creating alignment with non-financial performance...

1 Creating Alignment with Non-financial Performance Measures Neale O'Connor PhD, GDip(Acc), FCPA(Aust) Associate Professor National University of Singapore Email: [email protected] Home page:

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Page 1: Creating Alignment with Non-financial Performance · 1 Creating Alignment with Non-financial Performance Measures Neale O'Connor


Creating Alignment with Non-financial Performance Measures

Neale O'Connor PhD, GDip(Acc), FCPA(Aust) Associate Professor

National University of Singapore

Email: [email protected] Home page:

Page 2: Creating Alignment with Non-financial Performance · 1 Creating Alignment with Non-financial Performance Measures Neale O'Connor


Why  is  measurement  Important?  

Measurement,  Management  and  Control  –  But  need  stories  and  decisions  

Strategy  Alignment  FWK  •  Focusing  • Competitors  • Customers  

Systems  Thinking  • Visualizing  • Strategy  Map  

Measurement  •  Formalizing  •  Implementation  mistakes  • Attributes  • Development  

Takeaway  of  This  Session  

Page 3: Creating Alignment with Non-financial Performance · 1 Creating Alignment with Non-financial Performance Measures Neale O'Connor


•  System  –  role  of  employees  

•  Creating  alignment  with  strategy  

Visualizing,  Formalizing  the  System    

(Long  term)  

•  Employee  skills,  attitude,  teamwork  

•  Customer  behavior  -­‐  satisfaction  

Decision  making  (Problem  Solving)  

(Short  term)  

Outcomes  •  Empowerment  •  Learning  •  Fun  place  to  work  •  Word  of  mouth  marketing  

Outputs  •  Low  employee  turnover  •  On-­‐time  delivery  •  Less  Errors  •  Fast  cycle  time  •  Cheques  processed    •  Customer  return  

• What  do  we  have  to  do  today?  

• To  get  what  we  want  tomorrow?  

Creating  alignment  with  non-­‐financial  performance  measures  

Page 4: Creating Alignment with Non-financial Performance · 1 Creating Alignment with Non-financial Performance Measures Neale O'Connor

♣ Learning

♣ Accurate ♣ Decision ♣ Making

♣ On-Time ♣ Decision ♣ Making

♣ Goal ♣ Alignment

♣ Systems ♣ Thinking

♣ Measures

♣ Strategic ♣ Objectives


The  Balanced  Scorecard  

© Neale O'Connor 2010

What is the BSC Strategic Objectives Measurement Systems Thinking


Page 5: Creating Alignment with Non-financial Performance · 1 Creating Alignment with Non-financial Performance Measures Neale O'Connor

What decision and/or story can this measure help with? Unmetric score - Facebook popularity, fans growth rate, posts vs engagement, Twitter, follower growth rate, proactive tweets, Average reply time (source:

Page 6: Creating Alignment with Non-financial Performance · 1 Creating Alignment with Non-financial Performance Measures Neale O'Connor


Cost control 28.42% (183)

Competition 12.73% (82)

Sales growth 11.80% (76)

HR & productivity 7.92% (51)

Lower price & profit 6.21% (40)

Product Development, R& D

5.28% (34)

Technology innovation 5.28% (34)

Brand building 3.11% (20)

Maintain market share 2.64% (17)

Poor economy/ financial crisis

2.48% (16) Delivery & OM 2.33% (15)

Paradigm shift / Market uncertainty

1.86% (12)

Quality improvement 1.86% (12)

Capital/ investment 1.71% (11)

Go international 1.40% (9)

Currency Appreciation/ Depression 1.24% (8)

Management 1.24% (8)

Environmental / Sustainability issues

0.93% (6) Fake product 0.62%


Rate of expansion 0.31% (2)

Quick response to the market 0.16% (1)

Feedback 0.16% (1)

Partnership 0.16% (1)

Culture 0.16% (1)

Number one challenge among Chinese suppliers 2011 (n=644) Cost control


Sales growth

HR & productivity

Lower price & profit

Product Development, R& D

Technology innovation

Brand building

Maintain market share

Poor economy/ financial crisis

Delivery & OM

Paradigm shift / Market uncertainty

Quality improvement

Capital/ investment

Go international

Currency Appreciation/ Depression


Environmental / Sustainability issues

Fake product

Rate of expansion

Quick response to the market




Touch screen manufacturer

HR & Productivity – Labour turnover, Min wages etc

Long term Issues are not big

♣ COPYRIGHT © 2012 Neale G. O'Connor. All rights reserved.

