creamistry report backup 11-30-13

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  • 8/13/2019 Creamistry Report Backup 11-30-13





  • 8/13/2019 Creamistry Report Backup 11-30-13


    Executive Summary


    Define. pg.


    Measure. pg. 3

    Analyze.. pg.

    4 5

    Control .. pg.


    Short Summary .. pg.


    Appendix . pg. 9

  • 8/13/2019 Creamistry Report Backup 11-30-13



    Executive Summary; the Executive Summary is not to exceed 1 page. Statement tools / methods used in Analysis results / findings (Conclusions & Recommendations bulleted or numbered list liftedfrom

    body text)

    1.1.1. Improvement & Results: although the report will not be graded on the amount (magnitude) of

    money or time you save positive improvement is expected. That means a pilot study or simulation

    must be performed to estimate project performance. (5%)

    1.1.2. Introduction, (this explains why this process and issue were selected)

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    Define Phase:

    Customer needs are stated and the processes and products or services to be improved are

    identified. Initiate project charter and plan. Define deliverables are listed below:1.1.1. Problem Statement*

    Creamistry, a liquid nitrogen ice cream shop in Irvine, has had numerous complaints about wait

    time during peak hours. Some reviews have mentioned wait times exceeding an hour. Because

    Creamistry is one of the first establishments to provide liquid nitrogen ice cream in the WestCoast, there is a high demand for the product which results in exceptionally heavy traffic.

    Although the wait times can be partially attributed to novelty, there are also numerous flaws in

    the production process. For example, the wide range of flavors and toppings available have

    caused indecision among newer customers.

    1.1.2. Scope of Project (boundaries)*The scope of project is limited to the simple process of serving ice cream. The current process

    requires measurement of ingredients. Each flavor and base has a different freezing so specific

    amounts must be used in order to freeze effectively. Our team will attempt to expedite this stepor eliminate it entirely. Implementation will not require a significant amount of resources or


    1.1.3. Importance of Project*

    The importance of this project is to eliminate wait time. The wait time is a main cause as to why

    we are losing customers and it can discourage new customers from experiencing a new way of

    enjoying ice cream. When arriving around peak hours, the wait time can extend from 15 minutesto 60 minutes for a bowl of ice cream. From the various amounts of flavors to the significantamounts of toppings, it makes sense why each person has a hard time choosing their product

    result. It takes a significant amount of time for contemplation which leads to a delay ineveryones order and process. The wait time is probably the only negative thing there is to sayabout Creamistry. It is discouraging when you happen to show up at a place, where the line is

    out the door. It is very disappointing when the line to order takes just as long to retrieve the


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    1.1.4. Goals of Project

    Our goal is to reduce customer wait time as much as possible. Creamistry loses plenty of

    customers throughout the day because people do not want to wait a majority of their time just toorder than to wait another bulk amount of time to receive their product. The importance of this

    project is to work towards finding a more efficient way to be able to deliver the final project tothe customer. And the goal of this project is to eliminate the delay from product to customer as

    soon as possible. Creamistry is working hard towards finding the most effective manner inproviding the most delicious results there is. Ideally, we would like to bring down the average

    to a maximum of 10 minutes.

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    1.1.6. Customer Requirements (CTQs)

    1.1.7. Cost of Poor Quality (COPQ) estimate

    1.1.8. Stakeholder Analysis (Get in touch w/ Shaun. He can help you figure out what names to


    1.1.9. Other related tools: Pareto, brainstorming, cross functional process mapping, affinity


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    Measure Phase:

    Measure Phase: Determines baseline and target performance of the process and defines

    input/output variables; validate the measurement systems. Measure deliverables are listed below:

    1.Develop a baseline for improvement. This is done by collecting data thatindicates the what, when and where of the problem

    Because our initial problem was the length of customer wait time, we measured total wait time

    at daytime hours, night hours, and peak hours during the weekend. As expected, peak hours hadmuch longer wait times due to customer traffic, but we discovered high variation within the

    production process that was unrelated to high demand. We timed the separate steps the

    employees performed:

    1. Taking orders2. Measuring the base3. Measuring the flavor4. Mixing5. Adding liquid nitrogen6. Scooping7.

    Adding toppings8. Serving

    The variations in steps 1 and 7 are caused by customer indecision and require solutions thatare beyond the process. Most of the time is spent on steps 2-6 and the variation is caused by

    incorrect measurements of the ingredients that are mixed together.

