cranial anatomy and phylogenetic position of the ... · recovered as titanosaurians (calvo 1994;...

Cranial anatomy and phylogenetic position of the titanosaurian sauropod Bonitasaura salgadoi PABLO A. GALLINA and SEBASTIÁN APESTEGUÍA Gallina, P.A. and Apesteguía, S. 2011. Cranial anatomy and phylogenetic position of the titanosaurian sauropod Bonita− saura salgadoi. Acta Palaeontologica Polonica 56 (1): 45–60. Knowledge of titanosaurian cranial anatomy has improved substantially in the last decade because several skulls have come to light or were restudied. The discovery of Bonitasaura salgadoi, a partial titanosaurian skeleton including cranial bones, permitted the definitive recognition of square jaws in a titanosaurian sauropod as well as a peculiar skull morphol− ogy that increases the morphological diversity of the group. Here we present a full description and illustration of the skull material of B. salgadoi. Among cranial bones, the lacrimal, quadrate, and dentary exhibit apomorphic differences from those of other titanosaurians. Conversely, the frontal and parietal are more conservative. A phylogenetic analysis recovers B. salgadoi as a member of the Titanosauria, related to mid−sized to large titanosauroids from the Turonian–Campanian of South America, in contrast to a previous hypothesis that suggested a nemegtosaurid affinity. The skull reconstruction presented here shows that the skull of B. salgadoi is anteroposteriorly short and dorsoventrally high, contrasting with the elongate skull of Rapetosaurus krausei. Key words: Sauropoda, Titanosauria, skull, Late Cretaceous, Río Negro, Argentina. Pablo A. Gallina [[email protected]] and Sebastián Apesteguía [[email protected]], CONICET. Area de Paleontología, Fundación de Historia Natural “Félix de Azara”, CEBBAD−Universidad Maimónides, Buenos Aires (1405), Argentina. Received 22 January 2010, accepted 23 July 2010, available online 16 August 2010. Introduction Titanosaurians were a successful group of sauropod dino− saurs that inhabited both Gondwanan and Laurasian land− masses probably since Middle–Late Jurassic times, when land connections still linked both megacontinents. Titano− saurians were also the only sauropod lineage that survived until the end of the Cretaceous (Day et al. 2002; Curry Rog− ers 2005). The bulk of the diversity of the group was histo− rically concentrated on southern continents, especially in South America, where “land isolation” was the biogeogra− phical scenario (Huene 1929; Bonaparte 1986; Powell 1986). Recent reinterpretations of some Mongolian sauropods as titanosaurians (Calvo 1994; Salgado and Calvo 1997; Wil− son 1997; Curry Rogers and Forster 2001; Wilson 2002, 2005), and the study of new titanosaurians from Madagascar and South America (Curry Rogers and Forster 2001; Ape− steguía 2004), led to the hypothesis that at least one group of titanosaurians, the Nemegtosauridae (Wilson 2005; contra Upchurch et al. 2004), achieved a more global distribution. However, this was little explored in a phylogenetic context (Curry Rogers 2005). Most of the rich knowledge of titanosaurian diversity was historically based on postcranial evidence. In recent years, however, several skulls came to light or were restudied, reinvigorating an old debate about whether titanosaurian skulls more closely resembled short−snouted, domed skulls, such as that of Camarasaurus, or long−snouted, equine−like skulls, such as that of Diplodocus. The first titanosaurian specimen that included both skull and postcranial material, Antarctosaurus wichmannianus, from Upper Cretaceous beds of north Patagonia (Wichmann 1916), was studied and named by Huene (1929). The particu− lar jaw morphology of A. wichmannianus, with square cor− ners and teeth restricted to the symphysial ramus, prompted an erroneous Diplodocus−like skull restoration (Huene 1929: 68). Some subsequent authors suggested the inclusion of A. wichmannianus in the Diplodocoidea based on this jaw morphology (Jacobs et al. 1993; Wilson and Sereno 1998; Wilson 1999). However, the undoubtedly titanosaurian post− cranial skeleton and basicranial morphology (suggesting ne− megtosaurid affinities sensu Wilson 2005), as well as the presence of square jaws in other published and unpublished titanosaurians (Apesteguía 2004; MPM−125R), demonstrate that A. wichmannianus is indeed a titanosaurian. In the 1970s and 1980s, respectively, Nemegtosaurus mongoliensis and Quaesitosaurus orientalis from the Upper Cretaceous Nemegt Formation in the Nemegt Basin of Mon− golia were described. Both taxa were originally assigned to the Dicraeosauridae and were, at that time, two of the most com− doi:10.4202/app.2010.0011 Acta Palaeontol. Pol. 56 (1): 45–60, 2011

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Page 1: Cranial anatomy and phylogenetic position of the ... · recovered as titanosaurians (Calvo 1994; Salgado and Calvo 1997; Wilson 1997; Curry Rogers and Forster 2001; Wilson 2002, 2005)

Cranial anatomy and phylogenetic position ofthe titanosaurian sauropod Bonitasaura salgadoi


Gallina, P.A. and Apesteguía, S. 2011. Cranial anatomy and phylogenetic position of the titanosaurian sauropod Bonita−saura salgadoi. Acta Palaeontologica Polonica 56 (1): 45–60.

Knowledge of titanosaurian cranial anatomy has improved substantially in the last decade because several skulls havecome to light or were restudied. The discovery of Bonitasaura salgadoi, a partial titanosaurian skeleton including cranialbones, permitted the definitive recognition of square jaws in a titanosaurian sauropod as well as a peculiar skull morphol−ogy that increases the morphological diversity of the group. Here we present a full description and illustration of the skullmaterial of B. salgadoi. Among cranial bones, the lacrimal, quadrate, and dentary exhibit apomorphic differences fromthose of other titanosaurians. Conversely, the frontal and parietal are more conservative. A phylogenetic analysis recoversB. salgadoi as a member of the Titanosauria, related to mid−sized to large titanosauroids from the Turonian–Campanianof South America, in contrast to a previous hypothesis that suggested a nemegtosaurid affinity. The skull reconstructionpresented here shows that the skull of B. salgadoi is anteroposteriorly short and dorsoventrally high, contrasting with theelongate skull of Rapetosaurus krausei.

Key words: Sauropoda, Titanosauria, skull, Late Cretaceous, Río Negro, Argentina.

Pablo A. Gallina [[email protected]] and Sebastián Apesteguía [[email protected]], CONICET. Areade Paleontología, Fundación de Historia Natural “Félix de Azara”, CEBBAD−Universidad Maimónides, Buenos Aires(1405), Argentina.

Received 22 January 2010, accepted 23 July 2010, available online 16 August 2010.


Titanosaurians were a successful group of sauropod dino−saurs that inhabited both Gondwanan and Laurasian land−masses probably since Middle–Late Jurassic times, whenland connections still linked both megacontinents. Titano−saurians were also the only sauropod lineage that surviveduntil the end of the Cretaceous (Day et al. 2002; Curry Rog−ers 2005). The bulk of the diversity of the group was histo−rically concentrated on southern continents, especially inSouth America, where “land isolation” was the biogeogra−phical scenario (Huene 1929; Bonaparte 1986; Powell 1986).Recent reinterpretations of some Mongolian sauropods astitanosaurians (Calvo 1994; Salgado and Calvo 1997; Wil−son 1997; Curry Rogers and Forster 2001; Wilson 2002,2005), and the study of new titanosaurians from Madagascarand South America (Curry Rogers and Forster 2001; Ape−steguía 2004), led to the hypothesis that at least one group oftitanosaurians, the Nemegtosauridae (Wilson 2005; contraUpchurch et al. 2004), achieved a more global distribution.However, this was little explored in a phylogenetic context(Curry Rogers 2005).

Most of the rich knowledge of titanosaurian diversity washistorically based on postcranial evidence. In recent years,however, several skulls came to light or were restudied,

reinvigorating an old debate about whether titanosaurianskulls more closely resembled short−snouted, domed skulls,such as that of Camarasaurus, or long−snouted, equine−likeskulls, such as that of Diplodocus.

The first titanosaurian specimen that included both skulland postcranial material, Antarctosaurus wichmannianus,from Upper Cretaceous beds of north Patagonia (Wichmann1916), was studied and named by Huene (1929). The particu−lar jaw morphology of A. wichmannianus, with square cor−ners and teeth restricted to the symphysial ramus, promptedan erroneous Diplodocus−like skull restoration (Huene 1929:68). Some subsequent authors suggested the inclusion ofA. wichmannianus in the Diplodocoidea based on this jawmorphology (Jacobs et al. 1993; Wilson and Sereno 1998;Wilson 1999). However, the undoubtedly titanosaurian post−cranial skeleton and basicranial morphology (suggesting ne−megtosaurid affinities sensu Wilson 2005), as well as thepresence of square jaws in other published and unpublishedtitanosaurians (Apesteguía 2004; MPM−125R), demonstratethat A. wichmannianus is indeed a titanosaurian.

