crandall beacon no.4

BEACON The Keith Bodner; holder of two PhD’s, author of five books, athletic, youthful, beloved Themes professor, good looking, engaging and interesting. Q: Where were you born? A: North Vancouver, Lions Gate Hospital, Dr R. Flather (presiding obstetrician) Q: Kay, uh. At which point did you decide to move to eastern Canada? A: In a 500 sq. foot apartment in midtown Toronto, with my infant Jeff sleeping in a closet … I felt moved to move. An invitation was kindly given by the RS department here, and it was a great decision. Q: Now if you were in a room with mike “the situation” of Jersey shore fame, what would you do or say? A: I would follow the example of the eminent Pauly D and only refer to him as “The Situation,” complete with the definite article, every time. Just to be safe, right? I would probably say: “The Situation, congratulations on becoming an author, as I gather that your (non-ghost-written, surely) autobiography is either forthcoming or already available at quality bookstores like Costco. If your prose is as chiseled as your abs, you have a chance to take a seat beside other Italian luminaries such as Dante or Umberto Eco, and it is preferable to have your writing compared with those two rather than. for instance, Nicole Ritchie or Octomom. Remember, The Situation, the second book is always more difficult, so rise to the occasion, and do not be distracted nor intimidated by the towering intellect of Snooki. … Right on. An Interview with ... Continued on Page 4 Issue No.4 Crandall University October 20 2011 Free

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Page 1: Crandall Beacon No.4


Keith Bodner; holder of two PhD’s, author of five books, athletic,

youthful, beloved Themes professor, good looking, engaging and


Q: Where were you born?

A: North Vancouver, Lions Gate Hospital, Dr R. Flather

(presiding obstetrician)

Q: Kay, uh. At which point did you decide to move to

eastern Canada?

A: In a 500 sq. foot apartment in midtown Toronto, with

my infant Jeff sleeping in a closet … I felt moved to

move. An invitation was kindly given by the RS

department here, and it was a great decision.

Q: Now if you were in a room with mike “the situation” of

Jersey shore fame, what would you do or say?

A: I would follow the example of the eminent Pauly D and only

refer to him as “The Situation,” complete with the definite article,

every time.

Just to be safe, right?

I would probably say: “The Situation,

congratulations on becoming an author, as I

gather that your (non-ghost-written, surely)

autobiography is either forthcoming or already

available at quality bookstores like Costco. If your

prose is as chiseled as your abs, you have a

chance to take a seat beside other Italian

luminaries such as Dante or Umberto Eco, and it

is preferable to have your writing compared with

those two rather than. for instance, Nicole Ritchie

or Octomom. Remember, The Situation, the

second book is always more difficult, so rise to the

occasion, and do not be distracted nor

intimidated by the towering intellect of Snooki.

… Right on.

An Interview


Continued on Page 4

Issue No.4 Crandall University October 20 2011


Page 2: Crandall Beacon No.4

* A continuation from Issue No.3* With baseball season winding down, the Nationals just around the corner, I

believe this article to be timely, and brings an eternal perspective on success, true victory, and what actually matters... What is real “life”.

The Stories:1. The Curse of the Lord: “For as many was are of the

works of the law are under the curse; for it is written, 'cursed is everyone who does not continue in all things which are written in the book of the law, to do them.' (Deuteronomy 27:26) But that no one is justified by the law in the sight of God is evident, for 'the just shall live by faith.' (Habakkuk 2:4) Christ has redeemed us (true Christians) from the curse of the law (10 commandments), having become a curse for us (for it is written, 'cursed is everyone who hangs on a tree' (Deuteronomy 21:23)), that the blessing of Abraham might come upon the gentiles (non-Jews) in Christ Jesus, that we might receive the promise of the Spirit through faith.” (Galatians 3:10-14)

2. His miraculous healings: “So Jesus came to Cana of Galilee where He had made the water wine. (John 2:11) And there was a certain nobleman whose son was sick in Capernaum. When he heard that Jesus had come out of Judea into Galilee, he went to Him and implored Him to come down and heal his son, for he was at the point of death... Jesus said to him, 'go your way; your son lives.' So the man believed the word that Jesus spoke to him, and he went his way. (Capernaum was more than a day's walk from Cana.) And as hew as now going down, his servants met him and told him, saying 'your son lives!' Then he inquired of them the hour when he got better. And they said to him 'yesterday at the 7th hour the fever left him.' So the father knew that it was at the same hour in which Jesus said to him, 'your son lives.'” (John 4:46-53)**For all the many other miracles that Jesus performed, go to the Bible; you'll read about His resurrecting the dead, giving sight to the blind, making the lame to walk, the deaf to hear, the mute to speak, the sick to be healed, and the demon possessed to be delivered... Not to mention the multiplication of the bread and fish, calming storms, walking on water, His transfiguration, resurrection...

