cpb-us-e1.wpmucdn.com · dc area water issues program thursdays 4-5:30+reception at udc nov. 4...


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Page 1: cpb-us-e1.wpmucdn.com · DC Area Water Issues Program Thursdays 4-5:30+Reception at UDC Nov. 4 Water Research and Education Funding in DC - Bill Hare, DC Water Resources Research
Page 2: cpb-us-e1.wpmucdn.com · DC Area Water Issues Program Thursdays 4-5:30+Reception at UDC Nov. 4 Water Research and Education Funding in DC - Bill Hare, DC Water Resources Research


Integrated Water-Energy

Policies, Programs and Planning

Presented to

Maryland Water Resources Research Center Annual Symposium

October 28, 2010

Presented by Cat Shrier, Ph.D., P.G. Watercat Consulting LLC

1209 E Street SE Washington, DC 20003 USA


[email protected] (202) 344-7894

Page 3: cpb-us-e1.wpmucdn.com · DC Area Water Issues Program Thursdays 4-5:30+Reception at UDC Nov. 4 Water Research and Education Funding in DC - Bill Hare, DC Water Resources Research

Today’s Objectives

Who are the players and how do they approach the water-energy nexus?

Federal, State, Local

By sector (W/WW Utilities, Ag, Buildings)

Case studies: Integrated water-energy policy/planning/programs

California: water utility scale

Colorado: watershed/basin planning scale

Susquehanna River: closer to home

Challenges to integration/collaboration Counting, converting, collaborating

Missions, silos, and turf

Understanding energy stakeholders

OK, so

there’s a


nexus –

now what?

Page 4: cpb-us-e1.wpmucdn.com · DC Area Water Issues Program Thursdays 4-5:30+Reception at UDC Nov. 4 Water Research and Education Funding in DC - Bill Hare, DC Water Resources Research

Source: Electric Power Research Institute

Integrated Energy-Water Planning

Similar to other collaborative efforts – WE’RE ALL DIFFERENT

different stakeholder

different agencies

different cultures

different planning approaches

Communicate and seek understanding

Water for energy, energy for water

AND Planning/Management of Resources

including rivers, power capacity, energy reserves

… and funding/facilities(“skin in the game”)

Climate Change

Adaptation and Mitigation

Tied to Both

Page 5: cpb-us-e1.wpmucdn.com · DC Area Water Issues Program Thursdays 4-5:30+Reception at UDC Nov. 4 Water Research and Education Funding in DC - Bill Hare, DC Water Resources Research

Not that water isn’t complicated enough … Fourth National Water Resources

Policy Dialogue

September 22, 2008

Washington, DC

October 27, 2010 CSIS Knowledge

Gaps in Water

River Mgmt




EPA Water

Air R&D

Wastewater Agencies

Water Utilities

Feds States

Watersheds Land Mgmt


National Energy Labs

Energy Companies


Interagency/Intercommittee Coordination Federal-State Collaboration and Roles Watershed Context

INTEGRATED WATER-ENERGY ADDS Additional regulatory & technical/

planning assistance agencies Greater private industry involvement Geographic planning scales

(multinational) Time horizons Funds and facilities


Power Utilities

Page 6: cpb-us-e1.wpmucdn.com · DC Area Water Issues Program Thursdays 4-5:30+Reception at UDC Nov. 4 Water Research and Education Funding in DC - Bill Hare, DC Water Resources Research

Understanding Energy Stakeholders

National Energy Labs Under contract with USDOE – not policy. Primarily responsible to one office

Report directly to Secretary:

-Power Administrations (Western Areas, Bonneville, Southeastern, Southwestern)

-Energy Information Administration

-ARPA-E ($300MM ARRA funds) – Considered Energy from WW but decided against – so far

All “Offices”

Office of Policy & International Affairs

Office of Energy Efficiency & Renewable Energy (EERE)