Page 7: Creating Alignment with Non-financial Performance · 1 Creating Alignment with Non-financial Performance Measures Neale O'Connor

April – September 2012 (n = 342) Compe&&on  12%  à  23%  

Product  Development    5%  à  9%  

Poor  Economy  2.4%  à  6%  

Major Challenges Facing Chinese Owned Factories

Page 8: Creating Alignment with Non-financial Performance · 1 Creating Alignment with Non-financial Performance Measures Neale O'Connor

© Neale O'Connor 2010

What is the BSC Strategic Objectives Simulation Game Systems Thinking


Case Example #1

CTI Ltd’s Incentive System

Appendix A

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Critical  factors  in  CTI’s  strategy  CTI  

§  Two  factors  were  critical  to  CTI’s  profit  growth  strategy:  ú  Reliance  on  sales  of  higher  margin  products    

ú  Cash  collection.    

§   Incentive  plan  change  ú  With  increasing  introduction  of  new  products  and  growth  in  sales  –  

these  two  factors  drove  CTI  to  change  the  incentive  plan  to  direct  management  effort  towards  these  objectives.  

© Neale O'Connor 2010

Case Study


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Introduction  n  Situation  

n  Old  incentive  plan  –  sale  bonus  (up  to  40%)…  resulted  in    

n  Cash  collection  problemsà  6-­‐10  months  of  sales  in  ACCREC    

n  New  products  were  being  developed  with  increasing  numbers  of  features  that  allowed  CTI  to  gain  higher  margins  from  the  units  sold  

n  Other  problems  n  How  to  manage  uncontrollable  factors  –  market  factors?  n  How  to  encourage  communication,  teamwork,    n  and  managerial  skill  development?  

n  Elaborate  performance  measurement  and  incentive  plan  introduced  

Case Study

© Neale O'Connor 2010 10

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Setting  of  this  study    Quotes  on  the  incentive  plan

 n  “We  want  people  to  be  able  to  see  everything.    They  should  

not   just   be   able   to   make   sales,   but   should   be   able   to  motivate   people,   organize   things   strategically,   putting  down  their  thoughts  into  paper,  think  logically,  and  express  themselves  in  a  coherent  fashion.”    

© Neale O'Connor 2010

Case Study


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Components  of  General  multiple  measure  formula  

© Neale O'Connor 2010

               Bonus  compensation  formula  =  (Employees  +  1)                    *  (General  formula)  +  (Direct  sales  formula)  

Direct  sales  formula  =    Products  -­‐  50  cents  per  old  product  sold,    1.00  per  new  product  sold.  

General  formula  =  5000  +  (Points  –  60)  *  100  Points  awarded  according  to  Objective  assessment  formula  and  Objective  (Financial)  Measures  

(45  points)  

Points  awarded  according  to  Subjective  assessment  and  Objective  (Non-­‐Financial)  

Measures  (30  points)  

Points  awarded  according  to  Subjective  assessment  and  Subjective  measures  

(25-­‐  35  points)  

Sales  components  - Cash  collection  (40)a  - Relative  branch  office  costs  (5)a  

Service  level  components  - Execution  of  routine  maintenance  (5)b  - Major  incident  complaint  (10)b  - Customer  satisfaction  survey  (15)b  

Management  capability  components  - Regional  office  daily  management  (15)  - Evaluation  by  VP  –  Teamwork,  cooperativeness  (10)  - Evaluation  by  President  and  VP  sales  –  proactive,  innovative  e.g.,  Making  suggestions  doing  things  beyond  responsibility  and  solving  difficult  problems  -­‐  Bonus  points  (10)  

Case Study


Page 13: Creating Alignment with Non-financial Performance · 1 Creating Alignment with Non-financial Performance Measures Neale O'Connor

Seminar  Task  

What  is  the  Balanced  Scorecard?  Which  of  the  following  areas  does  your  firm  emphasize  the  most  in  communications?  