In the 1970s and 1980s, respectively, Nemegtosaurusmongoliensis and Quaesitosaurus orientalis from the UpperCretaceous Nemegt Formation in the Nemegt Basin of Mon−golia were described. Both taxa were originally assigned to theDicraeosauridae and were, at that time, two of the most com−

doi:10.4202/app.2010.0011Acta Palaeontol. Pol. 56 (1): 45–60, 2011

Page 2: Cranial anatomy and phylogenetic position of the ... · recovered as titanosaurians (Calvo 1994; Salgado and Calvo 1997; Wilson 1997; Curry Rogers and Forster 2001; Wilson 2002, 2005)

plete Cretaceous sauropod skulls (Nowiński 1971; Kurzanovand Bannikov 1983). Later analyses supported their assign−ment to the Diplodocoidea (Yu 1993; Upchurch 1998, 1999;Upchurch et al. 2002, 2004), but more recently they have beenrecovered as titanosaurians (Calvo 1994; Salgado and Calvo1997; Wilson 1997; Curry Rogers and Forster 2001; Wilson2002, 2005). During the last decade, restudy of these Mongo−lian skulls, combined with new Gondwanan material of Rape−tosaurus krausei and Bonitasaura salgadoi, substantially im−proved knowledge of titanosaurian cranial anatomy. In addi−tion, numerous specimens from Patagonia have been reportedrecently, but remain undescribed.

The Bonitasaura salgadoi specimen was discoveredearly in the 1950s by shepherds in the foothills of La BonitaHill, not far from the town of Cerro Policía (Fig. 1). How−ever, because no paleontologists explored the area between1922 and 1999, the exposed part of the skeleton remained un−touched for almost half of a century. Successive fieldtrips tothe area from 2003 to 2008 resulted in the collection of a rela−tively complete skeleton plus a few additional bones of asmaller specimen, as well as theropod and crocodylian teeth,turtle shells, and huge pterosaur wing bones. Here, we pro−vide a detailed description of the skull of B. salgadoi, and an−alyze its phylogenetic position. In addition, we provide askull reconstruction.

Institutional abbreviations.—CM, Carnegie Museum of Nat−ural History, Pittsburgh, USA; DNM, Dinosaur NationalMonument, Jensen, USA; FMNH PR, Field Museum of Natu−ral History, Chicago, USA; MCSPv, Museo de Cinco Saltos,Río Negro, Argentina; MGPIFD−GR, Museo de Geología yPaleontología del Instituto de Formación Docente Continua deGeneral Roca, Río Negro, Argentina; MPCA, Museo Provin−cial Carlos Ameghino, Río Negro, Argentina; MPM, Museude Paleontologia de Marília, Brasil; PVL, Collection of Verte−brate Paleontology of the Instituto Miguel Lillo, Tucumán,Argentina.

Geological settingThe “La Bonita” quarry, where the holotype of Bonitasaurasalgadoi was found, exposes siliceous, continental rocksfrom the Upper Neuquén Group, including the Bajo de laCarpa and Anacleto formations (Santonian–lower Campa−nian) (Leanza et al. 2004). The lower Bajo de la Carpa For−mation, from which the B. salgadoi holotype was recovered,is composed of sandstones and thin conglomerates alternat−ing with pelites and wackestones. Conversely, the overlyingAnacleto Formation is composed of sandy to pelitic levels.The sedimentation environment was controlled by a mid tolow energy fluvial regime (Pérez et al. 2009).

Systematic paleontology

Saurischia Seeley, 1888Sauropoda Marsh, 1878Titanosauria Bonaparte and Coria, 1993Titanosauroidea Upchurch, 1995Bonitasaura salgadoi Apesteguía, 2004Figs. 2–5.

Holotype: MPCA 460 (modified from the original description; see Com−ments below), consisting of a partially articulated, subadult skeleton.

Emended diagnosis.—Bonitasaura salgadoi differs fromother titanosaurians in possessing the following unique com−bination of features: frontal outer rim straight (not sigmoid);thin and enlarged maxillary process of the lacrimal orienteddownward and forward; posterior region of the dentary eden−tulous and bearing a sharp dorsal edge, with a profuselyvascularized lateral surface; tongue−like process on spino−prezygapophyseal laminae of mid−cervical vertebrae; veryrobust, diagonal neural arch pillars and bulging neural spinesummits on anterior dorsal vertebrae; longitudinal, pairedfossae on the sides of the prespinal lamina in anterior dorsalvertebrae; circular, vertically oriented fossae aligned withthe prespinal lamina in mid−dorsal vertebrae; thin, longitudi−nal laminae diverging from prespinal and postspinal laminaein anterior caudal vertebrae; anterior, longitudinal ridge ofthe tibia with marked promontory just over the anterior pro−cess of distal end.

Comments.—When the holotype was designated, the materialincluded by Apesteguía (2004) was a left frontal, left parietal,right dentary with 15 teeth, two cervical, six dorsal and 12 cau−dal vertebrae, radius, metacarpal, femur, tibia, two metatar−sals, two chevrons, and several cervical and dorsal ribs. Thematerial assigned to this specimen has since been expanded.

Further preparation, plus new collecting trips to the quarry,added a right lacrimal, a left quadrate, an isolated tooth, theaxis, 13 additional caudal vertebrae, three chevron bones, anincomplete humerus, two metacarpals, the left pubis, the leftischium, a fragmentary left fibula, both astragali, four metatar−


Cerro“La Bonita”



El Chocón

69 00’ 68 15’

39 45’

0 30 km





Río Negroprovince

o o

39 00’o


Fig. 1. Map location of La Bonita quarry (Upper Neuquén Group, Santo−nian–lower Campanian) in Río Negro province, northern Patagonia, wherethe holotype of Bonitasaura salgadoi was found.

Page 3: Cranial anatomy and phylogenetic position of the ... · recovered as titanosaurians (Calvo 1994; Salgado and Calvo 1997; Wilson 1997; Curry Rogers and Forster 2001; Wilson 2002, 2005)

sals, two pedal phalanges, and an ungual phalanx. The radiusmentioned by Apesteguía (2004) was actually a metacarpal I.All the cited material comes from the same quarry and pertainsto the same individual (Pérez et al. 2009).

Stratigraphic and geographic range.—Bajo de La CarpaFormation (Santonian–lower Campanian), Upper NeuquénGroup, Río Negro province, Argentina.


The following description focuses only on the cranial ele−ments; the postcrania will be described elsewhere (Gallina in

press; PAG and SA unpublished data). Measurements arelisted in Table 1.

Frontal.—Only the left frontal was preserved (Fig. 2A–D).Although complete, it is damaged in the area that articulateswith the parietal. The frontal forms the posterior part of thecranial roof, contacting the nasal and prefrontal anteriorly,the parietal and postorbital posteriorly, and the laterosphe−noid–orbitosphenoid complex ventrally.

Though incomplete in its posteromedial corner, the large,flat bone is trapezoidal in dorsal view, as in Antarctosauruswichmannianus, contrasting with the frontals of Nemegto−saurus mongoliensis, and Phuwiangosaurus sirindhornae(Suteethorn et al. 2009), which are more rectangular. Theshorter, medial side contacts the opposite frontal and the lon−ger, lateral side bounds the posterodorsal border of the orbit.In other titanosaurians (e.g., Nemegtosaurus mongoliensis,Antarctosaurus wichmannianus, Rapetosaurus krausei), andeven diplodocoids (e.g., Amargasaurus cazaui, Limaysaurustessonei, Diplodocus longus), this longer side is rather sig−moid, bearing a large, convex, posterior lobe that is slight inN. mongoliensis and Saltasaurus loricatus, oblique in R.krausei and P. sirindhornae, and strongly expanded in Bona−titan reigi. In contrast, in Bonitasaura salgadoi the lateralmargin remains straight along its entire length; there is no



Table 1. Measurements (in cm) of skull elements of the holotype of thetitanosauroid Bonitasaura salgadoi from the Upper Neuquén Group ofRío Negro province, Patagonia. – not applicable measurement; * incom−plete measurement.

