creating custom row sources

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  • 7/29/2019 Creating Custom Row Sources


    Creating Custom Row Sources


    This tutorial covers how to create custom table-based row sources.

    Time to Complete

    Approximately 40 minutes.


    You can create a custom row source in Integrated Operational Planning to access external database tables. Acustom row source enables you to create a virtual copy of the data within the product and use that data for modelingand analysis.

    If you create a table-driven (custom) row source in Integrated Operational Planning, you must add two columnssandbox and active in order for Integrated Operational Planning to connect to the custom row source.


    In this example, you use Oracle SQL Developer to verify that the targeted external table, external_orders_data, iscorrectly structured. Next, you create the custom row source in Integrated Operational Planning, map it to thePlanDemand cube, and add a loaded measure to it.

    Software and Hardware Requirements

    The following is a list of software requirements:

    Integrated Operational Planning 4.0.1

    Java Development Kit JDK 1.6.0_12 or later Microsoft Internet Explorer 6.x or 7.x

    Oracle or database


    Before starting this tutorial, you should:

    . Load the Integrated Operational Planning model.

    . Start the Integrated Operational Planning server.

    . Define Integrated Operational Planning dimensions, row sources, and cubes.

    . Create the external database table targeted as the custom row source.

    Verifying External Table Structures

    To verify the external table structure, perform the following steps:

    1. Log on to Oracle SQL Developer as the Integrated Operational Planning database owner.

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    2. Verify that the table contains the two required columnssandbox and active for mapping to Integrated OperationalPlanning. In this example, the table is external_orders_data.

    Creating Custom Row Sources

    To create a custom row source, perform the following steps:

    1. Log on to Integrated Operational Planning as the administrator.

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    2. From Planning Workbench, click the Administration Workbench link.

    3. In the Object Browser section, from the View drop-down list, select Rowsources.

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    4. From the Actions drop-down list, select Add to display Rowsource Wizard.

    5. In the Name box, enter a unique identifier for the custom rowsource. In this example, enter external_orders_RS.

    6. From the Type drop-down list, select Custom.

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    7. Select the Columns tab.

    8. In the Database Table Name box, enterexternal_orders_data, and click Refresh Fields to display the row sourcecolumns.

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    9. Select the Key and Indices tab, and in the Rowsource Key section, click Edit.

    10. In the Available Columns section, press Ctrl key and select PRODUCT and ORDER_DATE.

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    11. Click Add to move the columns to the Selected Columns section and click OK.

    12. Click Save.

    Mapping Custom Row Sources to Cubes

    To map a custom row source to a cube, perform the following steps:

    1. In the Administration Workbench Object Browser section, from the View drop-down list, select Rowsources.

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    2. Select the custom row source. In this example, select external_orders_RS.

    3. In the Object Details section, on the Graph tab, click the custom rowsource icon, and select Map to Cube.

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    4. On the Rowsource Mapping page, select the cube that you are mapping to. In this example, select PlanDemand.

    5. Select the Default Map tab.

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    6. Map the cube dimensions to the custom row source columns and click Save.

    In this example, map the FiscalCalendar dimension to the ORDER_DATE rowsource column and map the Product dimerowsource column.

    7. In Data Designer, select the Relationships tab to verify that the custom row source is mapped to the correct cube. In this correct.

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    Creating Custom Row Source Measures

    To create a custom row source measure, perform the following steps:

    1. In the Administration Workbench, Object Browser section, from the View drop-down list, select Cubes.

    2. Select a cube. In this example, select PlanDemand.

    3. From the Actions drop-down list, select Edit.

    4. Select the Measures tab.

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    5. Click Create to add a line to the Measures section.

    6. In the Name box, enter the measure name. In this example, enterExternal Orders.

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    7. From the Type drop-down list, select Loaded.

    8. Click the 7. link to display the Measure Details section.

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    9. From the Rowsource drop-down list, select a custom rowsource. In this example, select external_orders_RS.

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    10. From the Rowsource Column drop-down list, select a custom row source column. In this example, select ORDERS.

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    11. Click Save.

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    In this tutorial, you learned how to create custom table-based row sources.