3. Jesus points to the cross, the empty tomb... “The Called Shot”:Then He (Jesus) took the twelve aside again and began to tell them the things that would happen to Him: 'Behold, we are going up to Jerusalem, and the Son of man will be betrayed to the chief priests and to the scribes; and they will condemn Him to death and deliver Him to the Gentiles; and they will mock Him and scourge Him, and spit on Him, and kill Him. And the third day He will rise again.'” (Mark 10:32-34) *The “shot” was called long before Jesus prophesied it. The apostle Peter said, “But those things which God foretold by the mouth of all His prophets, that the Christ would suffer, He (Jesus) has now fulfilled. Repent therefore and be converted, that your sins may be blotted out, so that times of refreshing may come from the presence of the Lord.” (Acts 3:18-19)

1. The curse of the Bambino: The Babe helped the Boston Red Sox win 3 World Series during his 5 full seasons there. After being traded to the Yanks before the 1920 season, the “Bosox” never won a World Series title (though appearing in 10 championship series from 1946-2003) till 2004. On the other hand, New York had never won a title of any kind prior to the star player's arrival. That all changed in 1923. His contribution was instrumental in making the Yankees a Major League powerhouse in the 1920s and 30s, and a dynasty that has carried on to this day. (The ball club has won more WS championships (27) than any other team in professional sports history. During his 15 full seasons in NY, the team made it to 7 WS championship series, winning 4 times. Because of these facts and the fate of both teams following the sale of the “Bambino,” some started saying that Ruth put a curse on the Red Sox!

2. In 1926, Ruth heard about an 11 year old boy named Johnny Sylvester who was in the hospital after having an accident. The doctors weren't sure if he was going to live. The “home run king” promised Johnny to hit one for him on the next game. Not only did he keep his word; he added 2 more home runs in that match. Johnny, upon hearing the news of the 3 “dingers”, started to feel better. Some have seen the boy's healing as a miracle attributed to the “larger than life” super hero, Ruth.

3. During the 3rd game of the 1932 World Series, the Yanks were in a heated competition with the Chicago Cubs. When Babe stepped up to the plate, Cub players heckled him and some fans even threw fruit at him. After 2 balls and 2 strikes, the incensed Ruth pointed out to centerfield (in reality, it's not exactly clear whether Babe meant to call his shot or was pointing at the pitcher.) With the next pitch, he struck the ball exactly where he had indicated for a home run. This has been termed “The Called Shot”.

Continued on page 3

Comparing the Greats by Jean

Page 3: Crandall Beacon No.4

The Charger Champion Award: being a “Significant Other” to our students

  The enrolment servic

es team, of the offices of recruitment, ad

missions, and the Registrar,

recently created the Charger Champion Aw

ard. This award goes to someone who is a


“significant other” to students in the li

fe of our university. No, that doesn’t re

fer to a

spouse or some cute boyfriend or girlfrie

nd. A significant other, as defined in po


secondary education literature pertainin

g to student success, is a member of the f


or staff who goes beyond what is normall

y expected when dealing with members of


student body. This individual is someon

e who truly makes a difference in studen

ts’ lives

and assists students in having a success

ful experience at university. Essentially

, it is

someone who makes a difference in the li

ves of students and who helps them succe

ed at

Crandall.    At the end of Septem

ber, Laurie Douthwright was selected as the first

recipient of the

Charger Champion: Significant Other Awa

rd. Laurie Douthwright is one of the gr


people on the University’s custodial staf

f and has, over his many years of service


unselfishly assisted students in the pur

suit of post-secondary education at Cran


University. His loyalty, dedication, an

d service to our students serves as a role


for others to follow. Laurie really is a

Charger Champion! By going well above


beyond the expectations of his role, espe

cially as it relates to making connection

s and

developing student relationships, Laurie

makes a difference to the success of our

students every day at Crandall.