Office of Fossil Energy

Office of Nuclear Energy

Office of Environmental Management

Office of Electricity Delivery & Energy Reliability

Office of Science

National Nuclear Security Administration

Energy and Power Sector

Private energy companies (multinationals to smaller operations)

Private power utilities

Public power utilities

Institutes and associations (e.g. EPRI)

Page 7: cpb-us-e1.wpmucdn.com · DC Area Water Issues Program Thursdays 4-5:30+Reception at UDC Nov. 4 Water Research and Education Funding in DC - Bill Hare, DC Water Resources Research

Water & Wastewater Utilities

Use existing wastewater

treatment capacity and

restaurant grease for

energy generation

(biogas, biosolids)

Electric = 2nd largest

expense for water

utilities (after HR)

On-site renewable energy generation

(distributed energy)

AWWA study: Utility

Electric use -

Different mix of uses

Agencies: USEPA, USBR (West), USACE

Page 8: cpb-us-e1.wpmucdn.com · DC Area Water Issues Program Thursdays 4-5:30+Reception at UDC Nov. 4 Water Research and Education Funding in DC - Bill Hare, DC Water Resources Research

Agricultural Challenges and Opportunities

Low-Head Dams/Micro Hydro

- Irrigation District Income Potential

- Institutional/Licensing Challenges

1 10 100 1,000 10,000

Biodiesel from Non-Irrigated Soybeans

Hydrogen from Natural Gas


Plug In Hybrid Electric Vehicle*

Ethanol from Non-Irrigated Corn Grain

Syn Diesel from Natural Gas

Tar Sands Gasoline

Hydrogen via Electrolysis

Ethanol from Irrigated Corn Stover

1.5 3

6 6.5

8 10.5

24 25 25 26 27.5 32 33 38.5 42

800 1,900


Consumption: Gallons of Water Per 100 Miles Driven

Energy for



(GW & SW)

Agencies: USDA/State Ag, USBR/Irrigation Districts


Water – Export

Water as Food


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Executive Order 13514

(“greening the federal house”)

has water conservation and

energy efficiency objectives

How can they be linked?

Site Level W-E Planning: Green Buildings/Communities

• A 60-Watt incandescent bulb

burning 12 hours can consume up to 16 GPD (up to 6,000 GPY).

• Running hot water for 5 minutes

uses as much energy as burning a

60-Watt incandescent bulb14 hours

• Many uses of water and energy in

the home, and to get water to/from

the home



are sexy”

… and saving

water saves


Washington Times

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Agencies: DOE/FEMP, DOD, GSA, all!!

Page 10: cpb-us-e1.wpmucdn.com · DC Area Water Issues Program Thursdays 4-5:30+Reception at UDC Nov. 4 Water Research and Education Funding in DC - Bill Hare, DC Water Resources Research

New Twist: EO13514 – What is it?

“Greening the Federal House”

Federal Leadership in Environmental, Energy and Economic Performance (Executive Order 13514)

Federal “fulcrum” (buying, demos, BEHAVIOR)

energy, water, GHG, transportation, materials

SSSPs released 9/9/10 (www.greengov.gov) GHG Reductions

High-Performance Sustainable Design


Water Use Efficiency and Management

Pollution Prevention and Waste Elimination

Sustainable Acquisition

Electronic Stewardship and Data Centers

Department Innovation

Page 11: cpb-us-e1.wpmucdn.com · DC Area Water Issues Program Thursdays 4-5:30+Reception at UDC Nov. 4 Water Research and Education Funding in DC - Bill Hare, DC Water Resources Research

CA Concerns: Energy/Water Security and GHG


California Relies Heavily on Imported Energy from Out-of-State, & Out-of-Country: Electricity: 27% Oil: 62% Gas: 87%

Two Major Threats

- Disruption in Oil Imports / Supply Cuts

- Growing Energy Demand, Declining Energy Sources

- Water-Related Energy Use Growing Faster


AB32 – CA’s GHG Emission Reduction Bill (2006) sets a Cap on CA GHG Emissions @ 1990 levels by no later than 2020.


