covid-19 con covid-19 con job satanic plan-demic/scam-demic part...

1 Covid-19 Con Job Satanic Plan-Demic/Scam-Demic Part 5 President Trump is not lifting the National State of Emergency Executive Order. As required by law, on September 13th, six months of the National State of Emergency can be done with and end. But no one is even talking about it... while 90% of the population is voluntarily wearing senseless masks aka muzzles. Self-defense is illegal, old people are dying alone in nursing homes, suicide and child abuse are rampant. Nobody is getting prosecuted for any of these atrocities... Eyes without a Face. It is an Evil Black Magick Spell. Trump and his crew are very busy conducting and coordinating Operation Warp Speed instead. ‘Urgent’ request sent to states in push for coronavirus vaccine delivery by No v. 1, 2020. Link sion=true Mandatory testing already happening in Hawaii: Link: World's Strictest Lockdown Backfired & TOP 8 MOST DEATH PER CAPITA ALL LOCKED DOWN! Sweden Didn't...: Link: The latest CDC data on only 9,210 deaths from COVID in the US: Link: covid-19-numbers-9210-americans-died-covid-19-alone-rest-serious-illnesses/ Dr. Anthony Fauci wants us to believe things will change when we live in greater harmony with nature. The information below suggests this past year has been about: Climate Change and not a phony virus. Dr. Fauci is a Jesuit Satanist and a criminal who deserves prosecution for his crimes going as far back to his fake HIV/AIDS crimes that cost at least 150,000 lives prescribing the drug AZT. The silver lining out of this Corona Con Job is that the skeletons in Dr. Fauci’s closet are getting a microscope look see, the history has been resurrected for those feeling challenged to bring the Jesuit doctor to justice. If all else fails, just remember, there is

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Post on 08-Sep-2020




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Page 1: Covid-19 Con Covid-19 Con Job Satanic Plan-Demic/Scam-Demic Part 5 President Trump is not lifting the National State of Emergency Executive Order


Covid-19 Con Job Satanic Plan-Demic/Scam-Demic

Part 5 President Trump is not lifting the National State of Emergency Executive Order. As required by law, on September 13th, six months of the National State of Emergency can be done with and end. But no one is even talking about it... while 90% of the population is voluntarily wearing senseless masks aka muzzles. Self-defense is illegal, old people are dying alone in nursing homes, suicide and child abuse are rampant. Nobody is getting prosecuted for any of these atrocities... Eyes without a Face. It is an Evil Black Magick Spell. Trump and his crew are very busy conducting and coordinating Operation Warp Speed instead. ‘Urgent’ request sent to states in push for coronavirus vaccine delivery by Nov. 1, 2020. Link Mandatory testing already happening in Hawaii: Link: World's Strictest Lockdown Backfired & TOP 8 MOST DEATH PER CAPITA ALL LOCKED DOWN! Sweden Didn't...: Link: The latest CDC data on only 9,210 deaths from COVID in the US: Link: Dr. Anthony Fauci wants us to believe things will change when we live in greater harmony with nature. The information below suggests this past year has been about: Climate Change and not a phony virus. Dr. Fauci is a Jesuit Satanist and a criminal who deserves prosecution for his crimes going as far back to his fake HIV/AIDS crimes that cost at least 150,000 lives prescribing the drug AZT. The silver lining out of this Corona Con Job is that the skeletons in Dr. Fauci’s closet are getting a microscope look see, the history has been resurrected for those feeling challenged to bring the Jesuit doctor to justice. If all else fails, just remember, there is

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comfort in the cosmic justice that escapes no one. “And as it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment:” -(Hebrews 9:27). Dr. Fauci goes full pseudo-science: COVID-19 is due to ‘extreme backlashes from nature’ – Urges ‘creative harmony with nature’ to solve. He was quoting Pope Francis’ homily of a few days ago. Fauci in a new paper: "Living in greater harmony with nature will require changes in human behavior as well as other radical changes that may take decades to achieve: rebuilding the infrastructures of human existence..." Former ‘New York Times’ reporter Alex Berenson responds: "But, see, if COVID-19 turns out to be a testing-driven lil-bit-worse-than-a-bad-flu year, what then? Maybe we WON'T need to redesign all of human existence because some 79-year-old bureaucrat wants us to?" "Why does Dr. Anthony Fauci, a division-level bureaucrat whose day job includes the word 'allergy,' think his brief now includes redesigning all of human society? And how monstrous must his ego have become for him to be willing to say so publicly?" Berenson asked. Former New York Times Reporter Alex Berenson comments: 1. Hoo boy. Dr. Anthony Fauci has some advice for us. Sars-Cov-2 is just the beginning. We’re in a “pandemic era” now, friends. What’s the solution? “Living in greater harmony with nature.” Ooh. I like harmony. I like nature. Tell me more, doc!… 2. “Living in greater harmony with nature will require changes in human behavior as well as other radical changes that may take decades to achieve: rebuilding the infrastructures of human existence, from cities to homes to workplaces… to recreational and gatherings venues.” 3. “In a human-dominated world, in which our human activities represent aggressive, damaging, and unbalanced interactions with nature, we will increasingly provoke new disease emergence.” Huh. Sounds like human domination is the real problem here? 4. “COVID-19… should force us to begin to think in earnest and collectively about living in more thoughtful and creative harmony with nature.” Fortunately, Dr. Anthony Fauci can lead the way. I believe this is known as mission creep. There are other words for it too.

