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Summit Report Youth Employment & Skills Wednesday 24th October 2012 North Lakes, Penrith. Cumbria Partnership Forum

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  • Summit Report

    Youth Employment & Skills

    Wednesday 24th October 2012North Lakes, Penrith.


  • Summit Report - Youth Employment and Skills


    1. Introduction

    2. Cumbria Partnership Forum 3. Summary of the Event

    • Working in Partnership • Youth Employment and Skills in Cumbria• Supporting young people to make informed

    choices• Mentoring and a ‘can do’ attitude

    4. Seminar Sessions

    5. Key Issues and themes from the floor

    6. Conclusions and recommendations

    Appendix 1 - Participants

    Appendix 2 – Biographies and Contact Details


    The first Cumbria Partnership Forum Annual Summit took place on Wednesday 24 October at the North Lakes Hotel, Penrith.

    The purpose of the event was to:

    • Re-launch the Cumbria Partnership Forum has there has been a great deal of change to the partnership landscape in the county over the past two years; and

    • Bring together Cumbria’s partner organisations to provide them with an opportunity to network and discuss Youth Employment and Skills and consider how they could work together to build on some of the initiatives already underway in the county.

    The outcomes of the event were for delegates to have:

    • Had the opportunity to network and been updated on how new partnership structures/arrangements are working;

    • Been briefed on the national direction of travel around youth employment and the context of the issue in Cumbria;

    • Received good practice examples of schemes in Cumbria to promote youth employment and enhance skills and considered how these can be replicated and enhanced;

    • Had the opportunity to raise issues and potential future activity for consideration by the Cumbria Leadership Board.

    The purpose of this report is to summarise the key themes that were highlighted during the event and the main strands of discussion that took place.

  • Summit Report - Youth Employment and Skills

    Cumbria Partnership Forum

    Since 2010 partnership working and collaboration in the county has been evolving naturally; and there has also been a significant shift in government policy relating to the landscape of partnership working – for example the ending of Local Area Agreements and the introduction of the LEP.

    The architecture supporting partnership working in the county has changed significantly with different bodies forming; and for many organisations the approach they are taking is to seek out opportunities for collaboration and joint discussion themselves; rather than needing a formal partnership structure to allow that to happen.

    The Cumbria Leadership Board agreed in January of 2012 that the Cumbria Strategic Partnership be formally stood down, and relaunched as the Cumbria Partnership Forum which act as a network and consultative partnership forum.

    The Summit meeting on 24th October 2012 was the first of these events, providing an opportunity for Leaders and Chief Officers of partner organisations, along with other partners who play a key role in addressing youth employment and skills, to come together and discuss and debate key issues for Cumbria which would benefit from shared thinking and planning; and provide an opportunity to celebrate and strengthen partnership working.

    A refreshed web presence has also been introduced which provides a summary of discussions at CCEG and CLB and provides contact details of the membership so that people and organisations can engage with whomever they need to in order to work better together.

    The partnership forum will serve as a resource for partners to engage stakeholders in key developments, and enable focused discussions where there is clear collaborative advantage or the need to explore issues together.

    The forum will help bring the Local Enterprise Partnership, Safer Cumbria, Health & Well Being Board, Children’s Trust Board and the Third Sector Network together by providing networking opportunities for people to access and maximise themselves.

  • Summit Report - Youth Employment and Skills

    Summary of the EventWorking in Partnership

    The importance of working in partnership was emphasised Eddie Martin, Chair of Cumbria Leadership Board who welcomed delegates to the day’s proceedings.

    The dependence of effective partnership working on the development of trust between all partners was a key message from Eddie. This includes the evolution of an accurate understanding of the shared agenda and accountabilities, and clarity about specific roles and responsibilities to avoid duplication of effort.

    Another key message from Eddie was the need to work together effectively for the benefit of Cumbria - capitalising on the opportunities provided by shared expertise and energy. However real leadership is required to ensure that this collective power is harnessed and does make a difference.

    Eddie reinforced the message that the Summit was about encouraging strong partnerships between all stakeholders and encouraged all delegates to actively participate in sharing their experiences, ideas and stories.

    Youth Employment and Skills in Cumbria

    Delegates received an overview of the current position in Cumbria from Moira Tattersall, Principal of Carlisle College. She highlighted the following points:

    • That almost a third of all claimants in Cumbria in Sep 2012 were young people aged 16-24, a total of 2,865, which is a countywide increase of 35 from the previous month.