 -­‐ Financial  -­‐ Customer  -­‐ Internal  processes  -­‐ Learning  &  Growth  

© Neale O'Connor 2010

What is the BSC Strategic Objectives Measurement Systems Thinking




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Managing  the  Balance  in  measures,  business  system  and  internal  and  external  components  

Learning  and  Growth  –  People  (Skills,  Satisfaction)  

-­‐ Information  system  -­‐   Organization  culture  (Norms  &  Values)  

- Highest  control  over  change  - Change  takes  longer  =  less  attention  

Customer  Product/Service  attributes,

 Relationship,  Image  -­‐  Low  control  over  change  

-­‐ Change  can  be  fast    =  more  attention  

Financial  Revenue  –  Costs  -­‐  No  control  

Increasing  amount  of  control  over  the  business  model  

Increasing  amount  of  attention  that  is  typically  given  by  management  

Internal  Business  Process  –  Innovation,  Operations,  Customer  Service,

 Regulatory  requirements  - Medium  control  over  change  - Change  can  be  fast  (ie  BPR)  

© Neale O'Connor 2010

What is the BSC Strategic Objectives Measurement Systems Thinking


Page 15: Creating Alignment with Non-financial Performance · 1 Creating Alignment with Non-financial Performance Measures Neale O'Connor

Exhibit  2.7.  Benefits  to  Adopters  (Page  13)  

Benefits to Adopters

0.0% 5.0% 10.0% 15.0% 20.0% 25.0% 30.0% 35.0% 40.0% 45.0% 50.0%


Increased revenues

Ability to make strategic decisionsfaster w ith better data

Decreased costs

Ability to link performance tocompensation

Understand measure and strategycause and effect

Ability to align employee behavior w ithstrategy

Organizational alignment

Increased communication

Ability to measure performance

% of Adopters

© Neale O'Connor 2010

What is the BSC Strategic Objectives Measurement Systems Thinking

The  Balanced  Scorecard  –  Benefits  

Source:  Lawson,  Raef,  Hatch,  Toby,  &  Denis  Desroches,  Scorecard  Best  Practices:  Design,  Implementation  and  Evaluation.  Wiley  2008  15

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Strategy  Alignment  FWK  • Focusing  • Competitors  • Customers  

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What  is  the  BSC   Strategic  Objec&ves   Measurement  Systems  Thinking  

How  do  we  implement  strategy?  

Strategy Formulation

Strategy Execution





Customer          Internal  Processes          Learning  &  Growth          

Strategy  Map-­‐Business  Model  

Benchmarking , Memory, Learning

Action  Plans  MKT  



Rank Action Date

Initiatives Measure (KPI) Target

Balanced  Scorecard  

Communicating People controls -Personnel -Culture

Formulation of actions + targets Action controls -Behavioral Constraint (Locks) -Preaction Reviews (Budget setting) -Action Accountability (Standard operating procedures) -Redundancy

Formulation of targets + rewards Results controls -Measure -Targets -Rewards




1.  Focusing   2.  Visualizing   3.  Formalizing  


3.  Formalizing    

Cannot  manage  what  you  cannot  measure    

Aligning  (role  clarity)  Action  controls  (dos  and  don’ts)  Results  controls  (incentives)  

© Neale O'Connor 2010

Page 18: Creating Alignment with Non-financial Performance · 1 Creating Alignment with Non-financial Performance Measures Neale O'Connor

1.  Strategic  Objectives    What  is  the  basis  for  success?    What  is  the  Sustainable  Competitive  Advantage  (SCA)?    

ú  Implementation  steps  

ú  Why  do  we  start  with  strategy?  -­‐  Direction  of  effort  

ú  How  do  we  implement?  

Learn  how  to  beat  competitors  and  provide  value  to  customer  

Develop  consensus  as  to  the  priorities  and  initiatives  to  undertake  in  the  short  

term  (next  12  months)    

© Neale O'Connor 2010

What is the BSC Strategic Objectives Measurement Systems Thinking


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Systems Thinking • Visualizing • Strategy Map

Takeaway  of  Tonight’s  Session  

Page 20: Creating Alignment with Non-financial Performance · 1 Creating Alignment with Non-financial Performance Measures Neale O'Connor

2.  Systems  Thinking  系统考虑              What  would  success  look  like?    

ú  Use  strategy  map  (systems  thinking)  to  link  long  term  success  (strategy)  to  daily  operational  success  

© Neale O'Connor 2010

What is the BSC Strategic Objectives Measurement Systems Thinking


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Systems  Thinking  • Visualizing  • Strategy  Map  • Connecting  the  Dots  

2.  Systems  Thinking  

Page 22: Creating Alignment with Non-financial Performance · 1 Creating Alignment with Non-financial Performance Measures Neale O'Connor

Strategic Theme: Customer Service at British Airways Net Yield per

Revenue Passenger Kilometer

Willingness To Recommend

Customer Satisfaction

Cabin Crew Service Employee Satisfaction

Management Practices and

Work Relationships

Leadership and Strategic


Personal Development and Growth

Departure on Time

Meal Rating

Check-in Service



+ +

+ + +



Source: “Management Learning not Management Control: The True Role of Performance Measurement” A. Neely & M. Al Najjar, Californian Management Review, Spring 2006. Vol 38, No. 3, pp 101 – 113.