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5. But, see, if COVID-19 turns out to be a testing-driven lil-bit-worse-than-a-bad-flu year, what then? Maybe we WON’T need to redesign all of human existence because some 79-year-old bureaucrat wants us to? Just spitballing here. Serious question: Why does Dr. Anthony Fauci, a division-level bureaucrat whose day job includes the word "allergy," think his brief now includes redesigning all of human society? And how monstrous must his ego have become for him to be willing to say so publicly? — Alex Berenson (@AlexBerenson) September 4, 2020 By Jordan Schachtel Dr. Anthony Fauci, the 36 year head of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), appears to have embraced something resembling an enviro de-growth movement, arguing in a new “scientific” paper that we need to go back to living in “creative harmony with nature” in order to avoid future health issues such as pandemics, which have existed since the beginning of the human species.

The bizarre screed, published in Cell Press, reveals one of the nation’s longest tenured bureaucrats as someone who is both deeply ideological in his worldview and seemingly completely untethered to reality. The paper, co authored with Fauci’s NIAID colleague, Dr. David Morens, argues that we need to implement extremely necessary but vague policy measures that are “necessary in controlling future devastating disease emergencies.” Notably, it does not identify particular policy solutions, but offers hazy sentiments on the supposed damage that human beings are doing. It does, however, include scary

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graphics such as the one below that offers more insight into the NIAID bureaucrats’ worldview.

For months now, Dr. Fauci has claimed, without evidence, that non-pharmaceutical interventions, such as wearing masks and locking down society, is the key to defeating the COVID-19 pandemic.

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FOX 9 @FOX9 Fauci warns coronavirus cases are ‘unacceptably high’ as Labor Day weekend approaches

Fauci warns coronavirus cases are ‘unacceptably high’ as Labor Day weekend approachesDr. Anthony Fauci has warned that coronavirus cases remain “unacceptably high” as the nation heads into the Labor Day September 3rd 2020 Yet there is still not a single study or data point that proves a single non pharmaceutical interventions has been successful worldwide in stopping the virus. Still, Fauci insists that human behavior is what will make or break the pandemic. Now, this latest paper, presumably written while he was recovering from vocal cord surgery (and taking a short break from his daily routine of endless media appearances), takes readers even further down a path of complete speculation and pseudoscience. Justin Hart @justin_hart This Fauci article should have you worried. Very worried: “Living in greater harmony with nature will require changes in human behavior as well as other radical changes that may take decades to achieve: rebuilding the infrastructures of human existence…”… September 4th 2020 “SARS-CoV-2 (the virus that causes COVID-19) is a deadly addition to the long list of microbial threats to the human species. It forces us to adapt, react, and reconsider the nature of our relationship to the natural world,” the paper states. “As human societies grow in size and complexity, we create an endless variety of opportunities for genetically unstable infectious agents to emerge into the unfilled ecologic niches we

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continue to create. There is nothing new about this situation, except that we now live in a human-dominated world in which our increasingly extreme alterations of the environment induce increasingly extreme backlashes from nature.” Fauci and his coauthor appear to be taking the position that human dominance over nature is a bad thing, one that is sure to result in future catastrophes. That could be true when it comes to subjects such as advanced military weaponry (high powered nuclear bombs), but the paper completely ignores the fact that human innovation has allowed for our lifespans to double since the mid 19th century. Additionally, it’s not as if deadly pandemics are only a recent issue. The Black Death, which took an estimated 75-200 million lives, occurred 400 years before the Industrial Revolution, and none of the pandemics of the 21st century have had a significant negative impact on global health. COVID-19, which has had the most sophisticated tracking program in pandemic history, has still registered fewer than 1 million reported deaths worldwide. Human innovation has allowed for a more sanitary lifestyle, and this has undoubtedly reduced the impact that pandemics and climate events may have had on our lives. Fauci’s seeming embrace of the degrowth movement makes no sense, from a human health perspective. Rolling back human progress and becoming “one with nature” would make humans *more* susceptible to pandemics, not less. The paper ends by warning of “a deadly barrage of coming coronavirus and other emergences.” “The COVID-19 pandemic is yet another reminder, added to the rapidly growing archive of historical reminders, that in a human-dominated world, in which our human activities represent aggressive, damaging, and unbalanced interactions with nature, we will increasingly provoke new disease emergences,” it adds. “We remain at risk for the foreseeable future. COVID-19 is among the most vivid wake-up calls in over a century. It should force us to begin to think in earnest and collectively about living in more thoughtful and creative harmony with nature, even as we plan for nature’s inevitable, and always unexpected, surprises.” So there you have it, Fauci and crew seem to believe that we are living in a permanent pandemic era, which is the fault of human progress, and one that requires immense, but untold, regressive action to combat. Simply put, they are now blatantly attempting to leverage the pandemic to permanently change the way we live. Folks this is all distraction and diversion tactics, including the homily of Pope Francis, the False Prophet of Revelation. Dr. Fauci’s words resonate the same thoughts of Pope Francis. The three primary reasons that many people believe a future Pope is the False Prophet are identified below. • Reason #1 – The False Prophet must be a key religious figure and the Pope rises to the top of that list.

