 730.08 $99.29 2.27

121.22 Classroom 202 1200 2 21x4, 2-Lamp, 34w T12, Mag. Ballast, Recessed Mnt., Parabolic Lens

78 0.16 187.2 $25.46 2 0 78 0.12 20% 149.76 $20.37 0 $0.00 0.03 37.44 $5.09 0.00

142.22 Classroom 203 2600 9 42x4, 4 Lamp, 34w T12, Mag. Ballast, Recessed Mnt., Parabolic Lens

156 1.40 3650.4 $496.45 9 1 156 1.12 20% 2920.32 $397.16 $225.00 $225.00 0.28 730.08 $99.29 2.27

121.22 Classroom 203 1200 2 21x4, 2-Lamp, 34w T12, Mag. Ballast, Recessed Mnt., Parabolic Lens

78 0.16 187.2 $25.46 2 0 78 0.12 20% 149.76 $20.37 0 $0.00 0.03 37.44 $5.09 0.00

142.22 Classtoom 204 Storage 2600 9 4

2x4, 4 Lamp, 34w T12, Mag. Ballast, Recessed Mnt., Parabolic Lens

156 1.40 3650.4 $496.45 9 0 No Change 156 1.40 0% 3650.4 $496.45 0 $0.00 0.00 0 $0.00 0.00

121.22 Classtoom 204 Storage 1200 2 2

1x4, 2-Lamp, 34w T12, Mag. Ballast, Recessed Mnt., Parabolic Lens

78 0.16 187.2 $25.46 2 0 No Change 78 0.16 0% 187.2 $25.46 0 $0.00 0.00 0 $0.00 0.00

142.22 Classroom 205 2600 6 42x4, 4 Lamp, 34w T12, Mag. Ballast, Recessed Mnt., Parabolic Lens

156 0.94 2433.6 $330.97 6 1

Dual Tech. Occupancy Sensor w/2 Pole Powerpack -

Remote Mnt. 156 0.75 20% 1946.88 $264.78 $225.00 $225.00 0.19 486.72 $66.19 3.40

142.22 Classroom 206 2600 9 42x4, 4 Lamp, 34w T12, Mag. Ballast, Recessed Mnt., Parabolic Lens

156 1.40 3650.4 $496.45 9 1 156 1.12 20% 2920.32 $397.16 $225.00 $225.00 0.28 730.08 $99.29 2.27

121.22 Classroom 206 1200 2 21x4, 2-Lamp, 34w T12, Mag. Ballast, Recessed Mnt., Parabolic Lens

78 0.16 187.2 $25.46 2 0 78 0.12 20% 149.76 $20.37 0 $0.00 0.03 37.44 $5.09 0.00

142.22 Classroom 207 2600 9 42x4, 4 Lamp, 34w T12, Mag. Ballast, Recessed Mnt., Parabolic Lens

156 1.40 3650.4 $496.45 9 1 156 1.12 20% 2920.32 $397.16 $225.00 $225.00 0.28 730.08 $99.29 2.27

121.22 Classroom 207 1200 2 21x4, 2-Lamp, 34w T12, Mag. Ballast, Recessed Mnt., Parabolic Lens

78 0.16 187.2 $25.46 2 0 78 0.12 20% 149.76 $20.37 0 $0.00 0.03 37.44 $5.09 0.00

142.22 Classroom 208 2600 9 42x4, 4 Lamp, 34w T12, Mag. Ballast, Recessed Mnt., Parabolic Lens

156 1.40 3650.4 $496.45 9 1 156 1.12 20% 2920.32 $397.16 $225.00 $225.00 0.28 730.08 $99.29 2.27

121.22 Classroom 208 1200 2 21x4, 2-Lamp, 34w T12, Mag. Ballast, Recessed Mnt., Parabolic Lens

78 0.16 187.2 $25.46 2 0 78 0.12 20% 149.76 $20.37 0 $0.00 0.03 37.44 $5.09 0.00

Dual Tech. Occupancy Sensor w/2 Pole Powerpack -

Remote Mnt.

Dual Tech. Occupancy Sensor w/2 Pole Powerpack -

Remote Mnt.

Dual Tech. Occupancy Sensor w/2 Pole Powerpack -

Remote Mnt.

Remote Mnt.

Dual Tech. Occupancy Sensor w/2 Pole Powerpack -

Remote Mnt.

Dual Tech. Occupancy Sensor w/2 Pole Powerpack -

Remote Mnt.

Page 111: COVER SHEET- Brigantine Public School Audit Reports - October 2012 /Brigantine...Transformer $7,379 $42,000 $0 $42,000 5.7 Design / Construction Extras (15%) $175,247 $175,247 Total

APPENDIX E22 of 29

ECM #2: Lighting Controls

EXISTING LIGHTING PROPOSED LIGHTING CONTROLS SAVINGSCEG Fixture Yearly No. No. Fixture Fixt Total kWh/Yr Yearly No. No. Controls Watts Total Reduction kWh/Yr Yearly Unit Cost Total kW kWh/Yr Yearly Yearly SimpleType Location Usage Fixts Lamps Type Watts kW Fixtures $ Cost Fixts Cont. Description Used kW (%) Fixtures $ Cost (INSTALLED) Cost Savings Savings $ Savings Payback

142.22 Classroom 209 2600 8 42x4, 4 Lamp, 34w T12, Mag. Ballast, Recessed Mnt., Parabolic Lens

156 1.25 3244.8 $441.29 8 1 156 1.00 20% 2595.84 $353.03 $225.00 $225.00 0.25 648.96 $88.26 2.55

121.22 Classroom 209 1200 3 21x4, 2-Lamp, 34w T12, Mag. Ballast, Recessed Mnt., Parabolic Lens

78 0.23 280.8 $38.19 3 0 78 0.19 20% 224.64 $30.55 0 $0.00 0.05 56.16 $7.64 0.00

132.22 Classroom 210 2600 10 32x4, 3-Lamp, 34w T12, Mag. Ballast, Recessed Mnt., Parabolic Lens

127 1.27 3302 $449.07 10 1

Dual Tech. Occupancy Sensor w/2 Pole Powerpack -

Remote Mnt. 127 1.02 20% 2641.6 $359.26 $225.00 $225.00 0.25 660.4 $89.81 2.51

0 211 Storage 1200 0 0 0 0 0.00 0 $0.00 0 0 No Change 0 0.00 0% 0 $0.00 0 $0.00 0.00 0 $0.00 0.00

121.21 212 Custodial Closet 1200 1 2

1x4, 2-Lamp, 34w T12, Mag. Ballast, Recessed Mnt., Prismatic Lens

78 0.08 93.6 $12.73 1 0 No Change 78 0.08 0% 93.6 $12.73 0 $0.00 0.00 0 $0.00 0.00

131.22 SGI 213 2600 10 31x4, 3-Lamp, 34w T12, Mag. Ballast, Recessed Mnt., Parabolic Lens

127 1.27 3302 $449.07 10 1

Dual Tech. Occupancy Sensor w/2 Pole Powerpack -

Remote Mnt. 127 1.02 20% 2641.6 $359.26 $225.00 $225.00 0.25 660.4 $89.81 2.51

142.22 Classroom 214 2600 8 42x4, 4 Lamp, 34w T12, Mag. Ballast, Recessed Mnt., Parabolic Lens

156 1.25 3244.8 $441.29 8 1 156 1.00 20% 2595.84 $353.03 $225.00 $225.00 0.25 648.96 $88.26 2.55

121.22 Classroom 214 2600 3 21x4, 2-Lamp, 34w T12, Mag. Ballast, Recessed Mnt., Parabolic Lens

78 0.23 608.4 $82.74 3 0 78 0.19 20% 486.72 $66.19 0 $0.00 0.05 121.68 $16.55 0.00

121.21 Boy's Restroom 2600 11 21x4, 2-Lamp, 34w T12, Mag. Ballast, Recessed Mnt., Prismatic Lens

78 0.86 2230.8 $303.39 11 2 Dual Technology Occupancy Sensor - Remote Mnt. 78 0.69 20% 1784.64 $242.71 $160.00 $320.00 0.17 446.16 $60.68 5.27