What is the BSC Strategic Objectives Systems Thinking Measurement

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Page 24: Creating Alignment with Non-financial Performance · 1 Creating Alignment with Non-financial Performance Measures Neale O'Connor

Strategic Theme: Operations Management Rapid Ground Turnaround Time  

Strategy Map

Process: Operation Management Theme: Ground Turnaround


-  Profitability -  Grow revenues -  Fewer planes

-  Attract and retain more customers

-  Flight is on time -  Lowest price

-  Fast ground turnaround

-  Develop the necessary skills

-  Develop the support system

-  Ground crew aligned with strategy

Grow revenues

Fewer planes

Profit and RONA

On-time service

Lowest prices

Attract and retain more customers

Fast ground turnaround

Strategic job Ramp agent

Strategic systems Crew scheduling

Ground crew alignment

Balanced Scorecard

Measurement Target

-  Mark value -  Seat revenue -  Plane lease cost

-  30% CAGR -  20% CAGR -  5% CAGR

-  #repeat customers

-  #customers

-  FAA on-time arrival rating

-  Customer ranking

-  70%

-  Increase 12% annually

-  #1

-  #1

-  On-ground time -  On-time departure

-  30 minutes -  90%

-  Strategic job readiness

-  Info system availability

-  Strategic awareness

-  % ground crew stockholders

-  Yr.1-70% Yr.2-90% Yr.3-100% -  100%

-  100%

-  100%

Action Plan

Initiative Budget

-  Implement CRM system

-  Quality management

-  Customer loyalty program

-  $XXX

-  $XXX

-  $XXX

- Cycle-time optimization

-  $XXX

-  Ground crew training

-  Crew scheduling system rollout

- Communications program

-  Employee Stock Ownership Plan

-  $XXX

-  $XXX

-  $XXX

-  $XXX

Adapted from: “The Strategic Focused Organization” Robert S. Kaplan, David P. Norton (2001)

What is the BSC Strategic Objectives Systems Thinking Measurement

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Factors  leading  to  failure  of  BSC  at  Philips  Lighting  

§  Fishbone diagram


Unreliable  and  untimely  information  

No  clear  link  to  strategy  

Information  overload  

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A Strategy Map describes what you need to do to deliver competitive advantage




Internal Business Process

Learning & Growth


Customer Loyalty

Quality Food

Fast Service

Employee Skills & Attitude

What is the BSC Strategic Objectives Measurement Systems Thinking

Page 27: Creating Alignment with Non-financial Performance · 1 Creating Alignment with Non-financial Performance Measures Neale O'Connor

Strategic Themes (The “Strategies”!)

1.  Drive Sales through fantastic coffee 2.  Improve loyalty by providing a great

customer experience 3.  Improve margins by being an efficient

business Format for a Strategic Theme – Desired “Business” Outcome [by the means to achieve it]

What is the BSC Strategic Objectives Systems Thinking Measurement

Page 28: Creating Alignment with Non-financial Performance · 1 Creating Alignment with Non-financial Performance Measures Neale O'Connor

Financial  Results

Our  Customers

Our  Business  Process

Our  People

Increase Sales Revenue

Increase Operating Profit

Reduce Operating Costs as a % of Sales

Offer a Great Coffee


Increase Customer Loyalty – Get the

Customers to Come Back!

Quick, Reliable & Friendly, Service- Don’t Keep Customers Waiting

Serve Customers

Facilities Management

Supply Chain Management

Product Innovation

Standardize the New Coffee Making Process

Modernize the Look of the Coffee Shop –

Refurbish With Glass & Stainless

Buy a High-Tech Italian Coffee


Change from Nescafe Instant to an Expensive

Italian Blend

Move to Purchasing Raw

Materials On-Line

Improve Inventory Management of Our

Raw Materials – Cups, Milk etc

Train Staff to get a Barista Qualification

At Develop a

Customer-Focused Culture

Train Staff to Order On-Line

What is the BSC Strategic Objectives Measurement Systems Thinking

Page 29: Creating Alignment with Non-financial Performance · 1 Creating Alignment with Non-financial Performance Measures Neale O'Connor

Financial  Results

Our  Customers

Our  Business  Process

Our  People

Increase Sales Revenue

Increase Operating Profit

Reduce Operating Costs as a % of Sales

Offer a Great Coffee


Increase Customer Loyalty – Get the

Customers to Come Back!