Bone elementsfrontal parietal dentary lacrimal quadrate teeth

Minimum width 8.5 9.9 – 0.4 – –Maximum width – – 7.3* 2.6 5 0.6Minimum length 4.2 0.7 – – – –Maximum length 7.4 4.3 11.5* 15.5 24.5 3.8Minimum height 0.5 2 – – – –Maximum height 2.4 3.4 4.2 7.3 6.5* 0.5




laterosphenoid/orbitosphenoid contact








nasal contact


30 mm




transverseparietal crest





frontal contact




30 mm

Fig. 2. Photographs and interpretive drawings of the titanosauroid Bonitasaura salgadoi Apesteguía, 2004 from the Upper Neuquén Group of Río Negroprovince, Patagonia, MPCA 460. A–D. Left frontal in dorsal (A), ventral (B), posterior (C) and anterior (D) views. E–H. Left parietal in dorsal (E), ventral(F), posterior (G), and anterior (H) views.

Page 4: Cranial anatomy and phylogenetic position of the ... · recovered as titanosaurians (Calvo 1994; Salgado and Calvo 1997; Wilson 1997; Curry Rogers and Forster 2001; Wilson 2002, 2005)

posterior lobe. Because this trait is unknown in other sauro−pods, is considered here an autapomorphy of B. salgadoi. Al−though the frontal comes from a subadult specimen (Ape−steguía 2004; Gallina in press), the size of this bone is similarto that of other known adult titanosaurians (e.g., Antarcto−saurus wichmannianus, Nemegtosaurus mongoliensis, Sal−tasaurus loricatus, MGPIFD−GR 118).

Curry Rogers and Forster (2004) recognized only one largeprominence on the skull roof in Rapetosaurus krausei. Bonita−saura salgadoi, however, bears three transversely aligned dor−sal bumps (one and a half are preserved on the frontal, thusthree are assumed for both frontals), as Powell (2003) noted forS. loricatus. The outer two correspond to the points of maxi−mum doming of the cranial cavity, and actually represent thepositions of the paired telencephalon lobes. The central promi−nence is located toward the posteromedial corner and is sharedby both frontals. It represents part of an intense thickening ofthe suture area, a feature also documented by Paulina−Cara−bajal and Salgado (2007) in MGPIFD−GR 118, a titanosaurianbraincase from the Allen Formation of Río Negro. A medialprominence was also recognized in R. krausei (Curry Rogersand Forster 2004), A. wichmannianus (Huene 1929), S. lori−catus (Powell 1986, 2003), and Bonatitan reigi (Martinelli andForasiepi 2004). Although the central prominence is only par−tially preserved, its original shape was probably round and notanteroposteriorly elongate, as in A. wichmannianus.

In ventral view, the frontal exhibits three concavities ofdifferent sizes and orientations, corresponding to the cranial,nasal, and orbital cavities, respectively. The orbital cavity isthe largest, occupying the lateral half of the bone. The antero−medial part of the frontal houses the posterior part of the na−sal cavity. These two cavities are separated by an oblique,osseous wall that originates on the laterosphenoid–orbito−sphenoid articular surface and runs toward the anterolateralcorner of the frontal. The frontal roofs the anterior part of thecranial cavity, covering the telencephalon. This part occu−pies the medial one−fourth of the frontal, posterior to the na−sal cavity. The cranial and nasal cavities communicate witheach other by means of a 1.1 cm−wide groove that housed theolfactory tract (CN I). The orbital and cranial cavities share awide 2.3 cm rugose area that forms the oblique articular sur−face for the laterosphenoid–orbitosphenoid complex.

A faint, medially tapering articular facet for the post−orbital embays the frontal in posterior view. This surface oc−cupies about one−fourth of the lateral width of the frontal butit minimizes substantially the contribution of the frontal tothe supratemporal fenestra, similar to the conditions in A.wichmannianus, in which the frontal is almost excluded fromthe fenestra, and S. loricatus (PAG personal observation) andN. mongoliensis, in which the frontal is completely excludedfrom the margin of the fenestra (contra Curry Rogers andForster 2001). The opposite condition is present in R. krauseiand B. reigi, in which the lack of an anteromedial projectionof the parietal allows the frontal to form part of the supra−temporal fenestra. The remaining medial three−fourths of theposterior side of the frontal forms the articulation with the

parietal. Whereas the ventral portion of the frontal–parietalarticular facet is very well preserved, its dorsal counterpart isheavily damaged.

In anterior view, the articular surfaces are visible for thenasal on the medial margin and the prefrontal on the lateralmargin. The nasal articular surface is a long, deeply concavearea; its ventral margin forms an anteriorly projecting shelfthat contacted the expanded posterior region of the nasal.The articular facet is horizontally oriented and occupies halfof the total width of the frontal. The articular facet for theprefrontal is a complex triangle composed of two parts di−vided by a conspicuous notch.

The arched and profusely rugose dorsal margin of the or−bital cavity is visible in lateral view. A similarly ornamentedorbital rim is present in Camarasaurus, R. krausei, S. loricatus,and N. mongoliensis. As in R. krausei, there is a small cleft to−ward the posterior border of the orbit. Using this as a basis themeasurements of the preserved part of the orbital arch, coupledwith other, recently published titanosaurian cranial reconstruc−tions (e.g., Curry Rogers and Forster 2004; Wilson 2005), thecomplete orbital diameter for B. salgadoi is estimated to beabout 14 cm. The highest point of the arch is located toward theanterior end of the orbit. The entire anterior border of the fron−tal is notably thickened: the prefrontal articular facet is about1.5 times as thick as the postorbital facet.

In medial view, the interfrontal articulation is V−shapedand convolute. Although the primary proportions of the boneare similar to those of other adult sauropods, the presence ofunfused frontals indicates that the specimen was immature.In this way, the convolute interfrontal suture resembles thatof the juvenile specimen of R. krausei (FMNH PR 2185;Curry Rogers and Forster 2004: fig. 13).

Parietal.—Only the left parietal is preserved (Fig. 2E–H).Along with the frontal, it roofs the posterior part of the skull.This transversely elongate element, although obliquely posi−tioned on the skull, is described here with its longer axistransverse to the sagittal plane. This way, its ventral side willbe considered horizontal instead of oblique. The parietalmeets the squamosal laterally and the supraoccipital andexoccipital–opisthotic complex posteriorly.

The bone is nearly complete, but all but a small, elongateportion of the fronto−parietal articular surface is lost. As alsooccurs in other titanosaurs, such as R. krausei, and also indiplodocoids, such as Limaysaurus, Amargasaurus, and Di−craeosaurus, there is a medial depression (parietal fonta−nelle) along the fronto−parietal suture, though it is not nearlyas pronounced as in Amargasaurus or Dicraeosaurus. Poste−rior to this region, the dorsal surface rises as a vertical wall,forming a sharp, sigmoid, transverse parietal crest as in B.reigi, R. krausei, S. loricatus, and MGPIFD−GR 118. Themedial one−third of this crest curves posteriorly as it ap−proaches the midline, turning slighter and bounding the me−dial depression. Before reaching the interparietal contact, thecrest splits into two parts: an anterior part that runs mediallyto meet its counterpart, and a posterior part that runs postero−


Page 5: Cranial anatomy and phylogenetic position of the ... · recovered as titanosaurians (Calvo 1994; Salgado and Calvo 1997; Wilson 1997; Curry Rogers and Forster 2001; Wilson 2002, 2005)

medially to meet the supraoccipital, similar to the conditionin S. loricatus.

The lateral half of the parietal is a long, slightly anteriorlyconcave, squamosal process that ends in the articulation withthe squamosal. The anterior side of this process plunges ven−trally, forming a smooth posterior border of the supratem−poral fenestra. This oval−shaped fenestra, which is orientedoblique to the sagittal plane, is about 50 mm in its longest di−mension. In ventral view, the contact for the laterosphenoidlies close to the level of the crista antotica.

On the medial surface of the parietal there are three con−cave surfaces, one of which corresponds to the posterior por−tion of the cranial cavity and the other two are the articularcontact for the supraoccipital. Lateral to the supraoccipitalcontact is an articular surface for the exoccipital–opisthotic.

In posterior view, the smooth bone surface becomes

slightly concave toward the ventromedial border, at the levelof the supraoccipital and exoccipital contacts. In contrast tothe curved ventral border of the parietal in Saltasaurus lori−catus, the ventral border of the parietal of Bonitasaura sal−gadoi is straight until its medial end, which projects ventrally.

In anterior view, the contact for the frontal is medially lo−cated; its dorsal surface is badly preserved. Laterally, on theanterior face of the squamosal process, there is a small, hori−zontal ridge. In medial view, the interparietal articular sur−face is convolute and anteroposteriorly enlarged.

