cr3 outage containment repair project level

CR3 Outage Containment Repair Project Level 2 ACT Desac4iaa Earty 8u4 Ert Rsin Oi TF Jan Feb 11 18 25 01 08 15 Mar 22 01 08 15 22 29 Apr 05 04 DELRCA Root Cause Analysis and Determination 10/05/09 02/14/10 1 600 749 2 Root Cause Analysis and Determination DELRCA059M Root Cause Analysis Complete/Approved 02114/10 02114/10 0 1479 MILESTONE DELDU A-O0OOH IHAMMOCK' Delensioing Calculation 12102(09 01/23/10 72 761 DELDA-IM Deteroring Calculaton Compete 01/23110 01123110 0 1075 MILESTONE DELDBA-0100H H-AMMOCK' Contanmert Bldg Calculatior 01109/10 02113/10 576 1113 5 'HAMMOCK Detenroning Calculation 12/02(09 01123/10 R DetensioningCalculation S ` Complete MILESTONE r"12310 01,23110 3 Root Cause Analysis CompietalApproved MILEST *2114/10 02/14/10 'HAMMOCK' Containmenit BlgCluai-n DELDBA-2M Containment Bldg Cats Compi MILESTONE 02/13110 02113110 01/06/10 02/1I 3 10 i 0 1113 Contaminent Bldg Calc Co•n2 p MILESTONE i.213110 02/1310] ContakdoWilt Rvigair " In P" If OELDES2004H DELDES213OZ DELDES214OZ DELDES3004H 'HAMMOCK' Develop Impliem Ph 2 EC 11/24/Gg 75218 tor De-4envoning EC 75218 PH 2 Detension: MILESTONE - 01125110 AM Reviews Complete EC 75218 PH 2 Detension: MILESTONE 01125/10 -OK to Start Field Work 'HAMMOCK' Devewop Inplem Ph 3 EC 12MO0 75219 for Concrte Removal 01/25110 01/25/10 01/25/10 02J11110 125 0 0 536 1030 1030 1030 1133 0'HAMMOCK' Develop 1Imlem Ph 2 EC 75218 forD 1112409 01125110 I EC 75214 PH 2 Detenson: MILESTONE - All Reviews C '-1125/10 01/25110 12EC 752j-8PH 2Detensi~ MILESTONE -OK toStart '*1/25110 01125110 13 AMMOCK' Develop Implem Ph 3 EC 75219 for _ DELDES3190Z EC 75219 PH 3 Removal: Milestone - 02/06/10 02/06/10 0 901 Issued for Final Review 12/09109 02111/10 04 11 18 14 EC 752 15 EC7 02M07/10 19 PH 3 Removal: e - Issued for Final R 02/01/10 0219 PH 3 Removal: ) Final DRB Pkg for Re 02/06/10 DELDES3125D EC 75219 Review- Dewelption Early Star Erl Red" Dw TF 25 01 08 I5 22 01 08 15 22 29 05 ACT Legend: Mlestones Jan Hammocks In-Progress Actiity January 20, 2010 05:07:02 PM Feb Mar Apr Page 1 of 5, Rev E

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Page 1: CR3 Outage Containment Repair Project Level

CR3 Outage Containment Repair ProjectLevel 2

ACT Desac4iaa Earty 8u4 Ert Rsin Oi TFJan Feb

11 18 25 01 08 15


22 01 08 15 22 29Apr


DELRCA Root Cause Analysis and Determination 10/05/09 02/14/10 1 600 749

2 Root Cause Analysis andDetermination

DELRCA059M Root Cause Analysis Complete/Approved 02114/10 02114/10 0 1479MILESTONE

DELDU A-O0OOH IHAMMOCK' Delensioing Calculation 12102(09 01/23/10 72 761

DELDA-IM Deteroring Calculaton Compete 01/23110 01123110 0 1075


DELDBA-0100H H-AMMOCK' Contanmert Bldg Calculatior 01109/10 02113/10 576 1113

5 'HAMMOCK DetenroningCalculation

12/02(09 01123/10

R DetensioningCalculation

S ` Complete MILESTONEr"12310 01,23110

3 Root Cause AnalysisCompietalApproved MILEST

*2114/10 02/14/10

'HAMMOCK' ContainmenitBlgCluai-n

DELDBA-2M Containment Bldg Cats CompiMILESTONE 02/13110 02113110

01/06/10 02/1I3



0 1113

Contaminent Bldg Calc


i.213110 02/1310]