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• Reason #2 – The Pope and the Antichrist will already have established a church and state alliance. Revelation 17:3 says the Harlot sits on the Beast and Revelation 17:7 says that the Beast carries the Harlot to her heights. • Reason #3 – The Pope can convince hundreds of millions of Roman Catholics around the world to join him in worshipping the Antichrist.

I do not want to make this article about the pope but the Vatican is making this issue of Covid-19 about Climate Change, and we have here two prominent Jesuits, pushing this excrement about the virus being asymptomatic of Global Climate Change. Read Dr. Fauci’s words again below: “Living in greater harmony with nature will require changes in human behavior as well as other radical changes that may take decades to achieve: rebuilding the infrastructures of human existence, from cities to homes to workplaces… to recreational and gatherings venues.”

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Perhaps Dr. Fauci should read Dr. Arthur Firstenberg’s book, ‘The Invisible Rainbow’ in

his pseudo-science rantings. Folks, the real issue is not about an alleged virus, it is about mycoplasma that is excited by the emission of EMF toxic energy. I will explain shortly what this has to do with

the alleged virus being handed to the public, first as a pandemic, and now downgraded to the common cold, much like the National Weather Service treats hurricanes. Dr. Fauci knows nothing about Magnetic Biology. ROME — Pope Francis announced a “jubilee for the earth” Tuesday to commemorate the 50th anniversary of Earth Day, calling on all to combat the “climate emergency.” In his message for the World Day of Prayer for the Care of Creation, the pontiff has called for repentance, insisting we have “broken the bonds of our relationship with the Creator, with our fellow human beings, and with the rest of creation.” “Our constant demand for growth and an endless cycle of production and consumption are exhausting the natural world,” the pope laments. “Forests are leached, topsoil erodes, fields fail, deserts advance, seas acidify and storms intensify.” “Creation is groaning!” he concludes. The solution to these problems is learning to “listen to the land,” he states, and to occupy our correct place in the “web of life.” “We also need once more to listen to the land itself,” Francis said. “Today we hear the voice of creation admonishing us to return to our rightful place in the natural created order – to remember that we are part of this interconnected web of life, not its masters.” “The disintegration of biodiversity, spiralling climate disasters, and unjust impact of the current pandemic on the poor and vulnerable: all these are a wakeup call in the face of our rampant greed and consumption,” he says. The pope urges all to adopt a simpler, more austere lifestyle. “We must examine our habits of energy usage, consumption, transportation, and diet,” he states. “We must eliminate the superfluous and destructive aspects of our economies, and nurture life-giving ways to trade, produce, and transport goods.” More controversially, Francis calls for “restorative justice” to compensate for the “enormous ecological debt” incurred in the “historic exploitation of the global South.” “We should not forget the historic exploitation of the global South that has created an enormous ecological debt, due mainly to resource plundering and excessive use of common environmental space for waste disposal,” he writes. “It is a time for restorative justice. In this context, I repeat my call for the cancellation of the debt of the most

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vulnerable countries, in recognition of the severe impacts of the medical, social and economic crises they face as a result of Covid-19.” In his message, the pope reiterates his belief that “we are in the midst of a climate emergency” and therefore “climate restoration is of utmost importance.” “We are running out of time, as our children and young people have reminded us,” he declares. “We need to do everything in our capacity to limit global average temperature rise under the threshold of 1.5°C enshrined in the Paris Climate Agreement, for going beyond that will prove catastrophic.” Pope Francis and his Jesuit co-adjutor Tony Fauci are pushing a climate emergency through the false idea that it is because of the Corona virus. What evidence provides their basis for their rationale? Its excrement by another name! The mandatory vaccine mafia want everyone to be vaccinated several times for their named virus multiple times a year. 70% of elderly people had FLU SHOTS in December 2019… Today, just a few months later, 70% of CoronaVirus deaths are people aged 70 or over… Yes, the EXACT SAME PEOPLE who got the 2019-2020 winter flu shot all developed Covid19 symptoms and many are now dead… But that was just the FIRST WAVE…