Lacrimal.—A complete right lacrimal is preserved (Fig. 3).This bone forms the anterior border of the orbital cavity, con−tacting the prefrontal and the nasal dorsally. Along with themaxilla and jugal, the lacrimal frames the posterior border ofthe antorbital fenestra. The bone is largely laminar, but is tri−angular in cross section on its dorsal tip. As in Nemegtosaurus



30 mm














30 mm

Fig. 3. Photographs and interpretive drawings of the titanosauroid Bonitasaura salgadoi Apesteguía, 2004 from the Upper Neuquén Group of Río Negroprovince, Patagonia, MPCA 460. Right lacrimal in anterior (A), lateral (B), posterior (C), and medial (D) views.

Page 6: Cranial anatomy and phylogenetic position of the ... · recovered as titanosaurians (Calvo 1994; Salgado and Calvo 1997; Wilson 1997; Curry Rogers and Forster 2001; Wilson 2002, 2005)

mongoliensis, the lacrimal possesses three main processes: aposterodorsal prefrontal/nasal process and maxillary and jugalprocesses, both of which project anteroventrally. The pre−frontal/nasal process is elongated and slightly concave medi−ally. The similarly large maxillary process becomes thinnerdistally, in contrast to the broad maxillary process of Rapeto−saurus krausei. The jugal process is flat and broad along its en−tire length, and bears two well−defined surfaces at 75� to eachother (one on the anterior surface of the process, the other onthe ventral surface) that housed a dorsal portion of the jugal.

The posterior portion of the antorbital fenestra, boundedby the maxillary and jugal processes, is ovoid, subtending anearly 50� angle much less sharp than that of R. krausei.

Conversely, the posterior portion of the antorbital fenestra ismuch more acuminate in Brachiosaurus, Camarasaurus,and diplodocoids.

The prefrontal articular surface is concave and triangularin anterior view. The anterior opening of the lacrimal fora−men opens medially, as in N. mongoliensis, but is divided bya thin bony septum. The posterior opening is posteriorly lo−cated and opens into the orbital cavity, unlike its homolog inR. krausei, which opens laterally.

In dorsal view, a marked embayment is evident on medialside of the prefrontal/nasal process. This is the lateral−most ex−tent of the external nares, a situation shared only with R.krausei, unlike the condition in diplodocoids and basal macro−


30 mmarticularcondyle




pterygoidcontact ?


squamosalcontact ?



30 mm


Fig. 4. Photographs and interpretive drawings of the titanosauroid Bonitasaura salgadoi Apesteguía, 2004 from the Upper Neuquén Group of Río Negroprovince, Patagonia, MPCA 460. Left quadrate in anterior (A), medial (B), posterior (C), and lateral (D) views.

Page 7: Cranial anatomy and phylogenetic position of the ... · recovered as titanosaurians (Calvo 1994; Salgado and Calvo 1997; Wilson 1997; Curry Rogers and Forster 2001; Wilson 2002, 2005)

narians in which the lacrimal is excluded from the narial open−ing (see Discussion, below).

Quadrate.—An incomplete left quadrate was recovered (Fig.4); it lacks its pterygoid wing and posterolateral border. Itssquamosal head is damaged. The element is dorsoventrally talland laterally compressed.

In anterior view, the bone is curved, with its concave sideoriented medially, as in Malawisaurus dixeyi and Apato−saurus. The base of the missing pterygoid wing is cranio−medially oriented, differing from the more cranial orienta−tion observed in Rapetosaurus krausei, M. dixeyi, and indiplodocids such as Apatosaurus.

Both the squamosal head and articular condyle pointposteromedially, similar to Phuwiangosaurus sirindhornae.Due to poor preservation, the pterygoid contact is not evidentunder the pterygoid wing.

As in most titanosaurians, a vertically elongate fossa is vis−

ible in posterior view, similar to those seen in Antarctosauruswichmannianus, M. dixeyi, P. sirindhornae, R. krausei, and anew, as−yet undescribed form from Rincón de Los Sauces,Neuquén (Filippi et al. 2009). The depth and shape of the fossacannot be estimated because of a broken lateral border, obfus−cating comparison with other titanosaurians. The posteriorborder consists of a 4 mm thick lamina that thickens ventrallyto a width of 11 mm. This lamina is oblique when viewed pos−teriorly, extending from the medial side of the squamosal headto the lateral side of the articular condyle. The squamosal headis badly preserved, but its triangular cross section seems simi−lar to that of R. krausei. The articular condyle has a rugose,ovoid proximal surface, which differs from the kidney−shapedsurface seen in N. mongoliensis and P. sirindhornae.

The quadratojugal contact, although damaged, can be dis−cerned dorsal to the articular condyle in posterolateral view.However, there is no V−shaped scar as in R. krausei.



30 mm








replacementtooth 1replacement

tooth 2


foramina30 mm

10 mm









Fig. 5. Photographs and interpretive drawings of the titanosauroid Bonitasaura salgadoi Apesteguía, 2004 from the Upper Neuquén Group of Río Negroprovince, Patagonia, MPCA 460. A–D. Right dentary in dorsal (A), medial (B), ventral (C), and lateral (D) views. E. Isolated tooth in labial (E1) and lateral(E2) views; lingual view detail and schematic cross section showing hexagonal faceting (E3).

Page 8: Cranial anatomy and phylogenetic position of the ... · recovered as titanosaurians (Calvo 1994; Salgado and Calvo 1997; Wilson 1997; Curry Rogers and Forster 2001; Wilson 2002, 2005)

Dentary.—An almost complete right dentary is preserved(Fig. 5A–D). Both the symphyseal end and the posteriorramus of the dentary are lost, making rendering descriptionof the nature of the articulations with other mandibular ele−ments difficult.

In dorsal view, the dentary is L−shaped (providing the“square jaw” morphology) with a straight anterior margin, asin Antarctosaurus wichmannianus, MPM−125R, and somediplodocoids (e.g., Nigersaurus [Sereno et al. 1999] andDiplodocus). There are 10 alveoli, although because othertitanosaurians—particularly those that have square jaws—have more (e.g., Rapetosaurus krausei: 11; Nemegtosaurusmongoliensis: 13; MPM−125R: 14; A. wichmannianus: 16),others may have been present on the missing symphysealramus. All alveoli are subequal in size and quadrangularalong the front of the jaw. Posterior to the jaw angle, the alve−oli become smaller and more triangular in section. Within thebroken, mesial−most alveolus, one newly−erupted and twounworn replacement teeth are visible, indicating that Bonita−saura salgadoi had a minimum of three teeth per alveolus.Alveoli 2, 3, 4, and 7 each contain two unerupted teeth; alve−oli 6, 8, 9, and 10 each contain one unworn tooth. Alveolus 5is empty. Except for the last two alveoli, dental foramina onthe lingual surface of the dentary are associated with eachalveolus. These foramina form an oblique line that angles to−ward the ventral corner of the symphysis.

The posterior ramus extends 6.5 cm behind the last alve−oli but is incomplete. This small segment, about 2 cm tall, hasa distinctive lateral surface riddled with dense concentrationsof very small, randomly distributed furrows as well asoblique foramina. The bony cores of extant bovid artiodactylhorns and bird and turtle beaks exhibit a similar condition(Hieronymus et al. 2009). The thinner, taller bone behind thetooth row forms a sharp, straight, anteroposteriorly orientedborder. A similar structure, albeit shorter and devoid of fo−ramina and furrows, is seen in R. krausei, Quaesitosaurusorientalis, A. wichmannianus, and N. mongoliensis. This sur−face was proposed to have been covered in vivo with akeratinous sheath that functioned as an oral “guillotine” witha counterpart on the maxilla (Apesteguía 2004).

A partially filled Meckelian groove can be observed inventral view on the dentary ramus; it reaches the mandibularangle, where it connects to the external surface via a series offoramina. The anterior region of the dentary is crossed by apronounced ventral ridge, which is also present but less welldeveloped in A. wichmannianus. Whereas the outer surfaceis profusely sculptured, the inner surface of the dentary iscompletely devoid of ornamentation.

The mandibular angle (“chin”) is dorsoventrally con−stricted in lateral view. Nutrient foramina are present underthe tooth row and separated from one another by distancesequivalent to three alveolus widths. The ventral part of theposterior ramus of the dentary is incomplete and full lengthcannot be estimated.

In medial view, the intermandibular symphysis is D−shaped,

with the labial side almost flat and the lingual side remarkablyconvex.

Teeth.—Dental material of Bonitasaura salgadoi includes15 unworn teeth in different stages of growth in the dentary,plus one isolated, worn tooth (Fig. 5E). The dentary bears nofunctional teeth, presumably a function of a particular stagein the replacement pattern (see Discussion, below). The fol−lowing description focuses primarily on the worn tooth.

The isolated tooth is large, narrow, and labiolinguallycompressed. The crown has wrinkled enamel, mostly at itsbase. The ratio of the crown/root height is 2:1, as in N.mongoliensis and R. krausei. The tooth slenderness index isabout 5.3, as in other titanosaurians.