121.21 Girl's Restroom 2600 12 21x4, 2-Lamp, 34w T12, Mag. Ballast, Recessed Mnt., Prismatic Lens

78 0.94 2433.6 $330.97 12 2 Dual Technology Occupancy Sensor - Remote Mnt. 78 0.75 20% 1946.88 $264.78 $160.00 $320.00 0.19 486.72 $66.19 4.83

142.22 Classroom 224 2600 17 42x4, 4 Lamp, 34w T12, Mag. Ballast, Recessed Mnt., Parabolic Lens

156 2.65 6895.2 $937.75 17 1

Dual Tech. Occupancy Sensor w/2 Pole Powerpack -

Remote Mnt. 156 2.12 20% 5516.16 $750.20 $225.00 $225.00 0.53 1379.04 $187.55 1.20

132.22 Classroom 224 Storage 1200 2 3

2x4, 3-Lamp, 34w T12, Mag. Ballast, Recessed Mnt., Parabolic Lens

127 0.25 304.8 $41.45 2 0 No Change 127 0.25 0% 304.8 $41.45 0 $0.00 0.00 0 $0.00 0.00

142.22 Classroom 223 2600 9 42x4, 4 Lamp, 34w T12, Mag. Ballast, Recessed Mnt., Parabolic Lens

156 1.40 3650.4 $496.45 9 1

Dual Tech. Occupancy Sensor w/2 Pole Powerpack -

Remote Mnt. 156 1.12 20% 2920.32 $397.16 $225.00 $225.00 0.28 730.08 $99.29 2.27

121.22 Classroom 223 Restroom 1200 1 2

1x4, 2-Lamp, 34w T12, Mag. Ballast, Recessed Mnt., Parabolic Lens

78 0.08 93.6 $12.73 1 0 No Change 78 0.08 0% 93.6 $12.73 0 $0.00 0.00 0 $0.00 0.00

142.22 Classroom 222 2600 9 42x4, 4 Lamp, 34w T12, Mag. Ballast, Recessed Mnt., Parabolic Lens

156 1.40 3650.4 $496.45 9 1 156 1.12 20% 2920.32 $397.16 $225.00 $225.00 0.28 730.08 $99.29 2.27

121.22 Classroom 222 2600 3 21x4, 2-Lamp, 34w T12, Mag. Ballast, Recessed Mnt., Parabolic Lens

78 0.23 608.4 $82.74 3 0 78 0.19 20% 486.72 $66.19 0 $0.00 0.05 121.68 $16.55 0.00

Dual Tech. Occupancy Sensor w/2 Pole Powerpack -

Remote Mnt.

Dual Tech. Occupancy Sensor w/2 Pole Powerpack -

Remote Mnt.

Dual Tech. Occupancy Sensor w/2 Pole Powerpack -

Remote Mnt.

Page 112: COVER SHEET- Brigantine Public School Audit Reports - October 2012 /Brigantine...Transformer $7,379 $42,000 $0 $42,000 5.7 Design / Construction Extras (15%) $175,247 $175,247 Total

APPENDIX E23 of 29

ECM #2: Lighting Controls

EXISTING LIGHTING PROPOSED LIGHTING CONTROLS SAVINGSCEG Fixture Yearly No. No. Fixture Fixt Total kWh/Yr Yearly No. No. Controls Watts Total Reduction kWh/Yr Yearly Unit Cost Total kW kWh/Yr Yearly Yearly SimpleType Location Usage Fixts Lamps Type Watts kW Fixtures $ Cost Fixts Cont. Description Used kW (%) Fixtures $ Cost (INSTALLED) Cost Savings Savings $ Savings Payback

142.22 Classroom 221 2600 9 42x4, 4 Lamp, 34w T12, Mag. Ballast, Recessed Mnt., Parabolic Lens

156 1.40 3650.4 $496.45 9 1 156 1.12 20% 2920.32 $397.16 $225.00 $225.00 0.28 730.08 $99.29 2.27

121.22 Classroom 221 2600 3 21x4, 2-Lamp, 34w T12, Mag. Ballast, Recessed Mnt., Parabolic Lens

78 0.23 608.4 $82.74 3 0 78 0.19 20% 486.72 $66.19 0 $0.00 0.05 121.68 $16.55 0.00

142.22 Classroom 220 2600 9 42x4, 4 Lamp, 34w T12, Mag. Ballast, Recessed Mnt., Parabolic Lens

156 1.40 3650.4 $496.45 9 1 156 1.12 20% 2920.32 $397.16 $225.00 $225.00 0.28 730.08 $99.29 2.27

121.22 Classroom 220 2600 3 21x4, 2-Lamp, 34w T12, Mag. Ballast, Recessed Mnt., Parabolic Lens

78 0.23 608.4 $82.74 3 0 78 0.19 20% 486.72 $66.19 0 $0.00 0.05 121.68 $16.55 0.00

142.22 Classroom 219 2600 9 42x4, 4 Lamp, 34w T12, Mag. Ballast, Recessed Mnt., Parabolic Lens

156 1.40 3650.4 $496.45 9 1 156 1.12 20% 2920.32 $397.16 $225.00 $225.00 0.28 730.08 $99.29 2.27

121.22 Classroom 219 2600 3 21x4, 2-Lamp, 34w T12, Mag. Ballast, Recessed Mnt., Parabolic Lens

78 0.23 608.4 $82.74 3 0 78 0.19 20% 486.72 $66.19 0 $0.00 0.05 121.68 $16.55 0.00

142.22 Classroom 218 2600 9 42x4, 4 Lamp, 34w T12, Mag. Ballast, Recessed Mnt., Parabolic Lens

156 1.40 3650.4 $496.45 9 1 156 1.12 20% 2920.32 $397.16 $225.00 $225.00 0.28 730.08 $99.29 2.27

121.22 Classroom 218 2600 3 21x4, 2-Lamp, 34w T12, Mag. Ballast, Recessed Mnt., Parabolic Lens

78 0.23 608.4 $82.74 3 0 78 0.19 20% 486.72 $66.19 0 $0.00 0.05 121.68 $16.55 0.00

142.22 Classroom 217 2600 9 42x4, 4 Lamp, 34w T12, Mag. Ballast, Recessed Mnt., Parabolic Lens

156 1.40 3650.4 $496.45 9 1 156 1.12 20% 2920.32 $397.16 $225.00 $225.00 0.28 730.08 $99.29 2.27

121.22 Classroom 217 2600 3 21x4, 2-Lamp, 34w T12, Mag. Ballast, Recessed Mnt., Parabolic Lens

78 0.23 608.4 $82.74 3 0 78 0.19 20% 486.72 $66.19 0 $0.00 0.05 121.68 $16.55 0.00

142.22 Classroom 216 2600 9 42x4, 4 Lamp, 34w T12, Mag. Ballast, Recessed Mnt., Parabolic Lens

156 1.40 3650.4 $496.45 9 1 156 1.12 20% 2920.32 $397.16 $225.00 $225.00 0.28 730.08 $99.29 2.27

121.22 Classroom 216 2600 3 21x4, 2-Lamp, 34w T12, Mag. Ballast, Recessed Mnt., Parabolic Lens

78 0.23 608.4 $82.74 3 0 78 0.19 20% 486.72 $66.19 0 $0.00 0.05 121.68 $16.55 0.00

142.22 Classroom 215 2600 6 42x4, 4 Lamp, 34w T12, Mag. Ballast, Recessed Mnt., Parabolic Lens

156 0.94 2433.6 $330.97 6 1

Dual Tech. Occupancy Sensor w/2 Pole Powerpack -

Remote Mnt. 156 0.75 20% 1946.88 $264.78 $225.00 $225.00 0.19 486.72 $66.19 3.40

142.22 Classroom 228 2600 8 42x4, 4 Lamp, 34w T12, Mag. Ballast, Recessed Mnt., Parabolic Lens

156 1.25 3244.8 $441.29 8 1 156 1.00 20% 2595.84 $353.03 $225.00 $225.00 0.25 648.96 $88.26 2.55

121.22 Classroom 228 2600 2 21x4, 2-Lamp, 34w T12, Mag. Ballast, Recessed Mnt., Parabolic Lens

78 0.16 405.6 $55.16 2 0 78 0.12 20% 324.48 $44.13 0 $0.00 0.03 81.12 $11.03 0.00

142.22 Classroom 229 2600 8 42x4, 4 Lamp, 34w T12, Mag. Ballast, Recessed Mnt., Parabolic Lens

156 1.25 3244.8 $441.29 8 1 156 1.00 20% 2595.84 $353.03 $225.00 $225.00 0.25 648.96 $88.26 2.55

Dual Tech. Occupancy Sensor w/2 Pole Powerpack -

Remote Mnt.