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Watch our new MEDICAL MAFIA season of TV shows – we investigate the link between flu shots and coronavirus – EXCLUSIVELY on the ENIGMA CHANNEL. The Mainstream Media are now predicting ‘COVID WAVE 2’ and sending millions of letters to parents urging them to stick SWABS down their child’s throats… Problem is… Those swabs ARE ALREADY CONTAMINATED… And the mainstream media have told you NOTHING about it…

In the UK a new channel has begun to educate the public offering high quality films and TV shows right now – set-up your subscription by clicking here In Britain, special leaflets written to convince a child that it is ok to have SWABS supplied by the government inserted into the child’s throat have been posted through millions of letterboxes along with a letter from an organisation called IPSOS MORI… IPSOS MORI in LATIN means “THEY DIE”…

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GERMAN POLICE are LOCKING-DOWN individual houses and individual apartment blocks – with on-the-spot fines of $5000 if you don’t wear a mask. CHRIS EVERARD goes behind the scenes of the new TOTALITARIAN REGIME which uses CoronaVirus as an excuse to shutdown people’s lives… Every child assigned a number. Just like NAZI Germany. Every person forced BY LAW to wear a mask – with a $5000 dollar fine in Germany if you do not wear a mask… The NAZI era also compelled millions of people to wear masks. 78 years ago, it was invisible gas which was the reason men, women, children and even babies had to wear masks… 78 years later – TODAY – Nazism is back. And it is global!

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ENIGMA CHANNEL TV SHOWS & FILMS would be DELETED and CENSORED from YouTube. We are 100% independent – and go way, way deeper than anything you’ll stumble on YouTube. The ENIGMA CHANNEL is not censored in any way whatsoever, and therefore presents a deeper, better researched range of documentary films than any other channel. We guarantee you will love our vast range of documentary films. The ENIGMA CHANNEL started making films 20 years ago and many of our subscribers have been with us for more than 10 years – start watching thousands of fascinating films & TV shows right now – just click the link. But if you do nothing more than to educate yourself, I urge the reader to watch Dana Ashlie’s video at the link below. It’s all about the 5G technologies that will be used to meet the goals of the Georgia Guide stones, particularly #1, Maintain humanity under 500,000,000 in perpetual balance with nature. The first commandment of Lucifer’s secular Ten Commandments immediately gets our attention, since the population of the world today is 7.8 billion, according to the Worldometer web page.

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13 Between Dr. Fauci and Bill Gates we have two educated morons leading the world as the Pied Pipers of Hamelin around like a child pulling a pet. Bill Gates says the COVID Vaccine will change your DNA forever. He is at least honest in that lone statement. Here is a complete jerk who does not know that the human body already has a genome capable of fighting off the alleged corona virus without altering its own genome: antibodies. Some of us may need hydroxychloroquine, Zinc, Elderberry, and Vitamin D3, but most will not. We certainly do not need to alter are DNA. Dr. Fauci and Bill Gates need to be prosecuted for crimes against humanity. When you watch Dana Ashlie’s video linked above on page 8, you can make your own conclusions about what the real issue is that is being scapegoated as being Covid-19, which was patented by Bill Gates jointly with the Pirbright Institute of Surrey, UK, more than two years ago. The patented virus has a vaccine which will earn millions for Mr. Gates and his colleagues at the Pirbright Institute, a Rothschild-bio-pharmaceutical originally begun to study hood and mouth disease in England’s cows. A give away when you are to the Truth is when you find the evidence and discussion being censored. When only one side is allowed to speak, it’s impossible to make the right decisions! Regularly, I am blocked from saving documents that corroborate my argument that the alleged Covid-19 is all about oxygen deprivation victims experience through EMF toxic energy. We all knew something was up... It just didn’t feel right. Facts withheld, critical information taken down... That’s why we’re telling the TRUTH for FREE. And can you believe, it turns out that Facebook was asked (or even worse… told) by congress to suppress and censor ANY information disagreeing with government vaccine policies. This is more alarming than anything we think about President Trump or his doppelganger stand-in. Oh, President Trump has blue eyes, but the one appearing at press briefings lately now has brown eyes! Go figure that! ANY STATEMENT, truthful or not, factual or not is labeled “misinformation” so you don’t even get the opportunity to see it! These tech companies have never been more powerful and influential... And now they’re deciding what YOU are allowed to see…? Facebook isn’t even allowing the conversation!