A distinct hexagonal “faceting” is evident in all crowns,as in Clasmodosaurus (Huene 1929), but remarkably, thisfaceting is observed in the fully grown teeth (Fig. 5E3) andthe largest unerupted tooth, which is in the symphysealalveolus. The other unerupted dentary teeth have sub−ellipti−cal cross−sections and two longitudinal ridges delimiting thelabial and lingual faces. Although a thickness disparity be−tween labial and lingual enamel is not as pronounced as inNigersaurus (Sereno and Wilson 2005; Sereno et al. 2007),the labial enamel seems to be thinner than the lingual.

Unworn crowns taper distally to a point, but the maturecrown has a high−angle, labial wear face, as in others titano−saurians like R. krausei, as well as dicraeosaurids. On thiswear facet are long, parallel, and very thin scratches. A dimin−utive, worn surface is also present on the lingual face, in con−trast to the more substantial lingual facet in basal macronariansas well as basal titanosaurians. In addition, two narrow, longi−tudinal wear facets are located on the lateral margin of thetooth, demonstrating that Bonitasaura used some form oftooth−to−tooth lateral contact, different from that whichformed V−shaped facets in N. mongoliensis. On these lateralwear surfaces are many thin, randomly placed scratches.

Phylogenetic position ofBonitasaura

The phylogenetic position of Bonitasaura salgadoi is as−sessed here in order to test the original hypothesis of Ape−steguía (2004) that it is a member of the Nemegtosauridae.The matrix used is based on those of previous analyses, suchas Calvo et al. (2007a) and Gonzalez−Riga et al. (2009), butfour new cranial and postcranial characters, as well as someadditional taxa, are included. The new characters added are:#3. Frontal, dorsal texture: smooth (0); rugose (1); #10. Ex−ternal nares, configuration of lateral margin: lacrimal ex−cluded, maxilla−nasal contact (0); lacrimal participates, sepa−rates maxilla and nasal (1); #17. Mandible, dorsal shape:U−shaped (0); L−shaped (1); and #33. Anterior dorsal verte−brae, infrapostzygapophyseal fossa: absent (0); present, notdivided (1); present, divided in two subtriangular fossae (2).


Page 9: Cranial anatomy and phylogenetic position of the ... · recovered as titanosaurians (Calvo 1994; Salgado and Calvo 1997; Wilson 1997; Curry Rogers and Forster 2001; Wilson 2002, 2005)

Characters 7, 8, 13, 54, 57, 65, 75, and 77 were rescored(Table 2). The terminal taxa include those of Calvo et al.(2007a), with the addition of Ligabuesaurus leanzai (Bona−parte et al. 2006), Nemegtosaurus mongoliensis (Nowiński1971), Antarctosaurus wichmanianus (Huene 1929), andBonitasaura salgadoi (Apesteguía 2004). The data matrix,composed of 77 characters and 22 taxa, was analyzed usingTNT v. 1.1 (Goloboff et al. 2008) (Appendices 1 and 2).Camarasaurus was used as the outgroup and multi−state char−acters were treated as unordered. The search, performed using1000 replicates of Wagner trees, found seven equally mostparsimonious trees with relatively high indices (143 steps,consistency index: 0.66, retention index: 0.71). The best scorewas obtained in 81% of the replicates. The strict consensustree (Fig. 6A) collapsed node B, which includes the Turonian–Coniacian titanosaurians Mendozasaurus neguyelap, Futalo−gnkosaurus dukei, Rinconsaurus caudamirus, Muyelensauruspecheni, and the Santonian–Campanian B. salgadoi and A.wichmannianus, into a polytomy. In order to examine the col−lapse of node B, all taxa involved were removed individuallyfor the consensus and reincluded one at a time for the finalanalysis. Only the exclusion of A. wichmannianus resolvedthe polytomy at node B (Fig. 6B). In this cladogram, B.salgadoi is sister taxon to the Lognkosauria (M. neguyelap +F. dukei); this clade is united by six synapomorphies (charac−ter states 25.1, 28.1, 29.2, 34.0, 44.1, 69.2). The node−basedLognkosauria, defined as the most recent common ancestor ofMendozasaurus, Futalognkosaurus, and all of its descendants,was supported by five synapomorphies in the original analysisof Calvo et al. (2007b). However, only one of them (30.2) wasretained in our analysis; the others have broader distributions.In our analysis, R. caudamirus and M. pecheni do not form a

monophyletic clade (contra Calvo et al. 2007a). The positionsof M. neguyelap and F. dukei are more derived than in previ−ous analyses. Neither Bonitasaura salgadoi nor A. wichman−nianus are closely related to the Nemegtosauridae (N. mongo−liensis + R. krausei) (contra Apesteguía 2004 and Wilson2005). However, they share a more distant common ancestorand are included in an unnamed taxon (node A, Fig. 6A). Al−though weakly supported by only one ambiguous synapo−morphy (54.1), all trees recover an unusual position for Mala−wisaurus dixeyi as the sister taxon of Andesaurus delgadoi. Inthis regard, the node−based Titanosauria (defined as Ande−saurus, Saltasaurus, their most recent common ancestor, andall of the descendents of that common ancestor; Salgado et al.1997; Wilson and Upchurch 2003) is basically the same as thenode−based Lithostrotia (defined as Malawisaurus, Salta−saurus, their most recent common ancestor, and all of thedescendents of that common ancestor; Upchurch et al. 2004).Similarly, the node including the rest of titanosaurians, whichis supported by five synapomorphies (35, 36, 43, 49, and 65),corresponds to the stem−based Titanosauroidea (all titano−saurians closer to Saltasaurus than to Andesaurus; Upchurch1995; Salgado 2003), not the Titanosauridae, which actuallyhas different definitions and is the subject of some nomencla−tural controversy (see Salgado [2003] and Upchurch and Wil−son [2003] for discussion). Finally, both Epachthosaurussciutoi and Lirainosaurus astibiae have similar positions tothose found by Gonzalez−Riga et al. (2009), with L. astibiae abasal member of the Titanosauroidea and E. sciutoi the sistertaxon of node A.

DiscussionTitanosaurian skull morphology has been the focus of seriousdiscussion for only the past few decades. The first titano−saurian skull restoration was made by Huene (1929) based onAntarctosaurus wichmannianus material, which included abraincase, a quadrate, a quadratojugal, squamosal, and a par−tial lower jaw. His restoration was heavily influenced bywell−known Diplodocus skulls from the Upper Jurassic Morri−son Formation of western North America. The similarities be−tween the two, today recognized as convergences, lie primar−ily in the posterior skull region but also include similarities inlower jaw morphology and peculiar tooth arrangement.

During the last decade, successive phylogenetic analyseshave supported a strong relationship between titanosauriansand other well−known, non−diplodocoid, Jurassic taxa, nest−ing them within a larger clade that also includes Camara−saurus (Camarasauromorpha; Salgado et al. 1997) and Bra−chiosaurus (Macronaria; Wilson and Sereno 1998). This wasfollowed by a change in titanosaurian skull reconstructionsto more closely match the taller skulls of Camarasaurus andBrachiosaurus, as portrayed by Salgado and Calvo (1997).However, the discoveries of R. krausei, and skull restorationsof N. mongoliensis (Wilson 2005), have shown that the skullsof at least some titanosaurians varied markedly from the pur−



Table 2. Character re−scoring of the present phylogenetic analysis.









Camarasaurus 0 (Calvo et al. 2007a) 1

Brachiosaurus 0 (Calvo et al. 2007a) 1

Rapetosaurus 1 (Calvo et al. 2007a) 0


Camarasaurus 0 (Calvo et al. 2007a) 1

Brachiosaurus 1(Calvo et al. 2007a) 0

Rapetosaurus 0 (Calvo et al. 2007a) 1

Muyelensaurus 0 (Calvo et al. 2007a) 1

Saltasaurus 0 (Calvo et al. 2007a) 1

13 Muyelensaurus 1 (Calvo et al. 2007a) ?

54Rinconsaurus 0 (Calvo et al. 2007a) 1

Muyelensaurus 0 (Calvo et al. 2007a) 1

57 Malawisaurus 0 (Calvo et al. 2007a) 1

65 Ligabuesaurus 0 (Gonzalez−Riga et al. 2009) ?

75 Ligabuesaurus 0 (Gonzalez−Riga et al. 2009) 1


Futalognkosaurus ? (Calvo et al. 2007a) 0

Epachthosaurus ? (Calvo et al. 2007a) 0

Opisthocoelicaudia ? (Calvo et al. 2007a) 0

Page 10: Cranial anatomy and phylogenetic position of the ... · recovered as titanosaurians (Calvo 1994; Salgado and Calvo 1997; Wilson 1997; Curry Rogers and Forster 2001; Wilson 2002, 2005)

ported low−domed, long−snouted Brachiosaurus−type skull.Curiously, the fossils resemble, in many ways, intermediateskull morphologies between the extremes of Diplodocus andCamarasaurus.

