covering indexes for branching path...

Covering Indexes for Branching Path Queries* t Raghav Kaushik University of Wisconsin raghav@ cs. wisc. edu Philip Bohannon Bell Laboratories bohannon@bell- labs. corn Jeffrey F Naughton University of Wisconsin naughton@cs, wis c. edu Henry F Korth Bell Laboratories hfk@research, beU-labs, corn ABSTRACT In this paper, we ask if the traditional relational query acceleration techniques of summary tables and cover- ing indexes have analogs for branching path expression queries over tree- or graph-structured XML data. Our answer is yes -- the forward-and-backward index already proposed in the literature can be viewed as a structure analogous to a summary table or covering index. We also show that it is the smallest such index that covers all branching path expression queries. While this index is very general, our experiments show that it can be so large in practice as to offer little performance improve- ment over evaluating queries directly on the data. Liken- ing the forward-and-backward index to a covering index on all the attributes of several tables, we devise an index definition scheme to restrict the class of branching path expressions being indexed. The resulting index struc- tures are dramatically smaller and perform better than the full forward-and-backward index for these classes of branching path expressions. This is roughly analogous to the situation in multidimensional or OLAP workloads, in which more highly aggregated summary tables can service a smaller subset of queries but can do so at in- creased performance. We evaluate the performance of our indexes on both relational decompositions of XML and a native storage technique. As expected, the perfor- mance benefit of an index is maximized when the query matches the index definition. 1. INTRODUCTION With the rapidly increasing popularity of XML for data representation, there is a lot of interest in query *This work was supported in part by NSF grants CDA 9623632 and ITR 0080002 tThis work was conducted in part while the author was visiting Bell Labs. Permission to make digital or hard copies of all or part of this work for personal or classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies are not made or distributedfor profit or commercialadvantageand that copies bear this notice and the full citation on the first page. To copy otherwise, to republish, to post on servers or to redistributeto lists, requires prior specific permissionand/or a fee. ACM SIGMOD '2002 June 4-6, Madison,Wisconsin, USA Copyright 2002 ACM 1-58113-497-5/02/06 ...$5.00. processing over data that conforms to a labeled-tree or labeled-graph data model. A variety of languages have been proposed for this purpose all of which can be viewed as consisting of a pattern language and a construction expression. Fundamental to the pattern language is the branching path expression. The idea behind evaluating branching path expres- sions is to find all ways of embedding the pattern in the data. An example of such a query is "find all parts consisting of both a nut and a bolt". The XPath W3C standard [3] makes posing branching path expressions very concise and natural. For example "//part[bolt and nut]" would express the above query in XPath (given suitable tag names). Because they lie at the core of most languages for processing XML data, efficient evaluation techniques for these languages will require efficient eval- uation techniques for branching path expressions. In this paper we ask if "covering indexes" can be used to accelerate the evaluation of such queries. Defining covering indexes to speed query performance is a well- known technique for SQL queries in relational database systems. Briefly, the idea is to define an index that "cov- ers" all the attributes of a table that are referenced in a query. Then the query can be evaluated from the in- dex alone, without consulting the table over which the index is defined. Since the index is expected to be much smaller than the table itself, this can provide impressive speedups. Returning to our question, are there analogs to "cover- ing indexes" for branching path expression queries over tree- or graph-structured XML data? The answer is certainly yes for simple path expressions -- the strong DataGuide [6] and the 1-Index [11] can be viewed as covering indexes, since it is possible to answer queries over those indexes directly without consulting the base data. Unfortunately, these indexes can be large in prac- tice. Our work pushes the frontier in two directions: we consider branching path expressions (rather than just simple path expressions), and we explore ways to reduce the size of covering indexes so that they become useful as query accelerators. We show that the Forward and Backward-Index(F&B- Index), defined directly from ideas proposed in [2], can be viewed as a covering index for branching path ex- pression queries. We also show that among a large and natural class of indexes, it is the smallest index that can cover all branching path expression queries. Unfortu- 133

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Page 1: Covering Indexes for Branching Path Queries* · covering indexes also take on some of the flavor of sum- mary tables

Covering Indexes for Branching Path Queries*

t R a g h a v K a u s h i k

University of Wisconsin raghav@ cs. wisc. edu

P h i l i p B o h a n n o n Bell Laboratories

bohannon@bell- labs. corn

Jef f rey F N a u g h t o n University of Wisconsin naughton@cs, wis c. edu

H e n r y F K o r t h Bell Laboratories

hfk@research, beU-labs, corn

ABSTRACT In this paper, we ask if the traditional relational query acceleration techniques of summary tables and cover- ing indexes have analogs for branching path expression queries over tree- or graph-structured XML data. Our answer is yes - - the forward-and-backward index already proposed in the literature can be viewed as a structure analogous to a summary table or covering index. We also show that it is the smallest such index that covers all branching path expression queries. While this index is very general, our experiments show that it can be so large in practice as to offer little performance improve- ment over evaluating queries directly on the data. Liken- ing the forward-and-backward index to a covering index on all the attributes of several tables, we devise an index definition scheme to restrict the class of branching path expressions being indexed. The resulting index struc- tures are dramatically smaller and perform better than the full forward-and-backward index for these classes of branching path expressions. This is roughly analogous to the situation in multidimensional or OLAP workloads, in which more highly aggregated summary tables can service a smaller subset of queries but can do so at in- creased performance. We evaluate the performance of our indexes on both relational decompositions of XML and a native storage technique. As expected, the perfor- mance benefit of an index is maximized when the query matches the index definition.

1. INTRODUCTION With the rapidly increasing popularity of XML for

data representation, there is a lot of interest in query

*This work was supported in part by NSF grants CDA 9623632 and ITR 0080002 tThis work was conducted in part while the author was visiting Bell Labs.

Permission to make digital or hard copies of all or part of this work for personal or classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies are not made or distributed for profit or commercial advantage and that copies bear this notice and the full citation on the first page. To copy otherwise, to republish, to post on servers or to redistribute to lists, requires prior specific permission and/or a fee. ACM SIGMOD '2002 June 4-6, Madison, Wisconsin, USA Copyright 2002 ACM 1-58113-497-5/02/06 ...$5.00.

processing over data that conforms to a labeled-tree or labeled-graph data model. A variety of languages have been proposed for this purpose all of which can be viewed as consisting of a pat tern language and a cons truc t ion expression. Fundamental to the pattern language is the branching path expression.

The idea behind evaluating branching path expres- sions is to find all ways of embedding the pattern in the data. An example of such a query is "find all parts consisting of both a nut and a bolt". The XPath W3C standard [3] makes posing branching path expressions very concise and natural. For example "/ /part[bolt and nut]" would express the above query in XPath (given suitable tag names). Because they lie at the core of most languages for processing XML data, efficient evaluation techniques for these languages will require efficient eval- uation techniques for branching path expressions.

In this paper we ask if "covering indexes" can be used to accelerate the evaluation of such queries. Defining covering indexes to speed query performance is a well- known technique for SQL queries in relational database systems. Briefly, the idea is to define an index that "cov- ers" all the attributes of a table that are referenced in a query. Then the query can be evaluated from the in- dex alone, without consulting the table over which the index is defined. Since the index is expected to be much smaller than the table itself, this can provide impressive speedups.