Dual Tech. Occupancy Sensor w/2 Pole Powerpack -

Remote Mnt.

Dual Tech. Occupancy Sensor w/2 Pole Powerpack -

Remote Mnt.

Dual Tech. Occupancy Sensor w/2 Pole Powerpack -

Remote Mnt.

Dual Tech. Occupancy Sensor w/2 Pole Powerpack -

Remote Mnt.

Dual Tech. Occupancy Sensor w/2 Pole Powerpack -

Remote Mnt.

Dual Tech. Occupancy Sensor w/2 Pole Powerpack -

Remote Mnt.

Dual Tech. Occupancy Sensor w/2 Pole Powerpack -

Page 113: COVER SHEET- Brigantine Public School Audit Reports - October 2012 /Brigantine...Transformer $7,379 $42,000 $0 $42,000 5.7 Design / Construction Extras (15%) $175,247 $175,247 Total

APPENDIX E24 of 29

ECM #2: Lighting Controls

EXISTING LIGHTING PROPOSED LIGHTING CONTROLS SAVINGSCEG Fixture Yearly No. No. Fixture Fixt Total kWh/Yr Yearly No. No. Controls Watts Total Reduction kWh/Yr Yearly Unit Cost Total kW kWh/Yr Yearly Yearly SimpleType Location Usage Fixts Lamps Type Watts kW Fixtures $ Cost Fixts Cont. Description Used kW (%) Fixtures $ Cost (INSTALLED) Cost Savings Savings $ Savings Payback

121.22 Classroom 229 2600 4 21x4, 2-Lamp, 34w T12, Mag. Ballast, Recessed Mnt., Parabolic Lens

78 0.31 811.2 $110.32 4 0 78 0.25 20% 648.96 $88.26 0 $0.00 0.06 162.24 $22.06 0.00

142.22 Classroom 226 2600 5 42x4, 4 Lamp, 34w T12, Mag. Ballast, Recessed Mnt., Parabolic Lens

156 0.78 2028 $275.81 5 1

Dual Tech. Occupancy Sensor w/2 Pole Powerpack -

Remote Mnt. 156 0.62 20% 1622.4 $220.65 $225.00 $225.00 0.16 405.6 $55.16 4.08

142.22 Classroom 225 2600 5 42x4, 4 Lamp, 34w T12, Mag. Ballast, Recessed Mnt., Parabolic Lens

156 0.78 2028 $275.81 5 1

Dual Tech. Occupancy Sensor w/2 Pole Powerpack -

Remote Mnt. 156 0.62 20% 1622.4 $220.65 $225.00 $225.00 0.16 405.6 $55.16 4.08

127.22 232 Library 3000 6 2

2x2, 2 Lamp, 34w T12 U-Tube, Mag. Ballast,

Recessed Mnt., Parabolic Lens

60 0.36 1080 $146.88 6 0 No Change 60 0.36 0% 1080 $146.88 0 $0.00 0.00 0 $0.00 0.00

560 232 Library 3000 3 1 Recessed Down Light, 26w CFL Lamp 26 0.08 234 $31.82 3 0 No Change 26 0.08 0% 234 $31.82 0 $0.00 0.00 0 $0.00 0.00

121.14 232 Library 3000 30 21x4, 2-Lamp, 34w T12,

Mag. Ballast, Surface Mnt., No Lens

78 2.34 7020 $954.72 30 0 No Change 78 2.34 0% 7020 $954.72 0 $0.00 0.00 0 $0.00 0.00

738.1 232 Library 3000 16 1 175w MH Uplight 210 3.36 10080 $1,370.88 16 0 No Change 210 3.36 0% 10080 $1,370.88 0 $0.00 0.00 0 $0.00 0.00

132.22 Library Office 2600 6 32x4, 3-Lamp, 34w T12, Mag. Ballast, Recessed Mnt., Parabolic Lens

127 0.76 1981.2 $269.44 6 1 Dual Technology Occupancy Sensor - Remote Mnt. 127 0.61 20% 1584.96 $215.55 $160.00 $160.00 0.15 396.24 $53.89 2.97

560 Library Window Display 3000 4 1 Recessed Down Light, 26w

CFL Lamp 26 0.10 312 $42.43 4 0 No Change 26 0.10 0% 312 $42.43 0 $0.00 0.00 0 $0.00 0.00

131.22 Classroom 231 2600 27 31x4, 3-Lamp, 34w T12, Mag. Ballast, Recessed Mnt., Parabolic Lens

127 3.43 8915.4 $1,212.49 27 1

Dual Tech. Occupancy Sensor w/2 Pole Powerpack -

Remote Mnt. 127 2.74 20% 7132.32 $970.00 $225.00 $225.00 0.69 1783.08 $242.50 0.93

131.22 Classroom 231 Storage 1200 3 3

1x4, 3-Lamp, 34w T12, Mag. Ballast, Recessed Mnt., Parabolic Lens

127 0.38 457.2 $62.18 3 0 No Change 127 0.38 0% 457.2 $62.18 0 $0.00 0.00 0 $0.00 0.00

122.21 A/V 3000 2 22x4, 2-Lamp, 34w T12, Mag. Ballast, Recessed Mnt., Prismatic Lens

78 0.16 468 $63.65 2 0 No Change 78 0.16 0% 468 $63.65 0 $0.00 0.00 0 $0.00 0.00

132.22 A/V Office 3000 2 32x4, 3-Lamp, 34w T12, Mag. Ballast, Recessed Mnt., Parabolic Lens

127 0.25 762 $103.63 2 0 No Change 127 0.25 0% 762 $103.63 0 $0.00 0.00 0 $0.00 0.00

131.22 Studio 3000 8 31x4, 3-Lamp, 34w T12, Mag. Ballast, Recessed Mnt., Parabolic Lens

127 1.02 3048 $414.53 8 0 No Change 127 1.02 0% 3048 $414.53 0 $0.00 0.00 0 $0.00 0.00

131.22 Clasroom 101 2600 23 31x4, 3-Lamp, 34w T12, Mag. Ballast, Recessed Mnt., Parabolic Lens

127 2.92 7594.6 $1,032.87 23 1

Dual Tech. Occupancy Sensor w/2 Pole Powerpack -

Remote Mnt. 127 2.34 20% 6075.68 $826.29 $225.00 $225.00 0.58 1518.92 $206.57 1.09

560 Classroom 101 Restroom 1200 1 1 Recessed Down Light, 26w

CFL Lamp 26 0.03 31.2 $4.24 1 0 No Change 26 0.03 0% 31.2 $4.24 0 $0.00 0.00 0 $0.00 0.00

Remote Mnt.