Cranial material of Bonitasaura salgadoi adds substan−tially to knowledge of titanosaurian skull morphology, andenables us to provide a new reconstruction for Bonitasaura(Fig. 7). This reconstruction resembles those of Rapeto−saurus krausei and Nemegtosaurus mongoliensis (from Wil−

son 2005), but has several notable differences. The supra−temporal fenestra is ovoid, as in other sauropods, but thesmall contribution of the frontal to its border differs from thecondition in N. mongoliensis, in which parietals exclude thefrontal from such a contribution. Despite the fact that thepostorbital and squamosal are unknown for Bonitasaura, apostorbital–squamosal contribution to the supratemporalfenestra is assumed because it occurs in R. krausei and othertitanosaurians, with the exception of N. mongoliensis and


Titanosauriformes (100/100)

Somphospondyli (74/77)

Titanosauria (72/69)


SaltasaurinaeTitanosauriformes (100/100)

Somphospondyli (74/77)

Titanosauria (72/69)


node A

node A

node B

node B






















s Muyele

















































































Fig. 6. Cladograms showing the phylogenetic relationships of Bonitasaura salgadoi. A. Strict consensus of seven most parsimonious trees (144 steps, con−sistency index: 0.66, retention index: 0.71). Nodes A and B are discussed in the text. B. Strict consensus of the same seven most parsimonious trees exclud−ing Antarctosaurus wichmannianus. Bootstrap and Jackknife values up to 50% indicated in brackets.

Page 11: Cranial anatomy and phylogenetic position of the ... · recovered as titanosaurians (Calvo 1994; Salgado and Calvo 1997; Wilson 1997; Curry Rogers and Forster 2001; Wilson 2002, 2005)

Quaesitosaurus orientalis. In the latter, the squamosal is ex−cluded from the posttemporal fenestra by a laterally−orientedpostorbital–parietal contact. In Bonitasaura salgadoi, the flatcontact surface on the squamosal process of the parietal

points ventrolaterally, suggesting a squamosal contact andhence a contribution to the posterior part of the fenestra.

One of the main controversies concerning titanosaurianskulls has been the position of the external naris: most pub−

















10 cm












10 mm

10 cm

10 cm10 cm

Fig. 7. Skull recontructions of Bonitasaura and other titanosaurians. A. Bonitasaura salgadoi (Upper Neuquén Group of Río Negro province, Patagonia) inlateral (A1), dorsal (A2) and posterior (A3) views (preserved bones in grey). B. Embryonic skull reconstruction based on Auca Mahuevo titanosaurian em−bryos (Upper Neuquén Group of Neuquén province, Patagonia) in lateral view (modified from Salgado et al. 2005). C. Nemegtosaurus mongoliensis(Nemegt Formation, Gobi desert, Mongolia) in lateral view (modified from Wilson 2005). D. Antarctosaurus wichmannianus (Upper Neuquén Group ofRío Negro province, Patagonia) in lateral view (Adam Yates, personal communication 2008). E. Rapetosaurus krausei (Maevarano Formation, Madagas−car) in lateral view (modified from Curry Rogers and Forster 2004).

Page 12: Cranial anatomy and phylogenetic position of the ... · recovered as titanosaurians (Calvo 1994; Salgado and Calvo 1997; Wilson 1997; Curry Rogers and Forster 2001; Wilson 2002, 2005)

lished cranial material (even in the most complete speci−mens, like Nemegtosaurus mongoliensis and Quaesitosaurusorientalis) did not preserve the mid−dorsal regions of theskulls. The bones that frame the external nares in non−titano−saurian sauropod skulls are the nasal dorsally and premaxillaand maxilla ventrally. Both the Nowiński (1971: fig. 2) andUpchurch (1999) restorations of the Mongolian taxa showthe lacrimal participating in the narial opening, and hence thereconstructions maintain retracted dorsal narial positions.However, in Wilson (2005: fig. 16), the lacrimal is excludedfrom the narial opening due to the badly preserved lateralprocess of the nasal and dorsal process of the maxilla. On theother hand, both Rapetosaurus krausei and Bonitasaura sal−gadoi have notably smooth embayments on the dorsal as−pects of the lacrimal, indicating that they contributed to thenarial openings in each. The lacrimal contribution to the na−res is more posteriorly located in B. salgadoi than in R.krausei, but the fact that the lacrimal contributes to the exter−nal nares in both taxa (plus, albeit more ambiguously, N.mongoliensis) suggests a condition widely distributed withinthe Titanosauria.

Additional information is supplied by the lacrimal con−cerning the shape of the posterior border of the antorbitalfenestra. As in R. krausei, the antorbital fenestra is large andovoid, in contrast with the triangular−shape restored in N.mongoliensis and the Auca Mahuevo embryos (Chiappe etal. 2001). However, in B. salgadoi it is anteroventrally pro−jected at 45�, contrasting with the nearly horizontal positionobserved in R. krausei. These peculiar orientations of the ant−orbital fenestra and the maxillary process suggest a shortsnout configuration. Though no maxilla was recovered for B.salgadoi (rendering a reconstruction speculative), the ante−rior border of the antorbital fenestra is restored as roundbased on both R. krausei and the Ampelosaurus specimen ex−hibited at the Musée des Dinosaures of Espéraza, France (SApersonal observation), as well as in the new form fromRincón de los Sauces (Filippi et al. 2009).

Chiappe et al. (2001) reported the presence of a ventralnotch in the posterior regions of the maxillae of the AucaMahuevo sauropod embryos. This structure, which is cau−dally bounded by the jugal and the quadratojugal, was con−sidered by the authors as “similar” to the notch present in R.krausei. Salgado et al. (2005) considered this notch homolo−gous to the preantorbital fenestra of adult neosauropods (e.g.,Diplodocus, Camarasaurus, Brachiosaurus) and proposedclosure during the course of ontogeny (Salgado et al. 2005:90 fig. 6). However, they did not discard that at least “…aportion of this ventral notch corresponds to the space en−closed by the highly arched postdentigerous portion of themaxilla in adult titanosaurian skull”. García (2007) rein−forced the original interpretation of Chiappe et al. (2001), an−alyzing in detail the maxillae of the embryos and correlatingboth lateral and medial structures. His study revealed that thepreantorbital fenestra was located anterior to the ventralnotch of the maxilla as it occurs in adult skulls. This post−dental notch is considered a possible synapomorphy of

Titanosauria (García et al. in press) and thus is represented inthe reconstruction of the skull of B. salgadoi.

One purported synapomorphy shared by N. mongoliensisand Q. orientalis is the presence of rugose and sculptured el−ements bordering the orbital region (frontals, postorbitals,and prefrontals; Wilson 2002, 2005). The presence of thiscondition in B. salgadoi led Apesteguía (2004) to suggest anemegtosaurid affinity for the species. However, as men−tioned above, a sculptured orbital dorsal rim is clearly recog−nizable both in basal macronarians, such as Camarasaurus(CM 11338, DNM 975), and derived macronarians, such asSaltasaurus loricatus (PVL−4017−162). The broad distribu−tion of this condition suggests it is not a synapomorphy of theNemegtosauridae.

Wilson (2005) recognized a partially fused coronoid(= intercoronoid) in the lower jaw of N. mongoliensis, justposterior to the tooth row. Wilson (2005) claimed a similarsituation was also present in B. salgadoi, but a careful exami−nation of the original material has shown that this is incor−rect: the posterior region of the preserved dentary includesneither any independent postdentary elements nor sutures orcontact lines. This entire segment, with a sharp and straightborder, is part of the dentary. This interpretation is reinforcedby a comparison with the original lower jaw of A. wich−mannianus, in which an edentulous segment, about the samelength as that in B. salgadoi, is present and entirely com−posed by the dentary. Posterior to this zone, the coronoid aswell other postdentary elements are present in A. wichman−nianus, strongly suggesting the same condition existed in B.salgadoi.

