cp 29-1998 fire hydrant & hose reel


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Code of Practice for Fire Fighting System in Singapore


Page 1: CP 29-1998 Fire Hydrant & Hose Reel



' Fire hydrant systems and hose ree (Incorporating Amendment No. I , November 1998)



WOAWRE 079904 FAX:2266937 T& 2207588

All rights reserved. Unless otherwise specified, no part of this Singapore Standard may be reproduced or utilised in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and microfilming, without permission Cn writing from PSB at the address below:

.Singapore Productivity and Standards Board 1 Science Park Drive Singapore 1 18221

ISBN 9971 -67-653-2

Page 2: CP 29-1998 Fire Hydrant & Hose Reel

This Singapore Standard having been approved by the Construction Industry Practice Committee was endorsed by the Standards Council on 25 March 1998.

First published, 1984 First revision, 1998

The Construction Industry Practice Committee appointed by the Standards Council consists of the following members:

Name Organisation

Chairman : Mr l a m Siew Wah Standards Council

Secretary : Ms Tan Sock Cheng Singapore Productivity and Standards Board

Members Assoc Prof Ang Chee Kiong Mr Boo Geok Kwang Mr Chee Keng Yam Mr Giam Siang Hai Mr Ho Siong Hin Er. Hui Beng Hong Mr Paul Low Assoc Prof Gary Ong Khirn Chye Mr Neo Poh Kok Mr Gilbert Tan Peng Cheng Mr Tan Siong Leng Assoc Prof Yip Woon Kwong

Institution of Engineers Singapore Singapore Civil Defence Force Association of Consulting Engineers, Singapore Singapore Contractors Association Limited Department of Industrial Safety Institution of Engineers Singapore Singapore Institute of Architects National University of Singapore Housing and Development Board ,

Singapore Confederation of Industries Public Works Department Nanyang Technological University

Co-opted Members : Dr Jimmy Chen Wie Ying Individual Capacity

Dr Lau Yat Sun Individual Capacity Mr Teh Kem Jin Individual Capacity

The Technical Committee appointed by the Construction lndustry Practice Committee and responsible for the preparation of this standard consists of representatives from the following organisations:

Name Organisation

Chairman : Dr Jimmy Chen Wie Ying Individual Capacity

Secretary : Mr Christopher Ow Mun Kit Singapore Productivity and Standards Board

Members : Mr Abdul Rashid Bin lbrahim Mr Goh Peng Whatt Mr +lo Cheng Hoon Mr Jee Su Giam Mr Kwa Guian Sin Er. Lee Koon Fong Mr Simon Lye Siew Woh Mr Seow Joo Heng Er. Tan Hua 00

Public Utilities Board Housing and Development Board Ministry of the Environment Fire Safety Bureau Public Works Department Association of Consulting Engineers, Singapore Singapore Contractors Association Limited Jurong Town Corporation Institution of Engineers Singapore

Members : Dr Tham Kwok Wai National University of Singapore

Page 3: CP 29-1998 Fire Hydrant & Hose Reel

Mr Richard Tio Kheh Aun Singapore /nstitufe of Architects

Mr Wong Yew Wah Nanyang Technological University

Co-opted Members : Assoc Prof Bong Tet Yin National University of Singapore

Mr Wong Wai Ching Public Works Department

Er. William Tan Boon Ngee Individual Capacity

The Working Group appointed by the Technical Committee to assist in the preparation of this standard comprises the following members:

Name Organisation

Convenor : Mr Goh Peng Whatt

Members : Mr Chan Chee Pong Mr Callan Lam Mr Simon Lye Siew Woh Lta Rashid Bin Mohd Noor Mr Siew Yee Cheang Mr Tay Tech Kiang Mr Peter Teo

Housing and Development Board

Hart Engineering (Pte) Lid Meinhardt (S) Pte Ltd Singapore Contractors Association Limited Singapore Civil Defence Force /nstitution of Fire Engineers Public Utilities Board Pefer Teo & Associates Consulting Engineers

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Contents Page

Foreword 7

Section 1 : General

1.1 Scope

1.2 Rules and Regulations

1.3 Definitions

1.4 Plans and specifications

Section 2 : Provisions and siting of fire hydrants and rising mains

2.1 Firehydrants

2.2 Rising mains

2.3 Breeching inlets to rising mains

2.4 Landing valves

Section 3 : Design considerations for fire hydrants and rising mains

3.1 Water supply and pumping arrangements

3.2 Connections to wet rising main systems

3.3 Automatic air release valve for rising mains

3.4 Electrical earthing of rising mains

Section 4 : Hose reels

4.1 Conformity to standards - 4.2 Provision and siting

4.3 Installation of hose reels

4.4 Co-ordinating spaces for hose reels

4.5 Water supply for hose reels

4.6 Hose reel notices

Section 5 : Components and materials

5.1 Conformity with standards

5.2 Pipes and fittings

5.3 Isolation and check valve

5.4 Pipe hangers

Section 6 : Hydraulic calculations

6.1 Formulae

6.2 Pressure loss in pipe fittings

Section 7 : Installation

7.1 Work on site

7.2 External pipework

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7.3 Underground pipework

7.4 Internal pipework

7.5 Protection of buildings under construction

Section 8 : Initial inspections and acceptance tests

8.1 Hydrostatic test

8.2 Fire hydrants

8.3 Tests on dry rising mains

8.4 Tests on wet rising mains

8.5 Hose reel tests

8.6 Test records

Section 9 : Maintenance of system and rectification of defects

9.1 Fire hydrants

9.2 + Rising mains


A Matters to be considered relating to the provision of fire-fighting Installations during building construction 4 1


I Water storage tank capacity for fire hydrant 20

2 Value of dimensions 'A' and '5' as defined in Figure 4 22

3 Minimum metering device size 25

4 Equivalent length of pipes for fittings 34


Details of typical installation of double pillar hydrant in turfed areas

Mounting height of breeching inlet

Landing valve's recess clearance

Vertical cross-section showing effective capacity of storage

Typical installation far a hose reel

Explanation of dimensions

Co-ordinating spaces for fixed hose reels

Co-ordinating spaces for swinging arm or recess type hose reels

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This code was prepared by the Technical Committee on Building Services under the direction of the Construction Industry Practice Committee.

This code is intended to provide good guidance on fire hydrants, rising mains and hose reel systems in the area of fire protection, The information therein serves to promote the understanding of such systems by architects, engineers, contractors and owners.

In preparing this standard, reference was made to the following publications:

1. AS 241 9.1 : 1994 Fire hydrant installations Part 1 : System design, installation and commissioning

2. BS EN 671-1 : - Fixed fire fighting systems - Hose systems Part 1 : 1995 Hose reels with semi-rigid hose

3. 8s 5306 : - Code of practice for fire extinguishing instalfations and equipment on premises f art 3 : f 976 Hydrant systems, hose reels and foam inlets Part 2 : 1990 Specification for sprinkler system

4. CP 52 : 1990 Code of practice for automatic fire sprinkler systems

5. NFPA 14A: 1 989 Inspection, testing and maintenance of standpipe and hose systems A* amended Nov 98

6. Code of practice for fire precautions in buildings 1997

Acknowledgement is made for the use of information from the above publications


1. Singapore Standards are subject to periodic review to keep abreast of fechnological changes and new technical developments. The revisions of Singapore Standards are announced through the issue of eifher amendment slips or revised editions.

