create wealth with law of attraction

8/7/2019 Create Wealth With Law of Attraction 1/30 Creating Wealth With The Law of Attraction

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Creating Wealth


The Law of Attraction

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Table of Content

What is the Law of Attraction? – Page 3

What part does thought play? – Page 5

Power and Influence of the Mind – Page 8

Getting Past Your Limitations – Page 11

Wealth Mentality – Page 14

The Science of Wealth Creation – Page 19

Taking Action toward wealth – Page 22

Experiencing Manifested Wealth – Page 25

Conclusion – Page 29

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Chapter 1

What is the Law of Attraction?

Anything that you keep resisting will persists. Whatever you fear will 

continue to persevere.

To create wealth and prosperity, you need to first understand the Law of 

Attraction is most critical to your success and in obtaining prosperity and

wealth. In simple terms, the Law of Attraction is what you attract into your 

life by the energy you put out, what you focus on, and what you give your 

full attention to. It does not matter if these are unwanted things or things that

you really desire.

You will always attract what you don’t want if you focus enough on those

thoughts. The same is true with what you really want. This means that you

can have any thing you desire; no matter how big that is. Sometimes, this

happens unconsciously because you don’t control your thoughts or you are

not aware of how focused you are on those thoughts.

Learning how to achieve real success in wealth and prosperity means that

you have to be in control of what you focus on. You can have the income

that you have always wanted by focusing on the fact that it is possible.

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The Universe projects an infinite power that wants all of us to fulfill our 

strongest desires. The universal laws were created to guide every individual

into their destiny, but we have to be aware of them and know how to use


For example, the law of gravity guarantees that “what goes up, must come

down,” and this has been proven to be true to all those that have used it. The

same is true for the Law of Attraction, which guarantees that “you attract

whatever you think about the most.” Try it and you will see for yourself.

In other words, “like attracts like.” It works like a magnetic force. The more

you think about or focus on something, more thoughts begin to multiply and

become the results of your experiences.

The Law of Attraction dictates that anything you attract into your life is as a

result of what you think or focus on. The Universe translates your thoughts

as instructions to carry out what you want. You need to ask yourself, “What

instructions do I want to give the Universe to carry out for me today? These

instructions are manifested by what you think.

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Chapter 2

What part does thought play?

Anything that you attract through your thoughts will become your current 

experience. Your thoughts are the most powerful energy that ignites the very

essence of your life.

Think about it for a moment. If you keep thinking that you don’t have

something or that you are financially struggling, then you will always

experience these issues because they will always be a part of your thought


The more focus you put on your current situation; whether it is good or bad,

then that is how it will remain. If your worry is about the lack of having

enough money to pay your bills each month, your worry will be manifested

into the continued lack of money. You will always find yourself financially

behind and constantly in debt. You create your situation by the thoughts that

you create in both your conscious and subconscious mind.

Thoughts emit the same kind of energy that is put into creating them. For 

example, if you become jealous over someone else’s wealth, you will attract

want or lack in your life.

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The Frequency of your thoughts 

Every thought holds a desired frequency. When you tune into your thoughts,

you are accessing the frequency of the Universe and giving instructions on

how you want your thoughts to unfold. A good example of this is trying to

tune into a radio station. You can only access the station when you locate the

correct frequency.

The Universe taps into your thought frequency and makes it happen for you

– good or bad. So if you are thinking about what you experienced in the past,

what you want for your future or your present circumstances, the Universe

will consider this to be your personal frequency. The Universe responds by

giving you exactly what you are thinking about.

Using your Mind to Attract Thoughts and Things

The Law of Attraction operates beyond all of your five senses. The mind

works as an information center by sending and receiving what you put into

it. Back to the radio station – you will never hear anything from the radio

unless you tune into it. It is the same way with your mind – it is what you

tune into that you will eventually hear.

Whatever you experience in your life depends on what frequency your 

thoughts are emitting. What you send out to the Universe in thought

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frequency will result in mind vibrations that will give the Universe exact

instructions of what you are thinking about. The Universe brings it to you

exactly as you ordered it.