Page 114: COVER SHEET- Brigantine Public School Audit Reports - October 2012 /Brigantine...Transformer $7,379 $42,000 $0 $42,000 5.7 Design / Construction Extras (15%) $175,247 $175,247 Total

APPENDIX E25 of 29

ECM #2: Lighting Controls

EXISTING LIGHTING PROPOSED LIGHTING CONTROLS SAVINGSCEG Fixture Yearly No. No. Fixture Fixt Total kWh/Yr Yearly No. No. Controls Watts Total Reduction kWh/Yr Yearly Unit Cost Total kW kWh/Yr Yearly Yearly SimpleType Location Usage Fixts Lamps Type Watts kW Fixtures $ Cost Fixts Cont. Description Used kW (%) Fixtures $ Cost (INSTALLED) Cost Savings Savings $ Savings Payback

131.22 Classroom 102 2600 19 31x4, 3-Lamp, 34w T12, Mag. Ballast, Recessed Mnt., Parabolic Lens

127 2.41 6273.8 $853.24 19 1

Dual Tech. Occupancy Sensor w/2 Pole Powerpack -

Remote Mnt. 127 1.93 20% 5019.04 $682.59 $225.00 $225.00 0.48 1254.76 $170.65 1.32

560 Classroom 102 Restroom 1200 1 1 Recessed Down Light, 26w

CFL Lamp 26 0.03 31.2 $4.24 1 0 No Change 26 0.03 0% 31.2 $4.24 0 $0.00 0.00 0 $0.00 0.00

131.22 Classroom 103 2600 19 31x4, 3-Lamp, 34w T12, Mag. Ballast, Recessed Mnt., Parabolic Lens

127 2.41 6273.8 $853.24 19 1

Dual Tech. Occupancy Sensor w/2 Pole Powerpack -

Remote Mnt. 127 1.93 20% 5019.04 $682.59 $225.00 $225.00 0.48 1254.76 $170.65 1.32

560 Classroom 103 Restroom 1200 1 1 Recessed Down Light, 26w

CFL Lamp 26 0.03 31.2 $4.24 1 0 No Change 26 0.03 0% 31.2 $4.24 0 $0.00 0.00 0 $0.00 0.00

131.22 Classtroom 104 2600 19 31x4, 3-Lamp, 34w T12, Mag. Ballast, Recessed Mnt., Parabolic Lens

127 2.41 6273.8 $853.24 19 1

Dual Tech. Occupancy Sensor w/2 Pole Powerpack -

Remote Mnt. 127 1.93 20% 5019.04 $682.59 $225.00 $225.00 0.48 1254.76 $170.65 1.32

560 Classroom 104 Restroom 1200 1 1 Recessed Down Light, 26w

CFL Lamp 26 0.03 31.2 $4.24 1 0 No Change 26 0.03 0% 31.2 $4.24 0 $0.00 0.00 0 $0.00 0.00

131.22 Classroom 105 2600 19 31x4, 3-Lamp, 34w T12, Mag. Ballast, Recessed Mnt., Parabolic Lens

127 2.41 6273.8 $853.24 19 1

Dual Tech. Occupancy Sensor w/2 Pole Powerpack -

Remote Mnt. 127 1.93 20% 5019.04 $682.59 $225.00 $225.00 0.48 1254.76 $170.65 1.32

560 Classroom 105 Restroom 1200 1 1 Recessed Down Light, 26w

CFL Lamp 26 0.03 31.2 $4.24 1 0 No Change 26 0.03 0% 31.2 $4.24 0 $0.00 0.00 0 $0.00 0.00

131.22 Classroom 106 2600 19 31x4, 3-Lamp, 34w T12, Mag. Ballast, Recessed Mnt., Parabolic Lens

127 2.41 6273.8 $853.24 19 1

Dual Tech. Occupancy Sensor w/2 Pole Powerpack -

Remote Mnt. 127 1.93 20% 5019.04 $682.59 $225.00 $225.00 0.48 1254.76 $170.65 1.32

560 Classroom 106 Restroom 1200 1 1 Recessed Down Light, 26w

CFL Lamp 26 0.03 31.2 $4.24 1 0 No Change 26 0.03 0% 31.2 $4.24 0 $0.00 0.00 0 $0.00 0.00

131.22 Classroom 107 2600 25 31x4, 3-Lamp, 34w T12, Mag. Ballast, Recessed Mnt., Parabolic Lens

127 3.18 8255 $1,122.68 25 1

Dual Tech. Occupancy Sensor w/2 Pole Powerpack -

Remote Mnt. 127 2.54 20% 6604 $898.14 $225.00 $225.00 0.64 1651 $224.54 1.00

560 Classroom 107 Restroom 1200 1 1 Recessed Down Light, 26w

CFL Lamp 26 0.03 31.2 $4.24 1 0 No Change 26 0.03 0% 31.2 $4.24 0 $0.00 0.00 0 $0.00 0.00

121.21 Storage 1200 5 21x4, 2-Lamp, 34w T12, Mag. Ballast, Recessed Mnt., Prismatic Lens

78 0.39 468 $63.65 5 0 No Change 78 0.39 0% 468 $63.65 0 $0.00 0.00 0 $0.00 0.00

121.21 Custodial Closet 1200 1 21x4, 2-Lamp, 34w T12, Mag. Ballast, Recessed Mnt., Prismatic Lens

78 0.08 93.6 $12.73 1 0 No Change 78 0.08 0% 93.6 $12.73 0 $0.00 0.00 0 $0.00 0.00

221.21 Men's Restroom 3000 1 2

1x4, 2 Lamp, 32w 700 Series T8, Elect. Ballast, Recessed Mnt., Prismatic


62 0.06 186 $25.30 1 0 No Change 62 0.06 0% 186 $25.30 0 $0.00 0.00 0 $0.00 0.00

221.21 Women's Restroom 3000 1 2

1x4, 2 Lamp, 32w 700 Series T8, Elect. Ballast, Recessed Mnt., Prismatic


62 0.06 186 $25.30 1 0 No Change 62 0.06 0% 186 $25.30 0 $0.00 0.00 0 $0.00 0.00

Page 115: COVER SHEET- Brigantine Public School Audit Reports - October 2012 /Brigantine...Transformer $7,379 $42,000 $0 $42,000 5.7 Design / Construction Extras (15%) $175,247 $175,247 Total

APPENDIX E26 of 29

ECM #2: Lighting Controls

EXISTING LIGHTING PROPOSED LIGHTING CONTROLS SAVINGSCEG Fixture Yearly No. No. Fixture Fixt Total kWh/Yr Yearly No. No. Controls Watts Total Reduction kWh/Yr Yearly Unit Cost Total kW kWh/Yr Yearly Yearly SimpleType Location Usage Fixts Lamps Type Watts kW Fixtures $ Cost Fixts Cont. Description Used kW (%) Fixtures $ Cost (INSTALLED) Cost Savings Savings $ Savings Payback

142.22 Faculty 121 3000 7 42x4, 4 Lamp, 34w T12, Mag. Ballast, Recessed Mnt., Parabolic Lens

156 1.09 3276 $445.54 7 1

Dual Tech. Occupancy Sensor w/2 Pole Powerpack -

Remote Mnt. 156 0.87 20% 2620.8 $356.43 $225.00 $225.00 0.22 655.2 $89.11 2.53

142.22 Faculty 120 3000 9 42x4, 4 Lamp, 34w T12, Mag. Ballast, Recessed Mnt., Parabolic Lens

156 1.40 4212 $572.83 9 1

Dual Tech. Occupancy Sensor w/2 Pole Powerpack -

Remote Mnt. 156 1.12 20% 3369.6 $458.27 $225.00 $225.00 0.28 842.4 $114.57 1.96

142.22 Classroom 119 2600 9 42x4, 4 Lamp, 34w T12, Mag. Ballast, Recessed Mnt., Parabolic Lens

156 1.40 3650.4 $496.45 9 1

Dual Tech. Occupancy Sensor w/2 Pole Powerpack -

Remote Mnt. 156 1.12 20% 2920.32 $397.16 $225.00 $225.00 0.28 730.08 $99.29 2.27

121.22 Classroom 119 Restroom 1200 1 2

1x4, 2-Lamp, 34w T12, Mag. Ballast, Recessed Mnt., Parabolic Lens

78 0.08 93.6 $12.73 1 0 No Change 78 0.08 0% 93.6 $12.73 0 $0.00 0.00 0 $0.00 0.00

142.22 Classroom 118 2600 9 42x4, 4 Lamp, 34w T12, Mag. Ballast, Recessed Mnt., Parabolic Lens

156 1.40 3650.4 $496.45 9 1 156 1.12 20% 2920.32 $397.16 $225.00 $225.00 0.28 730.08 $99.29 2.27

121.22 Classroom 118 2600 3 21x4, 2-Lamp, 34w T12, Mag. Ballast, Recessed Mnt., Parabolic Lens

78 0.23 608.4 $82.74 3 0 78 0.19 20% 486.72 $66.19 0 $0.00 0.05 121.68 $16.55 0.00