Returning to our question, are there analogs to "cover- ing indexes" for branching path expression queries over tree- or graph-structured XML data? The answer is certainly yes for simple path expressions - - the strong DataGuide [6] and the 1-Index [11] can be viewed as covering indexes, since it is possible to answer queries over those indexes directly without consulting the base data. Unfortunately, these indexes can be large in prac- tice. Our work pushes the frontier in two directions: we consider branching path expressions (rather than just simple path expressions), and we explore ways to reduce the size of covering indexes so that they become useful as query accelerators.

We show that the Forward and Backward-Index(F&B- Index), defined directly from ideas proposed in [2], can be viewed as a covering index for branching path ex- pression queries. We also show that among a large and natural class of indexes, it is the smallest index that can cover all branching path expression queries. Unfortu-


Page 2: Covering Indexes for Branching Path Queries* · covering indexes also take on some of the flavor of sum- mary tables

nately, our experiments show that in practice, the size of the F&B-Index can approach the size of the base data itself. In this case, little performance gain is possible, since evaluating a query on this large index is just like evaluating the query on the base data.

This would seem to pose an unsolvable dilemma - - the F&B-Index is the smallest covering index, yet it is too large to be useful. However, we can attack this prob- lem in a way that is analogous to the approach used in relational systems. In a relational setting, indexes that cover all attributes of all tables are rarely built. Instead, indexes are built on specially chosen subsets of certain tables. Note that the result is an index that does not cover all queries, but that is expected to be very efficient for the queries it does cover. Inspired by this observa- tion, we propose a scheme that allows us to explore and exploit a tradeoff between the size of a covering index for branching path expressions and the size of the class of queries that the index covers.

These indexes can range all the way from tiny indexes that are so focussed that they almost amount to cached answers to specific queries, to the full F&B-Index (which as we have said covers all path expressions), and many points in between. When viewed in this manner, these covering indexes also take on some of the flavor of sum- mary tables in OLAP or multidimensional workloads - - in these environments, the more highly aggregated the summary table, the smaller the class of queries it can service, but the higher the performance it can deliver.

Of course, in the context of branching path expressions over the labeled graph data model, the techniques used to specify and build these indexes are entirely different from the techniques used to define and build covering relational indexes or multidimensional summary tables. The main contribution of this paper is to propose these techniques and to evaluate them experimentally.

Our covering index technology applies to a number of different scenarios. Each of the scenarios is a dif- ferent context in which branching path expressions are useful. The three scenarios we chose to explore are (1) data stored in a native XML format, with native XML query processing; (2) data stored in an RDBMS, with the understanding that the data originated as XML data but was "shredded" into a relational schema so that an RDBMS can be used as the query processor; (3) data stored in an RDBMS, with the understanding that the data originated in the RDBMS but an application is pos- ing branching path expressions over an XML view de- fined on this relational data.

For each alternative, we compare the performance of branching path expression queries with and without our covering index. Depending on the specific query and in- dex chosen, in all scenarios we obtain significant perfor- mance improvements, and observe that using the cover- ing index can be an order of magnitude faster than using the base data.

T h e rest of the paper is organized as follows. Back- ground material and an illustrative example are provided in Section 2. In Section 3, we review the notion of for- ward and backward index and show that it is a cover- ing index for all branching path expression queries, and

prove that it is the smallest such index. In Section 4, we introduce our index definition scheme and provide an al- gorithm to construct an index according to a definition. Section 5 evaluates the performance of these covering indexes. We summarize related work in Section 6 and conclude in Section 7.


In this section we review some concepts and definitions that will be useful throughout the paper.

2.1 The Labeled Graph Data Model We model XML or other semi-structured data as a

directed, node-labeled tree with an extra set of special edges called idref edges. More formally, consider a di- rected graph G = (Vc, ET, ER~f , root, Ea, nodelabel, oid, value). Vc is the node set. ET denotes the set of tree edges. The graph induced by ET on Va defines the underlying spanning tree. Each edge in ET indicates an object-subobject or object-value relationship. When we talk about parent-child and ancestor-descendant re- lationships, we refer to the tree edges. ER~y is the set of idref edges each of which indicates an idref relationship. "Simple" nodes in Vc have no outgoing edges and are given a value via the value function. Each node in Va is labeled with a string-literal from Ea via the nodelabel function and with a unique identifier via the oid func- tion, with simple objects given the distinguished label, VALUE. There is a single root element with the distin- guished label, ROOT.

Figure 1 shows a portion of a hypothetical "metro- guide", represented as a data graph. The solid edges rep- resent the tree edges. The numeric identifiers in nodes represent oid's. Non-tree edges (shown dashed) may be implemented with the ID/IDREF construct or XLink [5] syntax. The nodes labeled feature and star are attributes of their parent elements and indicate respectively whether a museum has a featured exhibit and whether a hotel is starred. This guide could be a large XML document, the output of publishing a relational database, or the result of decomposing an XML document into relations for the purpose of storage and querying. Attributes like "name", "address", etc are suppressed from the data graph.

2.2 Branching Path Expressions A label-path is a sequence of labels ll . . . Ip (p _> 1),

separated by forward s e p a r a t o r s / , / / , ~ or by backward separators \ , \ \ , .¢=. A node-path in G is a sequence of nodes, n l . . . Up, again separated b y / , / / , ~ or \ , \ \ , .¢= such that, for 1 < i < p - 1, if n~ and ni+l are separated by a

1. / , then ni is the parent of ni+l 2. / / , then n~ is an ancestor of ni+l 3. ::¢,., then ni points to ni+l through an idref edge 4. \ , then n~ is a child of n~+l 5. \ \ , then n~ is a descendant of ni+l 6. ~=, then nl is pointed to by ni+l through an idref



Page 3: Covering Indexes for Branching Path Queries* · covering indexes also take on some of the flavor of sum- mary tables

( I : ROOT

~ ........................................................................... stnesi ~'" - ~ ) neighborhood~

- / I ,-.. ~ .~_~igllborhood " ,(:ll eishh,orho ;l' jr neil,Jlzborhood

m t m e u m . us . ume~.mrz mu euzlr~.. ~ , / \ (.I5) ( ~ ~L~ (JJ~ ~J~ ~J~otel~otel ~ . ho te l~ hotel ," / / ~ // \ . ~ . ~ . . . ,~- ~ : a o ) (21: ( 2 z (23" / I \ ,' \

' , " - : . _ • ~ , ~ . " - - . " : - : : z ~ . ~ ,I " , , ' . z s . : + _ _ , - . .. -- . - ; ........ ... ~ ~ .-.. euJt.~'a~ ( 2~

", i ', " .. . ,. "-. + . "- . _: . . . . . . . ~, hub +ine88 ~.27 , "; ,

F i g u r e 1: A n e x a m p l e g r a p h - s t r u c t u r e d d a t a b a s e

A node-path nz . . . np matches a label path Iz . . . Ip if the corresponding separators are the same and label(hi) = Ii, for 1 < i < p. Label paths and node paths where the separators are restricted to be the forward separators are called forward label paths and forward node paths re- spectively. We can similarly define backward label paths and backward node paths. Label paths that involve both forward and backward separators are called mixed paths. For example, in Figure 1, the path ROOT/metro/neighb- orhoods/neighborhood/business=>.hotel is a forward label path, and the node path 1/2/5/9/24 ~ 23 matches it. The label path ROOT/metro/business/hotels/hotel¢:bu- siness\neighborhood is a mixed label path and the node path 1/2/4/7/23 4= 24\9 matches it.