This may seem quite complicated to you, but this is a universal law that has

been around since the inception of the world and it works every time. It

cannot be changed; but it can be implemented to give you all that you need

to succeed.

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Chapter 3

The Power and Influence of the mind

The mind is a powerful thing to waste. Use it wisely or you will lose the scope of 

what it can produce.

It is the mind that influences your actions. Without a vibrant mind, it is hard to take

strategic steps toward your success. All of us are connected because there is only

one source – the Universe. In other words, if you are looking to creating wealth or 

just trying to get that $100,000 that would solve your current or future financial

needs, you are already connected to it.

Your mind is the energy field of your consciousness and your sub-consciousness.

Therefore, whatever you desire is already located in that energy field. Visualization

now becomes the key to getting what you want from your energy field.

However, visualization has to be done the right way in order for it to impact your 

life. You can’t try to trick your mind into believing that something is there when it

is not. However, if you are in control of your mind and thoughts, you can visualize

with a frame of mind that whatever you want is “already there.”

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You have to visualize; not out of “wants,” but out of desire. In others words, act

like you would if what you desired was actually there. Let’s recap: “Everything in

the Universe reacts to the energy that it gets from you.”

This means that all of your thoughts, things you desire, happiness you are seeking

and relationships all become a reality from the energy that you emit from your 

thoughts. All that you desire will come as a result of your thoughts and how you

exercise your mind.

Let’s take a look at an example and this is only an example to get you to

understand how it all works. Let’s say you or someone you know was in a long

term relationship or possible marriage. Your spouse may have cheated on you, but

you decided to stay in the relationship by forgiving the person who committed the


It is hard to forget because, of course, we are all human and there may be days

when it is brought up in your conversations and you can’t stop thinking about how

you were betrayed. If you keep dwelling on those thoughts, it is emitting the same

kind of energy that you don’t want. With those thoughts, more cheating is


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Chapter 4

Getting Past Your Limitations

Whatever you want is yours because the Universe is waiting for your 

instructions to give it to you.

You limit yourself by the thoughts you think and the actions that you take. If 

you continue to think that you don’t have something, then you will never 

have it. If you think it already exists, it can be yours by how you release

those thoughts. We attract people, things, and circumstances into our life by

what we think about the most.

We can put limits on what we can achieve by being a negative thinker or 

attracting pessimistic individuals into our circle of friends. When you put out

negative energy, your energy field expands to include negative people,

situations and things. Fear is one of the things that carry a negative

connotation and is the instigator of providing a crippling situation to your 

life. The more you develop the fear of being poor; it begins to grow like a

cancerous tumor.

When you move a magnifying glass over the page in a book, the words

enlarge, but it not until you focus on a particular word on that page that you

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see how large it really has become. When you put that example into how you

project your thoughts, then that is how your problems become enlarged and

seem bigger than what you really think. You are actually feeding those

problems when you focus on them and they get bigger and bigger.

Getting past your limitations means:

•  You have to focus more on the positive and not on the negative

•  Be aware of your thoughts at all times.

•  Be realistic, but be self confident

•  Believe in yourself 

•  Surround yourself with positive people

•  Be open to change

•  Stay motivated

•  Be aware of what you are attracting into your life

•  Trust yourself and your instincts

•  Be passionate about transforming your life

•  Be proactive

•  Don’t settle for where you are – reach for the stars

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Notice when you are attracting negative people. This will be a sign that your 

thoughts are attracting the opposite of what you want. You also need to have

goals, plans and a purpose to your life.

“If you don’t stand for something; you will end up standing for


The path to your wealth and prosperity may be dependent on other people

who will come to you from the Universe and the Law of Attraction.

However, this will never happen if you have the wrong thought process. If 

you think that Bill Gates or Donald Trump would never cross your path,

then you are absolutely right – it won’t happen.

However, if you think that anything is possible for you and you are open to

those possibilities of receiving what comes your way, you are telling the

Universe that you are ready. It may take another person to fulfill your 

dreams and you should attract successful people into your life by associating

with them through networking or other means.

Don’t limit yourself to the small circle of friends that you probably grew up

with. There is a reason that you grew up with them and there will come a

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time for you to let some of them go. Be open to meeting new and interesting

people that will become the catalyst into getting you to that wealthy place.