2. Compliance with a Singapore Standard does not exempt users from legal obligations.

Page 8: CP 29-1998 Fire Hydrant & Hose Reel

Code of practice for fire hydrant systems and hose reels

Section 1 : General

1.1 Scope

This Code of Practice shall apply to the planning, installation, testing and upkeep of fire hydrant, wet and dry rising main and hose reel systems on building premises.

NOTE - The titles of the publications referred to in this standard are listed at the end of the standard.

f .2 Rules and regulations

The provision and installation of fire hydrant, rising main and hose reel systems shall be in accordance with the following rules and regulations:

(a) Building Control Act 1989 and the Regulations made thereunder;

(b) Public Utilities Act and the Public Utilities (Water Supply) Regulations made thereunder;

(c) Professional Engineers Act 7 991;

(d) Fire Safety Act 1993 and

(e) Any other relevant rules, regulations and by-laws.

1.3 Definitions

For the purposes of this code, the following definitions shall apply.

1.3.1 Break tank

Either (a) a tank into which the incoming supply connection from the PUB water mains discharge, or fb) an intermediate tank for limiting the system pressure.

1.3.2 Building height:

The vertical distance measured from the mean level of the ground pavement or road abutting outside of the building of the highest habitable floor level of the building.

1.3.3 Coupling

A device for connecting lengths of hose so as to secure continuity from the source of a water supply to the delivery point.

1.3.4 Fire code

The code of practice for fire protection in buildings published by the Fire Safety Bureau.

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1.3.5 Fire hydrant (underground fire hydrant)

An assembly contained in a pit or box below ground level and comprising a valve and outlet connection from a water supply rnin.

1.3.6 Fire hydrant, pillar

A fire hydrant whose outlet connection is fitted to a vertical component projecting above ground level.

1.3.7 Fire pump

A pump listed by a recognised institution as one which is fitted be used in fire hydrant and wet rising main systems or other fire fighting installations.

1.3.8 Fire hydrant outlet

The component of fire hydrant to which the standpipe is connected.

1.3.9 Gravity tank

A purpose-built water container, erected on the site of the protected premises at such an elevation as to provide the requisite amount of water.

1 -3.1 0 Ground levef

The average level of the ground adjoining the outside of the external walls of a building.

1.3.1 1 Habitable height

The height measured from the ground level to the highest habitable floor.

I .3.12 Hose reef

Fire fighting equipment, consisting of a length of tubing fitted with a shut-off nozzle and attached to a ree[, with a permanent connection to a pressurised water supply.

I .3.13 Landing valve

An assembly comprising a valve and outlet hose connection from a wet or dry rising main.

1 -3.1 4 Listed

This shall mean equipment or materials included in a list published by a recognised institution.

1.3.1 5 Recognised institution

An institution which undertakes the listing of equipment associated with fire fighting and safety to life and recognised by the Fire Authority.

1.3.1 6 Reduced level

A height level referring to an engineering datum which is 100 metres at mean sea level.

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1.3.17 Ring fire main system

A water main which encircles a building or series of buildings or other associated fire risks and which feeds fire hydrants, internal rising mains, etc.

1.3.1 8 Rising main, dry (dry riser)

A vertical pipe installed in a building for fire fighting purpoes, fitted with inlet connections at the fire appliances access level and landing valves on various floors, which is normally dry but is capable of being charged with water usually by pumping from the pumps of the Singapore Civil Defence Force (SCDF).

1.3.1 9 Rising main, wet (wet riser)

A vertical pipe installed in a building for fire fighting purposes and permanently charged with water from a pressurised supply, and fitted with landing valves on various floors.

1.3.20 Shut-off nozzle

A device which is coupled to the outlet end of hose reel tubing and by means of which the jet of water or spray is controlled.

1.3.21 Storage tank

Water tank having a minimum effective wet rising main storage capacity as defined in Subclause,

1.3.22 Suction tank

A tank from which a pump can draw water.

1.3.23 Zone

A vertical division of a building fire rising main system used to establish the water working pressures within the system and also to limit the pressure at the lowest landing valve in the zone.

1.4 Plans and specifications

1.4.1 It is important that the architect and the engineer confer with the Building Authority, the Water Department of the Public Utilities Board (PUB) and other relevant authorities at an early stage in the planning and design of a building.

Design and installation drawings for fire hydrant, rising main and hose reel systems should generally include the following:

(a) A site location plan of the buildings involved.

(b) The complete internal access road system within the property lot.

(c) The location, sizes, connections and operational fittings of the system.

(d) Sources and arrangement of water supplies, piping and other essential features.

(e) Staircases, lobbies, passageways, doorways and arrangement of pariitions, walls, etc. which may restrict the normal hose coverage throughout the building.

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(fj A complete schematic rising main diagram showing the essential features of the fire fighting system such as the layout and arrangement of the rising mains, connections, valves, tanks, pumps, sources of water supply, pipe sizes, capacities, floor heights, zone pressures, etc.

(g) The provided water pressure at the top and bottom floors of each zone.

(h) Material specifications and design calculation schedules detailing the water supply and system demand characteristics.

1.4.2 On completion of installation works, complete sets of 'as-installed' drawings showing full details of the fire hydrant, rising main and hose reel systems plus full working instructions should be furnished to the building owner and any authority as required.

Section 2 : Provisions and siting of fire hydrants and rising mains

2.1 Fire hydrants

2.1 .I Provision Private fire hydrants where so required by the Fire Authority shall be provided within the perimeter of the building lot after consultations with the regulating authorities. Fire hydrants should be positioned to be within 100 m from an entry to any building on the lot and not more than 100 rn apart. In the case of a building where rising mains are installed, the 100 m distance may be measured up to the breeching inlets of the rising mains. Fire hydrants should be included as part of a ring fire main system if there is a ring fire main system.

2.1 -2 Location The location of fire hydrants shall be determined according to the provision of Subclause In planning the proper location of fire hydrants, the following additional factors should also be considered:

(a) The proximity of nearby public fire hydrants.

(b) Fire hydrants should preferably be sited immediately adjacent to access roads or suitable hard- standing facilities capable of accommodating SCDF1s appliances.

(c) They should normally be not less than 6 m clearance from the building or from the risk so that they remain usable during a fire.

(d) The location and access to the fire hydrant is unlikely to be obstructed by the parking, loading and unloading of vehicles, landscaping, etc.

(e) Protection from mechanical damage.

2.1.3 Type Fire hydrants shall be of the pillar type having either two 63.5 mm nominal bore outlets or three outlets, one of which is 114 mrn nominal bore and the other two, 63.5 ym nominal bore. The external threads of the outlets should match the local fire service's standard hose threaded coupling connection.

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The bore of the standpipe should be at least twice the area of the two outlets provided for the fire hydrant. Fire hydrants shall be painted on the stem with a I00 rnm yellow band the lower edge of which is 300 mm from the ground The outlets shall be provided with protective standard caps of cast iron or other suitable material and attached to the standpipe by chains. Valve pits should be of adequate size, and readily accessible for inspection, operation, testing, maintenance and removal of equipment contained therein. They should be so constructed and arranged as to properly protect the installed equipment from ground movement and accumulation of water. Cast in-situ or present concrete, with or without reinforcement, or brick (depending on soil conditions and size of pit) are appropriate materials for construction of valve pits. Where the water table is low, and the soil is porous, crushed stone or gravel may be used for the floor of the pit (see Figure 1).

NOTE - The topmost part of the valve shall not exceed a depth of $000 mm from the ground level. For fire hydrants sited in roadways, care shoufd be taken that the pits and covers are capable of bearing the heaviest vehicle which may use the roadways.