142.22 Classroom 117 2600 9 42x4, 4 Lamp, 34w T12, Mag. Ballast, Recessed Mnt., Parabolic Lens

156 1.40 3650.4 $496.45 9 1 156 1.12 20% 2920.32 $397.16 $225.00 $225.00 0.28 730.08 $99.29 2.27

121.22 Classroom 117 2600 3 21x4, 2-Lamp, 34w T12, Mag. Ballast, Recessed Mnt., Parabolic Lens

78 0.23 608.4 $82.74 3 0 78 0.19 20% 486.72 $66.19 0 $0.00 0.05 121.68 $16.55 0.00

142.22 Classroom 116 2600 9 42x4, 4 Lamp, 34w T12, Mag. Ballast, Recessed Mnt., Parabolic Lens

156 1.40 3650.4 $496.45 9 1 156 1.12 20% 2920.32 $397.16 $225.00 $225.00 0.28 730.08 $99.29 2.27

121.22 Classroom 116 2600 3 21x4, 2-Lamp, 34w T12, Mag. Ballast, Recessed Mnt., Parabolic Lens

78 0.23 608.4 $82.74 3 0 78 0.19 20% 486.72 $66.19 0 $0.00 0.05 121.68 $16.55 0.00

142.22 Classroom 115 2600 9 42x4, 4 Lamp, 34w T12, Mag. Ballast, Recessed Mnt., Parabolic Lens

156 1.40 3650.4 $496.45 9 1 156 1.12 20% 2920.32 $397.16 $225.00 $225.00 0.28 730.08 $99.29 2.27

121.22 Classroom 115 2600 3 21x4, 2-Lamp, 34w T12, Mag. Ballast, Recessed Mnt., Parabolic Lens

78 0.23 608.4 $82.74 3 0 78 0.19 20% 486.72 $66.19 0 $0.00 0.05 121.68 $16.55 0.00

142.22 Classroom 114 2600 9 42x4, 4 Lamp, 34w T12, Mag. Ballast, Recessed Mnt., Parabolic Lens

156 1.40 3650.4 $496.45 9 1 156 1.12 20% 2920.32 $397.16 $225.00 $225.00 0.28 730.08 $99.29 2.27

121.22 Classroom 114 2600 3 21x4, 2-Lamp, 34w T12, Mag. Ballast, Recessed Mnt., Parabolic Lens

78 0.23 608.4 $82.74 3 0 78 0.19 20% 486.72 $66.19 0 $0.00 0.05 121.68 $16.55 0.00

142.22 Classroom 113 2600 9 42x4, 4 Lamp, 34w T12, Mag. Ballast, Recessed Mnt., Parabolic Lens

156 1.40 3650.4 $496.45 9 1 156 1.12 20% 2920.32 $397.16 $225.00 $225.00 0.28 730.08 $99.29 2.27

121.22 Classroom 113 2600 3 21x4, 2-Lamp, 34w T12, Mag. Ballast, Recessed Mnt., Parabolic Lens

78 0.23 608.4 $82.74 3 0 78 0.19 20% 486.72 $66.19 0 $0.00 0.05 121.68 $16.55 0.00

Dual Tech. Occupancy Sensor w/2 Pole Powerpack -

Remote Mnt.

Dual Tech. Occupancy Sensor w/2 Pole Powerpack -

Remote Mnt.

Dual Tech. Occupancy Sensor w/2 Pole Powerpack -

Remote Mnt.

Dual Tech. Occupancy Sensor w/2 Pole Powerpack -

Remote Mnt.

Dual Tech. Occupancy Sensor w/2 Pole Powerpack -

Remote Mnt.

Dual Tech. Occupancy Sensor w/2 Pole Powerpack -

Remote Mnt.

Page 116: COVER SHEET- Brigantine Public School Audit Reports - October 2012 /Brigantine...Transformer $7,379 $42,000 $0 $42,000 5.7 Design / Construction Extras (15%) $175,247 $175,247 Total

APPENDIX E27 of 29

ECM #2: Lighting Controls

EXISTING LIGHTING PROPOSED LIGHTING CONTROLS SAVINGSCEG Fixture Yearly No. No. Fixture Fixt Total kWh/Yr Yearly No. No. Controls Watts Total Reduction kWh/Yr Yearly Unit Cost Total kW kWh/Yr Yearly Yearly SimpleType Location Usage Fixts Lamps Type Watts kW Fixtures $ Cost Fixts Cont. Description Used kW (%) Fixtures $ Cost (INSTALLED) Cost Savings Savings $ Savings Payback

142.22 Classroom 112 2600 9 42x4, 4 Lamp, 34w T12, Mag. Ballast, Recessed Mnt., Parabolic Lens

156 1.40 3650.4 $496.45 9 1 156 1.12 20% 2920.32 $397.16 $225.00 $225.00 0.28 730.08 $99.29 2.27

121.22 Classroom 112 2600 3 21x4, 2-Lamp, 34w T12, Mag. Ballast, Recessed Mnt., Parabolic Lens

78 0.23 608.4 $82.74 3 0 78 0.19 20% 486.72 $66.19 0 $0.00 0.05 121.68 $16.55 0.00

142.22 Classroom 111 2600 6 42x4, 4 Lamp, 34w T12, Mag. Ballast, Recessed Mnt., Parabolic Lens

156 0.94 2433.6 $330.97 6 1

Dual Tech. Occupancy Sensor w/2 Pole Powerpack -

Remote Mnt. 156 0.75 20% 1946.88 $264.78 $225.00 $225.00 0.19 486.72 $66.19 3.40

142.22 Classroom 128 2600 6 42x4, 4 Lamp, 34w T12, Mag. Ballast, Recessed Mnt., Parabolic Lens

156 0.94 2433.6 $330.97 6 1

Dual Tech. Occupancy Sensor w/2 Pole Powerpack -

Remote Mnt. 156 0.75 20% 1946.88 $264.78 $225.00 $225.00 0.19 486.72 $66.19 3.40

142.22 Classroom 129 2600 12 42x4, 4 Lamp, 34w T12, Mag. Ballast, Recessed Mnt., Parabolic Lens

156 1.87 4867.2 $661.94 12 1 156 1.50 20% 3893.76 $529.55 $225.00 $225.00 0.37 973.44 $132.39 1.70

121.22 Classroom 129 2600 2 21x4, 2-Lamp, 34w T12, Mag. Ballast, Recessed Mnt., Parabolic Lens

78 0.16 405.6 $55.16 2 0 78 0.12 20% 324.48 $44.13 0 $0.00 0.03 81.12 $11.03 0.00

121.22 Classroom 129 Restroom 1200 1 2

1x4, 2-Lamp, 34w T12, Mag. Ballast, Recessed Mnt., Parabolic Lens

78 0.08 93.6 $12.73 1 0 No Change 78 0.08 0% 93.6 $12.73 0 $0.00 0.00 0 $0.00 0.00

142.22 CST 122 2600 7 42x4, 4 Lamp, 34w T12, Mag. Ballast, Recessed Mnt., Parabolic Lens

156 1.09 2839.2 $386.13 7 1

Dual Tech. Occupancy Sensor w/2 Pole Powerpack -

Remote Mnt. 156 0.87 20% 2271.36 $308.90 $225.00 $225.00 0.22 567.84 $77.23 2.91

142.22 CST Side Offices (4) 2600 8 42x4, 4 Lamp, 34w T12, Mag. Ballast, Recessed Mnt., Parabolic Lens

156 1.25 3244.8 $441.29 8 0 No Change 156 1.25 0% 3244.8 $441.29 0 $0.00 0.00 0 $0.00 0.00

142.22 CST Break Room 2600 2 42x4, 4 Lamp, 34w T12, Mag. Ballast, Recessed Mnt., Parabolic Lens

156 0.31 811.2 $110.32 2 1 Dual Technology Occupancy Sensor - Remote Mnt. 156 0.25 20% 648.96 $88.26 $160.00 $160.00 0.06 162.24 $22.06 7.25