Know your fears and limitations. This is the only way that you will be able

to overcome them. What is blocking you from your success? Why can’t you

move forward?

Sit down and have a “pow-wow,” with your inner self. Call out those

thoughts that are keeping you back so that they can be exposed. You have to

deal with them once and for all. Be truthful and honest to yourself and deal

with anything that is bothering you mentally.

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Chapter 5

Wealthy Mentality

The sky is the limit to what you can achieve. Believe in yourself.

Your mind can contain as much wealth as you desire. You have to think big

to make it happen. What do you think was going through the mind of Matt

Damon wife’s mind (Matt Damon is the star of the Bourne Identity movie, if 

you have never heard of him) when he walked into the bar she worked and

ordered a drink from her. She was a bartender working two jobs to make

ends meet for her and her daughter. She was a single mother making $300

per day at this particular bar.

The story ends with Matt Damon asking her to marry him. Now she jumped

from a mere bartender earning $300 per day and working two jobs to be a

very rich woman. Do you think her thoughts focused on how hard her life


I don’t think so. I think she already had a wealth mentality before Matt

Damon even came into the bar. The Universe sent him to her. He could have

gone into any bar that he chose because money was no option. Instead he

chose that bar because his wife had already prepared the Universe of what

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she wanted and the Universe brought it to her. Her life has never been the

same since.

This can happen to you, but you have to adopt and embrace that wealth

mentality like she did. Keep working at what you are doing with an

expectation that things are getting ready to change. When you have that kind

of anticipation and you look for it each day; it will materialize for you.

Having a wealthy mindset requires practice. One of the things you can do is

to go to one of the trendiest restaurants in your local area. Sit at the table like

you belong there.

Warning: Be sure to have money to order. You don’t want to make the

patrons angry.

I would tell you not to look at the prices, but that would not be realistic.

When you get comfortable with practicing this, then you can just order 

anywhere on the menu. Let the emotions and feelings of sitting in a nice

restaurant permeate your mind and your very physical being. Tell yourself 

that you belong there.

Order your meal and slowly eat to savor the very essence of the wealthy

mentality. Don’t be afraid. Fear will grip you. You may even try looking

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around to see if anyone recognizes you. Sit upright and feel important. You

deserve that meal. Why not? Think about it - if the wealthy can sit and eat in

elegance, why not you?

Usually, the mind entertains inner and outer noises that you can control.

However, your life can get so busy that you don’t pay attention and those are

the things that are show stoppers to your wealth. Sort through the noise in

your life and detect those noises that don’t do you any good mentally.

Most people believe that there isn’t enough wealth to go around and that is

simply not the case. This is the reason why many of them develop a scarcity

mentality instead of a wealthy one. Some of the wealthy ones think that

there success depends on the failure of others. They also are wrong.

Every day new wealth is created by how people think. If you can be one of 

those people that think wealthy thoughts, then you would be among the

minority that helps to create wealth each day.

Stop focusing on what you don’t have because as discussed previously, if 

you do that you will only create more of what you don’t want, which is

scarcity. Believe that one day can make a difference just as Matt Damon

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walked into a bar and found his wife and she got the millionaire that she had

dreamed of.

Keep your mind on the exact things that you want to achieve in life and let it

remain in the forefront of your mind. Don’t allow anyone to steal your 

dreams. Keep away from anything negative.

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Chapter 6

The Science of Wealth Creation

Wealth comes in all different forms. Think about it – act on it and you can

have it right now and not later.

You can create wealth now. Why wait until the future. Yet most people think 

of wealth as something that they will gain in the future. The accumulation of 

wealth may be a future event, but the state of a wealthy mind is what creates

the current mindset.

Wealth is not only money. There are other things in your life currently that

can be seen as wealth. Your family is part of your wealth creation. Why

have all that money and no one to share it with. So consider the

accumulation of wealth as beginning with having a family.

Wealth should be seen as a lifestyle and not just a one-time occurrence.

Cherish the idea that you are already a wealthy person with the knowledge

that you have, the friends that you hang around with and the people that

mean the most in your life.