ContakdoWilt Rvigair " In P" If





'HAMMOCK' Develop Impliem Ph 2 EC 11/24/Gg75218 tor De-4envoning

EC 75218 PH 2 Detension: MILESTONE - 01125110AM Reviews Complete

EC 75218 PH 2 Detension: MILESTONE 01125/10-OK to Start Field Work

'HAMMOCK' Devewop Inplem Ph 3 EC 12MO075219 for Concrte Removal













0'HAMMOCK' Develop1Imlem Ph 2 EC 75218 forD

1112409 01125110

I EC 75214 PH 2 Detenson:MILESTONE - All Reviews C

'-1125/10 01/25110

12EC 752j-8PH 2Detensi~MILESTONE -OK to Start

'*1/25110 01125110

13 AMMOCK' DevelopImplem Ph 3 EC 75219 for _

DELDES3190Z EC 75219 PH 3 Removal: Milestone - 02/06/10 02/06/10 0 901Issued for Final Review

12/09109 02111/10

04 11 18

14 EC 752

15 EC7


19 PH 3 Removal:e - Issued for Final R


0219 PH 3 Removal:

) Final DRB Pkg for Re

02/06/10DELDES3125D EC 75219


Dewelption Early Star Erl Red" Dw TF25 01 08 I5 22 01 08 15 22 29 05


Legend: Mlestones


Hammocks In-Progress Actiity

January 20, 2010 05:07:02 PM

Feb Mar Apr

Page 1 of 5,

Rev E

Page 2: CR3 Outage Containment Repair Project Level

CR3 Outage Containment Repair ProjectLevel 2

A1, 'y R Jan Feb Mar Apr11 18 25 01 08 15 22 01 08 15 22 29 05

DELDES313OZ EC 75219 PH 3 Removal: MILESTONE -AN Reviews Complete 02./10110 02110/10 0 1133

16CR Otae onaimntReai PojcLevel 2

-I i _ _ _

DELDES314OZ EC 75219 PH 3 Removal: MILESTONE -PGM Approvae 02/11/10 02/11/10 0 1133 4

DELDES4004H '-AMMOCK' Develop Implem Ph 4 EC75220 for Concrete Replacement 1201,"09 02/22/10 786 1293

t Ia 1{AMMOI DveoImplern Ph 4 EC 75220 for

2/0109 02r22/10

DELOES41 1 1M3 EC 75220 PH 4 Replacement: Receie 01/30i10 01/3010 2 25Preliminay MPR Analysis Input

DELDES4-04)00 EC 75220 PH 4 Replacement ReceiveDoesgn Input from PII Root Cause Anass 021/010 02/08/10 2 1597

DELDES419OZ EC 75220 PH 4 Replacement: Milestone - 02110110 02110/10 0 28Issued for 70% Review

DELDES4I11M1 EC 7522D PH 4 Replacement: Receive 02/13/10 02113/10 1113Approved MPR Analysis Input

EC 75220 PH 4I Replacement: Receive

01r30/10 01/3=1EC



EC 75219 PH 3 Removal:MILESTONE - AN Reviews C

10/10 02110/10

EC 75219 PH 3 Removal:MILESTONE - PGM Approv,

1 1/10 02'111/10

75220 PH 4lsacment Receive

I 02/W001

EC 75220 PH 4Replacement Milaetoria -

0/10 02J10/10

22 EC 7522D PH 4* Replacement Receive

02113110 02/13/10

EC 75220 PH 4Replacement: Distrib Final

02/10110 02/10/10

24EC 75220 PH 4Replacement MILESTONE -

1110 02021/10

25 EC 75220 ReplacementMILESTONE - PGM Approv





EC 75220 PH 4 Replacement: Distib FinalORB Pkg for Review 02/18110 02/18110 1 1113

EC 75220 PH 4 Replacement:MILESTONE - Al Reviews Complete 02/21/10 02/21/10 0 1293

t I

EC 75220 Replacement MILESTONE -PGM Approved 02122/10 02/22/10 0 1293

DELDESSOO4II "1HAMMOCKI Develop Implem Ph 5 EC 01/19/10 02/21/10 763 29S4E 75221 for RetensionfTestag 1 763 2984

14AMMOCI Develop

up ~ I01

DELDES512OZEC 75221 PH 5 ReterPs•o: MILESTONE -Conceptual DRB Mlg Cpa / Waived 02/11/10 02/11/10