We now provide examples of branching path expres- sions, followed by a definition. The path expression ROOT/metro/neighborhoods/neighborhood [/business=v- hotel]/cultural=>museum finds all museums that have a hotel in the same neighborhood. This is done by speci- fying a primary path ROOT/metro/neighborhoods/neighborhood/cultural=>. museum to museum nodes and applying a condition on (intermediate) nodes labeled neighborhood asserting that they have the path/business=>hotel coming out of them. More formally, we define branching path expressions by the following grammar sketch.

bpathexpr ~ fwdlabelpath [orexpr] fwdsep bpathexpr ] fwdlabelpath

orexpr ~ andexpr ~or' orexpr [ andexpr

andexpr ~ bpathexpr2 'and' andexpr I notbpathexpr2 'and' andexpr I bpathexpr2 [ notbpathexpr2

notbpathexpr2 ~ 'not' bpathexpr2 bpathexpr2 -~ labelpath2 [orexpr] bpathexpr2

[ labelpath2 labelpath2 --~ fwdsep labelpath

[ backsep labelpath fwdlabelpath -+ forward label paths labelpath ~ label paths fwdsep -~ /1 / / [ backsep --~ \ 1 \ \ 1 ~

In an XML context, the above definition of branching path expressions forms a subset of the XPath [3] stan-

dard, except for one additional feature, which is that we allow backward traversal of idref edges. Let us note here that we ignore order and value based selections, which will be addressed by future work.

As mentioned above, we can think of these branching path expressions as a basic forward label path (call it the primary path) with boolean path conditions on in- termediate labels. The primary path corresponding to a branching path expression is the path that remains when all parts between brackets ~[' and ~]' are removed (including the brackets themselves). The other parts of the branching path expression act as path constraints on the primary path.

Evaluating a branching path expression on a graph as defined above amounts to matching the primary path and satisfying the intermediate boolean path conditions. A path condition is evaluated on a data node and takes the form of another branching path expression which is evaluated recursively. These constraints can be con- nected by the usual logical operators 'and', 'or' and 'not' . The return set corresponds to all nodes that match the last tag in the primary path. For example, in the above query that finds all museums having a hotel in the same neighborhood, the node with oid 16 is returned as part of the result, since (a) the node path 1/2/5/9/25 ~ 16 matches the primary path, (b) 16 is the oid of the node that matches the last tag, museum, in the primary path and (c) the node with oid 9, which matches the tag neighborhood in the primary path, satisfies the path con- dition imposed on it. The full answer set for this query is 15, 16, 17, 18, 19.

Some other examples of branching path expression queries are:

1. ROOT/metro/neighborhoods/neighborhood[/busin- ess=:c~hotel and not/business=~.cinema-hall]/cultural =~museum asks for all museums that have a hotel in the same neighborhood, but no cinema-hall.

2. //hotel[star][.¢= business\neighborhood[/cultural=> museum[\art]]] finds all star hotels that have an art museum in the same neighborhood. Note that this query can written in a different way, similar to the query above.

These branching path expression queries can be thought


Page 4: Covering Indexes for Branching Path Queries* · covering indexes also take on some of the flavor of sum- mary tables

,• neighborhood

m u s e u m ~" star

- " . . . bus iness cultural

Figure 2: Graph v iew of hotel query

of in a graph format. For example, the graph in Fig 2 represents the "hotel" query above. The dark hotel node indicates that it is the return node. T h e / / l a b e l on the edge coming in to the hotel node indicates t h e / / s e p a r a - tor in the query. Again, solid edges represent tree edges and dashed edges represent idref edges. It is straight- forward to similarly visually represent boolean connec- tives. We note that the underlying undirected graph corresponding to a query graph is always a tree.

2.3 Index Graphs In this paper we are concerned with index graphs. An

index graph for data graph G is a graph I(G) where we associate an extent with each node in I. If A is a node in the index graph I(G), then ext1(A), the extent of A, is a subset of Vc. We add the constraint that the extents of two index nodes should never overlap. The index graph result of executing a branching path expression P on I(G) is the union of the extents of the index nodes that result from evaluating P on I(G). An index graph I(G) covers a branching path expression query P if the index result of P is accurate, i.e., it is the same as the result o n e .

The 1-Index [11] is an example of an index graph and covers in-coming path queries (i.e. forward label path queries). In fact, any partit ion of the data nodes defines an index graph where (1) we associate an index node with every equivalence class, (2) define the index node's extent to be the equivalence class that formed it and (3) add an edge from index node A to index node B if there is an edge from some data node in ext(A) to some data node in ext(B). Henceforth, whenever we refer to an index graph obtained from a partition of the data nodes, we mean the above construction. Thus, even a simple grouping of the data nodes by label defines an index graph.

We now introduce terminology about partitions of data nodes. A partit ion P1 of the data nodes is a refinement of another partition P2 if the following condition holds: whenever two nodes are in the same equivalence class in P1, they are in the same equivalence class in P2 as well. If P1 is a refinement of P2, then P2 is coarser than P1. We also talk about one index graph being a refinement of another - - this refers to the corresponding partitions (and makes sense only if the set of data nodes indexed in both is the same).

2.4 Bisimilarity We briefly introduce the notion of bisimilarity [14]

since it is central to the rest of the paper. This no- tion was first used in the context of semi-structured data while introducing the 1-Index [11]. The intuition behind the 1-Index is to try and group together nodes if they have the same set of incoming paths, but achieving ex- actly this ideal grouping is PSPACE-complete [20]. The

solution of [11] is to use instead a grouping like bisimi- larity, which refines the ideal grouping; that is, it splits some of the groups in the ideal grouping. We modify the definition slightly to distinguish between tree and idref edges.

A symmetric, binary relation ~ on VG is called a bisimulation if, for any two data nodes u and v with u .~ v, we have that (a) u and v have the same label, (b) if par~ is the parent of u and par, is the parent of v, then paru ~ parr and (c) if u' points to u through an idref edge, then there is a v' that points to v through an idref such that u' ~ v', and vice-versa. Two nodes u and v in G are said to be bisimilar, denoted by u ~b v, if there is some bisimulation ~ such that u ~ v.

The partit ion of Va induced by ~b can be used to ob- tain an index graph. This index graph is referred to as Bisim(G) or simply "the 1-Index" in this paper 1. Thus, there is a worst case guarantee on the index size, since the 1-Index can never be bigger than the data graph. Further, it can be computed in time O(m lg n) where n is the number of nodes and m is the number of edges in the data graph, using an algorithm proposed by Paige and Tarjan [13].