2.2 Rising mains

2.2.1 Type af system The type of rising main system for SCDF's use shall be provided appropriate to the building as iollows:

(a) Dry rising main shall be installed in buildings where any floor is at a habitable height beyond 24 m and not exceeding 60 m above the ground level, For a building under purpose group I! oi the Fire Code, having a habitable height exceeding 10 m but not exceeding 60 m, dry rising main shall also be provided.

(b) Wet rising main shall be installed in buildings with any floor exceeding habitable height of 60 rn above ground level.

(c) Separate dry and wet rising main systems in a building may be permitted.by the Fire Authority. Wet rising main zone heights exceeding 76 m may be permitted when a iisted pressure regulating device, which controls nozzle pressure under both flow and no flow conditions, is installed at each outlet and

(a) the maximum zone height shall not exceed 120 rn.

(b) the pressure regulating device is arranged to regulate pressure at the hose valve outlet to a running pressure not exceeding 5.5 bar.

(c) the pressure on the inlet side of the pressure regulating device does not exceed the working pressure rating of the device.

(d) all other pipe fittings, and devices, on the system are rated for not less than the maximum system pressure.

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As amender Nov 98

e ,,,I" PI,,, ,F ,,,,,RE, TO BE DEC[DED ON SITE


Figure 1 - Details of typical installation of double pillar hydrant in turfed areas

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2.2.2 Number of rising mains

The number and distribution of rising mains shall be such that:

(a) all parts of any floor not more than 24 m above the ground level is within 38 m from a landing valve, the distance to be measured along a route suitable for hose lines, including any distance up or down a stairway.

(b) one rising main is provided for one or a series of floors higher than 24 m above ground level, with each rising main serving not more than 930 m2 of any floor and subject to all paris of the floor to be within 38 m from a landing valve.

2.2.3 Location of rising mains and landing valves Position of rising mains and the associated landing valves shall be located in the following order or priority:

(a) Within smoke-stop lobby;

(b) In the common area and within a protected shaft, immediately outside the exit staircase if there is no smoke-stop lobby;

(c) Inside exit staircase where smoke-stop lobby and common area are not provided. Rising mains shall be so located that they are protected against mechanical and fire damage. No part of a rising main shall be placed in any shaft containing gas, steam or fuel pipelines or electrical cables and wirings.

2.2.4 Size of rising mains

The minimum nominal bore of a rising main shall be:

(a) 100 mm where the rising main does not exceed 45 m in habitable height and only one landing valve is provided at each floor;

(b) 150 mm where the rising main either:

(i) exceeds 45 m in habitable height or

(ii) is permitted to have two landing valves on any floor.

2.3 Sreeching inlets to rising mains

2.3.1 Location In selecting positions for breeching inlets, due regard should be paid to the provisions of available fire hydrants, the possibility of damage resulting from falling glass from windows and other possible occurrences during a fire. The inlets shall be located:

(a) on an external wall or in a boundary wall of a building and to be within 18 m of the adjacent fire appliances access road. Each rising main, either dry or wet, for buildings under purpose group 11 of the Fire Code, shall be fitted with a breeching inlet directly at the foot of the same riser stack.

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fb) as close as possible to the rising main they serve with any connecting pipe between the inlets As amended

and the vertical run of the rising main kept to a minimum and given a fall towards the drain valve. The total pressure loss of the dry rising main shall not exceed 6 bar based on the design water flow rate. This is to correspond with the maximum habitable height of 60 m as in Subclause 2.2.1 .I (a).

(c) in a conspicuous position readily visible and accessible to the firemen.

(d) about 760 mm to 1000 rnm above ground level (see Figure 2).

2.3.2 Provision Inlets with instantaneous male couplings for connecting to the SCDF's 63.5 mrn diameter standard hose shall be fitted to each rising main as follows:

(a) , A two-way breeching inlet for a 100 mrn bore rising main.

(b) A &-way breeching inlet for a 150 rnm bore rising main. For a wet rising main, the inlets shall be connected to feed the storage tank or pump suction tank located no higher than 60 m above ground level. Each breeching inlet shall conform with the requirements of BS 5041 : Parl 3, except that a breeching inlet for a wet rising main connected according to Subclause need not be equipped with a black pressure check valve and drain valve. All inlets shall be enclosed in a glass-fronted inlet box complying with the requirements of BS 5041 : Part 5, the box being positioned with its tower edge between 400 mm and 600 mm above ground level. The position of inlets shall be indicated on the box using the appropriate sign in accordance with BS 5499 : Part 1 and using a letter height of at least 50 rnm. In addition, all such inlets shall be painted red for wet rising mains and yellow for dry rising mains.

As atnended The breeching inlet for a dry rising main shall be fitted with a 25 rnm drain valve to facilitate Nov 98 draining the rising main after use. If any part of the pipework of a dry rising main falls below inlet box

level, an additional 25 mm drain valve shall be provided at the lowest point of the pipework, together with either fixed piping or an adequate length of flexible tubing (fitted with a suitable coupling for connection to the valve) to conduct water from the valve to a suitable drain. Where such a low level drain is fitted, a permanent notice shall be provided in 25 mm (minimum) block letters of a suitable colour on a contrasting background and placed in a position adjacent to the valve reading 'DRY RISING MAIN - DRAIN VALVE', and a further permanent notice shall be provided in the inlet box, similar in size to the indicator plates mentioned in BS 5041 : Part 5, reading 'LOW LEVEL DRAIN VALVE IN (here state location of the valve)', The low level drain valve shall be kept securely strapped and padlock closed except when in use.

2.4 Landing valves

2.4.1 Provision A landing valve with an instantaneous female coupling for connecting to the SCDF's 63.5 mm diameter standard hose shall be provided for each rising main on

(a) every floor above the ground, including the first storey, except where the breeching inlet is provided directly at the foot of the riser stack to buildings under purpose group II;

(b) every basement floor, irrespective of the depth below ground;

(c) on the roof where access is provided for testing purposes.

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Figure 2 - Mounting height of breeching inlet

Page 17: CP 29-1998 Fire Hydrant & Hose Reel When one rising main is permitted for a floor area exceeding 930 m2, two landing valves shall be provided per floor, in which case the nominal bore of the rising main shall be 150 mm. Landing valves for dry rising mains shall comply with the requirements of BS 5041 : Part 2 and those for wet rising mains shall comply with the requirements of BS 5041 : Part 1. Landing valves shall be protected against interference and attack by thieves and vandals in such a manner that their operational capability is not adversely affected.

2.4.2 Location

Landing valves shall be located:

(a) in the designated areas specified in Subclause and such that every part of each floor is not more than 38 m from a landing valve along a route suitable for hose lines.

(b) at a height with its lowest point between 760 mm and 1 m above the floor level.

(c) in a conspicuous position where they are not likely to be obstructed, such as by the operation of nearby doors.