Quick, Reliable & Friendly, Service- Don’t Keep Customers Waiting

Serve Customers

Facilities Management

Supply Chain Management

Product Innovation

Standardize the New Coffee Making Process

Modernize the Look of the Coffee Shop –

Refurbish With Glass & Stainless

Buy a High-Tech Italian Coffee


Change from Nescafe Instant to an Expensive

Italian Blend

Move to Purchasing Raw

Materials On-Line

Improve Inventory Management of Our

Raw Materials – Cups, Milk etc

Train Staff to get a Barista Qualification

At Develop a

Customer-Focused Culture

Train Staff to Order On-Line

What is the BSC Strategic Objectives Measurement Systems Thinking Theme 1: Drive Sales Through Fantastic Coffee

Page 30: Creating Alignment with Non-financial Performance · 1 Creating Alignment with Non-financial Performance Measures Neale O'Connor

Financial  Results

Our  Customers

Our  Business  Process

Our  People

Increase Sales Revenue

Increase Operating Profit

Reduce Operating Costs as a % of Sales

Offer a Great Coffee


Increase Customer Loyalty – Get the

Customers to Come Back!

Quick, Reliable & Friendly, Service- Don’t Keep Customers Waiting

Serve Customers

Facilities Management

Supply Chain Management

Product Innovation

Standardize the New Coffee Making Process

Modernize the Look of the Coffee Shop –

Refurbish With Glass & Stainless

Buy a High-Tech Italian Coffee


Change from Nescafe Instant to an Expensive

Italian Blend

Move to Purchasing Raw

Materials On-Line

Improve Inventory Management of Our

Raw Materials – Cups, Milk etc

Train Staff to get a Barista Qualification

At Develop a

Customer-Focused Culture

Train Staff to Order On-Line

What is the BSC Strategic Objectives Measurement Systems Thinking Theme 2: Improve Loyalty by Providing a Great Customer Experience

Page 31: Creating Alignment with Non-financial Performance · 1 Creating Alignment with Non-financial Performance Measures Neale O'Connor

Financial  Results

Our  Customers

Our  Business  Process

Our  People

Increase Operating Profit

Reduce Operating Costs as a % of Sales

Improve Inventory Management of Our

Raw Materials – Cups, Milk etc

Train Staff to get a Barista Qualification

At Develop a

Customer-Focused Culture

Theme 3: Improve Margins by Being an Efficient Business

Train Staff to Order On-Line

What is the BSC Strategic Objectives Measurement Systems Thinking

Offer a Great Coffee


Increase Customer Loyalty – Get the

Customers to Come Back!

Quick, Reliable & Friendly, Service- Don’t Keep Customers Waiting

Serve Customers

Facilities Management

Supply Chain Management

Product Innovation

Standardize the New Coffee Making Process

Modernize the Look of the Coffee Shop –

Refurbish With Glass & Stainless

Buy a High-Tech Italian Coffee


Change from Nescafe Instant to an Expensive

Italian Blend

Move to Purchasing Raw

Materials On-Line

Increase Sales Revenue

Page 32: Creating Alignment with Non-financial Performance · 1 Creating Alignment with Non-financial Performance Measures Neale O'Connor

Financial  Results

Our  Customers

Our  Business  Process

Our  People

Increase Operating Profit Reduce

Operating Costs as a % of Sales

Offer a Great Coffee


Increase Customer Loyalty – Get the

Customers to Come Back!