In [2], the authors note that by using the notion of in- verse edges, we get structural summaries (of schema-less data) that capture information about both in-coming and out-going paths. More precisely, let us consider the following process for an edge-labeled data graph (a sim- ilar process can be applied to node-labeled graphs too). While the discussion below does not distinguish between tree and idref edges, the definitions and properties we talk about can be easily tweaked to accommodate the same. We omit these details for lack of space.

1. For every (edge) label l, add a new label l-1. 2. For every edge e labelled l from node u to node v,

add an (inverse) edge e -1 with label 1-1 from v to U .

3. Compute the 1-Index (or DataGuide) on this mod- ified graph.

The above is a structural summary that captures infor- mation about paths both entering and leaving nodes in the data graph. With the 1-Index used in step 3 above, we obtain a partit ion of the data nodes which can be used to define an index graph. Let us call this the For- ward and Backward-Index(FSzB-Index).

In this section, we prove some new theorems about the FSzB-Index that are important in the context of families of covering indexes. To do so, we first give an alterna- tive definition of the F&B-Index based on the notion of the stability of one set of graph nodes with respect to another. For a set of nodes, A, let Succ(A) denote the set of successors of the nodes in A, i.e., the set {v I there

1The authors of [11] also consider the use of the similar- ity relationship [10] for the 1-Index. We do not consider this alternative due to inefficient construction algorithms for the similarity relation - see [11] for details.


Page 5: Covering Indexes for Branching Path Queries* · covering indexes also take on some of the flavor of sum- mary tables

is a node u E A with an edge in G from u to v}. We can define the predecessor set of A, Pred(A) analogously.

DEFINITION 1. Given two sets of data graph nodes A and B, A is said to be succ-stable with respect to B i f either A is a subset of Succ(B) or A and Succ(B) are disjoint.

It is possible to similarly define the notion of pred-stability. We call a partition of the nodes succ-stable if, for every pair of individual partitions pl and p2, pl is succ-stable with respect to p2 (when talking about the stability of partitions, we actually mean stability of the correspond- ing sets of nodes).

A succ-stable partition has the property that if we build an index graph from it, then whenever there is an edge from index node A to index node B, there is an edge from every data node in ext (A) to some node in ext (B) . Let us call a label grouping a partition of the data nodes that corresponds to their node-labels (i.e. two nodes are in the same equivalence class if they have the same la- bel). The 1-Index is then the coarsest partition of the data nodes that is (1) a refinement of the label grouping and (2) is succ-stable. We can think of the 1-Index com- putation as consisting of two parts: (1) initialization by label grouping and (2) splitting the label grouping till we obtain a succ-stable refinement.

Now consider the following procedure over data graph G. We work with a current partition of the data nodes which is initialized to the label grouping.

1. Reverse all edges in G. 2. Compute the bisimilarity partition (with the cur-

rent partition as the initialization). 3. Set the current partition to what is output by the

previous step. 4. Reverse edges in G again, obtaining the original G. 5. Compute the bisimilarity partition (again initial-

izing the computation with the current partition). 6. Set the current partit ion to what is output by the

previous step. 7. Repeat the above steps till the current partition

does not change.

It is not hard to see that the F&B-Index is the index graph obtained by using this finM partition. From this point of view, the idea behind the FSzB-Index is to ob- tain a partition of the data nodes that is both succ-stable and pred-stable. One way to do this is by first ensur- ing pred-stability (by reversing G's edges and computing the bisimilarity partition), then computing a succ-stable refinement of this pred-stable partition, and continuing thus till the current partition does not change.

The F&B-Index for the data graph shown in Figure 1 merges the two hotel nodes with oids 22 and 23. Other than that, in this case, the F&B-Index is the same as the data graph.

We have the following theorem that shows the impor- tance of this index. The proof follows from the fact that the F~B-Index is both a pred-stable and succ-stable par- tition and is omitted for lack of space.

THEOREM 1. The F&B-Index over a data graph G covers all branching path expressions over G.

Thus, for the data in Figure 1, the fact that two of the hotel nodes are merged together means that no branch- ing path expression query can distinguish between the two. Conversely, using a simple diagonalization argu- ment, we have the following theorem. The proof is again omitted for lack of space.

THEOREM 2. For data graph G, any index graph that covers all branching path expressions over G must be a refinement of the F&B-Index.

COROLLARY 3.: For data graph G, the F&B-Index is the smallest index graph that covers all branching path expressions over G.

As a result, whenever two nodes are not in the same extent of the FSzB-Index, there is some branching path query that distinguishes between the two.

3.1 Size of the F&B-Index Unfortunately, the F&B-Index is often big. For ex-

ample, on the XMark [1] XML benchmark document of size 10MB, the data has about 181000 nodes, while the F&B-Index has about 164000 nodes. Similarly, for a subset of the Open Directory Project [15] data where the data has about 143000 nodes, the F&B-Index has about 93000 nodes. This size problem with the F&B- Index leads us to look for a way to cut down the size of this index. Since it is the smallest index that handles all branching path expressions, the only way out is to compromise on the class of queries to be covered. This motivates the index definition scheme we propose in the next section.


As we saw above, the FSzB-Index can be big and it is important to be able to cut down the index size. Since branching path expressions can be numerous and com- plicated, our index definition scheme is designed towards eliminating branching path expressions that are deemed less important, so that we arrive at an index that is much smaller and can handle the remaining branching path expressions more efficiently. We use four different approaches toward this goal based on the following in- tuitions.

1. There are many tags in data that are of lesser in- terest and so need not be indexed.

2. Branching path expressions (in the manner defined by us) give more importance to tree edges over idref edges. In particular, / / matches only tree edges and there is no equivalent for idref edges. It may be desirable to reflect this in the index.

3. Not all structure is interesting. Our intuition is that queries on long paths are rare. Instead, short paths are more common. Thus, it may be useful to exploit local similarity to cut down the index size.

4. Restricting the "tree-depth" of the branching path expressions for which the index is accurate might help. We will explain this in more detail later.


Page 6: Covering Indexes for Branching Path Queries* · covering indexes also take on some of the flavor of sum- mary tables

°= ae i~borhood .


u l t ~ l 2S,2~.29

F i g u r e 3: F ~ B - I n d e x on t ree e d g e s

4.1 Tags to be indexed It is often the case that there are tags in the data

that are never queried using branching path expressions and thus need not be indexed. We do so by altering the data graph so that all nodes that have tags that are not to be indexed are labeled with a unique label, other. In addition, if a node labeled other does not appear in the tree path to any node that is being indexed, it can be assumed to be absent from the data graph for pur- poses of indexing. This simple technique can have a lot of effect in practice. For example, in the XMark data, there are text tags such as bold and emph that appear in the description of categories and items that are being auctioned. It may be worthwhile to build an index that ignores these tags. The F&B-Index on the tree edges of the XMark file of size 100MB (which has about 1.43 million nodes) has about 436000 nodes. But on ignoring the text nodes, the number of nodes in the index drops to about 18000.

