creating a brand identity east enders

Creating a distinctive brand identity East Enders

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Post on 12-Jan-2015




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Page 1: Creating a brand identity  east enders

Creating a distinctive brand identity

East Enders

Page 2: Creating a brand identity  east enders

When the opening credits start, the first image the audience are welcomed too, is the image of the River Themes and the Millennium dome, now known as the O2 arena.

This automatically acts as an establishing shot for the soap, and the audience become aware that the location is London.

Combined with this is the distinctive sound of drums, pursuing the dramatic effect that the soap has on the audience with their variety of storylines. These drums create a specific brand identity as everyone is familiar with them and automatically associate this soap and those drums as a couple.

Page 3: Creating a brand identity  east enders

The camera continues to zoom out of the location, to give the audience a wider view of the environment this soap is set in.

The O2 arena is now more west of the position it was in before, showing that the camera is circling the area whilst zooming out. This creates a very weird affect onto the audience and could symbolise the lack of control that the characters have over their lives.

Page 4: Creating a brand identity  east enders

The use of clouds within this picture could also be symbolising the dull, crowded lives that the characters live.

The lack of space and dull lighting seen on this screen shot, also resembles the assumption that these characters are very working class, don’t have lots of money or speak with received pronunciation. They are very much like the average working family, or in some cases maybe a little worse.

Page 5: Creating a brand identity  east enders

The audience are aware of which institution broadcasts this soap as it is shown twice within this screen shot. Thus creating a brand identity of the BBC. It also creates brand loyalty as the audience will keep returning to the channel at the same time whenever the soap is aired.

Page 6: Creating a brand identity  east enders

This shot that starts on the floor, tells us a lot about the character who lives here.

The football, school bag, felt tip pens, t-shirt and sports bag are all what the audience would associate with a young child, mainly male. Here we can assume that the character who lives here also has a child living with her.

The boots clearly belong to the foot that is on the stairs, which the audience assume is a man as they are of a large size.

The dark floor boards and the grotty carpet on the stairs suggest that this family is working class or lower class and allows us to debate the age of the owner of this household.

Page 7: Creating a brand identity  east enders

As the camera pans up the body of this character, the audience gain more detail. This character is wearing a brown jacket with a blue t-shirt, and has hairy arms- all the main characteristics of a male adult.

There is now flashes of pink within this screen shot, suggesting that there could be more than one child who lives her. There could also be a little or teenage girl within the presence of this household.

The dark lighting on this side contrasts with the lighter lighting on the right hand side of the frame, suggesting the time zone is early morning.

Page 8: Creating a brand identity  east enders

Again, here we get the repetition of poor, old decor which has not been modernised. The audience now assume that the home owner either has no money to update her house, or has an old fashioned decor sense.

The assumption that there is also a young female living within the household is again highlighted with the continuous reference of pink within this screen shot, and a teddy bear which is associated with a young child, mainly females.

The camera has now began to pan upwards to the stairs, creating the assumption that there is a character about to enter the scene.

The man seen here is appeared to be late 40’s early 50’s.