This award is normally offered twice a y

ear and is selected

from nominations from faculty, staff, and

students. To

nominate someone, please drop by the Reg

istrar’s Office for

a form and the criteria, or visit the for

ms section of

our webpage at


Go Chargers!!!

The Sayings:Jesus“Most assuredly, I say to you, before Abraham was, I AM.” (John

8:58) (No, He was not endorsing a Molson Canadian commercial; He

was declaring Himself to be God (See Exodus 3:13-14), and the people

who heard Him (Jewish scribes, pharisees, etc.) knew this and they tried

to kill Him for blasphemy)

“Most assuredly, I say to you, unless one is born of water and the Spirit, He

cannot enter the Kingdom of God. That which is born of flesh is flesh, and that which

is born of the Spirit is spirit... You must be born again.” (John 3:5-7)

“If anyone desires to come after Me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross daily, and follow Me. For whoever

desires to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for My sake will save it. For what profit is it to a man if

he gains the whole world, and is himself destroyed or lost? For whoever is ashamed of Me and My words, of him the

Son of Man will be ashamed when He comes in His own glory.” (Luke 9:23-26)

“And do not fear those who can kill the body but cannot kill the soul. But rather fear him who is able to destroy both

body and soul in hell.” (Matthew 10:28)

“My kingdom is not of this world. If My kingdom was of this world, My servants (more than 12 legions of angels –

John 26:53) would fight so that I should not be delivered to the Jews.” (John 18:36)

continued on page 8

Page 4: Crandall Beacon No.4

Q: Alright, next thing is word association, we’ll say a word, just say the first thing that comes to mind.Grass:A.Dubious substance.

Beards:A. Exodus 20:17, “do not covet your neighbour’s house.”

Yeah, they’re pretty great

Soda:A.Southern United States, or a beverage that makes kids hyper.

Coreen:A. Total romance, major C-Wow factor, statistics has just reached its high point.

Q: Would you ever consider being a vegetarian?A.Yeah…

(long pause)

Cool.Alright. Yeah.

A.I was once, it didn’t last long though. It lasted until The Statistics Prof made eggplant lasagne, and that effectively ended my tenure, but, I was motivated by financial reasons and I thought “indeed, this is a great idea.” Moreover, I am really moved by the depth and characterization in Twilight: Eclipse, so perhaps I should give it another shot, and become like Jacob or Edward or that other guy

Q: Complete the sentences:

I eat because…A. I often enjoy it

That is why many people eat, that’s why I eat.

When life gives you lemons…

A.Become a business major, and specialize in the franchising of lemonade stands.

Start a business, make the best of it… I like that.

Q: Any advice for the first years?A. Don’t do what I did… I would say in my first year I was casual, indifferent, lost in the cosmos, so because I didn’t know what I wanted to do. This transferred into a lackadaisical effort. I would have been better served trying my best in my classes, because then once you do figure it out, you very rarely regret getting good marks. But you almost invariably rue or lament lost opportunities, so, I think doing well enables you to find your gifts, find your game, and it will propel you into the right direction. Casual, indifferent performance doesn’t help you explore things, topics in areas that you haven’t been exposed to before. Many students on this campus have no idea that they have talent, because they only think in narrow terms taught by TV or GoofTube. There are very few professions you know about when you leave high school. Most people know that there are teachers, what your parents do, and professional athletes. There is very little awareness on how vast is number of things that a person can do. I would challenge every present (or recently past) “Themer” to rise above the slacker posture that is most common, and if you can find it in you to raise your game, more options will unfold. Having said that, we have some engaging and amazing students on this campus, and it gives me some modest hope for the future.

Q: One last question. If you could steal a smooch from any celebrity in Hollywood, who would it be?

(very long pause)

A. SeaBiscuit, Secretariat, or Shadowfax.

Alright, well, that’s all we have for yah. Thank you very much for your time.

By: Taylor Murray & Corbin Birch a.k.a the homestead inhabitants

An Interview with... (con’t)

This interview is quite likely the best Halloween treat you’ll see. AND your dentist won’t even hate you for it!