2.4.3 Recesses and enclosures for landing valves Landing valves for dry rising mains should preferably be protected by and enclosed within a box conforming to the requirements of BS 5041 : Part 4. in the case of a wet rising main, the landing valves may also be protected by boxes in accordance with BS 5041 : Part 4 provided the necessary clearances required by that standard can be maintained; otherwise special boxes should be designed to ensure that the clearances recommended in Subclause are assured. When any landing valve is in open recess, duct or alcove, and when a landing valve of a wet rising main is enclosed in a box, the opening giving access to the landing valve should have not Iess than 150 mm clearance on both sides and not less than 230 rnm below the centre line of the outlet of the landing valve and not Iess than 250 mm clearance above the handwheet. The depth of the opening should not be greater than is necessary, and in no case should the front edge of the female coupling of the landing valve be more than 75 mm behind the face of the wall. In addition, consideration should be given to allowing addition of adequate space around the valve to permit maintenance and testing (see Figure 3). If enclosure of the valve in a box is not desired or is impracticable owing to the main and the landing valve not being in a duct or alcove, each landing valve should be strapped shut, the strap being secured by a locked brass padlock. If it is required that the landing valve be enclosed in a manner otherwise than in accordance with BS 5041 : Part 4, details of the proposal should be discussed with the fire authority before any work is started. The appropriate words 'DRY RISING MAIN OUTLET' for a dry rising main or 'WET RISING MAlN OUTLET' for a wet rising main as the case may be, shall be clearly painted in block letters of height not Jess than 50 mm on the inside surface of the glass panel in the glazed door of the landing valve box. If the door is not glazed, the same labelling shall be shown in contrasting colour on the outside of the door. When a box is not provided, this labelling shall be done on the wall where the landing valve is located and on a level directly just above the valve. In addition, all such landing valves shall be painted red for wet rising and yellow for dry rising mains. Where there are more than one rising main, each rising main shall be labelled accordingly.

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Horizontal landing valve 5 E, .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .:. A = 250 mrn minimum El = 75 mm maximum C = 230 mrn minimum Side clearance = 150 mm minimum both sides.

Figure 3 - Landing valve's recess clearance

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Section 3 : ~esi~nconsiderations for fire hydrants and rising mains

3.1 Water supply and pumping arrangements

3.1.1 General The design of fire hydrants and wet rising mains shall comply with the modes of supply stipulated in SS CP 48.

3.1 -1.2 For fire hydrants and wet rising mains it is essential that pressures and flows be adequate at all times to serve the required number of jets likely to be used. This is irrespective of the source of water supply. Only private hydrants installed below reduced level 125 m can receive direct supply from PUB AS amended mains. Notwithstanding this, storage cistern of sufficient capacity with pumping facilities may be required g8

to meet SCDF's requirements on flow rates and pressure.

3.1 .I .4 The water supply to fire hydrants and rising mains should be kept entirely independent of water supplies feeding other installations including those for other fire fighting systems. This, however, does not include:

(a) the Y-connection from PUB main with one branch for the fire hydrant or rising main and the other branch fitted with a control valve, for other uses provided the flow rate for the fire hydrant or rising main is adequate,

(b) a common break tank for the rising main and other non-domestic uses provided a minimum of If .5 m3 is reserved for each rising main.

3.-f .I .5 Where a number of fire hydrants or wet rising mains are required because of the extensive area of the premises to be covered, the mains supplying these fire hydrants should be in the form of a ring main to form a complete circuit of the site. Isolating valves complying with the requirements of BS 5163 shall be incorporated strategically in the system so that sections of the ring main can be isolated to enable repairs to be carried out. Branches to PUB mains shalt also have an isotating valve and a non- return valve to meet the PUB'S requirements.

3.1.2 Fire hydrants Supply pipes feeding fire hydrants from PUB mains shall branch off at a point upstream of the domestic supply line. A gale valve shall be provided to cut off the supply to the domestic line in the event of fire. The connection between the water supply mains and the fire hydrant shall not be less than 150 mm nominal bore. I

! The water storage tank capacity for residential and non-residential developments shall be as shown in Table 1 for fire hydrants located above reduced level 125 m within the same plot.

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Page 22: CP 29-1998 Fire Hydrant & Hose Reel A visual level indicator shall be fitted to show the depth of water in each tank or compartment. A substantial permanent gooseneck ladder extending a sufficient distance above the top of the tank shall be provided to permit easy access.

Table 2 - Values of dimensions 'A' and 'B' as defined in Figure 4

3.1.6 Pumps for wet rising mains

3.1 5.1 Fire pumps for use in wet rising mains shall be listed by a recognised institution.

3.1 -6.2 Pumps shall be selected to meet design requirements. The pumps shall consist of either

(a) 2 fire pumps, at least one of which shall have an independent source of power supply and each shall be capable of providing independently the necessary flow and pressure requirements or

(b) 3 fire pumps, all of which shall have an independent source of power supply and any two shall be capable of providing in the aggregate, the necessary pressure and flow requirements.

NOTE - An independent source of power supply refers to a source other lhan from Power Supply Limited. The standby pump shall be so arranged that it will operate automatically on a failure for any reason of the duty pump. The duty pump (or standby pump, in the event of failure of the duty pump) shall start automatically when there is a flow of water or when a fall in pressure occurs in the rising main exceeding 5% of the fire pump churning pressure. All pumps shall be capable of being started and stopped manuall. All pumps shall be primed automatically at all times. This will be effected i f the pumps are sited so that at least two thirds of the effective capacity of the suction tank is above the level of the centre of pump suction. Where this is not possible, separate priming tanks maintained automatically and foot valves shall be provided for each pump.

3.1.6,8 Pumps which are automatically controlled shall be provided with a reliable float-operated air release or equivalent valve not less than 12 mm in size, to automatically release air from the pump.

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Law woter

Norma! icvcl v

(a) Storage with vertical suction pipe

Normal level

( c ) Storage with side suction pipe

Normal level

(e) Storage with bottom suction pipe

Low woter level X a.

N o r ~ ~ ~ o l lcvcl

.3D rnin.


(b) Sump with verticol suclion pipe

Normal level

Low woter levet

j- (b) Sump with side suction pipe

Normal level

-0.JD rnin.

( f ) Sump vrith bottom suction pipe

NOTE - The minimum sump width is J.6D (see Subclause

Figure 4 - Vertical cross-section showing effective capacity of storage

Page 24: CP 29-1998 Fire Hydrant & Hose Reel Means must be provided to allow a continuous flow of water through each pump at a sufficient rate to prevent overheating of the pump when churning. A test valve and direct reading flow meter shall be provided on a pipe connection coupled to the pump delivery branch downstream of the check valve to test the pump. The test piping shall be sized not less than the meter size appropriate to the pump rated capacity as set out in Table 3. The test piping should discharge to a suitable drain. A discharge pressure gauge shall be connected to the discharge of each pump. The gauge should have a valve with arrangement for draining. Its indication dial should have a range of at least twice the rated working pressure of the pump. All electrical wiring, including that for the control and monitoring circuits shall be in accordance with the requirements of CP 5 and shall be:

(a) of the fire-resistive type complying with SS 299; or

(b) enclosed in a 2-hour fire-rated duct throughout the run to the pump room. 3 A fire-rated duct may house electrical wiring for other emergency services if the running of the wiring does not affect the fire-integrily of the duct. The sharing of a common electrical rising main for the wet main and other emergency services is acceptable provided that there is proper protection by fuses or circuit breakers for each and every emergency service.

As amended Any switches on the power feed to the motor shall be locked 'ON' and clearly labelled 'WET Nov 98 RISING MAIN PUMP - NOT TO BE SWITCHED OFF IN THE EVENT OF FIRE'. This notice shall be

provided in 25 mm (minimum) block letters of a suitable colour on a contrasting background and displayed adjacent to the switches. Diesel engine driver for pumps shall be complete with automatic battery charging system. The fuel tank capacity of the diesel engine shall be capabte of operating the engine for 6 hours on full load. There shall be a readily visible fuel level gauge provided on the tank. There should be a voice-communication system to provide intercommunication among all pump rooms. Control equipment for each pump set shall include indicator tights to indicate: i

(a) a.c. power is available for each phase of the supply;

(b) a.c. power of any one phase has failed;

(c) operation of the pump. Pumps and their associated auxiliary equipment shall be installed in readily accessible positions in a room of non-combustible fire resistive construction and used for the sole purpose of housing such fire protection installation. The pump room shall be of ample size and be adequately ventilated, lighted and drained. Its location and construction shall be such as to permit it to provide protection to the pump unit and controls from falling floors or machinery and from fire that might drive away the pump operator or damage the pump unit or controls.