122.21 MPr 2600 19 22x4, 2-Lamp, 34w T12, Mag. Ballast, Recessed Mnt., Prismatic Lens

78 1.48 3853.2 $524.04 19 1 Dual Technology Occupancy Sensor - Remote Mnt. 78 1.19 20% 3082.56 $419.23 $160.00 $160.00 0.30 770.64 $104.81 1.53

132.22 PE Office Girl's 3000 2 32x4, 3-Lamp, 34w T12, Mag. Ballast, Recessed Mnt., Parabolic Lens

127 0.25 762 $103.63 2 1 Dual Technology Occupancy Sensor - Switch Mnt. 127 0.20 20% 609.6 $82.91 $75.00 $75.00 0.05 152.4 $20.73 3.62

142.22 CST Conference Room 3000 3 4

2x4, 4 Lamp, 34w T12, Mag. Ballast, Recessed Mnt., Parabolic Lens

156 0.47 1404 $190.94 3 1 Dual Technology Occupancy Sensor - Remote Mnt. 156 0.37 20% 1123.2 $152.76 $160.00 $160.00 0.09 280.8 $38.19 4.19

121.21 Girl's locker Room 3000 16 21x4, 2-Lamp, 34w T12, Mag. Ballast, Recessed Mnt., Prismatic Lens

78 1.25 3744 $509.18 16 2

Dual Tech. Occupancy Sensor w/2 Pole Powerpack -

Remote Mnt. 78 1.00 20% 2995.2 $407.35 $225.00 $450.00 0.25 748.8 $101.84 4.42

132.22 PE Office Boy's 3000 2 32x4, 3-Lamp, 34w T12, Mag. Ballast, Recessed Mnt., Parabolic Lens

127 0.25 762 $103.63 2 1 Dual Technology Occupancy Sensor - Switch Mnt. 127 0.20 20% 609.6 $82.91 $75.00 $75.00 0.05 152.4 $20.73 3.62

121.21 Boy's Locker Room 3000 16 21x4, 2-Lamp, 34w T12, Mag. Ballast, Recessed Mnt., Prismatic Lens

78 1.25 3744 $509.18 16 2

Dual Tech. Occupancy Sensor w/2 Pole Powerpack -

Remote Mnt. 78 1.00 20% 2995.2 $407.35 $225.00 $450.00 0.25 748.8 $101.84 4.42

Dual Tech. Occupancy Sensor w/2 Pole Powerpack -

Remote Mnt.

Dual Tech. Occupancy Sensor w/2 Pole Powerpack -

Remote Mnt.

Page 117: COVER SHEET- Brigantine Public School Audit Reports - October 2012 /Brigantine...Transformer $7,379 $42,000 $0 $42,000 5.7 Design / Construction Extras (15%) $175,247 $175,247 Total

APPENDIX E28 of 29

ECM #2: Lighting Controls

EXISTING LIGHTING PROPOSED LIGHTING CONTROLS SAVINGSCEG Fixture Yearly No. No. Fixture Fixt Total kWh/Yr Yearly No. No. Controls Watts Total Reduction kWh/Yr Yearly Unit Cost Total kW kWh/Yr Yearly Yearly SimpleType Location Usage Fixts Lamps Type Watts kW Fixtures $ Cost Fixts Cont. Description Used kW (%) Fixtures $ Cost (INSTALLED) Cost Savings Savings $ Savings Payback

121.21 MPR Storage 1200 6 21x4, 2-Lamp, 34w T12, Mag. Ballast, Recessed Mnt., Prismatic Lens

78 0.47 561.6 $76.38 6 0 No Change 78 0.47 0% 561.6 $76.38 0 $0.00 0.00 0 $0.00 0.00

769 Cafeteria 3000 8 1 400w MH, Clear Lens 465 3.72 11160 $1,517.76 8 0 No Change 465 3.72 0% 11160 $1,517.76 0 $0.00 0.00 0 $0.00 0.00

121.21 T&C Storage 1200 6 21x4, 2-Lamp, 34w T12, Mag. Ballast, Recessed Mnt., Prismatic Lens

78 0.47 561.6 $76.38 6 0 No Change 78 0.47 0% 561.6 $76.38 0 $0.00 0.00 0 $0.00 0.00

121.21 Kitchen 3000 34 21x4, 2-Lamp, 34w T12, Mag. Ballast, Recessed Mnt., Prismatic Lens

78 2.65 7956 $1,082.02 34 0 No Change 78 2.65 0% 7956 $1,082.02 0 $0.00 0.00 0 $0.00 0.00

122.21 Kitchen Hall 3000 6 22x4, 2-Lamp, 34w T12, Mag. Ballast, Recessed Mnt., Prismatic Lens

78 0.47 1404 $190.94 6 0 No Change 78 0.47 0% 1404 $190.94 0 $0.00 0.00 0 $0.00 0.00

132.22 Music 2600 15 32x4, 3-Lamp, 34w T12, Mag. Ballast, Recessed Mnt., Parabolic Lens

127 1.91 4953 $673.61 15 0 No Change 127 1.91 0% 4953 $673.61 0 $0.00 0.00 0 $0.00 0.00

802 Music 2600 23 1 150w R40 Pendant Mount 150 3.45 8970 $1,219.92 23 0 No Change 150 3.45 0% 8970 $1,219.92 0 $0.00 0.00 0 $0.00 0.00

122.21 Maintenance 3000 6 22x4, 2-Lamp, 34w T12, Mag. Ballast, Recessed Mnt., Prismatic Lens

78 0.47 1404 $190.94 6 0 No Change 78 0.47 0% 1404 $190.94 0 $0.00 0.00 0 $0.00 0.00

132.22 Maintenance Break Room 3000 2 3

2x4, 3-Lamp, 34w T12, Mag. Ballast, Recessed Mnt., Parabolic Lens

127 0.25 762 $103.63 2 0 No Change 127 0.25 0% 762 $103.63 0 $0.00 0.00 0 $0.00 0.00

121.34 Maintenance Office 3000 6 21x4, 2-Lamp, 34w T12,

Mag. Ballast, Pendant Mnt., No Lens

78 0.47 1404 $190.94 6 0 No Change 78 0.47 0% 1404 $190.94 0 $0.00 0.00 0 $0.00 0.00

121.34 Maintenance Storage 3000 7 21x4, 2-Lamp, 34w T12,

Mag. Ballast, Pendant Mnt., No Lens

78 0.55 1638 $222.77 7 0 No Change 78 0.55 0% 1638 $222.77 0 $0.00 0.00 0 $0.00 0.00

121.34 Maintenance Locker and Restroom 3000 2 2

1x4, 2-Lamp, 34w T12, Mag. Ballast, Pendant Mnt.,

No Lens78 0.16 468 $63.65 2 0 No Change 78 0.16 0% 468 $63.65 0 $0.00 0.00 0 $0.00 0.00

121.34 Storage 163 1200 2 21x4, 2-Lamp, 34w T12,

Mag. Ballast, Pendant Mnt., No Lens

78 0.16 187.2 $25.46 2 0 No Change 78 0.16 0% 187.2 $25.46 0 $0.00 0.00 0 $0.00 0.00

142.22 Classroom 132 2600 18 42x4, 4 Lamp, 34w T12, Mag. Ballast, Recessed Mnt., Parabolic Lens

156 2.81 7300.8 $992.91 18 1 156 2.25 20% 5840.64 $794.33 $225.00 $225.00 0.56 1460.16 $198.58 1.13

121.22 Classroom 132 2600 2 21x4, 2-Lamp, 34w T12, Mag. Ballast, Recessed Mnt., Parabolic Lens

78 0.16 405.6 $55.16 2 0 78 0.12 20% 324.48 $44.13 0 $0.00 0.03 81.12 $11.03 0.00

142.22 135 Storage 1200 3 42x4, 4 Lamp, 34w T12, Mag. Ballast, Recessed Mnt., Parabolic Lens

156 0.47 561.6 $76.38 3 0 No Change 156 0.47 0% 561.6 $76.38 0 $0.00 0.00 0 $0.00 0.00

Dual Tech. Occupancy Sensor w/2 Pole Powerpack -

Remote Mnt.