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No one is going to stop us getting the scientific truth to you so that you can protect yourself and your family. Those who have emailed me regularly ask me what it was that led me to believe the 5G technology was the basis for the alleged Covid-19 virus. It was the “Diamond Princess” cruise ship incident with the first Japanese passenger who became sick shortly after its departure from Japan, and its first port call in Hong Kong. I had been studying EMF Radar related injuries to police officers and state troopers who used the “Radar” gun to catch speeders back in the 1980s, and later military pilots dying from cancer at an unprecedented rate. I was reading once formerly classified military documents showing the effects of Radar and EMF on humans. In 1996, I became engrossed in the study of the “Bee colony collapse” which began coincidentally with the introduction of the cell phone in the fall of 1996. I was analyzing all the data that I could gather and had concluded there was a connection but I needed to learn a lot more about this. Thus began a 25-year investigation of the dangers of toxic EMF energy sources. Another anomaly that first appeared in 1996 was that of “chemtrails” in the sky. It apparently seemed suspicious as to why aircraft were spraying a chemical soup of aluminum, barium, and strontium. All these years, the government obfuscated and ridiculed those reporting on the chemtrail activity were ridiculed as “conspiracy theorists”, a term which actually originated with the CIA to discredit anyone reporting this activity. The aircraft used in this spraying were military, CIA, and even commercial aircraft. The CIA operates “Evergreen Air” for this purpose. We have pictures of various types of aircraft equipped with tanks, fixtures, plumbing, and spray nozzles to disburse the chemtrail spraying. Chemtrail terminology falls under the formal name of “Geo-Engineering”. In the past few years, they began to include in their soup, “fly ash” from coal-fired electric power plants. The government title of chemtrail spraying is called “Operation Cloverleaf”. All their discussion is about how to reduce the natural rays of the Sun, which by the way is the most important source of natural vitamin D3, one of the most important vitamins a person requires. It seems highly suspicious since 60% of Americans are known to be vitamin D3 deficient, you would then ask why block out the rays of the Sun. Always remember to follow the money trail and to remember there is a method to their madness. What have we heard, day in day out for the past twenty-five years – global cooling, global warming, climate change, etc. Ever since ‘The Population Bomb’ was first published in 1968, by Paul R. Ehrlich a professor at Stanford University, the agenda has been driven by depopulaton! The United Nations with the Rockefeller family embracing the cause, created the Club of Rome in 1968. By 1972, the primary goal of the Club of Rome was to find ways to depopulate the world by any way or means possible. The document was called “Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars”. How this document became known can be read at the link below: WEAPONS for QUIET WARS.pdf

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“Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars” was never meant to see the light of day and the eyes of the common man. This document along with Paul R. Ehrlich’s book are foundational reading in understanding what the world is facing presently. The alleged Corona virus was first isolated and patented in 2007, as U.S. Patent #7,220,852 B1 on May 22, 2007. Earlier in this article, I noted that William Gates of Microsoft fame, also patented the Corona virus in jointure with the Rothschild-owned Pirbright Institute of Surrey, UK as recently as 2018. That patent is shared further down in this report. The web site Americans for Innovation in January, 2020 blew this story out with all its dirty linens attached. The so-called fact-checkers went ballistic in trying to bury the truth on this scam. Today, they bury this story several pages deep in any search engine as if the story never happened. I wrote about this in one of my early articles in March, 2020. Typical with something of a report like this, it was buried deep in the files of the Internet. If you know what words to search on you could have it front and center without digging through a landfill of misinformation and distraction. Here is the full report pages from the Americans for Innovation web page. Note the date below when it was first revealed by Michael McKibben. The below report was researched by the team of Michael McKibben, CEO of Leader Technology. They are the true creators of the social media platform known as Facebook. The CIA stole the platform and patent information for its own use and set up Mark Zuckerberg. Leader Technology, however, has the source code which they produced at a cost of some $10-million dollars. Michael McKibben and Leader Technology have a $1-trillion dollar lawsuit against the U.S. government, under the Miller Act. for theft of proprietary property. The rest of the report below is by the computer experts at Leader Technology; it reveals an example of the thorough depth one can go in exposing the corrupt and criminal forces at work. In some fashion, this report is “payback” for stealing the social platform we know as Facebook. Michael McKibben and his computer experts are relentless in their work tracking back to the original documents, papers, reports, incorporation documents, business, trade, and general newspaper stories that provide a connect-the-dots overview of what was being done decades ago up to the present time. The thing that has stood out in my observation is that of their investigative prowess. I have always considered myself as a serious researcher but Michael McKibben and his team at Leader Technology surprise me with the finds. The cover page of the original Corona virus patent of 2007 appears on the next page, and the subsequent patent on the Corona virus patent of 2018 is found further down in the report of Michael McKibben and Leader Technology.