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The more positive people you have around, the easier it will be to create

wealth. You need all the support that you can get to get where you want to


Wealth is created by the power of numbers and not necessarily financially.

You get the advantage of using the knowledge of others who have been

successful in doing what you want to do. You are able to access the support

system of people that get pleasure from helping people and who want to see

your success. You get to build a network of people that will last forever.

You have a place to turn to when you need guidance and are not sure what to

do next. You are fortunate to be able to have access to resources of wealth

creation and you are able to surround yourself with people that are like-

minded and that allows you to multiply the power of wealth. If you

capitalize on the power of these numbers, you will be able to build your 

wealth much faster and wiser.

Creating wealth becomes easier when you are helping others. When you

lend a hand, the Universe will notice and give you back what you desire.

Life is a gift from the Universe that you should share with others in a

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positive way. The good that you do for others will multiply for you in more

ways than one.

Another form of wealth creation is doing something that you are passionate

about and love doing it. This may be the purpose for which you were born.

Fulfilling your purpose may mean fulfilling someone else’s dream. In the

process, you can create wealth for yourself and others.

Is there something that you really love to do that you would do even if you

are not getting paid to do it? This is when you know your passion and

purpose. Real wealth creation is giving the things that are most important to

you the priority that they deserve and being true to who you really are.

Don’t let anyone make you think that this is a selfish way to live. You only

have one life to live anyway. So why not live it to your full potential and

create the wealth that is destined for you.

Some people make the mistake of differentiating living their passion and

creating wealth. It is a combination of these two that makes it necessary to

complete you.

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Chapter 7

Taking action toward wealth

The Universe helps those who help themselves. Action begets results. If you

want to see changes; do something different.

It will take work on your part to create wealth. It will not happen only by

thinking positive thoughts, but those thoughts must reciprocate action.

Growth and development is needed to get to that wealthy place. If you stay

inside the box; you won’t experience the wealth that you are seeking. So get

outside of the box that you and others have created over the years.

Your experiences should be a catalyst to giving you the knowledge you need

to proceed. Some people allow their experiences to cripple them instead of 

using it to educate and push them.

We sometimes get so caught up with thinking about things that we miss the

point when it is time to take action. Taking baby steps is better than not

doing anything. Those baby steps can lead to bigger steps if you have the

right attitude. Some of us are procrastinators and find it hard to make that

one step required to open up the door to wealth.

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Setting goals is of the utmost importance. It helps to give you a blueprint of 

the necessary steps to take when you think of something. Try to avoid over 

thinking. Just go ahead and do it! Sometimes you may have to take risks.

Life in itself is a risk so go ahead and take the action. Follow your gut

feeling, but use your goals to guide you.

It is amazing how that one simple step can motivate you to take even bigger 

steps. Setting the wheels in motion doesn’t take a lot. It is really very simple.

One action will always create either a positive or negative reaction.

So if you want positive results; take positive actions. Having a sense of 

accomplishment will ignite your mindset and help you to feel more

confident that you “can do it.”

Taking action that is positive and will help you to create wealth will give the

Universe something to work with. Things will begin to happen for you and

will seem easier as the Universe gives you what you are attracting by your 

actions. Your efforts will be rewarded and you will begin to enjoy the

process as more positive things begin to happen in your life.

The feelings you get when you have gained an edge in creating wealth will

give you the drive to move out of your comfort zone. It will also be an

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example to those around you. You will become an influence to your friends

and family.

Taking action helps you to make the most of on the Law of Attraction. Your 

mind will start becoming clear purely from the sense of liberation that you

get from taking the appropriate action required for your wealth creation and

it is at that time that you will be able to put more focus on your plans and

visions for your financial future.

Without acting on your passion and purpose, you will remain in the same

place year after year. No progress means that you will potentially live in

wants for the rest of your life.

Get off the couch of lack and get on the bandwagon of acting out your 

dreams and fulfilling your purpose. 

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Chapter 8

Experiencing manifested wealth

Keep your life free from thoughts of poverty. Your life is what you make it.

So engage in things that will make you feel good, wealthy and wise.

Refuse to accept the poverty mentality. Make you life one of celebrating

your accomplished goals and actions that are geared toward creating wealth.