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Table 3 - Minimum metering device size Mechanical ventilation and electrical lighting in the pump room shall be equipped with standby emergency power supply.

3.2 Connections to wet rising main systems

Connections from gravity tanks should be made to the top of the rising main except where the tanks are used to supply wet rising mains in different sections of the building, in which case they should be made at the base of the rising mains.

3.3 Automatic air release valve for rising mains

3.3.1 A suitable automatic air release valve shall be provided at the highest point in each dry rising main to permit air in the pipe to discharge to atmosphere when water is pumped in at ground level.

3.3.2 Where a wet rising main is above the water entry into it, it shall also be equipped with an automatic air release valve at the top.

3.4 Electrical earthing of rising mains

3.4.1 Rising mains shall be electrically earthed. Those joints which do not provide electrical continuity shall be bonded.

3.4.2 Where the rising main is situated in the vicinity of any lightning conductor, it should also be bonded to the lightning conductor in accordance with the requirements of the code on lightning protection SS CP 33.

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Section 4 : Hose reels

4.1 Conformity to standards

Hose reels shall comply with the requirements of BS EN 671-1 or equivalent.

4.2 Provision and siting

4.2.1 Provision

The number of hose reefs in each building shall be such that all portions of each storey of the building are within 6 m of the nozzle attached to not more than 30 m of hose, the distance to be measured along a route suitable for the hoseline. Where heavy furniture or equipment may be introduced into a room, the hpse and nozzle shall be capable additionally of directing a jet into the back of any recess formed.

4.2.2 Siting Hose reels shall be sited in prominent and accessible positions adjacent to exits, preferably just outside protected corridors, lobbies or staircases on exit routes, but not inside staircases. In planning the location of hose reels, consideration should be given to the following points:

(a) Access to hose reels should not be obstructed by the parking, loading and unloading of vehictes or by the location of furniture, equipment or other material.

(bj Protection of hose reels from mechanical damage and unauthorised use.

{c) The location of internal walls, partitions, doorways, storage racking, stored heights of goods and other obstructions which could restrict normal hose coverage through the building. In exceptional circumstances, considerations may also be needed as to the desirability of siting hose reels in such a way that if a fire prevents access to one hose reel site, the fire can be attacked from another hose reel in the vicinity.

4.3 Installation of hose reels

4.3.1 Hose reels in recesses

Preferably hose reels should be installed. in recesses so that they do not form obstructions on escape routes. The details of installation will vary considerably owing to the wide variation of types of hose reels and their sizes. A typical example of an installation of a fixed hose reel is illustrated in Figure 5.

4.3.2 Recess doors

Any doors provided for hose reel recesses shall be so hinged that they can open approximately 180" so as not to offer any obstruction to the hose being run out in either direction. The doors should not normally be fitted with locks. Where doors are to be locked they shall be complete with glass panel and the locks used shall be of the type that can be operated manually from,the inside without the use of a key. Where glass-panels are used, they shall be of tempered glass.

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4.3.3 Hose reels in open areas

When installed on open floor areas, it may be necessary to position hose reels above head height, but in these cases the nozzle retainer, the hose guide and the inlet valve shall be fitted at about 900 mm above floor level. It may also be desirable to provide an anti-overrun device to prevent the hose from becoming entangled when run out.

4.3.4 Importance of firm fixing

Hose reel brackets shall be firmly fixed to the wall so lhat casual knacks received during normal use of the building and the stresses incurred during use for fire-fighting will not prevent the unimpeded use of the hose reel.

4.4 Co-ordinafing spaces for hose reels

4.4.1 The spaces required for most types of hose reet and recommendations concerning their location in relation to floor or ground level are indicated in Figures 5, 6, 7 and 8.

4.4.2 The definitions of the different types of hose reel and the maximum overall size of each type are given in 8s EN 671 -1.

4.4.3 The figures indicate ,the range of acceptabje choices from the point of view of dimensional co- ordination. First preferences are indicated by a thick blob and second preferences are indicated by a small blob.

NOTE 1 - The basic space accommodation (a) the reel and valve; (b) the hanging loop of hose; ( c ) the guide or necessary space for proper withdrawal of the hose; Id) the component case (if any).

NOTE 2 - The space sizes have been based on the normal arrangement where the water supply is fed upwards. Downwards or sideways feeds should be treated as special installations.

4.5 Water supply for hose reels

>"J +

TO+- v!c9"

4.5.1 Minimum requirements 23 As a minimum, the water supply to hose reels shall be such that the most hydraulically remote reel wi[l provide a jet of at least 10 m in length at a flow rate of at least 0.4 Us. For example, when a length of 30 rn hose reel tubing (Type A of BS 3169) is in use with a 6 mm nozzle, a minimum running pressure of 2 bar will be required at the entry to each reel and similarly for a 4 rnm nozzle where a running press'ure of 6 bar will be required.

As amended Pipework shall not be less than 50 rnm nominal bore and feeds to individual hose reels shalt be at least 25 mrn nominal bore. Pipes shall be made of steel in accordance with BS 1387. Where there is a direct connection to PUB water supply, pipework shall comply with SS CP 48 and be acceptable to PUB watermains. Connections to supply fire hose reels may be made on the supply side of the sprinkler system main stop valve. Such connections shall not exceed 50 mm nominal diameter and shatl be provided with a stop vatve suitably labelled and in close proximity to the point of connection with the supply pipe.

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If doors are provided to a recessed installation whether glazed or not, they should bear the words: "FIRE HOSE REEL" (see Subclause 4.6.1)


NOTE 1 - Hose reel conforming to BS EN 671-1. NOTE 2 - For sizes of spaces and height above floor level, see Subdause 4.4

Figure 5 - Typical installation for a hose reel

Page 29: CP 29-1998 Fire Hydrant & Hose Reel

f Finished wall face

Figure 6 - Explanation of dimensions (for further details see Figure 5)

iors.': 100

l o r W : 360 r1 I a 1 ! 7 00 !

i bW t i :: I I

I I L :

I I 1 1

-4 - 1 0 3133 bob 900 330 3 h O Disranco = d

Length = L W;drtl = W

Figure 7 - Co-ardinating spaces for fixed hose reels

0 0 0

1 Widrh = W 800

I [.Applicable to roelr s with J01rt horc onlvl .. c 0 300 .- I:

0 O 300 6W OW

Len,gtl\ = t

Disrance = d All dirnoxrions are irr rnillinr crrcr

Figure 8 - Co-ordinating spaces for swinging arm or recess type hose reels

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4.5.2 Booster pumps Where the water pressure in hose reel main needs to be boosted, the provision of an electrically driven pump is usually a convenient method. A duplicate standby pump shall also be provided. Both motors and pumps shalt be sited in positions where they are protected against tempering and physical and fire damage and the electrical supply to them shall be by an exclusive circuit with the cables following a route of negligible fire risk or be provided with adequate protection. The booster pumps system shall come into operation automatically with a drop in pressure or a flow of water. Both pumps shall be automatically primed at all times (see Subclause 3.1 3.7). All pumps shall also be capable of being started or stopped manually. The standby pump shall be so arranged that it will operate automatically on failure of the duty pump. Where more than one source of electrical supply is available, the duty and standby pump shall be connected to the different sources. Emergency power supply shall be connected to the hose reel pumps where available.

