creating an accountability culture at con agra foods

Creating an Accountability Culture at ConAgra Foods Nicole Bianchi Beth Haley Krystal Sautter

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Post on 22-Jan-2015




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  • 1. Creating an Accountability Culture at ConAgra Foods Nicole BianchiBeth HaleyKrystal Sautter

2. Introduction to AccountabilityNicole Bianchi Director Human Resources 3. Accountability Introduced October 2005, Gary Rodkin became President and CEO of ConAgra Foods Built leading brands and winning teams and General Mills, Tropicana, and Pepsico Bachelors from Rutgers; MBA from Harvard One of his first communications was to introduce his vision that CAG is a great company with a bright future 4. Accountability Introduction Rodkin immediately introduced three guiding principles Accountability Simplification Collaboration Im looking for people who can take these principles to heart, who live by them, are already evaluating everything they do against them and helping others in their organization embrace them. 5. Accountability We live up to our commitments We agree on goals, objectives and strategies We commit to budgets and metrics We drive for flawless execution We dont offer excuses We offer solutions 6. Accountability Rodkin: Accountability is really about trust. It begins by making sure you have the right people with the right skill sets in the right jobs. Then you agree on the strategies, objectives and metrics, and give people the tools they need to get the job done and trust them to go out and do it. As our organization evolves, were going to be sharing accountability, which makes it important for us to get the wiring right, to understand what our roles and responsibilities are and how we can team up to get results. 7. Accountability Rodkin: After his first year: Feels the best about accountability 6+ on a scale of 10 Core of accountability is trust Has seen cultures based on Im going to tell you what to domentality where leadership doesnt trust people to execute It takes time to break out of that mold; to begin to trust enoughto hold them accountable for meeting clearly communicatedexpectations Good people respond to accountability; it empowers them toget the job done 8. Accountability Rodkin included the three principles in the merit process 9. Accountability at the Supply Chain Beth Haley Sr. Manager OD & Learning 10. Accountability - Supply Chain Includes: Customer Service Sales & Operations Planning Finance Transformation Planning Transportation Distribution & Warehousing Data Governance & Maintenance 11. Accountability - Supply Chain Create a structure that best positions our people for success Eliminate layers and increase spans of control Goal: Change the way we operate to ensure CAG can generate and sustain profitable growth Focus on fundamentals and get processes right 12. Accountability - Supply Chain Metrics drive our actions 13. Accountability - Supply Chain Taking the lead in accountability Attacked cost structure Large capital investment for 4 supply chain-focused systems Each provides tools to Help cut costs Improve planning Deliver lowest TDC (total delivered costs) Better manage finished goods inventory Reduce working capital 14. Accountability - Supply Chain Progress and results tied to Thinking Acting Behaving as one team Communication is critical and expected Drives unity and collaboration 15. Accountability in a New World Krystal SautterDirector Consumer Affairs 16. Accountability in Consumer Affairs92% of U.S. consumers form their image of a company based on their experience with the contact centerPurdue University, Center for Customer-Driven Quality A typical business hears from only 4% of its dissatisfied customers the other 96%leave, 91% for goodJim Barnes, Secrets of CRM 17. Accountability in Consumer Affairs Vision: To increase consumer loyalty through our brands and the relationships we build with our consumers Strategy: Enhance and reinforce our relationship with consumers by providing information, education and incentives that will link with our ConAgra portfolio of brands that span every eating occasion Tactic: To own each and every interaction with our consumers 18. Accountability in Consumer Affairs Aspects of operations we assumed: Hiring Training/Coaching Turnover Employee Engagement Scalability of service levels Technology Productivity Type & level of connectedness with consumer 19. Accountability in Consumer Affairs Placing accountability at the front-line: Compensation levels Assume ownership past first contact Individual decision-making Recommendations for improvement Manage & set their own schedules Determine their office set-up No home visits Access & encourage reps to listen to their own recordings 20. Guiding Principles in Consumer Affairs SIMPLICITY In-house vs. managing an outsourcer/contract COLLABORATION Increased collaboration across the company through new training model ACCOUNTABILITY Through our trust and pushing accountability to the front-line, our at-home employees feel they own the relationship with the consumer 21. Results of Accountability OPTIMIZE . . . $1m annual savings increase in consumer wallet share EXCEED . . . the expectations of our employees the expectations of our consumersNOURISH . . . our employees our passion for consumers 22. Summary Accountability begins at the top level Accountability needs to be defined What am I accountable for? Goals and objectives, along with metrics What are the consequences? Good and bad We are pleased, but not satisfied