Page 118: COVER SHEET- Brigantine Public School Audit Reports - October 2012 /Brigantine...Transformer $7,379 $42,000 $0 $42,000 5.7 Design / Construction Extras (15%) $175,247 $175,247 Total

APPENDIX E29 of 29

ECM #2: Lighting Controls

EXISTING LIGHTING PROPOSED LIGHTING CONTROLS SAVINGSCEG Fixture Yearly No. No. Fixture Fixt Total kWh/Yr Yearly No. No. Controls Watts Total Reduction kWh/Yr Yearly Unit Cost Total kW kWh/Yr Yearly Yearly SimpleType Location Usage Fixts Lamps Type Watts kW Fixtures $ Cost Fixts Cont. Description Used kW (%) Fixtures $ Cost (INSTALLED) Cost Savings Savings $ Savings Payback

132.22 Nurse 134 3000 8 32x4, 3-Lamp, 34w T12, Mag. Ballast, Recessed Mnt., Parabolic Lens

127 1.02 3048 $414.53 8 0 No Change 127 1.02 0% 3048 $414.53 0 $0.00 0.00 0 $0.00 0.00

100 Nurse 134 3000 4 22' Vanity Light, 2-Lamp, 20w T12, Mag. Ballast,

Wall Mnt.42 0.17 504 $68.54 4 0 No Change 42 0.17 0% 504 $68.54 0 $0.00 0.00 0 $0.00 0.00

560 Nurse 134 3000 2 1 Recessed Down Light, 26w CFL Lamp 26 0.05 156 $21.22 2 0 No Change 26 0.05 0% 156 $21.22 0 $0.00 0.00 0 $0.00 0.00

132.22 Conference Room 3000 6 32x4, 3-Lamp, 34w T12, Mag. Ballast, Recessed Mnt., Parabolic Lens

127 0.76 2286 $310.90 6 1 Dual Technology Occupancy Sensor - Remote Mnt. 127 0.61 20% 1828.8 $248.72 $160.00 $160.00 0.15 457.2 $62.18 2.57

121.21 Boy's Restroom 3000 11 21x4, 2-Lamp, 34w T12, Mag. Ballast, Recessed Mnt., Prismatic Lens

78 0.86 2574 $350.06 11 2 Dual Technology Occupancy Sensor - Remote Mnt. 78 0.69 20% 2059.2 $280.05 $160.00 $320.00 0.17 514.8 $70.01 4.57

121.21 Girl's Restroom 3000 12 21x4, 2-Lamp, 34w T12, Mag. Ballast, Recessed Mnt., Prismatic Lens

78 0.94 2808 $381.89 12 2 Dual Technology Occupancy Sensor - Remote Mnt. 78 0.75 20% 2246.4 $305.51 $160.00 $320.00 0.19 561.6 $76.38 4.19

142.22 Main Office 3000 12 42x4, 4 Lamp, 34w T12, Mag. Ballast, Recessed Mnt., Parabolic Lens

156 1.87 5616 $763.78 12 0 No Change 156 1.87 0% 5616 $763.78 0 $0.00 0.00 0 $0.00 0.00

142.22 Principal's Office 3000 4 42x4, 4 Lamp, 34w T12, Mag. Ballast, Recessed Mnt., Parabolic Lens

156 0.62 1872 $254.59 4 1 Dual Technology Occupancy Sensor - Switch Mnt. 156 0.50 20% 1497.6 $203.67 $75.00 $75.00 0.12 374.4 $50.92 1.47

142.22 Work Room 3000 4 42x4, 4 Lamp, 34w T12, Mag. Ballast, Recessed Mnt., Parabolic Lens

156 0.62 1872 $254.59 4 1 Dual Technology Occupancy Sensor - Switch Mnt. 156 0.50 20% 1497.6 $203.67 $75.00 $75.00 0.12 374.4 $50.92 1.47

101 Stairwell (3) 8760 30 2 2' Wall Mount, 3-Lamp, 17w T8, Mag. Ballast 59 1.77 15505.2 $2,108.71 30 0 No Change 59 1.77 0% 15505.2 $2,108.71 0 $0.00 0.00 0 $0.00 0.00

Totals 1,960 223.4 601,129.6 $81,754 1,960 148 13.0 523,750.6 $71,230.09 $28,720 29.47 77,379 $10,524 2.73

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Appendix Energy Audit

Concord Engineering Group, Inc.


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Appendix FPage 1 of 2

Location Description

Area (Sq FT) Panel Qty

Panel Sq Ft

Panel Total Sq

FtTotal KWDC

Total Annual kWh

Total KWAC

Panel Weight

(41.9 lbs) W/SQFTBrigantine Public

School 11400 SHARP NU-U235F2 510 17.5 8,946 119.85 143,818 97.1 21,369 13.40

.= Proposed PV LayoutNotes:

1. Estimated kWH based on the National Renewable Energy Laboratory PVWatts Version 1 Calculator Program.

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Appendix FPage 2 of 2

Project Name: LGEA Solar PV Project - Brigantine Public SchoolLocation: Brigantine, NJ

Description: Photovoltaic System 100% Financing - 15 year

Simple Payback Analysis

Total Construction Cost $790,998Annual kWh Production 143,818

Annual Energy Cost Reduction $19,559Average Annual SREC Revenue $27,481

Simple Payback: Years

Life Cycle Cost AnalysisAnalysis Period (years): 15 Financing %: 100%

Discount Rate: 3% Maintenance Escalation Rate: 3.0%Average Energy Cost ($/kWh) $0.136 Energy Cost Escalation Rate: 3.0%

Financing Rate: 6.00% Average SREC Value ($/kWh) $0.191Period Additional Energy kWh Energy Cost Additional SREC Interest Loan Net Cash Cumulative

Cash Outlay Production Savings Maint Costs Revenue Expense Principal Flow Cash Flow0 $0 0 0 0 $0 0 0 0 01 $0 143,818 $19,559 $0 $35,955 $46,547 $33,551 ($24,585) ($24,585)2 $0 143,099 $20,146 $0 $35,775 $44,478 $35,621 ($24,178) ($48,763)3 $0 142,383 $20,750 $0 $35,596 $42,281 $37,818 ($23,752) ($72,515)4 $0 141,671 $21,373 $0 $35,418 $39,948 $40,150 ($23,308) ($95,823)5 $0 140,963 $22,014 $1,452 $35,241 $37,472 $42,627 ($24,296) ($120,119)6 $0 140,258 $22,675 $1,445 $28,052 $34,843 $45,256 ($30,817) ($150,936)7 $0 139,557 $23,355 $1,437 $27,911 $32,051 $48,047 ($30,270) ($181,206)8 $0 138,859 $24,055 $1,430 $27,772 $29,088 $51,011 ($29,702) ($210,908)9 $0 138,165 $24,777 $1,423 $27,633 $25,942 $54,157 ($29,112) ($240,019)10 $0 137,474 $25,520 $1,416 $20,621 $22,601 $57,497 ($35,373) ($275,392)11 $0 136,787 $26,286 $1,409 $20,518 $19,055 $61,043 ($34,704) ($310,096)12 $0 136,103 $27,075 $1,402 $20,415 $15,290 $64,809 ($34,011) ($344,107)13 $0 135,422 $27,887 $1,395 $20,313 $11,293 $68,806 ($33,293) ($377,400)14 $0 134,745 $28,723 $1,388 $13,475 $7,049 $73,050 ($39,289) ($416,688)15 $0 134,071 $29,585 $1,381 $13,407 $2,544 $77,555 ($38,487) ($455,176)

Totals: 2,083,377 $363,781 $15,578 $398,101 $410,482 $790,998 ($455,176) ($3,323,733)Net Present Value (NPV)

Photovoltaic System 100% Financing - 15 year



Page 122: COVER SHEET- Brigantine Public School Audit Reports - October 2012 /Brigantine...Transformer $7,379 $42,000 $0 $42,000 5.7 Design / Construction Extras (15%) $175,247 $175,247 Total

Appendix Energy Audit  

 Concord Engineering Group, Inc.