4.5.3 Connection for boosted supplies

Pumps shall be fed from a suction tank or interconnected tanks having a minimum capacity of I100 L. The tank(s) shall be automatically supplied from a town main or a reliable source, controlled by a ball valve of minimum diameter 50 mm.

4.5.4 Use of domestic water tanks

Tanks supplying water for domestic purposes shall not be used as suctions for hose reels installations unless arrangements have been made for domestic supplies to be drawn off in such a manner that the requisite reserve of water for the hose reel installation is always preserved. There shall not be any risk of contamination of water due to stagnation in the tank. The design of such arrangement is subject to PUB'S approval.

4.5.5 Security AS amendec Nov 98 The main stop valve controlling the water supply to the hose reels shall be secured fully open by a suitable device such as a padlocked chain or strap. Appropriate notices shall be provided reading 'FIRE HOSE REEL MAIN SUPPLY' (displayed at the stop valve controlling the water supply to the hose reels), and/or 'FIRE NOSE REEL PUMP MOTOR SUPPLY - NOT TO BE SWITCHED OFF IN THE EVENT OF FIRE' (displayed adjacent to all switches in the electrical power supply to any pumps). The notices shalt be provided in 25 mm (minimum) block letters of a suitable colour on a contrasting background. i I Notices shall be resistant to weathering and to the effects of any industrial process in the vicinity. I

i j

4.6 Hose reels notices 4.6.1 A notice reading 'FIRE HOSE REEL' shall be displayed adjacent to the hose reel (on the door if the hose reel is in a recess fitted with a door, glazed or otherwise).

(a) The notices shall be provided in 50 mm (minimum) block letters of a suitable colour on a contrasting background.

As amended ' NovSB

(b) The notice shall be resistant to weathering and the effects of any industrial process in the vicinity.

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4.6.2 A notice giving full operational instructions shall be displayed on or adjacent to the reel, whether this is manual or automatic.

(a) In the case of a manual hose reel in which an interlocking device is not incorporated the instructions shall include the wording: 'Open inlet valve before running out hose'. The interlocking device, where provided, ensures that the nozzle cannot be withdrawn until the water supply has been turned on.

(b) The instructions shall include specific instruction as to the correct method of closing the inlet valve to a manual fire hose reel, or of securing a fire hose reel.

(c) The notice shall be in accordance with SS 364.

Section 5 : Components and materials

5.1 Conformity with standards

5.1.1 Material, appliances and components shall comply with the requirements of the relevant Singapore Standards, British Standards or their equivalent.

s amended 5.1.2 Particular items shall comply with the following requirements or their equivalent: .'ov 98

(a) Ball valves BS 1212:Part1,2ar3

(b) Boxes for dry risers BS 5041 : Part 5

(c) Boxes for landing valves for dry risers BS 5041 : Part 4

(d) Fire hydrants (pillar) shall be made of suitably corrosion-protected and sufficiently robust material. Their works parts shall be of gunmetat to BS 1400 or other suitable material BS 1400

(e) Hoses for fire-fighting purposes BS 31 69

( f ) Hose reels for fixed installation BS EN 671 -1

(g) Inlet breechings for dry riser inlets BS 5041 : Part 3

(h) Isolating valves

( i ) Landing valves for dry risers

(j) Landing valves for wet risers

(kj Tubes for screwing

(1) Pipe iittings

(rn) Pipe and valve flanges

(n) Pipe threads

BS 5041 : Part 2

BS 5041 : Part 1

Wrought steel to BS 1740 or malleable iron to BS 143

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(0) Pressure gauges BS 1780

(p) Sluice valves BS 51 63

(q) Fire safety signs, notices and graphic symbols BS 5499 : Part 1

5.2 Pipes and fittings

As amended 5.2.1 Rising mains and associated pipework shall be of wrought steel pipe, heavy quality, and the fittings shall be of wrought steel. Pipework should be jointed by screwing and socketing, or by any other means setacted as suitable for use, except at valves or other fittings where appropriate flanges in accordance with BS 4504 may be used. Such means may be selected on the basis of practical tests and evidence of satisfactory performance in similar application. Pipework far dry rising mains and fittings for both wet and dry rising mains shall be galvanised. Pipes and fittings which are connected directly to PUB mains or the potable supply system shall be of PUB approved types,

5.2.2 Pipes laid underground shall comply with one of the following standards or their equivalent:

(a) Steel spigot and socket pipes SS 142

(b) Grey iron pipes BS 4622

5.3 Isolation and check valve

5.3.1 Connections to each water supply, except to the breeching inlet of rising mains, shall be provided with an isolation valve and, where appropriate, a check valve located close to the supply as at tank, pump or connection from PUB mains.

5.3.2 Valves shall be provided to permit:

(a) isolating a rising main without interrupting the water supply to other rising mains from the same water supply.

(b) servicing of component parts of the system.

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Section 6 : Hydraulic calculations

6.1 Formulae

Hydraulic calculations in fire hydrants, rising mains or hose reels shall use the Hazen Williams formula as follows:


P = frictional loss of pressure in millibar per metre length of pipe;

Q = rate of flow of water in Umin;

C = a constant for the class of pipe;

= I00 (cast iron pipe);

= 120 (steel pipe);

d = mean bore diameter of pipe in mm.

6.2 Pressure loss in pipe fittings

The equivalent length of straight pipe in metre of pipe fittings, elbow, bends, tees where water is turned through an angle and back pressure valves shall be taken from Table 4.

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Table 4 - Equivalent length of pipes for fittings

Fittings and valves

90' screwed elbow

90' welded elbow

Equivalent length of medium grade steel straight pipe (in rn) (C value 120') according to BS 1387


m 0.63

0.30 (r/d = 1 -5)

45" screwed elbow

Standard screwed lee or cross (flow through branch)

Gate va[ve - straightway (flanged fitting)

Alarm or non- return valve (swinging) flanged fitting

Alarm or non- return valve (mushroom) flanged fitting

Butterily valve (flanged fitting)

Globe valve - straightway (flanged fitting)

'These equivalent

Cvalue 100 110 130 140 . Factor 0.714 0.850 1.160 1.330

Nominal diameter (mm)



lengths can









by the












for pipes






















m 0.77




rn 1.04






converted as necessary


m 122



m 4.30





m 1.46















65 250

m 5.67






m 1.89

m 7.42

2.64 0.49

of other C values by



3.35 0.56


m 2.37

m 3.04

1.10 1.43

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Section 7 : lnstaliation

7.1 Work on site

7.1.1 Adequate provision shall be made to protect materials and components on site from loss, deterioration or damage.

7.1.2 Unloading, stacking and storage shall be carried out with care to prevent damage to pipes and pipe threads, fire hydrants, fittings, couplings and other components used in the system.

7.7.3 Pipes shall be securely anchored before any pressure or flow tests are carried out.

7.2 External pipework

External pipework should be installed underground. Where this is not possible, provision shall be made to protect the pipework from mechanical damage. Provision shall also be made to protect the pipework and supporting structure from damage by fire or falling debris.

'7.3 Underground pipework

Underground pipework shall be laid so that it is protected from possible damage by vehicular traffic. Pipe anchors and thrust blocks shall be designed to take into account water and ground pressures.