Quick, Reliable & Friendly, Service- Don’t Keep Customers Waiting

Serve Customers

Facilities Management

Supply Chain Management

Product Innovation

Standardize the New Coffee Making Process

Modernize the Look of the Coffee Shop –

Refurbish With Glass & Stainless

Buy a High-Tech Italian Coffee


Change from Nescafe Instant to an Expensive

Italian Blend

Move to Purchasing Raw

Materials On-Line

Improve Inventory Management of Our

Raw Materials – Cups, Milk etc

Train Staff to get a Barista Qualification

At Develop a

Customer-Focused Culture

Train Staff to Order On-Line

What is the BSC Strategic Objectives Measurement Systems Thinking Theme 1: Drive Sales Through Fantastic Coffee

Increase Sales Revenue

Page 33: Creating Alignment with Non-financial Performance · 1 Creating Alignment with Non-financial Performance Measures Neale O'Connor

Financial  Results

Our  Customers

Our  Business  Process

Our  People

Increase Operating Profit

Reduce Operating Costs as a % of Sales

Offer a Great Coffee


Quick, Reliable & Friendly, Service- Don’t Keep Customers Waiting

Serve Customers

Facilities Management

Supply Chain Management

Product Innovation

Standardize the New Coffee Making Process

Modernize the Look of the Coffee Shop –

Refurbish With Glass & Stainless

Buy a High-Tech Italian Coffee


Change from Nescafe Instant to an Expensive

Italian Blend

Move to Purchasing Raw

Materials On-Line

Increase Customer Loyalty – Get the

Customers to Come Back!

Improve Inventory Management of Our

Raw Materials – Cups, Milk etc

Train Staff to get a Barista Qualification

At Develop a

Customer-Focused Culture

Train Staff to Order On-Line

Increase Sales Revenue

What is the BSC Strategic Objectives Measurement Systems Thinking Theme 2: Improve Loyalty by Providing a Great Customer Experience

Page 34: Creating Alignment with Non-financial Performance · 1 Creating Alignment with Non-financial Performance Measures Neale O'Connor

Financial  Results

Our  Customers

Our  Business  Process

Our  People

Increase Operating Profit Reduce

Operating Costs as a % of Sales

Offer a Great Coffee


Increase Customer Loyalty – Get the

Customers to Come Back!

Quick, Reliable & Friendly, Service- Don’t Keep Customers Waiting

Serve Customers

Facilities Management

Supply Chain Management

Product Innovation

Standardize the New Coffee Making Process

Modernize the Look of the Coffee Shop –

Refurbish With Glass & Stainless

Buy a High-Tech Italian Coffee


Change from Nescafe Instant to an Expensive

Italian Blend

Move to Purchasing Raw

Materials On-Line

Improve Inventory Management of Our

Raw Materials – Cups, Milk etc

Train Staff to get a Barista Qualification

At Develop a

Customer-Focused Culture

Train Staff to Order On-Line

Theme 3: Improve Margins by Being an Efficient Business

Increase Sales Revenue

What is the BSC Strategic Objectives Measurement Systems Thinking

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Measurement • Formalizing • Implementation mistakes

• Attributes • Development

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Non-­‐financial  performance  measures:  Customer  Satisfaction  with  MTRC  Train  Services  and  Facilities  


© Neale O'Connor 2010



AIributes   Importance  (0-­‐10)  Enough  space  in  carriages    

Cleanliness  and  tidiness  of  carriages    

Ventilation  in  trains    

Reliability  of  Journey  time    

Waiting  time  at  platform  and  frequency  of  services    

Safety  precaution  and  facilities      

Announcements  in  trains  –  clear  and  useful  to  passengers    

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Relation between Incentive Plan, Nonfinancial Measures, and Financial Performance

















Nonfinancial Performance

Financial Performance

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1. Checklist of the criteria for excellent measures


A. Does it have clear link to strategy?

•  Idea: design your measures at the same time you formulate your goals.

B. Is it owned by someone?

•  Idea: find a person who has enough authority to respond to the measure.

C. Can it be brought to life?

•  Idea: define the details (how to calculate it, how often and from which data) of bringing your measure to life to test its viability.

D. Are you able to track it regularly over time?

•  Idea: measure more frequently or find a lead indicator that you can measure more frequently.

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E. Does it give you more value than it costs?

•  Idea: remove waste and duplication from data collection and reporting, e.g. use sampling instead of measuring it all.

F. Do users understand it?

•  Idea: find the simplest measure that can convey the needed information.

G. Does it inspire the right behavior?

•  Idea: involve staff in designing the measures so they have more understanding and buy-in.