    • The number of young claimants rose in Allerdale, Barrow and Copeland but fell in Carlisle, Eden and South Lakeland. Nationally the number of young claimants fell.

    • Overall, 5.7% of young people aged 16-24 in Cumbria are claiming JSA, just below the national average of 6.0% but double the rate for the population as a whole in Cumbria.

    • JSA claimant rates for young people are particularly high in Copeland (8.4%) and Barrow (7.8%).

    Moira emphasised the importance of considering the range of data in place about young people and skills to help shape the solutions in the county; and understanding what makes a difference to young people in helping them get into work.

  • Summit Report - Youth Employment and Skills

    Supporting Young People to Make Informed Choices

    Young people need to be able to make informed choices and to do this they must have information on what the future labour market is looking for, not just current demand. The need to future proof provision and join up that provision locally were key issues that Paul Holme touched on in his key note speech.

    This requires the sharing of information and intelligence to help providers shape the right offer.

    Paul advanced the concept of a ‘Chartermark’ that could be awarded to schools, colleges and higher education institutions in recognition of business engagement activities that produces work ready students.

    He advocated the need to work collectively to solve youth employment of today but urged delegates to think longer term as well in order to avoid issues in the future - in this way Cumbria can set the standard.

    Mentoring and a ‘Can Do’ Attitude

    The value of mentoring and a can do attitude were strong messages from James Hill to delegates in the story he told about his journey to becoming the owner and head chef of Bijou Restaurant in Carlisle.

    He felt that the importance of developing the ‘self starter’ ethos early on was a critical success factor; as was the mentoring he received through Carlisle College, which assisted him when developing concept ideas and business plans for his own restaurant.

    He is still in regular contact and dialogue with his mentors who continue to provide advice and support.

    Those who have had a positive experience of mentoring and go on to be successful often become mentors themselves and are more likely to provide additional assistance and employment opportunities to young people.

  • Summit Report - Youth Employment and Skills

    Seminar SessionsDelegates were offered the opportunity to attend a short workshop where local organisations were showcasing their work.

    Seven seminar sessions took place - these were:

    The National Skills Academy for Nuclear

    Launched by Government in January 2008, The National Skills Academy for Nuclear is an employer led membership organisation established to ensure that the UK Nuclear Industry and its Supply Chain has the skilled, competent and safe workforce it needs to deal with the current and future UK nuclear programme.

    The Skills Academy has an extensive Employer Membership from across the breadth of the Nuclear Industry, and works with these organisations to respond to the skills needs across the sector for these to be delivered via a High Quality Provider network. Skills Interventions are developed in partnership with Employers and Providers to meet the industry requirements going forward.

    The seminar investigated what the nuclear industry has been doing to encourage continued skills growth within the supply chain and provide young people with the opportunity to gain employment, qualifications and skills that will set the foundations for a longer term career.

    The key message from this seminar was the importance of providing opportunities for skills growth via apprenticeships for supply chain companies working in the nuclear industry. Apprenticeships are a key route for current and future workforce requirements to replenish an ageing nuclear workforce.

    Kendal College

    Kendal College which was judged by Ofsted in 2011 as an outstanding college and to date has the second highest Ofsted grades nationally. Delegates heard that the College’s success is listening to student feedback and inspiring staff to be truly outstanding teachers where 84% - 86% of teaching & learning is graded good to outstanding over the next 2 years.

    The seminar focused on fulfilling the needs of local, regional and national employers with whom the College works closely and provide opportunities for young and older persons.

    One of the key messages from the session was the importance of establishing local partnerships drawing from the working relationship between the college and South Lakeland District Council who have together provided an economic platform on which to build future provision and opportunities for South Lakeland and Eden.

  • Summit Report - Youth Employment and Skills

    Cumbria County Council Apprenticeship Scheme

    In September 2011, the county council committed to supporting 110 apprenticeships each year in a range of vocational areas. Taking the approach to “grow our Cumbria talent through apprenticeships to meet future workforce needs”.

    Since then, 144 apprenticeships have been identified both within the council and through partnership approaches with South Lakeland Local Committee, Barrow Local Committee and Eden District Council, supporting apprenticeships in small and medium employers.

    Thirty eight of the first group of apprentices have now moved into permanent employment and/or progressed to higher learning. The council’s approach to workforce planning ensures that through workforce analysis areas of skills gap are identified.

    A key message from the seminar session was that apprenticeship opportunities bring new talent into the organisation in the areas of highest need, thus ensuring maximum return on the investment made in apprenticeships and job opportunities for young people.