Page 12: cpb-us-e1.wpmucdn.com · DC Area Water Issues Program Thursdays 4-5:30+Reception at UDC Nov. 4 Water Research and Education Funding in DC - Bill Hare, DC Water Resources Research

CEC Energy for Water Audit Approach

CA considered ENTIRE CYCLE: extract, conveyance, treat, distribute, END USES, collect, treat, dispose

Allows comparisons of projects, technologies (e.g. desal/reuse locally vs pumping/importing water)

National estimate from DOE EIA is 3%, projected to double to 6% due to increased treatment (predicting 1.5% increase in energy for treatment)

only pumping and treatment

Beginning to review this approach

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CA Programs: CEC Technical Assistance for Water

Site Baseline Audits Technical Assistance and Demonstration Project Grants for Water System Energy Efficiency Improvements:

Reducing Process Energy Usage

Replacing / Retrofitting Aging Equipment with More Efficient Technologies

Repairing / Replacing Leaking & Damaged Pipes & Equipment

Improving Electrical Load Management through Scheduling or Control modifications

Adding System Flexibility with Storage

Incentive for Water Utilities: Cost Savings

Incentives for renewables

Feed-in Tariff (agreements with power utilities)

Solar on Water “Agency” property

Page 14: cpb-us-e1.wpmucdn.com · DC Area Water Issues Program Thursdays 4-5:30+Reception at UDC Nov. 4 Water Research and Education Funding in DC - Bill Hare, DC Water Resources Research

CA “Three Birds” Approach (W/E/GHG)

Ways to Reduce GHG Emissions from Water Sector :

Reducing the Amount of Water Used,

Energy Efficiency in the Water Cycle

Water Recycling, and

Using Cleaner / Renewable Energy Sources.

Most Cost Effective

Permanent Savings

Killing Three Birds with One Stone

Anticipated Reductions from Water Sector towards AB32 Target = 4.8 MMTCO2e Annually

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Energy Development Water Needs

Assessment: Phase I in NW CO, Phase

II statewide

Impacts of energy production (natural

Direct Water Demands –construction,

operation, production, & reclamation

Indirect Water Demands –uses

associated with an increase in


Thermoelectric Power Demands –

power to meet operational demands in

energy development and production


Energy production sectors:

Natural Gas



Oil Shale

All “extractive” sources

Hydro not included

Case Study: CO Basin Roundtable Energy Studies

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Case Study: CO Basin Roundtable Energy Studies

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Case Study: Susquehanna River Basin Commission

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DC Area Water Issues Program

Water Advocacy Roundtable, Reception

Film Screening and Conversation with Filmmaker

4 pm at UDC Dottie Yunger, Anacostia Riverkeeper

Brent Bolin, Anacostia Watershed Society

Irv Sheffey, Sierra Club Paul Schwartz, Clean Water Action

Film Screening and Conversation with Filmmaker Jim Thebaut Running Dry: Beyond the Brink

Rides available after today’s program

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DC Area Water Issues Program

Thursdays 4-5:30+Reception at UDC

Nov. 4 Water Research and Education Funding in DC - Bill Hare, DC Water Resources Research Institute/USGS Grants - Jim Dobrowolski, USDA National Institute of Food and Agriculture - Greg Lank, USEPA P3 Fellowship Program - Lindsay Birt, Doctoral Candidate/NAS Science & Policy Fellow WITH WATER RESEARCH & EDUCATION FUNDING FAIR

Nov 11 ANACOSTIA BOAT TOUR!!!! Sign up today!!!

Nov. 18 Water and Trees in DC - Mark Buscaino, Executive Director, Casey Trees


Dec. 2 Wastewater in DC - Sudhir Murthy, DC Water

Dec. 9 Community Water Resiliency & Drought Preparedness - Nushat Thomas, US EPA

Dec. 16 (TENTATIVE): Water, Sustainability, and DC Area Universities