1. Checklist of the criteria for excellent measures

Page 40: Creating Alignment with Non-financial Performance · 1 Creating Alignment with Non-financial Performance Measures Neale O'Connor

Types of Measures / Indicators

§  Key Result Indicators ú  Customer Satisfaction ú  Profitability/campaign

§  Performance Indicators ú  % Sales Increase ú  % Campaign Conversion

§  Key Performance Indicator ú  Availability ú  Delays in delivary ú  Resolution on 1st touch


Key Result Indicator

Performance Indicator

Key Performance


Source Key Performance Indicators. D. Pamenter

Page 41: Creating Alignment with Non-financial Performance · 1 Creating Alignment with Non-financial Performance Measures Neale O'Connor

Financial  Results

Our  Customers

Our  Business  Process

Our  People

Increase Sales Revenue

Increase Operating Profit Reduce

Operating Costs as a % of Sales

Offer a Great Coffee


Increase Customer Loyalty – Get the

Customers to Come Back!

Quick, Reliable & Friendly, Service- Don’t Keep Customers Waiting

Serve Customers

Facilities Management

Supply Chain Management

Product Innovation

Standardize the New Coffee Making Process

Modernize the Look of the Coffee Shop –

Refurbish With Glass & Stainless

Buy a High-Tech Italian Coffee


Change from Nescafe Instant to an Expensive

Italian Blend

Move to Purchasing Raw

Materials On-Line

Improve Inventory Management of Our

Raw Materials – Cups, Milk etc

Train Staff to get a Barista Qualification

At Develop a

Customer-Focused Culture

Train Staff to Order On-Line

Strategy Map

What is the BSC Strategic Objectives Systems Thinking Measurement

Page 42: Creating Alignment with Non-financial Performance · 1 Creating Alignment with Non-financial Performance Measures Neale O'Connor

Financial Results

Our Customers

Our Business Process

Our People

Increase Sales Revenue

Increase Operating Profit Reduce

Operating Costs as a % of Sales

Offer a Great Coffee


Increase Customer Loyalty – Get the

Customers to Come Back!

Quick, Reliable & Friendly, Service- Don’t Keep Customers Waiting

Serve Customers

Facilities Management

Supply Chain Management

Product Innovation

Standardize the New Coffee Making Process

Modernize the Look of the Coffee Shop –

Refurbish With Glass & Stainless

Buy a High-Tech Italian Coffee


Change from Nescafe Instant to an Expensive

Italian Blend

Move to Purchasing Raw

Materials On-Line

Improve Inventory Management of Our

Raw Materials – Cups, Milk etc

Train Staff to get a Barista Qualification

At Develop a

Customer-Focused Culture

Train Staff to Order On-Line

Sales x Product Expenses/Sales %

Service Quality Index

NOPAT Net Operating Profit

After Tax Customer Satisfaction Survey Result

Sales Repeat Customers/Total Sales %

Non-Conformances to Standardized Coffee

Making Process

Install Italian Coffee Machine (Y/N?)

Cleanliness Index

% Progress Barrista Training

Staff Satisfaction Survey % Staff Trained On-Line Ordering

Number & Type of Stockouts

Refurbishment Project (On Time, On Budget, On


% Materials Ordered On-Line

What is the BSC Strategic Objectives Systems Thinking Measurement

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Strategy  Maps  –  Link  Measures  

with  Strategy  

Common  Mistakes  Firms  Make  in  Measuring  Non-­‐financial  Performance  

© Neale O'Connor 2010

Validate    the  Links  

Choice  of  Measures  –    

Avoid    Overload  


Right  Targets  

Measurement,  Weighting  &  Updating  



2   3   4   5  

Page 44: Creating Alignment with Non-financial Performance · 1 Creating Alignment with Non-financial Performance Measures Neale O'Connor

Your Challenge

§  Take a look at a sample of measures your organisation has now, and work out which are tracking activities, which are tracking outputs and which are tracking outcomes. See if there is a sensible cause-effect relationship between them.


Page 45: Creating Alignment with Non-financial Performance · 1 Creating Alignment with Non-financial Performance Measures Neale O'Connor


•  System – role of employees

•  Creating alignment with strategy

Visualizing, Formalizing the System

(Long term)

•  Employee skills, attitude, teamwork

•  Customer behavior - satisfaction

Decision making

(Problem Solving)

(Short term)

Outcomes •  Empowerment •  Learning •  Fun place to work

•  Low turnover Outputs •  On-time delivery •  Less Errors •  Fast cycle time •  Cheques processed •  Customer return •  Word of mouth marketing

• What do we have to do today?

• To get what we want tomorrow?

Creating  alignment  with  non-­‐financial  performance  measures  

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Why  is  measurement  Important?  