    St Joseph’s Catholic High School

    St Joseph’s Catholic High School Business and Enterprise College has recently been awarded the national standard in Enterprise Education. In the Seminar session delegates were shown how they deliver Enterprise Education in the school

    The seminar session involved a number of the pupils from the school who were able to answer questions and reinforce to delegates what they found valuable and important.

    Whitehaven Egremont and District Credit Union

    Whitehaven Egremont and District Credit Union, have 13 primary schools in their local area supporting Credit Union collections within schools, run by volunteers. Schools are encouraged to allow the children to run these collections themselves, some have been very successful. Collectively junior members have saved over £51,000, encouraging good saving habits from a very early age.

    The Credit Union also run mini thrifty shopping and money skills development workshops within schools, youth groups and community groups developing good budgeting skills, supporting young peoples life skills and money awareness into adulthood.

    Again establishing successful partnerships was a key message from the seminar session. The Credit Union work in partnership with Copeland Jobcentre Plus providing young people 18-24 with the opportunity to volunteer within the credit union for up to 25 hours per week on a rolling programme, giving them the skills and confidence to seek employment.

  • Summit Report - Youth Employment and Skills

    Eden Community Outdoors

    Eden Community Outdoors promotes the education and recreation of young people between the ages of five and twenty five primarily, but not exclusively, in the borough of Eden District Council. They establish affordable, accessible projects which involve such young persons in promoting the preservation, protection and improvement of the environment.

    The seminar session will consisted of a Young Leaders Skills Group run by two Young Leaders from Eden Community Outdoors including an opportunity for delegates to hone their juggling skills and a Q&A with the young people involved.


    The seminar provided an overview of the National Careers Services (NCS) launched in April 2012. The NCS provides access to independent, professional advice on careers, skills and the labour market. The service is available online, and through advisors on the telephone and face to face in the community.

    Every adult can open a Lifelong Learning Account, which gives them clear information and advice on skills, careers and financial support in a single personalised online space. Inspira delivers the National Careers Service in Cumbria and North Lancashire.

    The session provided an opportunity to discuss the National Citizens Services pilot. Partnering with the Outward Bound Trust Inspira are one of 12 organisations, selected from hundreds, to pilot the Government’s NCS programme, which aims to help 16-year-old school leavers become responsible and engaged members of adult society.

    With Outward Bound and seven other voluntary sector partners, they worked with almost 500 schools in socially mixed teams delivering a challenging programme that included residential outdoor challenges, social action training and voluntary work in their home communities.

  • Summit Report - Youth Employment and Skills

    Key Issues and Themes from the FloorDelegates were given an opportunity at the event to share their views or ask questions from a panel comprising the speakers and seminar facilitators. Paul Holme kindly chaired this item.

    Key comments from the floor and panel were as follows:

    • Mentors are important in developing a ‘can do’ culture, young people need to see examples that help them feel ‘I can do that too’.

    • The involvement of Higher Education is critical, there is a need and a demand for higher level apprenticeships developed in conjunction with HE institutions.

    • The key role of the third sector particularly around providing help to ‘hard to reach’ young people.

    • Concerns were expressed over the increasing numbers coming onto the job market through the current programme of welfare reform moving approximately 7500 people in Cumbria from incapacity benefit to job seekers allowance. This will lead to increased competition for vacancies and add to the challenges facing young people in gaining employment.

    • The value of establishing formal partnerships needs to be recognised as an important way of thinking beyond the first step for young people, it can’t be dealt with by one provider alone. An example of this was provided in the way Kendal College worked together with SLDC to convert a Brownfield site into a museum and restaurant both of which run by the college and staffed by students.

    • One size does not fit all when it comes to inspiring young people, but there was a consensus that the earlier different approaches are tried the greater the likelihood of success.

    • The ‘Green Deal’ provides an opportunity to develop a supply chain within the county, this would likely be low level trade skills. This would require some joint working to maximise the investment and also maximise the opportunity for jobs on a timescale which would prevent outside suppliers coming in and taking the market. Progress is already being made on this by a number of providers but greater integration would be welcome.

    • Procurement processes governed by European laws can be challenging for smaller locally based firms to negotiate. If they can be encouraged and supported to develop the skills to bid successfully then many more opportunities will be available for them.

    • Its important to have a clear and shared understanding of what data is available on skills needs across sectors and what the data is telling us.