    2. Identify key input and output variables

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    The key inputs for the ice cream creation process are the ice cream base (premium, organic,

    or sorbet), various flavors, toppings, and liquid nitrogen. The ultimate output is liquid nitrogen

    ice cream.

    3. Create a robust description of the process and its workflow using aValue Stream Map or detailed flow chart allowing for waste analysis

    1.1.4. Identify the primary and secondary metrics and target performance


    Our primary metric is a faster cycle time. Ideally, we would like to limit the total wait time to

    25 minutes but more importantly we would like to minimize the variation in the process and

    reduce the amount of time it takes to produce the product. Our secondary metric would beimproved customer satisfaction.

    Completed project charter

    1.1.1 Typical tools: VSM (current state), X-Y Diagram, C-E Diagram, Pareto, MSA (gage R&R)

    and capability studies, FMEA, basic descriptive statistics and graphical tools such as box plots,

    histograms, trend charts, etc.

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    Determines baseline and target performance of the process and defines input/output variables;

    validate the measurement systems. Measure deliverables are listed below:

    1.1.10. Develop a baseline for improvement. This is done by collecting data that

    indicates the what, when and where of the problem

    1.1.11. Identify of key input and output variables

    1.1.12. Create a robust description of the process and its workflow using a ValueStream Map or detailed flow chart allowing for waste analysis

    1.1.13. An assessment of any measurement systems used to gather data for making

    decisions or to describe the performance of the process

    1.1.14. Quantify current performance level (process sigma and capability whereapplicable)

    1.1.15. Identify the primary and secondary metrics and target performance levels,such as: Better: DPU, DPMO, RTY, Accuracy, etc. Faster: Cycle Time, Inventory turns Cheaper: COPQ Improved Customer Satisfaction Improved Regulatory Compliance

    1.1.16. Completed project charter

    1.1.17. Typical tools: VSM (current state), X-Y Diagram, C-E Diagram, Pareto, MSA (gageR&R) and capability studies, FMEA, basic descriptive statistics and graphical tools such as box


    Control and run charts will be done tomorrow along with UCL,LCL,MCL implemented to test ifprocess is fluent or if it needs improvement. Date is in next page

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    Dont forget to add measurement unit minutes near Chart title or data form title (Ting)

    *= in minutes

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  • 8/13/2019 Creamistry Report Backup 11-30-13


    Analyze Phase:

    The red mark is the things that we have to get it done

    1) Analyze Phase: Use data to establish key process inputs that affect process outputs.

    a) Focused problem statement: the what, when, where, who and how of the problem (I will

    finish this part after I received Rick and Joses data, Edward)

    -What is the problem?

    Long wait time is the main problem we focused on in this project. The average wait time

    is about 40 mins during the peak hours. The biggest issue is when the employees make ice

    creams, it takes average about20 minutes to make the ice cream during the peak hours. Wefound out the problem is because of lack of training. Part-time employees dont know what is

    the freezing time of every flavors. They are trying to figure out while making the icecream. That is why it makes the process even slower and increase the wait time. As a result,

    customers complaint and are not satisfied with the wait time.


    People tend to stop by in the evening especially on the weekend. The peak hours are from 7 to

    9 p.m. People usually need to wait over 30 minutes during this period. However, it doesnt have

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    too many people during the weekday afternoon from 2-5 p.m. People can get their ice-cream

    within 10-15 mins depend on what customer order.


    We found out that the making process is our problem. This part takes longest time to make,which it usually take about 20 minutes during the peak hours.


    Employees are the companys biggest problem, especially part-time employees. It is becausethey lack training and experiences. Creamistry needs to schedule a training session to teach and

    train every employees so that they can better understand the process in order to reduce the wait



    b) Theory(s) on causes

    There are many reasons that cause wait time. As I just mentioned on the problem statement, oneof the problems is lack of training. Creamistry opened a few months ago, so most of theemployees are new and a lot of them are part-time employees. In addition, Creamistry offers 50

    different flavors to customers and each flavors has its own freezing time. This makes it harder

    for new employees to control and handle the time. Lastly, each flavors has a variety ofingredients. Therefore, employees need to understand and know what exactly they need to put in

    order to go on to the next process. All of these causes increase the wait time. Thus, we need to

    solve all of the problems to reduce the wait time.

