cre8tors magazine: dope & unsigned-leci

& Dope Unsigned X (sign here) Q&A Session “I think that girls are stepping it up and showing improvement.” Name: LECI Age: 25 Region: South Act: Singer/ Rapper Let’s be honestH the world hasn’t changed that much' 3nybody that has lived life knows the sayingH “Same sT"t different toilet”' It’s sad thatH that statement is still true in the case of how women get treated' Some still nerve to view females as inferiorH incapable' Thank God for women who break the mold and show they are not just capableH but equal or better' Q' What are your thoughts on the current state of the game2 3' pNow a day artists are finding more and more ways to be independent' Ways to cut out the middlemanH so we are sure everything is done straight out of our hands or at least as close as possible'p Q' How do you separate yourself from other artist2 3' pMy diversity and personality separates me from others' I donQt see things as others do' IQm always looking to flip the script and express the same topics differently'p Growing up a military bratH LECI was influenced by not only different genres of musicH but different cultures of music' This was apparent when I heard LECI switch from English to a half a verse in Spanish' SingerH rapperH songwriterH LECI tells me about her views on the game and her future endeavors' Young in the game LECI has a career worth keeping up with' Hooking up with the right peopleH would definintly benefit any record label' IntelligentH sexyH and talentedH LECI brings an honest femaleQs view to the game' Q' Who in fluenced your style2 3' p3 lot of the OEQs and BEQs female rappers influenced me cuz they always had a message like Mc lyteH Lauryn HillH Lady of Rage'''p Q' In this stage of your careerH what song of yours stands out the most2 3' pOn my mixtape pBiLyricalp I have a song called pKarmapH that has to be my favorite cuz it was really a deep personal plea more than a message' IQm trying to explain to pKarmap that IQve matured and IQm ready to receive the good I deserve nowp Q' If rap dosenQt work out for youH do you have a plan B2 3' pCollege has always been my plan 3' IQll have my bachelors degree in business very soon and I plan on having a event planningxcatering company' 3s well as a full access music team with studiosH photographersH designers etc' all under one name' So if rap doesnQt work out I will still do something involving it since that will always be apart of me'p www'soundcloud'comxalecia-renee " www'reverbnation'comxlecirenee " Twitter 1prettyleciEOEO " IG 1lecirenee 3rticle byK 3stro The CreOtor www'facebook'comxCreOtorsMonthly TwitterK 1CreOtorsMonthly May YEC8

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Post on 22-Mar-2016




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Singer, rapper, songwriter, LECI tells me about her views on the game and her future endeavors.


Page 1: Cre8tors Magazine: Dope & Unsigned-LECI

&DopeUnsigned X(sign here)


“I think that girls are stepping it up and showing improvement.”

Name: LECIAge: 25Region: SouthAct: Singer/ Rapper

