  • Summit Report - Youth Employment and Skills

    Conclusion and RecommendationsDelegates were presented during the event with a range of initiatives and ideas about how youth employment and skills can be increased and enhanced within the county.

    In his summing up Eddie Martin stressed it was up to those in attendance to celebrate and highlight these initiatives so they can be built on and replicated.

    He reiterated a point he made earlier in the day about the Partnership Forum providing an opportunity to share information not only about the topics covered in the seminar sessions but all the great work which is underway across the county.

    There was general agreement that a report from conference should be received by both the Cumbria Leadership Board and the LEP; so that key messages and themes could inform future debates and development of policy or initiatives in the county. This report will also be sent to delegates.

    Delegates were also asked to provide further feedback on the ideas of a charter mark and the establishment of a cross sectoral forum. Attendees were also invited to share additional examples of good practice from across the county which would be compiled and shared as a resource.

    The slides and other materials from the event are now available at:www.cumbriapartnershipforum.org.uk

  • Summit Report - Youth Employment and Skills

    Appendix 1 - ParticipantsAdcock, Adrian Skills Funding AgencyAlger, Pete InspiraAnnan, Harriet St Josephs Catholic High SchoolBagge, John Brathay TrustBalshaw, Julie Brathay TrustBeeforth, Andy Cumbria Community FoundationBell, Phil National Apprenticeship ServiceBennett, Laura St Josephs Catholic High SchoolBlake, Helen Cumbria County CouncilCllr Bowman, John Copeland Borough CouncilBrockbank, Chaz Eden Community OutdoorsClarke, Cath Cumbria Youth AllianceCornwall, Robert Carlisle City CouncilDent, Rosie Sedbergh CDCDockeray, Andrea Whitehaven Credit UnionDyke, Harry Allerdale Borough CouncilFarncombe, Jeremy Eden Community OutdoorsFletcher, Ronald National Skills Academy NuclearFoster, Elaine Impact HousingFoster, Ernest PoliceGibson, Jane Tullie HouseGooding, Jason Carlisle City CouncilGordon, Ian NHSHanley, Les NHS CumbriaHarrison, Dominic Cumbria County CouncilHendry, Joe Carlisle City CouncilHill, James Bijou BrasserieHinde, Ian Allerdale Borough CouncilHines, Andrea Allerdale Borough CouncilHitchen, Keith CALCHolland, Jocelyn Cumbria Association of Local CouncilsHolme, Paul North West Provider NetworkHunter, Dave TIS CumbriaHughes, Katherine St Josephs Catholic High SchoolHughes, Neil Eden District CouncilHughs, Gareth St Josephs Catholic High SchoolIrvine, Ally Young EnterpriseIrving, Lorraine Lakes College Johns, Bridget Cumbria CVSKelly, Ben Eden Community Outdoors

    Kelly, Louise Cumbria County CouncilMallam, Georgie Houghton CofE, CarlisleMarshall, John Richard Rose Morton Academy Martin, Eddie Cumbria County CouncilMcEwan, Kirsty Sedbergh CDCMcAll, Kevin HMCTSMulhall, Anne JobcentreplusMusgrave, Paul NHSNewson, Kathleen Young CumbriaNicholson, Gordon Cumbria County CouncilNorman, Russell Howgill Family CentrePickles, Chris Copeland Borough CouncilPickthall, Marjorie Furness TrainingPowney, Caroline Cumbria County CouncilRimmer, Rob Energy Coast CampusRoberts, Dawn Cumbria County CouncilSait, Sargon Cumbria Probation TrustSmith, Alan Allerdale Borough CouncilSmith, Julian Groundwork Stannard, Jill Cumbria County CouncilStephens, David Cumbria County CouncilCllr Stewart, Ian Cumbria County CouncilCllr Tarbitt, Val Cumbria County CouncilTattersall, Moira Carlisle College Teasdale, Hope St Josephs Catholic High SchoolThornton, Peter Cumbria County CouncilTodd, Dave InspiraCllr Toole, Alan Cumbria County CouncilTowers, Amanda Cumbria County CouncilTowers, Bryony TIS CumbriaValentine, Steve HMP HaveriggWalker, Paul Copeland Borough CouncilCllr Wearing, Bill Cumbria County CouncilWharton, Helen InspiraWilkinson, Graham Kendal College Williams, Will Third Sector Network ExecutiveWinder, Julia CCCWood, Janet Shap CE SchoolWorsly, Sybil St Joseph’s Catholic High SchoolYarwood, Dave Carlisle College

  • Summit Report - Youth Employment and Skills

    Appendix 2 - Biographies and Contact Details

    Speaker Biographies

    Eddie Martin

    Eddie was commissioned in the Royal Navy and spent several years with the Royal Marines during which time he gained a DMS (Dist) and MSc in Management from Bath University. He was appointed as a serving brother of the OStJ in 1975. On early retirement from the RN he was employed by a large independent school, ending his formal career there as resident Housemaster.