    c)Techniques used to identify root causes:

    Waste Analysis, is illustrated as a VSM or flow chart with bursts

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    Whys; note if combining with C-E diagrams be careful not to be redundant

    From the cause and effect diagrams, the effect on Creamistry bases on four causes. First,employees are lacking of training and most of them are part time employees. These are the

    causes to make it inefficient. Since Chemistry is a new ice-cream shop, people are still training

    for better customer services and knowing the freezing point so that it could reduce the wait

    time. Second, equipments are other causes. Creamistry use very simple equipments. The main

    equipments are six blending machines and nitrogen tubes. However, the questions are is itenough during peak hours with more than 20-30 customers in line. The third one the

    ordering. The company offers 50 different flavors which make the process slower becausecustomers need time to think what they want to order. Therefore, the ordering takes a lot of time

    so it increase the wait time. Last, space considers one of the causes. People are stuck in the

    cashier counter, and there are only two counters for people to order the ice-cream. When peoplestuck at the counters, it increases the wait time.

    C-E Diagrams; note if combining with 5 Whys be careful not to be redundant

    Scatter Plots

    Hypothesis testing, ANOVA


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    By using benchmarking, we compare our processes with our top competitors in order to learn

    how well they perform and the business processes that explain why they are successful.

    We discovered that other liquid nitrogen ice cream shops provide fewer choices tocustomers. Also, they introduce new flavors every two weeks and remove old flavors from the

    menu. We did an observation and discovered that it works very well and it reduce wait

    time. Almost all the customers get their final products within 15 minutes. We could use this asour guide and the goal is to reduce wait time to satisfy our customers.

    2)Analyze Deliverables:

    Report of root cause and/or waste analysis tools used (

    -Freezing pointList of key sources of waste or variation

    Identity of critical input variable to process


    Develop (via brainstorming, literature research or benchmarking) an exhaustive list of possibleimprovement ideas


    Improve Phase: (TING)

    1.1.22. Improvemental Theory

    Employee TrainingAccording to our data, the production process causes the longest waiting time for

    customers. The high variation indicates a lack of consistency by employees that results

    from inadequate training. They dont really know how much nitrogen they should putinto the machine and what flavors will take longer time to be freezed. They are learning

    by making customers ice cream, so this causes customers need to wait for a long time.Based on this reason, we decide to do employee training that can help employee knowmore about freezing points and make ice cream more expertly; and also can reducecustomers waiting time.

    Ice Cream AdvisorDuring the research, we noticed that ordering time is one of the reason why

    customer wait for a long time. It is because many customers dont know what to orderand need to spend a extra time making their decision. Therefore, we suggest

    that Creamistry hire an Ice Cream Advisor, "The Creamist". He or she will be able to

    communicate with customers who wait in line, introduce the ordering process, and

    provide recommendations to new customer in order to reduce the ordering time.

    1.1.23. Tests of theories (pilot studies)

    In order to test our theory, we had to implement the steps using the actual equipment in

    Creamistry. Fortunately, we have a member of our group who works for the company. Our group

    showed up at the location on a Wednesday morning (when business is slowest) and weconvinced two employees to volunteer for our experiment. One employee followed the current

    procedure of making a small vanilla-flavored ice cream with a premium base and repeated this

    process seven times. With the other employee, we implemented our pre-measurement idea. The

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    second employee was able to produce the same product at a quicker rate. Although they managed

    to save only a few seconds, the time adds up during peak hours.

    Testing process of employee training1. Pick one employee, called Employee A2. Train him to better understand freezing point3. Run tests for different flavors with pre-measured ingredients4. Practicing to input nitrogen5. Compare him to Employee B6. Find out the result of testing

    Testing process of Ice Cream Advisor1. Pick one employee, Shaun, to become a Creamist2. Provide information and recommendations to customers in line3. Ask random customers filling out a feedback survey

    1.1.24. Select best solution

    After doing tests of theories, we find out that employee training is the best solution for

    our project because

    1.1.25. Improvement plan & implementation

    Confirmations runs, hypothesis testComponent Mean Time Standard Deviation

    Making period 5.995 0.3284

    Problem Objective: Does the time it takes the employees to make ice cream less or equalto 5.34 minutes during normal hours with n=14.