02/14/10 02/14/10

0 3064

1 2964

10110 02/21110

EC 75221 PH 5 Retinsion:2 MILESTONE- Conceptual*"2/11/10 02111/10

28 EC 75221 PH 5 Reteion:

DOltb Final DRB Plig for Re

02/14/10 02/14/10DELDES5126D EC 75221 PH 5 Retension: Distrib Final

DRB Pkg for Review

ACZT -ecrp,14 Eadrhy Silart E" Rom Dur TFFinish04 11 18 25 01 08' Is 22 .01 08 15s 22 29 05

Legend: M"Beeone


Hammocks In-Progress Activity

January 20. 2010 05:07:02 PM

Feb Mar

Page 2of 5


Rev E-

Page 3: CR3 Outage Containment Repair Project Level


CR3 Outage Containment Repair ProjectLevel 2

1Jan Feb mar AOrATDSVpft E~ t tFinish ~ W 04 11 1is 25 01 Os 15 22 0 08 15 22 20 05

DELDES513OZEC 75221 PH 5 Retension: MILESTONE - 0 02rMioAli Revews Complete 0 2984

A, MILESTONE - All Reviews C

)2/20/10 02=20/10

EC 75221 PH 5 Retenoon:MILESTONE - PGM Approv

11/10 02121/10DELDES514OZEC 75221 PH 5 Retension: MILESTONE - 02J21/10 02J21110PGM Approval

0 2984

--- ----- ~--.-..- --- -- -\ ~1 F-EL -9

32 'HAMMOCK Subcontracting

MLOL22 I'AMMOCIV Subcontracting 12/04/09 02/0810 459 308212/04/09 02/08)10

-Award Hydro-Demolifion33 Contract

12/04/09 01/21/10DELCON09 -Award Hydro-Oemolition Contract 12/04/09 01121/10 24 3157



Award Hydrc-Demolition Contract Compl 01/211110 01/21110MILESTONE

-Award Batch Plant Contract 12/04)09 02/08/10

0 3157

459 3082

0 3082

Award Hydro-DOrolifonContract Corpl 41LESTON

i*1/21/10 01/21/10

i3P35 -Award Satoh Plant Contract

I - - 1 1 ' . -

DELCON11M Award Batch Plant Contract Compl 02810 02/08/10


DELRPIGROUT ý EC 74801: Remove Gauges & Grout 0 0 341 3166Repair Core Drill Locations





EC 75218 Contractor Cleared to Start Fiek 01/30/10 01/3/10Work MILESTONE

0 939

12W04)09 02/08/10

Award Batch Plant ContractCo6pl MILESTONE

4*2=0/0 02/08/10

EC 74801: Remove Gauges38 Grout Reair Core Dri Lo

02)20/10 03/0W/10

EC 75218 Contractor39Cleared to Start Field Workr*1 W0o3/ 011/=110

EC 75218 Ph 2: Contractor

02A0)/10 02W10

41 EC 75218 Ph 2: Contractor41 Implement Deteoion Compl

.2/20110 02/20/10

42 EC 75219 ContractorCleared to Start Fied Wor

214/10 02/14110

04 11 18 25 01 08 15 22 01 08 15 22 29 05

EC 75218 Ph 2: Contractor Implement 02/06/10 02/20/10 336 2437Detens•on

EC 75218 Ph 2: Contractor Implement 02/20/10 02/20110Detensaon Compi MILESTONE

EC 75219 Contractor Cleared to Start FIel 02/14/10 02/14110Work MILESTONE

0 2437

0 1133

ACT Doscrwplo Earty S0tatE RepsI~ur TFJan Feb Mar Anr

Legend: Milestones Harmmocks In-Prognes Activity

m -Page 3 of E

January 20, 2010 05:07:02 PM

Rev E

Page 4: CR3 Outage Containment Repair Project Level

CR3 Outage Containment Repair ProjectLevel 2

11Jan Feb Mar AprFns 04 Is 18 25 01 08 15 22 01 08 is 22 9 05

, I F.. . J . . . c . . . . . n . . . . . . . . . . * . . . . . ... . . .