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The ESP Calculator TM

Toll Free : 1-800-747-9627 or (905) 791-1493 Energy Savings Payback CalculatorProject Description Brigantine North SchoolDate 3-Jul-12

Data Entry QTY kVA1 151 301 451 751 112.5


Available Full Load kW 277.5Average kVA (calc) 56equipment operating hrs/ day 15equipment operating days/yr 365 Calc Load kW Calc Annual kWhLoad during normal operating hours 45% 125 683,691 Load outside operating hours 15% 42 136,738

Total Annual Load kWh: 820,429 Annual Cost to Operate Load OnlykWh rate 0.136$ Annual Consumption: 111,578$ demand rate ($/kW/mo) ex. $10.00 $0.00 Annual Demand: -$

Total Cost to run load 111,578$

Annual Cost of Status Quo Transformer Losses & Associated Air Conditioning (A/C) burdenNameplate Linear efficiency (normal op hrs) 95.0% % electronics or current THD 50.0%Calculated operating efficiency 92.5%Transformer kW Losses (Normal Operation) 10.1 kWStatus quo Efficiency (Outside op. hrs) 92.0%Transformer kW Losses (Outside op. hrs) 3.6 kWAnnual addititional kWh from transformers 67,325 kWhAnnual Cost of Transformer Losses 9,156$

A/C System Performance (kW/ton) - Additional Tons of Cooling (on peak) - tonsAnnual addititional kWh from A/C - kWhAnnual Cost of Associated A/C -$ Summary with Status Quo TransformerAnnual Cost of feeding Building Load 111,578$ Annual Cost of Transformer Losses 9,156$ Annual Cost of Associated A/C -$ Electrical Bill (Status Quo Transformer) 120,734$ IMPORTANT: By using the ESP Calculator™, you are agreeing the TERMS OF USE section on page 3Powersmiths International Corp. is a licensed user. Content subject to change without noticePage 1 of 3 © Power Quality Institute 1998-2007, All rights reserved doc#807-000440-110-A05 17-Jan-09

Transformers on Project

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Page 2 The ESP Calculator TM

Toll Free : 1-800-747-9627 or (905) 791-1493 Energy Savings Payback Calculator

Using Powersmiths instead of status quo transformersPowersmiths Efficiency (Normal Operation) 98.6%Powersmiths kW Losses (Normal Operation) 1.8 kWPowersmiths Efficiency (Outside op. hrs) 97.6%Transformer kW Losses (Outside op. hrs) 1.0 kWAnnual addititional kWh from transformers 13,070 kWhAnnual Cost of Powersmiths Losses 1,778$

Additional Tons of Cooling (on peak) - tons Annual addititional kWh from A/C - kWhAnnual Cost of Associated A/C -$

Comparing Status Quo & PowersmithsStatus Quo Powersmiths

Annual Cost of feeding Building Load 111,578$ 111,578$ Annual Cost of Transformer Losses 9,156$ 1,778$ Annual Cost of Associated A/C -$ -$ ReductionAnnual estimated Electrical Bill 120,734$ 113,356$ 6%

Peak kW reduction (normal op hours) 8.4 kWAnnual kWh reduction 54,255 kWhReduction in Air Conditioning Load (on peak) - tonsCost Analysis (calc)

Energy Cost Escalation (above inflation) 2.0%Annual Power Quality Benefit -$

AnnualOperating Cost 20 years 32 years

Status Quo Transformers $9,156 $272,111 $552,164Powersmiths Transformers $1,778 $52,826 $107,194Savings with Powersmiths $7,379 $219,285 $444,971

Cost CostPowersmiths TransformersStatus Quo Transformers $0

Payback on total cost 0.00 years current kWh rate:Cost of Energy Savings -$ /kWh $0.136Cost - Benefit Ratio #DIV/0! times less to save a kWh than to buy a kWh

Leasing Option 60 Month Term 48 Month Term 36 Month TermTotal Annual Leasing Payments $0 $0 $0Net Annual Cost with savings ($7,379) ($7,379) ($7,379)Summary of Environmental Benefits

40 tons of CO2 7 Acres trees planted130 tons of Coal 5 Car Emissions314 kgs of SO2 5 homes heated135 kgs of NOx

IMPORTANT: By using the ESP Calculator™, you are agreeing the TERMS OF USE section on page 3Powersmiths International Corp. is a licensed user. Content subject to change without noticePage 2 of 3 © Power Quality Institute 1998-2007, All rights reserved doc#807-000440-110-A05 17-Jan-09

Life Cycle Operating Cost & Savings

Annual Reduction in Greenhouse Gases (per EPA) Equivalence

Page 125: COVER SHEET- Brigantine Public School Audit Reports - October 2012 /Brigantine...Transformer $7,379 $42,000 $0 $42,000 5.7 Design / Construction Extras (15%) $175,247 $175,247 Total

Page 3 The ESP Calculator TM

Toll Free : 1-800-747-9627 or (905) 791-1493 Energy Savings Payback CalculatorStatus Quo Transformer (Normal Operation)Enter the average efficiency of the transformers. While NEMA TP1 is legislated minimum efficiency, it only applies at a single 35% load point, and under ideal linear load profile. Since most transformers are much less loaded than 35%, be sure to use lower efficiency to reflect load level.Status Quo Transformer (Outside Op. hours)Transformer efficiency is typically lower than normal when lightly loaded (86-89% when 10-15% loaded for most sizes) % electronics or Current THDIEEE Std 1100 and other industry references document transformer losses can more than double when feeding electronicswhen installled compared to ideal linear load in a manufacturer's factory test.Transformer Operating LossesTransformer Losses = kW load/net efficiency - kW load. A/C Performance (kW/ton)Varies widely depending on age and technology of cooling system. As low as 0.5 to over 2kW/ton (1.25-1.5 is often tp)Unlike most substation transformers that are vented to the exterior, most building distribution transformers are ventilated within the building, and their heat losses therefore add to the cooling load.Powersmiths Efficiency (Normal Operation) & (Outside Op. hours)Available on Powersmiths product data sheetEnergy Cost escalation (above inflation)It is well recognized that energy rates are increasing much faster than inflation. Enter the % over inflationAnnual Power Quality BenefitSavings attributable to reduced downtime, equipment locks & failures associated with poor power qualityCostCost of transformers. Enter dollar figure for transformers under consideration. If the interest is to look at the justification for replacing existing transformers, enter $0 in the conventional transformer cost field.Energy Operating Cost Energy OPERATING COST (normal op) = (transformer + cooling) kW losses x kWh rate x hrs/day x days/yr + demand chargeDemand charge is not included in the calculation of losses outside normal hours to be conservative.Return on Investment (ROI)ROI on Incremental Cost is based on dividing the Incremental Investment in Powersmiths by the Annual SavingsROI on Total Transformer Cost is based on dividing the Total Transformer Cost by the Annual SavingsCost of Energy SavingsIn its simplest form, the cost of energy savings represents the cost to savea kWh as opposed to paying for it according to the prevailing kWh rate. The equation is: Cost of Energy Savings = (Incremental Product Cost / Lifetime kWh saved)LeasingPowersmiths Leasing has many benefits, including avoiding the use of capital, offsetting monthly leasing payment withthe reduction in monthly energy bill from using PowersmithsEnvironmental BenefitsConversion rates from kWh to emission reduction and equivalent benefits are published by the EPA, and reflect environmental benefits derived from reduced emissions associated with reduced power generation.TERMS OF USEPower Quality Institute has used its best efforts in developing the ESP Calculator ™ with the intent of providing an easyto use and useful calculation tool. However, data entered and assumptions made may not accurately reflect all variablesthat apply in a given facility. The results are therefore estimates only and may differ from actual measurements.The user is responsible for evaluating the suitability and accuracy of the ESP Calculator ™. The Power Quality Instituteand Powersmiths International Corp. make no representations or warranties with respect to the accuracy orcompleteness of the estimates generated by the ESP Calculator ™ and specifically disclaim any implied warranties ofmerchantability or fitness for any particular purpose and shall in no event be liable for any loss of profit or any other commercial damage, including, but not limited to special, incidental, consequential or other damages.Page 3 of 3 © Power Quality Institute 1998-2007, All rights reserved doc#807-000440-110-A05 17-Jan-09