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Thursday January 30, 2020 CORONAVIRUS TRACED TO THE BRITISH CROWN The Pirbright Institute (UK) has been awarded 11 U.S. Patents, including Coronavirus U.S. Pat. No. 10,130,701 The Pirbright Institute is controlled by the Queen's Golden Share along with SERCO and QinetiQ (pron. kinetic) Pirbright's controllers track back to SERCO, QinetiQ & Sir Geoffrey E. Pattie, Chairman Marconi and the British Intellectual Property Institute. Outrageously, British SERCO—today runs the U.S. Patent Office (proof below), U.S. FEMA Region 04, and Zone 02, websites for U.S. Obamacare, OPM, GSA and U.S. Navy SPAWAR, Virginia, New York, 63 U.S. city air traffic controllers, and more. SERCO used its control of the U.S. Patent Office to issue its British bio company a patent on the Coronavirus in record time—that's pure fraud. Contributing Writers | Opinion | AMERICANS FOR INNOVATION | Jan. 30, 2020, Updated Mar. 08, 2020 | PDF |

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The Pirbright Institute, Corporate Report, pp.6,7, cols.3. Fig. 1—The Queen's company The Pirbright Institute holds U.S. Patent No. 10,130,701 on CORONAVIRUS. Pirbright tracks back to SERCO Group Plc and QinetiQ Group Plc, which both have contracts with the U.S. Patent Office. Outrageously, SERCO essentially runs the U.S. Patent Office (under the Commerce Department) patent application process! This "inequitable conduct" in patent legal terms is fraud and invalidates the claim while the world fights this British-American Pilgrims Society-inspired emerging pandemic, in our opinion. See THE PIRBRIGHT INSTITUTE, Co. No. 00559784. (Jan. 07, 1956). Certificate of Incorporation and related records. Companies House (UK). Queen Elizabeth II is the long-time Patron of the British-American Pilgrims Society (1902-present). Sir Henry Solomon Wellcome pharma-propagandist-spy was a Pilgrims secret founding member along with Winston Churchill, propagandist John Buchan & the Daily Telegraph and Daily Mail's Lords Burnham and Northcliffe. See The Pilgrims Society of Great Britain, United States, Profile Books, London (2002,2003)

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(Jan. 2002, p.1: "As Patron of the Pilgrims it has given me great pleasure to support the unique contribution which the Society has made to Anglo-American relations over the years."). See Pilgrims Society controls the Press. Pirbright Funders:

Wellcome Trust Pilgrims Society founder member (1902) GlaxoSmithKline (Wellcome clone) Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra) Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) World Health Organization (WHO) European Commission (EU) United Nations (UN) UK Research and Innovation (UKRI) Biological Technology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC);

formerly Science and Engineering Research Council (SERC, White Paper) aka SERCO Limited (the commercial spin out controlled by the Monarch's Golden Share)

Graphics: Pilbright, Unknown, AFI/AIM. Fair Use. Pirbright Trustees:

Chair, Professor John Stephenson Ian Bateman, UK-NEA Ian Black, London School of Econ. (LSE) Jon Coles, Brunswick Group, Apple, Pizza Hut, Western Union, Bloomsbury and

Macmillan. Professor Vince Emery, Surrey U Roger Louth, Avrico Dr. Venessa Mayatt OBE Dr. Sandy Primrose Sir Bertie Ross, KCVO, FRICS, Savills, Court member of the Worshipful

Company of Farmers, The City of London, Pilgrims Society (Prince Charles confidente, Charles is also Pilgrims Society, and its next Patron)

Professor David Rowlands, Wellcome Fndn. Jane Tirard, Pfizer


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controls AMERICA'S Patent Office where America's best and brightest are fooled into thinking it is a fair process. In fact, as we shall prove below, British and American Pilgrims Society media, intelligence and banking are weaponizing everything they touch. See AFI. (Nov. 22, 2017). The Weaponization of Social Media Should Concern Us All. Americans for Innovation.

Base Photo: Sean Gallup / Getty Images. Fair Use Educational purposes only. ORIGINAL POST Reader Notice: New evidence is flooding in on Coronavirus and The Pirbright Institute. Therefore, rather than wait until all the evidence links are processed, we decided to go ahead and publish. Return several times over the next days to pick up the new evidence.

(Jan. 30, 2020)—The Coronavirus outbreak was just declared a health emergency by the World Health Organization (WHO). Tellingly, WHO is one of the Coronavirus creators, as we will show below. The Coronavirus was invented by The Pirbright Institute at posh, well-appointed laboratories located in Woking, Surrey, England just outside London’s M25 outer belt. Bookmark:#coronavirus-pirbright-and-serco |

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Click PLAY button to begin this video (which was just censored on Vimeo, Mar. 04, 2020) Fig. 2—Gabriel, McKibben. (Feb. 29, 2020). What you need to know about the flu season and pandemics. American Intelligence Media, Americans for Innovation. (Raw *.mp4 video file). Click here for an audio file only of this interview. Video: American Intelligence Media, Americans for Innovation, Leader Technologies, Inc. The Pirbright Institute is a British charity (Co. No. 00559784) that has a charter from the Queen. It is controlled by the UK Government’s Biotechnology and Biological Research Council (BBSRC). In turn, UK Research and Innovation oversees BBSRC.

Fig. 3—Sir Geoffrey E. Pattie, Pilgrims Society, Keeper of the Monarch's Golden Shares, founder of SERCO. BBSRC was created in 1994 by taking over the biological science activities of the Science and Engineering Research Council (SERC). In 1986, SERC was defunded by Sir Geoffrey E. Pattie, the Minister of State for Industry and Information. He simultaneously incorporated a commercial SERCO and merged RCA into it. Later he took control of Marconi, then merged it into GEC.