Finally, B. salgadoi adds important data concerningtitanosaurian tooth replacement. Previously, titanosauriantooth replacement has been described only for two pre−maxillae from Salta and Río Negro provinces in Argentina(Powell 1979; Coria and Chiappe 2001). In both specimens,up to three replacement teeth are present, covered by onefunctional, labially located tooth. This condition changes inthe lower jaw, where one newly−erupted unworn and tworeplacement teeth were found in the innermost dentaryalveolus of B. salgadoi and also in the last frontal alveolusbefore the dentary corner of A. wichmannianus. A similarsituation is also present in the fragmentary dentary of thetitanosaur MCSPv−061 (García and Cerda 2010). Thus, itcan be said that the condition in the dentary, for at leastthese three South American specimens, involves just up tothree teeth per alveolus (one functional and two unwornteeth for replacement), not four as found in the twotitanosaurian premaxillae mentioned above. This particularcondition shows an apparent replacement rate differentia−tion between upper and lower teeth. Moreover, it must benoted that the presence of three unerupted teeth in the inner−most alveolus, and two and one unerupted teeth in the outer−most alveoli, show also a replacement rate differentiationalong tooth row of B. salgadoi similar to the “replacementwave,” noted by Nowiński (1971) for N. mongoliensis.


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ConclusionsSkull material of Bonitasaura salgadoi represents new evi−dence and important information concerning titanosaurianskull morphology. The skull of B. salgadoi is anteroposte−riorly short and dorsoventrally high, contrasting with theelongate skulls of Rapetosaurus krausei and diplodocoids.However, it is similar to the latter in possessing a single ex−ternal narial opening and enlarged antorbital fenestra. Fron−tal and parietal proportions suggest a wide skull roof, as inother titanosaurians. The morphology of the lacrimal and itsrelationships to neighboring bones indicates a wide narialopening, as in R. krausei and diplodocoids.

Square jaws and a large number of alveoli in the titano−saurian B. salgadoi permitted the definitive recognition of thisjaw morphology as a trait not exclusive to diplodocoids. Thenumber of replacement teeth in the dentary is up to three, ashas been reported for other titanosaurians, showing differ−ences beetween upper and lower tooth replacement rate. Theedentulous posterior border of the dentary in B. salgadoi doesnot include a fused coronoid, which was presumably locatedmore posteriorly, as in Antarctosaurus wichmannianus.

Phylogenetic analysis recovers B. salgadoi as a titano−saurian, related to other mid−sized to large titanosaurians fromthe Turonian–Campanian of South America, such as Men−dozasaurus neguyelap, Futalognkosaurus dukei, Rinconsau−rus caudamirus, Muyelensaurus pecheni, and A. wichman−nianus. Previous hypotheses relating Bonitasaura salgadoi tonemegtosaurids are not supported by the phylogenetic analy−sis, as well as the presence of the family in South America.

Increasing knowledge of titanosaurian anatomy is the re−sult of a substantial number of new discoveries in the last twodecades, with more than ten new taxa. However, few of theminclude cranial bones. Therefore, the cranial remains of B.salgadoi contribute substantially to titanosaurian skull re−constructions and increase the known range of morphologi−cal diversity for the group.

AcknowledgementsThe authors thank to the Pincheira family at El Manzano, Cerro Policía,and the “La Bonita” field team during the years of excavation and prep−aration works, especially the chief of preparation Alejandro NavarroFalcón (Fundación Azara−Universidad Maimónides, Buenos Aires, Ar−gentina). We also thank Jeff A. Wilson (University of Michigan, Michi−gan, USA) for important comments and interpretations of the materials,Mike D'Emic (University of Michigan, Michigan, USA) and LeonardoSalgado (Universidad del Comahue, Neuquén, Argentina) for fruitfulcomments on early draft of the manuscript, and Rodolfo García (Uni−versidad del Comahue, Neuquén, Argentina) and Leonardo Filippi(Museo Carmen Funes, Plaza Huincul, Argentina) for providing un−published data. Jerry D. Harris (Dixie State College, St. George, USA)and an anonymous reviewer are acknowledged for critical and usefulcomments on the original manuscript. Jorge A. Gonzalez (FundaciónAzara−Universidad Maimónides, Buenos Aires, Argentina) made theline drawings and skull restoration of Bonitasaura. We appreciate thefinancial support given by The Jurassic Foundation and FundaciónFélix de Azara to PAG and SA in the last five years.

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Page 15: Cranial anatomy and phylogenetic position of the ... · recovered as titanosaurians (Calvo 1994; Salgado and Calvo 1997; Wilson 1997; Curry Rogers and Forster 2001; Wilson 2002, 2005)

Appendix 1Data matrixCamarasaurus 0010001100 1000000000 0000000000 0000000000 0000000000 0000000000 0000000000 0000000

Brachiosaurus 0000011000 0000010101 1000001001 0100010000 0000000001 0000000000 0000000001 01110?0

Chubutisaurus ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????2?000 1?0??00001 ?????0???0 0????0???? ??111??

Andesaurus ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?1??011101 1?0?000101 00010000?0 ?????1110? ??01???

Malawisaurus 0???11??0? ????000201 ?11000?00? ?11?011111 1??1000201 00?11010?? ?1110??10? ????1?1

Ligabuesaurus ?????????? ???????1?1 ?000101010 ?111011111 1????????? ????????10 ?????0???? ??1110?

Mendozasaurus ?????????? ?????????? ??1010?122 ?120?2??11 1?11000211 0011100010 1111?1???? ??01111

Futalognkosaurus ?????????? ?????????? 2110101122 21?0?2??11 1111?0?2?1 ??1??0???? ??????1121 11????0

Epachthosaurus ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?101121101 111?000221 0001100010 111??11??1 1101110

Rapetosaurus 1111110111 1111110221 201000100? 1121121111 11?0000221 0010?00010 1110??1101 1101?11

Nemegtosaurus 101111010? 1110110221 ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ???????

Lirainosaurus ?????????? ?????0?2?1 ?????????? ?10?121111 1?11?00221 00000000?0 1?101????? ???1??1

Rinconsaurus ?????????? ???????211 ?010001011 ?101121111 11???00221 0011101110 1110111111 1101???

Muyelensaurus ?1?1??11?? ?1?111?211 ?11000?011 ?121121111 11?0?00221 0021101110 1110?11111 11011??

Bonitasaura ?11111?1?1 ??????1211 ??1?101121 ?120121111 1?11000221 00111011?0 1?1??1112? ??0110?

Antarctosaurus ?101?111?? ?110201211 ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ????????10 11???1???? ??0111?

Gondwanatitan ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?1?1121111 111???1222 01002001?0 ???????011 1???1??

Aeolosaurus ?????????? ???????221 ?????????? ?1???2???? ??30?01222 01102001?0 1?10?1101? ???11??

Opisthocoelicaudia ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? 1001121011 1121100001 0020000011 1110111111 1101110

Alamosaurus ?????????? ???????22? ?010001001 ?1??120011 1131100221 0020000010 1111111121 11011??

Neuquensaurus ?????????? ?????????? ?011001012 ?101121111 1131?10221 1020000010 111011?121 11?11?1

Saltasaurus ?11??111?? ?01011?221 ?001011012 ?111121111 1110?10221 1020010011 2110111121 11011?1

Rocasaurus ?????????? ?????????? ???????01? ?101121111 1????10221 10?00100?? ??????1121 11?1???

Appendix 2Character list

1. Short deep snout: present (0); absent (1) (modified from Upchurch1998 by Curry Rogers 2005).

2. Frontal contribution to supratemporal fossa: absent (0); present (1)(Wilson and Sereno 1998).

3. Frontal, dorsal texture: smooth (0); rugose (1).4. Parietal occipital process, dorsoventral height: deep, nearly twice

the diameter of the foramen magnum (0); short, less than the diame−ter of the foramen magnum (1) (Wilson 2002).

5. Parietal, elongate lateral process: absent (0); present (1) (CurryRogers 2005).

6. Parietal, cranial inclination with wide caudodorsal exposure ofcrest: absent (0); present (1) (Salgado and Calvo 1997).

7. Parietal, contribution to post−temporal fenestra: absent (0); present(1) (Wilson 2002).

8. Parietal, distance separating supratemporal fenestrae: less than (0);or twice (1); the long axis of supratemporal fenestra (Wilson 2002).

9. Ascending process of premaxilia: directed dorsally (0); directedcaudo dorsally (1) (Gauthier 1986).

10. External nares, configuration of lateral margin: lacrimal excluded,maxilla−nasal contact (0); lacrimal participates, separates maxilla andnasal (1)

11. Preantorbital fenestra: absent (0); present (1) (Wilson and Sereno1998).

12. Supraoccipital, height: twice (0); subequal (1); or less (2) thanheight of foramen magnum (Wilson 2002).

13. Paroccipital process, ventral non−articular process: absent (0); pres−ent (1) (Wilson 2002).

14. Longitudinal groove on the supraoccipital: absent (0); present (1)(Curry Rogers 2005).

15. Basipterygoid processes, angle of divergence: approximately 45�

(0), less than 30� (1), over 45� (2) (Wilson 2002).16. Basal tubera, craniocaudal depth: aprox half dorsoventral height

(0); sheetlike 20% dorsoventral height (1) (Wilson 2002).17. Mandible shape: U shape (0); L shape (1).18. Tooth shape: spoon−like (0); compressed cone chisel−like (1); pen−

cil chisel−like (2) (modified from Calvo 1994 by Calvo and Gon−zález Riga 2003).