4.2 Tree Edges Vs Idref Edges The XPath [3] standard for path expressions gives a

higher priority to tree edges. In particular, / / matches only tree edges and there is no equivalent ancestor oper- ation for idref edges. On the other hand, all occurrences of idrefs in path expressions have to be explicit. This is also reflected in the way we have defined our branching path expressions. The effect on the index size of idrefs can be tremendous. For example, on the XMark data of size 100MB, the F&B-Index on just the tree edges has 18000 nodes (ignoring text nodes) while the size is about 1.35 million when all idrefs are incorporated (again ig- noring text nodes). Thus, it is desirable to have some way of giving priority to tree edges. We specify the set of idref edges to be indexed as part of the index definition. We do so by specifying the source and target labels of the idref edges we wish to retain.

Figure 3 shows the F&B-Index constructed on only the tree edges of the data graph in Figure 1 (again we only show extents that have more than one data node). As we can see, all three nodes labeled neighborhood are merged together in this index, showing that they cannot be distinguished by any branching path expression query on the tree edges alone. However, this index cannot necessarily be used to cover a branching path expression query that refers to an idref edge.

4.3 Exploiting Local Similarity As pointed out in [17], an important approach in con-

trolling index sizes lies in exploiting local similarity. Our intuition is that most queries refer to short paths and seldom ask for long paths. As a result, it may not be desirable to split the index partition along long paths. For example, in the data graph in Figure 1, it may not be desirable to split nodes labeled neighborhood based on whether they contain a museum that has a featured exhibit. This can be achieved by looking at paths of length up to 2 (here, length refers to the number of edges). This process is reminiscent of summary tables for OLAP workloads, where picking a larger number of attributes to aggregate yields a smaller summary that is accurate for queries covered by it while picking a smaller number of attributes to aggregate makes the summary more generic.

We have the notion of k-bisimilarity (defined in [10]) which groups nodes based on paths of length up to k. We reproduce it below (again modified slightly to distinguish between tree and idref edges).

DEFINITION 4.: ~ k (k-bisimilarity): This is defined inductively.

1. For any two nodes, u and v, u ~o v i f f u and v have the same label.

2. Node u ~ k v i f f u ,~k-1 v, pare, ~ k - 1 par , where par~ and parr are respectively the parents of u and v, and for every u' that points to u through an idref edge, there is a v ~ that points to v through an idref edge such that u' ~ k - 1 v ~, and vice versa.

By a simple induction, we can see that this definition en- sures the weaker condition it sets out to achieve. Note that k-bisimilarity defines an equivalence relation on the nodes of a graph. We call this the k-bisimulation. This partition is used in [17] for in-coming path queries, to define an index graph, the A(k)-index, where k is a pa- rameter. Thus, an A(2)-index is accurate for the query //neighborhood/, but not necessarily for the query//neighborhood/cultural=J-museum/featured.

In our context, it should be possible to specify, say, that in the forward direction, we only want local sim- ilarity for paths of length at most 1 and in the back- ward direction, we want "global" similarity. This way, we get a covering index where, for example, the condi- tion "museum with a featured exhibit", or the condition "hotel that is a star hotel" can be imposed since these only involve paths of length 1, whereas the condition "neighborhood with a museum that has a featured ex- hibit" cannot be imposed since it involves a longer path. We argue that by thus restricting the query-able path length, we can still index a large and interesting subset of branching path expression queries.

4.4 Restricting Tree Depth In Section 3, we defined the F&B-Index as a transitive

closure of the following sequence of computations:

1. Reverse all edges in G. 2. Compute the bisimilarity partit ion (with the cur-

rent partit ion as the initialization). 3. Reverse edges in G again, obtaining the original G. 4. Compute the bisimilarity partit ion (again initial-

izing the computation with the current partition).


Page 7: Covering Indexes for Branching Path Queries* · covering indexes also take on some of the flavor of sum- mary tables

~'~ ROOT

(~" m ~

~: -.._ ?~, \ ..... ~_ • r y . . = ' • 9 1 ~

/ ...... ,----__ " " °' .... h"c ) ' i

• ) . ,~ .. ) ( . . . . . ) ~"~o~l ' ~ . h o w l / • "% - • • ~ ~ , . " ,a.22.23 , /

• : ,~ ', : -~.~r" " : ~a." ; ( ~z5.2~

. ::: ..... ii::i ; :: ..... :::i! ;i!115: :::: ..... • - . ........ ''....: - . ..... .-

Figure 4:

Consider the partition (and hence the index graph) de- fined by one iteration of these operations. Let us call this index graph the F+B-Index. The index graph obtained after two iterations above would be called F+B÷F+B- Index and so on.

We now define the notion of tree-depth of a node in a query. Consider the query //museums/history/museum[/featured and ~ cultural\ne- ighborhood [/cultural=.~ museum[\ art]]] that asks for his- tory museums that have a featured exhibit and also have an art museum in the same neighborhood. The query is shown in Figure 5 in graph format. The numbers to the side indicate the tree-depths of the nodes. The idea is that all nodes on the primary path and having a path to some node in the primary path have tree-depth 0. All nodes that do not have tree-depth 0 and have a path from some node in the primary path have tree-depth 1, nodes that do not have tree-depth 1 and have a path to some node of tree-depth 1 have tree-depth 2, nodes that do not have tree-depth 2 and have a path from some node of tree-depth 2 have tree-depth 3, and so on. Intuitively, odd tree-depths correspond to out-going path conditions, while even tree-depths correspond to in-coming path conditions. Nodes that have an edge to or from a node of higher tree-depth are called branching points. The nodes in the example query graph that are branching points are indicated in bold. The return node is shaded, and in this case, also happens to be a branch- ing point. Note that tree-depth is different from the nesting level of a node in the query text. In particular, the neighborhood node has tree-depth 0 although it is nested in the query text. In general, the same query can be written in more than one way. Tree-depths of nodes do not depend on how the query is written (whereas nest- ing levels do). The tree-depth of a query is the maximum tree-depth of its nodes.

The F-I-B-Index is accurate for the subset of branching path expressions over G that have tree-depth at most 1.

F + B - I n d e x

, / k \

:-,) ©ultuml Y

". 1 0 f e a t u r e -

F i g u r e 5: E x a m p l e for tree d e p t h

The F + B + F + B - I n d e x is accurate for all branching path expressions that have tree-depth at most 3 and so on (to restrict to tree-depth 2, we must use a "B+F÷B- Index"). It is our intuition that it is rare to get mean- ingful branching path queries with large tree-depths. Hence, we wish to be able to restrict the tree-depth of queries being indexed by specifying the maximum tree- depth we want to index. So, we make this part of the index definition.

Figure 4 shows the F + B index for the data in Figure 1. Note that nodes 9 and 10, labeled neighborhood are to- gether in this index, unlike in the F&B-Index. However, the other node labeled neighborhood, 11, is separate, un- like the index on the tree edges alone• Since this in- dex is smaller than the F&B-Index, it cannot handle all branching path expression queries. In particular, a query that can be answered by the F&B-Index but not by the F+B-index is//neighborhood [/cultural:=~museum [/featu- red][\history]], which asks for all neighborhood nodes that have a history museum that has a featured exhibit. This cannot be answered by the F-I-B-index since it cannot distinguish between the two neighborhood nodes 9 and 10, whereas node 10 is in the answer set and node 9 is not. This inaccuracy arises because the term history is at a tree depth of 2, whereas the F-I-B-index is only (neces- sarily) accurate for queries with tree-depth at most 1.