Page 5: Crandall Beacon No.4

Last week, I was passing someone in the hallway, and we exchanged the following greeting: “Hi, how are you?”

This is a common exchange between friends or acquaintances. The only problem was that we both kept walking,

so that by the time the word “you” left our mouths, we were six feet away from each other.

“Hi, how are you?” is not a greeting. “Hi” is a greeting. “How are you?” is a question to be asked when you are

enquiring or concerned about the other person's well-being, which you certainly can not receive an honest reply

to if you are walking away.

I wonder when that changed. When did “Hi, how are you?” stop being an expression of caring and concern, and

start being a casual greeting you use in passing?

Following that train of thought, when was the last time someone asked “hi, how are you?” and you answered

honestly? I am constantly guilty of answering “good!” or “great!”, even when I am feeling physically ill or having

a horrible day. I have decided to make more of an effort to be truthful with my answer, but only to those who ask

“hi, how are you?”, stop walking and wait for a response. I am also going to make more of an effort to stop

walking when I ask. I hope you will join me.

So, how are you?

If you are having a bad day, or you need some unbiased third party advice, send me an email at

[email protected]. Remember that you will remain 100% anonymous.

In My Mostly Humble Opinion


d t

he w




..VP External: Jenny Dymond

Chair: Beth O'Brien

Social Science Senator: Kaitlyn Goodwin

Off Campus Liaison: John Spirritts

On Campus Liaison: Holly DaggettEd Senators:

Meaghen Taylor & Robyn Boudreau-McCue

Page 6: Crandall Beacon No.4

Crandall is awesome because art is everywhere around the campus. While the talents of some Crandallonians is known and others are not, it can not be disputed that the people of this university are inclined in the arts. Painters, writers, artists, musicians, poets, designers, decorators, photographers, dancers, actors – Crandall has them all! There are so many talented people who are passionate about what they do. But how can so many be so creative? God has given them incredible gifts and they use them joyfully. Now, you may be thinking to yourself “but I'm not any of those things. I'm not artsy.” Well, let me tell you, my friend, that you are wrong. So maybe you are not the next Shakespeare or Monet. Maybe you can not sing like Mariah Carey or act like Johnny Depp. So what? True art is far greater than what the world defines it as. How can this be? It's simple really. You are a child of the Creator – the Maker of the universe, the Author of Life, the Word. (Do you see where I'm going with this?) He lovingly made you in His image. Because our Heavenly Daddy made us like Himself, He gave us the ability to create. Therefore if you do it with passion, love, and a God-glorifying attitude then anything you do can be art! You are a beautiful masterpiece and everyday you are creating your own works of art. Are you a parent? Do you teach? Then you are a sculptor, more skilled than Rodin, molding lives. Do you do manual labour? Then you compose with more of yourself than Mozart ever could. Do you cook or clean or do homework in your PJS? Then you capture life more wondrously than any camera ever could. Your smiles and tears, your laughter and gaze, are lovelier than the sweetest poetry. Your love colours the world! Your life is a song, played for all to to hear, moving people with its sound. You dream, you imagine, and you hope! Life is absolutely breath-taking. Sometimes it leaves me completely awe-struck. You – your life, all that you do, your thoughts and words, everything that you are – is beautiful! Look at how amazing and talented you really are. Look, really look, at the person God has created you to be – that extraordinary man or woman He loves and cherishes. He took the time to make YOU! Wow. Think about that. If that isn't art I don't know what is.

By Megan McNutt

What “Artsy” Really Means


The next WHO CARES?! Student Feedback Forum is scheduled for Tuesday, November

22nd, 2011 at 6:30pm in SH room 117.