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See AFI. (Apr. 20, 2018). The shadow government uses SES, Serco and OPIC as portals into horrific corruption. Americans for Innovation. See also AFI. (Jan. 11, 2018). Meet The Person Who Can Remotely Crash Planes And Can Read Your Mind. Americans for Innovation.

On Jun. 22, 1994, Pattie became the chairman of the British Intellectual Property Law Institute with founding members that included well known American corruptocrats, including GEC, Glaxo Holdings (formerly Wellcome, Pirbright funder), Thorn EMI, Unilever, Wellcome Foundation (Pirbright funder), Wellcome Research (Pirbright funder), Zeneca Group (Dame Bridget Margaret Ogilvie is a Wellcome Trust director), Amersham, Dyson, McDermott, Microsoft (Bill Gates, Pirbright funder), Wilmer Cutler Pickering Hale LLP (Robert Mueller’s witch hunt firm), Finnegan Henderson, Morrison & Forester, BAT, IBM (thief of Leader Technologies’ social networking inventions). See AFI. (Nov. 22, 2017). The Weaponization of Social Media Should Concern Us All. Americans for Innovation.

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Fig. 4—Viscount Alfred Milner, Co-founder, Pilgrims Society (Jul. 16, 1902). Our research has tracked the Burroughs Wellcome & Co. involvement with bogus vaccines back to their experiments on 60,000 whites and black in British concentration camps during the Second Boer War that was promoted by the disciples of Cecil Rhodes like Viscount Alfred Milner, Winston Churchill and John Buchan, among others—all founders of the Pilgrims Society in London (1902), then New York (1903).

Fig. 5—Masks Help! A pernicious rumor circulates that surgical masks do not help protect you from breathing in the airborne Coronavirus. This makes no sense. Of course it helps. If someone sneezes directly on you from three feet away, then of course you will inhale whatever pathogens they may have. But, say you are able to place even a 2

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ft. square piece of cardboard between you and in front of the sick person's face. That will stop many of the airborne particles. Not all, but many if not most. That's the benefit of a surgical mask. Is it 100% effective? No. But highly effective? Of course it is. Otherwise, doctors and nurses would not use them in hospitals and clinics so religously. See AFI. (Oct. 24, 2019). The 200-year Information War: The UK-U.S. Pilgrims Society controls the Press that directs intelligence (spy-lies) to bend words and culture to atheistic social fascism. Americans for Innovation. On Jul. 20, 2005, Sir Geoffrey E. Pattie formed Strategic Communications Laboratory PR firm—the parent of Cambridge Analytica and a key antagonist in the Trump-Russia hoaxes. See AFI. (Jun 03, 2018). Spy-gate is directed by the Crown's courtiers in the UK, not by Russia. Americans for Innovation.

Fig. 6—George W. Bush, Pilgrims Society; progenitor of The Patriot Act where basic rights in the Bill of Rights were suspended following the Pilgrims Society fears conjured up and stoked by the MSM Pilgrim propaganda after their 9/11 false flag attack. Numerous whistleblowers have confirmed that Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld etc. knew the attack was coming... because they ordered the C.I.A. to organize it for their Pilgrims Society brethren in Britain and the U.S.

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On May 17, 2006, the George W. Bush (Pilgrims Society member) U.S. Patent Office awarded the processing of all patents to SERCO—a company controlled by the British Crown. Those contracts have been renewed and are presently in operation. See 2015 SERCO press release. See Press release. (Mar. 19, 2013). Serco Processes 2 Millionth Patent Application for U.S. Patent and Trademark Office. SERCO. See also Press release. (Nov. 15, 2018). Serco Processes 4 Millionth Patent Application for U.S. Patent and Trademark Office. SERCO. On Dec. 28, 2006, Pattie formed Terrington Management LLP and immediately acquired clients including BEA, Lockheed, AWE and SERCO. Lockheed and SERCO control Atomic Weapons Establishment (AWE) which is controlled by the Queen’s Golden Share.

Fig. 7—Rupert C. Soames, Pilgrims Society; CEO of SERCO, human trafficking client of Jeffrey E. Epstein's "Lolita Express" junket jet to "Pedophile Island" in the Caribbean. On Feb. 28, 2014, Rupert Soames, OBE, became CEO of SERCO. His brother is Sir Nicholas Soames who is also a confidente of Prince Charles. On Jan. 06, 2015, SERCO's CEO Rupert Soames' name was discovered in human traffiking pedophile Jeffrey Epstein's "Little Black Book."

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As of May 04, 2018, SERCO had received $5.52 billion in 15,699 U.S. Government contracts (23.3 MB *.csv GSA contract data) 5,000 of those contracts were PRIME CONTRACTS (7.2 MB *.csv). This does not include contracts with various U.S. states like New York and Virginia. (These spreadsheets will download immediately in *.csv format into your designated Downloads folder. Check for them there.)

