creating formulas & charting data - manju. formula = equation. used to calculate values. ...


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Page 1: CREATING FORMULAS & CHARTING DATA - MANJU. FORMULA = Equation. Used to calculate values.  FORMULA starts with = sign  FORMULA uses OPERATORS. Example



Page 2: CREATING FORMULAS & CHARTING DATA - MANJU. FORMULA = Equation. Used to calculate values.  FORMULA starts with = sign  FORMULA uses OPERATORS. Example

FORMULA = Equation. Used to calculate values. FORMULA starts with = sign FORMULA uses OPERATORS. Example +, -, /,

*, % FORMULA uses OPERANDS. OPERANDS are Numbers and cell reference.

Example 1, 100, 56, A1, B4, G6Examples for FORMULAS = 4+4 (using numbers) =A1+B1 (using cell reference) =4+A1 (using number & cell reference) =12/2 =A1/B1

Page 3: CREATING FORMULAS & CHARTING DATA - MANJU. FORMULA = Equation. Used to calculate values.  FORMULA starts with = sign  FORMULA uses OPERATORS. Example


=5*4+6 =A1*B1+C1ORDER OF EVALUATION Multiplication &

Division before Addition & Subtraction =12/6*2 =A1/B1*C1ORDER OF EVALUATION Left------- to ---------

right Wrong Formula – Wrong Result - GIGO –

“Garbage In, Garbage Out” Real time workout of Examples for formulas

Page 4: CREATING FORMULAS & CHARTING DATA - MANJU. FORMULA = Equation. Used to calculate values.  FORMULA starts with = sign  FORMULA uses OPERATORS. Example

RELATIVE CELL REFERENCE usual formulas Cell reference gets adjusted relative to new

Location when copied / moved to another cellABSOLUTE CELL REFERENCE Cell reference does not change when formula is

copied / moved to another cell Insert $ sign before Column letter or Row

number =$A$1 – Column letter stays & Row number

staysRELATIVE CELL REFERENCE =A1 – Column letter changes & Row number


Page 5: CREATING FORMULAS & CHARTING DATA - MANJU. FORMULA = Equation. Used to calculate values.  FORMULA starts with = sign  FORMULA uses OPERATORS. Example

MIXED CELL REFERENCE – Contains both Relative & Absolute Cell Reference

=$A1 – Column letter stays & Row number changes =A$1 – Column number changes & Row letter stays

Using Function FormulasMATHEMATICAL FUNCTIONS – Like calculations

performed using a Scientific Calculator =PRODUCT – Multiplies =ROUND – Rounds to nearest values =ROUNDUP – Rounds the value up to next higher

value =ROUNDDOWN – Rounds value to next lower value

Page 6: CREATING FORMULAS & CHARTING DATA - MANJU. FORMULA = Equation. Used to calculate values.  FORMULA starts with = sign  FORMULA uses OPERATORS. Example

=SUM – Adds values in specified cellsSTATISTICAL FUNCTIONS – Describe large

quantities of data =AVERAGE – Sum of values in selected

cells/Number of cells selected =COUNT - Counts the number of cells with

values =MAX – Shows the maximum value in the

selected cells =MEDIAN – Shows middle values in selected

cells =MIN - Shows the minimum value in the

selected cells

Page 7: CREATING FORMULAS & CHARTING DATA - MANJU. FORMULA = Equation. Used to calculate values.  FORMULA starts with = sign  FORMULA uses OPERATORS. Example

Three components of FUNCTION FORMULA: SUM function: Click AUTOSUM button


Page 8: CREATING FORMULAS & CHARTING DATA - MANJU. FORMULA = Equation. Used to calculate values.  FORMULA starts with = sign  FORMULA uses OPERATORS. Example

ARGUMENT: Value Cell Reference Range Text Enclosed inside parenthesis after


COUNT FUNCTION: Click AUTOSUM button arrow Formula Tab More Functions Statistical


Page 9: CREATING FORMULAS & CHARTING DATA - MANJU. FORMULA = Equation. Used to calculate values.  FORMULA starts with = sign  FORMULA uses OPERATORS. Example
Page 10: CREATING FORMULAS & CHARTING DATA - MANJU. FORMULA = Equation. Used to calculate values.  FORMULA starts with = sign  FORMULA uses OPERATORS. Example

Using the AVERAGE, MIN and MAX Functions:

The AVERAGE function calculates the average of the range identified in the argument.

The MIN (minimum) function shows the smallest number contained in the range identified in the argument.

The MAX (maximum) function shows the largrst number contained in the range identified in the argument.

Page 11: CREATING FORMULAS & CHARTING DATA - MANJU. FORMULA = Equation. Used to calculate values.  FORMULA starts with = sign  FORMULA uses OPERATORS. Example

Creating Formulas that reference cells in Multiple Worksheets:

The 3-D reference enables you to access data from three different dimensions in the workbook: length, width, and depth.

Length and width refer to worksheet columns and rows.

Depth refers to the ability to connect worksheets by creating formulas that reference the same cell or range in multiple worksheets.

Practice SBS 14.6

Page 12: CREATING FORMULAS & CHARTING DATA - MANJU. FORMULA = Equation. Used to calculate values.  FORMULA starts with = sign  FORMULA uses OPERATORS. Example
Page 13: CREATING FORMULAS & CHARTING DATA - MANJU. FORMULA = Equation. Used to calculate values.  FORMULA starts with = sign  FORMULA uses OPERATORS. Example

Trouble Shooting Common Formula Errors:

Practice SBS 14.7


#### Column is not wide enough to hold data.AutoFit the column width

#VALUE Wrong type of Operand used / Circular reference

#DIV/0 When Number is divided by Zero

#N/A Missing Data

#REF Cell Reference not valid

#NUM! Using Invalid Numeric Value

#NULL! Using space when not appropriate

Page 14: CREATING FORMULAS & CHARTING DATA - MANJU. FORMULA = Equation. Used to calculate values.  FORMULA starts with = sign  FORMULA uses OPERATORS. Example

Using Charts to Show Data:

Page 15: CREATING FORMULAS & CHARTING DATA - MANJU. FORMULA = Equation. Used to calculate values.  FORMULA starts with = sign  FORMULA uses OPERATORS. Example
Page 16: CREATING FORMULAS & CHARTING DATA - MANJU. FORMULA = Equation. Used to calculate values.  FORMULA starts with = sign  FORMULA uses OPERATORS. Example

Practice SBS 14.8 & 14.9