7.4 Internal pipework \

7.4.7 Internal pipework of rising mains shall not'pass through areas other than as mentioned in Subclause Where this is unavoidable, the pipework shall be carried in enclosures with a minimum fire resistance rating equivalent to that for the elements of structure for the particular area oi the building.

7.4.2 The pipework should be supported on main load bearing members of the structure.

7.5 Protection of buildings under construction

7.5.1 In order that a fire occurring during the construction of a building can be dealt with effectively, especially in high or extensive buildings where large quantities of combustible materials may be stored, mains as indicated in Subclause 7.5.2 shall be in an operational condition as soon as any completed floor of the building reaches 24 m above SCDF access level. These mains shall be extended to provide fire-fighting facilities at all stages of construction. All breeching inlets, landing valves, water tanks and pumps, and hydrants as may be required for the system, shall be properly installed as directed by the Relevant Authority so as to be readily operational in case of fire.

7.5.2 Mains shall be:

(a) for buildings planned not to exceed 60 m height, dry rising mains.

(b) for buildings planned to exceed 60 m height, either wet rising mains or wet mains installation initially available for use as dry rising mains. In the latter case, the system shall be complete with an inlet breeching complying with the requirements ot BS 5041 : Part 3 and matching the SCDF's standard instantaneous hose coupling connections once the construction reaches 24 m, and

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shall be extended progressively until a height of over 60 m has been reached when the dry rising main main shall be converted to a wet rising main.

'7.5.3 It is important that, from the t i i e the wet rising main is first connected to the water supply, the running pressure at each outlet does not exceed 5.5 bar. If this is impracticable for any special reason, a notice should be attached to each landing valve to read 'HIGH PRESSURE MAIN - OPEN VALVE SLIGHTLY UNTIL SUFFICIENT PRESSURE IS OBTAINED'. These notices should remain on the landing valves until the pressure on the outlets is reduced to 5.5 bar.

7.5.4 Breeching inlets shall be kept readily and easily accessible to the SCDF at all times and identified by an appropriate sign reading either 'DRY RISING MAIN' or 'WET RISING MAIN'. Where the inlets are not readily visible from outside, a sign shall be posted in a conspicuous place directing the SCDF to the inlets. Where there are more than one breeching inlet every landing valve and breeching inlet shall be labelled correspondingly to enable the fireman to charge water to the correct dry rising main. This is also applicable to completed buildings.

NOTE - Subclause 7.5 introduces a number of consideration to be taken into account by architects, engineers, contractors and others during tendering and planning. To assist those concerned, Annex A includes advice on some of the points to he considered during these stages.

Section 8 : Initial inspections and acceptance tests

8.1 Hydrostatic test

On completjon of installation, all new rising main system including external piping should be tested hydrostatically at 13.8 bar (200 psi) pressure for 2 hours or at 3.5 bar (50 psi) in excess of the maximum pressure where the maximum pressure is in excess of 10.3 bar (150 psi). The hydrostatic test pressure shall be measured at the lowest point of the system.

NOTE - Where fire hydrant or rising main connections are buried or built into walls or partitions, the above test should be made before they are covered in or permanently concealed.

8.2 Fire hydrants

8.2.1 Inspection and, where practicable, a wet test of fire hydrants should be made in conjunction with the appropriate approving authority and the owner or occupier of the premises or his representatives. Where such fire hydrants are supplied from PUB mains, arrangements should also be made with the PUB before tests are carried out.

8.2.2 During these inspections and tests, the condition of the following should be checked and noted for remedial action if necessary:

(a) Pits;

(b) Frames;

(c) Covers;

(d) Surface paving around edges of frames.

8.2.3 The test should include flushing out the outlets and checking the outlet connection. The flow and pressure at the outlets should also be measured and noted.

8.2.4 On completion of the test, the pit should be left empty and clean.

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8.3 Tests an dry rising mains

8.3.1 A physical check of the installation should be carried out. This should include verifying that earthing and venting requirements have been carried out satisfactorily.

8.3.2 Static pressure test On being satisfied that the system is in order, water should be allowed to flow through it discharging via the topmost outlet to flush out any debris that may be present. This procedure is of particular importance at acceptance tests when quantities of foreign matter may be lodged in the pipework. The system should be completely charged with water to the pressure measured at the inlet for 2 hours as mentioned in Subclause 8.1. During this period, an inspection of the system should be made to check that no leakage of water is taking place at any of the joints or landing valves.

8.3.3 Flow test After the test in accordance with Subclause 8.3.2 is completed, a flow test should be carried out if this is considered to be necessary. For this test, water should be passed through the system under pressure and the flow gauge readings recorded. Inability to sustain an effective fire-fighting jet from the topmost outlei or any undue pressure loss in the rising main (after allowing for the height involved) should be investigated.

8.3.4 Remedial action and re-testing

If as a result of these tests any defects are found, these should be remedied as soon as possible and a re-test of the system should be carried out.

8.3.5 Putting into operational readiness When the pressure has been released at the pumping appliance the coupling to the rising main inlet should be disconnected and the action of the non-return valves checked. The system should then be drained and left ready for use.

8.4 Tests on wet rising mains

8.4.1 Procedure for test

8.4.1 .I The procedure is basically the same as that for dry rising mains given in Subclause 8.3 and in all wet rising mains both the static pressure test and the flow test should be carried out. In multi-storey buildings, each zone in the rising main system shall be tested separately. The test pressure shall be applied at the landing valve with the greatest hydraulic head in each zone, and also at the SCDF pump connection.

8.4.2 Test of pumps

Particular attention should be paid to the ability of pumps to operate under their respective sources of power supplies and of standby pump to operate satisfactorily on failure of the duty pump and these should be tested.

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8.5 Hose reel tests

8.5.1 Flushing out

Before any water is introduced into the hose reel, the supply to it should be thoroughly flushed out to ensure that no harmful matter is passed into the reel. This is particularly important for automatic hose reels. After flushing out, the tubing should be run out and the water turned on to establish that the assembly is fully operational,

8.5.2 Procedure (direct mains supply)

The most remote hose reels should be discharged and the water fhw rate and horizontal throw of the jet as specified in Subclause should be ascertained to have been achieved.

8.5.3 Procedure (boosted supplies) The most remote hose reel should be discharged until the duty pump cuts in automatically, Thereafter, the discharge rate and horizontal throw of the jet should be ascertained as in Subclause 8.5.2. The test should be repeated. This time a simulated mechanical or electrical failure of the duty pump should be arranged, and the ability of the standby pump to come into service automatically and to maintain the required outputs should be tested.

8.5.4 Putting into operational readiness When the tests in Subclause 8.5.2 and 8.5.3 have been satisfactorily completed, the system should be restored to its normal operating state. Reels should never be left under pressure and, where practicable, hose should be drained prior to being returned to the drum. The hose should be restored on the drums, particular attention being paid to automatic hose reels to ensure that the automatic valve is fully closed when the hose has been restored. Where an isolation valve has been incorporated, this should be closed on completion of storage, and the nozzle interlock, where fitted, should be completed.

8.6 Test records

A permanent record of all initial inspections and acceptance tests should be prepared by the professional engineer or contractor and kept by the owner or occupiers.

This should record:

(a) Date and time for inspection or test;

(b) Person carrying out the test;

(cj Test results noted;

(d) Any external factors significantly affecting the results;

(e) Follow-up action required;

(f) Work carried out as a result of (e) with date and result of retest.

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Section 9 : Maintenance of systems and rectification of defects

9.1 Fire hydrants

9.1.1 Arrangements should be made by the owners or the occupiers to ensure that, at least once a year, maintenance is carried out on all private fire hydrants by a competent person.