Your life is not all about money – remember that. To experience wealth

creation means that all the other things besides money should be of 

importance as well in your life.

If you have all the money in the world and don’t have a good relationship

with someone to share it with; what is the use? Your success should be

shared and that is how you will enjoy it more. Money is only the tool for 

living a wealthy life. The more of it you have; the better you will be able to

afford the finer things of life.

I am sure you would want to travel the world and not have to worry about

money, wouldn’t you? I know I would. You can experience this

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manifestation of wealth by following the advice and suggestions that were

presented in this document. Your passion and purpose will lead you into the

right direction. Your dreams can be realized by taking aim at what you love

to do, do it well and believe that it will give you the success that you want.

Your success depends on how balanced you make your life. When one thing

is out of place in your life, it creates confusion and havoc. The Law of 

Attraction demonstrates the effect of confusion in your life. The law states

that good attracts good; positive attracts positive; and negative attracts

negative. So where there is confusion, which is a negative reaction; there

will be negative consequences.

Based on the success of the Law of Attraction so far; it is safe to say that any

kind of imbalance in any area of your life will attract negativity to other 

areas of your life. Therefore, when you focus too much on any kind of 

financial lack in your life; other areas of your life become neglected, which

is counterproductive because it works against all your efforts to create


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Investing your money wisely is one way to experiencing the manifestation of 

wealth creation. You can do this by educating yourself on how to make your 

money work for you and not you work for your money.

Not because you are wealthy means that you have to live extravagantly. You

can be wealthy and yet live a simple life. Some people equate wealth with

lavish living. Yet, you can live lavishly without attracting attention to

yourself. Most celebrities would love to do that.

The more grateful you are to what you have achieved – the more wealth you

will create. Show your gratitude by helping others. Put your money into

charities or other non-profit organizations that will make a difference.

Refresh your goals and be determined to experience your success. Wealth

attracts even more wealth. Therefore, get yourself ready for success because

it will come when you begin to accumulate the wealth.

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Techniques to follow

1.  Recognize the things that bring on negative stress in your life.

2.  Create a financial action plan – get your finances in order.

3.  Take care of the small amount of money you have. Manage it well

because this will help you to be able to deal with large sums of 


4.  Abandon the old habits that got you into debt (if you are in debt).

5.  Money is not the root of all evil. It is what you think about money and

how you use it that is evil.

6.  Meditate on a daily basis even if it is only for two minutes. This

allows you to take time alone with yourself and to reflect on your life

instead of letting your busy schedule dictate your life.

7.  Create short term goals that are realistic and follow through with


8.  Acknowledge your emotions and feelings and take control of them.

You can determine your thoughts by how you are feeling.

9.  Get a pen and paper. Sit down and get your mind cleared of all the

clutter and write down your goals and aspirations to get a clearer 

picture of where you want to be and what you desire.

10. Believe that you can and you will

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Now that you have learned about the law of attracting anything in your life;

whether it is good or bad, you will be able to use these tools to channel your 

thoughts and let your mind do all the work for you to achieve success.

Visualize your future and it will become your current situation.

Pay it forward by helping others after you have achieved that success. More

wealth will come to you when you do that. Money is the way for moving

wealth. They are both interchangeable. However, your wealth is dependent

on your happiness, great relationships, balanced life, family, situation and


Understand that you will need people in your life to help you to accumulate

wealth. Don’t believe the lie about scarcity of wealth. There is enough

wealth to go around for every one in the Universe.

Use your talent and gifts to make room for wealth. You were born with

special gifts. These will lie dormant if you don’t use them to benefit yourself 

and others. If you don’t know what your talent is by now, it may be that you

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haven’t taken the time to find out. Uncover your hidden talents and keep

them active in creating wealth. Take an inventory of your skills.

Another strategy is NOT what creates wealth. It is having an iron-clad

mindset and not deviating from it. Shed the thoughts of failure that

dominated your past. Lock the compass of your life to your desired

destination and never giving place to distractions and fears.

Think and grow rich! Become an ambassador for wealth. Share your

success with others. It is a reciprocal ingredient to creating more wealth

for the Universe to disperse.