Measurement,  Management  and  Control  –  But  need  stories  and  decisions  

Strategy  Alignment  FWK  •  Focusing  • Competitors  • Customers  

Systems  Thinking  • Visualizing  • Strategy  Map  

Measurement  •  Formalizing  •  Implementation  mistakes  • Attributes  • Development  

Takeaway  of  This  Session  

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♣ Learning

♣ Accurate ♣ Decision ♣ Making

♣ On-Time ♣ Decision ♣ Making

♣ Goal ♣ Alignment

♣ Systems ♣ Thinking

♣ Measures

♣ Strategic ♣ Objectives


The  Balanced  Scorecard  

© Neale O'Connor 2010

What is the BSC Strategic Objectives Measurement Systems Thinking


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© Neale O'Connor 2010

What is the BSC Strategic Objectives Simulation Game Systems Thinking


Case Example #2

Xinan JV Balanced Scorecard

System Appendix A

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Xinan  JV  -­‐  Two  Challenges  

1.  Product  development  à  Pharmaceutical  Market  reform  by  the  Chinese  government,  

through  the  State  Drug  Product  Council.    

2.  Sales  manager  development  à  Sales  force  had  an  “old  Chinese  way  of  thinking”  (short  term)  mindset.  

© Neale O'Connor 2010

Case Study


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Xinan  JV  -­‐  Product  development    

1.  Reduced  drug  prices  à  Reforms  in  the  Chinese  pharmaceutical  market,  such  as  the  reduction  of  

drug  prices  of  between  30%  to  50%  across  the  board,      

2.  Increased  competition  à  Introduction  of  tendering  in  hospitals,  which  increased  the  competition  for  

the  supply  of  drugs.  For  example,  local  generic  product  manufacturers  were  bidding  between  30%  and  50%  below  Xinan  JV’s  price.    


3.  Speed  up  the  development  of  new  products  à        This  served  as  a  wake-­‐up  call  for  Xinan  JV,  which  had  an  aging  portfolio  of  

products  that  were  largely  protected  from  competition,  and  the  challenge  for  the  company  was  to  speed  up  the  development  of  new  products.  

© Neale O'Connor 2010

Case Study


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Xinan  JV  -­‐  Sales  manager  development  

1.  “old  Chinese  way  of  thinking”  mindset    à  Fail  to  develop  customer  relationships    à  Lack  of  motivation  to  develp  product  knowledge  

               Faced  with  these  two  challenges,  Xinan  JV  set  up  an  action  plan  

that  focused  on  the  development  and  management  of  its  intangible  assets.  This  included  the  development  of  new  products  and  the  restructuring  and  development  of  the  skills  of  its  sales  managers.  

© Neale O'Connor 2010

Case Study


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Xinan  JV  -­‐  Balanced  Scorecard  Implementation  (2002)  

§  Objective  p  Strategy  -­‐  Making  medicine  accessible  –  To  be  a  leader  in  China  

branded  generic  business  in  5  years  time.    p  Improve  communication  and  control  over  strategy  and  the  

associated  objectives  and  initiatives  

© Neale O'Connor 2010

Case Study


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Information Capital L4. ERP system (2003)

Financial Customer

–  Desired marketplace outcomes

–  Customer benefits


–  Internal Do-Well’s

Learning and Growth

– Competencies, culture, systems

M2. Build strong brand image

M1. Increase market share

M4. Attractive core product portfolio (AB, CV, GI, CNS,OTC,etc.)

M5. Enhance Gov. relationship

M6.High service level

Operation Management Processes

I1. Improve cost of goods I7. Improve internal

operation I6. GMP updgrading

I8. National HR Policy & management

Human Capital L1. Up-grade skill of


M3.Competitive prices

Organizational Capital L3. Commitment & Result

Orientated Culture L2. Improve internal &

external communication

F3. ROCE: 5%

Customer Management Processes

I4. Restructure sales & marketing team

I9. Tender management I5. Improve customer relation

Innovation Processes I2. Portfolio selection, speedy

registration & launch I3. Reengineering R&D


F2. Operating margin: 10%

F1. Revenue increase annual growth rate: 10%

Long-Term Shareholder Value

Productivity Strategy

Growth Strategy

© Neale O'Connor 2010

Case Study


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Problems  in  implementing    the  balanced  scorecard

1.  Training  and  participation  

2.  Frequent  reviews  

3.  Contingency  plans  were  difficult  to  show  

© Neale O'Connor 2010

Case Study


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Why is measurement important? Measurement, Management and Control Stories and decision making The Balanced Scorecard •  Strategy •  Systems thinking • Measurement