4.5 Putting it together An index definition consists of the following parts:

1. A set of tags to be indexed. Call this set T. 2. For each of the forward and backward directions:

(a) Set of idref edges to be indexed (call them reff~,d and refback)

(b) A parameter k indicating the extent of local similarity desired (call them kf~,d and kback)

3. The number of iterations in the F&B-Index com- putation to be performed. Call this td, the tree depth.

The parameters kfwd, kback and td can be set to be c~, referring to a transitive closure computation. The index obtained for a given index definition S is called the BPCI(S) (for branching path expression covering index). The algorithm for computing the BPCI(S) is shown below in Figure 6. The k-bisimulation partition


Page 8: Covering Indexes for Branching Path Queries* · covering indexes also take on some of the flavor of sum- mary tables

can be computed by the a lgor i thm given in [17], and it can be t r ivial ly ex tended to handle the k = oc case.

procedure compute_partition(G,S) G ~ data graph, S --~ index definition begin 1. Convert all tags in G not in T into special tag other 2. Remove any occurrence of a node labeled other if it is not

on some tree path from the root to any node with a label that is to be indexed

3. Let ~ be a list of sets of nodes / /representing a partition of the nodes of G

4. P ~ label-grouping of G 5. f o r i - - - 1 t o t d d o

/ / forward direction 6. Retain idref edges in ref fwd 7. Reverse all edges in G 8. Compute the kfwd-bisimulation on G initializing

the computation with 7 ~ 9. ~ ~-- partition of nodes of G corresponding to the

above k f wd-bisimulation / /backward direction

10. Restore G 11. Retain idref edges in refback 12. Compute the kb~ck-bisimulation on G initializing

the computation with 13. P ~-- partition of nodes of G corresponding to the

above kback-bisimulation end

procedure compute_index(G, S) begin 1. compute_partition(G,S) 2. fo reach equiv, class in 7:' do 3. create an index node I 4. ext[l] = data nodes in the equiv, class 5. fo reach edge from u to v in G do 6. I[u] = index node containing u 7. l[v] = index node containing v 8. if there is no edge from I[u] to l[v] then 9. add an edge from I[u] to I[v] end

F i g u r e 6: B P C I ( S ) c o m p u t a t i o n

T h e subset of branching pa th expressions for which an a rb i t ra ry covering index is accura te depends, of course, on the index definition. T h e following are some example index definit ions and the indexes they generate.

1. The F&:B-Index can be obta ined by indexing all tags and all idref edges, wi th k f w d = kback ~-- td =

2. The F + B - i n d e x can be genera ted by indexing all tags and all idref edges, wi th kfwd -~ kback = CX) and td = 1.

3. The 1-Index can be genera ted by indexing all tags and all idref edges, wi th kfwd = 0, kb~k = oc and t d = O.

4. T h e A(k) - index can be genera ted by indexing all tags and all idref edges, wi th kfwd = O, kb~k = k and td = O.

Consider the following definit ion on the d a t a in Fig- ure 1.

1. index tags ROOT, metro, cinema-hall, neighborhoods, neighborhood, business

) c l . o m . . h a l l ~


. : i . R o o t

i ~ n . ~ B h b o r h o o d .

c ~ n e i g h b o r h o o d O . I O ~ " n o l g h b o r h o o d

( ) b . . I n o . . 2 4 = ( b n . l n o n

F i g u r e 7: I n d e x for g i v e n de f in i t i on

2. pick k f w d ---- kback ~-

3. t ree dep th ---- c~.

The index genera ted is shown in Figure 7. This is a lmost a p recompu ta t ion of the query

//neighborhood [/business=;,.cinema- hall], which asks for all ne ighborhoods tha t have a c inema hall. As seen above, we can also genera te the full FL~B- Index by this workload scheme. Thus, a wide var ie ty of indexes can be defined by our scheme.

4.6 Index Selection We now discuss the issue of how to arr ive at a reason-

able index defini t ion tha t covers a set of queries. Note tha t this is analogous to the problem of choosing an appropr ia te covering index for a given query workload. Consider the following queries on the d a t a in Figure 1.

1. Hotels t ha t have a museum in the same neighbor- hood. This could be wr i t t en as a branching pa th expression query in the following way: / /neighborh- ood[/cultural=~museum]/business=c~hotel Note tha t the pr imay p a t h length is 3 and the t ree-depth is 1.

2. S tar red hotels: //hotel[/star]. T h e pr imary p a t h length is 1, and the t ree -dep th is 1.

3. Neighborhoods wi th an ar t museum: / /ne ighbo- rhood[/cultural=~museum[\art]] Here, the pr imary pa th length is 1 and the t ree-depth is 2.

The following const ra in ts hold for any index tha t cov- ers the above queries. Fi rs t of all, the tags involved in this query must be indexed. Since the m a x i m u m t ree-depth is 2, the index t ree -dep th must be at least 2. Since the m a x i m u m p a t h length for pa th condit ions is 2 (/ /neighborhood[/]), kfwd _~ 2. Sim- ilarly, the const ra int on kb~ck is t ha t kback ~ 2. Given these constraints , one s t ra ight-forward th ing to do is to pick the m i n i m u m values needed to cover the queries. Call this index Imi,~. However, there is a t radeoff - - by picking larger values for t he parameters , we get a more generic index t h a t can potent ia l ly cover more queries, a l though the per formance of this index for these queries may be worse t h a n tha t of I~ in . This example serves to i l lustrate the issues involved in choosing an index defini- t ion to cover a set of branching pa th expression queries. I t is possible to give simple heurist ics (for example, out- pu t Im~n) to create a covering index. However, a good choice of index defini t ion depends heavily on the d a t a and the queries, and will be addressed in future work.

4.7 Testing if an Index covers a Query We now discuss how to test whether a given index

covers a branching pa th expression query. Intuit ively, the condit ions tha t must be satisfied are:


Page 9: Covering Indexes for Branching Path Queries* · covering indexes also take on some of the flavor of sum- mary tables

procedure cover(I, Q) I 4-- index Q ~ branching path expression begin 1. convert Q into a query graph QG 2. check if all tags in Q are indexed in I 3. check if the tree-depth of Q < ~d, the tree-depth of I 4. check if all paths in QG with even tree-depth have

length _< kback ; if kback <~ OO, no separator in these paths should b e / /

5. check if all paths in QG with odd tree-depth have length _< kfwd; if kfwd < oo, no separator in these paths should b e / /


Figure 8: C h e c k i n g if BPCI(S ) covers a query

regions people open_auctions closed_auctions categories

{ africa,asia,...} person I 1 [ [ c osed auction category

homepege~proLfile I iterare~price I _ / [ open_auction name it¢ I namq~ducation •-

/ / - ~ item're f bidder name descr ,tion incategory inJt.a

Figure 9: XMark schema

1. The tags and idrefs should match - - all tags and idrefs referenced in the query must be indexed.

2. The tree depth should match - - the tree-depth of the index should be at least as large as the tree- depth of the query.

3. If the index uses local similarity, then all relevant path lengths must be bounded by the extent of local similarity captured in the index.