    H0: Mean making time: 1 < 5.34H1: Mean making time: 1 > 5.34 1= 5.995, s1= 0.3248 n=14

    t1 = (5.995 - 5.34) / ( 0.3284 / 14 ) = 0.665/0.0878=7.5740df = 14 -1 = 13 an alpha = 0.05 t13, .05= 1.771

    Process maps

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    Corrective actions1.1.26. Other related tools: PDSA, Lean Tools, ANOVA, Poka-Yoke, brainstorming, DOE,

    process modeling, NGT, PFMEA and VSM final state

    1.1.27. Measures of results, compare to original process

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    Control Phase:

    When we embarked in this new project we had no idea what was causing such long delays at the

    new ice cream shop, Creamistry. Creamistry had a lot of work ahead to improve the process andkeep its customers happy. After careful analysis and data gathering it became very clear to the

    team that the up to 1 hour wait to receive a customized ice cream was due to lack of training and

    a variation in freezing time in the multitude of ingredients being offered.

    The popular ice cream shop had only been in operations in the city of Irvine for a short time andthe employees had not been properly trained. Customers were frequently perplexed with all the

    options they had and were often not prepared to order when they reached the front of the line.Frequently, the employees were playing a guessing game trying to figure out if their mixture wasproperly frozen or not. At times, the ice cream received was too soft or too hard because not

    enough or too much nitrogen had been applied.

    Training Plan:

    We have suggested to management that shift leaders be trained in the freezing process and the

    variation in ingredients. Shift leaders should thoroughly understand the process involved and be

    capable of teaching others the process.

    Training should take place during the first days of being hired and should be taken veryseriously. It is also recommended that new hires receive formal training on the process and that

    they understand the variations in freezing points for the variety of ingredients. Your averageperson might not fully understand that different ingredients and toppings can greatly alter the

    freezing time of ice cream and helping new employees understand this can greatly improve the


    Employees who are already members of the Creamistry team and are not considered newshould also be given formal training to implement the new process. Current employees should bethoroughly trained before any new employees so that they are also able to provide guidance to

    new employees once they arrive.

    Preparing the delicious treats at Creamistry is truly a science experiment where liquids andtoppings are transformed into delicious ice cream desserts. Most people might think that it is

    easy to just put ingredients together and freeze them and you have a treat, but chemist and cooks

    know that there is an art to cooking that many do not understand. Helping employees understand

    the art of cooking will empower them to make authentically delicious treats in an acceptable timeframe.

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    Different flavors and ingredients should be grouped in families to ease the process of

    remembering the freezing variation in each.

    Documentation Plan:

    Training manuals

    Training manuals will be provided to employees during the formal new hire training. Manuals

    will be simple and easy to follow and will include a list of the freezing families that different

    ingredients are in. Most popular ice cream combinations will be included with instructions and

    freezing times.

    Responsibility for implementation

    Manager will be responsible for implementing the changing and training supervisors and


    Responsibility for ongoing processSupervisors will be responsible for the ongoing process. They will be responsible for confirming

    that the employees understand the proper way to freeze the different ingredients and that they

    understand the process.

    Monitoring Plan:

    Simple Visual Controls

    Ice cream should be visually checked for texture consistency. The perfect ice cream is soft but

    not watery, and of course, nobody wants an ice cream that is hard as a rock. Employees and team

    leaders should be able to perform a simple visual test and know the consistency of the product.Check Lists

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    Check lists for Creamistry should be simple, easy to read, and not too time consuming.

    If a shift leader or supervisor notices that employees do not understand the process in freezing,

    additional guidance should be provided. If the problems continue, employees should be be givena verbal warning. As this report has concluded inadequate training has caused severe wait timesfor customers and this is not good for business. Customers do not want to wait an hour for an ice

    cream dessert and the greatest variation in wait time is being caused due to lack of training in the

    part of management. It is critical to the business that employees understand how to mostefficiently produce this delicious treat and the process should be taken very seriously. Creamistry

    should apply

    SHORT SUMMARY (Conclusion)

    1.1.1. Improvement & Results: although the report will not be graded on the amount (magnitude) ofmoney or time you save positive improvement is expected. That means a pilot study or simulationmust be performed to estimate project performance. (5%)

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