19. Tooth crowns, cross−sectional shape at mid−crown: D−shaped (0);subcylindrical with smooth crest (1); cylindrical (2) (modified fromWilson and Sereno 1998).

20. Wear facets of teeth sharply inclined: absent (0); present (1) (Sal−gado and Calvo 1997).

21. Cervical vertebrae, number: 12 (0); 13 (1); 14 or more (2) (Upchurch1998).

22. Pleurocoels in anterior and middle cervical vertebrae: present (0);absent (1) (modified from Calvo and Salgado1995).

23. Cervical pleurocoel divided by lamina or septa: present (0); absent(1) (Upchurch 1998).

24. Cervical prezygapophyses, relative length: articular facets that sur−pass (0); or not surpass (1) the centra (Salgado et al. 1997).

25. Posterior cervical neural spines lateraly expanded and wider thanthe centra: absent (0); present (1) (González Riga 2005).

26. Neural spines in cervical vertebrae: tall (0); small (1) (modifiedfrom Calvo and Salgado 1995).



Page 16: Cranial anatomy and phylogenetic position of the ... · recovered as titanosaurians (Calvo 1994; Salgado and Calvo 1997; Wilson 1997; Curry Rogers and Forster 2001; Wilson 2002, 2005)

27. Anterior cervical neural spines: bifid (0); single (1) (Upchurch1998).

28. Posterior cervical vertebrae, proportions: ratio total height/ centrumlength: less (0); or more (1) than 1.5 (modified from Calvo andSalgado 1995 by González Riga 2005).

29. Supradiapophyseal fossa in posterior cervical vertebrae: absent (0);shallow or reduced (1); deep and extended (2) (González Riga2005).

30. Posterior cervical centra, proportions: ratio anteroposterior length/height of posterior face: >3 (0); between 2.5 and 1.5 (1); less than1.5 (2) (modified from Wilson 2002).

31. Dorsal vertebrae, number: 12 (0); 11 (1); 10 or fewer (2) (Wilsonand Sereno 1998).

32. Anterior dorsal neural spines, shape: bifid (0); single (1) (McIntosh1990).

33. Anterior dorsal vertebrae, infrapostzygapophyseal fossa: absent(0); present not divided (1); present divided in two subtriangularfossa (2).

34. Anterior dorsal neural spines inclined posteriorly more than 20 de−gree from vertical: absent (0); present (1) (modified from Wilsonand Sereno 1998).

35. Posterior dorsal neural spines, dorsal development: more (0); orless (1) than 20 percent of the total height of the vertebra (modifiedfrom Sanz et al. 1999 from González Riga 2003).

36. Prespinal lamina in dorsal vertebrae: absent (0); present in the distalend of neural spine (1); present all along the neural spine (2)(Salgado et al. 1997).

37. Centroparapophyseal lamina in posterior dorsal vertebrae: absent(0); present (1) (Bonaparte and Coria 1993).

38. Ventrally widened or slightly forked centrodiapophyseal laminae inposterior dorsal vertebrae: absent (0); present (1) (Salgado et al.1997).

39. Hyposphene−hypantrum articulation in dorsal vertebrae: present(0); absent (1) (Salgado et al. 1997).

40. Pleurocoels in dorsal vertebrae shape: circular or elliptical (0); pos−teriorly acuminate (1) (Salgado et al. 1997).

41. Camellate or somphospondylous types of internal structures ofpresacral vertebrae: absent (0); present (1) (modified from Wilsonand Sereno 1998 by González Riga 2003).

42. Sacral vertebrae, number: five (0); six or more (1) (McIntosh 1990).43. First caudal vertebrae, type: platycoelous (0); procoelous (1); opistho−

coelous (2); biconvex (3) (Salgado et al. 1997).44. Wide and deep interzygapophyseal cavity in caudal vertebrae: ab−

sent (0); present (1) (Calvo et al. 2007a)45. Caudal transverse processes: disappear by caudal 15 (0); disappear

by caudal 10 (1) (Wilson 2002).46. Anterior and middle caudal centra, proportions: as high as wide (0);

depressed, wider than high (1) (Salgado et al. 1997).47. Mid caudal centra with the anterior face strongly inclined anteri−

orly: absent (0); present (1) (Franco−Rosas et al. 2004).48. Articular face shape on anterior caudal centra: non−procoelous (0);

slightly procoelous (1); strongly procoelous with prominent condyles(2) (modified from Salgado et al. 1997 by González Riga 2003).

49. Articular face shape on middle caudal centra: non−procoelous (0);slightly procoelous with reduced condyles (1); strongly procoelouswith prominent condyles (2) (modified from Salgado et al. 1997 byGonzález Riga 2003).

50. Neural arch in anterior caudal vertebrae: placed in the middle of thecentrum (0); anteriorly (1); on the anterior border (2) (Salgado et al.1997).

51. Anterodorsal border of neural spine in middle caudal vertebrae lo−

cated posteriorly with respect to anterior border of the postzygapo−physes: absent (0); present (1) (Salgado et al. 1997).

52. Anteriorly directed anterior caudal neural spine: absent (0); present(1) (Calvo et al. 2007a)

53. Shape of the section of neural spines in most anterior caudal verte−brae in dorsal view: axially elongated (0); transversely elongated(1); quadrangular (2) (Calvo et al. 2007a)

54. Neural spine in middle caudal vertebrae, shape: short anteropos−teriorly (0); laminated and anteroposteriorly elongated (1) (modifiedfrom González Riga 2003 by Bonaparte et al. 2006).

55. Length proportions of prezygapophyses with respect to the centrumlength in middle caudal vertebrae: shorter than 50% (0); between 40to 50% (1); longer than 50% (2) (modified from González Riga2003).

56. Ventral depression divided by a longitudinal septum in anterior andmiddle caudal vertebrae: absent (0); present (1) (Salgado and Azpi−licueta 2000).

57. Postzygapophyseal process in middle caudal vertebra: absent (0);present (1) (Calvo et al. 2007a)

58. Well developed interprezygapophyseal lamina in middle caudalvertebrae: absent (0); present (1) (Calvo et al. 2007a)

59. Scapular glenoid orientation: relatively flat (0); strongly beveledmedially (1) (Wilson and Sereno 1998).

60. Humerus, breadth of proximal end with respect to the total length:less (0); or more (1) than the 50% (González Riga 2003).

61. Humerus, type of proximal border: strongly curved (0); straight orslightly curved (1); sigmoidal (2) (modified from Upchurch 1998by González Riga 2002).

62. Ulnar olecranon process, development: prominent, projecting aboveproximal articulation (0); rudimentary, level with proximal articula−tion (1) (Wilson and Sereno 1998).

63. Sternal plates, shape: suboval (0); semilunar (1) (Salgado et al.1997).

64. Semilunar sternal plate with straight posterior border: absent (0);present (1) (González Riga 2003).

65. Coracoid, shape: suboval (0); quadrangular (1) (Salgado et al. 1997).66. Metacarpals, distal phalangeal articular facets: present (0); absent

(1) (Salgado et al. 1997).67. Pubis, length with respect to ischium length: shorter or equal (0);

longer (1) (Salgado et al. 1997).68. Ischium, posterior process twice or more the length of pubis articu−

lation: present (0); absent (1) (modified from Salgado et al. 1997 byCalvo and González Riga 2003).

69. Ischium, iliac pedicel: short and poorly developed (0); slender andwell developed (1); wide and well developed(2) (Calvo and Gon−zález Riga 2003).

70. Shape of preacetabular lobe of ilium: moderately expanded (0);broadly expanded and directed upward (1) (Salgado et al. 1997).

71. Orientation of preacetabular lobe of ilium: nearly vertical (0);nearly horizontal and laterally projected (1) (Salgado et al. 1997).

72. Relative orientation of the pubic peduncle of ilium: angled (0); per−pendicular with respect to the sacral axis (1) (Salgado et al. 1997).

73. Humerus/femoral ratio of 0.90 or more: absent (0); present (1)(McIntosh 1990).

74. Lateral bulge of femur, below the greater trochanter: absent (0);present (1) (McIntosh 1990).

75. Distal end of tibia broader transversely than anteroposteriorly: ab−sent (0); present (1) (Salgado et al. 1997).

76. Metatarsal I, length: shortest metatarsal (0); metatarsal V shortertan metatarsal I (1) (Curry Rogers 2005).

77. Osteoderms: absent (0); present (1) (Sanz et al. 1999).