Do you have a question to suggest? If so, please email Heidi Soggie at [email protected]

Priorities 1-Jesus2-School work3-family4-friends5-Jesus -Jesus

Page 7: Crandall Beacon No.4

Do you ever feel like you just can't cut it? Like every single thing you've tried ends up in failure? I get that a fair bit. Now this is not some plea for pity from a understanding audience, nor is it some contrived attempt at authenticity – it is an honest confession. For so much of my life I have wanted to be good. I've known my shortcomings and I've had ideas regarding how to fix them. The problem was that no matter what I tried, nothing worked. Every plan, every scheme, every attempt to clean myself up has failed. The common denominator in every single failure has been me. I cannot solve my own problems because I am the problem. Though I want to do good, I find myself often doing the very thing I don't want to do. (Needless to say, I have at times greatly identified with the struggles shown in Romans 7) There have been moments when, because of this, I have fallen into despair. I lament the fact that my best plans fall to pieces. I hate that I fall to sin. I wish that I could just make myself better. The real issue is that I cannot. Jonathan Edwards was right when he said, “you contribute nothing to your salvation except the sin that made it necessary.” And in the long run, that's fantastic news. If I were responsible for my salvation, it would not go well for me. Instead, my salvation is based on Jesus' perfect obedience and His perfect sacrifice. The doctrine of substitutionary atonement is a beautiful thing when we begin to truly grasp it.

Bearing shame and scoffing rude, in my place condemned he stood; sealed my pardon with his blood.

Hallelujah! What a Savior!

I will never measure up to God's standard, and I've realized that I need to stop trying by my own power. This summer I heard a quote from Tullian Tchividjian that absolutely floored me. “The only people who get better are the ones who realize that their right standing before God does not depend on them getting better.” God doesn't love me based on how well I perform. His love for me is based on Jesus' perfect righteousness that has been credited to my account. Because Jesus has won for me, I am now free to lose. Now, mind you, this does not give me license to sin more. (As Paul would say – may it never be!) The big thing to me is that I am not responsible for cleaning up my own sin. I don't have to make myself presentable before God – Jesus does. “If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.” (1 John 1:9 ESV) My sin need not separate me from God any longer than it takes to repent. As I rest in His forgiveness, I am also strengthened and renewed by His Spirit. I can rejoice in the price already paid by Jesus.

My sin, O the bliss of this glorious thoughtMy sin, not in part but the whole.

Is nailed to the cross and I bear it no more,Praise the Lord! Praise the Lord, O my soul.

Those are triumphant words. They have brought me great comfort and strength, and my prayer is that they will help any of you who are struggling with your own sin. Learn to preach the Gospel to yourself. Remind yourself of Jesus' victory on your behalf, and that your debt has already been paid. It is in the kindness of God that He leads us to repentance, and so may we learn to repent with sorrow and joy – sorrow over our sin, and joy over its payment in Christ Jesus. May God continue to shape us into the image of His beloved Son. There will always be more to say on this subject, but for now let us rest in Jesus' victory.

What Man Cannot Fix.

Soli Deo Gloria By:

Chris Zak

Page 8: Crandall Beacon No.4

Fleet Foxes are a band from

Seattle Washington who made

their way into the musical

limelight in 2008 with their EP

‘Sun Giant’. Though a newer band,

their music captured audiences

through its natural and sage-

like quality. A better way to

describe them could be this: hum

the melody to a modern pop song

in your head, a song with a drum

machine and those techno bleeps

that give it the ever popular

robotic-feel. Once you’ve got it,

imagine a sound that is the polar

opposite to what you hear. If you

hear earthy, stripped-down folk

music then you’re on the right


One of the outstanding characteristics of Fleet F

oxes is their

magnificent vocal harmonies. Their songs are ofte

n riddled with complex

yet hauntingly beautiful chants which echo thro

ughout the piece and

create an immersive mood for the poetic lyrics. Th

e other band members

know the golden rule of creating musical atmosph

ere: when and when not

to play. In saying this I mean that they can play

a simple progression led

by lyrics, or an equally entertaining instrument

al melody busy with

pounding drums and sporadic guitar. As best as tr

y, I will

never do justice to this amazing band with these

words; a

few songs that I’d recommend are ‘Tiger Mountain


Fleet Foxes

By:Matt McGraw

3rd year English

The Sayings:Babe Ruth“I have just 1 superstition. Whenever I hit a home run, I make certain to touch all 4 bases.”

“If I'd tried for them dinky singles I could've batted around .600.”

“I know, but I had a better year than Hoover.” (Reported reply when a reporter objected that the salary Ruth was demanding ($80,000) was more than that of President Herbert Hoover. ($75,000))

“Never let the fear of striking out get in your way.”In His name (Jesus)

Continued from page 3

Questions? Comments? Concerns? [email protected]