    He was elected to Rutland District Council and led the crusade to ensure Rutland became a unitary authority, which it finally achieved in 1997. He was elected the Authority’s first Leader.

    Appointed to Cumbria County Council in 2001 as a Leadership Support Officer, he retired and was elected to the Authority in 2009. He was elected Leader of the Council in April 2010. Eddie is Chair of Cumbria Leaders’ Board.

    Moira Tattersall

    Moira has been Principal of Carlisle College for almost six years and is also currently Chair of Cumbria Work Based Learning Forum. This is a partnership of Colleges and Training Providers in Cumbria. She has extensive experience in education and skills across a wide spectrum of institutions and ages, including Higher Education.

    In her time as Principal, Moira has consistently championed the value of vocational education and training and played an active role in many local and regional partnerships.

    Currently Moira is a member of a National Association of Colleges and Skills Smart Steering Group which is leading the development of professional retail skills across the country.

    James Hill

    James is the owner and head chef at the Bijou Restaurant in Carlisle. Bijou is a bistro by day and a restaurant by night serving contemporary English and French food.

    James attended Carlisle College from 2002-2004 successfully completing NVQ levels 2 & 3 in professional cookery. During his time at College he was part of the national winning team in the Nestlé Professional Torque d’Or competition of 2004, this success inspired him to “spread his wings”. This led to him working with Gordon Ramsay and Angela Hartnett at the Connaught Hotel in London.

    Knowledge gained at college assisted him when developing concept ideas and business plans for his own restaurant. He is still in regular contact and dialogue with the catering lecturers and is now in a position to offer students employment, which he does at every opportunity.

  • Summit Report - Youth Employment and Skills

    Paul Holme

    Paul took early retirement two years ago from the Skills Funding Agency and since then he has continued he has continued to work with the skills and employment sector. He is chair of the North West Provider Network Board and supports Greater Manchester Chamber of Commerce on skills policy . This has included working across Greater Manchester to help develop the skills and employment partnership.

    During his full time career he held senior positions in government and its agencies - working locally, regionally and nationally . Over the last 10 years he has worked in the Learning and Skills Council (LSC) and Skills Funding Agency . In the past 20 years he has worked and lived in Cumbria twice - once as the Jobcentre Area Manager for Cumbria and then a shorter spell as the LSC Cumbria Executive Director Executive .

    He now spends his time balancing part time work, taking care of his four grandchildren and trying to find leisure time watching Manchester United and keeping fit.

    Seminar Sessions - facilitatorsWhitehaven Credit Union Andrea Dockeray is the Development Manager 01946 66755 [email protected]

    Cumbria County Council Apprenticeship Scheme Amanda Towers, Corporate HR Learning and Skills Manager, 01228 226683, [email protected] The National Skills Academy for Nuclear Roland Fletcher, Apprenticeship Manager, 01900 898122 [email protected]

    Eden Community Outdoors Jeremy Farncombe,Inclusion & Events Officer, 017683 51640, [email protected] St Joseph’s Catholic High SchoolSybil Worsly, Business Manager, 01900 873 290, [email protected]

    Kendal College Graham Wilkinson, Principal, 01539 814729, [email protected]

    Inspira Helen Wharton, Director of Operations, 01931 711 300 [email protected]

  • Summit Report - Youth Employment and Skills

    Cumbria Partnership Forum Contact DetailsFor any further information about the Summit or the Partnership Forum please contact one of the following members of the Policy Planning and Communities Team at the County Council:

    Helen BlakeSenior Manager, Policy Planning and Communities 01228 226687 [email protected]

    David StephensPolicy Officer, Policy Planning and Communities01539 713436 [email protected]

    Tracey MoranPolicy Assistant, Policy Planning and Communities01768 812368 [email protected]

    The Cumbria Partnership Forum website with details of the Forum as well as the Cumbria Leadership Board and Chief Executives’ Group can be accessed via the following link: www.cumbriapartnershipforum.org.uk