Fig. 8—Jeffrey E. Epstein, Pilgrims Society blackmailer for MI6, C.I.A. and Mossad; human traffiking procuror for the Pilgrims Society. Note: The first May 17, 2006 U.S. Patent Office contract with SERCO is missing (all numbers were removed) from the federal contract databases. Researchers were told access requires a FOIA request to get it. Tellingly, SERCO, Inc. did not incorporate in the U.S. until Dec. 29, 2008—during President-elect Barack Obama's transition, just after Pilgrims Society member Larry Summers took charge of the National Economic Council—during the 2008 banking "crisis." Clearly, SERCO had no corporate standing to start managing the U.S. Patent Office in 2006, hence the records have been obscured, no doubt using some "national security" BS excuse. These Pilgrims Society criminals have now brought us their patented Coronavirus. Conclusion

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Fig. 9—George J. Tenet, former C.I.A. director became a Crown director in QinetiQ Group Plc on Oct. 24, 2006 soon after leaving his post at the C.I.A.--while retaining his Top Secret U.S. security clearance. He was mentioned 13 times in the QinetiQ 2007 Annual Report. QinetiQ shares Ministry of Defense satellite communications property adjacent to The Pirbright Institute in Surrey, UK. Normal corrupt business? Traitor? Seditionist? All the above? See also Footnote 1 for QinetiQ Annual Reports (2002-2019). SERCO, a Crown-controlled UK company, runs the U.S. Patent Office. Stay tuned. More on SERCO's sister Crown-controlled company QinetiQ (pron, kinetic) coming. Hint: former C.I.A. director George Tenet was a Crown QinetiQ director soon after leaving the C.I.A. and while still retaining his Top Secret clearances. SERCO formed The Pirbright Institute that submitted their Coronavirus invention to the U.S. Patent, having received funding for this work from Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation (Microsoft), Wellcome Trust (fake sold to GlaxoSmithKline), the European Commission (EU), World Health Organization (WHO), Defra, DARPA. In just 17 months, the SERCO-managed patent examiner Bao Q. Li issued the Coronavirus U.S. Pat. No. 10,130,701 to Pirbright with almost no objections (that means it was probably a rubber stamp). This process normally takes three or more years. Neither Pirbright nor the U.S. Patent Office disclosed their conflicts of interest in the issuance of this Coronavirus patent.

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On the British side, everything about this Coronavirus tracks back to the Crown, the eugenics-loving Pilgrims Society, Crown Agents and her corrupt Privy Council courtiers (British Pilgrims Society suck ups).

On the American side it illustrates the seditious nature of activity at the U.S. Patent Office, the Senior Executive Service (SES), Crown Agents, OPIC, USAID, a corrupt DoJ, Chief Justice John Roberts, FBI, C.I.A. and NSA (American Pilgrims Society suck ups).

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Fig. 10—The Coronavirus is not Chinese in origin. It is a man-made British-US Pilgrims Society bioweapon invented by Wellcome Fund, Wellcome Trust, Bill Gates, DARPA, UN, WHO and EU, among others, in Pirbright, Woking, Surrey UK by The Pirbright Institute holds U.S. Patent No. 10,130,701. This proof comes from their own hand. The Pilgrims Society plays God. Spread the truth to eradicate this British-American Pilgrims Society weaponized Coronavirus Bookmark: #qinetiq-reports | Footnote 1

QinetiQ Holdings Limited, Co. No. 4586941 (UK) (aka QinetiQ Group Plc and over 60 subsdiaries and affiliates, as of 2019 Annual Report) A British Monarch-controlled Intelligence, Biowarfare and Propaganda Company that Directs the C.I.A., FBI, Navy, DoC, DoJ, FEC, OPM, GSA, Army and Department of State from secret Ministry of Defence bunkers at Pirbright, co. Surrey, UK Click a link to go to the relevant

There is much more to come in this series on the Covid-19 Con Job and how the UK Pilgrims Society rule and control the U.S. The overarching agenda without question is to achieve depopulation quietly and secretly.

Do Not Take a Vaccine or Submit to a Fake Test to Determine Whether One Has a Virus!

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“My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge: because thou hast rejected knowledge, I will also reject thee, that thou shalt be no priest to me: seeing thou hast forgotten the law of thy God, I will also forget

thy children.” –(Hosea 4:6)

The words of the 8th century B.C. prophet Hosea are going to have global significance by the events that will take place in the next twelve weeks

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3% of the population will pay attention, 7% will give passing consideration, but 90% will disregard the warning about the things that are coming within the next twelve weeks shared in this article. Blessings, Pastor Bob, [email protected] P.S.: If you are interested in subsequent segments of this series, send your e-mail address to me at my e-mail address. They will be posted as quickly as I edit them on my web page above. Internet censors have blocked me in the past and do so on critical topics they do not want known.