In more deta!l, let QG be the query graph. A path in QG has tree-depth i if all nodes in the path, with the possible exception of either end, have tree-depth i (not all paths necesarily have a tree-depth). The procedure shown in Figure 8 tests whether a given index covers a given branching path expression query. This procedure can be implemented using a depth first search of the query graph and takes time linear in the query size.

5. PERFORMANCE In this section we explore the performance of the cov-

ering indexes introduced in the previous section. We first investigate the efficacy of the index definition scheme in controlling the size of the covering index, and then go on to a performance study over queries that are covered by the index. All our experiments are over the 100MB XMark XML benchmark [1] data set. The XMark data models an auction site. The element relationships rele- vant to us are reproduced for convenience in Figure 9. The tag names are largely self-explanatory. The tag itemref is an idref value pointing to item nodes. Sim- ilarly, the tag incategory is an idref pointing to category nodes.

5.1 Range of Indexes The goal of this subsection is (a) to establish that

there is a wide variety of covering indexes spanning a whole range of sizes, and (b) to explore the effectiveness of each index definition parameter we have specified in controlling the index size.

Defn No. Defn 0

Index F&B-Index

No. of Nodes 1.35 million

Defn 1 F&B-Index on tree edges 436602 Defn 2 18336

Defn 3

F&B-Index on tree edges w/o text nodes F+B-index w/o text nodes F+B-index where we (a) ignore text tags (b) ignore idref edges in the fwd direction

(b) ignore idrefs pointing to person tags in the back direction Defn 4 + ignore idrefs pointing to open_auction tags in the back direction

Defn 4

Defn 5

1.29 million



Defn 6 Defn 5 + klw d = 1 10705 Defn 7 Defn 6, except that 32716

tree-depth -~ 3 Defn 8 17 Index only tags and idref

edges present in query Q

Table 1: I n d e x D e f i n i t i o n s a n d Sizes

Since the number of possible index definitions is high, we restrict ourselves to a few representative examples. The definitions are shown in Table 1 (query Q will be introduced later) along with the number of nodes. The data has about 1.43 million nodes. The full F&B-Index on the whole data graph has about 1.35 million nodes, which indicates (by minimality of the F&B-Index as per The- orem 2) that almost all nodes in the data can be dis- tinguished from one another by some branching path expression query. The FSzB-Index on just the tree edges is itself quite large with approximately 430,000 nodes. The numbers in Table 1 indicate the wide range of sizes achievable by our covering indexes on this data set.

We now examine the importance of each of the pa- rameters in an index definition in isolation.

1. Ignoring Tags: As explained in Section 4.1, a lot of the "splits" in the F&B-Index are caused by the text markup elements bold, emph, and so forth. The size of the F&B-Index on the tree edges ig- noring these tags (Defn 2) is about 18000 nodes, as shown in Table 1, which is about 4% of the size of the F,~B-Index on all tree edges (Defn 1).

2. Picking idref edges to inde~. The F+B-index on ig- noring the text tags (Defn 3) has about 1.29 million nodes. We found that among all the idref edges, the ones pointing to person elements (call them personrefs) caused the largest number of splits. Keeping everything else the same, if we ignore all idref edges in the forward direction and index all idref edges except the personrefs in the backward direction (Defn 4), the covering index we obtain has about 470000 nodes, which is about 36% the size of the F+B-index (Defn 3). If we also ignore the idref edges pointing to elements in the backward direction (Defn 5), we obtain an index with 40000 nodes.

3. Local Similarity: In the above index (with 40000 nodes), if we set kfwd = 1 keeping everything else the same (Defn 6), we get an index with only about 11000 nodes. We note that even this index, small


Page 10: Covering Indexes for Branching Path Queries* · covering indexes also take on some of the flavor of sum- mary tables

[ Query name Query Q1 find the number of persons whose

education information is known Q2 find the number of persons with a

homepage Q3 find "hot" items, i.e. items that have

a bidder(same as Q above) Q4 for all items being auctioned, but

w/o a bidder, find their category Q5 find all categories where items have

been sold only from North America

Table 2: Test Queries

as it is, can index a large number of branching path expressions. In particular, it allows conditions like item[/featured], person[/homepage] and so on to be imposed and allows primary paths that can be ar- bitrarily long and pass through any of the tree edges and any idref edge pointing to an item or category node.

4. Tree Depth: While the above index has tree depth of 1, the same index where the tree depth is set to 3 (Defn 7) has about 33000 nodes, showing that this parameter can play an important role in controlling the size of the index. However, in our other exper- iments (not reported here), we realize that among the above parameters, this has the least impact on the index size.

Finally, let us examine an example of how we can get a highly specific index for a given query. Let the query Q under consideration be

//open_auction[/bidder]/itemref=~itern/id, which finds all items that are being auctioned and have at least one bidder. By indexing only the tags (and attributes) site, item, open_auctions, open_auction, bid- der, id, itemref, setting k/wd = 1, kb~ck = oo and tree depth = 1 (Defn 8), we get an index with only 17 nodes. This index covers the above query.

5.2 Performance on Queries In this subsection, we wish to demonstrate that (a) by

appropriately choosing a covering index, we can speed up the performance of a set of branching path expres- sion queries considerably and (b) we can tradeoff perfor- mance with scope: that is, we can pick a more general index that would also cover this set of branching path expressions, but at a lower performance benefit.

We evaluate the performance of our indexes on a set of five queries, shown in Table 2. We pick three represen- tative members from the above set of indexes discussed corresponding to definitions 5, 6 and 8 in Table 1 (with the number of nodes being respectively 40938, 10705 and 17). Let us call these respectively I~, , Ialmo~t--a, and Isp~cif~. Iau covers the whole set of queries. Ialmo,t-~u covers all queries except Q1. Q1 when written as a branching path expression over the XMark data reads as: count(//person[/profile/education]). Index I~lmost-aU does not cover this since k/wd is set to 1 while building it. Queries Q2, Q3, Q4 and Q5, on the other hand only involve conditions on paths of length 1 (as can be seen from the XMark schema shown in Figure 9). I,p~.f,~

only covers query Q3. While larger index structures in- herently cover more path expressions, we see that control can be exercised over which sets of path expressions are covered.

We report results for three scenarios:

1. RELSTORE: The XML data is stored in a rela- tional system using the shared relational decompo- sition strategy proposed in [18].

2. NSTORE: The XML data is stored using a na- tive storage engine, based on a simple breadth- first clustering of objects on pages (we picked the breadth first approach since it almost always per- formed better for our queries than a depth-first ap- proach). We store node pointers in both directions allowing traversal in either direction.

3. RELPUBLISH: The relational decomposition of the data is given and the queries are over an XML view of the data. Here, we pick a different decompo- sition for the data than the one proposed in [18]. The main difference is that there is one item and in- category table for each continent, whereas in REL- STORE, we place all item nodes in a single table and do the same for incategory nodes.

