create an kfigin us

Create an app from a map Learn how to create and publish web mapping applications with configurable templates. Video Transcription 00:03 This video shows you how to create and publish an app from a template... 00:06 find in ArcGIS Online. 00:09 Templates are available in the Esri Featured Content gallery... 00:12 ...and are also accessible through the map viewer. 00:15 These templates contain the code you need to configure your app... 00:17 ...that will be hosted on ArcGIS Online. 00:20 This video assumes that you have been assigned a role within your organization... 00:23 ...that allows you to create and share items. 00:26 First we will look at the configurable apps in the Esri Featured Content section of the Gallery. 00:31 Select a template and open its details to get more information about the template. 00:35 Depending on which template you pick, you can then publish the app. 00:40 Enter a title, tags, and summary. 00:42 Verify the folder where you want to save your published app and click OK. 00:46 It’s that simple. 00:48 Later in the video you will see how to configure and customize your new app. 00:52 Next we will take a look at how to access the templates in the map viewer. 00:56 Open a map that you have saved; then, click the Share button and click Make a Web Application 01:02 Use the preview option to see how your map looks in the various templates... 01:05 ...noting the different functionality, legends, scale bars, layouts, and color schemes. 01:10 For this demonstration, we will make an app with the Storytelling Text and Legend template. 01:15 This template lets you display multiple layers via tabs.

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Page 1: Create an Kfigin Us

Create an app from a mapLearn how to create and publish web mapping applications with configurable templates.

Video Transcription00:03 This video shows you how to create and publish an app from a template...

00:06 find in ArcGIS Online.

00:09 Templates are available in the Esri Featured Content gallery...

00:12 ...and are also accessible through the map viewer.

00:15 These templates contain the code you need to configure your app...

00:17 ...that will be hosted on ArcGIS Online.

00:20 This video assumes that you have been assigned a role within your organization...

00:23 ...that allows you to create and share items.

00:26 First we will look at the configurable apps in the Esri Featured Content section of the Gallery.

00:31 Select a template and open its details to get more information about the template.

00:35 Depending on which template you pick, you can then publish the app.

00:40 Enter a title, tags, and summary.

00:42 Verify the folder where you want to save your published app and click OK.

00:46 It’s that simple.

00:48 Later in the video you will see how to configure and customize your new app.

00:52 Next we will take a look at how to access the templates in the map viewer.

00:56 Open a map that you have saved; then, click the Share button and click Make a WebApplication

01:02 Use the preview option to see how your map looks in the various templates...

01:05 ...noting the different functionality, legends, scale bars, layouts, and color schemes.

01:10 For this demonstration, we will make an app with the Storytelling Text and Legend template.

01:15 This template lets you display multiple layers via tabs.

Page 2: Create an Kfigin Us

01:19 Click Publish; update the title, tags, and summary...

01:22 ...and verify the folder you are going to save it in.

01:24 Then click Save & Publish.

01:26 You’ve just created your app, and now you are going to configure it.

01:30 Open the item details page and click Configure App.

01:33 This is where you customize your app.

01:35 You can change the color scheme, choose what information appears on the map...

01:39 ...and determine which maps you want to add into the template for this app.

01:43 You also have the options to display the legend and description and include time-enabledmaps.

01:48 To add other maps to your app, enter the map IDs into the template.

01:52 The map ID is listed in the URL when you open a map in the map viewer.

01:55 It appears after the webmap= part of the URL.

02:00 Copy this and paste it into the Webmap IDs box.

02:03 Repeat this process to add two additional maps into the template.

02:06 Once you are done, click Save to view your changes.

02:09 Then click Done to finalize your customizations.

02:13 Now it’s time to share your app.

02:15 Click Share and check Everyone.

02:18 By sharing your app, you allow members in your organization and the public to see it.

02:23 In our example, we’ve created and shared an app that compares historic tsunami events...

02:27 ...on the island of Hawaii within a given period of time for the same locations.

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