DELIMPAP1EC 75219 Ph 3: Contractor Implement 02/20/10 02/27/10Removal

168 2437

DEUMPIOM EC 75219 Ph 3: Contractor Imp 02/27/10 02/27/10 0 2437Removal Compl MILESTONE

DEUMP17M EC 75220 Contactor Cleared to Start Fiek 02/27/10 02/27/10 0 1293Work MILESTONE

DELIMP12 EC 75220 Ph 4: Contractor Implement 02127/10 03/07110 192 2437Forming

DELIMP14 EC 75220 Ph 4: Contractor Implement 03/07/10 03/15/10 198 2437Placement

DELIMP12M EC 75220 Ph 4: Contractor Implement 03/07110 03/07110 0 2437Forming Compl MILESTONE

DELIMPI4M EC 75220 Ph 4: Contractor Implement 03/15/10 03/15/10 0 2437

Placement CompI MILESTONE

DELIMP16 EC 75220 Ph 4: Contractor Implement 03/15/10 03/18/10 72 2437Cure

DELIMP16M EC 75220 Ph 4: Contractoir Implement 03/11810 03/19/10 0 2877Cure Compi MILESTONE

DELCLOL2M EC 75221 Contractor Cleared to Star Fiek 02/22/10 02/22/10 0 3032Work MILESTONE

oaE..tPI EC 75221 Ph 5: Contractor Implement 0 03/2510 216 2437Tension

DELIMP20 Demob Contamnment RepaiProject 03/28/1 04/04/10 168 2485

02/20/10 02f27/10

EC 75219 Ph 3: ContractorG Impwemer Removal Comol

"/0 02/27/10

EC 75220 ContractorA Cleared to Stait Field Work

"W2/27110 02r27/10

46 EC 75220 Ph 4: Contractor;;. orming

02127110 03/07/10

47 EC 75220 Ph 4: Contractor

ImlacmlennFr tgCm03/07/10 03/15/10

48 EC 75220 Ph 4: Contractor~mple e Forming Compl M4C 7110 03/07/10

49EC 75220 Ph 4: Contractor

*3/15/10 03/15/10

EC 7 5220 Ph 4: ContractorImplement C ure

03/15/10 03/18/10

CEC 7220 Ph 4: ContractorA,1 Impement Core CAOmp MILE

'Ww~w10 03/15/10

52EC 75221 ContractorCleared to Start Field Workt

*4/2210 02/22/10

EC 75221 Ph 5: ConrectorentTenson

03196/10 03/28/10

Demnob Containmenit

03/25/10 04/04/1C

55EC 76221 Ph 5:CnmlrImplement

* 3 Z2 / onaco 03128/1CDEIUMPISM EC 75221 Ph 5: Contractor Implement

Tension Comp] MILESTONE03/28/10 03/25/10 0 2437

AC ~ ~ p11...... ........ wummI 0 ... 18 ,5 01 08 Feb 15 22 01 08 15 22 29 05

________________________________________ Jan Feb Mar Apr

Legend: Mkletone Hammocks fPrngee Aciriy4, "-------"Pae 4 of 5

January 20, 2010 05:07:02 PM

Rev E .

Page 5: CR3 Outage Containment Repair Project Level


CR3 Outage Containment Repair ProjectLevel 2

ACT Deciption Eary Start Early R iPrJan Feb Mar Apr04 11 18 25 01 08 15 22 01 08 15 22 29 05

Conainment Repair

DELCLO06 Containment Repair Protect Contracts 0C1o2Closure 03281

034W1/ 156 24703=Cr

/at (Do

0WP 04103111C

57 EC Closure

DELCLO03 EC Closure 03/30/10 04/02110 80 2525 -03/30/10 4/02/1i

DELCLOLIM Project Closeout Complete MILESTONE 06/26/10 06/26/10 0 483

Perfrmn ConcreteScan/ Boring

DELTST06 Perform Concrete Scan / Boing 03/28/10 03/30/10 48 2437 -303/28/10 03r30/C

Interface Perform ILRI61 Ta~Test

DELTST03 Interface Perform ILRT Test 03/28/10 03/30110 48 243703/28/10 03/30/10


Interface Testlrg/ILRT Complete 0 0/310 0 261 C Testing/ILRT

DELTSTLM MILESTONE 03/30/10 3/30110

63 Interface Plan

DELCLOI12M Interface Plant Start-up Complete 04101/10 04/01/10 0 2557 Start-up

MILESTONE .4/01/10 /10

Interface Startup

to Mode 4

DELIMP2-0000 Interface Startup to Mode 4 03/30110 04/01/10 48 2437 03/10 4101/10

Interface66Startu to

DELCLOO-0000 Interface Startup to Mode 1/On-line 04101/10 04/06/10 120 2437 /10

L ~02 101/10 Apr

ACT Desciption Early Start E rly, 04r TF1 5 0 s2 ` o s2 90Fiis RwnDt T Jan -Feb Mar Apr

Legend: MiWeston Hammocks In-Progren ActivityPage 5 of 5

January 20, 2010 05:07:02 PM

Rev E