created by branden maglio and flynn castellanos team bfmma

Google Search Engine Created by Branden Maglio and Flynn Castellanos Team BFMMA

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Page 1: Created by Branden Maglio and Flynn Castellanos Team BFMMA

Google Search EngineCreated by Branden Maglio and Flynn

CastellanosTeam BFMMA

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Advanced Search Form

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Advanced Search Form (con’t)Used to make more narrow search guidelinesSections

Find Web Pages that have: All these words: results contain all search terms

Basic Search Ex: [ beagle puppies ] This exact word or phrase: find webpage with only

the exact phrase in the quotes Basic Search Ex: [ “beagle puppies” ]

One or more of these words: find webpage with at least one of the words adjacent to OR Basic Search Ex: [ beagles OR puppies ]

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Advanced Search Form (con’t) Any of these unwanted words

find web pages without certain words

Need More Tools?

Results per page


File Format

Search within a site or a domain

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Advanced Search Form (con’t)

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Google Search BasicsSquare brackets [ ]: query

Double quotes “ ” around phrase: Search for exactly what you wrote

With (site:): Goes to the specific website Without it goes to articles of the website

With a – (minus): take away a word from you search Ex: [track –and field]

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Google Search Basics (con’t)With a * : wildcard:

Placeholder of unknown terms and find the best matches

With a + (plus sign): Gives synonyms and finds pages that mention

the term Add a + immediately before a word and it

matches the wordWith an OR: it will find either word

The word “OR” has to be in capital letters

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Google Search Basics (con’t)Exceptions

Absolute Tries to imitate people and how they think

Exceptions to “every word matters” “the”, “a”, “for” = stop words

Don’t search these words Synonyms can replace some words Some words wont appear on page, but could be

relevant Evidence Google language analysis

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Google Search Basics (con’t)Exceptions (con’t)

Punctuation is NOT ignored

Popular terms

Ex: [C++] or [C#] is NOT ignored

$= prices [nikon 400] and [nikon $400] would be different

Hyphen: two words are strongly connected

Underscore ( _ ): connects 2 words and NOT ignored

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Basic Search HelpBasic Search help will describe what symbols, words,

and characters will do when you type them into the search box and give you tips on how to search. Keep the phrase or name simple. Use descriptive words. Quotation marks look for the exact words within the

marks. Grammar is generally ignored. Use brackets, [], to look for results from a specific

website. The search is usually case insensitive, means it doesn't

matter if the text is uppercase or lowercase.

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Basic Search Help (con’t)How to get there?

Go to the main Google site page. Click Advanced Search. Click Advanced Search Tips. Click Basic Search Help. And the article will appear.

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Basic Search Help (con’t)Google Instant

Google Instant automatically shows you results for what you could be typing, example: looking up “The Holy Bible”.

To use Google Instant simply go to Settings and change to Google Instant.

Begin typing and results will appear. You can continue to type to refine your search.

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Search Page Overview

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Search Page Overview (con’t)1. Header

Settings- The small gear, accesses privacy center, iGoogle, web history, and Google account.

Sign in/Sign out- accesses your Google profile. Product Bar- see services by Google.

2. Search Bar- just type Advanced search- more detailed. Google instant- click on/off. Safe search- how strict you want your search to be. Search statistics- total number of results, time it took to

complete the search. Google logo- on special occasions it will have a different


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Search Page Overview (con’t)3. Search Results

Title- the title of the result. Snippet- a short description of the page. URL- the URL will appear in green. If a magnifying glass appears you can preview

the page.

4. Tools & Filters Location- will help point out things in your area. Content type- if you’re looking for images, news,

or anything else. Time- how recent you want your results to be.

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Search Page Overview (con’t)5. Ads

Usually relevant to what you are looking up. If you want to advertise your web site click

See Your Ad Here link

6. Bottom of the page Related searches- similar termed searches. More results- to see more results. Feedback- to comment on your search, click

Give Us Feedback link.

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Google Preferences Lets you search how you want to search.Click the little gear/settings icon to access

preferences. Lets you customize the… Language Location SafeSearch filtering Number of results Results window And Predicting

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Google Preferences (con’t)Language- lets you choose what language you search

in, or the language of the interface.Location- choose where you are, this can help for

looking up maps or places in the area.SafeSearch Filtering- customize what will show up on

a search, three types of filters; Strict, Moderate, and None.

Results window- choose if what you search stays on that page or move it to another tab.

Predictions- lets you access Google Instant.Number of results- choose how many results per

page you get: 20, 30, 40, 50, or even 100.

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Google TimelineUsed to put your search into chronological

order.Found on the left-hand sidebar on your

results page.Will show you chronological order of when

your search is seen in articles or web pages and how often it appears.

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Google Timeline (con’t)

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Google Wonder WheelVisual graph which leads the searcher to the

best resultsCan help find what you are looking forSimple to useCan be used in different languages

Singapore and South Africa use itAllows people to visually see relevant terms

and phrasesSearches a lot faster