9.1.2 Periodical inspections of the vicinity of alt fire hydrants should also be made to ensure that there are no obstructions impeding accessibility.

9.1.3 Periodic inspection should be made to ensure that all isolating valves for systems are kept locked in an 'open' position. Also flow and pressure shoutd be checked to ensure that supplies have not deteriorated.

9.2 Rising mains

9.2.1 Competence of maintenance personnel

The service of a competent person should be obtained to carry out maintenance and repairs.

9.2.2 Dry rising mains Inlets, landing valves, drain valves, door hinges and locking arrangements to the inlet and landing valve boxes should be inspected every six months. Special attention should be given to all valves, spindles, glands and washers to ensure that they are in satisfactory conditions so that all equipment continue to be ready for immediate use. In addition, it is recommended that wet tests be carried out annuatty when the main can be checked for leaks.

9.2.3 Wet rising mains

Maintenance of wet rising mains involves additional checks from those mentioned in Subclause The additional checks are:

(a) Check on the cleanliness of storage tanks;

(b) Thorough check of the booster pumps and their associated mechanical and electrical equipment.

9.2.4 Removal of valve assemblies for replacement

Where outlets on either dry or wet rising mains are found to be defective and no replacement is immediately available, the whole valve assembly should be removed from the main and be temporarily replaced with a blanking off plate or plug in order that the system remains operative (see Subclause

9.2.5 Hose reefs Hose reels should be subjected to regular inspection to ensure that the inlet valve, the automatic onloff valve (if any), glands, tubing and shut-off nozzle are sound and free from leaks, and also to ensure that the outlet of the nozzle is not choked. Some nozzles, in addition to giving a jet stream, are also capable of producing a cone spray. In these cases, the correct functioning of each role should be checked.

Page 40: CP 29-1998 Fire Hydrant & Hose Reel If booster pumps have been installed (see Subclause 4.5.2) these and their associated mechanical and electrical equipment should also be checked. Once a year the hose should be completely run out and subjected to operational water pressure to ensure that the hose is in good condition and that all couplings are water-tight. A flow test should be carried out to ensure that a discharge of at least 0.4 Us is achieved. If it is not possible to test every hose reel, at least the highest reel on each rising main should be tested.

9.2.6 Rectification of defects It is essential that all defects are rectified in the shortest time to ensure that the installed fire- fighting equipment is restored to a satisfactory condition in as short a time as possible. Where, due to unforeseen difficulties, it is necessary to leave an installation not available for use, the SCDF should be informed immediately in order that alternative arrangements may be made to cover this deficiency should the need arise; the SCDF may require the building owner to provide any assistance or facilities. In addition, a suitable notice to indicate that the installation is not available for use should be placed in a prominent position. In the case of dry rising mains, the notice should be in the inlet box. When the installation is reinstated, the SCDF should again be informed that any alternative arrangements may be cancelled and, if considered necessary, an inspection and test of the repaired installation may be carried out.

9.2.7 Hose reel accessibility It is essential that the hose reels remain unobstructed and that they should be available for use at all times. In buildings that have large open floor areas such as warehouses, the stacking arrangements should provide for unobstructed access to the hose reel. It may also be considered necessary to provide guardrails around the hose reel position to prevent stacking taking place immediately adjacent, care being taken that the guardrails do not obstruct the operation of the hose. Where stacking js taking place, notices indicating the hose reel positions.should be sited at high level. These notices should be situated over the main avenues, subject to djrectional arrows being provided.

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Annex A

Matters to be considered relating to the provision of fire-fighting installations during building construction

A,1 introduction

The provisions of Subclause 7.5 involve measures which should be taken into account of in the tendering and planning stages of a contract, and to assist those concerned in the matter, a list of some points which need attention is given below. This list should not by any means to be considered exhaustive, and some of the points listed may not be applicable in all circumstances.

A.2 Points for consideration

A.2.1 It is necessary to plan for the rising mains to be installed as each floor is erected.

A.2.2 The relevant authorities may require the system to be tested after each addition to the installation.

A.2.3 Where wet rising mains are installed, electrical power to operate the pumps will be required, together with an adequate water supply. Earthing to the systems wit[ also have to be completed.

A.2.4 Temporary site electricity supplies may not be considered adequate for fire-fighting purposes and the apparatus may need to be connected to permanent electricity supplies. Such permanent supplies wou!d therefore need to be installed at a reasonably early stage of construction and all switchgear and cables protected against fire at all times.

A.2.5 The early provision of a permanent electricity and water supply would involve questions of cost, consultations with the Power Supply Limited and PUB and arranging appropriate agreements.

A.2.6 It may also be necessary for a lift to be operational for the firemen's use.

A.2.7 When fire hydrants are required at the site, it will also be necessary to have them installed at the appropriate position and also to ensure that there is adequate hard-standing facilities and roadways for SCDF appliances (see Subclause 2.1 '2).


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Standards referred to:

BS 21 : 1985 Specification for pipe threads for tubes and fittings where pressure-tight joints are made on the threads

BS 143 : 1986 Specification for malleable cast iron and cast copper alloy threaded pipe fittings

3s 1212 : - Floated operated valves (excluding floats)

Part I : 1990 Specification for piston type

Part 2 : 1990 Specification for diaphragm type (brass body)

Part 3 : 1990 Specification for diaphragm type (plastic body) for cold water services

BS 1387 : 1985(1990) Specification for screwed and socketed steel tubes and tubulars and for plain end steel tubes suitable for welding or for screwing to BS 21 pipe threads

BS 1400 : 1985 Specification for copper alloy ingots and copper and copper alloy castings

BS 1740: - Specification for wrought steel pipe fitting (screwed BS 21 R-series thread)

Part 1 : 1971 Metric units

BS 1780 : 1985(1992) Specification for bourbon tube pressure and vacuum gauges

BS 3169 : 1986 Specification for first aid reel hoses for fire fighting purposes

BS 4504 : Flanges and boltings for pipes, valves and fittings. Metric series

Part 3 : Steel, cast iron and copper alloy flanges

Section 3.1 : 1989 Specification for steel flanges

Section 3.3 : 1989 Specification for coppy alloy and composite flanges

BS 4622 : 1970 (1983) Specification for grey iron pipes and fittings

BS 5041 : - Fire hydrant systems equipment

Part 1 : 1987 ' Specification for landing valves for wet risers

Part 2 : 1987 Specification for landing valves for dry risers

Part 3 : 1975 Specification for inlet breechings for dry riser inlets

Part 4 : 1975 Specification for boxes for landing valves for dry risers

Part 5 : 1974 Specification for boxes for foam inlets and dry riser inlets

BS 5160 : 1989 Specification for steel globe valves, globe stop and check valves and lift type check valves

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BS 51 63 : 1986 Specification for double flanged cast iron wedge gate valves for waterworks purposes

8s 5499 : - Fire safety signs

Part 1 : 1990 Specification ior notices and graphic symbols

BS EN 671 : - Fixed fire fighting systems - Hose systems

Part 1 : 1995 Specification for hose reels with semi-rigid hose

BS EN 1092-2 : 1997 Cast iron flanges

SS 142 : 7976 Specification for steel pipes, fittings and specials for water, gas and sewage

SS 299 : - Fire-resisting characleristics of electric cables

SS 364 : 1993 Specification for fire safety signs

SS CP 5 : 1998 Code of practice for wiring of electrical equipment of building

SS CP 33 : 1996 Code of practice for lightning protection'

SS CP 48 : 1989 Code of practice for water services