We used DB2 (version 7.1) as the relational engine. The buffer pool size for all experiments with the relational engine was set at 32MB. The experiments were run on a Linux workstation with 256MB of RAM. The native storage engine was implemented using a disk simulator based on the disk model proposed in [19]. In order to get an "apples to apples" comparison, when using a relational engine for the data, we stored the index also using the relational engine, and used a native storage for the index when we used native storage for the data. The index was stored using a fixed relational decomposition in both scenarios RELSTORE and RELPUBLISH. We picked response time as our performance metric. We ran experiments under both cold and warm buffer pool conditions. Since the trends for both cases are similar, we report results for only the warm buffer pool case. For the relational storage cases, we built the traditional value indexes useful for this set of queries.

Figure 10 shows the performance of the three cover- ing indexes under RELSTORE. The X-axis represents the queries, while the Y-axis shows the speedup mea- sured in terms of the ratio between the response time for the data using only traditional relational indexes and the response time using our covering index. Figure 11 and Figure 12 show the performance for NSTORE and

Figure 10: S p e e d u p s for R E L S T O R E


Page 11: Covering Indexes for Branching Path Queries* · covering indexes also take on some of the flavor of sum- mary tables

Figure 11: Speedups for N S T O R E

RELPUBLISH respectively. We note the following in- teresting trends from the above graphs:

1. No matter how the data is stored, there is a con- siderable benefit to be obtained by using an ap- propriate covering index. For example, using an appropriate covering index in RELSTORE speeds up performance by factors of up to about 18.

2. In general, the speedup depends on the granularity of the index. For queries Q2, Q3, Q4 and Q5, the speedup obtained using index Iatmost--aU is higher than that obtained using Iau since Iau is more generic. Similarly, for query Q3, the speedup ob- tained by using Isp~c~flc is higher since it is tailored towards Q3. This illustrates the tradeoff involved and indicates a new role for a database adminis- trator in the context of XML - - choosing the tags and idref edges to be included in a covering index.

3. For a specific query, the speedup using a given in- dex depends on the level of granularity of the index with respect to this query. For example, the num- ber of person and homepage nodes in indexes Iau and Iatmost--aU is the same although I~u overall has more nodes than Ialmo~t--aU. As a result, the speedup using either of them is the same for query Q2. This is not the case for NSTORE since the object clustering is "global"-- thus, even though the parts of the index that need to be accessed are the same, they are clustered differently. Sim- ilarly, although I~tmost--aU is much more generic than Isp~ciyic, there is no significant difference in the speedup for query Q3 between the two - - this indicates that although Ia~mo~--aU has many more nodes than I~p¢cifi~, for the relevant parts of the data, this gap is not significant.

4. Since queries Q1 and Q2 are count queries, eval- uating them on a covering index means that the extents of the index nodes need not be accessed if we store the extent sizes in the index nodes. As a result, the speedup obtained for these queries is higher than that obtained for others. This is not the case when native storage is used. One possi- ble reason for this is that the per-query overhead in the native storage implementation is higher and dominates the cost of a simple queries like Q1 and Q2.

5. The speedups for RELSTORE and RELPUBLISH are different. This is to be expected. In both cases, the indexes are stored using a fixed decomposition.

2 0 -

1 8 -

1 6 -

1 4 -

~. 1 2 -


6 -

4 -

2 -

O -

F i g u r e 12: S p e e d u p s for R E L P U B L I S H

Thus, for queries Q1 and Q2, there is no differ- ence between the two scenarios since the person table is stored the same way in each case. How- ever, for queries Q3 and Q4, the decomposition of RELSTORE is more favorable. This results in a lesser speedup for these queries. For Q5, the de- composition of the data in RELPUBLISH is more favorable. Thus, the speedup is lower there.

6. Speedups in the native storage scenario are higher than the relational counterparts. Our implementa- tion of the native storage is not fine-tuned for per- formance. As a result, the cache-hit rates could be low and this could affect the data more than the in- dex, which is much smaller. We did not investigate this further since it is not our intention to compare native storage with relational storage. Rather, our goal is to examine the effect of a covering index in each case.

6. RELATED W O R K There has been a considerable amount of work on in-

dexing for semi-structured/XML data [4, 6, 7, 9, 11, 12, 17]. Almost all of this work has concentrated on index- ing simple path expressions. In [16], the authors pro- pose a storage/indexing strategy in which data nodes are partitioned into relational tables by the extent of the DataGuide into which they fall. Based on this parti- tion, search can be pruned by the DataGuide, and only particular tables searched. This data structure can be used to answer branching path expression queries. How- ever, since the DataGuide is accurate only for incoming path queries, in order to test out-going path conditions, joins have to be performed over the data. In addition, they present their results on tree data. Our work gen- erates indexes that cover branching path expressions - - so, the base data need not be touched. In addition, we handle idref edges as well. To our knowledge, ours is the first implemented and experimentally evaluated set of covering indexes for branching path expressions.

The notion of F&B-Index is introduced in [2] in the context of structural summaries. A contribution of our paper is to show that the F&B-Index is useful as a basic construct in the context of covering indexes for branch- ing path expressions, and to propose techniques to con- trol the size of the covering index. In [12, 17], the no- tion of local similarity is exploited in constructing sum- mary/ index structures for semi-structured data/XML. However, the focus there is on simple path expressions.

Finally, we note that the index graph as defined here,


Page 12: Covering Indexes for Branching Path Queries* · covering indexes also take on some of the flavor of sum- mary tables

as well as the 1-index and DataGuide, are similar in structure to the quotient graph of [8], and that such structures are commonly used for summaries of program automata.

7. CONCLUSIONS AND FUTURE WORK Branching path expressions are an important idiom in

XML query languages, and based on our experience in the work reported in this paper, it appears that cover- ing indexes are a promising approach to their efficient evaluation.

We demonstrate that the F&B-Index for a given graph can be used as a covering index for the set of all branch- ing path queries that can be expressed over that graph. However, our experiments indicate that this index is of- ten too big to be useful in speeding query evaluation. Accordingly, we introduce mechanisms through which one can specify a wide range of covering indexes that range from extremely focussed and tiny indexes for very targeted classes of branching path expression queries to the fully generic F&B-Index.

We experimentally evaluated these covering indexes in the context of native XML storage and two variants of relational storage for XML data. In all cases, we ob- serve that the speedup due to covering indexes can be significant. Our study clearly demonstrates some of the tradeoffs involved in picking a covering index. In partic- ular, a covering index that is more generic can handle a larger class of branching path expressions, while an in- dex that is more specific handles fewer branching path expressions but is more accurate for the queries it does cover.

A number of interesting open problems remain that we hope to explore in future work. For example,

• Index Selection: The problem of picking an optimal set of covering indexes in order to handle a given query workload naturally arises in this context.

• Integration with Value Indexes: Value based condi- tions are crucial in querying any kind of data and so it is important to integrate structure indexes like our covering indexes with traditional value in- dexes.

• Updates and Bulk Loading Algorithms: Clearly, be- fore these indexes can be deployed we will need efficient index building and updating algorithms.

• Hierarchies of Covering Indexes: This item is in- spired by the analogy with summary tables for multidimensional workloads. There, one typically defines a hierarchy of summary tables, where higher level summaries are most efficiently computed from lower level tables. It would be interesting to ex- plore whether or not analogous ideas will be useful in our context.

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